HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-10-28, Page 2The editor of The Christian Guardian i Outlive would a j7preremeut `upptrter have had anywhere L► the t•uuntry^ O ipudprofesses to be perplexed by some stabs- , this aetion by the Cabinet had uut • tics (pm the United States which show I been taken ? Nene whatever. an increase in the value of [arm crops in The Case for the Refiners. 11119 while at the same time the number ' The refiner* statemruta, which are not ruurr.vertel by anything brought forward in the 'case to date. but era supported by the hoard of Commerce records, are to the effect that they have lost between f20,01entrWt and eee. 090,000 as the result ut Government f Thursday, October 2" t, 19'20• of farms (in Nev Hampshire) has cle- f , creased by nearly one-fourth in ten years The war and other causes have ?LAVING POLITICScombined to create a scarcity of food ACROSS THE LIDfE. products which naturally hu enhanced CANNOT DESCRIBE TERROR IN t LONDON. prices but has not been long enough 1 control of their busilltw-. They du not b an Rpoteati n party nation's Will continued to send people back to the' say that they weak' have chat•ged the such ;saw faUnu of nthe as rs will i wamr prices as American i-Ita►ert ;vete most effectively further the levitation (land in any considerable numbers.The cltargiug, 1)01 the Intrrener is that for world-wide and permanent peace fact that farm property value in the I they would have dune so had they without crl& litg any part of the 1n• . State in question increased only 14.4 per , bleu allowed, and the differencebe- cent. K cent in the ten years means that relatively ; teem what the rennet* were allowed dependence of the t'nitel States. It ! • believes the Ignited States team aha . and what they could have got out of must always bear its full par: in the to values in general term property is the consumer amounted, they say, to responsibilities of the world, jatt 11 really worth less than it was in the pre- the above figure. always 'relieves that the United Santee I vireo period. A man earning 14.4 per', Lied they teen allowed to dispoae alone must decide what that 'part cent. more lin dollars) today than he was of some of theta raw sugars, the res CM - ten Y shall lee." ears ago would hardly consider that flatbed claim, they would not tow be nouucemeat uMa\ g This Is the prois euaiD capacity had increased. 'larding. the Republican candidate for 8 the Prealdeocy. The desired alta, as here set forth. can be reached through TheSt. Marys Argus is giving up pub - the League of Nations as the only lication,, having been purchased by Mr. However. if the Governutegt did favor practicable means in sight; and let .1 W. Eedy of The Journal, who will' granting assistance by way of Mane for frltctt'ott or an allevhttion of the euga: duties, Mr. Harding-perhapshereafter publish The St. Marys Journal; I as the refiner?, are coking. It world 1x' purposes only -disdains the League al Argus. The dieapparance of The Argus . a didti uIt wat.ter for this to be done. Nations. elember•bip in the League is a.distinct Ioa to St. Marys and its Individual 31buistere show v." tendeney ard smpathy bvt for the avfia�.s, district and to Ontario journalism, and towyr they adroit that it does not seem pose illustrates very sharply the danger to the ,able. to help them out of the hole ib interests of the common people of this any way. from deciding what part it ;home Province, and of the country. that is. tine or wore of f he re nereb , vomiter forward and *sklug th Goremittentrruent for assistance, and several memlert of . the Cabiuet. in taGane over the matter. admit that they see a ncetl fur assistance to the refiners. would sacrifice no part of : the Inde- pendence of the ['need States; nor would it prevent the United States i Air Raids AlmC•o