HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-10-28, Page 7f'llf",` WN u r�Te at.awc,. a n.va,„ BY " w+ ext 1!' k,;wrti,mr _.. A-. • _, • W >._. t S'Y Wiwx'a,$sFY vAux._ /r�i "( +"ti ✓ %' id l;hn.. 'lam w., � / ThIIr-d' (l,•tober ::h 192 -'r a w ?lila Rd>R� GOass>< o>w'r. r__, - •.ter .r Y l d ,.+ I • r•rrvlvpd Ay his wife, three Pans no thew daudhterr. ' ' l _ I W.U. Dols, who bar lawn Pea'(+K • "IT'S A PROBLEM TO I•��'ul�lll �I' udned for ninny year" as a succeit"fnl • hrtmmlrr if purebred rtork, will offer I I p bill ent►r(• "t„a'k for wale by ahisf en LOOK AFTER THAT Kovember 1"1., al Ili" lana I >londaq' - - �: Herr Kippeu. 1.[r. Uulg has dw idrrl Have you halo, (u quit farwhyt anJ rt(ak Pal"tug wit - a] y • +,�" I'� • about Pops Peps Is a BOYS CLOTHES tlrelc, au41 br" all of him from s1.. fill, oditatlfic preparation put f q i ' r to ger"" Poul Udeud" to rout it fur to tole form, which "ueh, He Will iu t11r future decade vides an entirely new and effect - 0 1 hi" entire time and attentiuu to hf+ lie treatment for coughs. colds, chat & I w e / law Iirxet11r, which halt luer(ewml very and throat troubles.g � Let us help you with the problem by thowing l �� r 1 / rapidly Allier he open wl ht" 0111(1 PsM rootaio certain medlclool lin. t • at Port HIIrOu- pedle its. which, when pieced upon you our large stock of wearables for boys of all J the tongue, Immediately turn into+gw wpor, and ars brerthed down the air rx� ages. We have been selling clothes for a gas] d a x $` GODERICH TUWN3lI1P• passages d the lunge• Oa their jour- d` man ears and know something about what a ! , Mommy, Oct. 25. say, they sooty the Inflamed and Y Y g �" „ - c Irritated membranes of the bronchial I:\;^1-• growing bo needs. r A meeting of the Ladies Aid ociltY tubes, the delicate walls of the air S g Y I of Taylor's Cornet will be held at the paass�a and finally enter and carry home of Miss Annie Hay, on Wednrsd ly. raltef and bealln� to lbs lungs. - p November 3rd, at 2 o'clock p• m• In a word, while no liquid or solid na get to the lungs and air passages, . REE TRIALLUCKNOW. these Peps tonus gat there direct,' Everything for Men's and Boys' Wear A pretty wcddlrlg took pial- to tits and at once commcoce6ealltse. '' Ahlru'a chun-b, Toronto, whet. lit eds� T� Cat out this (except bots and shoes) Thowpw,n, daughter of Mr. rod Mrs. jj� article, write R JO R h t I n Your Home ! "n N' Lacer'arlgro road, war, Kms It the name end date of this united in marriage to li irlur: V. John papa*, and mall it (with I- stamp to "ton, ,an of Mrs. Johnstoa of Leek- pay return postage) to Peps Co, 1 uow, ltev. Dr. Cotton oaklomp Atter Toronto. A tree trial packedruggists win M C LE AN B R O S • as n� stores sell Pepe. tNc. box. 1 You can thank Thomas A. Edison, the inventor of theliey ." the bo 'e« Kat you. All druggist. - phono Papa; for this remarkable offer. It has long been The lientlnel ay, : We hal"•a° licher wild-mau onwation this tau.S Segni-Ready T�ii)on aadGa�t's Frrais►en no �r . The Baled totally, a few miler west of Mr. Edison swish that every 'Home in the land might en- town, were a gQ«l dal dlaturbed loot THE SQUARE GODERICH I `� That week hq the visits of a own, aplar- ; joy the cheerful, restful, helpful Influence of music. entry JNmented, who paid a number r • Pt 1.t[ •call" to their tarn-err/l-O:1 oro' t is why it is possible for l' : to lace )s /xmxpton almost setting the pfrae �O. p�";fireDuring oce of 6ts vlalrs he car• Toro abed forty-three years, and the - - ricml awe? • whop, and the bre•k1nn remainwere brought to Clinton for i� IR CN A R ri a 1.r saa* mew DIAMOND or the tltato of the tntomubitr, •n interrtren aa,a,:eaxTeri E D I S O N' S N Y - - x11 effort to is remove it, Is t wait to � t � t +aA•c have been his work. He -was seen The ma sage took place at Wesley �p���V tare(• times Plaut the barn, sad on church on turday, 16th to<t., of Abner �• � E�_ WAt", It Va.awi1� sou one arrxlml way Mretotlfed, Novo Cosens, of 14'ingham, and Sarah F. Girl of flu• men were rbrwlt auv tlitie, Turner, dauph er o1.. the late Mr. and rc+r * ,2, cr•rr fSatrrt i+rfaMr +a+e p3" no tn_al-• Mrs. Edward urnir. The ceremony * l raa M ROthe wanderer. Fath [lin" he nlad• was performed 1i -Rev, D. -N. McCamus. - 4• t oK tuw'ards the` wool-. Alant forty Mr. and Mrs. ns will reside at y ` 4' .. ' N J` �F� meu'ceara11ed the neigh ant ; 1 AYfI • The World's Greatest Phonograph Value xfternr",n but no 1.w l l of the man Clarence P. Shepn d, of the Molaons , 1.5. .... could to found. It will be remember• Bank stall, has broug t horle a bride, + ` s �'" • a ` (mi that a year ago a mav, ay0s ilarkness., _ sz r really daughter Klass Lulu aY � " hf �- in our home for a farce day's slid thank you for giving the Arilbetrola ars dem,•ntwl. mull"' hl" hnrdquar 1 r, its daugMtr of Dr. and M johnaton, of tight y I - the virinity of Tliekfe'x still: wail the Iroquois, at which Place the manta�e�- FRLF, trial! There are absolutely no opportunity to prove its superiority ovo- ,4141 weather fort") him to Had liettol tock place 011 the 16th stat.` � „...•Iyer. it pray never leariwl %vhrn' jtK, ploughing match held under the tCOndIt10D3 attache to this Offer. Come "talking in and COQ1merClal Ph this man csaw from nor wlr h' auspices of the Centrnl llwp Agricul-I 11 to our store -pick out any style Amberola nographs. went to. lural 5(Tcirty on the 19th Inst, rough[ I' p we tllle bound t,•gettrer a large crowd atfour' and a dozen records -and we will deliver if you do want to keep it, townships being represented. Thr trier+' •�� to tarry 'out the spirit of N1 r. Edison's wish " them to your home. Baby's Own Tablets Always in ler 1.h contests were not as nwnrro p�4a Let the Amberola by arranging the very easiest terms of pay- might have been expected, but the Van- I m I ggiql the Home. tests were very interesting. entertain you for ment to suit you. We urge you to grasp • • l three whole days- this opportunity utt f%> e. If you wish to be I Croce a mane* Ps used Baby's Own WIXGiiAM. d a„.. and then if you 410 'among the first to enjoy this free Trial. Tablets Ger Her httJe ono+ she a►ways Wingham and Luck,u,w together will �.� - w •� ,rA` .., ng to -heat wsasuPfilY.onhaftd.-for th,;-frst frost l�tY__#eam-gar - z -- fN1e not wish to keep it, ��-e > reat� convinces her !here is nothing to eynal winter. a ollicrrs' are 1fonorarY VIAN 'MAW, ind Ratti in � children well 7 hr f40[Cf Prestden•, k t Johnat n (Lu(kraw); �" �� �aC�cCe� W� till! k " .,� � _. v e will call for lt- you ir4k _ _ _ o� pp Tablets are a wild but tho1`0uah rrs,del t,' Carl t 3udwl vice laxative which regulate the bowels and 1 president, [irorge (l ith (Lucknowl: Whm They're Eanly Coverelf Vp *' Aleut for Edison D.s: ani AmSerola sweeten the