HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-10-28, Page 8,;rte- .,_.: �.r csaxcw.or+.�.::•c wand Tiiursd:ay. C1t•to .ei• 2Q. 1920 Wall Paper A wide range of very pretty designs ranging in price from 15c to 90c per roll !11anj• of 4ticse papers are ex• trot rvi ie width, reynirjng felon roils to } aper a roont, thrt. Co%ting Tess, .Conte in and let us tell yo'; much your room cost. Imam Hyddu-Electric WARNING_ e suds' 1.•'.11 • h. .1 .•111' 1' 0111 inceelRct•. 0•At )11 .. 1 //if a ,i • ,, nett• , 1t (rte. 'h •fit:� " - al 1. 1.4 \ Wr 11-`9 1.GH1 n: 1 r.:r teetitgt" • r„t6tkf�!.; THE SIGNAL a' • - - GODERICH, ONT. THE BOARD OF TRADE Iluldinl ('ompale) to Its (Irgtudsod to Eucuurage• Industries. The wuAthl, general me•etius ,t the •I1oihI of .Trade was; held on Muuday evening and wit.. dile of the best of the•>c meetings held, to: aurae titue. .tar. .ties, )launders, the new p idle \dent. •sruple•.I the chair and In open - Ing the hireling this utast the members for the honor eouferred npun bias. • I11• pointed 11111 Ii111 the pre•sielt•u'. and tinkers were not the whole !hoard. and he asI0.1 that all the members take nn Interest in Ilse work nail try to wake the Ito:anl ns s.uttssful so It euuld IK•, IMiegales • to ,Chatham. t•ututuunl.•ar11 1 - were relad. (rain the (Intsrio. Asso'•iat.ol hoards of Trade. hose annual meeting takes place at Belleville \.n•4•ulIH•r 25th and L'Itllr. nil un 1ft-i0rti 4lutarlu United Itourd. ..1 Tra71T whist beet s st Fib rs ham 'thy I:1ti••r part of Novewleer or surly in ik•.•vrulsr. It waeivl•rldni t., drop out of the former body for'fbla year. hitt to r.taltr tuetuth•rship in Elle Western Ilntario organization and. to *mai delegate*. to the annual meeting..) Tile ple.ieh•111 and secretary and \lr. , .r. 7*. 11Iiiii 1Were ((shwaas e disk .ea h wmr-dw 1I..t 4 Loving ress•Ittlon at Lite i`luthira hosting :•one person. Other p f is In the 11)dret 1'utvet Rate:). scheme were brought mtt\In dlseu. shin, lend the wencher+ present lrp- Ite,,.dveil that theWestern Ontario peared.lu tu t1i' ruuruolue Is we'wring 11iia•.11liuir,lr of TnlaM +itroualy'urge that the plan wens 011e which p minted STOPPED HER HEADACHES Tears 01 S�ferint Ended By °Frdf-a-thea" 112 HAMA 8e., 13r. Joann, N. B. "It is with pleaseJdI write gnat to tell you of the at I received from the nos of yeas mod ieine "Fruit -a- iw e% mar fives fruit juices. 1 war • Trust sa/e•er fur many years from liar -sous II•s(aches and Constipation. /tried everything, consulted doctors; but nothing seemed to help me tsatlt1 I tried "Fruit-a-Uves". After taking emend boxes, I 'Wm completely relieved of these troubles and have been unusually well ever Since". Miss ANNIE WAItD. 60e. a box, 6 for 82,50, trial size, 25o. AA all dealers or seat postpaid by %gilt•+ -fives Limited, Ottawa, the 1 10ver11111*'nt of. the 1 ruvlute .of excellent results. ,otnrl. hr A.10111 a uniform rate for Thi.' Ihwrd- ru,ininated Messrs, C. Ilydros•lrtitc .power delivered- azul Wnrtele. T. R. Harrison and .1. -.old 1.1 the muulcipralltles•.uf the Prue. Fraser ars it committee•to organize th %ince, nail. if 1111•, svury, to asuwe holding company. and. voted .