The Signal, 1920-10-7, Page 7•.Circe;—.,..+r .-....-
JVaa lv it dM
h:..u'a Ruy,e'
warm. 1'1lse. til.
se•. ceI•. surra.
%Cauda. .S
scampi n aides -
lid in Las ask
to .T00040.
The unique power of Zam-Bak Is well demonstrated by the ease of
Mrs, S. Cliff, of Melette, S.D. Here, once again, are facts what& ooa-
v1aa(ngly prove that pain, inflammation and blood-polsoa cannot
Withstand Zam-auk's powerful antiseptic heall•g.
l rs Plitt. says, "I gashed my hand
se erely between the fingers with apiece
S t tan. The wound, though carefully
/tended to, somehow became infected arid
poisoned.. I had doctor s treatment and
used numerous presct.bed remedies but
the swelling and throbbing spread
right up Into the shoulder.
"Hearing splendid , reports of
Zam-ltuk I determined to try it So
long as I live I shall remember the
wonderful relief experienced the first
time I used the balm Under the cooling
and soothing influcece of Zarin -Bo!. pain
t'talte to take place eari0e1 October. I A W
a.w,ua e• - - -
Frld•Y teat, the Windham fall fair
%si rt Davidson pawed away Seg.
tem%'r 24th In his sixty-e4Rhtb year.
The deceased spent his early
SVingItam, but lived fur many years
at Sault Ste. Marie, returning town two years ago. He %survived
by a grown-up faintly. John and Wil-
liam David -min of this town are broth-
disappeared, the swelling reduced rapidly
and I was at last able to sleep."
" Day by day there was vast imorove-
mentand, when every trace oflam-
mauun and poisonous matter had been
drawn out of the wound by Zam-Nut,
perfect healing resulted.
"Again when laid up with my leg,
swollen and inflamed from the knee
down, there was nothing to touch the
trouble butlam-liuk. This wonderful
balm won put me on the sure road to
retuvery. To -day my faith to Lam-Nuk
is such. that never again would I tie
without it " 50c of all dealers -
SAVES Pio/N,, WW1" &
Hhattord, Oat:—"I do think Dr. Florae's
Favorite Prescription one of the brat medi-
cines I hare ever
known for the ail -
'meta of women. I
had for quite a long
time been baring
woman's trouble
which caused me to
become all IUD-
o-down, weak and
nervous. I doc-
tored but nothing
seemed to give me
relief uoW I began
taking Favorite
Prescription.' This
Arrangements ore !wing made to
hold the Beeth et Boys' Parliament in '
Exeter on ck'tols'`r29, h0 annd 31Wel.ingbro I'
The cement pa
street from Main street -to the station
is eompletel, but will nut ile opened I '- . 5•• med m erre me
for a few days yet. wit& immersed relief that I am glad to sea
V. M. Bray, accountant of the Eomx- aid i b uWan.'—M A. GOD-
eter branch of the Rank of Commerce, mei. goals" ot•
was married at Ottawa September NERVOUS AND RUN-DOWNt
3 5th and is bringing his wife to reside
in Exeter. Brampton Ont :—"A few 7sor• aro I
Not i•outeat with trig p,itatues alone, teas el a nervous and run-down ooadluoo
Exeter Inas pt-odut•el some veru large' sad felt g eatly In need of a tonic. A friend
tomatoes this season. The Advocate who was being helped by Dr. Pierce',
tells of wimp big omits, the largest Golden Medical Discovery advisebme to
weighing two {stints three 0111111.4 b It, 10c5.'It helped me from tot very start
Erma restored me to p•r'fect health.
1 asuring nineteen Inches in cis- Fred io a pautine to preen the &;olden
'I'll/1h 1/1
IF you wereto
hire the best
seep soaker is the
world std gave kis
malisoit.d ramie is
materials sail facil-
ities, he ooilf tors
out aotklag bitter
or purer for you
/ thsa
The 'Quern'. Hotel at Klueardiue is
being 140-e1.
Bertin, wife of A. F. Clarke. of
London, who 11101 Oil the. 23rd ult. In
her twenty-eighth year, was a daluditer
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred (lenttner of
Thos. ihayman, of the WW1/1W Mh-
cessiou of Tneltersmiiti. was kk•keul
in the face by tow of his horses and
was retak rel unconscious for a couple
of hours.
The marriage of Miss Winnifrel
Wright. of lirueeflehl. to William Hill.
of Stanley. Took piatw Wtdnewhee-srf-
latd w1Y'k. Hey. W. D. McIntosh per-
forming the cer•nemy at the Itrueefleld
to $trathroy, where they have bought
a grocery tbuainesa.
