HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-10-28, Page 6tither eq. Pest
4rVit rersor
00D2110H, ONT.
s • o
__Their_ three We Warehouses owned end operated exclusively hy the Salads Tea ,Conipaoy. ire
----Shts•-hreewt--iii-alostworid stormed M the blendIllgtido hi lees than 30 yeast -lialada" has
become _a_ liesisehoid word throughout Canada and the United States an-iria. Indeed, by. fret the Wriest nen-
- lug tea in Miseries, Large quantities are abet exported to Soneh-Anwrine -and to Europe. Itersides_tfiese _
ImildingeIn Toronto, Montreal and Horton. other Matadi officio-4re situated in Winnipeg..Now York,
esp.. Detroit. ituiralo. Il'ittsburgb, Philadelphia, LOS Angeles. 14r111- Emotion, and Lonihm. Eng. The Coes-
limey trades only lit tea and only in tee 'of &dada quality, thus iseaurusg undivided attention to the pro -
411114. Every Parket of Salad* wherever Wiest way be relied upon to be of exactly the tome Ane quality .
anti to yield an unequalled cup of tea. This police of keeping faith with tlw public: has been responsible
for Saindiee extraordinary rale.
made bitnsonly mildly popglar with the 1 chicken's Onee we set about seen anythinn so pretty In mauy '
Conservative party. who are berinning to te euty nem carrying loads of pile
.Iv the moon on there hillsides
tutit -ir Elvard Carrason as thte'ir tolnaresYlielicsre cbararrilkeing.'nct .wtgaitit evrenei met a dwrove thoef cratretve-smi. As iwthe rouuumdridroanildr 11* Chrimstatana.
- By ttabbitts, Sgetial British tfote -
?ratty. tosever, -just-wbat---tbe-t-wornito If people bans to Jell out in one wght._____
t session should show blankets on their bw•ks 'made of strove.- tains I raw die Owen rhie tour times
arty for them without the assistance
of en allowance uuder the Act.
The Att dues mot eats any fixed
sum or schedule imecording to which
the payment of allowances will be
T1 Plovloclal Commission,
will, f course, be expected that you will /MOTHERS AND WEAN.
give the matter your s lucre!' on in any
townships 1.1 which such demonstration ,
%so d Iota are established. Agricultural Repressentalives IS
It should be possible to have a large and Bruce Doing Good
number of these demonstration wood Teams Work. - ,
sareopon(ent Union Press Bureau.) politica future holds. • thite year on amount of lack of fold. Tlist night we p01 op in a Korean- however, wild Ix- -else eisechouto end lots star ed next spring and applicatiors - 4
etwirt ng the last of the merles ot
should Is-Soteived betore December 31st.
rural memo! fairs for thie year In this
- - - - 1 We aloe /net travellers by riding -chair. house for the first- _Woe, ,Nts &mkt oulnimum allowanoee Wb will be . .
London. October 1„I. -With the seem-
ing of lir lament the political ke.tle it
pt o . the b pretty Steadily. and
emiet 1.I George is meeting the
nem problems of cateer. Both
• Lab t prob ere and the. Irish question
ve bee e screaming like lire sirens. In tbe
st tie. Premlo has been perfectly secure
th 1. s tremendous majority in the
snm.. -s. which 'he pared on the ctest
his e ..r achievements. But now the
t tart toils are that the House is going to
mote independent. although it is true
,t,the 11 owe Cummons is a mediocre
embly now, as compared with the
It hesitated in h rater dlytt.
en Lloyd George himself is not a
,ter on the floo. of Parliament. He
ds los supremacy there only so long as
keeps 1,, the Ire hts and ref uses to be
solved in the ioui.h and tumble of daily
itrot ersy. 11 he Premier wins great
.ceses s oy hi:leant dashes into the
liai toitary arena, atter which he
1- •
ves Mr. tion3r Law [PI I:MAIM ott
lUt y taee whatever fracas may en -
e. It tins be its fault -tool leani-the
4t of ewe of wise control of snational
Ones.- it is sur-ly a very serious taun-
ts not one which the country caret
ich to censure. The Radicals. the
too men. the ,•-highbrows- and The
nes may rail at him. sometimes with
-y good moms • hot tiw and he alone -
"slivers the goods." "J'y suis. J'Y
te," says i ur wizard Welshman, he
ise no rine can turn him out -as yet.
snit i is Honer Law who has to do the
tety work." Ile's the plodding ox who
tit the feathers in his cap. His very
adin' coin suppsrting the Premier has
win receive It should bec) arty understood that all , t _ .
