HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-10-21, Page 5...,.•ter I j Ki, \ Jig 'r vvllA,. .. m ""Car..'.umx:.wr::',vrear.<..,W,u,-.,-,+w .. _......._._,..was:• GODZRIaK O NT. Tburaday, Or•tletier 21, 199f)• -•d H. D. Moyer. The pallbearan were for quiet reverence; deepr, eeotion and James Yater, J. W. Vanatter, A. M. silent worship, ., Robert and W. C, Priellwut. in case . the -Supremeet Nerillni' • • There) • l Two Well-Koawa R.eweal. Dsla�. Baptist Church rn•marla, ecctld not lee ser•unsl r .seep L R Steel Co., L ini t e Y 's Malty a Sjlp w The long llloaas of Mr. H. J. 1). loud choice was volcvl, thin to tae a Cooke terminatetj in his death short- � $ figure of a 1'enadian soldier utt�nling Twixt the ly before noon on Thurpday of this - _� erect 1u full Prlof offiv 5e to $ 1.00 Store ¢ week. The funeral service taken ' fi, '!'he rlcvtlou of ollkrrs rwrulted as M.a nap and ` place at let. Owcorife's church on Satur- � It. SUNDAY «^': a fellows: y;,., em ti day afternoon. As a member of tine President .1. C'uthhertscrn. 'i �+ law firm of l'roud(uol, 'Killoran A lilt vi e-prrnideut -J. It. MaclHny. • 1 the Finished Picture t'Wke the devvitsed was well known October 24th :'111 cite-pre,ibl• 4.0-4). jam".. ` r„ in the county. He leaves i widow and tiesve•taUy'frewvtvrer--U. U. Me\Nl- S Cal Bargains1"Rut.l' a11 ( three daughters, lieu laptiointedl. + Anotheer old replete., of Goiderleb has Executive committee - I't. Jouea The real fun Ili picture making lies !n tale- t passed away in the person of Mr. Itatelafo. J. louuthhu. F:. InitrlMrd. a$ ing the picture. ` IGeorge Illtaret, whose death otrterred Auditors --A. F. »forty, FOR WEEK COMMENCING Rev. J E• Ford today (Thursday) after a long ill- Harker.Marker. " �I nese. The funeral will take place • • A vote of thanks to tip- rAiring %Developing and printing are likely to be Saturday, Crum the twrhk•lrce of hhn son, ter- officers t, ed J. Hurray, sad hip. oroOetor 23 looked upon es irl�aonle, disagreeable teaks, (!. t.. thla,+et, Haran vvaad, on ll.tnr- oIIMwra Paled a noewthnR Cult of .igor' day afternoon. at '2.3111 o•elock, to WILL PREACH anal Interest.fFor this reason, a hlrgo Istttiiaf e1 tis Maitland cemetery. Caring for the (•htldren anWow pliesetegraphofa is this community t, TlladcsLiii'Ing fir. The monthly meeliuR of flip ('fill- , print fists ��- The ladies of Vieforta-'street Meth- • f Ire,,** Aid Soviet n g wait ,n 'rues - M :. l -lint church scared ,another success 11 'O day last, with a smaller atter onve • y e with their supper on \the evening of y than the Interest arsl importance of the' Ladies Bloomers, pink and white, 69e V4"�a[e thoroughly equipped for fie work i I Thankngfring flay. An excellent pup work dcmpnvtl. The nasal aerouuts and an guaratktee good pictures it the films , tier was served to a large gathering. for mainteaace, agent'n e•xIa•,asee, hies' Monarch Wool, all colors 1-0�. baU Jac area right. we give prompt service. I and afterwards, In. the auditorium of Ev • o' were ordered laid, and the lla Irfy is v the church, an Interesting program ening, Loping by careful fina wing to finimh up l " Don't 1echszcea. Bring your films to us. was given. Thaw taking part were the filial year which end" with this, Z-O7L ball 59e liev. R. C. McDermbd and Rev. S. S. month, withont having to make au ov- Hardy, who Rate appropriate, ad- erdraft In the lank, a• anthoriz d at im Irlrs*-%: Duns Wirrriener,.Mim Harris, a previon. meeting. 'nil- list of con- Salted Peanuts, lb. • 35c I ,Mr. Allow ]Iclkriald and Dir. Wm. tributlonn and mubmrriptions is given CAMPBLL 'S DRUG STORE .wafdrlyd, dolniata: Ilse Edon Rivers BIKE SCHO01. 3 P. M, herewith' ani it lie hoped theme will be, Chocolates, assorted flavors, lb. 49C and Mesa Jewell, who gave readings. an Inentive to others to follow the " TH PENSLAR STORE" 11, There were also a ladles' quint~. example of thew frlentdoe. in the f Electric light Bulbs 50 watt39c eud choruses by the choir. The pastor, Imsin•sm which calls for attention since pea+ d.T.P.U. 'MEETING a P. M. T•Itt*ha■et� Nein i Se•tebStrtin 2i�a The Square Iter. J. F. Reyenrt, acted as chair- last meeting there have arisen a nWtne-' man. The proceeds of the evening tier of perplexing pnrblewsw know -Brooms, 4 -string 55c were $175. ledelp of whiee would surprise those Still Playing Basehall. not familiar with else work. Hume I Men's wool Socks grey an d khaki 39c 'a — — -- --- --- - Darin the fine weather of the of these of course will be fairly easy f (; During past ALS SEATS FRI:); of wotyfnaR, while others will require, r M d b ' L th Gi s few weeks the baseball Vera have ,tad P y it may in-, yearn of I tlk•nt and { en an 111I ea er (�,oVeS Q,, hard work to kap quiet and wait until workthoulout the blot if they are to I and Mitts - w --- 4T�tO 9(7V next spring .for the baseball aeron to c•. � work out in the best intrrestrt 4f_Ih4 r _ T, agatnt: Finding they could stand YQv G INUIT w•een6i i•cncvrnd. Anyone- profersftattl T, grain no longer, they arranged with to fat interested In insist me•rvice and Table Oil Cloth I I-4 yds. wide all the Clinton tan for a game at that town floe betterment of rhlld life should visit r on the afternoon of Thanksgiving Day: a few of these mertinipe next burn Manager Hays had some trouble getting 'something of the eoiclitloas that arias colors - - 59c teamtoaether. but with the assistance of e # era k a wenrMby aim tante colts" final) succeeded. The and three docks. ly two coiirpet- "parents i y )ton succeeded in making a bull'.