HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-10-21, Page 1f - • 1 5. LIN011110. LW. ;w:r.,:no,";:jU• aesWOOPM•lerkees010•0•0•0•04 111 give absolute sizes and ittylee: fur trimming in if eollar in shawl i. We have real • rith self collar years up. e to show these SES eses,\oe-fale-for :e from $3.0610' ,eek they will be argains and sok . • • • ••• 1,4 inches sogisk, : hey are allr-ft,‘ are fast and can n and taupe. • •. • !MON RATES $1.50 A YEAR (payable in advance) $2.00 A YEAH to [hailed States addretises t atiDnese : The Niguel Printing Co., Goderich. Ontario. SEVENTY-THUM YIAL-NO. 42. 7•11171,11971••••1"9116onFoo l*It''''4*WWW".****•""`"105•••••elerlorvro4-,meseworwo-4- - **• ,2srt, 4,4 toe'iry-ror _ • • _ ' rein sor ,61e4A fl • •It,, 011110114W • iget !4, • /IA Lia•-• • • %,` 1 - •, • ", -7. 7 -.• • M Burton 1 asset 19 66 Horton Boulevard FARNLERs There i• no quicker, saw, or Mrs conveniene. method of remitting money thee by a Sterling Rank Mosey Order. receipt is gives at the time of purchase, and di Ilion the money order is cashed it constitutes mete a . ••••••••rmansnt receipt for the money. • core ler die. irk Ari. the Macey Order be lost,'a new a can PI 'bed. Kir* k payable se per at any Chartered swept In the Yukon dict. yarmoutilia9um wriddly Saw Mossy Orders $ pss " 77511 ilorikur , V. CI. PAI}. owases, et e num • r 1 P.EII. ht. If. • ,,Z...torcAtiADA t' " • a t Correct Kind it The Signafr • • / • ; ; , . • 'iikap .1 .•, also t ps• , tor: • I • ".el, ✓ to the many you every day. est Corn Flakes package with apper. mrn Flakes some the ovens in our risp oven fresh- avor not procur- This signature flakes -Shred - e made in our IROPITO and Everywbere. F ot,';'•"3 • FLAKES TORONTO. CAN. Ar" WHEiT' • TICIPATION CFRTWICATES ve your certificates with this 11Fnk ykedied we wilt collect for you the final whioBowek siva probaltlyabout be auth- t :77,17.77,77$777: TIIE CANADIAN BANK OF COM PAID-UP CAPITAL RESERVE FUND GODERICH BRA NC12. • BI 5.000.00C • $ I 5,000.00 Manger. wI LCiOK !I LOOSEN ! OCTOBER 23rd DAN E AT THR PAVILI DAN.G1-N4 8. Godsrieb Society Orchestra Street.' rustic Natict DR. F. J.JL goluvres. EYE, EAR, NOSE. THROAT. Late Howse Sergio. Now York Ophthalmic and AuralHomdmil, awistaut at Mooreneld's Hosprtal arid Golden Square Throat Hos- GIRLS WANTED. -APPLY G0E1E- salWaterloo Sentiord. Tekplsone V. y. Novi -tuber 17th, at 7 20 p. to Thursday. At Bedford Hotel. Gridanch, from Weds.- daDISTRICT AGENT WANTED._..the 11(1.1 p. For large late Insurance eompony. salsa occommintonc.zperience not nocoolosoy. _ SIGNAL. Jon GODERICH, 6NTARIO;i'HURiDi.-i, OCTOBER 21, 1920. FOR BALE OR RENT. HOUSES --HOUSES. All kited* fer sole •t very reasonable price& 11 you intend buxom • house a will 1. 10 yew interirst to see me. as I may have Just what you an looldng for No trouble to show you the places 1 have I, sale. A targetsit to choose Irons. Call in and Me ebe P .1 RYAN, Real Estate and Irsurance Phone 5U. ATTENTION ! The Mercantile Salvage Co. will vacate the Point Farm premises within two or three weeks. Persons wbo are in need of any sort of lumber will find it to tbeu benefit to get their requirements nght away. We have to offer a balf-million feet of the finest secondhand lumber. doors, windows, lath, baseboard and wainscot- ing, oho some very fine cedar anchor Posta. All at very reasonable prices. Apply POINT FARM. Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE 811 per single coed, delivered. THE GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO.. LIMITED. (Foot or Angles's St.) Phone 61. A GOOD CHOICE COW FOR SALE. -*soy to CHAS. yours°, Regent St. FURNITURE FOR SALE. TNY whit mte u, 1 stabollanY Pilekiellre= re= rug. 1 lestber-oPholotered mech. All is first-class condition. Can below TMoir or kooky, October or 411. at RS. R SBA MANS. Britannia Reed. VOIR SALE.-OXPORD RAM AND r eve Maim Irma purebred Mock. Also S. C Wlike Lookers. and Berra. Plymouth Rock. cockerels. Goild's stoss. J 044N FARRISH Phone Deneninnos. 112-18. WAIIT1111. WANTED. -5000 OLD PICTURES IU_pIiotin,s. wars: caws XiVenvAull•ihnii. SteM and Copper EagrainalS. DIG UP YOUR OLD PICTURES OUT OF • THE GARRET AND TURN THRM INTO CASH. Good prices mud for the right kind of meters. do net attempt to clean or varnwhicir: OPtignitlfts ye. wick (..,ll them or write YE 01. -DE CURIOSITY SHOP, P. O. Boa 71. Gorkric h. Ont. OUNG GENTLEMAN DESIRES to beea tm ae paying go*ai sIse the wter. Yrsaielecreidestial. WRITE P0 ROX 2U6 WANTED, -LAKE QUANTITIES I e asseas.sse •diemireel. -••• kbeeks• Sam what yew have le oder and price Mod down art Gooses*. Give littlest particweers. SOX 211. Gederica. RICH KNITTING COMPANY. SI POE SALE O.EWING.-I AM PREPARED TO DO V • intl. white .0000 01 my home is leisure hours. Ladies requiring same writ ktodry call st my room,. over Mr. Wign's Drug Store. MRS. J. M. MacLEOD. 21 Damaged Wheat For Sale gaton W. McLEAN. SHINGLES-- • • OiNE C.AR sx_11,=CAE _ ONE CAR 3x B. C. RED CED•AR &•_.I 111. '1'• . 14. Both cars arrived this week. Many have already beer' spoken for. Place your order at once. The Godericlaganing Mills, Ltd.\ P. 0. Box 18 GODERICH, ONTARIO Phone 47 ' 4 r1,c3 J. aviet_ or -College flpHE wisest thing you can • A do for your boy is to teach him to save. Open • savings account for him in this Bank 104; meet his college expenses. to -day, and let him prepare to i tethilrie. The account Ma mesa!, grow, when be ta saving with • definite talent - Wes Moselead =atoti ;if 24•eazidreth ". lea emseat At.r"elb 440 TENDERS WA/ITID. tithisior.ms ASKED FOR PURCHASE 1 AND SALE OF SEVEN ACRES IN GODS. RICH. •••••••11.... 'readers will be received by the tmdentivied, for the purchase of the east wren acres of lot con- cession -C," Godench. until I trawler% the Ind day bf November. 1920. at o'clock in the after noon. This prom rty is suitable for market gar. dent Purposes. and IS situated a o0ort distance east of the Bayfield Road. .TentaS or Snit. -len per centcash on accept • anceot tender. and balance when deed ready for delivery. The Militia or any tender may not be ameept Det:dt 'October 21,1, A. D. ItP, R. C. HAYS, Solicitor and Agent for Owner. Pupils In Mode. MIss N. Middleton, Trafalgar (dove, 1.-111 tsik9 pupil; In music -Myers' Kin- dergarten Munk. Methwel, the same as taught In Toronto Coneervaterry of Mimic. Pupils taught In class or in- dividually. I'hone 105. Starr Phonographs and Gennett Star Records for sale at 131ackstone's Cream Parlors, West street. ••• ON BANK OF CANADA Goderich Branch F. Woolcomb, Manager 43osit 0444't4tL._sl `i•• +Steil' 4 ss, 3 r CitAIGIELS Assuranceand Real Estate "Villa Pleton," 2 story brick, fatty modern, with fireplace, 7 rooms, largo lot. sltnated on -4hs south side of Plefon street. The; Is one of the most modern homes town. Immediate possession. 