HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-10-21, Page 71
Via®-• -'..
TMss.-=:::rcoos. w,....,:. - :;•u ..Y-,
Thursday, ilelob.v 21..1 -r
Always at your service
with the beat goods at most
reasonable prices iI
J. J. M
Smith Side Square Telephone 46
••••••41r• •
"Pape's Diapeps " makes
Disordered Sto chs
feel fine at once
of undigested food ea
When your stomach is
is play, sour orou have
flatulence,' headache or dyspepe
The death occurred at Elimv.11e on
October 7th of Edith Alberta Johns.,
youngest daughter of Mr, and Mrd'
Henry Johna. in her seventeenth year.
'iIie was dl only a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Miller', 'of ',Mow -
el, announce the regagewe•ut of their
only druelo•r, Elizabeth It. (Bethl, to
I'. tr. thistle, of Wroxeter, the wedding
1u take place early iu November.
Tho.uas Ellis las ,old his farm on the
3rd line of :flume 10 Joseph Charters. ot
Blyth. for $:.500, Mr. Ellis moves next
spring to tee Wm. McCracken farm, 9th
line, which he has bought.
N'm. Parker has sold his 100 acre farm
on the 14th concession of Grey. with
crop. implements, etc., to Arthur Hull,
lor the sum of $10,700. Mr. and Mrs.
Parker may make their home at, !Oliver -
A peculu:r accident happened to Ezra
Lamport. a tarmet near Lrediton, a few
day's ago. The ado on his farm had just
been hued and the workmen were taking
down the teed -pipes when the top section
became loosened and tell without warning.
striking Mr. Lamport on the shoulder
and making a deep cut. It was a narrow
escape from being kill.d outright.
- John Holmes, ot Turnberry. met with a
sertouaa.cident one evening recently
white Waking, in the bain. He was
knocked over bl' one ot Ikea cows
andd. in
the tail one ot eilahips fas
was immediately ken 10 the IV Ingham
hospital for treatattt. Mr. Holmes has
beet' very unfortuiitlaate, as he had not
fully recovered from having one of his
legs broken.
Samuel Castle. of Clinton: whose
death in his eighty-set•o1Nl year arur-
r'ed on the 7th Inst.. was a native of
Bedfordiihlre. England. hewing to dile
country and to ('Muton forty-five soot* i be IhteN' up his buds and caught ht 111
o. His wife died Ace years ago seal !rein just gig the boded ear casino ::I,.ue -- - -- -
fir a ,oris aMT (iiia daughter ,,p 1v -: very finger wag -rat -41m= rnt�rwnt .rte GalNl. I phoneme is Ie ,, t f+a the Ylfeft.
a• ellifh'-11"d-e'. ( 0 1141 '1 de, wii*_rneltra_i0 •'••• t-- - �eseilral w heir we,. pe
tZie-r@Yt fitafl with a
of Ontario, t'ailtornir: Alan". Fdlwrrl he is doing as'wrll 113 ran he exposuel. m,nicur set and a'tountain pen. .
and t , 0. of Clinton. and •Herbwn, of lciiq, ps+tt,tiuwl i TIN• fust says: Thursday of last
0ederlrh township.
At 'be home ot the bride's mother.
Mee. J. A. McNeil.- 12th concession of
cab on September 'Meth. her
John E. Holmes, son of Mr. and Mrs
Dudley Holmes, has been transferred
from the Ottawa to the New fork branch
of the Canadian Bank of Commerce.
The marriage of Miss Agnes Jean Van
Norman. daughter of A r. and Mrs.
V. R. Van Nol man, of Wingham,
to ;Arthur Hudson Sainsbury, of
Tordnto. took place quietly on
Saturday. October ells :it St. Paul's
Anglican church. Tu: onto. Mr. and Mrs.
Sainsbury wi Il reside at Toronto.
Some cases in which short -measure
wood was delivered by farmers to Wing -
ham people were b'fore the authorities
recently. The persons making the deliv-
eries made good the shortage and paid
Mrs. John Norman. who was v siting
her daughter. Mrs. Walter Tisdale. in
Saskatchewan. fur three months. has
returned home.