ost sapletely Shut- tered Mrs. Henn; Nerdes But Tanlae Restores Health. "Tanlac has built me up from a nervous wreck to where 1 aim a well woman feeling fine r than 1 have in years," recently sal Mrs. Kathleen Hunt, .of 32 Danell aver ue, Toronto. Ont. "1 was in London during the war, and as a result of the air•ratds my naves were almost completely shattered. Night after night 1 used to he awake in fear of the zeppelins and gothas, and when they d.d comewe all had to get down into the basement ut the house, and the noise of the bombs dropping all around, and our guns trying to bring the enemy down was must terrilyn g. 1 simply can't describe what we went through and it is no wonder that the health of thousands of people gave wily under the strain. '•1 hast all desire for food and my digestion became so upset that 1 couldn't eat a thing. without suffering distress of awards. My blood became thin and I tell °nein weight until 1 was a mere shadow of what I used to be. 1 con- stantly had headaches that almost drove me distracted and altogether 1 was in .a sad plight. well. that was the ndition I was in when I came out to o, and soon after I got here I wet ad sed by a drug- gist to try Tanlac as the •t possible medicine for troubles like tie, It was really surprising how it het me. It wasn't long before I had a g appetite and could sleep better at night. 'l obo° found that I could eat ankthing I wanted without suffering in the least from indigestion. and 1 improved nght along. I haven't had a trouble of arty kind now and in fact never felt batter in my lite. 1 shall always have a good word to say for Tarlac, for I think it is a perfectly splendid medicine." Tanlac' is scald in Goderich h E. 1t- WIgle and the ieading drug •ist In every town. claimed, may o the wall bear "in the responsibilities of the involved in the present newspaper situ -1 as- a result tat the suspension of the world." The League of Nations was fashion- ed after• months of deliberation in z- whleb repreaentatiees of_the Coiled = states took a promleent Bart, sad al- ready has the adherence of nearly all the nations, the exceptions being Ger- many. the I:nitell States. Mexico. and two or three others. poetsMr. Hard - tug suppose that ell flame nations will abandon the League., start all over again. and once more spend months - in tramine. some otter association that will meet with the approval of Messrs. Torula and Johnston ? Party pelitics Is making a strange. more than ever before the country flees - 1 f th United.St t 1 thisper is needed to" give voice to thel a of mw-rin:s ation. The Argus during many years In Boards order, and wbtle a numberof its editorial columns dealt ably with the ranadiaile. who think the refiners, like questions of the day, making a valuable several other people, did a lot of .pro - contribution to the discussion of public' illwrlltg diiring the war. would say. ••Let, them in' " there ere outer pa..ple affairs. Tire TwrnetaT.•io hag teen welt lutect•terl. In keepiut- the industries conducted. The Journal•Argus promises • go(ug uud these are Iwmbardiue the' to be independent. or neutral -which l:evernmeut with wines and letters means probably that it will steer clear of asking that *dun ussbaauce be given. controversial matters and let the people I'retep" after an examination of toe refiners' _hooks the Goverumeut may "get their politics 'rom the city paler newts [ ys This is just exactly. in our opinion, what sisranee lid find a way t.. grant titat: should be avoided. The city papers are but at pr 'sent there does, not s.7 -ten beta not to be relied upon in connection with much he{me f a "'sugur•phtm g handed out. \ matters wherein there is a conflict -be- tween Pressler the interests of the city and those Nile tet ler Stilt err is on his way of the country, and perhaps just now t