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The Signal, 1920-10-14, Page 3
iwa}��ak.. w«•s -•.wt ts�'Nr"!fl` *r's:E.C�P;'wi"SIS*7x...u,W.'..'S.:'°_`^^e�r.`.b.,tx::�smT.'l�'•�ar':ar•TIM KWUL 4,� N - �� "gip; OQDJLRIM OUT. Ms THE TOWN COUCH- POPULAR L1TTlIC 41[1111 three years ago thin Septcwloe•r that' 7 WNU AGAiN Ilia testa woo fir first victory over the f }; Wft"d°tit�t' ` wru tat Bruce. it wan uta flirt mem- Proceedings at the Regular Meeting Rheumatism en Oeteber 1st. I Allies Raueirrd W WawisrluUy iiehe leaving %on' t ocfirnluo when Hur,u, proved won' flea fll•let pull, the lel"Volld pruywl � Stj11Re83 theft ovcr Nolo last week.) acted by Taxim, States Mother. a desdlol•k, and for a whole hour and i • to a "J11 I `R The town rounefl gut through Its A statement which will be read with Province of thirty Winutrr the tesmm tugged rod truggled, ueltherr Ming able to bulge and all intuest throughout the that, ussi at last win,,,- 9 bushaelele quickly on Friday evening "Alk Quebec was trade recently by Mrs: Joe. the other an for Pain last, adjourning at 8.50 o'clock. The iiouchard, of 1131 Ethel, Verdun, a li+p, rearlas that seilne o! aneu if, the cot the tope a Mayor was in the chair. suburb of Muntreal, concerning the Wigilt dip struggle, Mflbrd'e Two letters from the Canadian Deep benefit her da filer Alice had derived 'anlac. end lint au end to what was perhaps the couttat o! ell Lial.est Waterways and Power Association from the use of grealrmt phylehal hes stern were read and referred to the water, Alice Bouchard was the young lady time. -Thorp were •90"ts in those mothelactift light suit harbor comWltte•. Threw for three who, at the bl Pageant on June 24, �Qz aisle." }'tar right rlseacwrlye yearn Iti'UtY' had N'.ell ltlila Huron, but t111M ��,' �eaer •tear letters referred to tilp annual Wtellug Itiwic►IY the Association, to lx held at fur- impersonated Marguerite bourgews in the tanleaux representing the founder of tier the Iktisfun watt to MrclMttald's 'r f remove. err of lecliurrwy, 11ILAB; Wm. salter, $480* It had Nun the first cud •^ �•••+•rws'I+a•eiir outd, October Ott and 5th, and to $it- the Ladies of theCongregalioa of Mont. tWtm. pull -entre rlalwa and any .4 tinge of the luteruatlulwl Joint COW- real teact.Inglndiangills and the children during the dPadkm•k the of the P.... wlamlou for the hepalrlug of evidt"We of the early tell lers. rope had mttsxl about three feet to 'An Old Reliablg temed -• I N►tb regard to the deep water route. 14k*,4� yrali Fatsen,Ha.riltpl ' Applloationm for bulldl .permits "Alice had ben in poor health for a long time and had indigestionw bad the Huron side. Mr. Macliouudld went to the Pacific Oat., •rites-Wisard'.U■lnor" m as were received ax filluws: la. Mur- +t there was little that she could ea[wlIhow cuurst twenty-eight years ago, and for a oldrrti.uir rewwdy. 1 shay. kerp ■ bemthr rinh, tool house, lot 1,042, Newgate suffering great• distress ,'• said Mrs. number of yentfla 1•oudoettrl a large '" the hos4w and have n aimmewemkd it to street; ii. (1. McKay, shingling huuw•, Bouchard. "Aittr eating she complained o, uttcouvcr grocery store ut Nauaim1' roc �•-.. isite • numbs d lay y friend., show• +t gave V s+wt reYel in weo.t cash k.a. used .. • lot 11A Cameron street ; W.'T. follow, as though sl+e had swallowed a stone, sold Island. fir sowit the .torr right �t can iar fwm,uw• sleeping porch, lot 170. Fouth street : B. and so much gas would form on her yearn ago and for the least three t 1 1`, t[unmlaga, nwshinglfug C. limrrow'm Goderich Knit " MIn W� stomach the could hardly breathe. She