•.:.•,:sO for proper .control of the present hydro- expenses. For this sem the Board I ,'tris sy'tetIl nisi any additional -ex- will retrive stxk _Idt_lite Mulling coni.„. t• m111Tf. a (tert'Tuitnm'11t tlae•rit s that ',rely. whish will ho nn organization ro iw t"el•-,--wrr--:ns-hr r• ..n.•h a w -holly nntxilfe the Board of Trade rete etreeth . and workable, with a pt,.11u' information was given by the •view to plat_h1k 1110 puw,er pr,doetiv* Ire:rehary and others es to Industries f.'ilmiesof the ....Amon waters if t • Province • 111 this Jiapnwl of, • hurler\ a Med .4 the free itu•e, Rad In +,rut - Ilte') re aver• intmis r Of the pee-. : 1.14' M Oil ,trio r l , - 11I.• pre..cul uskrri that any mein," 1sT, wishing .tn• have a rt'.olnrinn o11 ; env other subject pre nted et the ' ItlSt*..,,.'T.- .t ilf1 boos ro.idem of- eo meeting should\submit the slime to the. i11. td nil• 110n0' weds r'move•I .•, .o•11:: • 1.1 ipo early date, so from wort 1 ken by the death of Mr. that if appmree.l It 'might be fur- tie"' Bisset. which (wcarrell on Thur.- , le:triled. ; •l Iy lis; at the home of his sun. Jli�. " Atz: 1:.•w4.n-s.y+.4.1,0-liIsfirtvhrg airs 1'utr-__L.__Ill,.•srt Iluruu to.ut. in lrls `rsntri'd before Ilia [•oti.ltalttn• aplk,Inte.1 seventieth year: Mr. i:i'sect had In, Ivy the Ontario Legislature to look in. in ftiling health for wnveral year*, rad, to• the„ ma -tor of hydro lamer ratty. in 11e 111t.•.' Cliff: of his 111 iiess was 1111.1 11.1ring r.rrive.l a ly'ry ',pupa th... 11-.Yrea'- MU*.'ivr.--lila i..•,.- 1d. rrials elle ht•arin . A Bill ..f *1::.1.i for Mr. with wonderfd plti"lee-• He wit* a 11.1 b•II'. •\1.•11•1• ill this Wafter ors 'Witt" of the 1•.w'Itslaip' of f .Thorn.• pas. 1 by 71,it.,i •l , Intl firmed in,Ik•.1 to•.'uship,af r ..,nn Tyears, bat --fur the Jast. twenty-five To -w- resflierrt- of -tit thi- was preliminary to the_maln__-1st+:i..hdc_uu2iJ, alt.r.r--tiw dc11t11 u( hi• eI<ino.' of file misting. w•hitit was to wife' three ye.l lflA.4.•t-11r•. yrs-itt-1n lir.. 0.i.,_-iL4n4s.11o. ,~11144 tu.•aos ..f, Hs. 1,1. b1. -•o, J., 4;...I rie1, rlatrtr,ihij.. in prosper for Cixlerich, several of hk•h can without doubt he secured it e anile aetkaa 1s taken t;titekiv. OBITUARY. tv lir' int fora• . ,.1,1,.a.w' • I,i, 1' I if 1 1r .fsIAO OFFlCE HAMILTON rd it ;aAQ •11 ,stip - nen one•Alnlg1l4, c. rt:ala la 130 ti survlved by two daughters an Instrie. to bl ate in 4L.slerleh. After ••fr• u• : Mt. ...... Moon., jn.. '. nnride.l•ahle dlseesslon a revolutlun ': •'l ri• h' . awnslip: Ali-, \I',e'•I Itis..•; vats fill 'ill . n.}or �pg. the proposal of 0f Hamilton; Constant L and Charles : hr*I,llrg r 1tttll.1Tli•. 111 a-hichs'j1Jr siva t1 I:...Ie1Lh-tuw u.Jrip .,ot Ito '.t._ hen 1 1..