The Signal, 1920-10-14, Page 8t.
sibisrattivoltkv,IW 41.044..40,
$—+lt►iis OeUMt,14, 1Il '
swRtio7 ,
Ontario Public
Sennet Arithmeti
We bac i -1t.ialiroek of
Fall Wall Papa
Right now. when the rugs
are up said the house is
disarranged generally,
have those rooms re -
papered and brighten
em up for winter,
tctually sans you Money
Fresh Walnuts. Candied
Peel,' Currants, etc. r
Have you tried our Butter?
It is Marine best that sitiFwW
can buy •
Bacons, Sausages, Cooked
Meats, etc.
Sweet Potatoes and Fresh
i/Rs leen Daaslm.
-1 trawa1. -Owe this pi of
wbewt droyp4d k was only a halter
of time until the Government world
be Inundated under a flood of appeal~
from the West to hart tlw ('rinds
Wheat Ironed brought lean existents:
again. That good of appeals has
started and bids fair. to he over the
head of the Mine of Trade and
4 'ouumetrt. Wore very %Ong. f
course. the Government expected It.
but the Prime Minister wad his col-
leagues cannot we very well how the
,bringing tack of the Wheat hoard
hvouhd add vire eoat to the prier of
wheat and therefore it Is doubtful U
i-outrol will again be established.
la the weantli»e the Ivnsutner is
ienelittieg by the lower price for
flour. so eertaialy the man off the
farm docs not want to see any need•
less experiments along the line of
further control. It cannot Is• denier
that the attempts at control have
worked out rather dl.astroudly.
Iw aleaoat evert article o0
which centrist ' wap attempted
seemed to inertia,* in prier
ratter than deicers•. and the average
man and WOWS it aW. of 1t. There-
fore the farmers appeals for content
now are not receiving mach support
from the ether classes of the ewe-
mu.lty. Cerrtainly the Government has
the power to bring back the Wheat
Board iuto•-•exiateoce it 1t so dewire•.,
but It dee sot at this stage seem
liken unfit will evince any spelt
dt"dK -
Sir George Fester pot the Mink*
rstber well when Ibe outcry to the
West began. He that the
Thanksgiving Day
is the bottle gathering
day of the year. If
distance prevents your
home -going, let your
photograph carry your
message of love to the
oIJ1 folks hack home.
Why not mala ati ap-
pointment today?
Victory Loan taz free booth; at present
prices are absolutely ht tbe bargain class
The atipply available is limited. s Prompt aetion Is urged for
_Dame tr _oro desire to take adrslitaseial the present oyp•rtunity-
Dos Price sad' -field---
.._ r nterest , • Pa.
`, 1tr2-1 1 AS u ,, ^+r.. sal
lis`'.•, AS ... RIZ
:- J927 97 `,- S09
..+.t. ist1.t Art.:,n . ' SAN
]flit 1 9R La
11024 97 0.21
Meso al - e.29
dosis 4Mlvtre'd lo our Sank -fen! of all delivery pt. )welter ge
General c. T R: HARRISON Paine 114
and Muscinatepalbend. . P. O. boy 211 't
YOU will celebrate the day you bought your first pair of sprees
of us as tbo day .f yew rot win tell roux
frie.da of the w.sderfal (u.tei it they ieisg ts your lib and
your friends will teff yds .f the style advantage lily lewd t. pier
.ppaaraace. •
�& 3
PHONE s--=--- IS8
• is �l ` ICH ONT•
Wm MEM limits
owikw o..
war see ,a
hears of1.0411
Both thaws liMmillaftlamodiaimpta
aaid h7 amain at tl 6.411w , Sat, ir soot.s esealpidRipina actives ii.Asld. tlebaa.
-Frealt +-tinge la ails prat was 11
taisI aim whisk ase Ilse Ili..
011 law of supply and demand waw
f11tit8Hling again. awl that tlw exlet-
enw 161 MOW e5IM(e1NW Id the Hoard
would not have made a particle of dif-
ference in the prices which the differ-
ent gratis of Western wheat would
have brought on the ('bic•aa'o market.
Slipjery Jfs. Sidesteps.