Colin y of Bruce, The Walkerton Tele -
Turning from state to church. an' ex- I and auto but never a horse and buggy. fon-ign women drop in un them, and individual consideration within these Such demonstration plots will be vested in
rickshaw, pack -pony, oz -cart. bicycle the people were surprised to -we two granted and eseh faml
citing situati et las a-isen lbs parish of At Choun Chun the river wee frozen they ce.rtainly took advantage .of thee limits. , the township and any profit which may 1P''
-In the eiiniblet of the niral school'
Rosner. Suss* x. where the rector declares I over that an auto- load of people rhanee for a sight -ser. As we opened ultimately accrue will go to the township.
could remit* os the ice. and it is the -out our boxes and prepared our sup-
per el: pair of eye-, followed ever/ Te aships HAY Embark 00 I he expense involved on the p rt of any fatirs. Mr- N• 4'. M( -Ka 1 hs" ""Ver'
ated this' yea r wit li the agricultural
l • •
his own parish'. he says. 'Five Years' largeo river In Korea., 1 township c .uncil is small and I fe el
reprementatIve lu the adjoining county
he bas at last located Hell. It is right in
Htll ins Country Parish" 15 theittlt QC Another stirlovettlettir the ,...00llie dal move. Then the old woman segit a w that the result in the awaksning of a
greater interest in this most important of !Neon. Mr. Stephen Soo hera,
jiving he pictured a sheltered rectory over ; send kept sit it until 18 inches had child broughthe day
end child slept. in To the Agricultural Representatives:
is. rmanent development of this Pro yince
curtseying rustics. and squires and gar-- . with um. that is to may they t is the de -ire u the Government t at
en- Trusting the mat er will have your managol eitnety by the two men. Kg,
Stothers is a tlwroughly capable MAD
which the golden honeysuckle climbed, a
flock of, . dear old English carsioffing and thirty .ymrs had been hroktsii. An exit tliiiii.- room 1.d fh
deners and peasants and artisans weignito - •
by auto was evidently imposoible. The -Uy --e-en-l-n- The corner And milted my the reforestation of waste lands be pompt and continued interest and atten-
and a live wire' He and Mr. McKay
awn got to work and made a hand- one side of the blanket over therm couraged as generally and as rap.dly as ticn, I am,
ter. "The music of the b rds." he said. , f ' '',1.,,, ...n. n.„. 1,,iti first Koreans warm their floor from under
Truth to gay, we did likewise. The Pos
. areas of land which are mot for abso-
sibte. In every townsh.p there are Yours very truly,
M. W. Doetzarr. Tlw Tel alma makes the fol.
mg him as their friend. guide and 'minis- Aeden. and tee utile boys, sii,i smm, make an. unbeatable team."
soul ; for all would be joy and song within ' eleighride down a hill. ieseth, anti Able room was warns lately no purpo e, but which would. with , ,. Minster of Agrieutture. lowing comment
"These rural, olio*, fairs are a great .
'-would harmonize with my own carefree ' ''' ''" "'-':- -'•• ' ---- thvIr
! We contented ourselvee for a few enough, hitt during the night I wok- attention. produce a crop of timber in a ...
me."tra Wirer ground for the country chit -
a long. Ws
days; with the assurance tha t they ened feeling none too well and gently comparativelys few years and f..11y repay ---•
But the reality was very differert.- He
wen. shovelline ont II road to Seoul push's, the door open an inch, (ben t e r Or andexpel) i ure . evot to the .,
h fft d t d ed
NO STRAIGHTER FURROW." - dre, that are coming
had not been in Rus ler ir.ore than a few.' wood like to see Nomething developed
from village to village, Mit after a slept ou in peace. In the morning
with the Forestry ISranch of the Depart.
matter. This Department is co-operating
dayebelote rustics killetl:is dog and sent
him his tail by post ; t y stae twenty-
one of his chickens; local dealers sold him
spavined horees. and the new -rich squires
were treating hint ole a bullet" and the
squiresses were writing about ta the
bishop. •
En masse they ftamsd up allegations
against him saying
Sang too loudiy.
