HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-10-14, Page 7f4i��a
itayae • V40010 4114446
pound Did
,Rered with per -
and run down,
headaches. Too'
dragging down
arses thought I
I seemed to be . •
his condition for
I could nut seem
Inds of remedies
y physicians, but
ound one of your
led to try Lydia
1e Compound. 1
its from it, and
go out to work
an. I have ree-
table Compound
these facts will
use them u os
EASEY, 200 Rec.
,rite sueb lettere
am Medicine Co.
bow they are
Pink ham 'a Vege-
ought health and
es. Freed from
to pass the good
w enng women
plications you do
o Lydia E. Plak-
In, liars.
Pepe will
sad It. DI►
your asoeth
w►sa the
cough Ie
troublesome, sad
the itsod*eIgal
vapor that le
liberated le breathed
1 v to the remotest q
parts of the air pas.
eases and lungs. It 4
soothes and bests the
ails sadist: the irritancy"
sad Mappens the oawsh•
Peps are equally good ter
broschltl•. sore throat
laryngitis. AL dealers. Mc.
boa, or Pegs Co.. Tomato.
the hay and grain. a calf and the harness
were destroyed. There was only a small
1I COUNTY AND DISTRICT ii insurance.
Isaac Jarrot, of Kipper. suffered a
heavy loss when six young lows got
into the or•hard 111141 ate no wilily
John A. Hislop and Miss Fanny Hous- APPles that they diel from the effects,
too. two well•known young people of all within a few hours.
Grey township, were united in marriage James' held, of the Front road, Stan -
on the 5th inst.
Exeter and Zurich will join together foe
the coming winter in organizing a hockey
team and will enter both the O. H. A.
and the N. H. L.
The Somerville 200 -acre farm. 5th line
of Morris. has been bought for $5,000 by
Milton McNeal-- of Brussels Iocality,
Ley township, has purchased the farm
of 110 acres belonging to Juhu \Van-
iess, the prloe paid being $s.INN).
This gives Mr. Iteld :100 acres of land.
A pioneer resident of the 14th conces-
son of Grey, in the person of Mrs.
McNair. widow of the late Duncan Md -
Nair was caned to her reward on Sunday,
who will use it as a pasture farm September 2i$th, at the age u( eighty-one
James Parr. of Grey township, has sold years. Bern in Paisley, Scotland. she
his (arm of 200 acres on the north gravel carne to Canada at the age of fourteen
road to his s.n Levi, the price being years and some years later came to Grey
18.000. Mr. and Mrs. Parr will likely townahip.
A bad fire took place on September 29th
at the farm of David Sanders. 10th con-
cession of Grey township, where John
McNabb's tbreshin outht was at work.
remove to Brussels.
Thomas Totten, a Turnberry pioneer,
died at las home in that township on the gg
4th inst., in his seventy-fifth year. HeSo Quickly did he ftamea spread that the
had lived continuously on the one farm separator could not be got out. In ad -
for sixty-two )ears dition to the fine bank barn, 60 by 60
The 1110 acre farm 01 Wm. McCracken, feet, a hay barn, driving shed. pigpen.
On the 5th concession of Grey. has been the season's crop and all the implements
toll to Thomas J. Ellis, of the same ,;except a cultivator were destroyed. The
township, for 17,000. Mr. and Mrs. hey auto and wagon woe got out. The
McCracken Will probably retire to loss is estimated at from 17,000 to 118,000.
Brt.ssels. Insurance in the Howick Mutual was
Edith. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry $2,600. The fire is supposed to have
Kaye of 1 ranbrook, broke both of her started from a spark..
kgs one day last week. She has hada BRUSSELS.Iperience in frequent
ack Route
Oar serine
ight ergine. ,and
,al day trains.
rum any Grant!
or C. E. Horne
ger Agent, To -
very peoU icer ex
breakages' of her bones owing to their Brussels' tax rate this year is 35 mills
b ittlenea on the dollar.
An interesting event took place at St. Bread is now 13 cents a loaf in Brussels.
Peter's church, Drysdale, on September a drop of one cent.
28th. when Miss Juliet Charrette, young-
est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Char-
rette. of the Sauble line, became the bride
Of Armord Denomy. of Hay township ---
After November let the town of Mite
ellen will have only one newspaper.
The Advocate having taken over the
sit l.sc-ription list of 'The Recorder. Mr.
Wm. Eaiiutt, the editor nal publisher
Peter Scott, who carried on a black-
smithing business here for forty-seven
years. has disposed of it to Thos. Ritchie
and will take a well-earned rest.