11,e story frame bonne with rooms, eleetric light end water, full lot With oreharsl. Situated on the Went ride of Cameron street Investment Securitiesi. Victory fiends bought and sold Province of Ontario 'Rode. due Jnne 15 1990, price $100, to yield 6 per cent. J. W. CFtAIGIE ilia,- 0. ....:.......o ;Pk - ll••••4 171" ‘‘, e •'" 1 AUCTION SATS flI,EAR/NG AUCTION SALE OF imam STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. • MR. JOHN S. PITBLADO, SR.. ‘ will sell by puhlie auction in *00 1, concesson 3,, 4. D. Colborne township. oa . THURSDAY. ucToaast 21(1,. commencing at 1 o'clock shaip. the following; Team grey Pushers. Wotan 4 years old; gen. oral purpose emu, 4 yowl old; general purpose hone_ V years old: driving colt, 1 year old; cow. 8 years old. supposed to be in cat; trow, II years old, supposed to be in coil:cow. 6 years Md. supposed 10 1. in calf, tow sia yews old. to be en ref calf; cow 71 years old. swipe.. we mean; cow. 4 )ears old, supposed to be la calk .7 years old, *opposed 10 10 an calf; cow 7 o4d. supposed ill Ds in calf; cow. 4 years obi. 01100Keeed to be in call 3 t w43 -year-old Mite M. • lereslear-old steers. 1 one•yearroid heifer. 1 o01-70er 440 steer. 0 store Pak 1 tow. Massey- Harris drill arising man,..WerriderMcCormick slower 1 art o iron drag barn.... 1 set of Mmory-Hoorto disc harrow*. I set of trucks sod lbsoket rack. Chatham tanning dn. Mg t .rik ref. and other articles too nommen.* to niestisal. Everything ova be iroldosi Mr Pitblado and famay are Mavis. for Sosellsnd right after the sale. I ERMS.-All mins of 54.g. unrer. cash; over that Bement, 11 sisettlyiereSit wil be gives on furnishing approved Joint stiles. A discomat *15 per cent. allowed for cash em conk, •airsaints. JOHN S. PITBLADO. SR, T. GUNDRY. Prolerietor. Auctioneer. - . AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE. G. H. BALL, GENERAL STORE. PORT ALBERT, will offer by public auction, on S 8,TU RDA Y. OCTOBER 21,4, comprising at 1 co clock sharp _ Driving horse, l years old; Cow, riarni3 years old. supposed to be in 3411. 1 coif. light wagon, heavy wagon, gravel box, buggy, sleigh wall steel runnels. int:single arivrogiharnese; a quantity of hay household furniture. Including 1 bed loom- pleteb chairs. tables. 2 heaters, 1 kitchen range. etc.. and other aittelestoo numerous to mention. Also the belanceof the merchandise in Mock will be offered fur sale. Tutus. -Cash Everything to he disposed of. ae the proprietor IS girmg op business, G. H. BALL, . T. GUNDRY, Propeietor. Auctioneer. PUBLIC NOTICE. VOTERS' LIST C,OUR T OF REVISION TOWN OF GODERICH. Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held pursuant to the Ontario VotersLists Act. by His Honor the IX A UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK Judge of the County Court of the County AND IMPLEMENTS. of Huron, at the Court House. Goderich. on the 1st day of November, 1920. at HI o'clock a. m., to hear and determine complaints of errors and omissions tn'the voters' list of the municipality of the town of God) rich fan 19'20. Dated at Godench this 13th day of October, 1920, L. LACNOX. 2t Clerk of Town otGoderich. MR WM. J. THOMP3ON will oder formic by priblo astaiss, at lot A coo. minion d West Wsw.nodl.en THURSDAY, Novamaaa eth, commencing at 12 °Vett sharp FehruerY; rows. soarome to be in call Oise Isyear-olo gelding; 2 Mee, aanallrosed to c.1*. . 4 am, 2 1.Vese•old steers. calves; 1 7 -foot 2 -year-old Milers, 4 2-yeamelktders. 1 -year- Old benecCorma Moder; 1 t mower, 1 10400t hay rake. 1 rake bar, •11 Mao/bey-Harris make; 1 bay -loader. 1 Idessief1-1,18rKie 1 McCormick cultivaiett, with seeder. 1 manure -weeder. 1 eteol Mil:11er. 2 walk - OW Plows, 1 two.lwrow slags Ise( of disc harrows 1 DeLavalcreameepaostet.iroormilper. 