HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-10-21, Page 8w:,f
dVRUMr-A-TIVF_V N.4. Hor We,
NO Cartier St., Montreal,
"I Suffered terribly from Cor.•
txpatmn and Dysprpsia for many years.
I felt pains after eating snit had gas,
constant headache, and was unable
to sleep at night. I was getting so
thin taut I was frightened and saw
Several' physicians who, however, did
not aee!m able to help me.
At tau a friend ad.ited me M klu n 7
'Fiala+ -dialer'. I did so and soon I
felt some relief. I continued with
'Fruit-g-tives, and in a short time,
the Constipation was hanished. I felt
talo More pains or headache or the
disagreeable sensations that follow
dysPepetnia. Now l alta wet{ strore6 and
Mbd"M a1RTsvu REAtloesll;.
Me.a awl, a for
fi•!SO• trial alas!�.
At all dealers or from Fruit.*
Limited. Ottawa. Oak
7, " 'Mlle"'
r ,
oft", TIN DRESSES � 1
a are offering a garment that 'will give absolute
° satisfaction.
We have just put into stock a most wonderful
range of silk serge and jersey dresses. There are Northway Plush coats in all sizes and styles.
no two dresses alike and every one is new in A large ran$e to choose from.
qua•.. 9('.$#' ''•'4�� �'" ! fk 'I��,
Northway cloth coats with fur trimming in
In our serge dresses nothing but the finest so.
all sizes and prices.
grades of serge are used. This means that the - Northway cloth coats with self collar in shawl
dresses have a better appearance and will give effect and also in smaller collars. We have real
better satisfaction than the cheaper grades of values in these garments.
cloth. The colors are all fast. We would like you Children's coats in cloth with self coBai
to insect this -range before making your slelec- prettily trimmed, in sizes from 6 years up,
tion of a fall dress.
We will beglad at any time to show these
The very latest creations are shown in silk, garments.
They come in taffeta, duchess and pailette. These a.• Amer,
dresses are shown with dainty touches that are SHOUSE DRESSES
new. The designs are the best and we know we
are showing you merchandise that is up to ' the $2.98.bout two dozen house dresses on sale for
fillinute. It will be to your advantage to see these. These dresses range in price from $3,00 to
garments. a,
$5.00 each and for the conning week they will be
*AB• alas -M _w A on Sale at 9e. Thew are real bargains and they+
`�► .." Iaif coMAIS -
up -to 44, at $2.98.
'� Northh�ay garmentii<-are known for the gar -
Ment. that fit8 SERGESMJw I 2M a
perfectly and wears longest with „�
war Y - -- ,. p..�.'. .,or
--- - - real st �a--- —°'µ Special Aho ' o
and Y gaatiient._ :. wing Sergels, lief imbes wide, for
Mlr•nt ■t l\t�_York end other ea '"_ V4w.v.�__..
points, after which Mr. and Mrs. Mall- dresses and suits and skirts, They are all fine,
t><'� will bl• at t,eene Fe their, fulmind.~ ' 1- A large range of Northway garments is Botany wool serges. The colors are fast and can
nt L'fRi ,tPhjPa avenue, Detroit. filch., '•
, after Nvveemter 1st. lir. and Sir. bung shown exclusively by Us and we know we be had in blue, black, brown
Allen and lir. ind Sir,. Lunar of , green and taupe.
Detroit and Mr. and Sirs. Bullard to( "" -
A"lo, rth were some •r `- �•'�®`
of the enrt.,f-
i town gae.t.a for the wedding. «v `
Knox church was prettily de,,•oeAtod
frith palms. fertw sad nutamn IPaveg cttraax� -,tea, e
for a hapPy event Party Wednesday CllMt#td
darning o[ this lid S, when May. He
(�LBORNEdnughter of 11r. and Stn. James tic'•
Minns. mer, I the bride of Mr, aWit.nd & C0
linin ItiAeet, 1t. S. A., iunn of Mr. end
llrm. umiPl itimret of SmItford ."lotT H E H
Heh'htm. The caremouy was Perform. \ Q V .S E o f R JE -L -1-A-9 A-9 t t.1 T Y ,
1.4) by Her. H. C. Sto-Dermid, minimter
for Knox4It, b. amvist,rl by Rev. H. N.