- county as' Huron. The anneal meet- gatr►e proved to be a very goad one under I of ,the lea let I Williams' Shaving Soap mug bar 5c the ctpe of 8 to 4. Clinton winning by kers he f Johnston making his tabil p�i; year at Clinton at a will to j ' d the scotch of R to 4. Batteries :Clinton- � ng heed this P the Cooper brothers : Goderict--Murney the first •» of the day. Considering la• antamnred early in NovembWr, and i --- �- _-$ and Foley. Manager Hays says that, the lack of �nrrhudty for practising au effort will In- node to have- reproj - -- IF weather Permittir.g. the return game will t•crrntly, t shooting, on the mpnfativer from as many or the snr. Speei d 1 Bargains at our Grocery be played at A rotualit muulci eel y Agricultural Park on Chriit- elute, war '• vert commendable, off pelitles us poxslblP �' attend slid take rt in the pro. mss Day. Keep the date open. In the slatj}un ' context tiers W P Counter first floor up i" men Pnce"died in. starring the r- :1'eslhegs It Is holssl that a rlleyta- ..+mem Yew Realieots t�► tion lir xf lest a dose. will attend The itntmwis Post of this week says: get aloe tlml!s - , IJeo. Symonlp , After a reelidenrr In Bnnsxel■ for Mr. T. R. Elliott, and Mr. (;po from q-Ierich, and anyone eoutem- the pest twenty-eight years S. V. Wil- Sllllb. The Cos mittee\are well pleas- plating sr doing eau h•strt larth.tars I e l ted with ,the results of the.event, the room tier vounty agent. Mr. Elliott, son and family removed to Goderlch a rile olfi,r tee the• court 1„'nes<, Wateh this week, whets hr, has nyfinal interest slain•., the nd s ort r allk i The Le R STEEL C P the local tiala•ra for nary doliulte an- the kw Bream and ronfeertionrr bnsi- by atl, contestant and for alike,y and financially the lahoue`Ja•ing on ,sou vnn•nt• • •' sit of H. Edward-. JIM. r1'ilwrn was .'rhe follow•intt conf ri hat ions wen, re- I\GathwW. ertn•nthip in lite monument Inst= the right aide. The ■)ser kh w coot o- last m.ak thank- all the tom ton w trek h+lf = ilea of _LIMITED-—_- _ willglan $.-A): \hiss Ilia { II, $1: A. _ nwith ttw late .free Hnntrr and ----- -. -- - - - --- acut engaged in -the' and D '. rifles aur! guns and Mir kiially lent t I .. ,.0 rj l 1Rocery T. (eaop•r, tinfoils, $ i.(MY; t.. R. F.Illott, sets L{/arRfs• TO[ IW them to other competitors aril thus t 5e to $ 1 a 00 Store _ T. R. Randle tit appolntr•rl signalling t•c nm Iftw. For •the past eight I anurn•. A aeries. $lu; Its. t T. F:no- • ofttrer and Capt. S. F. McKrgaey, M.C., ys 1 wait also clerk of flip 4th contributed to more ways than one to make the event a saeem. mer,uu. $a: . rs A. Porter. $1 ter Inty claplaln lit the Huron HWgimeot. The I.ion 'rnert. Ruth Der. sill Urs. treats for chile n; Mrs. D. Millar, 2;latter rel) ulabPx his . intment In pn, 10 arttve wtrrkers in trap The committee feel they have ever, ; GODERICH ON ARIO nq Pio rs. 1-alle blur lace. $:►; Mrs. 1faW-'--�!� ,13owtiag on '1tia(duglYlag"i)aY• I PhytPria church, tlw ismer be �p°nt la xcise tier eae•xt eels the owe'enn Ritles, BranKord�! Ing dew, 4 lairs chile en's st,a•k1axs: F:ne- Twelve local rinks took part in thei aller for t )Marx. .Jlrs. Wilwnl Inrrtl°ivy to put qn a atmllar contest.IaaUowe'eo Uaete. Vloyees of i. R. Ntey1 ('o., as nice rales bowling tournament in doubles at netts, presldeat the Willing Workers g.WX.A• Plates• fie Tlaauk icing: let C.eo. 1 rawfoM, 1:IaMorrre rrr rations are 1pinR sR-4'icton suest green on TbankagivinilDv.:-l{•c ,. teaeimpr- of t wutuF iNalicw'-_ t'm8de for [1141 -spook- deign- to toe 11tg1T else 1;.R:z : c Ta=Trf flsa �vTtrtat m+w r fintiett, toaK pOYatoPe't Mr. Ruin it Dr. Hunter and Fred Toole took the hist in the Masonic Hall on the evening of m In the feu y wt hoot. +TheyIng and election' of oficers un Frllay, bag potatrms and other vegetables; AlpnaearedArthur TaiIand Rev. R.C. Friday. /h•totber 2fNh, under the ate-ewith them th la•sf wishesofaOctober Frirnl, dam' doz. et s: .Ia 1>ti• t►iakson„ Mce:med the sec,t,d. l s dn1P bt old f ods who hi fits RUbbCiB RUbbCIS raRUb I'S ftubberSC pic'ert of the Ahmeek Chapter. Boar•rg The natter of the,site and form of five lags potatoaes. varmis, pre+iosetc.I "rod r!ae ao to Roped people mcoldlers' mrmgrial wills diaeumosd ani Otters who contributed f it, vege., MWt�t! novel ilallowt t. fyture• art Ireitgi►ldoitr milttla'rkatlRfaCi�lh haTP :,alrrlrb aq a trin a rthy of thPjr Introduced. and the event promises tom. tot'uproa Flest, am to rite, 1t was table•r,, seer., erre Jir. Gordo ramh, rRubbers Prepare for the wet season Rubbers Igen gazetted are the following: (':cit. toe one of unusual interest.n.uuimoumly voted that the I..W.V.S. Mrs. .�udr•w. It. .t. f.n•rr. rs. 1'. Jilas rli•ari'. Realgoatbn ewell datherlsig. place ttrelf on record ar favoring the ('net, Miss R'h1feJY, Mex T. reg Mr.by purchasing your rubberne evening last week the IrloyprsintersceMn r ce of EI fu aceuuc. \Cestan. Airs. .In.