lay awake for hours at night fet!irq years tins liven employed with flip l'ru- clnchtl l;uvrrumrnK lu connection 14x house, Nofth street; often choke. land Ile came t K71 �)��I1 ting Co., tt6•tt. cement chimney, FAgl: like she was goinv to She was with settlement. cast street; John Cutithertoon, prase, jut constipated and had frightful headaches on r vacation trip and av'us as far p.m l a L� 124T, Keays sliveet•. These were re- mnwid She had ill Ile or no appetite, became New York City. terred to the are eommfttee with I very thin, and her complexion was pad. 4 aCri10uH1 I'i01NQi0011JIA. flower to act. I She complained of feeling weak all the A SIGHT-SEELNG TRIP. st_ The procedure -with regard to the time and we thought she would have t los advartlee para lit"ly in this paper. immuance of building permits hall notI take to her bed altogether." I•IEL6, Clerk. pot been definitely settled, and In tame '•A neighbor told us about Tanlac and She has \veal Method of Tesehting Pupils of a cages flip. permit Im socket for after RItDICAL. we got some for Alice. now an literal bebool the work is e•ummrmted. The council excellent appetite and can eat anything ' x>w'- _ -�--- -- ----- �— diM'll""ed the que"rion of [low to Ileal without having indigestion afterwards. She has in Kippen, Oct. 6. -Miss Ella Jarrott, o� R. CEO. HEILEMAKN, OSTEO with much teases, but did not come to sleeps well at night, gained feels better In every way." S. b. No. 14, hay, gave her pupils a PA'l lh altuauer n. a. a.n1 ar.d children ally de•isduu, I weight and pleatant afternoon yesterday, al.a unci - r rateasn.■rute.cbecnKu.du.rvou.down*",ey Alia tllcation from the Bell Tole- ser rose .ad tbrwl, prong dednesa, lumbar for Tanlac is wild in Goderich b E. R. p n iRle aril the leading druggist 1n dentally taught them a largo amount of n t taught In 1 psi rAeY�a1K r4adtlMlM. Adfapld■ retwve phuue ('o. pe•rmissbn to place wire the bade. town. information generally wR (.Eu ■t teatdence, carne mall ora' lade on ]pfgbtbouse street every schools. She first enlisted the sympathy els V■Yeu ■ id St. Andraw•siltreela. At bcmeomc wean granted on the IMnsl eroudideMs Ilresdayy.a.� Thursdays wad Satuday; any e.emte r of two young ladles of the Brcuun, Misses Eaza Thompson and Gretta Ivlson, who tCi �" , aasrutmut. Thr finance eummittee reported that $1,M10 had be•u paid to the. Collegiate re•eit-el for the position of police ser- drove their cars and carried two large Institute Isiah and retomme'uded that Runt and night watchmen, anti re- loans of happy children to v,srt a number AUCTIONEER. a furtlwr payment of $1,6013 tie made commt+uded that W. J. Ruddock be of points of interest. The hrst plact was if by November lot. -The 1919 county alypottRed at s sfary of '*Aft tl� '•Big Hole" in the Ha; swamp on lot .. • �', -- rata, anmiu veins arith.. leitelatsd A111 1, he_ eY,mmittee "cow 10, concession b, where all e3 es opened fi1HOMASGUNDRi', $8,1;;;3;,{3, had been paid. merplwlVthat Mr. Rttldeek be amppliPd tilde with wbnder as they saw the large 11 AUCTIONEER. The special committee reported with equipment and uniform at once. opening, about forty yards across and 4Vr that s number of applications laid been . The public works committee repdrt- filly feet deep. After gazing awhile, the df, Bea W. Godericle. All instruction@ by wad or ed that, an the Oo derich Flax Mitis venturesome ones found thr,r way down i ek atSigned OnKe caul be promptly atteadWto - rwsbg,ce td■pkuree lir. had se•urel anotber building for stor- the aides. In the sprang this hole u tS� age .imirponep. no action ile taken on often full of water, but soon ail that flows /w LIYLAA�pp� E OXO g1ILJ HEAT al+fdiration for pertnlssiou to uaa in finds its way out of the bottom - LEGAL f r tis' Agrivultnnl• hall. The committee Logs also that enter it disappear re.