Jrh6rnPloe of fit. Tllomam, brother-in-
law of rise pride. Sir. W"ton pre -
91(1(41 at the organ, playing the bah- t
Pngrin wedding mete h and alien, play- pleasiry;ly '•() Promise Me." At the Missatod $and and U
Ing thrdtighout the ceremony..The wedding n• Club: topic.
rig prat following the ceremony 9No ehoold a Chrl.tfa be yfd?
bride. who war giver t marriage by the torat to tate bride ro en It r. -jrih l
her father, wore a Snit of navy Dlue appeopriate Mpeeche. from Rev. Mr. tlA p'a'
tricothx with t"Ple hat and molemkin (Hardie and the H(r. IlesMr9. M.tbeshsi, neYt� mom' 11 am •
fore. the Rlft of hr purdk ROr'elNP Rev. Ken
groom. Her and the bridegrmem responded. Taw redy, of Benmiller, will Preach In the
1" millet win of 00belia rose* and Rroiim'm Rift to tea• bride w•as a platin- morning; the patloor'n the eveWgg
fern. 7/e Rlre"tie-were mf• um takr-pin me•t will' diamon la, to the On Wednesday evening a Social
(erwif+llM lural with a dainty break• flower -girl a green gold bracelet, to the erinR of the Co dth-
faalt at the 1kimP (it the briete s innist an emerald lar -pin, and to the In the whool room ��t whieblth almost
tall whk'h wa* Imes• p
ihcorate•t" with r,rsme•A -soloist a platinum tear -pin, and program of the Mgrch will be
pink asterisk, The hride acrd Rrarra In the evening a reception was held pre*ented by tike heaps Of the wrlous,
left by motor =lir a two weeks' trip, at which about 1511 were pretwnt, in- �• departments. Thine Important
ahem whk.b they will remide in (:od- chiding, besides young pe4,I.1e of the will lir inmpliational la ekes
erk•h. • noighborbood, friend* from r;.,eJerich will Iseaffink An i eter m�tf�
KtnetitrdtaaaffQ plrortgn(ty feii�� better
M�fb'—Apia otll� ptaleeM, s> requrinranec. iii tnhPtii`anfixtlSRrest Fr
ill an catty morning hoot the time and friends of the congrepatiou ar•eeor•
At (( eiwph'm church, KingahrlelgP, wax very pleasantly "pent In dancing dially invited.
nn ii' my, (k•totwr 26th, at •f1.;tf1 acrd other amusit-mentm. 1 TtR' 1;O Tell lllm9iou ('in le will bold
(iehek is the marriage was Mr11_ The bride, who for a atlml+, of )w regular monthly meeting at ltie`
so (I
of lire Irene, daAghter of years ban 64.11 a nurme at chk•ago.
Sir. iepter Au rift, IwkP Share road, (torr}e* with her to her new home tit ---
AmhflPld, t_) r. Patriek Joseph that city the affection of numtwileow
Murph;v of floe me town*hip. The friends to -'ire old home township, The
Rer• -di': A. 11Pan.-T1 T!"ride,
e* :at. surgeon of Chicago. A large and '
tlrrel in r 9uilt�LD betandaNieaLt ot-wedding gifts test•
Rrt•y 1st andcarried \4 of Ified to thepopularity of the young
pole pink (aphelia to"terns. «otrple.The Irrldpr4maldMlxx CSlur• 4ltl ae»iwt of thrfi11re1w of the bHdP's
tin,wallIn navy tine wiMat father the eonteueplatrod wedding trip t
and Palmieri eMNt >rlMc lir• to the Canadian Hackies im postponed. �+
Fratrk-, h"hpr art
aM "!rer)t . mayn." .after tha Pa bride's--going-away sats is of
tho ovoid reindeer brorn duvetyne, trimmed I
lrMt Fmrty .aeljneirfm4l the •with Seal, and hat meal rPil to match.