1 grarecrusher. 1 power wedding machine gad onager. 1 eat baht bobakiobs, 0 rain harrels. 1 PraY pomp and barrel, 1 00 gal .11 oe gas tank, Mk -tilling outfit, 1 16 h. p. Mourn engine •nd water tank. I Wilkinson Clonal A cutting box. 1 11.-4t. four -ply 21 -in belt: 1)004*. four-oly 7 -inch belt ,niatinesyrupou t fit -1 GrinisliCharopionevap- orator. 1 gathering tank, 2 siMply tank.. firti bucket& spouts and covers Tamed -All-aum. 04 Cu mod under, col*, Over that amount. 5 marsh's' credit wf‘ he elven on forniehing approved joint notes. .0 diemunt 00 6 per cent. per worm allowed let cash on credit *mounts. WM. 1 THOMPSON, THOS GUNDRY Proprietor, As, tiower. IIISPERSION AUCTION SALE OF ' PURE8RD SHORTHNOIN CATTLE. HORSES. SHEEP AND SWIRL The undereignect,oa account ol his law practice requiring all ors tins sad ateaseebea, has decided to rent his farm and se'l hormone stock by public sou. ne and awienter imam east of Buy your Templeton's Capsules at *metros. at lot It coneessioss 2, 5.. 0 Sthtowaship, o . 1 mcker- having direel ed Franc's 1.) a , itentare, Tele- , laHt.hCm'ap" RnI:oli •eis .,...__._»l 5051900 T. R. C.'s sharp on The Ontario Railway and Munampal Baud ' 1 for rheumatism, etc.. Raz.-Mah for Kipper and half.mile moth, at 1 o'clock p. tn. MONDAY, NOVE moan tat, ino, phew.. Expert. to eworre •nd report upon- 110, tile followingccp, fly. ars above suttee. doth appoint 1 umelay, the twenty -meth day of OctoberD , A. . 191113* tbe ONTARIO. THE ONTARIO RAILWAY AND 1 MUNICIPAL BOARD. - -. . (P. F. 9012). 1 its THE MATTER OF the Application of . the Commissioners for the tel em of the Municipality of the r. Whims: ah Lyon snake.: hat we can turn out stn One year ago -&e:41:You arrested me in a few menthe. Therefore are for drunkenness, an' truneheooed tne enabled to !dart each treason o • - 1^.?•"1"••••••••••••••'•••••••••00.0OKNOteteekterelese• A FIER NOVEMBER 1st - - the price of The Signal - ill be -62.00 A YEAR Subscriptions received at the present rate, $1.50 a year, until that date. rat e0•^0betkownowwwwwww,,,,,,,,towww. THZ SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LLIIITIM, Publisher*. „ .1 ,f44,. 4463' t . at LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. Mr. Ernest Platt had a rib cracked in an automobile accident near Leeburn on Sunday. Miss 31. R. Maci'lear is attending the winter millinery openings ut Tor- onto this week. The Merinetung Canoe Club i; opening the season at the Ciuh rooms with a sup- per tornorkrow 1Frolay) evening. The Dominion Road Machinery Co has closed its factory owing to lack of matnial, but expects to reopen in a few days. The antinal meeting of the Red crone Society w111 he held in the Heard of Trade rooms next Monday evening at $ o'clock. A meeting of all those interested in golf will be held in the Board of Trade rooms on Wednesday evening, October 270..„ at 8 o'clock. In tlw Thanksgiving Day races at Kitchener "Royal Dundee," Mr. Robert .Mcismn's horse. won the 2.14 rtlet• lo three straight heats. "Nile Bov," Geo. itNeoll's entry In the 2.25, took third Mr. R. H. Reid, of town, brought into the Signal office the latter part of Iasi seek some very fine Wolf River apples. They were grown by Mr. W. Graham, of near Kincardine, and are very large and Of excellent color. There was a fairly good representation Of the press of Huron and Perth counties at the meeting held On Friday last. The promechngs consisted chiefly in the dis cussion of matters pertainiroc to the business