HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-10-21, Page 4r- • • • • --tr%*-4,1 44, " "„:„; , • *11. •. • "ff 'tr •, ' !"•,• 4-Tburaday, October 21, 1900. TEX SIGNAL • 1, ' - GODIRICR, ONT• 4'474 ..40. • , • - 91,,t41144-17:ro• 417 .• .`"„'",7„:4:41! ,. ;)! s • t .4 • 4 " 1• s 47 9 , • , www.7.714, \ , , • s" r . . '4444 s . • "s • . t MR. N. F. WHIARD la the agent for THE SIGNAL at Dungaunou. Orders left with fate for subscrip- tions, advertiseuieuts or Job phut - lug will recelse prompt attention. Telephone (Gfatlerich Rural) r39. DUNGANNON. THURSDAY, Oct. 21. The Thanksgiving supper held last Monday evening under the auspices of St. Paul's pari4h was a decided success and the program one of the best for many years. The hall was tilled to capacity and about 1140 was ret heed. The rector 'had with him on the platform Rev. Thos. -Hicks, of Paisley. a former parish priest 'here. Rev. D. D. Douglas,. it is at Brant- ford attending the library institute. While away he intends visiting his par- ents at Hagersville and his brother at London University. Mrs. Canipbell, of New York, who has - been visiting her son, Rev. Dr. Campbell. returned to Toronto on Tuesday. on her way home. .. Mrs. Henry Jones returned home on Monday after a month's visit to her sisters at Aylmer. The Thanksgiving visitors in the village why pay included Delos Disher. from Clinton; Arthur Thompson. of London : Mr. and Mrs. Col. Wilson. $r. and Mrs. Charles M o r e ?.''.'• Tomlin. of London; Jay Calder, of Fer- Tomlin and the Misses Jean and Dorothy ....409 gus : Jas. McMath. of Clinton : Miss Daisy Ryan. from Port Credit: Miss Mc- Wecan assure you of correct Ke zie and Miss Amber McKenzie, of Toronto. style, Unquestioned, -rigidity ANNIVERSARY SERVICES -Rev John and satisfactory fit -at reaforded 10 iffeWdit-Viii-eburch on MA - Abraham. D. D. of Toronto, will preach - the anniversary sermons in Erskine church sonable-cost in . on Sunday. October 24th. at 11 a• m. and 7 P. 111.-Spokial music witil lk •given bv the choir. Ail are cordially engird . day evening at 8 p. m.. when an excel - kat entertainment will be given. Admis- sion 25c. children 15c. • Clothes At $3501 to $5.5 61 Pay what you will, we guar. antee 'these good clothes to be value clothes and that the price you \pay represe. s full value at th price. A fine assort nt of the FALL SUITS °YEA- , CO is noir on di;pla C. r 1 4 Bt.N1111.1.F.R. , Tuesday. October 19. The young ladles taking part 112 the 1rogran1 will meet at Hen - miller on Friday evening. (4etober 29th. at 8 o'cloi-k. Among the many visitors at Ben - miller during the Thanksgiving 'term were Ur. Elmer Long and Mr. Lonnie Oke. Of Toronto. Mies Elsie Oke. of Goderlels and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Feagan. of Stratford. We regret to record a serious ac- cident which befell Mr. John Van- -*tone in the ;levering or two -of hht lingers in a cutting box while filling a slip on Monday Jnorritrig at the home f Mr Wilib A public meeting of the rateuyejw the Itenmiller eonsolidated wheal ifeetion will be held on Thursday ev- ening of third week for the purpose of school trustee board. Moe lierviees.--The har- vest home annlverssiry services: of the Itenmiller‘ Methodist ehurch will be „ held next n.tiy. 4htolwr 2441t. There will . • „.• a ti In_ the morning_ at .11. 