•. lio L•,1 to .taLs, ..uslc. the 1•',1:,111... They w."' *11.p10 -till al 1144 1.0 COI' •ousel:fir a_potion of16, f,l..•r..1: ,Ir. Mitane1 hi-s,r, of Slit A le 0,0 .1 in a..1.nng AYeh Brills de f,.t.1 ll igllt., is ,I.'lroth •r of the de ling to 1•s a.•' in too., ri. h :t e, .h..nld i.eml. and..1hot s• sr.• 1 .111.1.1 sl i rs 3,4-1. thm.,,eigh. inresf airhen iTtheir ' 7:-- T:1oorw,. Young. 1 arliei.1 ro:ml d st.nulu+g ,and prospects. If one firm. fb.lerieh township: Mrs. Benj.. Fisher out n say throe fir. f*mr, should not if - t, lnlg.s, S,.k . , 0.1 \Ir. tV. • MINA s.fnl. the lose. If any, would Howell. of Saskatoon. ask. Mr ylrrt. not ESTABLISH E cas Loan an interest coupon -a • • 1 5IF 1, • i✓ THE COLBORNE STORE DRESSES We have just put into stock a most wonderful range of silk serge and jersey dresses. There are no two dresses alike and every one is new in design. In our serge dresses nothing but the finest grades of serge are used. This • means that the dresses have a better appearance and will give better satisfaction than the cheaper grades of " cloth. The colors are all fast. We would like you to inspect this range before makizr your selec- tion of a fall drese\ The very latest . ns are shown in:silk. They come in taffeta, d hess and pailette. These dresses are shown, with • ainty touches that are new. The designs are the st and we know we are showing you• merchandl that isup,ta the minute.- It will be -to -your W% garments.. COATS thway gairments' are known fo 'the -gar- ment t ,t fits l•erfectly alnd wears long' st with real style o the garment. A large mange of Northway garments being shown exclusively by -'us and we k t, are offering a garment that will give absolute satisfaction. ,.,r. u.W,.�„ v. __1111 .�•,�.,., .'�;�r Northway Plush coats. in all aizes'and Otylee. A large range to choose from. Northway cloth coats wi h fur trimming in all sizes aid prices. Northwaycloth Boats Arith ee collar in shawl ' •' effect and al in smaller collars. We have real dues in these garments. Pretthildren's coats in cloth with llar ily trimmed, in\sizes from 6 years garmentsWe \ will.be glad at any time to sho ' these 1HO\USE DRESSES (jRQAbout two - zen house vesses on sale These dressefrom 13.00 to $5.00 each and for the coming w they will be on sale at $2,98. These are real barg ins and they coin in all sizes up to 44,.a,98. ,`\ - SERGES\. _ \ Special showing of serges, 54 it dresses and suits and skirts. The is Botany wool serges. The colors are e ' had inl-blue, black, h , brown; ches wi ,'for are all ne, `ant and n 1 0 n an. Upe. J. H. COLBOR E & CO. THE HOUSE OS' REI BI'LITY others!. Mr,. will Shirray"of Detroit. • Mr. and Mrs. llavhl Shlrray•i bf Vera- s,tll M Edward Mr, E 1 std H!kr. ' k uf; Toronto,• plea plead over Ho• w trop m:•lu• 1 e -ver w,,. 1 , •.i vt orf nI fire hoisting hnn inr "rnmny an l i it.•rni. ad w 1• un lnl.i•r ..f the y a serious mutter to any 1 in -faint 4h•der of Foris*ters. rare wills uI ..f s.•ml:„ . 7411.17411.1rho, .111.4010 1;role. of 1'110 ,1 N'w•kmeu. T:iso fnn.