•uwmendel tow grunting of Lir. A. downwards into the earth. Many G. CA INERON. K. C., BARRIS t oncestrateld Beef Cubs Fortify TER OdoceRISS J. Cooper's recineirt for the removal of a tree opposite his warehouse, owl think an underground river runs below. After a short stay here the milnotate caw, Bhp Agataet C�illa t+ Hamilton Ssraet. Godericb, tasd door from also rperommpnekd the cleaning and party proceeded to Exeter, where they Somalia Train trtrdstoImuoatlowestrawa. An Oxo cube dissolved in worup of flushing of the sewer on Hamilton visited the flax mill, the creamery, the /- - -- - hot w: ter is a splendid thing to mtreet. Trivitt Memorial Anglican church, with t C. HAYS, take before going: out in the told or SOLICITOR, NOTARY The are committee rerommended its fine chime of bells. t lambing the La. a►RRISTER damp, or on comjng in, if one feels PU�L1C, gTC. that a permit top granted tie James tower and looking out over the town was the slightest ill effects. Besides its Buchanan for interior alterations to a new and delightful experience to all. o one-seerhrK Bank• block, Handles Strait nourishing and invigorating pro- the Colborne hotel bulidinr: and that The next point was the 1 amts printing Took 6L pe Oxo acts as a fuel in the ge the citizens of Gtotlerie•h be reque eted office, where the wonders of the Ilnotype The aril assets. Loam sad Iamanos body, verating heat that the sys- tem requires. to observe the NI -ton' a Initiation Saturday, 0 9th, as pleased everyone. hest and principal objective was the Exner canning factory, en PROUDFOOT. KILLORAN k COOKE Oxo cubes -in tins of four and setting aside Fire Prevention I►ay. with its intricate and expensive tnaebin• ten cubes --have endless pomibil_ Thew reportw were all mdtlptwl. ery, which fills floe cans caps them and „ -' &AaaZTYRg._ SOL10'rQ111% NOTARI" itiea. Fee s"pa, saws, gravies, A motion was posited rtqueerting carries them along to the dumping poii 4 �_ .. PUBLIC. ETC. savary dishes and meat jellies, they the water and light (ommimmkgn to all done automatically. The big cooking ,00r from Hud do that meat could do, and do it Oicr ea the SVueele, .rt.wdMo a r.Goderecb' esGwa Make the usual refbrtl on the Yown f cauldrons each capable of holding eighty dozen cans ata time, in which they are hisid• to 1080 at lowtnt rata and with less trouble, Use the rwn'si water rates, bovame oh u rows" &o K. C. J L. anst.esnsa Oxo cubeswith "lett odes^ and applying tan la to file slrePt" fulRPlad teamed for seventy-five minutes, were little t t# hoeasoor l H. J. D. oddments for new, delicious dishes. Coosa of water. always full, and excited no wonder. _._._._ ...... .. _._ _ _......__._ .. There is nothing better than OxoIt was ordered that flip mum of $900 ^ulspottoy I6'ey a" part of the mink- Then there were the husking machines he silk machirm, etc., as w•tll as the two 'WARM C,ARRORIr LLB.. BAR- for twiffdmg sturdy boys and girls, hog fund arrears tee paid into the large silos, each capable of holding 500 M t1a(iR at ItaYutor,Ne, laas•d a lowest rata - -- general sinking fund at once. torts to look and wonder at. This ensilage am� __ -- --- - -- T CouinitiloF Story` mal& there was an is sold to the farmers at $2.fi0a trmduring 4 a 1 SEAGER, BARRISTER. SOL-`ao ` + Ilapresml(on among the merrier of the l the winter and firds ready ask. The =; " ICITo H erryrpalK` sod con er7 4400ddeerr 11• Gro• FUHAMN lttwrd u[ Trade tint the trrumtit was tet in sym{wthp with tow Board. Them next point visited was the combined I public and high schrol of the village. t imprreemityn was increrre•t, as the from Exeter the pilgrimage turned to the INSURANCE. LOANS LTC.tstlba ce� Haand fat- Andrew's sts council had always given favorable I east to are the famo s soldiers' In nu- ment on the school grounds in S.. No. GODRRICH consideration to pmletwiti.onm coming from the hoard. Hr holoed that title 1, Lsborne. 