The tariff iumu, cion merrily wends
114 way acne.. the prairies bearing
the pleas of this and that section of
the country. awl Incidentally pouring
s Httle verbal oil en the troubles'
waters of criticism. Hon. J. A. -('alder
aldeint•pped the tariff job rather neat-
ly and ii .testi of continuing through
with that Laxly 4 tu_join the !'rime
Minister en his tour of the West.
There was some rather pointed ern.
lei.m against the inclusion of Hon.
Jnme4 en sa•h it holy. and he *peer-
rotly read all the comments which
were clipped out for him on bis return
to Mama. and was gilder tlwreby.
H. H. Stevens of Vsis•ouver 4s in
the city fee a few Maya, and the alert
press gang. or a few of them. have
resurrected the rumor that the little
chap from the Gast Is 1111001' to tie
drsag0el Into elver—i��i_,WIIC>r-
nilly. port of fashlon. However. i 1f
there Is ay idea lige that st the back
of the brain of neve H. H R. he 1+ keep-
eeping it very mach to himself. and to
men who tare known him weft for
year. he chrlared that there was no
political motive behind his visit to
Attawa but that he had .Imply called
In 011 his way horn- from Montreal.
In an Optimlatfe Mead.
11e endives an easy win for the
Government in Tale-('aNhoo, and de-
clarer himself snak•tently opfimt'tk' fo
hnpw that the Government w111 Parry
the bye-eleetlona in We.t i'eterhhro
and East Elgin ladies. There MY.
of a urs.. a ninnl•r of people who will
echo the hope. bet 1 have not mat
tawny of them who are Ivy any means
pia tngiei re that such will be tlw out- of the contests. However. after
having tarried the two Eastern eon.
testis and having a gond ('hawse at
Yale. It ay tri' that the Government
will he able to snake ftf
live, far --few 1•rlthe Mlalert Pee apparent
Assigns to carry the war late the
camp of the enemy rather then Mt
at home. a Innewnmec Ismer oh a tot-
tering throne, ha. won him mach imp -
port throughout the country.
The Rallw*y Rates Appeal.
The ('.hint IIM the expected with
the railway rates appeal when It sent
the matter hack to the Itwllway Hoard
for further eonsideretlon and outline)
a couple of ',nimbi which the Biard
might well ponder before deciding on
a Anal rate. Their was t'io Interfere
entr with the new rate.: they are to
he twill aa laefore, until the iksrll
either confirms sir chanet.. its opinion
In their regard. bit there were one
or two things for the Hoard to think
ever. One was that the time for
equal'slaa between Rant and West had
draws very near. and the other that
the Government 414 not elide the
Tinird to boort the C.P.R. profits
ataa$ty issues the Government rail-
way system was hard up. The Board
will neje If the ('.P.R. cannot get along
With • lower Increase, while the people
meat pay the the required In-
crease by way of footing the AI11.'
when the estimates (tome before Parl-
I a ment.
The Government took shout the
only toner open to it. If It wished to
dodge tb. chore -cif refusing to do
Anything' for The appellants (the pile
lie), ani df the Same "hie did earthing
to injure public confidence In the rail-
way beard. gad pineal lajury might
have Idtdved fatal.
WEATf1F.1(Ar,D.—A farmer reel -
dent or Ged*$eh }wowed away et pier
moo n. Sunday, (lrtobor 1rd, in the
person of Mrs. saris WeatlrAwlf'.
willow of the Iese'l'hwa.aa Wew0w411,J.
The deeaae4 was a native or Handle
ten, Mit atter (ter marriage wed
most of her life In alsderich, heel=
t.tal hetet t well -knows (Oilmen of
th1s tows for many Teen H. tiled
*hoot oot three yew nu ago. Mery
are flute tbgur 1:-1 h -vert. (tied
(3egrge Ord 1larry. sll of naakateh-
xanti three watt
Rex,, Mr Ian nti1isr{i i
�. a•a11e1�' v c.
e TJ e. -, OL�B
.. � •wcl ,e. H
.. Ir: . le," n..,. •
Mf `ate
it r4
Iv •.1111' MEER Irl((:1 ' 1UirOidl4' ('V N'
spy.' • w ,' .k
We have just put into stock a most wonderful
range of silk serge and jersey dresses. There are
no two dresses alike and every one is new in
' to sw 'sat` r i
are offering a garment that will give absolute
satisfaction. -,
Northway Plush • toots -in all sizes and dtyletlr
,, A large range to choose from.