•r'II .on S,Itludat affertio,ai w'ns In ch rge_nf. k lis.. unit rt. l it r.L Ihrwid minter .nf Knox 'hurl, %%.a+ the sotth•inIing !b•rg)wan. 't-•.• •Iallls•ar• nen. the .bs:el.•sl's three 'seas ' and one son-in.law, Mr. ,i '.I• lis.'. 1'11.• intermetu--+ea? in NI Orland h•lnstrry. I D sit 3.1.(111rr and Dominion "mu 'on War X icto Lean ra and • • • ••: • Lon . i• 4 Hamilton .and thus save anitiunt represented until su* time as the money can be used to best advantage. 1 lie BANKOFHAMILTON so • 1,11 \lis. It. H. Mc(' •tenth .t . C ,u ala fere among ;Lose present at . fan- eral. Mrs. MoorIousre, sister .4 the 1101.01 se, came front New Turk \I'ity Jul is remaining hese f.rr a time with the bereaved. family, to whom the oyns- -;-yore .t we •e l . :..we Ir -....-au I. • • their irreparable loss. Stu Sunday morning it inemul•Sa l service wu. ,cola- 411eted in St. ti o•g• e1 chur•h by the rector. an l at `!L 1 iiee a-Nhmr•li ";ea-• Father M"Kae Lade a sympathetic pastor will be as rated • , other ministers and laymen.' men.' the 'rile `eve •• herquarterly meeting will be hek the Fusing gun -Ct the Baptist church lex Sunday Rev. Uee. Gomm'. of Kln.ard •0, w111 1.r.•.,rh at lw,th **easier.., /1l a.'' and - i p,wm- bible school at 3 p.m. ' Y. 1'. 1'. at • p.m. day. r -death of air. 4Ienr)• 14. s'.srke, w•Yieh es•• eI 44 , li' 11111*' ierte on. Iter+. ale" 1 114, was melt it with r'gret by his f i a t ..Mil N.. t-tIntO',lprlr err aar•rnirr, Mr. l .ktke• 1 u 111' .fur-4'vetati In lith • sinner • rre,''•0 ago Ire 1444•me01 • to 1s0 011 ib*' w-.ly In: n• every. Calf the i:epro,'ttd condition t d trot 4,nitlune. flee w♦s a ort *' of it 'rh'h, is•Itrg x 1 ea . .. L 1- 0,..4, ic.)/ifierqr/e' 7'7 • 6071 f -7451r J 1111 ,'�" t [ �% A i POO or • •'Iry 1•.x,11. 't t1ei. .... .'fuer nn ,lural ...e . 'tl High School n K b , 1 hr aha. eel law in • h "thee of '1111 molt' & 1'ro dt ., .411.1 .:r,l 1.,11*1 at O.g,...1,' 11a11 ,IA the mgr "f tw utyonw. Ile practised s pro - V v0'.•sion .nW'v•s,14( 10 - flea• alien The ti.nierieh district Epjwurt lw dillies ..,arr11 luta was held .t Glyth i•rt 7+a.• -.Lir. Mi.o•r. Jes.1. Forst :Mir-. jorie i; ken ,pr$ }•lor•ilce 114sne•r, 1:.•v. (1. 1l. M'.y.•r nasi Mr. H•tward Robertson, of the North street I -enact'., .et t.•ulerl. Mskyer Sha • gufest •at /I ('alt •i( ti NIST .S. �., taa11. net iv I.v.tlle rnutig• l•,•viue of Iy ttt gx'rnq Methodist .hutch, he:,• . North s set ATet:•u! t church services 'fon, on" moi..14 alglit andgA •'e an 5lrnd y etli-re IMO se lohr. ws : 1U n.hlrr.n•. • -a. rn.-r Flaw-Mteur),r.- Mission Band --Mid'- ••"°444-49-th" "11 r#gretti-h4., 411nM*' den's Club. l he Cub tocrc will be- - of Professor Italian lie hr wilt-im,t bis ersa ry *erste.. vendor: lith. substitute la the -per• R-t--T7v"tirreert'fc1''11111 lei beginning of i sufi UT Rev.. 44..t. RixxT. 'r. , A., of seriesr' of meetings to Se held each night %lou chnreh. tlrautford. (twit to ;he durirgthe aiel. f r thequickentng and brief loath..