Let the ehildrea fall -.ben „be tiatitised
Proloseor U. Strauss, M. D., of the Royal
parity Hospital. nay& "The sauna for an
wick of gout, rheiunationi, bamboo is
liy the in,resee of wee add in 11
mitt arum. the result of varioun eaUfe.1,
• mart frequent of whieli w Penal.Brion
*Book, one suffer. sometimes' from head-
- he. nenzallgAs, twin's*, of pain bum and
When your leishwon lumps of
4. when the lock hurts or the urine is
udy, full of 401111111.111, or you have rheu-
tie pains or lumbago, gout, sciatica,
ire at your mama drugstore "Anoric"
• • Phis is the dineovery of Dr. Pierre of
• '• Rotel, Buffalo. N. Y. "An -
1" ie an antidote for this uric acid poison -
and direolvm uric arid in the body much
tot coffea. 1111111011.114 •1111e1f.
Anuric" will penetrate into the Mints
munches, mid dirk...lye the poirrMsis
'mutations. It will stamp out toxins.
tontmal, Que. •-"I i.not, praise f)r.
re's Aniiric (anti -uric -3,W) enourh for
it has done for me For throe months
us under the ilixdor's eArn and got no
er. 1 was always rsauelainins or mY
ern. I did nor know what to do. 1
about Anuric made up my mind
ry it. I have taken two hotels and
t complain any more I helm gained 4-
55 and am still min • NI .i.e4.4/4/1
, at nnd sleep has eo, hat is
Anurie me.
sr rroornmond • oho
elf eta the wiy • 'Sett
smnd, thoii
:my, but hard o. bemt.- -T. A.
SA Mechem. W
them. .
pincher* _them to o akt them qt.
Put the wedding nng co the lady's
thumb. •„
Left bread on the hole table and thus
sinned against the Holy Ghost.
Married the wrong pOople.
Drank the communion wine. ..
But_the rector was an exam(le el the
church militant. and alter drubbing them
in the pulpit he turned to the p n, and
wrote such gems a the lollotting : ..
'When we cler me reflect_ on our
work in the villages England the furies
seem to -da ce. Pilloyo_IT
every good work we attempt to carry
out seems to be frioArated by the
poisoned tongues of local esewiperk back-
biters and scandalmongers. '
Ru -pee ended by having its rector ar-
raigned on grave ;7tusrgps te'ove the
consistory court. *The court restored the
martyred rector's character.
"Rusper." said the judge. " Wee a hotbed
of scandal " .____ • . - .
But Rus;wr has stripped the teeter of
all his money andfmost of hopossessione.
However. the rector says IIIAI the -benefit
rn'cruing to the ether __30.01:10 Church_nf
England cOrgynien . tuna his purgatory
mak( s it worth whit', and. having told
Rusper what he thinks of it. 1i. egtends
to it 11W hand of forgiveness. saying :
. .."With renewed courage and unshaken
faith I bring these Chapttrs to an end,
I and in my quiet parish of Wolter prepare
Oc--nter-upon a period of which a few
'"" years hence I may be able to w its under
the revised title • 'Titre Years' Heaven
I in a Country lrafirh77 „ --'--
when the old lady wakened, up it weti
pent of Lands and Forests in this matter.
shut with a bang. WiTnsketi for emu -
io bring this subject prominen .y 10
• t nd boiled it en our alsoltel the et e Govern-
week ••••••• fiats the-chisur_eur bed
started walking to Seoul tout we
ordered a horseman to come withp ark -
ponies on Monday morning. It was
7.ern weather, by the time that
the horses% got up to the hourie their
manes were grey with the true.. MO
we piled on about six layers of eloth-
lug and jumped on to try our_ brat
Pack -Awn( ride. It brought use brick
to ol t mot arid 1 enjoyed evert Mt
44 the elite and was not a bit cold.
We rode on Abe Scat ihry-wiNteet-step--4
ping for seals, tem/ening *bent two
hours In the inoonffght. 1 have not
c •
SiMple Precaution Against Dangers
of Cold and Damp.
Cultivate the habit of taking a
enp-of hot Oxo -a cube to a coie-
Lefore going out in the cold or
olosop. Such weather is a tax upon
Ib. system, and the strengthening,
and.tworming powers of the concen-
trated beef -goodness fortify you
against the evils consequent upon
If the uses of Oxo are new to you,
try a Itin of four cubes. Oxo great-
ly- iniStronea ..gpravies. stews, or
,oups a d is a delightful, ausitain-
nig an beverage. It is
Regular oilers of Oxo Order .
!urger tint of 10 and 50 cubes,
isnot them in many different ways
-I plat.* of meat.
1 Fty Miss Mary Finglanel in Ilse Mis-
sionary Meneweiger.
