HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-10-14, Page 5el -- Tin imam - - OODIMIOa, ONE ��!.�-line '�' L"•` Tlinnd.y, Adobe* 14, 1*74- $ ere's Many a Slip l,~ a linislied Picture"' The real fun iu picture -making lies in tak- ing the picture. ' Developing and printing are likely to be looked u as irksome, disagreeable tasks. 1 Pesti 'a large ttamlber el t e amateur p •is this cel let as ievebp aai print their Mw. We are thoroughly equipped for the work and can guarantee good pictures if the films are all right. We give prompt service. Don't take chances. Bring your films' to us. CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE " THE,PENSLAR STORE" is Telephone', Neat Millar's Scotch Stere lite Square a Materials . AND.CAREFUL WORKMANSH1P4 INSURE LONG SERVICE. T'S WHY f. Martin Tailored Clothes C.IVE MORE THAN ORDINARY • SATISFACTION F. . MARTIN. Tailor 1 L CAL TOPICS" organist . Knox Church Mr. George Kenyon, of Trenton. has ,The iiaitses air Bane atlas par, tor, Tkaaknglvhtg Day, whoa It 1a expected the brat games will be pt•yed on the grounds of the newly -organized Oct( Club. • .20 Animal Ender, Dept C.ALdR. 7hlrf Veal rkh•aad terata enlya, m' ell n fltrilr sent tt manila(/' to? where they trade tip 8 squadron, depot C. M. R. commanded by Major Ball. tornlerly of London, Ont A large num- ber of these men will journey to Ham- ilton on October 29th to atter d the i. C•. and annnal reunion of the regiment at the Royal Connaught hotel at (i 30 p• m• Those who have not communicated their desire to attend are asked to write Capt. Stewart Chambers, Chambers & Co.. SPertalot 'ng. Hamiltun, Out • belrOf asTo ilk 10 RI m I itI hair Mit' Mol a nuanit•ous and hearty Invitation to the ps.torate of Mlmtvo Presbyter- ian cburvh, and will be inducted awl ordained there on Wemlm"tlay, October '7tb, at h p.m. Mr. farmland {s a *141 of Mr. Jahn Haglund. now clerk of the township of Mullett. but long a reaklrnt near Anl.urn. Mimic, IM on close tp Toronto that It might almost iw 4o11- 14141e4re1 a suburb of taw clty, and al- though Toronto las not grown In that direction as rapidly a" in otlwra, ex- cept along the Immediate lake front. more unlikely things ILK 114 haypmeml than time abwrrptlou of tide place by Its larger neighbor. We are sure Out Rev. Mr. Fingletuts many frienaiM In Huron will wish him the very hest of anemias in this, his first ministerial charge, and the people of Minato* are to be congratulated on de•urini • young man of such high character and marked ability. Beard at Trade Lxeeuttve. At a meeting of taw Board of 'Poole executive on Thursday evening last, the report of the comwhthe appointed to arrange foe; the reception option to the, Stratford "hiker"' was pn•IwntNfL Regret was expretwed that owing/to the weather conditions the p mewl trip on 4 Ire olwr. lot had to ••M ll• veiled. The committee. with t aid ,If the H'omer's 11.6itutr, was /preparing to entertain the visitors/4'n a fitting manner. and ■ rote of, thank" was passed to the ladles. trir their efforts �Cttta'tanttat meet tel Sunset. The 0 sell most of the who were returning from(a vet to Mont- real, stayed over at Toronto on learning of the death of their relative. and amved home last night. Bowling Tournament Yesterday. been engaged as organist and choirmaster Four rinks from i4.eaforth• two from' of Knox church. and will assume his I Clinton and ten trout! the Weal elulo duties bete the first Sunday in Novernbeto took part in a howling tourtame'lK' in doubles at the Pluton-street greet* n Wednesday. Lr. MacDonell and F. Weir, Gederich, took the