• it hos been toned cert• , deepening of spititual life and ,evan.e ism. ear). to postpone the aawlveanry rum The public are cordial y invited. The November 11th to Iferewl•'i 3th, "Thrift or the 1•a:ue of Saving." and will utile to towllet amu be• taken by Mr. J. I'urv,s Public woe in Knox ,eburs p on . ship at :11 P m. 0041 7 p. m._ The easter ' A verb _style antL .'iv111 preach at b th service*. Theeven-la's, ihlwev,•r: Ise.ul seeur tin BARGAJNS IN BONDS Victory Loan tax ee bonds at present prices are absolutely`till the bargain class The supply available 1s limitedPrompt aerlon Is mtge.' for those whn de -ire to hake advantage of the iar••..•ut opportunity. 101 R CHOICE OF FIVE Ml TCRiT1Et i'we and - Interest a.r a• SRS 1111:.. 6137 1 rl ......... .. i$ et.1.1 • II ' 193.1 *so; --TOT/ , y T.1XAI*LE ISSUES 1924 97 0,27 11x34 yg G 6.418 lir rear -or all deffi,•rf or brokerage charges , General insurance andMunicipal Bends Te . ARRISON 'i. tin' ell lei n In liner daughter that ,phase, wife. throe 14, 1444•.. 11e Is 1 1 other. lerin'rt. tl lilt -t nr,nto s re- i.*4I.'rlch live years as as the 1(1•w sir Troll d. t eke, tt'h11e at liens. 11 to Nit hot $hirrly i featra. %%stairs tris r ihien. Jean and ' 0, Ir\' it '10.41 l.y °Irl' of I. ngsteme, Mon• n• 0 ..'y#, Mn na . Mrs. 1100r. house of New 1'nrk 'ily, *1111 Mimi..1•rhm,ie i_,' iulu•T..uf 11111 . • s; oltatta. Att<: Lu4ku.11►xr,-111 4444 y-41 yrnt- 'Tie deceit wed was pr.' Into many spheres in his native Oscar. In the Mesoule• order. in Sit. 'Borg 's chun 11. in lia.ehHlt and other re det11 organizations. In politica he w a 1'onaerrative, 114 sat in the to •11 council feet one term. 111 191x, hnt dl. not 14.0•11 re-elw'tlntl. Ile w,1s a mein• iwr' of thr_f'hctlr of St:lleo*r ; end 141011 an aeth'e interest (n the n1Tslrs Of the church. - The funeral semis'*' took glare in rb,y 4, none and wn* largely nttcntle.l. The rill ('hunch of England service was rendered lol the choir and the rnd,i1' 'Her. 4 8. Hardy. who *4104 4 fileted the service at the graveside. over Oen• hnndn•'•d Mnaon.,4rere prevent, Ih- .lndiug n nomiher fr°n, the 11e•ns1O1 lodge, of which the de •rival was form- .'rly a member. 'rho Iog,e1 profe!'lon %rax well repew•nted, most of the bar- rister* of the comity Ming present. The p..11ls•ar.'rs weer 31es•r.. Onllnw, Parasols' and Ilfltrh41t, of Itlalthind bodge. A. le & ,t. 4f . O.s4•rlch sad \Ieserv. flouthl'on, MaclhoteJI amt Kcnap hill, of the Henault Lodge, TIte floral tributes wrr4 numerons end l' Int0fol. 3nelnding offering. from Ate ' Huron itar AssorlaHon, mt. (%ceryl*'/ . holt: Mn itInnil Lodge end • Iiensall Lodge, A , M'. & A. '4 Iliiron chapter, It A it : the Porest.•rs. M.�•no t'roudtoot & Killoran, and many t' ' : t9i'.i7-: for .I31.- of coarse, hitt she bat trilling :•'1 :1 .im'e should c1:11119 her fool. There was a time 1.,:11 ' I ss*mtd pa)' foot Ili+r011114/a. the prier of Nall- ionabl.. L ., To.das if i. ulu1ccl'..ary. We have the lxpdieate and we have the stock. Buy shoes here and we'll Hare tsar good wit, GREs. sHarz `THE LEADING SHOE STORE 't r PHONE -158 U'ODERICH , ON T. q r,. r. M 4' • • • • • • .