'this i- ± beautiful mem- uCKILLOP MUTUAL FiRE 1NSUR- .a r.ar• Worship would at the• tir-t oplwortunitp or ial, consisting, or a fine white marble n . f J Jif ANCE CO.- Far= sod taWwtedtowaprop- Y" 1 c nuvpy to the Iteoard of Trade the statue of a Canadian solo;er, carved in e 8 a.tri...r� Caoaotly• GoaerichP O: .^�nr•v` euuu11' dl•Kfre that the two Mw1iPs Italy. This statue stands u xt a granite 0sacese-fw cP= taeecrwoed P.O.; Thomas "' • •..• A(;ENT FOR ,•t fay wears, vete-Pres-} -r a Yayrti bac.-Tsar.. SMIGN'th P.O. memlllld Hli In Ill owl/sly. Llayor l\'IRIc if base, on which are carved the names of the soldiers from this section. ,1 Diastase -D. F. NcGterx, R, R. No. s,gea- ^_1_`'_a. sa" "= 1me G. Grieve No. • Walton: wilei.. CoekshUtt Fart• 1wachin remarked that any nN'mhrr" of the Iteoard of Trade• hadbut After viewing the monument the party wap; R R No s, Sentinels: obs Beowwms. i shah an ►m orrsslon they were lYllor- { motored to their hots' tired, mil intensely with their twenty mile trip of v ��staaraY �e Gro. McCart y. R. R. Na. a,S.a •aR°obert Fa,rr,,� Hae°t{ock; yl,lcol� Mr-� r.., Adams Wagons �' Clmtur,lwmeaEvarr,Beachwood; Jamet+' • .Godwech• i As efnfrew Truck Scales Ing under a mlmmpplvheomlou. Hp eta<I nlnady taken o enKion its assure the newly-elveted presidcnat of the Bomrl pleased sight -seeing. During the greater part of their tr,p they were accompamc(1My Miss J rr tt'e for er teacher W H johnAMn '1'burmday, Ot•lober 14. 3YOf1-; 1^`+tsipJ t[tt,k �1 - ';+; S- :iia f;wtfl�i~ °skseix 17d 0 hear us when cry, to Thee �� For those in eril on the sea! " a.�.. PAX ii'R•atxs - v Have you ever been at sea in a storm and seen the clouds lowering, the wind rising and the waves running mountains hifh, decks treacherous and the crew anxious? Unless you have, you cannot Imagine its awful majesty, or - the courage it calls up and the spirit it commands in men. . Many Canadians Have Never Seen the Sea— ' highway. The sea and the Yet the sea is Canada's World-Tradet� Merchant Sailors make us prosperous. x ire,. a But the Merchant Seaman's life is hard and perilous. He wages continuous battle against the forces of nature. The real sailor is !_fat ..J 46 not the deck steward or attendant on comfortable ocean liners. a His ship is no floating palace. His voy a no pleasure trip.,1 . ;.. -pi The Real Sailor's Ship is the Tramp Steamer— Ff l' w.a•at+narrtma•vx or Windjammer, beating againstales—decks awash ---sleep a strangest --M rte;+zriawt for days and nights on end. row in winter, dodging ing icebe rp Awa, seri raldracrcretReafi in spring, groping through fogs off treacherous banks, beating round �M, the Horn, fighting through typhoons, or becalmed in the Yellow '. Sea. Tough going all the way,. �� . ° Mew-r'i1. �e _�""x� •,.... ,.. '�,'''I�;i:�:d^p 9' ��'�'r .,ti.r r t s:l Death Always Hovers Over the Wheel— nlF.",tia'iwtlt -" Is it any wonder, then, that the Navy League wants to make life 3 • i� �tRitk "id' --- comfortable for our sailors when ashore? After all, Canada is their 77 home; and the home, while they are here, of the sailors of other lands–�-=°" . The Navy League endows, maintains or assists in maintaining every i Sailor's Home, institute and Welfare Society in Canada. And every � d� to •ao: J- w. Yeo Godertcb, Aks. g, of Trade of lhe` cordial c•ooppration a o m ' I ,,,,y' ag j- -•'. a. a. No. i,Clatoo, *'IWmChesney. las who lives in Exeter and traches in No. 2, dollar subscribed for the maintenanceof these Homes and Institutes ;� Ilea, .