first prize, acid Miller and Grant. of ('Itntoti. the s.e•etal Is of who and oats, and the steamer Teetehers Here Today. Arrivals at the Elevator. rliiisteamerW W. D IMaatt bushels arrived 4S Saturday wisest. The steamer Glenorchv ar ived on Monday with a cargo of 250.000 bush• Home SmtkOe Wednesdar withe12t UQ9 bushels of wheat and oats. The cargoes were all for the G„dench Elevator Co. May He Judge hely. We notice t Mr.rate of Walter' Eoderieh formerly police e nd now superintendent of the Children's in ■rrinRing for a to tw serried at ladies were able provisions w-hlohad been obttiimel for this purport.. and the !Want voted a sum to In44tunity them against any (Ina Dela 1 lyfcs. As the/result of a communie•ltion from the (London Hoard of Trade, it waw decide) to Join 1n a protest against the removal of the immigration office from that city. It was felt tlat the Loddon office served the needle of Western Unrealo-to. bettor ef!ect than the office at Toronto e,uld do. c Thatamd ersof WestHurm are holding their annual convention here today and tomorrow, The regular amnions are being he'd in actoraa school, but the public meeting that Thursday) evening will be held in the 1lcture room of Knox church. in order thalt lantern views may be a shown There s a good attendance of Aid Society at Lot.don, is named as a the teachers of t e inspectorate. possible appointee to the position of pearl for Mat Albwarre Art. Judge of the juvenile court of London. Mr. Kelly has been very successful in the The county of Huron boa rd ot? work of child protection at Landon. and Management , ander the Mothers A1 - the proposed appointment would be a townies. Aft of (►uta to Is constituted recognition of the valued services he has me mllolll .w' : Mrs.(Rry f. It. Garrk ett e' t of lew am, given in this connection. '11r Late Thomas Long. • Thomas Long. who died .E 3)45 home at Toronto on Saturday. wa; (, t many years m► a leading citizen 'axL lie was the founder of the Northern Navigation Co. arid more r Gently was largely trot OF. mental in establishing the Collingwond . Shipbuilding Co. He was a brother -m• his horn, this *wit by Illoees'. law of Mrs. jos. Kidd of town and had On „r, ,onnt I,dot the f the W.'nt Hu visited here on sever -at -ms's'-�It' redeller: h of will and Mrs. Kidd and Miss Itdona-Kidd closet( F'ridx nml t tigt Icy will he alio ter tattler. 1 Clinton 1'o111Rhite•hohls its Held day on -Friday. -An invitation to attend } }has been extended N, the 0.4'1 pupils. 11 1111',11 brine bony will go down Arundel ' Lamb OCCUPY THE hLPIT OF THE •i ice.. Baptist Churl Montreal Street Y. AT BOTH SERVICES ON SUNDAY NEXT itlth Morning, 11 o'clock Evening, 7 o'clock BIBLE SCHOOL 3 P. M. B.T.P.v. MEETING 8 P. M. ALL SEATS FREE ' YOU ARE INVITED' LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF flaRS POLLOClli ON SUSPENDED SENTEN('F.. lllu.t Net IPrrtelld t. the 1'(►aweasbn of Occup Power. Following the de•i"inn of the ,•curl at 'Toronto. which confirmed 1h.e Judg- merAr of Jtido. • 1Pieks mm ruurlrt{nk ,J )taggie I4d1o1'k oil <W. energy' of lint an '4M,•111e Aci*ro*, Miss wigwam -v.1 twfore the Jndg1 on T *'t.chy for sentence. Ilia Huuor mot - monistic(' IH•r that the pl•a,•IIW must ce'a,w mad 1.,unal hrr oo.'r In 1ro1c1e of $200 from herself 1111141 from her brother to vermin fr pecten"Ion" of a,'r111t power and from pmol (sing theoccult oelen e. Kite may go as far a« mat- ing that It •Is her opinion that an article may be toluol In a certain place, putt int be elle l I14 spitIwlf P1 that' b, ttsbper` nut ria ei• *h h Or r know- kela'e of taw location of such article►, Mould `she be found guilty of pram/ly- ing again she may be la•nteneed troth for the new offe11,w a111 tortoise old, • but in the meantime denten.