Winnipeg at tit time of writin.. and tua.ight in `Winn' see hr is hold- ingthe first of a ser in the prattle cities. course. Lr aveordwl a war Board of Commeree Resigns. '__. The members ,,f the Itnard of Cote - mercy have resigned as a result of the Government's action over the sugar under. and title general regret ds be - lug expre.eed. It 1.s not like's there willsbe any neh• appointments of .eow- missinner" : in feet. !the Government in .its statement , ntimatel that when judgment w',s, de1ivere t by the 1'rivy .rtarl (e . o e' States n pa year 11r20. country view as oprosed to that of the a will. of Council committee as u. the It,tard s • city. We are very sorry to see the last a re•"ption powers. that would he time e,:ougb to EDITORIAL 'NOTES. of The Argus• everywhere, for the countr. rewires •un -icier the matter again- the way he Is,gAiug out find :trrying 'The late commissioners go heck ti' utl elle campaign .•f w u.-ttion seiner their former entice-. Capt. IS•flliem • Less than two months to Christmas. (]�+ ��'��,�qj [j� than staving -at li..me it d w'ai'tu for White.: wh THE WEEK AT THE CAPITAL a AL likelr 11 be In happen. There lii:aly be su4te ituea:atitut Lela -1t �. October of 1920 will be noted in history • o Wit: .r•retarr in tin day - ill of Judge Ronson. W, F. O'Connor and 1(,1Ut1-..)tnrd,sk goes L.0k t.. that job and will just keep tin- 1,81,- runring toil there is a final dw•i-ion: Fi A. andis reneveil -ft that he ran adyln to hi: titer to his duties A:- I►e- than ever a_ a tour`st rt sort. 1 mttatt A, tee. ..t he (% i' r brief hal lhl{airrmt•nt, and Major 4:errld ° T r•tive:'" hearing the I:.r••ranl •ur has `Jlfui-err will 1e able Tn hold his OW II talion -ill return to 1 office under ere Ila• quieht- nn any 11 •p.•.- r.1 relies h# ,le•f••o,1iIiZ the Government's action. the Del rtnl•It of Justin. a i:irh the sugar. r,•nu.r.."m.1y ha''•• It V+ hard to prove that ',intro! of sell-' The apt influent of these three assn The Toronto Telegram suggest that j 1.01, by mse•iltdiug fir - .-i tit,: 1l.Ir,l ing ,would have furred higher prices : was in tie. nature• of 8 temporary tiesugareefiners�ighthavratnCdac ,1 thi.iear, nn matter flow the farmer. rnmeuasgr. W. ie%rr intended The Ring of Greeze is dead from' the 1, with regard to the refusal of tae Lot - for weather and 'weddings, By Ian Dutte'm. ernmmnt re rreetore wheat r••ntee, for tile farmers will be lying (n wait with -S verbal axes all troland, but the b. sing •del• British Columbia will be mo -e popular _ Is more than even that the prime Lath i .,( t',•mm,•c • • order •;tilos In, : ren: eve. ter pr.wlue a beat [.rot.f. (l►at they she is• nu a le•rma.Put .nt.ir :teal 1.•31"iuc 1h,• Inlrl.rt open h. What i 1Na.1* and cher, grnutue�r,ltef ex }' 1.1 k •t Was till eg- Rowell Do T ._ hite of a pet monaey. What a glorious do uud*r thee rlrrnm.t 1lt.•r for with Lent :,.:int ':elms. Sliniste•r, will -ail end! -- r 1 1' t k1 part In the (.•t^n• of • end the lel The day of get -rich -quick profiteering eleigheiesi------llfl"itis ...nr of flu \atteos meeteets. .W i, hlnmfJ ill .'.• Pel fo The Board all o,tller+. ern "' slava u,_. `�-• .�. -_ -- - - ell the G••crrnutept ctubl nffnnl rt Nie tai ^e Poster, who is *1 prey - That then" will lie the East Elgin• and Yale by-elei•tients shortly after lie tire. tf \oveml.,•r for in the ore of a Boar hovering .,iris close. a,r' 1 101 1 4 t i' ,t to ak •a ,t., ything furtorr of Commerce Tic will not Sear•; 0111. 1 ept, un - ew Millinery Modes FOR THE AUTUMN and WINTER of 1920 Surely neves' Were hats so lovely as_this season THEY SHOW THE LATEST CONCEP- TIONS IN MILLIN- ERY ART YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO INSPECT OUR STOCK Miss M. R. MacVicar Kingston street, Goderich asp R. Tait is almost over -until the neat war or real tt•'•`t starring tetight: r.. )tar • err -'.l Hon. C. J. Doherty. Minister a u • • ;is the nun In the poem, "u 101. -m -i-.