\ Kalk, lotNr•+ elk- I Rubbers 00(13 nOW. RubbeTl3The Collr•ttlate Iustftute tooarl ataR Pea' g fees Ial meeting this week roe WRwI' of the L. R. Steel Co. -store held a , Waterloo and Montreal strowts for the• , eld, Mr. -J. W. Mfulon, MAIL Yo , g -- - -•- + 1`x1+.1 gathering at the hotue i Atlas soldiers' memorial site, this s ce to tliss -Lean. Hurnu\rnad, ler DECORATING :and aeveptel with rettneta'n•P the res-_' � P. I. ;_natiou of A11ss Clifford, who Is letter- Ratiedge, Pattaerdt°m'<tstflvet, in tar lw named either Dienurrial :•tquefP or j Mrttilen, Ifltlit•It ; la+sii •s other Trtead, ubbers -�. Rubbers 05 of Mr. Maltby, late .reneger of lee Soldipis' Ict.are. 1. this connw•ffon f whine aurae. were not he•n. We guarantee all ur Rubbers A \ I) n¢ awliait to the Hl/tcexs OI her mother. 1 l \ g itis`• rLntl,ra h.a-�. c.rr stdore, prior to his removal to /)w• it was alms decided to +e1rjs+rt a eM- - - -- - Decora6ng Naterials Collegiate stag ane tion the town exeunt it to un eta i'F.R.48RAL , Rubbers r n=TItTS�'M n1 ��U�bl� nu•uJa•r of fir /toll r •i•�a (,[arRr T ""C A- bias taken au active and effective Company's new story there. Thr fol- •ear laic year, to boulevard the streets • because of W kmarishi +nrenp•r in evrmmunity aRrlrs, sneh an lowing address was read and presented rl creels leading to the na.•nu,rlal. Ft Hee Wall Papers, Paints, etc. to Mr. Malthy, accam riled with ifta -Rev. 1. W. Kilpatrick and !Ts. Kil- e Kcd ('nrsm wort, and she will he i"' R tit lid, as to tote, it was nu+anfmou► Rub" re dace them We stand be- Rubbers «'e sell you the fuaterials, or Lr -eptly mismel. of a gold -mounted umbrella and a set- 1 Patrick, of Ripley,were vrsato this rep lac c eel that the forms of the• armor - Ter clicurette case: ial I .The Su rr•ine ?tacrlilcc." a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs 1phn hind our goods. take the contract, of decorating Harbor Notes, 1 h Knox, I our home, store or office. Dearest Mr. Maltbv,-It is with dssanMft piece of ar•hitei-Wr• repro \\ Rubbers Rubbers y The steamer Winona isexptcted al the mingied pleasure and regret that wr, the seting O Saviour on the 4' nsx nal Mr, Harold E. Walters, of Toronto : Estisaates cheerfully given G derich F,fevator Co.'s elevator on I employees of sthe L. R. Steel Co. of I a i auadlx soldier lying at lhtr toot. I visited his Voters at Bcnmlller over the — ------are - --- --- bnl�aY . i w s e Tn�Rubbers GLASS Large strings of perch are being caught ex seeps our sorrow at losing ' Mr. Mai11a you,, . ane•wRatrnuna �' M rod Ridhsm was home fn m ever day off the piers. Lknnw' R Y meeting by A ^hdeaeo. 1 'eJal hard ' wear for Youths, - Window Glass, Piste Glass _.. - - - tui[ itis- loatng your .good .corn• Baia'+Pot- Joe - ua«l t+r �tlw Toronto for -the holiday, \ _ _. _ -. -- - - ere ns a hole inthe cement on ilii' r'adeship it is a step higher in Promoti, n retatices of "fa n boys" as a pines Kincardine Review : Mr. and Mrs Rubbter8 T'yq an i)Ken: 'These ril�ber8 Rubbers a Miran, eta commercial wharf which besides bti"g l for the first manager of the L. R. 1 I)el.Worthy ami family and Mr. and Mr;. We can supply your wants in dangerous gives the wharf a very dilapid- , Steel Co. store in Canada, and we wish lien Elliott, of the tiaulh nor. maloted \ have reinforced toes, soles and � �� any kind of Glass ated appearance. Could repairs not be I you to crept these small tokens of our � _ I to Gocderich on Saturday last They Rubler� heels. Rubbe)� made this fall . anoreciation and ho that t ma were accom anied h the farmer's sister, ` " - eg" Y _ Misa M. G Worthy, r.f Gralerich. who \ _ J. CUTHBERTSON Mr. itOwdetf at Tororrto. �rerr,intf sod of the pleasant times spent, _ - North side West st. Phone 354 Mr. ii'. t+. il4beire . sperPtary of flw.with your first stall of the Gode,tch; 1 has. been visiting frietu'ainthin viciuit}a Rubbers -- Rubbery Board of Trade•. sus at Toronto one l hranch, and we will often look hack nn : ; ( Miss Margaret Strang was home from Get your Rubber Footwear air dny last week to alwloar before, t,,r the ¢nod times spent tngether• . We alt 1 I Toronto for the Thai -II ng term. \ nin in wishing you the best of luck and—%fiE-- \ ""�.. ,•amrnitfe-e of lite Legislature aplweintTA - a l I Mrs. F. H. Taylor, wlm had horn visit- Rubbers r HER I300T HOP Rubbers Irl _- - - --_-- est to Invrstirate regartioit ftyd --I succe�a'fn the future. I ing her mother, Mrs. Salkeld. and other - WIMP \� rbv•trtr jrnwer rntem. Jin J. P. Ilnuu, Collegiate institute Nsea._ �g• relatives in town and tuwwbi during ! atm, nom. 1 As�•+nt iationi a prevented ye- i11Rn~ strident. wrntato !'Hilton In reesp on b. 111lodel Theatre Pro ogr her return [ober hrxnt at Ptckfrxd Mich.ft Rubbers RJbbel'8 Rubberslow it i tinny oto (:7`.T. the Thanks ivin term, left v,•sterda nn' libbers Rlub FOR LANDS SAKE from attending. Mr. Tl,rec-den. res•elcerl all invit:ctlan tram the• f'linton 1'. 1. li to attPnl file-armaMl s I''�IR Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Hazen of Listowel `- a very NttehticP hearing, and from port` day There. I Week Of UCtOLey Z5 t0 30' sited to town to few hours on Friday �w�wM wlmf privet Ila% rpaaon to iw•lcve that Many Setiforth xtudentar 'were elsro i I i I la> ,coming over with F.ditar Blatchfcerd etas fertiNatr for Fall R'heat and tfae rommirt" is Im•tined to rer•ammend I prw•nt anti the da)` was a Kmt etre- of a Listowel Ranner.'who attended wane action that will tend to remove res. Eric 1Atlwon (f;.