�R. Hiaehkr.bealorth. Pdncy-boldencanpeyall. -Alen dealer in- of tile evuncil, Hay. He is acquainted with all these',„ prosperity. ig ; to &ti�ee yaret their car d• tempted at R•�. q will be more well invested, and redound to our national`z A C='s Cho g Store, Custom; R. H. Cutt • --- - -- points of interest and acted in the capa- :. a•A z'a y .= v��r'k _e �Kos om .u.et G.avtca. w J. W Maxon • Ruth Pianos and A FAMOUS WOOF -LIAR. city of guide. +woes s�. lsaral`cstae.sa7aaN. --_� IM �-- - — — `111111 of, r"efa�r 'Kintail Mata Recalls - BUsi ins succul . _ _ ` -- The Sea is Our Heritage an arzr ere, t —_ -- l .ltaflaa. attlattlmn oLPhoneigroph is Hlrtierk t3tettggfi�- •+ In proportion as we develop this Sea -Conscious Spirit so shall � , Records constantly on band Lucknow 4entirwl: Lucitnow, had rrery merchant onmt obstrome car• -., - p p p p Brophe3 Bros as a visitor for a few hours last week taln fundamental buminesm Is 14 to ob- 1 advance in world civilization and trade. We can only develop owNMI • lits. John A. Maclremitte of Naraimo, lain real bllPiaeets sltcrmP, it has tern Sea -Conscious iris b making{ life more endurable to Canadian RATIO==._ a B. C., a former remittent of Klmtall stated that approximately ninety per t-1, p + y Those wantin anything in , 1Ne Leading • g y g tillage. Mr. Maclkonald to iiPPt re- cent. of those who Pngege In MidnePs Sailors. And It 13 for this purpose that a portion of the Navy Funeral Directorsour lines are invited to call - membered In this part as the man who ultimately fail. This condition would League's Fund is set salde. TO carry on Its work next year, the captained for a number of years the not prevail if the small husiness man a t wait Embalmers and see what we can do for Huron county tug-of-war team In the would strive for new buminesP in an T Navy League must have $760,000. This money must be mised next them, days when the C 1oldonlon games made energetic and IntpillgPa nt manner. s ,,.y�� t tl week. It not a large amount and borne in proportion from Coast r . - the circle of Lhcknow known far and There are many theories hot only _. Orders carefully attended to wide. To a friend we heard MacMn- one Pure method by which public at• t0 Coast It must surely be subscribed. rA all hours, night or day. '" aid remark fbi&ft waw in* thirty. tentioe div bit galleon and hold and ----- ---- PHONE rod--'--�- - , IN .�: _ that fa advertiPlnR• iCeerp sucaemehQ __-. • �, O DBRiCH --' h 1 5 It d con- -- _ ! t1 " 7"...: The Navy League of anaaa m r• fore thP,public him claim for the pub- cl" — FINE REPAIRING Wft"d°tit�t' ` n fes ' SAILQRS WEEK .CAMPAIGN ' f petttm• the sdvastage. The proof of this statement will toe Bring your tread -worn tires to us �• and let us retread them for youand an extra 2,000 to 3,000 found In the columns of this paper. get extra mil-- "- October Msm- . :-a Dominion ©biective $7609000. age out of tires that are practically - worthless, or let us reline your tire, V which will strengthen it 50 per cent.. • a Tires repaired in the proper time by has ro-fo•rrvil elm• relmlrt on the Shindy if" and followed go vigomnwly that our process will pay biggest