• would have be••ra tint nils rued the rein- of Irader.hip asst 1.e honor estate boom: thee and unsung-' unwise bit tmeitiveelr daneeron, erten 111.11 taken) ur:er by sir James' the p.litiral {N•int of %iris-. Longln •1. .Su inter1'-tint [stint In So the -lZar marker is open. the to n....ritn withthe trip .•f Ile- t'al • ' err--whb.•o r.ti'ts.. .....d tl.. .d4 .,r ,M ,.,tt bn.ttebr tut in hey l'rirne r.:!1 into the. recent _press dispatch, winch stated ing SV.•a :u:d telt every,•'e sit t, ht•ten:l that owing to a complete break -down tf feting lis league %'i 't re. -lee 10- .if the •water system in the Ge.o (a 11 rest"' as li is been `. fr,•y n,•n'l di-tet.t the duh :1111lit s of e0(• whole n averted. the Government i- nenctlly area would Is• r,nn{NHed to\"drink Looking over the long 11,f of weddn S the fri••:d of net eminien p • title .!.thing but beer and 'wino f.•r s%vt•r,:1 in ast week's Signal,.the `'slated Sege • Ineigine the cheering ?tr.` St •izhely' weeks. uoines that t bodywill provoke alt RS'iltuip •; 1:vf. Pore 1Z • itttawn. and t mese(.. imi4e. \ere • hurled fet1:(e n. it is rot well that t should. !he fact that they are ten:' to decline is satisfactory. ptet y nee. ,%eay ts, ••• r :his wondering what }low. \. SS'. 11,.n. sport enoug 'o try a • nce. ti ,..rnaie ent. .0 long ruhargwl with 1)e.i. i ink thtri*Md. of prflh'er., i • rd The Galt Reporter mentions secera in an rwt.TtP•nrderZ the o of Commerce and kept the' price with civic affairs ww• ho attained a great laof supply and demand! But what .a ire n Im•aker of the Gar ed flue'. effot\to accommodate the increased • r m GETTING READY FOR_ WL`iTER FA Big 'Stork Event at Guelph to Have Some New Features. 4 I:ne1{,li, Oct. _t. -The executive rnutm(rrr•e of the 1'roviuri Il Winter Fair met here t.rday and 10)1e anal i arrangements for the holding .f 'the tree w inter show on I)wemb•r 3 to 9. ! Electrical Contractor Wt fl of all kinds up-to-date for T eI khoses, Burglar Alarms, Police `Pl and Fire - Ahem Systems. \ \ \ Private Rettide'oes and Business Places -a special , \ \ All Work Guileantbd. , a \ Electric Irons. Toaster Grille. Fans. Vacuum Cleaners. Washing Machines• Flaabligbts a n d Batteries of air kinds always on band. Ring up /nor -193 and have ua give you an estimate on your wiring. It will be done ght. Robt. Tait West Street Next Postoffice Phones -Shop 12 House 193 1 terra■ ■rural asam rrrxrrrr>s Seasonable Goods t - FJNELETTES REDUCED 36 -itch, heavy, fink. Grey or Blue, newt stripe l4'lauuel Regular 45e per yard, at per. yank WRITE FLANNELETTE 29 -Inch. hest Quality. Reg- ular 30c, at per yard r 38 -loch. Rist Quality. Reg- ular Otic, at per 5500 yard EIDERDOWN FLANNEL rat -inch wide, for I►reasing liow11s, Ktlnoia.a, etc•., In Pink. they, White. Sky and lhrdinal, et per yard SUITING and DRESS SENORS M-ia•lt, Due Botany Berges, ltlack and Nary. Regular $3.ln. at per 3.95 yard .45 $2.95 GOSSARD CORSETSII III The gr'ateat satisfaction Is expressed by every customer a wbo wears a liowwr'd Corset They lace in front. We carry a NI all styles. 111 1♦ at r . W. ACHESON & SON ' ; ■ ■rarrarltrarrrrrrrrmsamosait MILITARY FLANNEL NI Best guilty, Lei -inch.. ide.vide. 1 Reduced to per yard . a GRAIN BAGS Heavy Canadian *1 "Empkt A." Li Largo rise at tier $8.JCVA r PR dozen SILKS r 718 inches wide, Black or Navy DuchII Silks. cite ''ail3.00 $U.9ar at Silks. Regular tkY.00 «p7Qv st per yard 1t Phone or write for aa�pie. GLOVES l'hamolsette Gloves. teal wo- mal en. Black. White, Moles, Chamois; and Grey. ;IZ5 all slaes, at per pair 1 Kid Gloves X75 a Tan. Black or White. special Per in's Child's Kid .;1.