department of newspaper work. Mr Leslie Flick and family have re- moved to town from Colborne township and are occupying the house on Cambria rood lately occupied by Mr. Wm. Cook, the latt-r having bought Mr. Flick's farm and given the house in part pay- ment. Mr. Cookand family have removed to the farrn. r Revenge at Last. P. C. Yolingun : "Mr. Williamo I love your daughter. anal would moot re - is CENTS WORTH SAVING? As ulready announced, the veriptIon price of The Signal will be increased after November 1st to *2 00 saes- :ts a year. During the laid week or so, - since the announcement of the pro- posed 'twinese was made, a goodly number of subscribers have called to pay for the paper for 1921 •nd thus hair waved 50c, as the prevent price- * 1 '.or -holds good until Novem- ber lot. Although many linen of goods ars shoning an inclination to a Inp in price, the contrary is the rare oath newsprint, which, outside of labuff, constitute., the largest item Of expe113.44 in the publishing of ki weekly •newspaper. It has twea i ir • reaslug price by le pi ud beunds, and we are told that even tlie remit heavy inereasee will not be Ili) last, and the indiestione are nun there will be no relief for two er three years at least. The inenosed price of The Signal, therefore, is forced upon us by the newsprint maw ufacturers and la obsoltrtelg oseeararly for the continued publieation The Signal. We are loth to take Mile course, linwever, and se are riving elm Signal's friends and sumo -ter - opportunity for a few weeks of 1..• wing • t the old pri.s. and thus eocsapla,g tor a yenr the too -dollar nite. Visit our peo.toMee; Join in the fon- 'Twill cost but a dime, and will ple:a7m everyone -Arthur (bele Postothee Bazaar, November Otis. sportfully ask you for her hand in -Rubber goods deteriorate rapidly, ma rriage." 40 we buy ouch •rtieles with knee/I'- M W township of Goderich for authority to increase the charges for telephone service : APPOINTMENT FOR HEAR all the way to the police .11 Now 1 have my opportunity to get even You can have her!" fresh asoortment of the best rub . good. which may he secured fr reliable mantafae(orera8 We Wilke 04 oases.- reguisso 5I,dI4414, oars, • brim of a quarter past one o'clock in the after- pains °loge, Lady 0,.10d sq be noon. at the town hall in the town of Clanton.tO IR foal to "Gognisoilorei." 1 ,yig„ 1 the bolding of mach enquiry. at which nd timt a evelleas sok arid4 weehling Alt L'aggy., Mare.) persons interested eft ibis mis*er. sod do usedkirt." e. to ha lesimulore 41.1.[•eil 160'1HW. Carrca.-One red cow. Pie Cruet Ind (10001), Iein Dated et 'Toronto this fifth day al October, calved January 2eth, 190. This has beim the best A. D 1926. 907105 c00 1 ever owned and she is sow sup - hes. 4th 11:119elta wain red bull calf4Tennahilli H. C. Sse‘MAreLtal.r.y. posed to be in calf to St. PatracIt (1154.251. One To open November lst, 1920. Mc col.. calved September Ilth. 1912, Laura I 51 1001. Offered coils Elora Macdonald (1227,111, calved October 1st, !VIth red heifer calf at Goderich Society Orchestra loot (L.ass ...eGorrrretone con, red witb some white. -Mary Queen ol Scot ri" (131280. eaivect . One red better, Maggie MUSic Studio. May rah, 1917,.,(b red heifer calf at *sot f emu Flower of Dumblanel. Highland Mary 412.tiont calved August Idth, 1916 Lauder 41113751, born October "oh. 1918. One red berler. •lbonnie Jean" 042244 born Novem ber 2604 1910, One red heiler.leabelia (1540494. born September 2710, 19)9. One gide cow. 9 years of age. an excellean walker. One large fat steer. 