The day after ChristmAs I took n
run out froin *4.41111 In elmon l'hnn to
spend three (bum with the girls with
whom I had lived my float t.erat in
' Korea. 11 1* mixt, !einem distant •nti is
made liv niitn In four or five hours
It Is A eery beautiful trip Am the road
winds' •i rmind the mountain sides.
eros,ici4 river severni high passesi and
wind, in Ind mit with the river shout
half of the W**.
1 w el Inter -hated Tb contrasting it
with o into ride et home Then.
sine m-'* nothing but other autos and
twit . " . di mireleing borse and buggy,
lint 1 .we "moat ot the ' rt i• pliers we
met U.,- e^ 'Then In white costs and
••ilrii ,, .. w•ill. leg swirhale a very
long a ref, 1101111. were vvomen with
to id, r ' ‘V.TY. lte-de In bit earthen.
w,•••• .-, -and there nre shyer: lots
,v ' ." I-- -neve ----terring their lend on
mti to 1)r l'wriarl Invalids' • . •.. •'. entre't anythlec
ea re A the attention o people•
stove, end I eared * precious bit to
ment would like to see a demonstration
!mush my teeth. but by the time 1 got.' plot established in each township apd to
to the door there was an occupant .n this end desires the co operation oA the
the glass. township counchs. li the township
Each of Abe first two Olaye we rode , councils will purchase ars area suitable : et or a truer furrow than the present
about twentystite akle. .The_.iseeonti - Iorthis pui pose en a well travelled roe 1 Ontario Government."
n ight we _i 4.. In a Christian home. Ind have it properly fenced, the Govern This was the tribute uttered by Senator
•Iong *Wailer linen for the town
ute by Prominent CanitersatIve Ma *chows:
Drury Government.
Hamilton. Oct. 22. -"Although I am a
Conservative, arid have been a lifelong
Conservative. I want to say that noGov
ernment heretofore has plowed a straight -
The third] Inmning tare --...***14" mead Will -untietteke-teoeporge Lynch Staunton, K. C., at the
we struck the. t'ar line. It" trees t,) reforest uch area and look titter eighlh arnual banquet of the Ontario
-weettatethw--Inws3.7-140ros tunic on Rs it in the early yeas/sof g -c ill Plowmen's Association held in the Royal
wue-h as to sitY. "Just **itl"tt for area of land should not he less than the Connaught hotel tonight. Senator tyndo
you." Our genial boreeinan ft dlowed a re* or more than ten acres.
along with tinittowo. ',tankers. mat.; It is my desire that you should bring
trees, outer layer of clothing, and the , this proposition to the attention of the
reit. The trip cost to twelve yen township councils in your county. I
• Thy here -Alt- --Pee-lowrIo' I would suggest that-tot_wrife a letter t
with borwmati throwu in. • Ho *Otis the Reeve of each township outlining the
along by the side of the head horse t proposition and that you endeavor to see
and encourages him for a little while, I the Reeve of each io vnshippersonallytand couceepton, in every township. in every
then drops hack end urges on the ' discuss the mitter with him. or as far as county of Ontario. When we hay- ac -
lea re very tiny but I possible attend the meeting of the town- complished thatfople will not rue s to
Stauntnn made a strong plea for gocd
roads in Ontario. These had ma-qe
California the wonder State of North
" railways are not worth the
of ones lingers compared to good
. Let there be good roads on every
To coiled Wiry Tame by Masao.
Ottawa. 22. -The -Department of
Customs a Inland Irenue today is-
sued instructions th on and after
Novi-mber 1, 1920, the 'Jerry taxes will
be collected by means of excise tax
WWI firms whips goods subject to the
excise (luxury) taxes should take out a
retail license at once. when they will be -
supplied with a perforator 1.11" Me purpose
of cancelling the stamps- Merchants al-
ready in posesoion of licenses may obtain
the perforator from the Collector of In-
land Reveigue from whong the liaise was
obtained. •
When goods are purr:hated igbjett . • •
the luxury tailise merchant is required
to atta h to the invoice or sa es slip . a
*tamps of sufficient value to cover the
tax being paid by the purchleer.
rat her. le pon sii
they ''step lively." It felt very queer i ship council at which the proposition is the citirs, but wi -he content to remain
m flrAW:Mti-s istrol-- of hint discussed. Please astrue the cnunci .that amid, the peaceful pasturelands -of this!.
..he would esre to run very far with I selection of land for this purposeeas it Lynch -St union.. /
his load. The itilierating missionaries
spend Weeks 011 the road in this waY.