Mrs. Jets. Nieholsou, of Brunsets
died in the Wingham hospital Monday
of last week, having gone there for
an operation. She wall 4ixty,four
years of age and is survived by three
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Juhturtot have
remove( from Kippen to, their new
home at Exeter. Before their depart-
ure they were the reripleuts of many
farewell gifts and expressions of es-
t�wa-front their-bipiwri friend amo'
*bore they had lived so lone:
Mrs. Willip'tn Triter, of Walton. tied
on Friday, September 24t11. at the age
of seventy-five year's. With her huts -
hand she lived for dome years in Grey
township and for seven yearn in Rous -
seta, belt of late she had lived
_with her daughter, Mrs. Walter 1)ar-
tdeou of Meilliop. dile busLapid. 01W
son and four daughters survive.
(to Weiliii sLty. September 2!1111,
at the Itrns-flehl manse. the marriage
was MI d1.111111141.11 of Ketberitte Tbomp-
-on. youugu-A daughter of Alex.
'I'lii, potee of Stanley. tui James Bowie,
merchant of Mullen.
A , highly esteemed resident of Bei -
orate messed sway on l.'pfenila•r ':tri.
In the person of Jeanette Phtldater.
wife of .Folin t'legg. in her tlfy_seventh
, year. Two daugli#ers and one sten
survive. Is -ebb's the husbeud.,
Ilia Monday. Septemlwr 27th. at the
ll.-ttt.slist iwrs.utatn-. Corrie. the wed -
thug wa.9 eriebraterl of Ilk, Bertha
l'vke. sit Gorrie. to Finlay R. Lynu, of
Funlwli•h. Mr and Mrs. Lynn wil
Make their hoop. at Vdl welch. .
Mr. inti Mr-. 1t. fr. Rothwell -ant
daughter nese r,•wol iltg frog Mos•rieff
Girls! Save Your Hair!
Make it Abundant!
stip ole
eninferenee. (Medical Dsoovery' very highly and take
Meru rt alt old and es- pleasure in recommending it to all those
who ue at all nervous, weak r run-down.",
teemed resident of Exeter, pslesrl
away on Sunday, September Sakti-aaf-
ter a year of suffering with caner in.
the face. He was in fits seventy-eighth
year. Ile is survived by his wife, two
daughters and three sons: Miss Nettle
and Fwlwarl, of Manitoba; Dr, Albert,
of Toronto; Erueat, station bent at
Blyth, and Mrs. John (lieun, of
\portSome men never recognise an op-
unity unless ft is labelled.
Yemo-ttpscit.- of -{►&per's. while
working with a Owes!lug outfit step-
ped on some rusty Ids whk•h pen-
etrated through his into t1w feet.
A few dayle after the f MA became very
manful and lockjaw met in. The pat-
ient was rushed to the hospital sal
recovered nutter the tresetntent admin-
istered there. tt Lr said that very few
recover iu'snelt rases, and Mr. Detach
considers himself very fortunate.
On Septemlwr 24th the death oc-
curred of Mary. McGuire. widow. of
the late George Cope. of Hallett town-
ship, at the great age of niuety-ulw
years and ten mouths. Six weeks ago.
while attending to her htuseltild
duties. Mrs. Pope fell and frntiurrl
her hip. She and her bushanl came
to Hallett township tlftyaix years ago
and made their home on the 2nd coneys.
slot. residing .there until death. Mr,
Cape prdeeuuulug his wife fourteen
years. Two sols and our daughter
survive. -
t'flNED seminar
by *Melt Heathen of Calm
tan Fortes May insure 'vritr
All meed soldiers and their Wi-
llies will interested in the Returned
k hili
Let us help'you with the problem by showing
you our large stock of wearables for boys of all
ages. We have been selling clothes for a good
many years and know something about what a
lively growing boy needs.
Everything for Men's and Boys' Wear
(except boots and shoes)
Dr. Pisces'. medicine are made of vege-
table growths that nature surely intended
for backache, headache, pains, irregularities.
and for the many disorders common to
women in all ages of life. Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription is made of lady'.
slipper root, black eobosh root, unicorn
root, blue rehash root, Oregon grape root
and Viburnum. Women who take this
ssandsad remedy know that in Dr. Piece's
EnveldM Prescription they are getting a
safe woman's tonic so good that druggist.
everywhere sell it in liquid or tablets. It in
wiMout eleobol.