returns. Let us examine your tires. �we „ $ ` with all t.TsP members present. Mlh- cannot save your buying a new tire, it ! will be a pretty bad one - n"' Tires, Tubes, Accessories. ne'tlfy the Plrglrn•i•r ceglrrding the, cliangrs Amke) cur from the nlstrp H. I FISHER, GOD�RICH c t and a orml, and their experience has err lip pslw*'d. on motion of Rotertmnn and !ttratighan. Report of Messrs. Currie � munielprHty. The customary hl�aw True teat` -ti" ecmtA1R�' " Sunlight o Soa p I it b impsaelble is "T a Purer weep thing, Mtatiebt. Therefore It is really the, ehenpest seep you ass bay. The purer wed batter the snap -the i«w you tined for the wive\ and the better the work deme. Imabr M (eines alis Sm* you sal lbs --SUNLIGHT SOAP. LNVM RROT"ZRs uwtTRD TORONM 17 mPrCllanf am ROMP (P 11 P An1944W Plstent advertising policy to p►.e 14,��. nirPr•ttrih " 7"...: The Navy League of anaaa m r• fore thP,public him claim for the pub- cl" — which trod -liver oil SCUM be no cow- lie's patronage. He tins the husAnP«m If heltrigP and foresight Is to pg+w flare If he fdlP In this he is Rlcl a com- n fes ' SAILQRS WEEK .CAMPAIGN ant taste of the oil. They knew that petttm• the sdvastage. The proof of this statement will toe _ After long scientific Pxperiment talnel exactly the fool Plementm net•- found In the columns of this paper. estuary to health and the uphuflding October Msm- . :-a Dominion ©biective $7609000. proe•e"P. Seott'm F.Tmilsion was finally The history of nearly every national f - V - edeevtiPPr Pt p.m row case In partleular is 8cott's Emltlfdo Nearly fifty years sign two Irtruggltng _ drnRgltrtP ellomro tet a ptvawmrd ' bl , — which trod -liver oil SCUM be no cow- i it lwotinded are to eliminate the napleas- EAST WAWANOSII. ant taste of the oil. They knew that n loesson 1_' and 13, $111.110; Wa. unc' high-grade mecliefnal and -liver oil oten- After long scientific Pxperiment talnel exactly the fool Plementm net•- 11th estuary to health and the uphuflding r proe•e"P. Seott'm F.Tmilsion was finally prmineod fn a highly efllripirt "tare, but V tow pnhlir had to he so informal. a digwrltive tablet. KI-mnldm, which I11 %ewmpmper advertising was the method has ro-fo•rrvil elm• relmlrt on the Shindy if" and followed go vigomnwly that torlay Scott -m Fivoilsion I.- known the with all t.TsP members present. Mlh- , a f't�3 t 2 world over for its tome virtues for those in mid-life and a mtrength-giving r s l M — - -- --- - ---- fend for growing children. EAST WAWANOSII. to make- further enquiry rugoinling thin n loesson 1_' and 13, $111.110; Wa. unc' � After long scientific Pxperiment :_ matter. Carriel. Coulter-Ftrangh- Sailor. rep. culvert, $101, tileolk Kerr, r Scott k Browne, hive also prewlucPrl Ian: That as the townmhip of Holh•tl drawing gravel, $7.00: Win..Anderson • a digwrltive tablet. KI-mnldm, which I11 -'The council met on FPpteudoer 27th, has ro-fo•rrvil elm• relmlrt on the Shindy mprnding grvt'PI. $3.00; Theme, Fleld ile•eaoming ren pnp»Imr after one year'P NIP. The mlrmf• method w•Am And Is with all t.TsP members present. Mlh- drain peek for e'TWidPMtt.oll the clerk mlmrgl deeetropt!d by eldlgs, $1'1.10; W. A. Currie, destroys by ddm tlPtng htrel to gain IhHe attpntion Dt lite" of facet meeting were read and ne'tlfy the Plrglrn•i•r ceglrrding the, cliangrs Amke) cur from the nlstrp $ls.rai; Rebs. Tbowpsoo, slwPp dem- aebt. c t and a orml, and their experience has err lip pslw*'d. on motion of Rotertmnn and !ttratighan. Report of Messrs. Currie � munielprHty. The customary hl�aw tmyt'd by loss, $x.00; for gravel -f!