'clockat wh ili Rev. H. D. Moyer. Goderich. wi prearh. The evening lee will ..,401enee 'at 7 o'elock 111 be enndu ed by the pastor. F. Kenner, There will be nide Is,, the Ir. A mixed will sing in t morning and a male q rtette at nig An offer- ing of *tun being asked or. On- the following $n IIy, October lat. hers rest home ;ens ye will be he I in the Bethel chureli. st emit nf miller 1, se and Rev nosesesesosewsseseew..sesesegegegeg special qua net t Hallowe'en Greetings • 'L StInsitiue brings happiness, ave no care or Make Hallowe'en'a day of fun Brimful of joy and cheer. -BY HMI -NG Hallowe'en Lanterns, Gaudy BoAea, Tab'. avo False Faces, Masks, Caps, Pins and Hallowe'en Post Cards. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY sesesonSWers.P.04704.^.04.0.470.seseselli Smith's Art Store East St. • Phone 198 esesereseereeregreww.WeglagaNesegags.94011•1 PHONE 35• 81- -THR- - roceten'a lictually saves you money NORTH ST. and THE SQUARE BEST QUALITY GOODS Art -HE LOWEST PRI4314-. Fresh Wahtnts, Candied Peel, Currants, etc. -AI! Ye you tried our Butter? It i' the best that money can buy Bacons, Sausages, Cooled Meats, etc. Sweet l'otatoes and Fresh Vegetables BREAD ISle A LOSIt CASH MID CADDY H. McFAD'Ir '1 41 • ,...• : field, Wm gentle, loving nature woo for him a warm place in the heerta of all. His wife, Katlwrine MeCarth,v, predeceased her husband many yearn ago, leering loin' to rill the place of a mother and father t% four small, heipleae children, a teak which he ably performed. on t4aturday morning a large esaucourse gathered et St. Jos- eph's chureli. Kiugsbrldire, to pay a last tribute to him whom they loved and respected. The requiem mass was sung by Father Moran. of St. Augus- tine, who aiso officiated at the grave. Six nephews of the deceased were the pallbearers. Joseph Orlonuor. Jerry O'Connor. (lharlie; and John McCarthy. rack SlcCerthy and Percy Merarthy. The deceased has lett to mourn his loss two sons. John and Charles, of Detroit. aud two daughter*, Mrs. J. Ilimary. Tonna, Stiskateliewau. and Mrs. J. Oltenia, Quincy. Marrs. The siucereat sympathy of all their many frleud is extended to the bereaved einem M the loss of a thoughtful and loving thee. May his soul rest in peace: . HELENS. Tueetiety. October 19. The teachers, Mb* Douglass, Miss Dural's. Miss MDowetl and Miss Brooks, attended te conception held at Goderich last w k. Word has been rclvd that Mr. McKenzie Webb. who 'era West for the harvest, turd to und rico an opera- tion for appendicitis at High River hospitaL We are plea. to report that the latest word states e Is pro- gressing favorably. Forth, ely bis sister, Nurse Webh, who wa her home there. Is with him. Mrs. Marvin McDowell and hil- dren,, of Weettield. spent the w -- end with Mr. and Mrs Clark. Miss W. 1). Rutherford. of Mitchell, Mbsees Winnie Wegla. of Dreyton: Clara Woods. of Guelph: Dorothy Web- ster. of Wingham: Nina, Woods. of Luckoow. and Gladys W..ibb. of Strat- ford Normal School. all spent the holi- days under the parental ,roof. Mre. J. T. Salkeld and daughter's of Goderieh. were visitors here on Thanksgiving Day. On Thursday, October 2Itth. at 2.30 lictelL._tha--Women".4- -Institute will hold their meeting at the home of Mrs. .1. It. Rutherford. Subject: "How to Reduce Household Expenses." Roll call -Rest Methods of Keeping Veg- etables over Winter. Music. etc. Vis- itors always welcome. Born -To Mr, and Mrs.. W. G. Mr Croetle. on October 134h. a daughter. Congratulations! • Anitiver4ciry services willbe held itt Calvin Pn'abYterIna church on Oe- tober 31st. • Pall Weetbet Hardon : Little Ones. Catiadian fell leather is ex( /AM- oiMitlenses One ay warm land bright and the next wet and cold. 1 These sudden changes bnng nn colds cramps and colic. and unless baby's little *mach is kept right the result -May 11CT10.119. There is noteing to equal Baby's j Own Tablets in keeping the little ones wet. They sw. •ten . he stomach. regulate the bowels. break up colds and make baby thrive. The Tablets are aid by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockvilir, Ont. • .. • sersor AUBURN. Wednesday •Octotter • ,•.