In our serge dresses nothing but the finest
grades of serge are used. This means that the
dresses have a better appearance and will give
better satisfaction than the cheaper grades of
cloth. The colors are all fast. We would like you
to inspect this range before making your selec-
tion of a fall dress. '
`3dr i,i`tti;
The very latest creations are shown in silk.
They come in taffeta, duchess and pailette. These
dresses are shown with dainty touches that are
new. The designs are the best and we know we
are, showing you merchandise that is up to the
minute. It will be to your advantage to see these
Northway garments are known for the gar-
ment that fits perfectly and wears longest wii
real style to the garment.
A large range of Northway garments is
being shown exclusively by us and we know we
lorthway cloth coats with fur trimming in
all sizes and prices.
Northway cloth coats with self collar in shawl
effect and also in smaller collars. We have real
values in these garments.
..Children's coats in cloth with self collar
prettily trimmed, in sizes from 6 years up.
We will be glad at any time to show these
About two dozen house dresses ea -sale fest
$2.98• ''
These dresses range In price from ;3.04 to.
$5.00 each -and for the coming week they wl'11 be
on sale at $2.98. These are real bargains and they -
come in all sizes up to 44, at $2.98. '
Special showing of serges, 54 inches wide; >
dresses and suits and skirts. They are all ilei
Botany wool serges. The colors are fast and can.
had in blue, black, brown, green and taupe.
Irving. "Ira. Weatberwld's death, at
the age qJ eight -nye years, ocuurred
at the 'Wow of her WO -11140W, Mr.
1. C. Waist 54 Alhambra avenue, Ter-
tu, •,Jho fyners' took plate uo
thet jj►g Tuaainy. lir HauliHon
T1L The news wai iecelsed with
regret of the death of William T. Tilt.
formerly of Goderleb, abbe) occurred
on Friday, October 1st, at his home
at graagerllle.. The diseased was the
eldest won of the late Thomas Tllt,
forgoer Mayor of Goderlch. The fol-
lowip4 referenee la from an Orange -
vine paper :
William' T. Tilt, a well-known citizen
of Orangeville, passed away at his
tate home un North Broadway la.t Fri-
day altertx,n alter a lung and aevere
illness from an incurable internal malady.
Deceased, who was fifty-five years. six
months and seven days of age, had been
confined to the house for some months
prior to his deraiae. He was given every
care that medical skill aed the anxious
solicitude of a loving wife and daughter
could devise, but unfortunately without
avail. The late Mr. Tilt was born in
DundU, in the county of Waterloo, and
was i o biWoea in Godericb and Detrd
before coming to Orangeville about eight
years app. He cooducted a billiard parlor
on South Broadway until ilI•health com-
pelled him to retire from business. He is
survived by Mrs. Tilt and one daughter,
Miss Edrta, who have the .ympathy of a
large cffcle of Wends in their bereave-
ment. H. Burton Telt, Chicago, Joseph
Tilt apd Harvey J. Tilt. Detroit, Edwin
B. Tilt; Montreal, Mrs (Dr.) L. A.
Maxwell, Calgary, and Mrs. Wm. Little-
ittlejohn. Detroit, are the surviving brothers
and sisters The late Mr. Tilt was a big-
hearted.. genial men, who had many
friends and iso enemies. The funeral was
held from hid late residence to the Forest
Lawn cemetery on Monday aft tenon.
Rev. T. N. Stewart. rector of St. Mark's
church. conducting the services at the
house and grave. The pallhearers were
three brothers, Mears. Edwin B., Joseph
and Harvey J. Tilt, two nephews, Fred
Tilt and Blakie Fairbairn, and T. H.
Greenis. There were ■ large number of
beautifulfls Th
oral tributes. late Mr.
Tilt had en an active member of the
Oddltillows fen the last twenty-eight years.
Among the friends from a distance at the
funeral were : Mears. Chas, G.. Eward
and Arthur Vrooman. Galt; Mears
Melvin H. and H. D. Vroon an, Fergus;
Mr. Nelson Vrooman, Toronto; Mr. Ed.