Semi -Ready Tailors and Gent's Furnishers
nee mousy may be paid to oue or
of his iwntsliate whalers ie'-
to his will. -
teptioiwl advantage of tide iu-
11w protlalon made for it
Hoteliers tided wit Act. meter w' t disability il'n'flunder t. Rer tow,s swot"
t ey a rr D ttided w-kk rte upls.ttt+ttlty eTatli d flw 1� Ti6ltlt� Tirr'°tm`-tttalt�
of obtaining life insurance at mold seep permits Aly disalrfwl lie is r
favlugblr rates. Thr Act 1101111110 pt tk•vtd free ilm further ts' is l e-
festive on September let. 1020. and sill anti sl iustsrst re ngny ix paid to him
remain in, fon* for two .years.
ulirrl in it w dustalt iii "Mal 11*, the prod ions of the .1st any mw -twentieth of tlw'_total inn I of
himoraidy discharged soldier. ,tailor, or
nurse, of the lStrwdlan forces shied- lirpiklcts expkahai the Act anti up -
HAI and (existent of Cunard*, may in- polio athm forms may be obtained firm
sure with the Government to an
amount of front $500 to $nisei. Under
certain u•enditlons the wklow' of a re.
turned soldier. who diei isialeserinent
to dht'harge, may also ubtaiu incur-
In 'addition to former members of
the r.l.r'.. the' privilege's of tis' Art
ore available to -anyone. wale or fe-
male. who serve) during Lbs late war
in the imperial. army or with the
forces .tf any-. of taw allied or more-
iated powers. p'ovktttyg they were
domiciled and resider in Canada be-
fore the war and' hold •n lenmit de"
ddsrha rge. .
fthose who 110e1-0110e1110e1-011oreTw4ls,
Mr. and Mrs. J. (I. Armstrong at-
tended the trig r nvention 'of Revell
' druggists at St. Louis, Mo.. last week.
The Lucknow fair was favored with
flue weather, but tie in other placers
this year there was it falling off In
the exhibits, especially In horses and
cattle. There was a good attendance
of spectators..._IMAFORTH.
M. l'illnrnn. of Itutroit. and lila xk►
ter. Mrs. it.sttIi, were renewing old
acquaintaces here after an absenceof thirty-five years. Mr. Pittman was
engaged In the carriage business in
Seaforth in the early days.
'Phe Seaforth friends of Bert Van -
Emmet. of Regina. learned with re-
gret of a serious accident whieh befell
trim -resent r if—waw dick shooting
when his gun aut exploded. srrylr'g away
tenet of his left Italia. The injured
man is a win of W. Is Vsnrlitnloud of
lag Iville and Is nue of the heat -
known archiletts lit the 'tVi',t. .
Mary El lot teeth McKay, youngest
daughter of M r. laid Mr'. It. aert Me -
Kay. 1 -:v -scud away at the lions of her
p.ireill,' las Egaatndville on September
_nth in her sixteenth year, after only
III few days' illness of amwiellettis.
Site was wttend ilig the Sea forth I'nl-
legiate Institute when the attack seiz-
edher and she haul to be taken home.
ii Smith Side Square TelepMM 46
Immediately after a "Danderine" mas-
sage, your hair takes on new life, lustre
and wondrous beauty, appearing twice
as heavy and plentiful. because each
hair seem* to fluff and thicken. Don't
your hair star lifeless, colorless, plain
or scraggly. -ids; tun; wiPHots of long,
strung, beautiful hale.
A :i; -teat bottle-- of delightful
tai andirine freshens your scalp, checks
dandrutT and falling hair. ,This stim-
ulating "besuty•tonir" gives to thin,
dull, f:,ding Bair that youthful briahtnme
and abundant tbkknes*—All dreggiatsl
Malty o
while nut suffering from • *were dis-
phlllty. Mei that their phyeebesil-+'ten--.-
thin is such that they are nimble to
obtain , life insurance at all or,
only at much higher ratter than are
normally demanded- They, therefore,
Bal therms -ire's severely hanhhtvappil
In providing protection for their ale -
penitents. Under the Returned Sol-
diers' Insurance Act all returned men
are phtcsl'on an espial bests. ay no
meelfcal cxamhratinn ds required.
The premium nate are how. They
very with the Age of tills-lnestrwl ail
thi' plan of insutvnte chosen. At`the
nice of tweedy -firs' a straight life pol-
icy fur 511100 cturts 51.24 per month.