• I. Ich. will pre eh in he morning a 11 o'clock and the ir, Her. H. Kennedy. In -the eves: at 7 odor An offering of *00 1., 1 nz asked for tit these seri:leers We re looking forward to n eery sneers 1 time on the oceaslon of these ha t home anniversaries. „ • et 41,114 ItNE. ° Wsdes-sdey. Octelses A Great finteems.-Ilie ladies ss North Zion Methodist church excelled themselves In the splendid supper which they Nerved on the evenirig Ttaaakowiving Day.. The 4or4e, Termvaleol with people who knew c of the Temitatton of the .Zion elittreb la4/P71 In this respeet, :and when they reaehed the welidaden tairlex they were not dleappointed. When the hot fowl and other deter-41101es had received the itraPr the et"hurcht were treated to a nrst-clasa entertaimaent4 the poetise. Rev. H. F. Kennedy, acting as en-410mm- The fad tin/Oder] artiate, Miss Meth Kirwin of Ingersoll, read- er, and Mb* (leis Terry, of London. soprano 'wriest, rendered their various numbers in a very pleasing and highly entertainth,g manner. every pier* typing, heartny encored. Mre. Rippled! coot*, of aleGitiv atritisn. acted awite.- companist to. Mlea Terry In very cap- able style, and other musical numberm were Own trne--Rerniv4-- Mew. 14:' 4'. Kenanly, meeting with the hearty nropreyal of the audience. Rev. A. E. Millsots. of Anhui"), was pre -Aeon and delivered a mplendid and profitable addrees on the importance of Titanke- giving Dat. The proceeds of the ev- ening amtpd ti e220. KI. 0813RIDGE. tieeday, Oct() r _AUL, Maurice" Wstah and da Nevelt*. of. Port. uth. Virginia. at ..,tended the innerat.nf 41* lor iinete. the int(' Thom . O'Connor, w o was buried here fietrirday. Welsh was an old resident Atth- field and le gladly weleornet„I ek Or her many frir•ndu and rreigfiles. Mr. and Mrs. M. orib, Of Flint; Mlehlean, ere vielting lativre hen.. Cringes Mint Ion» ! A' little rimitor hart come to the borne of kr. and Alm J. ('. Dalton. Ile lets annnuneed his Intention to "Sr. and big 181M(' jaeic+ 0OSINA.-Atiliflel.1 heard with deep regret rrf the (lentil of one of her oldeet tend most respected eon.. Thom- as O'Connor, who 111P11 suddenly in Voting. Beek.. on Montley, October Ilth, at the home of hie daughter. Mrs. Joseph Ilipory. Mr. O'Connor was born In Ashfield In 14147 and lived all 111. life li-re nntilm few yeare ago, when he left for the West to re Ride with his dangliter During lite geaMeitee among the perigee of Ash- 1Rheumatism Neuritis, Sciatica, Nemoralgia. 4,p! Templeton'* Rheumatic •417;,.;!,!!", Capsules Have brought good health to half-a-mUllosa 4.4 sufferers. A healthful, money -saving remedy, web known for fifteen year*, pre- scribed by doctors, sold by drug- gists, 81 00 a box. Ask our agents ar write for a free trial package. Templeton*, 142 King W., Toronto Lend Agents --Dunlop's Drug Store. let h. A letter from Mr. R. H. 1Reld. ask. Ing for a readjustment of his i1VP011111 tax, was referred to the court of re- vision. A coninitinication from Mr. T. R. Harrison. suggesting that the 192.3 Victory bonds held by the town be converted into 1914 Victory bonds. Wail referred to the finance