The death occurred at Winnipeg on
October 2nd of Mss. John R. Grant. a
former resident of Brussels. in her eighty-
fourth year. The deceased was twice
married, her first husband being John
of The Iteorder, diel stiddeMy a few _ Kay. who died many years ago- She is
months ago. survived by her second husband. J. of
autumn wedding took place at the !Grant, pne son, Postmaster Kay
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Zu•fle, , Stratford. and three daughters, Mrs
Hensall, Wednesday of last week, when. W. H Kerr. Brussels, and Misses Nessie
their youngest daughter, Miss Gertrude, and Jessie at horn.
became the bride of W. Bell, of Windsor. 1 IILYTH. - -
Rev. G. W.Riversofficiated. The young Mrs Armstrong liar returned from
G,slerle11. where she was visiting with
her nephew for several months.
couple will reside at Windsor.
Oliver Galloway's barn on the 16th
concession of Howick was burned down
nn Monday evening of last week. Mr.
Galloway fell while carrying a lantern in
the barn. the lantern exploded. and •n n
instant the barn was in flames. Farm
implements. a Gray Dort motor car, all
Agent. phone 211
Phone 8,
ry Modes
it of 1920
Pere hats so
,s season
J. McEWEtt-
South Side Square Telephone 4
The marriage was quietly ,.nlemnized
at the King street I'rrsbvterlan manse,
1Aomdon. on September 29th, of Mary
gang 1tr11' NIt•IA.1411. of Fginendrflle,
t,. Thomas John Coulter of ltIyth. Mr.
and Mrs. Coulter will reside at
The death r,eurrel at Clinton, on
Septsmler ': nth. of Arth%r t'Hntelon,
aged eighty-twoo years. the cause of his
death being pneumer%ia. The remains
were brought to Klyth for interment.
the d,seesst haring I**!, a resident of
this section Inc puny years. Before
coming to Itlytls htr'Hval in Gaterieh
township. One sloth John. resides in
the West. •
• ('UNTO\}.
'132111,(61 y, Qedd el- ll, 111.)) , 7
Wives and Mothers
of Canada
essealoid. Oat' - 1 am very enth•saetie
r prates d Dr,Ptave's Favorite Pram*.
tion as • tom`
Mwith the
iss' sad
tstlfltsat t sad a� is
a po dcs a tmaw
fiat time D vert
difference. 1 was
never nous Md or
sink at all with my
Preecriptios' heli..
- \ but 1 wes est9emdrr
44M. 4 " usmm[prtaile wits
Me mien sad my suffering_was tenser
wises 1 had wet- takes the 'Favorite Pre-
.aiption�'.dyI shag
aalwaaypss�ta�kte is
. • LEO'1'A !d• PgPPER. 114 (trail,
Safina:. 14. 8. -•'I was in a ria -down
arrows .oaditroo for over two years. had
been welled by several doctor and oak
found tsmporary nisi; 1 eould sot sleep
et sight my heart palpitated so. and 1 was
slmwt afraid to close my eyes. Beira pr -
s eded, I wrote and stated my symptoms
to the eledeal stat at Dr. Pierce's Invalids'
Het, is Daffa o N. Y. I was advised to
use Dr. Pierces Ooldeu Medical Dile
savory with tbe'Favorite Pr.seriptim' and
the 'Meseta Pellets'. I did so with the
very beet reeuita. I could sleep and became
sty natural self again. 1 certainly recom-
mend Or. Pierre's medicines to all sufferers,
for they Tuve dose for me what doctors
tailed to do sad they have rived me doctor
=op."- hi RS. JOHN HOMAN9, Clam
Toronto, Ont.: -"?or over thirty years
1 have been a user of Dr. Pierre's Pleasant
Pellets. I have Ween them for liver trouble,
biliousaw, 000stipaeioa and wob-Issad-
acbes and they alert• ipw ma the mad
warted. I am.sure the Bement Mab:
base rived me many a # set& -11 ara-
hidly reeommeod them." -MU' NAN-
NAH BOW Nfi1iS, 60 Strum H1.
day of fhb* week.
\\'lute• working on a flax machine at
& 4IIIN llltx mill o1. Moudny.
('lataut*• Shields had nue Iwud s•vero-
ly nunugled aad uta• finger may lot
to he amputated.
A8 George Illuloul was turning the
eorlter of Josephine street. Saturday.
on h18 way foot tine "It" line to tewu.
a Atte bullet plowed slow• N1 1118 11141.1
and shattered the windshield of his
ear. The 1441114.• 1111' Ine,•a igot ii,.