'some of Rhe brldek father, w Pre Thome present at tle wwlding from
,"net' was me•rved. and Mr. and it dstanee'«were it • 1
Victory Loan tax free bonds at present
prices are absolutely in the bargain class
The Supply available i9 limited. Prompt a.•tion in urgeil for
thuse who Jemir„ to take aQvantaRe of the- prew•tit vppurtttuity.
"� ��'Due I Price and
interest yield
\ lan
tl21 ...C,.•••• It13
otIr�Qrs. a ....A (ares! 5 tp3
- ,•��s 11t1iAt•p'il
..�. .... >i7- ... .IOU
B 27
dpUve an, ,17etrr Bink tree of NI delivery or brokerage
General Inwrance HARRISON F "k' "�-
ped Mermeroeltlexds i P. O.,, 2I1 a
tv. on( -fres Finlay
Murphy afterwArdM heft for (iodPrlt MAtbesson, of st atforel ; Mr9. Dol bin, -
to take the Afternoon ii T R twin of Peterlaro; Rev, Hugh )lathe arse, of
int n trip to fit. aryw Mflit tTiPTr t!� Torontil M>: and 3frit )51
turn they will r sidP en the Lorne [_ }--E-VERY—YEAR
j —YEA a
farm on the• M Rraem's LPnlraa, of Windsor; Mlae Slarlmpi; ` j� r
h conePmmlon of Amh- MaelAvrian. of 4breunto,
field. Tlw bride received many hand. -- at the holiday meo,wm we are mnowal under"
reomP waidin --
R gift.. Among theree -tba rolome of work we are calhsl on 1n der for our Petrone.
iert Fit fit the rketroR were Mrs. At. CHURCH NOTl:3 This dame eondition 11414 cmr•urrd each yec,tr. Tt,iM year
fm•rt fifttt(r, of iA•troit, and Mr. And
blrM..1. A. ('hlAhrtlm, of (ioderieb, the A red Dromimew d/ tm no exce•ptivn.
being sleMrm of the bride. for the thank-offeringmeetingLUrofathel f LrnettJ,
t» Perles, won't yon (Sime In naw when we f give yon every at-
irilte-►tliaeLOttttas! _ Arthur Circle_ to be held in Knott church t(ntion And Rurrantcr that whatever we do for
on evening next. A full at- BdHates, Coflortlr I fncrory you TW be itis•
th the home of lir. keit}- ttgtrested and members ate
nett) F. lfacliengRn, i.rkke fitwrn road, asked to bring their mite -boxes. Do not think f The very naweat Styles of mounts Arid folders are now em d
dA1rAPld, on WednewdAy afternoon of of I ,
his week, at 3.1n o•rloek, t]e wPcictln Special Thank%Riving services were LUX as a cleartat r for
R held u North atrett Metlirdist church ' s f!�i ' �%,�th j� :) —
t(i3k pTiiee"pt their Hmon L. White last Sunday. Rev. J.lf. Johnston, NI.A., Only Seaf�lfte/, /� holo ! ( O "®� 1
ImalfPlle K„ to Dr. RAyrroM L. \'i'hlle n h f p
-- -- -� �•-••••a�a
alibi kir 11,1' ,i Sfee:fll. Owil¢ to the
raven' J.•ruls of the Whit, alrid gnat
of the IlriJe•, kir, Alec. riolCay and
Mlam I,lllie �tci(ay, the wedding rvu9
white, And
the eerPsaony was performed under
a' very uiet Lute. lir. and lino. 141. -
Crepe -de -chines. The
in," reside at winghrm. The
bride IA a young lady muoh etlteeause4l
toy.l.x frieuti. to Ashfield a;kl ells•
A wide range of very
where, an•i the 4room Alwt tm well
And favorably known, and sulkily good
I y designs ranging
w ishks ateumpany tlattl to .4heir new
in price from
If you'll step In and give him the r
A pretty but quiet wedding tools place
154 904
at the Knox church manse on Tuesday,
to per sol[
when Miss Ines Porter became the bride
M innPvs being unable to perform
this oidlce. Rev. J
of Mr. Ernest Taylor of Owen Sound.
hinny of these papers are ex.