Davies & Woodley, electrical contrac
tors. of London. have opened up a shop
in the Morton block.
Dudley E. Holmes, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Dudley Holmes of town. has passed
his final examinations in law at Toronto. i
From Cherry- er
Blossom Land
rhe Japanese Give Good Example
It is a pros
verb d Cherry
Blossom Land
Omit beauty of
face and fig-
ure depend on
What is it
that nukes our
Carnahan wo-
rsen often pale.
•allow -faced.
with dark rir-
eIsa under the
eyes, and very
often old at
forty-five wbea
they should be
iu their prune/
Women suf-
fer in girlhood
from backache
spine -ache and
tadaches, fol-
lowed by irreg-
ularities and as
Robert Tennant. for many )eyes a stllru1t diseases of the womanly organs are
resident of \Vingham. died IKeotly at 11.010 common than any one but a phy-
Linesville, Pa., after a long Ilinear. j ttsian in active practice o"+id suppose.
Mr..Brackenbury. of Port Colborne.
has teen appointed principal of specialist ONTARIO WOMEN TESTIFY
Wingham High School. He is a spec Chatham. �t__..� 1'iaros's med4
in science. I
The war veterans of Wingham have $nee have been used in my family at bot.
(especially by my father and mother) ever
discontinued their connection with the Inas !can remember. "They duet's proved
G. W V. A. and their organization will
now be known as the Wingham Weterans' 1 ne t became aloverworkhrougb l rundown in health.
afro Watson, of Mltcheit. who w•a- wad on the verge of a Oemplete<orrvous
here vfsiting her daughter, Mr-. Mit- breakdown. I went on ailing for about
chill, died Thursday night at the ago two years. during which tiwe I suffered
of Writ*. year+Writ*. I took Dr. Pierre's Favorite
J. Bloor. of KMelt reline. stiffer...1 a Prescription and it soon built me up in good
painful accident a1 the new dam last health and cured me of the nervous condi-
Thursday niorning when lie I.,st his non. 1 consider it an eiodlent medicine
he la ace and fell from ,the t nc w.y a?' for the ailments of women" -1[139. CHAS.
mewl to carry material.' 111 hi. fall rms. Jr..as di.
The iVingliatn fall
from October bit owing
er, wail held on Thank.
These was a good attends
wet wrath- • wow,
wing Day.
the gate
at (.orertment Instieetor drops I
town and had 'Irnlsrrtait busi-
es with M. 1"olIlek. •It "reams the
rensiests befog $.Oss Meter hail tiytle ted tb Secure a p�'rttdt
daughter. Edna efar)orie, was united m i 4• plea Yam Oxer f am $fie' 1>ett
marriage to William Dur! Hopper, son of j / per. us the law 41'1011141". MINI for
tor, ard'edre John Hopper, of Morns.+DRAWING ON YOUR this br•seli of the Art furs rained et
the ceremony was performed by Rev. $4t>5.(Ni were etitiltrwtwt stridor -ass•
A. M. Boole, of Belerat•e. assisted by RESERVE STRENGTH. It.9o.(N) was lititi,sed. third Ilia's when
ev. G. E. Miller;of Jackson, m Ile n o
other -in-law of the bride. Mr. and rirdthont expense on apfelleetioa and
Hopper will reside at Seatorth. Me rttenee was made to silo;' any -
character. tad cuowlttetl the offence
through Igeehlser rather that' through
the desire to t o wrng. He wanted him,
however. to take a Iea.uu Erma Itis ex-
perience. Rowe wall arr.-mod on Wel-
w•wley un the strut herr try Deteetlte
.tim•of the Navy Iragoe in Trafalgar
Week Campaign.
One hundred dollars per month kw a
widow with four children. or $20 per
montn for each mer..ber of the lanuly, is
the Aim of the Navy League of Canada
in pensioning the widows and orphans of
Canadian nerca'1lile Faiktr who lost
their lives on. active service dining the
•w..r. The League during "Trafalgar"
Sailors' Week, October 14th to 23rd,
proposes to raise $71$0.000 lor the work in
general, of which $144.000 will he used as
an endowment lot pensions. 1 he income
Iron this endownieot along with funds
already to hand wail be suthcient to meet
the national situation.