('.L1 was second MONDAY and JILM 11)AY s': a,, lower toe Ygh seat er living by I the) ss Atsociafion rrteettar.1.., How About a Watch the hsndlcap tender wl irh mesas man I In the Is,IP cnalf, making R ft. 4in., A PARAMOUNT Pl('Tl'RL i greater prodeeNan `nilToole, Itolep S MIs if. E. Jontes aor nd daughter Min It Ipailt(e•s lie wish t0 laA°te (a C.T.) wmm nsegondhIn the hundred- Lila Lee c,•.. e_` 1, Tea Matied the former's tie r are Thanksgiving it s vt it- f fir,/ � for, a gift? r prkes. jamp, with Itft. ltln. "Rill' Jiaekltn the t i s the most useful t11f1icorwmW► la O}lihar. v yard d:a�h, his time IMC 11 _serontls r , k Was ever rn • a an October- Duars, .- ag in °'-'•MI, X In the evening a very enjoyable rt Irtg to town. + l of all Jewelry pre�entq end yon ore standing open and pPoplp ars' joyable drnrr gr er l was III et whl•h tlerP wile a large I Daughter Of } Miss .Bruce_ d - bis we•rk__jo lt_as �Ilandsiline___ If ou can raise the Rome mittint In tltW park Jest as in mrd -j _- �!� _ D _ YOU strnoawr:-xtcl tlw- levnlr•rsture aortas aMendantr. Tlx student+ot the G.C.I.1 The WoI1Ft ttashingtOn. D. after spertding the (r ' I - nmuunt of crolRs on Diss here f to e.al any we hart for a xlmllar Tern• mtti•h appreeiate the tine spirit I pleane, WC Carly {La`htso[ . ____ _ summer months wt her sister, Mrs • e """"sC°"'" J. H. Colborne. �:d '� ever rackalul niake. Conlip in nm two sores usually produce. I lrnrirt a of time in July. It mermen sl- how. fiy their ! lento. neIRAMnw in Also )' K by fr•rtftizhtR a little more .Dart „tray to tM erne:' but day opening fleets sports day in them. Mr. Harry Gdtxrcne, f tit London \ " heavily, It will certainly iia/. mrr'r� A Glee ('1111 1- brideritolner tier dove, HAROLD I.I.OYD ',Medical ~cheat, was a for the I' r � � ane) +elect one, Cbe)"are "tied snrrtwsls day n hrlRhL -arm weather for the cost of the extra Cert- but not racy, rrwr+s of formation at Two-eeel Conned thank. We term. %/ silo. ;h int rice err .feet eve and flip winter deems for off. The i y 9!t g} P every Ilizer will, ordinarily, he more rh•tola•r brldee--and there are quite a the Collegiate. Just at present dev- than crnnntertalarocrrl by the eta Pnt Is test eery fist owing to "COPT. KIDDI KIU►" 1 Mr. jos• A. Barton has r urned to F, pttr.elimit, Net they arc allfirst- I numlwpr of them -are getting as moeh Pm town after spending sonic the in (y 1 pvtng in cost of preparing the the tett that the worn mWems err l„p pe ground, 'dPeriln cultivating sunshine as their June •leters• and IAfgonta, clean tlnirkcr r5. g' reverylxcly who lead 011td00 . work is ' Ixdles first." the ymurR No le -11 Iw WEt)NF,SDAY arts Tllt'RSD.4Y' c Mr. D. Mctlwain, will,, his wife rod ch 9R x A.A barveesting the crop INr ing rather4wiftward. rtoa•PvPr. in a A G(►I,D�vvN f1PF.('IAIr , • _ b revelling 1n t1tW Opls►rtnnity to get daughter, Miss bila, has come foto @- the extra sere. The acre It dosis trtt.Mr, *rich Pare tionall fav- week or so momefhinR may ha V leaving the farm ora the 1st concessioct -t p y PtNm t Samuel Goldwyn and Rex. Reach g ®� TS®N •r,m r, advad con 1e Hied for pddtare sexy sass oveuooat. fetus °Rd P P ,mels Chi n abet and induce more - t( present I Ashfield to his n, Mr. Earl Mctlwain, o C. inP or for moms other cpm and bof the tprys t»_ Join. Let's !lope _ to. _who w nrectrtil married. _ I)rath •t Miss H. R. Bulhv MWL don't anywey. t t'$ta�l!1 ti4 so much clear profit. �4 a+ + Out of the Storm Mr. aril Pirs. Chomps Young, late of t1'.\'PI'11MAKF:R ANI, .l t:v1'F:I,LFR Z -Farm and Fbreelde. i,IL" will he- held Friday night at A farmer rPnident of Goderleh• Mims fife Collegiate. A Rrwai a r, Alluerfa v e to Red [lee have friar tOwrl to + fi. F. Freeman, pnssvl away nt flip ptrallram Id ArMpterl from the ncne•I "'[he Tower OOrn F.n•t St. .not Ngnnre florlctieb, ODk .r + y reside ins a time. Mr. Y/w►g, who is a r« .. .J fits Ti►t,,' home of tier .leer. Mrs. ii. i•. Hralkens, Rawl atfrntrlansr at fete � At.lwvtou, brother id Mr. Rohllrt irou•nR of towfr, n am, a plate year orders ,taw ter Flu rot i''etPrtxrrongh, nn TnWnplay last. her Rllk Consent. Mulles, Ivory HAbe was a resident of Gtxlerich before gong ' t' ib:;t ' Wheat twuiiser. death following s pdrairtic Ptroke. There was ■ - CAPiTAL COMFI)v to the West some years agn. �y��► a " "' Thr drereaswt, who wpm a Plater r►t tltW rifle contest an Thanksgiving i r. w - UARY THAT f3T0('KI\�I" Mr. J C. Blackstone, elf Owen Slund,". c r t F'arty ane were, so were nom w awl for o til Isis Jtrm. (tier.) RenJamin f`letttPrrt. 1 1 with Mrs. Blecketrme alplMa>trr Charles, Mlsv+ iia 1'u ell, ,1f Toronto,. mprnt W'h-ot, S:ornla Co1IPltlafr•, uxl htRst, rM. Ilvrd for momW earn In Goderieh, fj,� tenors of the c MerMwl FRIDAY and sATI'RDAY aisited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. ThankmRlvin at Ixpr home In Walt- fetiril from teaching c i the staid of ' w t,f,ur fK until tlw removal of her nephew sod y Blackstone, over ,PAI Thank. voing boli- ford. he Winotwn Collegiate In•irtarte � mere, Nr, and Mrs. H. F. Halftanx, t� by Mr. T. F. Holland, of the East A 14RUNICK PICTURE day. �. and Mrs. C, *welter will tv a dedW to PetetlsOrongh Private two years ago. street wenge, in haw"- two geese • ,• Miss A. Ruse Aitken eft last week on ae(lubmition w Amberestmrg 111110111, While to tiralerfeh she www an shelve • Mrs. S. Atkinson and baby DAtim have Marlon Davies + m extended trip Loa Angeles. Cal., lite. x member Of North strWWt MWilaOdtmt -- __ —_ _. returned to their home al liesf�t cvillFtfind