•`` \-`k‘ litt, 1:, I ow -white fleecy blankets its easy to keep them that way. it's the best way, too, because pure, ,clean blankets wear i • ger. it just means eip g that purest. 111rd atle.tof all cleanser. - light - • 14 washes Yost( nibbled. twisting, esu wrdaoliag the cloth**. it' • wonderful work saw els well ee • clothes weer. Insist on lotting eh.seaproe ask for--8(UNLI(;HTSOAP LAVER IIOTHI$$ WI1Ttr 4 TOIOerT) >N 1, • 4 -.0 • , gabl44*th, 1 °ruing and to ening. IS111.1.,'. eon/Mete.' by the minister: tinhjec.e • I of sermon. : 11 d.m„ "The Christian Home. " 7 p.ni "A Boats of Work." - 1STT.1.a th a iTP V to TI T4 amities at 3 1.0('.1f, TOPICS IN BRIEF. _Remember the ''.pooit"dance on Fsidsy evening at the Masonic hall. The work of retlorxing the Saltford brielge wag eo.11pteh Obis week. , Gra(e new tneaf ri.uiii acid grocery ' at the corner of toe Square ane King,ttn , , street will be opened on Saturday next. ' The hue,tert are getting ready for an inversion i to the Northland, and their friends ail soon be looking expectantly for choice bits of venison and moose. Juin M'Oee, of Lu••know•, was fined Mlst11 41i:1:• 4Il-w4t, hy -M•Kl*- I t re.Relit list week for baring his litre standing on the street in U,rie•' rich without lights. I Mt:--�1111iorf tn' pueeens:o i of the confectionery bultneses I which he has purchased from Mr. H. T. I Eowards. Mr. Elwards' pfians tor tilt , future are indefinite. but he will remain 1 In ;man for some time at least. Mr. D. W. Hamilton, of Auburr, w o 14 agent in this district for the Edison disc and Amberola phonographs and recorc's, 'e commencing in this week's Signal a . :-t•re•tmg aeries of a iveth5e- menta which should receive careful at ten - lion. See the first of the series on page 7 this week ant look for the succeeding add. each week. A Fresh Start. ".tack's mnrrled." "Oot through sawing hls wild Data, eh7" "No, he's already started • new 41.09 With his wife'* mousy." -Boston Transcript. 1 Phone 316 P. O. Bax 214 _.. 1 4' - ERY YEAR at the holiday season we re snowed under" ..r work we are bailed on to roi-. Tills me condition has occurred each y . r. This year -derotaha•s to Sao exevpttua. - • • Won't To ��\fo"""rmp-1w -tare--wltbs t cad eve every at- tention and guarantee that whatever we do for ?,oil will wits. factory. \\\\ � - The very newest stylet%pf mounts and fdlde» ail now on di. y J. T. FEEL, Photo Studio - Jos -t4* r t EYE STRAIN Dementia are constantly being made on the eyed by our advan4hig Melt 1741Min, th.• most p'rfe, t n.1j11•rment I• "ailed for, w-Ithnnt eyesight the broad winner la helpless rind life is often n failure tt r• sigh aigh1. We con give Ten the Meat vlaion po•afhle A. L. COLE Geterich, Oat. Eyesight Specialist z „ Optometrist C i, ai • • tt •--_.._..... 11,11. ,s....... , ,4