The bride we a travelnWit of
After he ceremony andelightfulblunch
Ira wide width, requiring
was served at the tome of tate bride's
Parents. Mr. and Mrs. James porter
fewer rolls to paper a room,
Keays street. 'I'he happy couple went to
talus costing less,14Oil
springs anJ other Points south for
eAlceated, ataalStalt by Rev. tlesgh
their honeymewn, after which Mr and
Come in and letus tell
Mrs, Tiyler will reside at Owen Sound.
you how much your room
will cosi.
The marriage of Miall Fdnn Muriel
Neilson and Dr. Clarence J. A. Mc-
Killop was molemaised Saturday of-
�la1leAon of Otratford, eonains of the
bride flim Violet MacLennan,
twnoou. October 9, at the resideuee of
same —
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
sized or oddlyshaped
needed Wear the kind sh0a
James F,. Nelmon, 69 Weltington street,
tit. Thomas, for: Henderson oflh•inting.
The pride was lovely in A gown of
Apple green charmense with cwraw
LUX free
Ironqupt of orchids and Ophelia roves.
Scholl Appliances actuall y
the grace and beauty of the feet
A nicely mppointed wedding luncheon
Inc• worship morning
Rand inering will
eeeductPet by the mindekPr. The
watt Served to the gueetS, folkqring
trip ceremony, after which Dr. andMrse
9te•Killop left on a motor trip, the bride
travelling In navy little triootiae. The
nervine In the morning will Me adapferlCIO#��
IfnJc i, ,t ak•ce of Mr. James Yates
of town. lir. Sie[fillop was in the
Aaval medkr( aprrtee during the war
is now practising at St. Thomas.
Was Ilesley,
A quiet wedding took pMce on 7 -ties,
day, tt4•tolwr 1_hh. at the Is rise of kir.
Tib• marriage took place at Kaoz
vistirch mauae on Friday
John Itaker, William street, when
iii d:n,Rhllr Kate was married to Mr.
morning last
d ktisi Fraises J eAephiw• He(k
Ales Med,. of Itlettvit, by Rev.
-daughter of Mir Wmale•„ IPy, I,ight-
Wu.K• street, to Mr. William Gari
H. C. Mellermid. The bride wore her
dainty wedden R gear u[ white per
I�u„ng of (raven Nouod. lies. $ C.
)ic(Mrmid olri fated.
white of S3
forth, played ahaing march as
the Itride enterr ed room on the
AI the .\..httPld lerl•dbytPRa tl ma AS(,
arm of her father. Immediately Af-
ter the ceremony
oa liVeclne•mday of this week. at
the chrkKening tem,k
o'clplk Pm.. APV. ] x U --A- --.-_
plate eel Mr. and Mrs. AinA1kP'a routlg
dVRUMr-A-TIVF_V N.4. Hor We,
NO Cartier St., Montreal,
"I Suffered terribly from Cor.•
txpatmn and Dysprpsia for many years.
I felt pains after eating snit had gas,
constant headache, and was unable
to sleep at night. I was getting so
thin taut I was frightened and saw
Several' physicians who, however, did
not aee!m able to help me.
At tau a friend ad.ited me M klu n 7
'Fiala+ -dialer'. I did so and soon I
felt some relief. I continued with
'Fruit-g-tives, and in a short time,
the Constipation was hanished. I felt
talo More pains or headache or the
disagreeable sensations that follow
dysPepetnia. Now l alta wet{ strore6 and
Mbd"M a1RTsvu REAtloesll;.
Me.a awl, a for
fi•!SO• trial alas!�.