* Is ;Mu"• j penerIWI. The caw 144 one that has •ttte-rel a wide attention. Mks 1'o1M.k, whose home is 111 the Iwighhrrlumd ut Myth.' Itelieves that she i" tlussetosot1 of Mup- ernahlrvl (rowers, stud that,'Iwr "(lean gi'Pn" gift should h' exerel"ed for the good of humanity. Some wonderful 'maims.. hare been gimlet] of ler un- canny faculty of karating missing artlel.•s without her baving alq• fore- knowledge of the clienm+tau,w". 11 Moss her effort to hirote ,tore articles believe) 10 have :ern stolen which lel to her being brought before the •,runty Jndge. Mi.,. Pollock says she haw IWd sill* /•tlll,lIHMMI the power of toeing "spm UL" anis for wuue time she did not knew that the power was ar to herself, thinking it ,sly natural thing. ,elm -I 11 people. Later she dim - that Mhe was different from simple in this respect, and for oche 41111rt1y employed her gP fa.nulty. at the request of htrors or °deer" who came to her solve their d1111,•oltiea. Misoc Pollock la'r'•rew she should ex- ier•Is• her power for the good or hume ality. end she sea forth her rows on 11w matter ha a loiwgtafully wooded and written leaner to His Honor ]edge 1)Icksm, dune tlme ago. 1`AR� A meeting of the Huron and• Perth press Asaotation will be held in Godench on Friday of this week. Celt Club Progressing_ Mr. T. it. Harrlwln. who Is acting as Me-r.tnry fur the t:,Ml.•rteb (:orf ('iib In court. of organization. report. -excellent progress !hint made towards abeing 11e club upon a MIi W"talltlal footing. Of 1:,11 shares to he 411111 at $30 11 "hare over our -third have already been mumbseTtled. an.I it is confidently exfwervl that many others will wish to take a part in the enterprise. With fifty persons 111MUIly Interested 111 the Ram.', there seems no re.son to doubt that next *^neon (;oderich will have a strong gulf cluh. which will nut only provide a new interest for local re.hh•nt,', but will 1w an additioroll at- tractluu to summer tourists. It has been frequently remarked by visitor. to (;oderich that the lack of a gulf course here was n factor preventing ny raty people from maklug Goiter. hh their snttimer home. The grounds. on the Meltla Itiver fiats below the hal. have iee•n worked Into pretty good sbsp•. and it is ex- pected setae games VIII be played 1111 Thanksgiving I)ay. Mrs'. Fowler of ('Halon.\ \xajor 1t. S- tlaye of•Seaforth, and M (:. W. 11.4 - snail of (tab•rich. This le nl will act under Iegistatiou reTieri1l1 meted by the (tptariu Legislature. G.C.L �NMes. livens ipml Hnnw ham leen eonI til n .' 1 wee fretIlizrr for Fall Wheat and lover the high cost of Bible bp' greater produetIon• 1 If you can nitro; lilac ,amount 0f crepe on one acre as tw•u acne" usually prodlwea • by fertilising a iittie more heavily, it • will certainly pay, for the cost of the extra f hirer w111. ordinarily. m14 than eon uterhalasneed IIy the caving in cost of preparing the ground. seeding. cultivating and harvesting the crop on the extra acre. The acre eared can'be natal for pastae. or for tame other crop, and le so much clear profit. -Farm and 'Flrtride. Place your netters now for Fall Wheat fertllher. ROBERT WILSON HAMILTON STREET w+w- OODi;R1CH --0-• osesaamessearsownesellt New MattsgelstSteel e• tensa a( the \\ est 1•.rtmnntott . Mr. J. F. file evict has assumed the fhstrl't, 111 preach at lath services. MONDAY and TUESiIAY i He L it Sheet Co star,il merchandising • mush'. tete big store more