Tlw marrhyre look 41a,v quiedly on
Tuesday, tletols•r 5111, of 111141,1 Uwh•l,
daughter of the late Frank Rucluuluu
MO of Mrs. Btx4pnau. \Vinghain, to
Elmer Lewis, eon of Mr. anti Mrs. 1'.
B. Wilkhiw,u, lielgravr, Rev. I. F.
Arwstr,ag ut)k•latltd.
The ratepaseraiof Whelan' but
week approved a bylaw grant-
ing eoneessions to the N'IIIIau1 1;umm
eotupanr, of SHghalw, which 18 to op -
erne a large factory here for the man-
ufacture of phuwKrSlani. , The vol'
was :'ai in fa>or and ew11y 1� against.
fie bylaw provide,' 'for L Peau of
$10,iN$) for ten years, dwl.y neuter". and
fixed aaw•ssweut lit $111,000 for Neve%
yearn. Tit' evwmlamy is taking over
a local factory building, a half-bloe•k
of brick *trnetitre. HMI will wake use
of much of tale machinery now 'there.
operations will comment*• utmost tit
4)444". About 14N1 hands will he employed
and this mmulrer gradually increased.
This 1.4 comstde•n'1 14111' of the (test in-
dustries yet Ne'1111'41 by Winglaut.
fin Thursday morning of lest week
Samuel Castle passed :away In his
elghty-se,ond year.
A spiritual Conference of the minis
ter* of Goderich Methodist district was
hell in Wesley church 0n Tuesday of
last week. Diseussloas were 1144d on a
number of subject'', and It was re-
xldvel to organize for co-operalh'e
evungPlistie Nervl.s In the district.
A wedding took piece quietly at the
man on Friday, Iktotwr 1st. when
Miss ella H. Nelson, Pld'ut daugh-
ter of 'Hobert Nelson of Hallett, be-
came tl)A bride of Win. L. Belton. of
Hermon, astingti eoanly. Rev: J. E.
Hogg o184 el. Atter the honeymoon
trip Mr. • Mrs, Belton w111 make
their home BPNsawere, them Mr.
Beuren Is time per ai.d clerk with a
large 1nmlwr co ern.
The fa 1 is the most severe season of
the year for colds -oto day is warm. the
next 'cold and wet and unless the moi her
is on her guard, the little ones are seized
with colds that may hang on allww)�iinter,
Baby's Own Tablets are mother's pest
friend in preventing or banishing cools
They act as a gentle laxative, keepi
the bowels and stomach free and sw
An occasional dose of the Tablets will
prevent colds, or if it does tome , n sud-
denly their prompt use will relieve the
baby. The Tablets are sold by medicine
dealers o• by mail at 25 cents a box from
'he Dr. Williams Medicine Co. Brockville,
_eTho-Llawta L'reasreexl harp tone- to
Pae/1110U. t'all'fornia. Inc the wilder.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam 1i,sh1s and Ro-
pers ' tfarn'w have returned from u
three munrth+ trip to the Western l'ro-
vincie, and the Cast.
The marriage took piaci. at 'Avalon
0 oe of tinter Aimee -Weed,
to Franklin It. Arnold.
Let us help you with the problem by showing
you our large stock of wearabies for boys of all
ages. We have been selling clothes for a good
many years and know something about what a
lively growing boy needs._-_.�._
Everything for Men's and Boys' Wear
(except boots and shoes)
Semi -Ready Tailors and Gent's Furnishers
Disappointed "Hikers" Hear Address c'
by Minister of Public Works. ▪ - --
t lett neer Prow last week. I 17Ea� 5Oc- s t� s
Tlsmgft tie s iotfonl ltaspie were J _ stem ire e^iwe.lr. Indere November IA-- y S0C
diwlptaduiel Lt not bone
i'Iii ab1i 1-o
make tine tester teff -hinder-irkes• i e iii ,� �y.,. - - --
they made the beet tot the wituation
by holding a luw•Iteoli at, Ilona iii the
monis of the I'Iwallwr et Commerce,
os'er ors• hundred being present. They
bad with thew Iluu. F. C. Blggs, Mip-
ister ,1t 4h1bIL Works, and others
prevent *ere Mr. It. Home Smith, of
the Toronto harbor commission: 11.
lj. Smith, dtstrkt Iwad engineer for
Nortlwru Ontario, Mfld Mr. Anehhe
Tom, tlw resident road engineer.