Oregon. visiting at I n and Ile. -- the trait m route and reform h the r y ROBERT WILSON rh»Mh. The Mpty watt bromRht to 17rw1• ff lady f pareafter a nts. Mr. andf several Mrs. Celks with Blick• Y at+w Prfrh. arriving by tete rsson f..T.R. x° i:a- "la,r' (a Ism Cattadien West. it makev`•a real treat --Blackstone' Burden of Proof delicious ;� rrtam, in bulk or . saw 1 a tt• feat. teslas IThuncdayl wrrrnapanlyd AmhermlhorR Feho: f!. 1. C mmwel• by thew nephews, Mr. H. E. HotlRee►s Alm Mr. Ernest Clark, of Mt1CTi bra bricks. °i NAMILTON iTR1C1CT l/Cti ttf7r Thanksgiving at his Mm►e in ler, of WtmAPOr, woo is town air 11tem- " t anrt the McPPrm. Sheldon and Arthur NNI'8 POLi.ARD COMEDY dey sod reatld the ]Ower Mt of CAW OOD1GItiCN w °s leralent. TAW tmnWral took ae• ttmwva and Mr. and Mr•. T. R. Elliott shot chit- hili remtdetere, rlrer front, Uorotsn, to "Come, Nefl, sent ki•s'`your A>♦ the, railway station to Maltlatwl rem- RRrrifiH CANADIAN PATHR NitWR I dren, of hrswbn, ate vixiting st II1W I wAleh Ins .steel Nr. 1'rpmswMlwr" well 1'rmnln." eters, where lite lrnrial service wait hoose of Mr. end Mrw. (1. M. Elliott alive shortly.' Mr. Chns•wellrr was -Awe ma! 1 ain't Anne notWel'I'a- M + -.t esia.•.d •d tv.4 t-.';• ermdwetWr) M.RI J. E. Fm11 aad Rev. �VatrQti during the Thask.givjtg holidays. I former prim?lett of floc Fih.'c High New York ('antral Yagasiae. . tl" r _ Ai� r.,:•t ',. �a�idt�.�a.�.. . ..wfr• , .. .._1r.�,•,a >' ...a-�.: .� . ,r,:o- �,..,. r:e,r:.,.a,..n, r�,,w , k». . ,., f,.v«. . e.•,:..,._,•.«t::.�a.aa , �.i.,,f, �`�fi,wCr, . ::.,rs�.,•�r.,ad'..,; . ,. q�.. rytp..' .v•,> .,► ,. .f,: ,�oym<.; iJgralip.,'.�., t®r.-<.. , '�.....�1„i. 'mwi,°le., �...,,"k.1.�"h.. . "�.iltw'C.i.,r . •fill s,t s.i.t.r_s:.i.. + ;. .t` .,,'".,' ^cc+��Fe'p"►r3' .,•p^I;,...e.cv.,,a;enet.a,r. twx ,r,' w,r..f�, .x. , .,,.».m�ra�ss• raM-.$n�, .fi rrs ,a ,l� �,,,.".4v a�w. -Ce'5"W4 ��� .fi*t„f:♦ u >t.r�,�4W%ixikrI7,il..:.,.. . y.. . : w ° ...'@ .., ..a 'l„�x"`k'.A a%"'Tr. T".' ..,ws ,._.-___....._......,.•.®..,.....,Y.,,,,w...„.., <-..an,�e a:,�.,szr.�.'�”' +nab oM It ' �•^ eK � r Wit,_ ,y! �i,i' I�r:�b «�.t<i s�'3!, .!tiC'�t�} `�'�. r�.,�:..�a..�t�'!��mba�'�.'. W'•_+,p-.,,W. :i®:arra,.,c t„ -- - -L- "VF11.1W4fba Good Materials . A►ND CAREFUL WORKMA ' HIP INSURE LONG SERVICE. - THAT'S WHY u -now - a Martin Tailored Clothe a uta, GIVE MORE THAN ORDINARY ' •_ SATISFACTION F. H. MARTIN, Tailor P y it may in-, yearn of I tlk•nt and { en an 111I ea er (�,oVeS Q,, hard work to kap quiet and wait until workthoulout the blot if they are to I and Mitts - w --- 4T�tO 9(7V next spring .for the baseball aeron to c•. � work out in the best intrrestrt 4f_Ih4 r _ T, agatnt: Finding they could stand YQv G INUIT w•een6i i•cncvrnd. Anyone- profersftattl T, grain no longer, they arranged with to fat interested In insist me•rvice and Table Oil Cloth I I-4 yds. wide all the Clinton tan for a game at that town floe betterment of rhlld life should visit r on the afternoon of Thanksgiving Day: a few of these mertinipe next burn Manager Hays had some trouble getting 'something of the eoiclitloas that arias colors - - 59c teamtoaether. but with the assistance of e # era k a wenrMby aim tante colts" final) succeeded. The and three docks. ly two coiirpet- "parents i y )ton succeeded in making a bull'.- county as' Huron. The anneal meet- gatr►e proved to be a very goad one under I of ,the lea let I Williams' Shaving Soap mug bar 5c the ctpe of 8 to 4. Clinton winning by kers he f Johnston making his tabil p�i; year at Clinton at a will to j ' d the scotch of R to 4. Batteries :Clinton- � ng heed this P the Cooper brothers : Goderict--Murney the first •» of the day. Considering la• antamnred early in NovembWr, and i --- �- _-$ and Foley. Manager Hays says that, the lack of �nrrhudty for practising au effort will In- node to have- reproj - -- IF weather Permittir.g. the return game will t•crrntly, t shooting, on the mpnfativer from as many or the snr. Speei d 1 Bargains at our Grocery be played at A rotualit muulci eel y Agricultural Park on Chriit- elute, war '• vert commendable, off pelitles us poxslblP �' attend slid take rt in the pro. mss Day. Keep the date open. In the slatj}un ' context tiers W P Counter first floor up i" men Pnce"died in. starring the r- :1'eslhegs It Is holssl that a rlleyta- ..+mem Yew Realieots t�► tion lir xf lest a dose. will attend The itntmwis Post of this week says: get aloe tlml!s - , IJeo. Symonlp , After a reelidenrr In Bnnsxel■ for Mr. T. R. Elliott, and Mr. (;po from q-Ierich, and anyone eoutem- the pest twenty-eight years S. V. Wil- Sllllb. The Cos mittee\are well pleas- plating sr doing eau h•strt larth.tars I e l ted with ,the results of the.event, the room tier vounty agent. Mr. Elliott, son and family removed to Goderlch a rile olfi,r tee the• court 1„'nes<, Wateh this week, whets hr, has nyfinal interest slain•., the nd s ort r allk i The Le R STEEL C P the local tiala•ra for nary doliulte an- the kw Bream and ronfeertionrr bnsi- by atl, contestant and for alike,y and financially the lahoue`Ja•ing on ,sou vnn•nt• • •' sit of H. Edward-. JIM. r1'ilwrn was .'rhe follow•intt conf ri hat ions wen, re- I\GathwW. ertn•nthip in lite monument Inst= the right aide. The ■)ser kh w coot o- last m.ak thank- all the tom ton w trek h+lf = ilea of _LIMITED-—_- _ willglan $.