committee. Committee Reports. The public works committee report- ed the receipt of a certificate of ap- ',royal from the Provineial Board of 'leant' for the conetructiou of a ,ewer on camber road from Wolfe street to Neleon sireet. The committee bail rented the poultry house at the Agri. eultural grounds to Mr. R. C. Allison. for the curing of tobaeco, at e2 per month from October 7th. The epreial committee recommended t t a uniform suit for the pollee ser - g it be ordered at a price of 105. T e fire' committee submitted forms for s rpliesitions for Wilding permits and to the Issuing of permits anft-re' comm. ed that a supply; be printed. The sppl .ationa of Wm. Morrish. B. G. McKay. W. T. Pellow, B. t'. Mun- nings. the erleh Knitting Co. and J. Cuthherteo for -butidtrqr permits were approved. The finance en mittee recommended that the ehairma of the committee be empowered to en age the town aud- itors to open up a new ledger and post all looks up to4 te in the town treestirer'e deportment. Since the hue meeting the $ 41,00 0. W. S.R. notes t $26.1100 ..n •iirreat at. emint notestotst ,if $:t. :40 -had been Wit his the Bank of ontreil. leaving a &donee of $39.4om se the Reek on current\loane: #200 hat been Oners-ViiInking tin4 ou-arreares-and-the wieder and 1 payment' to the:sinking fund for 1. amounting to *.295)i. had been pa into the fund this month. The.* reports were all adopted. CounellInr Knight twititight up The / question of *weep disposal and asked what was being done about It. IMF ing tbat It wax a veer Inipoftattmat- nosh has sold his fans to Mr. W. G. Munson, of Perth county. a brother of Revs A. E. Millman of Auburn. M. Hugh Hill has mold his littered i the Hill hardware business to Mr,. • Hibbert, who eotnes front Fort Fraecem. Ont., and will be associated Nelson Hill In the conduct of the lai theism. 141lay night Nat Mr. and Mrs. .1:1UIP91 H. \ J011014011 (1.11.1 41 1r31.the 1117,1111.-1-a.th 1.a111 • 1,71.2 TY -ttreir WPIt ding with a' ,family gathering May y have ma MOTs ?Welt anniver- that night. e people are asked to remember onday. W'44LaaiL.1ridmy re closing nig 40 *4 44* Auburn .1s4 ,Arkatv-miiimmativagassr 'fohologiratowisrit GOD ICH _TOWN THP The ik.tobe Meeting of the W.M.K. of Union rime will he d on Mondity iftemo� riet011er Zth A the 110MP of lira bert BSI. The_ thank -offering no'etbhg of the Sae ty has been postponevi until November'. s'gregr's•Wesetelserressorsesnesereiwererserrere ww €24,1.",,,, Phone 66 !Phone 'j1 ID. 1 LLAR Et SON I11I41 , . --I 0 • 56 0"1111111111.111100. 'Ill01011111111 ' tf;° "The Scotch Store" STORE HOURS! 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M., SATVRDAYS 10 P. M. ,,.. The Fur Season is Now On „ , . . , . ,_____________........._. , ,,. Now is t e best time to select your new Furs -, t The choice the best and you will have the benefit of the full season's wear Most popular amongst the new Furs are Hudson Seal, Sable, Australian Opossum, Ring Tail Opossum, Red Fox and Natural Wolf. - , 1 Mayor WIMP agreed as to the Im- portance of the matter and state., that while proems, was beiriz made it was well not to go too fast: they did not w-ent to make any mistake. in Lie: meantime improved isonditions were being obtained in connection with the disported of 44. -wage from concerns at the harbor. The Rea finessiom, • Reeve Wallin moved that Consenter Knight 1* empoWered to purchase any required any emergeney. Conneillor Knight asked that Coun- oined with him in cillor Moser be j this matter. Councillor Moaer wented . to