The Navy League of Canada in arpta.-
ing to the public for lunds feels that no
widow should go hungry or any child go
through hie without a proper education
because the Lither paid the supreme
sacriticein actor service. Many 01 the
men on the merchant strips carried God,
munitlous, troops and general supplies,
were torpedoed at sea and went down as
British stamen always heve'done, stand-
ing aside, ' women and children first."
1'he plan as decided upon by the execu-
tive is to grant a pension to each widow
and family according to requirements, lnd
carry on the relict werk already com-
menced upon a larger and permanent'
scale. Each chili who lost his or her daddy
during the wet will be granted a pennon
adequate to cover nice -nary expenses for 1 I�
a good education, and therefore the
country at large. through the medium of
the Navy League of Canada. will be
fathering all these children, giving them 1
home, education, until they are able to -
support themselves, and a proper start in = .
Through this endowment the mother
will be able to 'email; at
of her children, and make a Home what it
ought to be. The League considers that
every woman with children shpuld be in
the home, eut1icieutly suppoled 'with
finances. so- thac_abe can bring ter chil-
dren up properly, ..nd not be forced to
leave them ;tone all day- - to- play-va-the-'--. -
atreetuwhile she works taking the place:
of both father and mother.- '
Let us help you with the problern by showings
you our large stock of wearables for boys of all
ages. We have been selling clothes for a good
many years and know something about what a
lively growing boy needs.
Everything for Men's and Boys' Wear
(except boots and shoes)
Semi -Ready Tailors and Gent's Furnishers
r speedy relief -no waiting. [ J k Mlchugan M rt it could have been secured -- --
ire a tablet or two of Pape's
Diapspsi■ and instaaUy your stem(ek
feels fine. All the indigestion paink,
gases, aridity sad misery in the 'tome& •age Meeirtnry, an old anon highly. This Is What-. Thousands .of belt';. Surely the law ware 'never lie
• sauced by acidity *ads. vwteeined resident of TackeFsmttl4 i rendes! to lw as exacting with emelt
Th tablets east little at curd -away on Friday list after a People ThrOUghOUt the - i d4wte .. who mold not affect the 'nnxr-
Pape s apepam Dr
Mar -
sae drug store but there u no .ter tri attained
illness. Thr deceased Iced, Country Are Doing.
ewer wtooaak aataald katrwa. � rtaluwl the age of "ryrutv•s•yofi yr•arN
let If tht•,t tried.
i Enlist' 1/1 Llrodan Advertiser 111141 the
and two months. He war burn la Thousands oflanadianhousewives are following: •hittie•I,I Itowe of ltrn.w•Is
-- - -_ - - - I Tncleersplith. but spent tie tsno.t of hi" working from day today on their nerve. wart allowed- em orepemhld a nu ts'e
i life 1n tit eta where- be was once of They are daily drawing more and more when lit• .era" 'llarg1y1 with nhhciuiug
�t►r t.tomterseeders_ to the• MUOIIr J* +on their reserve strength. knowing full ,money pruner fa pretence+ on Thurs-
dlstrlct. About eight yearns ago he weial that they are uEing tip that este! • Any. w Iw-,i 11 is t xpt.tined in- .
tired to live with Isis "n. George Mt'- force which otten means life pr death in , that-rrstitntion_ho. been mase to the
('artney. in Tueker"mith..--- His mfr the crisis tt disease. They are the victims plaintiff' before; the trowel had been
-prederas-d him a Dumber, of years,..of a teeing of hopeless exhaustion alter i internee' that a elm t ail IM'•te laid
ago KEAFORTH the performance 01 even the small tasks i against Trim. Howe. I*,,•
.iced of
1 which were once the simplest and easiest ( tiering obtained 425 fro a Local girl
- part sot the day's work. They find tJla-o, oteetest_ose,e_oeieeseooseeots000esHe
Miss Florence Neely. only daughter of • appetite failing, sleep is disturbed and plralb'1 guilty bet noted fete n1n op.