than ever • factor in management o Ia the el- ing str choir will render A GOLDWYN riC'i' here, .He The Mimeo*: ('hatter, 1 l).DF:, will kohl their regular meeting o■ Tuesday, October 19. at ioclock, in the, %lent or Trade room: ----- - - 'flee Women's 'Auxiliary of St. c:ee,rgeoe church will hold • wile of borne• -made taking In Mr. Heey's gvo- ,cry store on Saturday. Oetoher 143(1. commencing at 2 o'clock- Iklnc,•s at the l'mvIlloa are air noum•el for Saturday night and Mon- day 4 Thanksgiving 1)ay) night The (;oderich Society Orehestra, w hose muck: greatly pleased the large crowd emdao.ere at 11e "l'av'last Saturday it, will again be on hand.- ® CRCRC9 . NOTEB. •A: the Baptist church nett Sunday pit. Arundel Lamb alit preactr at- troth services --11 a. m. jitict. 7 p. m. Bible edtooi at 3 p. m. IK Y. P. U. meeting : t S p.m. DlririP err•vIees at North strict Stetiiift7txt •elinre h next thmt rr- .rt -THE he uitrtlulys. ll uo,., 7 u,m...tlttbli • y ' worship: fu H ill.. MismidelIia iT. 41.4Model Th Club d ts', -What rhe it menu at all i.' ti has a la Mon to torered other years. arra t1 PORT ALSEIP11.. Givirw UP Bus1Nrss.-Mr:G. H. Ball: o the Port Albert general store. an- nounces that he is giving up bli inesa and will have an auction sale of the balance of his stock and of his horse, wagon and other effect. net Saturday, Oetieber '23rd. We understand Mr. and Mrs. Ball will r Awtove to Goderich. • A C'AV'ALRY MAN LN WEAK Henry Hunfalvy, Fafwserly a G.derkh Printer. (letting a New Itspetttlenee. Pte. Henry Huufalvy, who ,.-.,sr• a time o1 The Signore ale•Ianlral ,staff and M lel* with • cavalry IIIv1- hlon of the Felted States army at rt Brqwn. Texa,', write,' 1111.1.1• date et October 11th: '•'1 reeelvel your farmer today, mal i am wilting at onto to let you know how glad i was to revive it. i mu havliag\ a good tlale Jure_ _The -clim- ate Is hot; a 1'o" day Iwo' is hotter than the htteet day In tlslerk•h. Tlwre ari+\ 1Nr 11114 twee here and no p'aeeh or otlwr fruit trews. ' sweep. lamins, orange,. and IrnNoua. t wile In the h0Mpltal with malarial fever for two week((. 31444 1 am O.K. now. I on out moot .Bill every day oil 1m1e for three Bones. :droit forget to ionl_pe_The. tetanal. Every woman appreciates the charm of every week, as it keeps a fellow sir a beautiful comt'lexion. Of course you to what'" going on an town." know that many things whichare offered Tte. Hnafnlcy's adhere+ Is A Troop, tot sale as complexion beautifiers are 4th t'mcnhy, Fort Ilrpi(n, Itruwiavilk', injurious to the skin. Therefore in Texas, I.M.A.• selecting a beautifying agent for regular use you should use discretion. I)r. Brown's Peronid Cream is madedwith the idea in mind that a preparation which will keen the skin smooth, soft ani clear and promote a healthy glow is b and to beautify the complexion. If you have no favorite cream which you use regu arhy, we ask you to test this excellent brand, which is backed by a guarantee of satis- faction or money back. E. R. Wigle, druggist. Goderich• 11. C. Dunlop, local agent for Temple - ton's Rheumatic Capsules, and Raz -Malt for asthma, says these two standard remedies are selling better every day. 4111111111111111.1 to will 1 -•has former and Ohm AR' Il1LRE •s and afro'" nihil. The 11)1111' far will eatre Program a Christian?"Mr. t'giU'r Hein pen the discu$alon. Iter. .1. 