At the age of thirty-five the rate SS
$1.70 per month. lieuefle'larie's are
Minitel in the ease of s married) man
to his wife and children. An unmar-
ried man or a wklower without chil-
dren is required to tame his future
wife -Mut ehlldrt'm'-ne--tenWlkdltrioti'
Mau UId the insured die unmarried the
all brna•hes of the 1
ami Asss•h►iimt: 1110
1'um0044AI : Ina
of I'auixl:i; R;i incl A rut
Veterans; Army roast Nat Vete-rale;
l t pa of Sed111e'r,u 1 1 t%11 ate-ew
tahlixhtueut : Military District Heed -
quarters ant district inhere of die
li.arl of Pensioni I'ounrissiois'rn: or
direr from the ebwnlstel.I ere. Re-
turiwd itiadter,' insure nee, Trisut
portatIan Building, intim*.
t War Vetteer-
i#ddieri •Aid
Vett4•a le.
of 1•uitirt
Childhood Indigestion.
Nothing is more common in chikihusdj
than indigestion. Nothing is more
dangerous to proper growth, more weak-
ening to the cotistitution or more likely
to pave the way to dangerous disease.
Fully nine -tenths of all the minor ills of
childhood have their root in indigestion.
There is no medicine for the little ones to
equal Baby's -Own Tablets in relieving
this trouble. They have proved of benefit
in thousands of homes. Concerning them
Mrs. los. Lunette, immaculee Concep-
tion, Quebec. writes : "My baby was a
great sufferer from indigestion, but the
Tablets soon set her right and now i
would not be without them." Baby's
Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers
or by mail at 25 cents a box from 'he
Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville,
Why Live with Cracked Walls and ..
When They're Easily Covered Up ,
Beaver Board will cover them up for all time and you'll never have V
job to do again. While Beaver Board is doing away with the
of falling plaster it is covering up old dingy wall paper on wan
ceilings and giving you an ideal surface for painting and decorating.
Many ss old homestead has been revived
wkh this 'modem, crackles* maaufactured
hssaber. Room after room has been made
pverooe at time if you please-with-
loet mass or litter.
graver Board is red limber. It is built
up Into hugs pastas tas bor the strong, pure
fibres of the spruce tree.
treated with the patented Srefrits pee.
ems which prevents warping. t It yet
need to build or re -build, restore or
enlarge ask us h,w you will pee W
using Beaver bon.
The Goderich Planing Mills, Ltd.
P. 0. Box 18 Goderich, Ontarit� Phone 47
No Increase in Prke.
__Notwithstanding the -emirnious in-
creaxe in the cent Of protlntetion, over
three-tlmcs__Dttt 11141 tis_ war prices,
that great weekly, The Family Benda
and Weekly liter -of llritreet, haps.1.-
rddevl to ncur'pt renewals and new stili-
iieriptioirx' at the old rate ($1.50 ti
year) form all who .remit %•fore Dci'-
emnhsct 1st, 1!Y'n. This -lentil Ile Sisal
sews- to readers of that lug weekly.
The Family Herald has %Veil vulsily
improved and is beyon.l doubt the
goatee( value in newspapers.
tan Tburwlay. Se�'n ler lint, Mrs.
Vine- Head. detghtr'r of Wm. Wears'
of town, was united in marriage 'to
Wm. Watson of Whitby. Rev. S. Aft-
lesson performing tie ceremony.
The prise -winners in the held crop
competition held under the an'piu•es
of the Central Huron Agricultural As:
inseatistn. were: John Il. Schwann, 11fi
points; Corse TyhdaII, 111 %; Herbert
4'. Cox, 01; 'Fred Middleton, 110% ;
John Hustle tetra ; Jas. It. Sterling. tell;
George Mair, illi The C.H.A.A. *111
hold a ',toughing march on t)cteber
19th. -
Chas. F.. Hovey, a resident of 1'Itn-
ton $tree itse'2, died Wednesday night
..f last. week in' his eightieth year. He
was for many years a partner in the
firm of MacPherson & Hovey, mann-
faeturers of agrkmlturaf implements,
and after Mr. htacl'lteruon's death
continued the balminesss, welling out only
e few years ago to the Clinton Thresh-
ing Co. His wife died eighteen years
ugo and two Noma survive: J. It, and
H. A., hath of town. Another eon,
Wiring of all kind' tip -to -date
for Telephones, Burglar Alarms,
Police Patrol and Fire Alarm
Private Residences and Business
Places -a specialty. i
All Work Guaranteed.
Electric Irons, Toaster'. Grills
Fans. Vacuum Cleaners, Wishing
Machines, FlashMRhts a n d
Batteries of all kinds always on
Ring up 82 or 19? and have us
give you an estimate on your
wiring. It will be done ght.
Robt. Tait
%Vest Street Next Poweffice
Phones -Shop 82. House 111
=Bring Back its Color and Lustre
with Grandma's Sage
Tea Recipe.