This is lite. r
whatever hy a rein, but I don't think I your services are af their disposal in the beautiful nee," concluded Sinew
;Arid Board for Huron County Organ-
ised. with G. W. Holman as
--This-Iturun_Cutudy if -others' AlTio-Wii
Aileen ItOrtrtl ham been orgenized as
follows: J
Cliairman-Mr. G. W. Holman,
Yee -chairman -Mrs. ( Doi Fowler,
g---Speretary-iter. A. R. E. Garrett.
The other members are Major R. S.
) 1.1,1/411 the widowed mothera_of __Huron
", 114,4. SeIl fort la n nil Mrs. ifiii0. r-CiTtNi -
shiel's. windmill R. R. No. 1.
Tile Board will receive application's
..,Iinfy or from th' wives of Meehan&
Vrhite and Tali Lint., t. i who ere incapneitAted from contri-
.—ty the yard, in single hating to the aupport of the family.
ApplIeation forme.; may Ile hall hy
applying to the memlier in wheals. 11/11 -
and double width. et it ileney the a pp! list nt rositlem. Ali-
idwations Are ennaidered only when
--- I the mother of the children Is a widow
or the wife of in inmate of a hospital
. i f„.111:,,thi1s.
i 'so a • line of Sear! . amible of cootributing to th.. nominee
yid Centres, be . of him family. The mother 11111,1t have
In ell re.ident 111 Croatia AS th.• time
quality linen. . fatlie. of the , hIldren on sell to. ho-
of the death or total disabillty a toe
. i half the allowanee is to be moil s and
for a period of three yeers Im-
mediately prior to the applleation (nr
An 'Howson,. The mother must Ito
ISS S. Noble 1 application for an atiowanee and mutt
.,1 In tintntlo at the time of tit..
hale been living in Ontario for the
I I.
two years immediately prior to Hits
. date, The mother tome have two or
*I More eV bar cm n children ender font-
. teen 'oars of sire living with her, and
Imust shoe that she cannot care prop.
Soot Side Square - Coderich
I la
.3. ff. Ye. for snsi ,s cupboard to a three -uteri crl .
ettnv its
' ... or
,,„4,;,-,.,f...1rq,'1.% 41-,1,0,,.4c4:se,..- - o-vl. 11tot'Io-,..0I.s..44„:,.... f 4-41.44,# , t- 4
*s 1. ,,4.) : ,,," , 1'
1-.''' 4.,.,..4.k.,,4:.
.4.,1 ,
1k ,.- . : s,100/ F14441
4, ,r41:1'1 ..
., . Iii,,`1111,41'1,,,f1C 4.1, ,,%,,c4...1•,,u. ... ,
Middle Ag
• -
Th. m sit valuable "aysten4lirlit geed._ — • 1
'nervous systrm.
WU" warVint from
symptoms as heat flashes, shortness of breatk
excessive nervousuesa, irritability, and Oa
blues - which indicate the approach of the
inevitable " Change " that comes to all women
nearing middle age. We have published vol-
umes of proof that Lydia E. Pinkbarn's Vege-
table Compound is the greatest aid N7omen can
have during this trying period.
• Read About These Two Women
Frsomat, 0.-"t was parfait through the critical period
of life, being forty-six years of age and had all the symp-
toms incident to that cheers -beet gashes, nervousness,
and was in a general run-down Condition, so it wing hard
far me us do my work. Lydia E. Piakbam's Vegetable
Compound was recommended to ms as the beet remedy
for my troubles, which it surely proved to be. I feel bol-
ter and stronger in every way since tattles it, and the ase
morns symptoms have disappsered." -Mrs. M. OODDRN,
Lib Napeision St., Promises, Obie.
trrhaae, Ill.-" During Change et Life, fa addition te
Its annoying irymptoms I had an attack et grippe which
lasted all ulnar anti hitt me is a weakened eondities. I
felt at times that I would "nem be wall vlla. I f••11 of
Lydia It. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and what 11 4(1
for womaa posies through the Change of Lite, se I told
rny doctor I woold try It. I mon begaa to galn It strength
and the annoying symptoms disappeared and your Vete-
laSip Comrouad has made mo a well. eirmig woman so I 111111
do all my n housework. I cannot recommend Lydia Z.
rink h au. 'a Vegetahls °impound too highly to women
yeast ng through the Chang* of LIfis." - Mrs. FLANK
liAnson, tata Swath Orated' Street, Urbana, 111.
Women Everywhere Depend Upon
i_ —i- Ives
Lydia E. PI 1 am's
etable Compour
v„, Nt. 44Crofo ,
kr-Cgt .'7