� Gloves. at.., Finest Ever Shown It is admitted by all who have seen tbi season's styles of footwear that they are hand- somer- and more varied than ever tsefore-shown . They are shoe perfection and have no equals in beauty, elegance and ease for the foot. Fash- ionable in shape, high grade in .material and excellent in construction. --Prices are most reasonable. Overgaiters and Rubbers .are now in stock. See our window display. REPAIRiNG Yonne and Charles Si,.. Taeawo. will dt when he get- th alter i :14 r., _S enjoys an eftcellent reputation for high-grade . ort • It is no wonder the demand for ou g eluates is five times our supple. Eater ear t,m Catalogue free. r W.I. ELLIOTT. Principal. I, hbouaI nv .� w h..i611wtt hese �-i "1 uleues•r of the 1':ucel;in d.•ieZlti,n:,erecte:I, to house the sneer fat: lie 'NEW TER. FROM NOV. 1ST i r do.. h the g CENTRAL r:Nra and w• to ,bink beer anhw, Yn:r, and Hon. ve stns departments, derided on ser• citizens of its town closely connected sugar down to the level set by tie nl, N. W. einnut *Welt quench his n111.1 erat\minor temporary additions in an 141ibl . v *sans e�?F whi Nss... e..a.+....•... -- age. and suggests that public serci e is a, a•th are r. .1eyY.rdfug to .1Barte: Htooocole, e srcthlere- -fa:Tor of longe Fy. 1T would find-upport+ f e its theory in the case of Mr. William i Campbell. Goderich's veteran assessor and tax collector, who at eighty-six years 1. of age is still on duty daily at his office at -flu town hail- , ( COW Thg, Board of Commerce is dead. which recant a story. An old skinflint -oras bring buried when a stranger hap- -- pend into the village while the funeral vas wending its way down the main street. "Who'sdead asked the strange' .'•Old Jones," was the reply. "What eemplaint>".was the next question,: an the unexpected•reply : "No compla:nt. aNANaa.. Everybody satisfied." On Monday torr Provinces -Nova Scotia. Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Alberta -voted in favor of a "bone-dry" measure to forbid the importation or hri'tging into the Province oh intoxicating 111 lora. The vote was decisive in alt foesProeirt_-e4. A similarbailot he! submitted Ontario next spa p. In' . British Columbia the "wets' scored a Tictorylastw etctrrthecarr)ttb}'a-farge4 majority of a proposal for government e sntrcl of the sale of liquors in preference the present Prohibition Act in that Pr'nee. Terenc MXcSwiney, tee noted Irish I "hunger -ser er," died in an Erglish jai on Monday. a er seventy-three days of ' abstinence fto.n food. He had been sentenced to pais for two years on several charges, inclu 'ng one of having i in his possession eedi s documents. What effect his deete,w have upon I (hi temper of the Irish people 'mains to be seen. He will no doubt be ounted a martyr to the cause of Irish fr ' and to the long list of grievances which Iriahmen, rightly or wrongly, hold spinet, England one mere will have been added' by Ids testi. 1..... • Parr of the WT. the _tne}i.'Itfl.xn" aro --Tar the tar$ot-entry- dist le -tate -doter, - t1 111• show. tone every •I :.iilable fo it of .parr in tate hit 4nil.ling w111 be re.111!red ,h, a ennnoiI:lr0 the lir-'ll .Uberta Cattle to ise Shown. }'or the T Tli�e .'Obeli a Will be shown in the 'Guelph ring this .0.r. :i number of the prominent 1 bossier-. In that Pros' lee having plated their *t.s•k In the hanol- of the. .Stherrn Agrh'ttltttrnl 4-'.4le p omelets., who will bring the stook . es['. uud t x• ' habit it. 11 is 111.0 likely tierce the Sl Intnb•t breeders will hale their .trek here. Itu{nlries fo • prise lists - Irtr.