At all dealers or from Fruit.*
Limited. Ottawa. Oak
7, " 'Mlle"'
r ,
oft", TIN DRESSES � 1
a are offering a garment that 'will give absolute
° satisfaction.
We have just put into stock a most wonderful
range of silk serge and jersey dresses. There are Northway Plush coats in all sizes and styles.
no two dresses alike and every one is new in A large ran$e to choose from.
qua•.. 9('.$#' ''•'4�� �'" ! fk 'I��,
Northway cloth coats with fur trimming in
In our serge dresses nothing but the finest so.
all sizes and prices.
grades of serge are used. This means that the - Northway cloth coats with self collar in shawl
dresses have a better appearance and will give effect and also in smaller collars. We have real
better satisfaction than the cheaper grades of values in these garments.
cloth. The colors are all fast. We would like you Children's coats in cloth with self coBai
to insect this -range before making your slelec- prettily trimmed, in sizes from 6 years up,
tion of a fall dress.
We will beglad at any time to show these
The very latest creations are shown in silk, garments.
They come in taffeta, duchess and pailette. These a.• Amer,
dresses are shown with dainty touches that are SHOUSE DRESSES
new. The designs are the best and we know we
are showing you merchandise that is up to ' the $2.98.bout two dozen house dresses on sale for
fillinute. It will be to your advantage to see these. These dresses range in price from $3,00 to
garments. a,
$5.00 each and for the conning week they will be
*AB• alas -M _w A on Sale at 9e. Thew are real bargains and they+
`�► .." Iaif coMAIS -
up -to 44, at $2.98.
'� Northh�ay garmentii<-are known for the gar -
Ment. that fit8 SERGESMJw I 2M a
perfectly and wears longest with „�
war Y - -- ,. p..�.'. .,or
--- - - real st �a--- —°'µ Special Aho ' o
and Y gaatiient._ :. wing Sergels, lief imbes wide, for
Mlr•nt ■t l\t�_York end other ea '"_ V4w.v.�__..
points, after which Mr. and Mrs. Mall- dresses and suits and skirts, They are all fine,
t><'� will bl• at t,eene Fe their, fulmind.~ ' 1- A large range of Northway garments is Botany wool serges. The colors are fast and can
nt L'fRi ,tPhjPa avenue, Detroit. filch., '•
, after Nvveemter 1st. lir. and Sir. bung shown exclusively by Us and we know we be had in blue, black, brown
Allen and lir. ind Sir,. Lunar of , green and taupe.
Detroit and Mr. and Sirs. Bullard to( "" -
A"lo, rth were some •r `- �•'�®`
of the enrt.,f-
i town gae.t.a for the wedding. «v `
Knox church was prettily de,,•oeAtod
frith palms. fertw sad nutamn IPaveg cttraax� -,tea, e
for a hapPy event Party Wednesday CllMt#td
darning o[ this lid S, when May. He
(�LBORNEdnughter of 11r. and Stn. James tic'•
Minns. mer, I the bride of Mr, aWit.nd & C0
linin ItiAeet, 1t. S. A., iunn of Mr. end
llrm. umiPl itimret of SmItford ."lotT H E H
Heh'htm. The caremouy was Perform. \ Q V .S E o f R JE -L -1-A-9 A-9 t t.1 T Y ,
1.4) by Her. H. C. Sto-Dermid, minimter
for Knox4It, b. amvist,rl by Rev. H. N.