-A): \hiss Ilia { II, $1: A. _ nwith ttw late .free Hnntrr and ----- -. -- - - - --- acut engaged in -the' and D '. rifles aur! guns and Mir kiially lent t I .. ,.0 rj l 1Rocery T. (eaop•r, tinfoils, $ i.(MY; t.. R. F.Illott, sets L{/arRfs• TO[ IW them to other competitors aril thus t 5e to $ 1 a 00 Store _ T. R. Randle tit appolntr•rl signalling t•c nm Iftw. For •the past eight I anurn•. A aeries. $lu; Its. t T. F:no- • ofttrer and Capt. S. F. McKrgaey, M.C., ys 1 wait also clerk of flip 4th contributed to more ways than one to make the event a saeem. mer,uu. $a: . rs A. Porter. $1 ter Inty claplaln lit the Huron HWgimeot. The I.ion 'rnert. Ruth Der. sill Urs. treats for chile n; Mrs. D. Millar, 2;latter rel) ulabPx his . intment In pn, 10 arttve wtrrkers in trap The committee feel they have ever, ; GODERICH ON ARIO nq Pio rs. 1-alle blur lace. $:►; Mrs. 1faW-'--�!� ,13owtiag on '1tia(duglYlag"i)aY• I PhytPria church, tlw ismer be �p°nt la xcise tier eae•xt eels the owe'enn Ritles, BranKord�! Ing dew, 4 lairs chile en's st,a•k1axs: F:ne- Twelve local rinks took part in thei aller for t )Marx. .Jlrs. Wilwnl Inrrtl°ivy to put qn a atmllar contest.IaaUowe'eo Uaete. Vloyees of i. R. Ntey1 ('o., as nice rales bowling tournament in doubles at netts, presldeat the Willing Workers g.WX.A• Plates• fie Tlaauk icing: let C.eo. 1 rawfoM, 1:IaMorrre rrr rations are 1pinR sR-4'icton suest green on TbankagivinilDv.:-l{•c ,. teaeimpr- of t wutuF iNalicw'-_ t'm8de for [1141 -spook- deign- to toe 11tg1T else 1;.R:z : c Ta=Trf flsa �vTtrtat m+w r fintiett, toaK pOYatoPe't Mr. Ruin it Dr. Hunter and Fred Toole took the hist in the Masonic Hall on the evening of m In the feu y wt hoot. +TheyIng and election' of oficers un Frllay, bag potatrms and other vegetables; AlpnaearedArthur TaiIand Rev. R.C. Friday. /h•totber 2fNh, under the ate-ewith them th la•sf wishesofaOctober Frirnl, dam' doz. et s: .Ia 1>ti• t►iakson„ Mce:med the sec,t,d. l s dn1P bt old f ods who hi fits RUbbCiB RUbbCIS raRUb I'S ftubberSC pic'ert of the Ahmeek Chapter. Boar•rg The natter of the,site and form of five lags potatoaes. varmis, pre+iosetc.I "rod r!ae ao to Roped people mcoldlers' mrmgrial wills diaeumosd ani Otters who contributed f it, vege., MWt�t! novel ilallowt t. fyture• art Ireitgi►ldoitr milttla'rkatlRfaCi�lh haTP :,alrrlrb aq a trin a rthy of thPjr Introduced. and the event promises tom. tot'uproa Flest, am to rite, 1t was table•r,, seer., erre Jir. Gordo ramh, rRubbers Prepare for the wet season Rubbers Igen gazetted are the following: (':cit. toe one of unusual interest.n.uuimoumly voted that the I..W.V.S. Mrs. .�udr•w. It. .t. f.n•rr. rs. 1'. Jilas rli•ari'. Realgoatbn ewell datherlsig. place ttrelf on record ar favoring the ('net, Miss R'h1feJY, Mex T. reg Mr.by purchasing your rubberne evening last week the IrloyprsintersceMn r ce of EI fu aceuuc. \Cestan. Airs. .In.\ Kalk, lotNr•+ elk- I Rubbers 00(13 nOW. RubbeTl3The Collr•ttlate Iustftute tooarl ataR Pea' g fees Ial meeting this week roe WRwI' of the L. R. Steel Co. -store held a , Waterloo and Montreal strowts for the• , eld, Mr. -J. W. Mfulon, MAIL Yo , g -- - -•- + 1`x1+.1 gathering at the hotue i Atlas soldiers' memorial site, this s ce to tliss -Lean. Hurnu\rnad, ler DECORATING :and aeveptel with rettneta'n•P the res-_' � P. I. ;_natiou of A11ss Clifford, who Is letter- Ratiedge, Pattaerdt°m'<tstflvet, in tar lw named either Dienurrial :•tquefP or j Mrttilen, Ifltlit•It ; la+sii •s other Trtead, ubbers -�. Rubbers 05 of Mr. Maltby, late .reneger of lee Soldipis' Ict.are. 1. this connw•ffon f whine aurae. were not he•n. We guarantee all ur Rubbers A \ I) n¢ awliait to the Hl/tcexs OI her mother. 1 l \ g itis`• rLntl,ra h.a-�. c.rr stdore, prior to his removal to /)w• it was alms decided to +e1rjs+rt a eM- - - -- - Decora6ng Naterials Collegiate stag ane tion the town exeunt it to un eta i'F.R.48RAL , Rubbers r n=TItTS�'M n1 ��U�bl� nu•uJa•r of fir /toll r •i•�a (,[arRr T ""C A- bias taken au active and effective Company's new story there. Thr fol- •ear laic year, to boulevard the streets • because of W kmarishi +nrenp•r in evrmmunity aRrlrs, sneh an lowing address was read and presented rl creels leading to the na.•nu,rlal. Ft Hee Wall Papers, Paints, etc. to Mr. Malthy, accam riled with ifta -Rev. 1. W. Kilpatrick and !Ts. Kil- e Kcd ('nrsm wort, and she will he i"' R tit lid, as to tote, it was nu+anfmou► Rub" re dace them We stand be- Rubbers «'e sell you the fuaterials, or Lr -eptly mismel. of a gold -mounted umbrella and a set- 1 Patrick, of Ripley,were vrsato this rep lac c eel that the forms of the• armor - Ter clicurette case: ial I .The Su rr•ine ?tacrlilcc." a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs 1phn hind our goods. take the contract, of decorating Harbor Notes, 1 h Knox, I our home, store or office. Dearest Mr. Maltbv,-It is with dssanMft piece of ar•hitei-Wr• repro \\ Rubbers Rubbers y The steamer Winona isexptcted al the mingied pleasure and regret that wr, the seting O Saviour on the 4' nsx nal Mr, Harold E. Walters, of Toronto : Estisaates cheerfully given G derich F,fevator Co.'s elevator on I employees of sthe L. R. Steel Co. of I a i auadlx soldier lying at lhtr toot. I visited his Voters at Bcnmlller over the — ------are - --- --- bnl�aY . i w s e Tn�Rubbers GLASS Large strings of perch are being caught ex seeps our sorrow at losing ' Mr. Mai11a you,, . ane•wRatrnuna �' M rod Ridhsm was home fn m ever day off the piers. Lknnw' R Y meeting by A ^hdeaeo. 