1 one -year-old grade heifer, 1 two-year-old grade heifer. Strati...Two Locenter ewes. 2 years old ; 2yei, - old Leeeister ewes and 3 Iambs; also pigs. Teems or Sue -All sums of 010 and under. , over that amount, three months' credit given en furnishing approved bankable joint notes. A discount at the rate of 4 pm cents per stoma allowed for cash in heuvr.oml oortz.10. Lt. a; • W. ROBINSON. Auctioneer. ProPrieter. 1. (Entrance between F. ff. Wood'. and J. H. Lauder's Stores.) Gene C. Connon, Pianiste- tuition given on piano. Mr. C. V. Henry. Violinist - turtion given on violin for beginners and advanced students. For information apple at Studio. Violins repaired, bridges tuned, sound - posts set and violin bows repaired, etc. ' GODERICH SOCIETY ORCHESTRA (Five pieces. protessienal).-- --POMMY WANTED 3000 Chickens. He 500 Ducks • • • Top Prices will be paid by us for all kinds of poultry taken at Clinton every day and at Holme - every Wednesday morning. We pay three cents per lb. more for protlbrly fattened, milk -fed Chickens. & Co. Ltd., _ _, Clinton, Ont. - N. W. Trewartha, Local Manager. , A Degsadahis Paper. When you suhseribe for a news. paper there are two cement's' pollee to be Wise hire ronidaerettro. Plrea, make sure that you oshorellie for $ paper friendly to your interests. one whose 'frientiship has boom proviso. Second. a nee MIMI** that Is fearless .elitorially, always dependable and with farm market report4 that are as nearly acvmrate as poosible. Sraeh a paper Is The Farmers' Smi Tnrnnto, owned, and peldistied twiee a week by the farmer' 111 the Interest of the fa rmero. Twit+ a week. 104 Issnee for the old pries% $1.50 You should havel this 14111'44 friend inyour home • A Note From Iowa. Mrs. John Kelly, Harper's Ferry.1 Towle writing to renew her saitsierip.T tion to The Signal, rays: "Weather in very tine here for October -85. dogreesi- a I specialty of ribber goods melt as Plot Witter liottleo, Ali/MUSTS, Syringes, mirk room and nursery needs, phymiciame orupplipo. etc Everr ar- title in Ilii; department le guarinteed 1 to lie perfect In every way and :ant not found so will be promptly nod teed. Prieto are higher on these well-known , and guaranteed lines than are visually tinker] fur the leferior anrI,tinkm,wa meekest. 1re • sk the prirlideo 01ler••• I MI( you when anything In rubber ! goods is needed - H. tYltiLlf., Druggist, Goderleti. Beek to the Priodtive. Mr. Urbanoky---1 see your heyo sr. bluing • gr.iit 11111P up therc on the hill signalling -playing Indians. I suppose?" Farmer Hertletet --Playing nothing! They are signalling the Arks of eggs to the next farm --our telepluine ser - rice is ao dolderned punk." -New York World, • , • i1 • Of Course. The teacher was Irking the a natural-histore lecture ,,LI Maki. re is one animal." she odd. "mine of yoti have mentiomol (1000 tiot otand up on its legs, all the tie. It do.* not walk like other animals, but takes funny little skips. What la And tile class yelled with one voic, .ci0r1154 Chaplin" In the shale. No fewest yet to hurt tegetehles or eorn (logo of all kinds' are good ; prices low." 7•Wisinis. LEEHURN. Chureh Anniverary.