• b•rtt reeetv.sI lay ere set•ret:Ny __�rwt itriu't+ In tin. 1 ultt•d States s Always the same rich, full -flavored tea, fur w, <t a+ Minnesota, u• ;i,it. far- _ .: east ns Rhode island- tunstly from I - Sold only in the sealed air -tight Red-1..t*ltrymmmen. anda»int . atmd- sheep . Rose Carton. rostoss •s'C:s .e,s;Auseumirzarr breeders. Two New Features. tt There will he two new fe•lttir'es this Wear, the Dominion Live Stuck Branch having decided to give prize. for I groups of live *tnrk. These groups will be nadP lip of three and five In • stele , ave In 'amid and finer le baron hogs. The other new award w•111 come I from the Clydesdale Horse .5.'s, (utlon of Great Britain. - Workmen Imre already ee'•lrr throw s- reedy !odor tine -super iaton ..f Superintendent Saunders of ,1,on- don. The diret•tnr* present to -dry were : President. John I:,trdltonsF. 1tr+ton: secretary. 3. E. Bettie. and Wm. •itrNPtl, London t W. J. W. Lan, nnx. Toronto: IIs. T. H. Housed, Slnrkhem: Peter •Christie. Stan- rhwst*r: W. SVhItelaw. Guelph: 1t, S. Stev. risen. Aneast.r. II The Carpets. You Throw Away! •. T,h _ey are the ones we want to save for you. Na matter how old, hew dirty, 1 ow di1p1- dated, by our process they can be woven into Velvety Reversible Rugs that are k^M) enough for the most elaborate home. You won't realize how good these rugs really are until you see their • beauty an•I feel their softness under your feet. G-rA ea fait .,lrerfirewtaf PIA P•mr name sod • rtresr fur a free llookrt woe 1.a Mlo►a•at oa. Tia a lope around the old carpet and send it to -<tci tr-,rt+.t The Canada Rug Co. Street. • London, Gnada Perth of Iie EsMMt r. We regret to learn that the smitten garflelwr who.. vegetable mare me were We nisei the .Prone prize for cooking apples et a ltorfl- ',Mowel .how 1* still confined to Ida 1.w1.--Amch. (IN she New Models. "Ilapptnee ." .nisi Snit Tonkin*. "las to he cranked tip. but trouble al- ways has a self•tttartrr."-Wt'aahtngtoa Bar. STRATFORD. ONT.. The limiting Outliners -sal of SVevtern . (Ontario. Comm, dal. Shorthand and T.•h'grapit Iliei rt. meats. Graduates placed in {Ne. tions. Students may enter at any\ time. Get our free catalogue. D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. - - GEO. MacVICA R NORTH SIDE OF SQUARE - GODt .RICH 1. X. L. Battery A Canadian Product The only Battery manufactured entirely In Canada. Suitable for all makes of care and guaranteed to Aire entire satisfaction. We hare opened In Goderich a 1 Batr•'ry ServIee and Sales Station In charge of The People's Garage KR, J. G. WO Victoria strut. - eli- laity are requested to investigate _ the merits .f the IXL Battery. The I. X. L. Manufacturing Co. Limited PALMERSTON, ONT. [ �I -THE- Hydro Store East Side of Square : Gederic` NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Owing to the power short- age and the present cost of installation, persons contem- plating ttt,e--itse bf electric power wilt avoid expense and annoyance by first applying to the Wates and. Light Co'm- tllission and obtaining .a' emt- tract for a supply of electric energy. Do not wire your house 01 install an electric stove, motor or any other electric apparatus until you make arrangements for the necessary current. s Water ani Light Commission a -School of Commerce - Clinton and Goderich, Ont. OFFERS THE FOLLOWING COURSES Business Stenographic Secreta ' -1 Civil Service Teacher t Training Course and arranges - • cial Courses for students. THE,F91.1.0)r1NC, ADS',\NTA Highly Qualified Teaching Staff isctua1Jtuainess System o ' • kkeepiug Credenti$Ty a ting Testa' Guaranteed_ 7 Vocational Training School 'fortbis district, by Goveraaseot appointment. and under in- apectlon by Soldiers" ct•ii-Re estabilminnewt Departa►$t. For Terms, etc., write B. F. WARD, M. A. STONP, B. A, M. Arita., e> . t::. Cent. Specialist. vete-iPrinebtal Prince/El �:�:,,.,, .,.. Phone 1911, Clinton School Opena Wednesday, September 1st, 1920 D1:101 snfli tffnC<fla[larlslnr 'Pt'"h ".at'tR'- •l*. tis-°:°e'N +bNp: n+^•4� 7-i w,A'*1`?•! trt. .ir't.'..�'.( e".'dlbt:S'.w:" .41.rw knum--im,:a�. 44*' A Y^ ,6*41,10 9N.Aeitaln4 Pted044,1,"l'kfAr .1 14 .nt146.04 01,1:s•^'.e L -t t,sturtu's`s% 1. .....••••••44