1 'eJal hard ' wear for Youths, - Window Glass, Piste Glass _.. - - - tui[ itis- loatng your .good .corn• Baia'+Pot- Joe - ua«l t+r �tlw Toronto for -the holiday, \ _ _. _ -. -- - - ere ns a hole inthe cement on ilii' r'adeship it is a step higher in Promoti, n retatices of "fa n boys" as a pines Kincardine Review : Mr. and Mrs Rubbter8 T'yq an i)Ken: 'These ril�ber8 Rubbers a Miran, eta commercial wharf which besides bti"g l for the first manager of the L. R. 1 I)el.Worthy ami family and Mr. and Mr;. We can supply your wants in dangerous gives the wharf a very dilapid- , Steel Co. store in Canada, and we wish lien Elliott, of the tiaulh nor. maloted \ have reinforced toes, soles and � �� any kind of Glass ated appearance. Could repairs not be I you to crept these small tokens of our � _ I to Gocderich on Saturday last They Rubler� heels. Rubbe)� made this fall . anoreciation and ho that t ma were accom anied h the farmer's sister, ` " - eg" Y _ Misa M. G Worthy, r.f Gralerich. who \ _ J. CUTHBERTSON Mr. itOwdetf at Tororrto. �rerr,intf sod of the pleasant times spent, _ - North side West st. Phone 354 Mr. ii'. t+. il4beire . sperPtary of flw.with your first stall of the Gode,tch; 1 has. been visiting frietu'ainthin viciuit}a Rubbers -- Rubbery Board of Trade•. sus at Toronto one l hranch, and we will often look hack nn : ; ( Miss Margaret Strang was home from Get your Rubber Footwear air dny last week to alwloar before, t,,r the ¢nod times spent tngether• . We alt 1 I Toronto for the Thai -II ng term. \ nin in wishing you the best of luck and—%fiE-- \ ""�.. ,•amrnitfe-e of lite Legislature aplweintTA - a l I Mrs. F. H. Taylor, wlm had horn visit- Rubbers r HER I300T HOP Rubbers Irl _- - - --_-- est to Invrstirate regartioit ftyd --I succe�a'fn the future. I ing her mother, Mrs. Salkeld. and other - WIMP \� rbv•trtr jrnwer rntem. Jin J. P. Ilnuu, Collegiate institute Nsea._ �g• relatives in town and tuwwbi during ! atm, nom. 1 As�•+nt iationi a prevented ye- i11Rn~ strident. wrntato !'Hilton In reesp on b. 111lodel Theatre Pro ogr her return [ober hrxnt at Ptckfrxd Mich.ft Rubbers RJbbel'8 Rubberslow it i tinny oto (:7`.T. the Thanks ivin term, left v,•sterda nn' libbers Rlub FOR LANDS SAKE from attending. Mr. Tl,rec-den. res•elcerl all invit:ctlan tram the• f'linton 1'. 1. li to attPnl file-armaMl s I''�IR Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Hazen of Listowel `- a very NttehticP hearing, and from port` day There. I Week Of UCtOLey Z5 t0 30' sited to town to few hours on Friday �w�wM wlmf privet Ila% rpaaon to iw•lcve that Many Setiforth xtudentar 'were elsro i I i I la> ,coming over with F.ditar Blatchfcerd etas fertiNatr for Fall R'heat and tfae rommirt" is Im•tined to rer•ammend I prw•nt anti the da)` was a Kmt etre- of a Listowel Ranner.'who attended wane action that will tend to remove res. Eric 1Atlwon (f;.('.L1 was second MONDAY and JILM 11)AY s': a,, lower toe Ygh seat er living by I the) ss Atsociafion rrteettar.1.., How About a Watch the hsndlcap tender wl irh mesas man I In the Is,IP cnalf, making R ft. 4in., A PARAMOUNT Pl('Tl'RL i greater prodeeNan `nilToole, Itolep S MIs if. E. Jontes aor nd daughter Min It Ipailt(e•s lie wish t0 laA°te (a C.T.) wmm nsegondhIn the hundred- Lila Lee c,•.. e_` 1, Tea Matied the former's tie r are Thanksgiving it s vt it- f fir,/ � for, a gift? r prkes. jamp, with Itft. ltln. "Rill' Jiaekltn the t i s the most useful t11f1icorwmW► la O}lihar. v yard d:a�h, his time IMC 11 _serontls r , k Was ever rn • a an October- Duars, .- ag in °'-'•MI, X In the evening a very enjoyable rt Irtg to town. + l of all Jewelry pre�entq end yon ore standing open and pPoplp ars' joyable drnrr gr er l was III et whl•h tlerP wile a large I Daughter Of } Miss .Bruce_ d - bis we•rk__jo lt_as �Ilandsiline___ If ou can raise the Rome mittint In tltW park Jest as in mrd -j _- �!� _ D _ YOU strnoawr:-xtcl tlw- levnlr•rsture aortas aMendantr. Tlx student+ot the G.C.I.1 The WoI1Ft ttashingtOn. D. after spertding the (r ' I - nmuunt of crolRs on Diss here f to e.al any we hart for a xlmllar Tern• mtti•h appreeiate the tine spirit I pleane, WC Carly {La`htso[ . ____ _ summer months wt her sister, Mrs • e """"sC°"'" J. H. Colborne. �:d '� ever rackalul niake. Conlip in nm two sores usually produce. I lrnrirt a of time in July. It mermen sl- how. fiy their ! lento. neIRAMnw in Also )' K by fr•rtftizhtR a little more .Dart „tray to tM erne:' but day opening fleets sports day in them. Mr. Harry Gdtxrcne, f tit London \ " heavily, It will certainly iia/. mrr'r� A Glee ('1111 1- brideritolner tier dove, HAROLD I.I.OYD ',Medical ~cheat, was a for the I' r � � ane) +elect one, Cbe)"are "tied snrrtwsls day n hrlRhL -arm weather for the cost of the extra Cert- but not racy, rrwr+s of formation at Two-eeel Conned thank. We term. %/ silo. ;h int rice err .feet eve and flip winter deems for off. The i y 9!t g} P every Ilizer will, ordinarily, he more rh•tola•r brldee--and there are quite a the Collegiate. Just at present dev- than crnnntertalarocrrl by the eta Pnt Is test eery fist owing to "COPT. KIDDI KIU►" 1 Mr. jos• A. Barton has r urned to F, pttr.elimit, Net they arc allfirst- I numlwpr of them -are getting as moeh Pm town after spending sonic the in (y 1 pvtng in cost of preparing the the tett that the worn mWems err l„p pe ground, 'dPeriln cultivating sunshine as their June •leters• and IAfgonta, clean tlnirkcr r5. g' reverylxcly who lead 011td00 . work is ' Ixdles first." the ymurR No le -11 Iw WEt)NF,SDAY arts Tllt'RSD.4Y' c Mr. D. Mctlwain, will,, his wife rod ch 9R x A.A barveesting the crop INr ing rather4wiftward. rtoa•PvPr. in a A G(►I,D�vvN f1PF.