11. - FOR bet l8it. 1A7 y rt I► of I'arkhll a\ n l/esl.1 (hunch lsdmonrat has 7 a large conte make a signs] vermin of Thanksgiving a d Moi i ertdeavrr to make � the business of G street, Floworth League last Tuesday Mr. Maltby, who has been manager Kett. nnd for a short time.evenng. NtNiPr 11e (Rootlet' of the kl Do abs D v e d Sotihething new. Pnstoffice 13asalaFM144alon light . as Jack Pickford .., A Hite spry w was lend at North air and the idrit' In TO SUSPEND C.T.A. L. Steel Co., Limited 1 1 00 MI FOR WEEK COMMENCING 4 Sate aci i Palm Olive Soap, 3 cakes for 25c Flannelette, 38in. wide, per yd. - 35c Turkish Towelling, per yd. - 3Sc Chewing Gum,all kinds, 3 pkg. for 10c Chocolates, assorted flavors, lb. 49c Monarch Coffee, lb.� $ 4t -a . 50c Regal Black Tea, lb. - a r39c Sunlight Soap - _v 9c Talcum Powder, 1 Ib. can 15c TheL R 1414, LIMITED .- 5C to $1.00 Store GODERICH M ONTARIO Largely Signed Petition Eileen in Sheriff's Ohre Last Week, A petition hearing the names of about 9,500 residents of the county of ituron was on Friday last Tiled at the Sheriff's office here. calling upon the Dominion Government to suspend the Canada Temperance Act -or '•Scott Act" -within Huron •county,.. This is said to be about 2.000 more names than the 25 pet cent. called for by the regu etiner. After ten days in Nee hands of the Sheriff, for er"tvipat'oss by anyraw inter_ esteed, the petition is to be forwarded -to rain._ It is\�with�iiin the power - of the Governor -in -coursed to grant the prayer of the petition, and it is believed that 111. twill be d me. rather than go -4o the ex pence of a vote of the people. ' The Ontario Temperance Actt'which will be fully in force in fins-tauntY HH the 1 li;anada Temperance Act is !!µµ[lspend a favored because of certain mo a sting' f provis ons contained therein, hut repeal of the C. T. A. is riot asked, in rare it should be desired to make use of it later. The names on the petition were •_i...1 hie l)�H1"l fl - Once. i e;• . ."' SPECIAL SALE e October i -October 16 This is an opportunity to secure Footear at very low prices Goods bought from the manufacture 's to -day cannot be sold at the low prices we are now asking A Dollar Saved is a Dollar Made YOU CAN SAVE MQNEY ON FOOTWEAR. AT er11'S.B0o 4 AND DON'T FORGET OUR REPAIR DEPARTMENT IT IS THE BEST Next Te 1 ;' it makes a real treat -Blackstone.* delicious ice cream. in bulk ,or fancy bricks. ,neon ,,. ....-. --. land later to VaneAuverrB.L where he will he !heated pertinMently in the inter- ests of the same Company. W,,meti s Wit tile. The regular month'v meeting of the Goderich branch of the Women's institute^ McNally one the Thursday, home ctober of Mrs. The report of the dining hall at the tall fair was given. Out of the proceeds $100 is to be given to the butding fund of the new Gndertch hospital •fid Nei to the X-ray fund of the hospit*I.. The institute tendered a Marty thanks to -the ladies M the town who rent in donati'tns fni the dinirdt haft. The next regular meeting will he held at Mrs. Fowlle s home, Elgin avenue, on-Thfite- day, November 4th. Thaaksdtng Day Ppsrt&, The 1(It1e Ass*ietidn w111 hold a et -turret .In Thank.givin% nay on'tle fiats helnw the Jail. to tomnerrte at 2 p.m. The .22 ride or shotgun to be used, the c0M.•stant having fir'^• The Committee hove 1«arrowed A few 2'2 rifles for the event and the prises nee grease, ducks and ehlekene. Ti,.- 1114511 ls,wIers will duitt'A tone- ttantent n4 the I'k•tnn street grey on Thnnk■g(rltgt liar, commencing wt 2 o'clock p.m. The tennis warts ohm eci11 pr,te.W1y be hnsy on Thanksgiving Day. The rnlrlarrleltt In doubles is progressing. aro( 11 1s expected the flnnl games «1111 Ise played on \lotalay. j• pr:shi e(1. The at1. Itmdtord are revels -1i them of the (411gu1' o Of Atte ltaretk tit - wit .Metierinten(tptlta Taw reenter monthly the lt'omeu't4 MW(ah,nnry Knox church will lw held of afternoon at 3.341. Mrs: (Ise Hamilton wi11 give lin whin melting will Iw of a •special 11 giving ehhlIfatter and all the la air invite1. At Knox church next Pnt1lay dl 1ae worship, morning :14 1111 e•reulnR. «111 110 enNl11'3el IIs tba minister. A national thanksgiving service In the morning. Sprint Thanttsglrtng non.