_ taught them that the public mast be i Kerr, for thea lmorrowhig of ni orwy to thiffnee lecliurrwy, 11ILAB; Wm. salter, $480* ti`''es ct v twoth Informed and reminded --that but keep And "hisep vallnfor", regarding•[ sheep owned by W. A. ('urrip, R. the townshipmtone till the hrxe•" Are t wnshl of Turofti tr $111.10; l . 4 D r. li t (e a, thorp'mn"t he no shirking, I foHMomins wx" dolly read and llxsm- King, $>s.11fl; A. ttrvtf~ $titer, W. J P 11� ; e0rrlmwtingly at It. Thotnpmon end There. f1eM destroyed y eel. Currie, 75e; W. iteRnett, ittive; W t a • TMP makers of Scott'm Emulsion and by dogs, lonely ridrivel. Thew ae- he The following aerrnint" were paid: F'o0wrgill, $4.89; A. i'orterfield, $2.70 Kt: s KI -maids know Pxnetly how much how- counts were orders to paid. At -I J. Il.e•roA, com statues Imiwlr tax, W. AIaFPrsoh, $1.10; !. lie•vYeewhz 0fl � In~ they do In the territory rovPtrd though thPronnull dorntuderl that "omen $4.w(I: It. It. Taylor, rep.bridwe•. $l 25;, g c'�e: N. Me.WU. f%m J. abN$1. by this paper. if results did swot jns- iffy elle Pipenditure they world not thing should tie done regNnling thin Ilrlg nliiMnre, and ■m mtimpMion lwof»te'd The Miml,11ral World. snppHete. $1:►5; it. tint, hridee- eon Otovetling, $8.011; A. Scott, "Mrielltt�. 11_IMGeri s Karr, Pheivelling, $9.00 r et" I . nae our volmmnm. The point Is thin: to the,owripr holp an to m en a of the {mart paymoot ern fra(•fm, $1(s)fl; It. }'per, r.gmtlrfnr Rrm.l-I(►n mof{ein of HlttPrfPlin arnl ('on111ss t l if it IP growl for a natlonal adrertlasr, doors. It was moved by Mr. Ntrwnrhan, er, g.i.(if1: J. B. fl"-. grant M Myth mun.`il adjourned to tner•t Admin on 4 It 1s for you. Mr 1ewml Merchant, rdteidl 1 assess by Mr. fillertple, that the of M1lll fair, $10.00; F. WAlkor, nIP of ileorday. Floptolm•r lith. --A I,01117;:R. ., . los advartlee para lit"ly in this paper. Reeve and Mr. Coulds be instructed scraper $1.00; R. til. 1leett, gr'avllling I•IEL6, Clerk. _ 1 f 3'lv�FiW, low '11. t, -.. _ ,.. 'vied +' tt�,�t t: fi�pMS '9:i°t: "�+r�, �°I are �4 sur- ...+«:�,.,, .,,:v+:'t• :�-btkih'i.,«�„»'�'> ,,17' ��•T�r°iaf vr+GA ,•.»a n ,�n+: ,m`»"'wx'nax,mv. ,,a•,.,.e"ra�+4•vnrw:m:' ...*.n.:>.+,..,4.....: ,?iwe' 1fi' ,,.: d-.t�i.f� �i'1'i" ,wi4 a. tx•n-n•.a'�a-..w+mttsx;,'::,rerry.-aq.-^r�r�,w ^tn k :u.a w: R: d."ar :#irRt,Tweatk•L�v- ik + assn o klr�, 'Ar rwMt°�I%"' drr�?F?''r'r,waw r+":ip4.+A^ - s...:Mr,. .+»«, s ..,, ..,. ,. n ,.. A.. ,'�• ,,:... • « r . r ;174 ,. b r ', r 4 9 Cn� r 17 � ere • 2 u0.. 'N,..,k �g i5 u. 'i .:x, -'r•••' .res, a. •tr'i�rir..L. ..,. ", .nt n •-sire er -,t. .gypp. ^•1:.L,.. 'lift{i",i5"�_. ,r. s:aee:(�pc 1'.," I,S 6 d.. .tt°t .?itT', +tt�#°P";4 fir t y+tw`?: 'i' '?a�i'r+P,r..caPn�rdS?..i .1;. tj',,r',1' ff?' , t , "• (+.. " > �;. r�7f.,Y ., o �..,. , fy ' ': 79; h } M ih:. 5x G(, i, : M.T, .,1:..: .1°9 Rear N.. 1"'p T h`.4t �f:...:ii tC pie.,.; ;.,..,x P * ( 4 �" ". , ;i ,` F 4, 1h>l1 41 3b r� )KAM ,I s aft i" h .. a �✓ . r r.c :.'!. a ,, r , . M"1 4`t!1° a ,. 5.. of +n y.., 4 -:4•e 3 +[ ,' n "n'.+ n,.... v t.. # . .& ,5 +-. -" ,.... ce."_ . .tseri.GN�,'., a y 6 jM $ 4 t. �y ', f . .��bu{;�_tx^y p.It r - �:.: �' ,b ', ,.,r. F �' � ., . n..a ,, � ,e .., y. ,.. sal"" �t . . ,. ,. .. ..: � __: .,,;; a .:.re"v.n„�, J,.:,,�.e '�,r•” Y p..4. ,.r . 8 n M•. .. ,. .. ;,. .. a. il.. ' ' r'M .:, . .:.� .. ✓ . , . r :,"e.., .' ,.v. 1.. - s w. a. w ..: t i:. �, «., ' m .r.. « `'�.;Ftp� .- "j s�: � "v� ,,r,,.X � �P:"� .(flea �k.r. ,.•ase: .3.- :� -•C.. ^r: •;,:: iWrIF.;, ` � ,„,; ,'*wa.,�."bur••;�.H'kz^i.�,t•em.,., ,. ,A.:?C .E„ 'fi` i.f o: J;< r: e 'Jess - � r fir rM�tM r.'wirwnti�li I +