-Te aurae retry servicein lowbum chureh Sunday. (klober 310, win be conduct- ed hy Rev J. A. Turnbull. D D., of Toronto. Ile writes, in reply be t invitation to be present, that be preaeh. In the Leeburn chumb and that he will he very pleased to be present on thie occasion. On the following ?von, November 1s1, a fowl supper will perven by the women of the church. • • .. rw on • • • • • ' • **** * GRAND SILVER IDAL CONTEST Thursday evening, October A beginning at 8 o'clock sharp in NORTH STREET METHOMST CHURCH ander the auspices of the Wouten's Christian Temperance Union Sixteen boys and girls of Goderich and vicin- ity will compete in friendly rivalry for three silver medals: one each in singing, instrumental music, and elocution. Come and enjoy a splendid entertainment. Admission -adults 25c, children 10c MRS. M. W. HOWELL, MRS. W. HF:RN, President. • Treasurer. 4t4- ,•'. ,„ • • . • See' .15 ' • • • TO Till PUBUC. • •-• We wish to Waller ear thank); • to the numerous eustamers, of • town and muntry, who by their • purcharwe during the past week • brought the total sales of the • week up to a very satiefactory I • • We aro here to serve the • people, land the better we b. - • Come acquainted with them, and • they with us, the better we shall .11, be able to give a service which • will make this store what it is • intended to be, the means of • providing the people of this dis- •. firict with good.. in 5e to $1.00 • linter se prIcee procurable only • by our up-to-date buying meth- • eds. • Come in and get amnainted • vrith our store In all its depart - • men( a. • Venni for mutually profitable • buineous, • I. Ft. STEEL (1).. • per Mellevitt. • Manager. • "•••-" 774 r r total. • a , • 4,1,..wi, • vo • 44, • -•- •,, • , • , • i•rs11 twcw: ee a• .44 • " 4 ; • ••• " • ; 9••.,, 3.2 • s -4."; , -4 • , '1,24'5 .tt 4 BORN. PARKS.- In A•hheld Thy. madilY, loNft, ant -- -iraward Pam. • SON. DIED. BISSETY.--InGocleoch township. on Thursdy. INK Oefolt.r '21, George Smelt in his enth year. he The funeral well bike place froththe remdence Of hie setn,C. L. Bissett Huron rod, on Satrday. ' timber Med, at 2.80 oclock pm., to Maitland Cemetery. SerVice at the house at 2 olock. ▪ COOKR.-In Goderich. on ?hominy. OCtober 9 21. Henry). li, Cooke in his Slat yew. ..... '11 Hannah -- , Freen.7.4tal:_ughtur 0 thiatt. - ....„ ' -- - • f a• 4: 11192111"°P6-4*and- Tok:::„..::n:*,:dos:iritliese.6,1""nurt:o;h7;i:vigs.Go.nn. of Wi lism e bot not forotten. . Redly misled by hie tither. uncle end aunt 51r. street Goderich) Gone it.' 0 ...i. \‘' , IN MEMORIAAL • 1.4 • 4-4-" • .4.4* *44' ' tinakstan.-At Peterboro', on October "19. • ! iivrtniiku' SALE REGISTER. • SA TUMMY. Ott ss.-sie or *•,r• stock, ripple. • • ments, merchandise etc,. posey H. MR, Port Albert. at 1 o'clock ghat • • . ; ---1FEDNIMhf Oct. ff -Auction sale of • farm stock and other articl', Prolmi7 • of David M. Johnston. at lot 8.•conces- • *ion 8, E. I). Asblield _township. at 1.30 . o'clock sharp. • THURSDAY, Oct. 28. -Auction sale at the property of John T Pltblaro, sr., lot • 8, concession 3, E. D. Colborne 9 FRIDAY, Cite 211. Auctinn file of ins, moos • rich townshio.cowaleencire at I o'click stump. * sed118pr9Ieo1s,pfupsrty of ?Ms. M. N4*vins. et north part tot se Maithila Oftle- NEW ADVZIIT !SEAMY* •PIN Disperemn Auction Sle- W M. Dole ........5 Auction Sale Wm .1 Thompson WhiteSeering -Mrs J. M McLeod , Gr•ful Silver Medal Contem W. C. T. Coe, forSale Ch. Young 1 f., Furniture far Sate Mr.. Rog swm, .... $•7,fpi.1,.,,,,4•5444;14 Dnatract Agent Wanted signal Tenders Asked R C Ilse. .. Steck for Sete hn Foretell Deennewe lesf • Maw Steidle Goderich Society arching. 5 , • • .• , .4% .4 • 7.4 '....Sais• re-' '1!* 4." * 1 , • V •C". JAL no; *1i--':7-- 4' I ; . 4,4 ,S „ • -31 oienearil ,1 • "'•;44-4•07..,t7'` • o' .*• • • „1.." --• 1! ' .• ' 7.•