Jrh6rnPloe of fit. Tllomam, brother-in-
law of rise pride. Sir. W"ton pre -
91(1(41 at the organ, playing the bah- t
Pngrin wedding mete h and alien, play- pleasiry;ly '•() Promise Me." At the Missatod $and and U
Ing thrdtighout the ceremony..The wedding n• Club: topic.
rig prat following the ceremony 9No ehoold a Chrl.tfa be yfd?
bride. who war giver t marriage by the torat to tate bride ro en It r. -jrih l
her father, wore a Snit of navy Dlue appeopriate Mpeeche. from Rev. Mr. tlA p'a'
tricothx with t"Ple hat and molemkin (Hardie and the H(r. IlesMr9. M.tbeshsi, neYt� mom' 11 am •
fore. the Rlft of hr purdk ROr'elNP Rev. Ken
groom. Her and the bridegrmem responded. Taw redy, of Benmiller, will Preach In the
1" millet win of 00belia rose* and Rroiim'm Rift to tea• bride w•as a platin- morning; the patloor'n the eveWgg
fern. 7/e Rlre"tie-were mf• um takr-pin me•t will' diamon la, to the On Wednesday evening a Social
(erwif+llM lural with a dainty break• flower -girl a green gold bracelet, to the erinR of the Co dth-
faalt at the 1kimP (it the briete s innist an emerald lar -pin, and to the In the whool room ��t whieblth almost
tall whk'h wa* Imes• p
ihcorate•t" with r,rsme•A -soloist a platinum tear -pin, and program of the Mgrch will be
pink asterisk, The hride acrd Rrarra In the evening a reception was held pre*ented by tike heaps Of the wrlous,
left by motor =lir a two weeks' trip, at which about 1511 were pretwnt, in- �• departments. Thine Important
ahem whk.b they will remide in (:od- chiding, besides young pe4,I.1e of the will lir inmpliational la ekes
erk•h. • noighborbood, friend* from r;.,eJerich will Iseaffink An i eter m�tf�
KtnetitrdtaaaffQ plrortgn(ty feii�� better
M�fb'—Apia otll� ptaleeM, s> requrinranec. iii tnhPtii`anfixtlSRrest Fr
ill an catty morning hoot the time and friends of the congrepatiou ar•eeor•
At (( eiwph'm church, KingahrlelgP, wax very pleasantly "pent In dancing dially invited.
nn ii' my, (k•totwr 26th, at •f1.;tf1 acrd other amusit-mentm. 1 TtR' 1;O Tell lllm9iou ('in le will bold
(iehek is the marriage was Mr11_ The bride, who for a atlml+, of )w regular monthly meeting at ltie`
so (I
of lire Irene, daAghter of years ban 64.11 a nurme at chk•ago.
Sir. iepter Au rift, IwkP Share road, (torr}e* with her to her new home tit ---
AmhflPld, t_) r. Patriek Joseph that city the affection of numtwileow
Murph;v of floe me town*hip. The friends to -'ire old home township, The
Rer• -di': A. 11Pan.-T1 T!"ride,
e* :at. surgeon of Chicago. A large and '
tlrrel in r 9uilt�LD betandaNieaLt ot-wedding gifts test•
Rrt•y 1st andcarried \4 of Ified to thepopularity of the young
pole pink (aphelia to"terns. «otrple.The Irrldpr4maldMlxx CSlur• 4ltl ae»iwt of thrfi11re1w of the bHdP's
tin,wallIn navy tine wiMat father the eonteueplatrod wedding trip t
and Palmieri eMNt >rlMc lir• to the Canadian Hackies im postponed. �+
Fratrk-, h"hpr art
aM "!rer)t . mayn." .after tha Pa bride's--going-away sats is of
tho ovoid reindeer brorn duvetyne, trimmed I
lrMt Fmrty .aeljneirfm4l the •with Seal, and hat meal rPil to match.
'some of Rhe brldek father, w Pre Thome present at tle wwlding from
,"net' was me•rved. and Mr. and it dstanee'«were it • 1
Victory Loan tax free bonds at present
prices are absolutely in the bargain class
The Supply available i9 limited. Prompt a.•tion in urgeil for
thuse who Jemir„ to take aQvantaRe of the- prew•tit vppurtttuity.