Mr. Riggs stated that by this time
next year the road from Stratford to
Goderleh, .-ditch was to 1w built em
Y Government highway. would he a
mighty pleasant stretch of road to
drive over.
In opening his address the MIidater
was greeted on arl'dng with cheers
and .an Improviesl version of a sewn- •
lar song.
We're forever building hlghwars,
Highways everywhere. ,
They roe 1'h, wiTsr: they wonders nee--
Arid -ttkw my dreams they ,fade. -b - -
F.41418148 $ alw•ay. waiting,
t, Goderich
LL of us ova to believe the rumors
regarding further red Wtion in
wear prices. If they
on fact -or even probability --r:t
would have been ahead of Rumor in an-
nouncing the good news. - -
LS at low prion,
kis in plain
Items, all rises,
to 58.75
ts, plain oollara,
5 pockets, loops
1 cuff bottoms.
2 =5.75
and neat grey
Iso, rervioeabls,
rsmarkabls vats
at ... ...lis,os
BUT rumor. as usual, ignores
the one fact that controls the
silaatlpu--thist prices to the retail-
er are governed by.the eost of raw
materials and labor.
High prices are not of our making
or seeking. They have been im-
posed upon us and you by the
tremendously increased cost of
every single thing that enters into
the making of shoes.
And these high material coats. to-
gether with to -day's wage scale,
which govern and dictate our shoe
prices, show no immediate ten-
dency to permanently seek lower
W rat iAorne.
o , est 1.r t. . . . •
flag. Mr. and Mrs. Atlsehi 11'111 reside
`r"H'AT is why we cannot make
-any definite promise to you
that our prices to the retailer will
be any lower this season than those
in effect for Spring, 1921, styles.
Irresponsible Rumor ignores these
facts -delights in "sensational
news" -and, as is so often the
ccsc. hurts everybody indiscrlmin.
atcly until its falseness and vicious-
ncss'become apparent.
We appreciate our responsibility
to you; we want to help towards
cheater 1".i1',,; and -.e are earnest-
ly striving to improve matters.
We ask your confidence and belief
to encourage us.towards that end.
null advice to yos--and we gine it 1s all rrsewrh-is
k•J to BUY NOW say ikon you seed 1K years4er,
year jswite for Fall asd Winer. Doter fey extrava-
gantly or ruMesafy. Mar Ae u core/nib emi /adkiossly.
1 e.
alis" Ada Sleth. datltrhter of. Mrs.
\W m. 5115411. 111414111414 on Septo•tnlo'r 31)tl,
after a lingering Illness. The deceit,
1e1 wens a most estimable young iconuw
and was n school t.nt'luer when ler
health broke edown.'rTIP rentntmr ot'thv'iat:- .l. W. alma.
dell. n former reshlt•n1 .,1 watorth.
wlut' diel et Ferule. 1l. 1'.. on Stptem-
ber 21st, were in eri•el i1. fhirpnrley
.m.tery hist w• , after n seteti'4' 11)
.\nd the Kant 1111141,4 fait: -
Weirti forever buildipg highways --
1 Ii T1 liw•acs Test tin• air.
Mr. Riggs' would not prouiise they
the proposed road would he built of ate
phalt,elthongh that is the 1414111 f
fnTITree nnr-tn' Bahl It ...orlltis�u-no1
goal. permanent natl. in the opinion
of the department it is le•fter to neve ,
11N1 milts of gaol driving highway than
1 initis of lo•rfe•t rm
oirnetleu ltud
11 y were woirllttg ..0 tiled prtis•Iple.1
'41110 tines years he 1404:41 that
heart 4Intario alt Hie system
out as l'rovinvial Idghwio' 1
• e/wpletyit. Aftet•warls 0o1rld\.
questiMl 44 turning 'loan In- .
•1.t rade el{ cement or us -
the rww't
lying. Mr. Itiggs weld
'werea Trig factor in
added: "'1 think if
• to the static in-
'all' The-"Goderich
n n•
f L, evemo
1.w the
Why Uv. t ith Cradtced 'Walls a>
11.' Why s They' ' East, l Covesj
Bearer Board will cover them up for all time andyou'll heaps •tylia the
job to do again. While Beaver Board is doing away with the dears
of falling plaster it is covering up old dingy .wall ape:, on tt a
eeiings and giving.ypu an Meal surface for pains si 110 decors - t ,f
Many m old honeestesdllu been revived fibres of the Split tree. Fxh Ridi i
withliL 'rootless' crackling manufactured treated with the patented Sedtaholp sr• •
eoms th
tar ta'rtnut
hfgh 41141 of
that East road
Its realnetlon, Im
flit. Isople get In
dustry. that of far
to reline Nae 1I. 1'.