sufficient potatoes i'Mrs. S Neely, died on the Nth Inst., in trier
thirtysecond-year after a lingering i!1.1always feel tired and depressed. In this l unrefreshing : they leee weight, and portnnity to explain. He ndh1 111P
court that lie had denten a ever belong -
a`s'f d',+h, add few nese Besides her mother. two brothers: condition a blood -building toric is needed.. lag eR_a--;eleven.-and had demoted 1t.
iced. Put ir.'o I survive : John, of London. and Charles. , to restore health and activity. and for' The frl-tdl told him hr tined mot leave
tickle to a boil, at home. Her oldest brother, Arthur. 1 this purpose Dr. Vs 'theme Pitot Pills the town rued he repaired .it. To sr -
Aaotbig Use Discovered For Thu
Ono Ember,
Hera a recipe calling for no
meat than the concentrated
beef-gooc!-tes to -be found in the
familiar Otto -
Peet and ata
toil. It tiir i r
small onions, aloe
cold water, bring
boil one minute, then 4a
Pett haek In pie dis
slice{ of tomato, season
and snit and flavour wit1�
Pi+solve on Oxo cube in
hot milk and pour over mi tore.
Put few bits of butter on top . nd
bake for two hours in moder
oven. It's delicious.
All__ dealers sell OXo In time of
four, ten, and fifty ca �O.- -'
1t has been said that The Youth'"
Companion has had role readers per
copy than any tether pub $cation In
America. There is good reason to believe
this to be true. tiut the important thing
is that the influence orf the paper upon its
millions of read- rs hes always been
directed to building character. "hast.
Wim. hoax's best," has been its unut-
ieade articles. editorial and
otherwise. it,hasdwelt upon the import-
ance.of good citizenship. In all its -con-
tents n has aimed to gfVe not only enter-
tainment, but "stepping things•"
-A-year of_ The Yoluth's
brings a tremendous tide of elf tghT(iT
and diversified leading that caonot be
Gond elsewhere.
The nifty -two issues of 1921 will be
crowded with serial stories, s Nrtr si611.4
editorials. poetry, facts and fun. tub -
cure the money lie approached 1111. girl scribe now and receive :
and asked hag for thiamin-ot $-':i. To 1. The Youth's. Companion -fifty-two
sin, 1 was killed in France in 1916.
A serious fire occurred at the pant of ha e p og
the Bell Engine WorTcs o`n Monday even- toll recovery slow• but the treatment
it a of last week, the large moulding shop should be persisted in and renewed health
being badly gutted. When discovered and activity will be the result. Ina "tack tt•hieh he defiled to hale
about $o'clock the Nate had gained such'. The case of Mrs. W. Scheo;ey. R. R. hold in a last h lis' e 4)n the staml,
headway that little could be d, ne to save No. 2. 11lsonburg, Ont. . well illustrates lir uiltuittwl that the ardor. was 'toad.
the buiidina. The Exp,snnr says that the value of [,r. Williams' Pink Pills inHe (11(1 not at the time realize he woes
guilty of a *redone rareness end was bid
this fire amply demonstrated. for the cases of health breakdown, through weak,
second time blood. Mrs.Schooley says • "For
w water supply system. } eclihine. untii at last Y could not du
with Sot
h pepper+
lint of
Child's Best Laxative
are unsurpassed. Often the trouble will
c r ressed to a point which makes
help her make tide her mind. lw showeil
her an alleged order for $*.INN) in mile
issues in 19'21.
2. All the remaining issues of 1920.
3. The Companion Home Calendar
for 1921.
All the a' ove for $2.50.
4. McCall's Magazine for 1921. The
monthly authority on fashions, $1.50
Bothpublications. only $3.50.