('IAIr , • _ b revelling 1n t1tW Opls►rtnnity to get daughter, Miss bila, has come foto @- the extra sere. The acre It dosis trtt.Mr, *rich Pare tionall fav- week or so momefhinR may ha V leaving the farm ora the 1st concessioct -t p y PtNm t Samuel Goldwyn and Rex. Reach g ®� TS®N •r,m r, advad con 1e Hied for pddtare sexy sass oveuooat. fetus °Rd P P ,mels Chi n abet and induce more - t( present I Ashfield to his n, Mr. Earl Mctlwain, o C. inP or for moms other cpm and bof the tprys t»_ Join. Let's !lope _ to. _who w nrectrtil married. _ I)rath •t Miss H. R. Bulhv MWL don't anywey. t t'$ta�l!1 ti4 so much clear profit. �4 a+ + Out of the Storm Mr. aril Pirs. Chomps Young, late of t1'.\'PI'11MAKF:R ANI, .l t:v1'F:I,LFR Z -Farm and Fbreelde. i,IL" will he- held Friday night at A farmer rPnident of Goderleh• Mims fife Collegiate. A Rrwai a r, Alluerfa v e to Red [lee have friar tOwrl to + fi. F. Freeman, pnssvl away nt flip ptrallram Id ArMpterl from the ncne•I "'[he Tower OOrn F.n•t St. .not Ngnnre florlctieb, ODk .r + y reside ins a time. Mr. Y/w►g, who is a r« .. .J fits Ti►t,,' home of tier .leer. Mrs. ii. i•. Hralkens, Rawl atfrntrlansr at fete � At.lwvtou, brother id Mr. Rohllrt irou•nR of towfr, n am, a plate year orders ,taw ter Flu rot i''etPrtxrrongh, nn TnWnplay last. her Rllk Consent. Mulles, Ivory HAbe was a resident of Gtxlerich before gong ' t' ib:;t ' Wheat twuiiser. death following s pdrairtic Ptroke. There was ■ - CAPiTAL COMFI)v to the West some years agn. �y��► a " "' Thr drereaswt, who wpm a Plater r►t tltW rifle contest an Thanksgiving i r. w - UARY THAT f3T0('KI\�I" Mr. J C. Blackstone, elf Owen Slund,". c r t F'arty ane were, so were nom w awl for o til Isis Jtrm. (tier.) RenJamin f`letttPrrt. 1 1 with Mrs. Blecketrme alplMa>trr Charles, Mlsv+ iia 1'u ell, ,1f Toronto,. mprnt W'h-ot, S:ornla Co1IPltlafr•, uxl htRst, rM. Ilvrd for momW earn In Goderieh, fj,� tenors of the c MerMwl FRIDAY and sATI'RDAY aisited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. ThankmRlvin at Ixpr home In Walt- fetiril from teaching c i the staid of ' w t,f,ur fK until tlw removal of her nephew sod y Blackstone, over ,PAI Thank. voing boli- ford. he Winotwn Collegiate In•irtarte � mere, Nr, and Mrs. H. F. Halftanx, t� by Mr. T. F. Holland, of the East A 14RUNICK PICTURE day. �. and Mrs. C, *welter will tv a dedW to PetetlsOrongh Private two years ago. street wenge, in haw"- two geese • ,• Miss A. Ruse Aitken eft last week on ae(lubmition w Amberestmrg 111110111, While to tiralerfeh she www an shelve • Mrs. S. Atkinson and baby DAtim have Marlon Davies + m extended trip Loa Angeles. Cal., lite. x member Of North strWWt MWilaOdtmt -- __ —_ _. returned to their home al liesf�t cvillFtfind Oregon. visiting at I n and Ile. -- the trait m route and reform h the r y ROBERT WILSON rh»Mh. The Mpty watt bromRht to 17rw1• ff lady f pareafter a nts. Mr. andf several Mrs. Celks with Blick• Y at+w Prfrh. arriving by tete rsson f..T.R. x° i:a- "la,r' (a Ism Cattadien West. it makev`•a real treat --Blackstone' Burden of Proof delicious ;� rrtam, in bulk or . saw 1 a tt• feat. teslas IThuncdayl wrrrnapanlyd AmhermlhorR Feho: f!. 1. C mmwel• by thew nephews, Mr. H. E. HotlRee►s Alm Mr. Ernest Clark, of Mt1CTi bra bricks. °i NAMILTON iTR1C1CT l/Cti ttf7r Thanksgiving at his Mm►e in ler, of WtmAPOr, woo is town air 11tem- " t anrt the McPPrm. Sheldon and Arthur NNI'8 POLi.ARD COMEDY dey sod reatld the ]Ower Mt of CAW OOD1GItiCN w °s leralent. TAW tmnWral took ae• ttmwva and Mr. and Mr•. T. R. Elliott shot chit- hili remtdetere, rlrer front, Uorotsn, to "Come, Nefl, sent ki•s'`your A>♦ the, railway station to Maltlatwl rem- RRrrifiH CANADIAN PATHR NitWR I dren, of hrswbn, ate vixiting st II1W I wAleh Ins .steel Nr. 1'rpmswMlwr" well 1'rmnln." eters, where lite lrnrial service wait hoose of Mr. end Mrw. (1. M. Elliott alive shortly.' Mr. Chns•wellrr was -Awe ma! 1 ain't Anne notWel'I'a- M + -.t esia.•.d •d tv.4 t-.';• ermdwetWr) M.RI J. E. Fm11 aad Rev. �VatrQti during the Thask.givjtg holidays. I former prim?lett of floc Fih.'c High New York ('antral Yagasiae. . tl" r _ Ai� r.,:•t ',. �a�idt�.�a.�.. . ..wfr• , .. .._1r.�,•,a >' ...a-�.: .� . ,r,:o- �,..,. r:e,r:.,.a,..n, r�,,w , k». . ,., f,.v«. . e.•,:..,._,•.«t::.�a.aa , �.i.,,f, �`�fi,wCr, . ::.,rs�.,•�r.,ad'..,; . ,. q�.. rytp..' .v•,> .,► ,. .f,: ,�oym<.; iJgralip.,'.�., t®r.-<.. , '�.....�1„i. 'mwi,°le., �...,,"k.1.�"h.. . "�.iltw'C.i.,r . •fill s,t s.i.t.r_s:.i.. + ;. .t` .,,'".,' ^cc+��Fe'p"►r3' .,•p^I;,...e.cv.,,a;enet.a,r. twx ,r,' w,r..f�, .x. , .,,.».m�ra�ss• raM-.$n�, .fi rrs ,a ,l� �,,,.".4v a�w. -Ce'5"W4 ��� .fi*t„f:♦ u >t.r�,�4W%ixikrI7,il..:.,.. . y.. . : w ° ...'@ .., ..a 'l„�x"`k'.A a%"'Tr. T".' ..,ws ,._.-___....._......,.•.®..,.....,Y.,,,,w...„.., <-..an,�e a:,�.,szr.�.'�”' +nab oM It ' �•^ eK � r Wit,_ ,y! �i,i' I�r:�b «�.t<i s�'3!, .!tiC'�t�} `�'�. r�.,�:..�a..�t�'!��mba�'�.'. W'•_+,p-.,,W. :i®:arra,.,c t„ -- - -L- "VF11.1W4fba