"� ��'Due I Price and
interest yield
\ lan
tl21 ...C,.•••• It13
otIr�Qrs. a ....A (ares! 5 tp3
- ,•��s 11t1iAt•p'il
..�. .... >i7- ... .IOU
B 27
dpUve an, ,17etrr Bink tree of NI delivery or brokerage
General Inwrance HARRISON F "k' "�-
ped Mermeroeltlexds i P. O.,, 2I1 a
tv. on( -fres Finlay
Murphy afterwArdM heft for (iodPrlt MAtbesson, of st atforel ; Mr9. Dol bin, -
to take the Afternoon ii T R twin of Peterlaro; Rev, Hugh )lathe arse, of
int n trip to fit. aryw Mflit tTiPTr t!� Torontil M>: and 3frit )51
turn they will r sidP en the Lorne [_ }--E-VERY—YEAR
j —YEA a
farm on the• M Rraem's LPnlraa, of Windsor; Mlae Slarlmpi; ` j� r
h conePmmlon of Amh- MaelAvrian. of 4breunto,
field. Tlw bride received many hand. -- at the holiday meo,wm we are mnowal under"
reomP waidin --
R gift.. Among theree -tba rolome of work we are calhsl on 1n der for our Petrone.
iert Fit fit the rketroR were Mrs. At. CHURCH NOTl:3 This dame eondition 11414 cmr•urrd each yec,tr. Tt,iM year
fm•rt fifttt(r, of iA•troit, and Mr. And
blrM..1. A. ('hlAhrtlm, of (ioderieb, the A red Dromimew d/ tm no exce•ptivn.
being sleMrm of the bride. for the thank-offeringmeetingLUrofathel f LrnettJ,
t» Perles, won't yon (Sime In naw when we f give yon every at-
irilte-►tliaeLOttttas! _ Arthur Circle_ to be held in Knott church t(ntion And Rurrantcr that whatever we do for
on evening next. A full at- BdHates, Coflortlr I fncrory you TW be itis•
th the home of lir. keit}- ttgtrested and members ate
nett) F. lfacliengRn, i.rkke fitwrn road, asked to bring their mite -boxes. Do not think f The very naweat Styles of mounts Arid folders are now em d
dA1rAPld, on WednewdAy afternoon of of I ,
his week, at 3.1n o•rloek, t]e wPcictln Special Thank%Riving services were LUX as a cleartat r for
R held u North atrett Metlirdist church ' s f!�i ' �%,�th j� :) —
t(i3k pTiiee"pt their Hmon L. White last Sunday. Rev. J.lf. Johnston, NI.A., Only Seaf�lfte/, /� holo ! ( O "®� 1
ImalfPlle K„ to Dr. RAyrroM L. \'i'hlle n h f p
-- -- -� �•-••••a�a
of Chlesto. The decorations of the
horse aper in yellow And
"n arkh111,preachedat both ser-
vices. In the evening the choir rendered (
Chiffone, tricolettes,
white, And
the eerPsaony was performed under
a fine program of special Thanksgivin g i
Crepe -de -chines. The
Foot Comfort
archotPortiorx rimbM,cke,iwithmnple
bubbly LUX lather
h+avtw and antrrmn dewem The bride
At Victoria xtr•e•t Methodist church
neat Sunday,
means double life to
If you'll step In and give him the r
given away by fiPr brother, Mr
Lorne Maerennan, flet• father owing
the w•1•niro mnbjectm will
be: Morning, "I"nithtnlnoym terYen9
anything you can wash
t ,
He can tell just what the Cause f
trouble Is, and he knows the
M innPvs being unable to perform
this oidlce. Rev. J
1pn d." Evening, '•ReliRlon lAkenprl
to ;tour Dough."
--anything that pure
fi Hardie mini..
Nor of Ashfleld Tremhyterian ehnrch,
411WRY school at
.t p.m.
water will not harm.