Commonweirtl�i Avenue and St. raid"
this season, that Seaforth s watery or oo Y xN;lrP of It until he was arrested tw
most pressing nls_._isa upwards of five years 1 felt my strength
lk'XETER. 1 light chores around the place. Then a
doctor was called in, and after doctoring
about a month he said that only an oper-
unicipal�ax rate for Exeter this
1 year a Imes.1 ation would he.p me. i did not feel like
The d h of Mrs. Johns, widow of the I going through this. ani decided that in
late David ohne, occurred on Tuesday I any event 1 would wait a while. 1 had
mnrnirg of 1 week n?fter an illness of I no appetite, omen had headaches accom-
onth She was seventy-three ppnied by dizzy spells :, several times I
years of age an. ea _my'
and one son. - late husband was fur swell. and I could not even sweep ataiAber
malty years tem er.01-•:serer without ren times. mes Again :
The new cement r d to the G. T. R.
doctor erab calm In and he said the-
trouble was general . debiii y and nervous
breakdowns The treatment, however.
station was opened for flit last week.
ave been fined' did not help me. and then one evening as
speed limit. f my. husband Was reading the paper, he
ace -414 i time across - a esa t*- manYlespeci s siOt-
me j ilar to mine. cured through the use of
Dr. Williams' Pink P:Iis: next -day
ce• he got me a suprly of the pills, and to
i-eitcontinied-'faithlul use for several
months I owe my present splendid health.
f may sk that soon after beginning the
.haspills1 felta .•• o•.
ent in mycondition. my appetite
ved, 1 gan to feel rested aftera
nig. 's sleep and I gained ineketght. MY
it were continuant, txpressfng aW-
prise at y improved "condition, as it was
generally lieved 1 had become a chronic
Invalid. I ways take a delight in telling
them that r. Williams' Pick Pill* are
A number of motorists
here late') for exceeding t
One day bast wait two die
before Magistrate Sanders an
S. and costs. will a warning th
would be doubled on a second ode
E Cousin$$, who has moved to Luckn•
ou>-Galt has gone into partnership wit
G. Drinkwalteritt the plumbing and
smithing business. Mr. Cousins is a'
plrmber by trede. - -
Sam. McLean, formerly 1 resident of
. Lucknow• but of late years to the Cana-
dian West, called nn old ('tends here last
jk't•oCtdy Vleklt' As the ruetaN•y meal
Men returned ts. the' phrlbtlR two
weeks ago. which was nfter the rMn-
plaint had been laid. the primmer was
let Met on rentiendeel se'nten r. The
magistrate explained that he believed:
the boy. who win evidently of gond
Why Live with Cracked Walls and Ceilings
When They're Easily Covered Up
Beaver Board will cover them up for all time and you'll never have Aa
job to do again. While Beaver Board is doing away with the
of falling plaster it is covering up old dingy wall paper on walled=
ceilings and giving you an ideal surface for painting and decorating,
Many to old homestead has been revived fibres of the spruce tree. Each prem b
wide knotle.., crackles. manufactured treated with the patented &owe,
lumber. Room atter room has been made r- which prevent. wsrpiag. a 11 yea -;
at • time if you please -with- to build or re -build, restos* •
veto or litter. • II- ,t silk u. how you will prude
vee Board b red lumber. It is bu0t
ap Into large panels from the strong. pure w:ug Braver Board
iTheGoderich Planing Mills, Ltd.
eIP. 0. Box 18 Goderir.h. Ontario Phone 47
1 Street, Boston, Mass. I -
'New subscriptions rttcivet' at 'this able dente) eliuM to provide adr:fir.
li " stn) •iris
tnand neon's equal to thin• e•njoy-
a 1, to Inti 1 ulnad xn M,y ei
ell by peddle in our • urban w•h(oli.
WALTER STILL 1.1R I where r neasidenlhti' tinrys,rtlon of
TO / iE118HtN/i. titre.Iw•wtdlts'1 arc -of foreign origin.