* et broth s'rvhws. Mtthj.e•t of sermons: 11 a.m., "Th' Crown of the Year." 7 pin.. ••('P1444- Praying.': Sabbath wheel, adult *met teen -ego 1t11.1e classy" at 3 o'clock. ^'M' r • •'•' w•. • t to November 6tn. Reserve this date. s Mooney and erpr�g DecellY - t the c11ugratda ltltt '- --- _- the tine work AHO - v n mill ' ./14it:il_ihj--SitfClE 'Y" - -_ "BRINGING 4•r F.1TItER wring' of This 1a a''2 -reel Comedy, not rartemei Moiety of Nitwits, (wing Thulsglvin), Mat.r nt Tuesday 3I'p.m., 'Evening open 7 p.m.. tart 17.30 r 7.30 p.m. , ('(IMP EA H1.1' The 11kM- hew The easiest way, to mark tattle linen 1a in 1141 144 the Witty and a cherry pie alone at the table for a little while 41. 114144 EDNESD,11" and THt'RSDAt An Arterial Picture Douglas Fairbanks in "Knickerbocker ' Buckaroo Also CA tip; Il tt I'' ('OME111' "Mo‘ int 1/iv " F1tlt)1111 aro( SATURDAY A RN;LE(T PICTI'RE vt '.sem - Eugene O' Tien "Sealed Hearts SINCE IMO 'rlt/ SINCE Aloe ' • IA) SNt'R rO1.1,1RD COMEDYandBRITiSH ('ANAlm AN PATIO: NEWS a°M1covc»1s 11.1111111111111.11111. Greeting Cards E04t EVERY OCCASION Birtjhday Weddings Anniversary th Announcement Co' gratulation Sympathy Alm; a beaus ulline of ginned- colofNI bttOes Thanksgiving P . Car(is Hallowe'en Post arils Smith's Art Store East St. Phone 198 W. HERN It, North side of Square• - lat 1 t '11 ;•1 P. 11144 t. 47 If yon. fini� l your eyes are failing and y, t cannot ,fee to read prop- erly, don'tdeltsy hut come \in and have an examination Made at once. We lise the most up-to-date met s and our prices are Moderate, colu‘sistent with+COOT) SERV "- .�._� ALL. COLE i . TTiiT Optometrist Gederich, Oni. 7 V1tOM, IHBR0. V.. KRIS. t hat tt - we eget two hrr three- week- ..1 , line we•ither a let of { sighing cat. jet be done, tot there is ver UttlathreiMng Gyne 0.04 M Austin (Mesa. Nib•, left to he done DOW. -.._ipsystentf-TMw-wuMr _ ._. -- ...._"Wt. havw..3sd-.alp-.snow_ 'et -arena 4 . Mr. Herb. F. 3'orri•. formerly ' t-• hard frosts, bid have had awful/ bine township, tM)w of Austin. hl@n., windy days, ' We ate 11 en)<ry. writing to The Signal to renew iia sub mg the hest ni heahh nut here nd have scription, aaytt: had no neem d a rlex'tor as yet. y can't "Crops vette very gond around here; say any of us Orr much in Io a MoiPthe this year, but we had very wet weather country, end solve day we. pope to re tarn if, Koff Stcxtk threshing• K'e tiNd ;4KN(t htishell to 0441Ontario and pethapa to ea1 hid of wheat off 170 acres and had 47 accts of Huron county. Appita,are 110 a Morel oats that averaged el j bushels to the here the fall an(t'that,ts otte kind of fruit ll' acre. and that was about as grid as an' we noier were `hot of when welived he larrrl(r had. near here. /lay was a splendid! the Feat. Potatury are a gooderoi ler. and fwd eat 1)f wflet for t t and Orr selling -at (10c a bushel. saving ut.we Ploughingthe ihs a jnrag w'ayient behi•nd j quite a ch:,nge ft oro last wring Miele this tall, un ac_ount o' the late i►arveat, i they were selling (. r 14a bushel ' e 11 n.lrrnrt•�w+Prtir Orr7+ta+r47at 1 a''r+ ?' at„„g^Il�r4az;,R"ra"�;rf�"'t-fttt0�t'at`(i�'ra�•m,ia'tls�,alr°;"€1"else;E!t�Ta''�Ifi,r;�°.Mx4..+,3 alb^::ieT"� •i •+e t' ci rz • y