stomach, thus driving out s c rid v.cr president Ernest PetUgres; constipation and indig(' h •n. cold+ and secretary -ire laurrr, ►toward (;ray; man- Ba mw Bosrd'will cover them up for all time and you ll never ltwave tail c D. W. HAMILTON Phono;ra,)hs and Records aad De Laval simple fevers and makin¢ t ethinR easier. ag(r, li.C. McI: an, a do Again. while Beaver Bond is doing away with dartff!t Create Separators. AUBURN, ONTARIO, Phone 1I r IS (Dasganoon)- concerning them. Mrs. SAuste Petirurr' ;\ wrd(1,r g 1.«,k PIJa � at the h, Iota r f of mina er it is coverin up old dingy wall paper o .walls tnfs� "+ St. Dumas. OMbrc, wr.les : "I have Mr. and Mrs. M. R. 1'eckwlth on \fon- o g •s..•, ,r.nr w NO 14al • ' 1 used Baby's Own Tablets for the past ten day. I%lh lost., who n their seco1N1 daugh aria a►vttlg you an ideal surface for painting and d ratttt�. , q' _M . - ,e+w•.•• sr" and r witlauL them in, the 'g ter. Ethet Floi_ee••blcome tow laude -of : - an old homestead 6%. Wan revived fibres of flu syrup pod @:�-•- - -� - house. Thev have always given thewMAlskootlsss,cricklmmaatductered �� wt,h the ps ted SeefNre p► greatest satislactron and I can gladly W sI- Cumming-. of 'I un",t ,. Rev.! E.F ArniXtrong officiated. Gu1•Iswo(eJc ia�K, Rooranfttrroomhasbesniaada ease whdeh.p a wuPlrt•aIf fr• t"sa .aBw.anv _ recommend them to aSIR ll mothers of little resent front •f pronto. Walkervillr. G . �s at a dose if you pleses, - nerd to build r re -build, Wotan • berry, to W. Itac r'a11aw-ay, of Elora, oars..' The Tablets are poli by medicide rich an4 or her place<• I bat tosar or Itasr• it is bulk. snlaegs ask new you will Arai to �����I 11 --�' '~ :it 'br \\'in? -him nuase'w( d slers or direct by mail at 25 cents a _ is not kosher. COt,aPPV ��jj� DjQ'l'Qj� I I October 13th, Rev. Dr. Perrie oto 'box linin the DI. Williams Medicine Co. the ager (IfVeighty-I ve years lie tliv. d rep luso law paele from the draag. pine t11Yag �` 1o"d r 1sl�y 1�Js1a�lkaagva �I elating. (Brockville, Ont. I for a number of years Ili Turnb(irV bele e II` naming to Win;hatn. lie Is •urv,v,d by • t M 1 i ��e G \\ill Hs",vac s/m of do and Atrt, 8FA ORTll. Ithrec sonsand three,daolthter,, hi. *tie The Goderieh Pla ing Mills, L l ' it. .T. Honer of Grey town -hill. Iwo i'having died many years ago. R jt,•c. Ur. t'Irtc11er uIll prey li 11i- I,•ft for .\IIN•rta"1.0 take a p, -iron In1`, \\'illhnn .lrehihNld m,•1. with vvfi:if At the home cf Mr. and M,. .1 A" •" �;M farrvCe4 sennou hl the Tham/w (toad the new Agricultural College, alruated might hslle 11-•u a -Pious xccidel�z' fz n1. 1:1,•tr11etl. Ile will lot- It fu rtruetor toile afternlN,n Is1-t wa•k while he w4I A1cl�an, on rourw ay, (See.,hrr-l4.-thctr P. O Box 18 Goderi , Ontario Phone 47 1. rte-i,yterian,e{utr(1, n,!ct l+unduc- vitting Burn with a gIsoltue eng,I'll" daughter. Annie Fina, was uurted in C _-_ - �- in farm efittne(ring Tit, I costal Ie• hp n- William f 1. BaylilTr. of (on Apli - - The, o•ti- W= R 1 N rl3 of lien -All. occurred on Oe=ober , };,twin Jame- ba" "old him' 2tM►-a,•re ,.,1 to lrllt anti got , aor ht to t e :(' don, ev. fir. vevrte istfiCiitlSfrtL' �. +.. 17th lit F.dun,utott, All"•rta., in hi+ farm Vouth of the village of (:ante attl foal- thrn(vu-ecI•r„1 feet 'alit thelyoungcouplewillresideat•Lon•l,it/•,,.'+ 1NE REPAI •crar: rhe• rl•n1in- were ti, Tan.. itennett. for the 11:11141.11 air. Ile wit- u,"onfuacro n° On Saturday, thtober Ilith. .,1 tarrinl y ur tread'.