T. White, It.A . It. feed..
pruttNltln¢ lige+flier +cud hrenr it o dir-
ket IM'netlt on iia• aMernro,u 1. or
the pupils WW1 els-arty Oen. ese.t 'rhe.
work las apparently met ,irh i"e•,t
marked slnNeiN Wl14'I•e4e1' 10e41
A inte•ir.tiltg program of 11 oars- altFfNa
eat and literary. nature Nai 'loc.-nisei
Accept --FTaliforatp" flnin Of Elite Meek. His health has not been good of
snit' -look for the name ('alifdrnia nn late and he has been travelling' a good
as the pselniEF thin Pin --ire vim" eat tn'the hope of benefiting it. ' rerponsihle fo . my present goad health,
child is hiving tine Lest and rndrI. Miss Libbie Lyons has returned from a and as they have. been a real blessing to
lt eve---_ltarmlesa p13rik'_t0<tlm tittle *tee//'' three nonth3'vi,ittathe Wesfi taking ia.me I shall also continue to praise
liver and towels. Children lore Its Winnipeg. Colliery and Edmonton. them." \
fruity- taste. Full dlrectlotis on teacIr if you are suflerinq rnm any condition
You mast twee llftnrnf1 0 --
e',•�_ bottle.
m -
"Spell your name '" said the court
cletk sharply.
r The witress began: "O. double T, i,
double U. E. double L. double-"
"Wait !" ordered the clerk, "begin
The wetness replied : "0, double T, I,
double U. E, double L. double U, double
"Your honor,' roared the clerk. "I beg
that this eon be committed for contempt
of court ' �^ asked the
"What is your name
My name, your honor, is Ottiwell
Word, and I apetl it 0, double T. 1,
double U, E, double L, double U, double
O. D.'
A Useful Hen.
Therice, son of
Dill• edding took place in St Paulo's
of Irlrna De Matic William, eldest begin taking Dr. Willi s' Pink PAW
of Mr. and Mn. R.S. Williams. now. and note how youri oitrength and health will improve. You tan ret these THERE is no time in wom-
jr., to Charles ArmstrrtagLany dealer in medicine or by : an's life that she cannot
Atigiican church. To. iRi 1Z615et Se oh nckrtnw Rev I through
w doe to pens watery or weak nerves,
• L
and Ade
n'fetitw in a IRO'el Hecht'. ' tried by the imbibe w-I',Md tenet •r in
O. 1'n•ss:flu d. alter ,R. •'rile Teaching of illelory" and "Trios. iNt
Ketlt, of iLi:7-ilttdn•n>r t }: cry A 1 nit • t .�Sr-
In ,en,
p rorw, if there 1' toil thing Tie. uulydlnetlon o1 hnnvli let talents, don't get discouraged -gel mad
he dik1,s better than hit gun ft iv h, s len.' ami the 'loot 1urN•h" in rural n angry man accomplishei something i.
nsld v. nr1, for which he fMlid 1,11*' w bosili was a five topic. Iii rid lin discouraged ore never ilexes
five years ago. It is r beautiful 11101.1,
-i oT inrehntrtsm loin It-• hUm its it meet
,allateuirig.litie_was as BUNie to his
tat rs.
,tame three dAys alto he uarrfel 11 , GRAY-DORT and STUDEBAKER
with, Nina to a hinting ground some
miles away. where ice intended 44i Hsh 1
and shoot and have a general
for t . w MOTOR CARS
shooting, ea he tle•Idet to mane haek , ,,'.W 'tirs!t
rind nrrlvt'l tri -the city last night. Ste-
le -might lits reel hack with him.
!Through spine 111Isa•Ir`tit IIre the
1•oveted Hiking tackle W11s left on Ms
Mick verandah. When he went to hook
for 11 this morning It was gone. So.'
• had stolen, it during the night.
Ifthe fellow war, torwiIF-iwo Columbia Dry Cells -111 -give trim . the pile,d Inc ' snperintearYi•tlureamy, __-_. r „
t .ld�z""5d
Dr. and M penc
Mrs. mail, post paid, at 50 cents a
Archdeacon Cody officiated. The young boxes for *2.50 from the Dr.
couple will live at Toronto, where Mr.
Spence r studying medicine At the U Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont.
versify of Toronto. Dr, and Mrs. '
and daushter,. Mildred and Frances, at-
tended the wedding. •
The marriage is announced of Dr.
Ruch MacCrnstie, fit Wetaskiwin. Alberta:
son of Mrs. H. Ma1CraMer of Lueknow.
and Eva Irene. daugtrterirf-Mr. Ind
W.11. 13e!l. of Edmonton, Alberta, the
ceremony having been performed by Rev.