Mr. Itiggs elate lse•view. 1
"dice wet• got Ieglslatlo11 tq
ice aims!r.atas system7.
ggs. n,
lumber. Room after room has been made
over -one at a time if you please-witb-
out spur or Utter.
Beaver Hoard is real lumber. It is built
up tato large panels from the strong, pure
ening, Mills,Ltd.
8 Gott di, Ontario Phone 47
preo•ut tine '_1.18 VI*
--, Ing plains I% nlo•ratloo
NM gravel pits end 51441
I well as.11114I ' sellers au
e.lrw ks. _. The residentsll
glovers.y the .
Ials.r null material
huts• to bare t,wlhlt
uivnt roads built h) tile
eeailtiou*. 'a,ljuet
feel crush- 1 themselves 11 is nn 4184• 461) 11144 vt at
I ve twilight s irfaet• we Vali 111)1 o1.. Wt. wllt-h11.ve
n• uilrrles;.nsh. Iaka.11..•.suIdace w/o. rain gill."
>�f sty hirge.
'j11 N. en The
*eat- older fentitr•s of.
will ,
tow. the meeting'!" `
y-B*r Salle
:'I Imo elire lhev were the a)'t`s and
1 (last noes:^-11411111uore .\tui•rl.:rn.
The remains of the late I.:41w•ard
(farrow•, whn diel nt•/ ahrtlt o114 ktoher
21s1, were hrougl,t here for int emend.
the funeral taking plttir, Rini the
1 of los brother. 1tnt' rt Germ's.
Deearled wails lq itis bt•veaty-thksvl
year.' .
Breed -has dropped one fifth i Toff iii
Enter and is now 13 cents..,_
J.Fies: &'
. RCa1itary. inrInetly g well
known merchant of Exct-r, was a recent'
*triter ifi town. acl'nn)panittl by his sort,
Stank Sw,a,-and.ihe_Ltteet_wife _ and
child,' -of Forest.
The home of 'Mr. and Mrs William
Rivers was the scene on Saturday. 2nd
hist, of the wedding•of their youngest
daughter. Elisabeth Irene. to John L.
Routledge, son of Dr. and Mrs. Rout-
ledge, of Zurich. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. M. J. Wilson. The
groom is the manager. of_ the. MNwns_
Bank at Centralia. -
Mr. and Mrs. Jamas Sweet, of the
f.omlon tswd so%th. on Sat•
t trttay reletrrett'l their dfammed
welding snrromided by their
live sons. three tltiiightsrs 11)11
live grandchildren. Slnre their Mar-
riage, alsty - years alta- Mr, .oho -Mrs.
Sweet Tare always re'sided' In Fs -
Mer or IM immediate vicinity. and
fir! err iotth hale and hearty, with ell
faculties' unimpaired. TIrle rhlhlr•n
are: Samuel, of Fetter: Frank and
Robert, of Sarnia :.lames. of Nage ea -
on -the -fake: fret, high *Omni' ,line
rlpshl in l'enetnng: Mrs. Egan. of EA
ester: Meg. Met'alli,n,. ..1 1A%sl•n, Heti
Mr.. Ferenown, of Toronto. Mr. Heal
Mrs, Sweet were 1 he r 14.1,114'14 of
many hearty rongratttlrtimM on the
attainment of stkty years of wrddel
1110. '
Holt. Brooks has sold his
business to R. e. 1'nptnnd.
East Moron tnarhMa MIMt la a1m1.1
convention here oit Illmedltg eve Fri-
- Prest=O»Lits Storage Batteries and
Columbia 'Dry Ceits � t
• Several second -hat Bicycles for sale heap
Come and - these. ,
MANY men suffer from
irritation of the skin
as a result of shaving. With
some it assumes a form of
eczema and becomes most
annoying and unsightly.
By a�lplyini a little of Dr.
Chases Ointment after shav-
ing the irritation is overcome
and such ailments. as Barber's
Itch and Eczema are cured.
b rent it ahe k rb.,iWd T`
r04. Falting...
All' Tires dtt sale at a big res lction in prick'.
Oils silo) Greases of all 'fids.
Special prie w on Oils bought in FIN' -gallon lots.
•1'111, l•,; t' ng }oxNl running ,,1,1ce. ,\