%.IIV lit"- to us R snm o[ s1i.:,00. >ir. iieunrtt Ila- -„!„ Iponr, bit-nslainell sl r t. iu;urc. ! Mme of Mr. and M,s. James 1Valker, 1 ''rte - bronght ea -t far luh•rnil•nt lit Ifi,ctte`ll \ nu,cetu,n,t i- Hader arc f,.r lite 1 and Int uru%rtr, Jd alar m h r+you and cI� /•luet}•rr. fila farm o[ 1:A acres on the lath eon• their daughter, Annie Maye, 1.r (.nuc the /1 pct an 1 xtr.r��'.1Nv) to 3 lA>t . N11J 11111 '- dt, ,r; 'i- eh,-lnfi �1r--inn of IG,wirk to John (tick-, n. r-tabliAting of a ho -pit lit 1/afutll'. (bride of Alevarxler Adams. ,•1 IonmUl• ; 7( _ aK(• nut of t 15 that sue 'i,;,, 1,(Jlly n E Jac li, le,11a. of l robr0 +rzpta . -,. j - At a re•prew•ulatice r Plug 1„ Id r, The ceremony wa: performed by Rev. s _ worlhle• . or u, r, bear ,sur 1 to ` [•Nal) r/'ak . ' 11 hnyT-7nut-att[trh• n o (. at-7tr itfnevatr. in +1.w erotic r rnmintttm was rtirtwAftled 1., • l F. Armstrong. Mr. and Nim -Adams. ill,1111i it no lunger proatable 1.0 Swp "Lwu) u1. Phllitt Th(rn►rs, died (1(•hd"•r a-(.1•rylin the e„-1. o • a 114)-pifal of not left nn +,rip to the G,asl and on their �l:�Vl�I -, `� • it lr pair d is t)tl e I r, { � Into by I11t-in 44s'n• 16111•at tile age o . •at`r �r"r"' More than fru 1"4 + I - nm- toe e+ will Vit+= `' • a a \11 (of gd,p firfghter of lir oval,• al"ort as its""' until iwn or maiuteuAVIve nr tea a h/rapit•'I Mr. and Mrs. K(Tlxrt KrxTti, old res t y ur Ur(t. it e _ «-. Al r. ant Alr-. \\'m. 1•ham ea f I II i4 �.uw►inG-lit- - will e a �dertts(rf ingfrarA ars int Our se +1.r"ifnril.'J s yw:rkt or }teafnrt4'onto. i Always at Y - ---r - --tar,lrr,n, _ _ n w Let ,as r a annul .0yllutsr bit a Iii: tire, ' be a pr t t) b , !� Ihwow-___ - ted Ali-•. 1 �h1t•11 c. Ile I• o,- nrre,) re \\ 1 llol-ds,y , ... 1'la ,l, (t la I Tires. Tune!, Ace w e• M0 with the best goods at most wore iiitl•,t fu marriage he Rev. Mr. of 1:,-1 work /fi Avon, Ib 1 -nn 1'tetfy, -_V1 r �lellonnigtl, \I r. ..and Al n`. Stewairl uiduw nl' Ill h+1. .loon.•- Fllnl•. In �. b 4An• tnnkhlg their home here. 111 r .-rigiltx:fhcl 1 v .Ir Alia. VWIlly , _ H J FISHER „"ilt,,n �, reasonable Prices-- -- - - - - - 1: ItF'Rlcll - � - John ffankin has Ix*rn ntTpolpted'a- .:.a , --._---------------.._---'----- swd hl 1 hn.b Intl , a+,Ne to deputy game warden. < _._ HE ingredients 'entering w tar 1 irT do rhj- \1.r: ttw'- 10 - � tit• tit 1 Idit,n of Iht Advaale• which into our soda biscuits are ( best. obtain- /Owing to theremovalor S C Wi;9on 'io Godericn, Allan A. Lamont has been •• ,1114 t ; I- it ��'iil i'�tfir 3'111.„ Ouklitll' \'illliuu f......... I • KrR ■■/11� RAY DORT and STUDEL . C • 2= 11 � .crest and -__ the. Hruscels L) vis on ('enl••J 1.l ",lion V . �..-- lea a Je J. McEWEN _-... ... -__..._L able, regardless o cost. - for the rich, Loi t ou(t. Mr. Lamont ig the business I manager of the iiausmIs,Grey and Morns I ..irrl•,I n,bh u13e oil 1.'1 d I rr Bink I:I- Silt• w,1 -. iJerl will :n+ arrack 1"•- _ ry CA C z_= arMr_, m r` k This accounts tasty and pleas- Telephone Company. W. F. Fraser is removing toStralford. ,f In nit Liilnr/• soul i"t--r,l nvvay I ,,.11 lu,mti,ml a -.f -Paul•/• r nAd nrrlve. l ���� ,,,,,,Y MOTOR t - �k 1.M rt(t Soat%Side Sq..re Telep%ese46 goodness I w�.