Dr. McQueen at the home of the bride's
parents. Dr. MacCrostie is a graduate
of the Toronto Dental College and is
practising:at Wetaskiwin.
The Hydro people expect to deliver
current in Lucknow early in December.
An old hen was pecking at some stray The death of airs. Thomas Smith. sr.,
Now, what occurred nn Octnher 11th at the home of widow of the late William Kellv, pasted
carpet -tacks in the yard.
do you sac prise that hen is eating thixer her son. Sam., on the boundary were of I away on (k•tnher 10th at her home Siete.
tacks for!' said Henry 7 ' Perhaps.' 1 ucknow. The deceased was eighty-six She and her husband, who died in 11489.
rejoined his little sister. "she's going to were for manyyears residents of the
lay a caret." oars d age and was rine of the pioneers
P of the di9ttict. Her hurt and died several township of Mnrris. Several sons and
ye•+rs ago and she is survived by thee•• i daughters survive.
The jellnw who isn't fired with enthus-f sons and two daughters. Thomas Smith. ,Mus Mar. aret McCall, who has re-
iasm is apt to be fired. I of town, is one of the sons. I signed her position in the central tele-
rl ,
Prest-O=Lite Storage Batteries and
Hem Knew. _.
TeasilsereeEitivIns w La.L_ix this Ti0
time for packing 141,1'le•''
Edwin-Wheh thefarmer ain't
In'. '
x or sex benefit by the use of Dr. ""'a
Chase's Nerve Food in order EAST HERON TEACHERS. ,
Practical Topies Insensate! at Anneal
t1'int;hatn. I)ttoll r_ 1 'Mie I.•ast
Ittlro1 teachtri' eontrill inn eTii"--1N•f$
M IVittghsm yeeterelay soul today. A
OMNI program wee premiered and topes
.rf itt.t.441lale tilrart and n -
tical applIca tle,n to. ehe•nt'mull PIN,-
VT., 01 erg, M1
ill•wn.l. ..
Prof. W. .1. Pmtter'oeil, of the Wee.-
ern- University..rhoW'il, trim menthol's'4• pe
'that 11reentaite of throw' who took
',demotion'''. of higher estue•atkin wee
myrrh targe,- *herr the feetilderi for
'irh were wtthtn rrw*mriMe .reach.
enol 1etwe Pewee the duty of the ren-
vltem to pr�oritle niivereltir• for yhP.
Dr. Root In hie a idree*. "Potent In-
siWrtinp aril l'rcve•r:tite Dhstastry,'
.04 that hewlth la the fnrern lkr of
progress' is*J rak•lenoy In the child. and
that. thermal' nm' enmity eonncll*,
f lrovi.iQri shyuld be Made fee a MR'
to keep up the supply of pure,
_tor McQuarrie,a wati.fmowwavam• dent rich blood and to ensure a
of his brother -in -la
of assets, died on the 11th ins. at theIt)thful condition of the
w R. Anderson,
fifyrdtrth year. His wife died tlSTtrr 1s system.g
about our molehe ago. A son anddaugHeade neut-elgta, sl*eplls*-
Mts. J. Cs.
Prolhve . of of Toronto.Bruslei and aa'.
hers. J. C: Pndham, of + rias, ne a spells. irrltaDlllty,
Rev. Mr. Mets, who has been in charge tired, worn- t feelings, soon /limp -
n( the Brussels Anglican parish for the. pear when the vigor and energy of
last five monthe has been appointed to the nerves are restored by the us*
the parish of St. David, in East London, of this great food cure.
and will remove in a few weeks.
11 rents a box, a t'., 52.75, all dealers, or
In her eighty-fourth year Mrs. Kelly, N.saism, Rates a co., Ltd., Tomato.
a'! p".;itt�tta
DLL: h :
hi •
PI VP food •
d '
9 Y°*.laf
Cane and- set these. .
All Tires on sale ata; big reduction in price:. k
Oils and Greases at all kinds.
Specialprices on Oils lgt.t in 17ive Rnilan„nts 1t
One Chevrolet Car for sale cheap-
Tbie Car is in good running order.