I of
eAlceated, ataalStalt by Rev. tlesgh
At the Bs tieet church next Sundx
p y
Chiffon Of ]]nen, It'/
mprove Foot Appearance
r� bo and Rev. Finlay
Ite•v. J, i- Ford will pr"Sr% at teeth
the -
No larger
�la1leAon of Otratford, eonains of the
bride flim Violet MacLennan,
lserri("-lI a m. and 7 p.m. Bible
Action' at 1 11-Y
same —
sized or oddlyshaped
needed Wear the kind sh0a
tet of the bride, played Mendelmmohn'n
p -m., P.111. meeting at
R pm-
you like In perfect
comfort The Dr.
wf"I'll ig 1alareO• The bride Icoke•d
At Know ehureh nPvt Ilabheth div.
LUX free
Scholl Appliances actuall y
the grace and beauty of the feet
Oery lovely In Ont
mense Ratio with gown cher-
of while
Inc• worship morning
Rand inering will
eeeductPet by the mindekPr. The
booklet. "The
t -,e
.alit chantilly lace and trimming. of
nervine In the morning will Me adapferlCIO#��
"�° °�P T'"' bridal soft
e#tigllt qp filth exs ngr blererrorr,s
in ening the for the 4g,eA fo1kM rn the
PrPAhrg the mink«ter
on repypt•
Rhe mrrled a Ahow.r bouquet of
will preach a
ADecVI sermon to the young people.
4y Lever
r s w ''
Swertbeart r0elae• i.Itt1P Miss rrAnres (rate
Thompson", Sweet and dainty in
8flbiects of Mormons: 11 am, TAP
Unfalllag." 7 p m., •'liww".
drema of white organdy. wa* the flower
F~IinrP.•' fiabbsth school. adult and
Watch Your Feet"
girl, eue-rying ■ big iM.keet of whitPitM'r-a
r( Alble ClAn" At S oclork.
Lbakum.-ami$:., 1r.$`" :.1_".'eY.Yrinr.rtwtra�xram e.�.�.�mrAl.`•�. "A1.
and rot rnatfoSA Min. KR ranmt `
MacLennan, cousdr of the bride•, an t+iC
North RtPePt 114•tl"A" ttaRh.
Sunday. October 24 -1n a to , dwAaPM,
0 n.
ode of )its. Hick. 28th.
hvenae, oil CASCARETS`
nsresday, October 2•Yth. ThP ml*Mlon ®. ,7Vb//'I G
,dy course to be ibllow,.d thfa win•
r beltin* at this muting.
The Epworth 1,Pegue muting lm '"They Work While you SIi pilo,
thdrown for this week on aeeoYnt
the dd*t.riet eonrentlon at DOW
THR JoDmuce Almelo'/
'I'�w,atr.Otto., 21.
ant, Det bush......
/ TROD to • Y 741 t
•. per bn.h .rs ..............
wrw,�,aay .de to .ew
I.Y. perbn.A...•••••••« to 1.16 ,.
Irne, poo toltt, par .. .. ala• to 2 (rp ,
ur. fal l per bwie.•�,,,,,,, 1ly. Pere.00 to 1 As. j s
or. psNe,l. OD to 7.•h .. •..,•,,,.,,e.x:.iiek
r.. Ver toe. ... ..... h1.A* to 01.40
rte, Dar ton. •••.. .. ra 00 to AO.10
r. per ton . " 7o.uo to 7s.o Do you fMet all "un*trtrtt¢^t—bel
r.w.loo,e.pertgn......;...;. is..0to lioO sO°eyPahl.headaehy,full mid}
ry Rost Nor. per b.............. M, to .r4 ear'eta torsi ht foroLH
amort Ratter pw Ih.......... .sal to .7O will have R your liver and bowels
r -I rrweb, per ties .............. .411 to .n,0 7'so tuned up by tomorrow.
toer.,,er baeh.. .. Yon will wake alp with year head clear
ilei butnher.i .� le ,73
t, p1e, b.ocners ma'.Alium steer ewti. i»ttA 10i'� stomach No ht. breath eweMt, and ekij
Aen,11•w we1Rn4 per cwt... !OM to 1f.M LTtidTOa e�IPing'—no Ineenr�je�
Us ...................... a to . s -- Camara" fm in, n.
' losso.
.. KJ