know d what had been one about thewood Ile thought both oulel 4* perphased. time when it would , -already ordered. wood and coal eh Some peeple -heft and It was coming be needed. He also wanted to know what was bi(ng done about the bylaw for a fuel yard. Reeve Wallis ex plriln4.1 the hitch that had °marred in the prirehaae wood from 11r. Reg. Elliott. who had ' fewat that he enn14 not get it drawn lefartorlly and had called the deal oft. Councillor Knight thought the wood (amid have been got for 2.1e more. and Handsome HudsoSeal Scarf, lat- est stylk has pockesand lined and trimmed crepe de chine, price $125. Rich Sable Set , consisting of cape and new melon , ,.: . Sable is one This Set is .. , i• - rs to -be had. specially at ...... ..'. .... ... ...... $90.00 Set. • Faceptionally attractive Scarf of Ring Tail Opossum. \ Newest style, with pockets lined ',cepe de chine. ,Special . ...... . $75.00 Beautiful rich Red Fox sets, the most attractive for Misses' wear. Will give thorough satisfaction, in scarfs and muffs to match. PricI per set from -Women's „Grey Wolf Scarf a Rita extra ood quality, newes sign, very special, • $35.00 t smart for young wear. Special Girls' Japanesox Sets Are very • $15.00 set e - set Special Showinzc4 Wornens - Salt's Plush oats ThWweelt we areWang some _extra attractive Coajj of Salta' guaranteed _fur fabric, but In the newest styles. All are lined through- out with sol satin or brocaded silk, ree special leaders at $15.00, 860.00, V5.00 Citildren's Cats - Scotch Store is th recognized head, for infant', children's and nu - z - 8' Coats, and tis season is no exce n. We are I showing a large range :uitable foriall ages, at extremely mi • erate priees. Priced .... to $21.00 Monarch Flom All shades in stock. 35c per oz. bail. that the permitworbri have been will- ing to pity the differenee. 1-!---C-semeilim. Mower e'en pressed the matter further. and finally he and Vouneillor Knight ttOrt• e01194t1tIltPti committee with power to purchase Up jo'34900 quarter -cores of wood rind she ar of eoal. It was derided to pay the plihble Ibb. tIPr hoard stns on the 1920 great - (' of of Pollee Postlethwalte W*11--- atipointed a epeeial oilleer to enforce the On rio Temperaiue Act in the town of erleh. --81. eppotating Wm. 3. hy NW-t1T. MIR tag The *toe appoInta lila an earner* the Oaten - o Temperance et, were read three tbmsand pawed. (remelt then Mourned. 4„ SATING 00013.BVE. THE TOWN COUNCIL -7,- Fuel Question Up Again -Tax Cense ties Good. At the regular meeting o1 t o toonneli- on Fridley coeventiochurtuft W1.'Ir m- Casa nit /fp 10 4ste Dlefober !Arlo he ha mild to the trpasnrer on III20 taxer, $31.0:10. The total payments to the treasurer tante January let amounted to about 1164,750. This was the lara- est enliection of taxee ever made to a corresponding date of the year. A communication from the fire brigade, asking for an inereaae in their yearly alloiancewan read and nfrevett-m-tneltnitre-161111MIttiff7 Mitigations for building 1rn1Its l'ettirlenri /follows : T. R.14111*, or metro to how* on Park 'trete • a P. Of rep' re houron Baylleld road: W. Million. for repaint to bon/mob Cambria road glkia4*tla Cox. for addition to bonne sea feaster, ' - A- oreantatiteatienTiroin KM- Jean' D uch, with referent, to the eondition of- the sewer outlet. adkeent to her property, was referred tn the talablk works committee with power to act. The Greterielt Ride Asanciation was -.granted perntionton to hold a shoottim contest on the niter liata on October CZEMA Yns ars not cape tiptop L. Ins PAPA )071 1114. 