B. Tilt. Montreal: Mrs. Wm. Littlejohn,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Tilt, Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Tilt and Mr. Fred Tilt, of
Mr. sal Mrs R. M. Young. of Col-
borne 4bdritehip. announce the engage -
stent of their daughter, Florence Pene-
lope, to Mr. Edward Victor Lawson, of
the same township, the marriage to take
place tltlsytmoth.
Mrs. who was visiting her
stet, ,, Bryant, has returned to her
ome a 01t0.
Youngaon and daughter and
Ynunttn,n. of Pahnwst
Mr. H
visited la
Mr, and Mrs Thomas Edwards and
their daughter, Mrs. Edward Mitchell,
of London, are visiting their son and
brother. Mr. H. T. Edwards
Announcement is made of the engage-
ment of Mia May B. McManus, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. James Mc,danus, to
Mr. William Bisret, B. S. A., son of Mr.
sod Mrs. Samuel Blew of Saltford
Heights. The marriage is to take place
Mr. Alex. Rounders 1e away on a trip
to Toronto and Montreal.
Mr. C. Seager. coavty Crown at-
torney, and lir. D. MacDonald, clerk
of the County Coprt, are at iondon
T rho y attending at a ant -Ng -of tae O6
tario Public Service l'ommisalon.
Mr. Otway Hayden, of London, who—,
has just returned from • three months''
trip to the Canadian West, going as far
as the Coast. was in town for a few days
this week visiting relatives and friends..w
Mr. P.1'. Dean. of Buffalo. is a visitor'
in town this week.
Mia Macara will spend the winter
months with her brother. Mr. John Mac.
ars. at Ottawa.
Yr. and Mrs. H. C. Monteith and
Maya and Mrs. A. L. Perkins motored
from-Powasnn- iii Toronto and visited
Mr. and Mrs. T.T. Leckie, Elgin avenue,
the past week. They also visited friends
at other points in Huron and Bence
Mg !len Killed seri Maw WWtwid
en Fortier Lake .
The former lake etestaetA, IL
Crowe, of which Captain C. 11.
Rnhirmon of town was In command
for a number of year', was completely
wrecked by explosion in New York
harbor on Thnr,ley laid. Rix men
were killed and a rwore were wounded,
many cif whom will die.
Two hundred men working on the
belowothers worichrg
!whiff hong w bo rel feet sway upon
the iron roof of a neighboring build-
ing. Htwlies and 1,1t. of wreck filled
the air for a few ee•orNr'. Tit' .1x
who Mat their lives were with many
other working below deck. when one,
using a blow torch. is thought to have
ignited gas either in or reaping from
one of the mix tanks on the that.
The explosion followed, destroying
the tank, carrying away the forward
•nperetrurtnre and ripping a great
hole in the starboard side of the
"prang The mess below thick were
killed by the Algid and the falling
wpeckege, ant theme above were
thrown into the ale and about the
.hipyard. Flamm followed, but were
eerily extingnlsbel.
Up till the outbreak of the war the
G. R. Crowe woo engaged In lake grain
t eede. Abe was of 2,044 sow gram
meow ad wart MI feet In length.
Rhe was ham at D..dee, .Aeotlaad, in
1907 and rebuilt at Oallkonwisod In
Starr Phonographs ma Gannett Star
Records for sale et Bl.ekshowe's le.
own over the weekend. ACrspa Pfd M► r1ri„
Wedding Stat1o0i1'y_Thet ThCens
ae Ser
' ti
1,111''1 111
r 1' •
r • 1
` r i
1 . e
u ,ta
By doing so he adds another to the many F..
excellent services he renders you every day.
He supplies you with the finest Corn Flakes
imown---Rellogg's in the sealed package with
"Waztite" moisture -proof wrapper.
These delicious appetizing Corn Flakes Colne
to your table just as they left the ovens in our
Toronto Kitchens with that crisp oven fresh-
ness and inimitable Kellogg flavor not procur-
able in any other Corn Flakes. This signature
is your guarantee ---
Maj, � May :t 4k r.
• It •
Preduets---Tended Can Flakes--sinsd.
diel bks---Erualikd 19rsn•--arc made in our
else m.dr•nlaed kitchens at TORONTO and
after wrapped "Westlte"-Sold Rvarywhata,