- ing flavor of- �� where he has a position with the Quetn Tailoring Co. ll•i hu lalud I. lin• pr-tioro •ln1- of oho •dx,llnn fhltitie,- Colleges in \\•ingham 'I'urmq„ It, Iib lrnit he- hl I � •�+�������• II �' C ' The fine large: metallic curling and skati Y rink which was•,r;trd IITIIIU4911S some ears ago ,s to he rel"T1rd y, Ilan ,,,1.6 ,,IIIeI' {,IaeP-. *PIN w:1- a1 d1it.',I,.r ".f AI r. ,nod Mr+; out 4:16-011 or 1 t-luwol, _ Prost -W-Lite storage Batter;es aad k.., over, having been purchased by a jalnt ,v.11,; ttr\•IVF t o um I e - _ CO Pit 1+/ -that town. TAP` - - _ - --- I is said to be 54.000- The 'rusk will -- b•a Ory "`"`""'""� ') I rpssed by skaters, and huclIeyista_- 4opopw_ ' Man ��.���. � Jersey CreamBISCT�Coming . . _ _. IA Btlit tits .• 16 MOTHER! "w Anderson Bros. have disposed or their I - 14 50 DA = large brick civ«•ry horn to D. NJ. Stolt, I -' Several second-hand Bicycles for, tile' i tfip who will convert it Into a garage and !+ �) - Your boy needs an Come and see these. IFS Igt+s.�s •. of FI s I 11 n >G repair shop. - - '*California Syrup 8 -' - abundance of nourish- -.__. S. T. Plum K SrTn h lee-purrhaaed the � a (111Q's BCS[ Laxative --- - - - large barn belonging to the Queen's hotel -d -_ _ _-__-- _ --- ---- -- and will le -open it as a public acromgmo g t and u5ustam " �1J •fire, nit male at a big reditetien ift fwfve• ftootiw -4 - - in fdod , els ! dation for the feeding and stabling of I the boa akinds. s r horses. pit, anll Greaves of all kindtt. , - ai , -_ 4 it in fullest vigor. � • ' ` -- - --~ ' *' .,�rtt,:•r , ,r . 4 CHOCOLATES_ _�t r�11. to 1.[1 , - 1.t on) , Iwught ' hive satin u1.-. f3 - _ a►le:ander (unsS..an old resident of this I � � -;-5 "WN -- r 1 SCOTT S IocahtY. died on Sunday, c n r-T7th. s • LIGGETT S _ .:;• in his seventy-ninth year. Ile had her n w, .. in taring health for wme. years. bill hip \ One Chewold Cu for sale cheap � i1 -ti i M • S'` �1 death was the result of a stroke winch hr " PATTERSON w7 �►t?? I sustained a dew daYsbefore. The deceased i EMU ��'O� s` v was a native u1. 5co.land, but came to him Car is in KtTotl running rfialrr. ELIZABETH BEST Canada when a child, the family first I settli;aQ in 1#ra. When he was about v' �vv given to our ., I r ears of age the family came too should be gi y GENUINE FORD PARTS , Fresh shipments of these choice brands just recxlved iltnron and settled In Stanley ttwnst►In. l b0 every day during GEN . and until alx,ut eight rats po when he I y r� TAKE A BOX HOME TODAY seat left hiPfarm to His son arNt came Inln 1 the trying school -term. r teF ales 11 P Clintrm, hticontinued torride in Stanlrv• 1 Yom �y ��ll [/tank �T �j s� T "Callfornla" l(crup of Foga' I He was a Lreshyterian and a Liberal tie EAST ST R m� i G A ' ` A ` Ace! 1 t is survived Dy his wife, Iwo •ons loan• you /oGE * Scot 1.'a only -look for .the name f 111lfornla on ,, w C a DUNLOP �m nn the homestead, and Harold, n( Tnr• I Banolsioft 11111M he °�tli,ak the p•1kaRe. ¢iwn ton are sure your ' ob onto -an one daulthtef, Mrs. kn3, conga a mon, j ' F HOLLAND >% STI child Iw having 1.h(• I"At *nal n""t THE REXALL DRUG STORE CsntelonofGoderichtownship. r{e for the little atom"eh. � j r harmless phy r„ liver and irl,wels ('hlldren Inve it- Thomas Grads, a former t siinst. of S,MIlt flnwar.rm+nir,.rTnl s,wv "••*1 tndty taste• Full dhmrtlnns on,,.., each this town, died On the 14tb ins[. at l'allfonta:' w e r f acus. Toa meet say • �� t, . rl , �, -� ... , w .ser r� q � �`