1/4-. (114.99,91 / tint - m Pf11 for Pp 7 PITIS Anti Mk in if rliA- U011.19 11 rellevP4 *1 one.. nett 3111d11- 1,117 firal• Usa skin. Polinplm 11t. Ointanont fto. 11 yet mAntlnin paper And send 2r, stamp for poritAge Atm.& bo. , nil dealer. Or lklroansra, &stem & On.. 1.41a1timt. ToirptA9A !i.ro!. • 11617* •9, •••141.9119,999. 09 477911tait •4;.O'• ,„ sst,„1-14, ,.-)./ • , ••• 49 -.1. ••, $ 41% 44P • - 1 4 1 Farewell Gathering at sIw Home st Mr. and Dermot MeSv.y. ' On Fr141931 111 bt members if the Gnderleh towaehip Farmer's' CB , and of the ("wintry Wemen's Club, one resddents ebt that gathered at the home Af Mr.and M Dermot MeEvoy. Ilayttehl road, to bid them farewell on the ere of their deperture fromthe townahl4.,to reside at Vaneonver, B.C. Mr. M -ray ie the president of the'Frirmerte , b And Mess Mervoe ham been an active 'mem- ber of the Country Women's Club, and both hare been g0041 citizens taf the township. After n pleasant period -Ns? *oriel reer.e, H.14, Ineluding several tables of Vint.... the ladles *erred limeh„ in the generous manner for which the thei- r -rich township ladies pre femme. and then Mr John Merhire on tile reaneet of the gathering "took the chair for thn 111111.rirtrant proeeedinge. Mr. H. L. Pa 1 keld. meereta ry.trea surer of the Farmers' Clul,. reed the following ad- dress to Mr MeEror !tear Mr air -Fro.. We ire mither- ed here Gila erening. n tVW of roar neighbors and friend's to do honor to 4 1.„1 • :1 r, .14 Some New Skirts Special values. in WoMen's Fall and Winter Skirts, made inthe new- est styles, in all -wool serges and eeds. Many in the popular accord- ion and knife pleated effects. All sizes in stock, from 24 to 86 -inch waistband. Priced from $4.95 to $18.00 Safety Week October 10 to 16 • Monarch Down All shades in stock. 65c per 2 -oz. ball ' • • The Leading Pho M" Milla r,S Baldwin's Bee Hive Scotch Fingering Yarns. White and Heather. 4)c and Mail Order Stor tch Store • '14 • '4,44: rrt 44047. •- :„. 7 There's Twixt ti the Fini 'CiP1,„i!tt"rf The real fun in ing the picture. Developing and looked upon as i For this rent amateur photos let as sleveloi We are thoroug and can guarauti are all right. ' Don't take chanc CAMPBELL; " THE Telephone 90 Next 11 GaecTIViateril .44.,x AND CARER INSURE LON THATS WHY Martin Ti GIVE MORE SAT F. H. Miz. LOCAL T(IPICS. - Mewling on l'hank.givhig010-. Twelve local rinks took part it bowling tournament in -doubles al -Acton street greess.on Thanksgiving or Ir. " •Dr. Hunter and Fred Toole took th prize and Arthur Taylor and Rev. racIkt mei the sec rod. v..' Militia I'llanges. ` $ ;.tmoItg nofitli pita nges toPtileh been gazetted are the following: one to whom we believe honor Is due. We /mitre to exprete to yon end Mrs. McEvoy our mineere regret that you bave decided to sever the assort... Ito..., atolls 11.11.7114 been of a mot eor di AEI _nature._ ___ • As a citizen Watir liwnship we are proud to soar -foltn-have always done your otmost to promote the well-being of every project that hail for its ob. jeet the betterment of the condition of life In rural district,: and we are happy tonight to assnre you that your nffort. as a uelghhor /1011 a gentleman have been appreciated. As pre.I,Iont of our Farmers? nob yon have shown marked executire ab- ility. coupled with the doelre to fur- ther the community spirit. and we feel the $4,0499 sown during your erdourn with us will bear fruit. As a farmer amongst tut you have shown no mean Ability. as hs evidenced hy the very marked improvement in TOM' 110MP, nd the enhaneed mine of the land \ .\ el being acquired by you and Mrs. Mu.t1any., WO *10 for yon and Mrs. McFroy it 444.10nr1 pleaannt tourney to your new honae, evei trust the futile'. has In store for you health, happiness and every prosperity. John McClure, Past Prestitlent Dense Malice& Viee•President, Harry L. talked, itec.-Tream. H. Keith Revell. RIchle Itnrke. The ehalrman then >lined norm see - real of those present. Who all gave fleet apeechee end added their quote to the svpreristinue of ;sore& for the hoot and hoe:texts For the Conntry Womerge Chit) Mee (1 le FAward read the owine ed - dream To Mrm. D. MeEroy, ,.." Ana. GoderIch Townahip, Dear FrIentl.-.We, the members o the Coontry Women's+ (Int), a re met here tonight to express to you how • wo regre4,. your departure Tema the colnutunity. Since our orgauiza- Hon as a Club some two years ago we have always- -retied - 'open you foe setrounigentent-sind help, to which you here always responded In a very generous way. By your removal to another land onr Club will suffer an irrewtorletryuahmty le looamu . will enjoy your new home and that you will finil n splendid field of awfulness In another land ot which yon are to beenme a Tour departure.. a bus te. Wit, 7rWkono:rli ihtfolna ijrn8..11-11•4110infiittil'orlaW:nni4.(1 nM• r. MeErny a safe and pleasant jotirriey, and many years of health end hem* T•\015'h ' ere summer skies Are never ending In California's land of pled,. 444 violetp ail bloom Ing rosiest" (Signed on behalf of the Country Women's ("Int.) Fanny iinikeld. Mr.. Harry L. Selkeld, Mrs, 0, P. Edward, Mrs, John Blair, • Mrs. 0. W. Andrews, Mem. A. J. Ross. "}'OT Tie's a Jolly Good }'elbow" trtt piing heartily. end Mr. and Mrri. Me- Fro.- both ceAporplerl wit),exert...10nm of their thank. for the 90m/will which had been shown toward' them. flpeek- ing of the eeven yeers they lied spent Goderieh township. Mr. McEvoy 141111 they had become titter -lied to the community Am they never hod qtnee to Any other and they worth' elwayri „cherish the monsoriee of their home in Goderich totraship. !!•:' vartkver .1 0", ,•!Y1 4.1, 149,1F4 9 ' mos. • tr4 4. 1.'14/1 Ul ' ear•feeltrt• s. The Trouble Nu It's a comfort to know there's a man on WhOITI yOU may call in your troubles -the Plumber. We know our business and are here to serve you. FRED. HUNT THL PLUMBILR " •••••••••.... ot.... el.*. 198 Plumbing Eareatmighina Heating Metal Work • ". A •tyt' " '6 4 cr, , 1••' s 1 4 4. • . 4 t•, • 5. 9•11' • ; r ; DECORAT INI ANI) ecorating Materia Wall Papers, Paints, etc. We sell yott tlie tuiterials, take the contract of decorati your home, store or office. Estimates cheerfully given GLASS -Winclew Glss, Plate-Gom Mirrors, etc. We can supply your wants any kind of Glass J. CUTHBERTSO North side West st. Phone FOR LANDS'SM - use fertiliser for Fall Wheat I lower the high coat of thing greater poduction. If youeilitriter Ansonia denspior 119 two eerier usually produt by fertilizing p little :no heavily, It will certainly vs for the coat of the extra fe ilizer will, ordinarily, be m.• than rotinterbalaneril by mavIng in cost of preporing ground. aeeding. cultivati rind harvesting the crop the extra acre. The at sated can be need for paste _ or for POMP 0111.T (*TOP, and so mark clear profit • - -Farm and Fired. Place 'tete orders now for %Meat iferillirer. • V;'11,... resenionteseg^egoeg..***W4P*a. ereseS01.1"."0.0"..07,4esese47070.7.07 ROBERT WIIS( HAMILTON STRI,L1 GODLRICH .„4 • . • r44l'___