-`Common garden sage brewed into a
heavy tea, with sulphur and
added, will turn gray. streaked
faded hair beMisleg theuS beautifully
and Sul-
pk and lug-
ebur reclD at home, Biotech. is
troublesome. An .salt ray to to improved
the ready -to -use preparation
by the addition of other ingredients
a large bottle. at •tittle cost at drug
stores, known as "Wyeth's Sage and
Sulphur Compound," thus' avoiding a
lot of mute
While gray, faded hair is not sinful,
we all desire to retain our youthful
appearance and attractiveness. By
Sageening your hair with and Sulphur Compound, �noaone
can tall, because It does It so natural-
lyso evenly. You just dampen •
Menge or soft brush with it and draw
this through your hair.'takrng time: by ornln
allil e
ahairs have disappeared. ♦er
ter smother application or two your hair
becomes beautifully dark, p� ,sof
and luxuriant and you
and Sulphur
younger. • Wyeth'a Rags
Compound la a delightful toilet tamed -
Ste. it Is not intended for the ours,
atlgitation or prevention of dismiss.
THIS question has been
to answered by many thous-
ands of women who have
found health and happiness in
the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve
Rleeplesaness, irritability, nervous-.
nese, gloomy forebodings of the
future, dcpree'Ion and dleeoarage-
ment—these are some of the erne -
toms which tell of exhausted nerves.
itty. Frank Hovey, tilt•,) two year.
tag., at Burllugton,
Mrs. Annie Nhihol i n, a.itlghter of
Mr. and it in. John Mce'ellum of Wing•
ham, and lits,. C. Diver of town were
united in marriage at Toronto on Sep-
tember 21st and hate slnee retuntrl
to ttw•n and taken up restaenee here.
Reeve Tiplittg "hes pur•Iissed the
large building Irl and franc- stable
on the west side of Slimily serest from
Ger. T. RolMrtltril. He Irlte9wla mov-
ing the stable off the lot and will then
have roots to evert throe dwell live
Mr. and Mn.sWm I'Inemllyr, of
Wingha ul, announce the cog. gem.'IN
of their daughter, Mies F. Edna, to
W. !toy /i.tllaway of Elora, the mar -
A Canadian --Product
The oaly clattery
entirety In Canada,
makes of ears aid
give entire modern t
We have opens
Battery Service a
in charge of -
Maegbir Met-- - -
home wedding was wdemulzcd at
reside owe of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mix•-.
Diarmid. dear mount. Thnrwhly, Sep-
tember 111th, when their se•otel daugh-
ter, 1'litherine f:nrlon, h0ame the'
bride of Mr. George D. Stoekhun, of
Detroit, yonugext x011 of Mr. aunt
Mrs. (leo. 11. Stss•kham, of Ii,'tanift,
Nen. "Mr. Mncl'alhm lanceted. The
ceremony tank plate before a hank of
asters and feria. Thebride-wax 4 -
tired In brown ge'orge'tte and carried
a shower bouquet of cream r sett. She
Was attended by Mrs. 7brnpk(Its, De-
troit• who worn black xalhi tend geerg-
ctte and .-gtrlel pink roses. Miss
Helen Tompkins was riugltesrer, while
111 r.
Lye II Macitlomaid, Detroit. acted
HA l4e4t nuui. Misr Annie Itlur, of
,but'Snuw, played the welding- music..
After n welding dinner s reopt len
was helot In the reviling. The bride
nerd Ittreont left W. swear for their.
future hums in Detroit, tarrying with
thein the Is•stMr. Jelin MuMillan,es of many friends.
respar•tel resident sit Ashfield, diel lin
Wingham hotrpit-1 Sunday Morning.
September er 28th. Miring been taken
there' the day before for treatment.
Mr. McMillan was of a very quiet dle-
pcattiesn and made friends of all with
whotn Inc' uamee lit .mutant. lie was
In religion a Presbyterian. ter was
Isrrn fifty-three years ago on the farm
which be .1111 owed end where he re-
sided all his life. lie leaves to tntnrl
hIs 140"owe hrothere and two sister*.
Neil and Mrs. Henry Mnllln, of Luck.
amw, Malcolm and Mrs. John Stokers.
*shflela. The tonere!, held from lit
home of his brother Malcolm on '11ues-
•lay .ft.•rtsson to hiuloss cemetery. ane
Ii rg•'ly atteueksl by symplt het lc
ii hemds tu,.l ii' I;I,luu Ite%.. air
I ops taint 1111111110 1011 servi,'s at %itI,
/toms' .std grate. Mucin .y input by Is
eeteIdei to the Ie'reateil 1,711'x.
in order to avoid nervous prostraa
Don or some form of paralysis It is
well to get the building up proceed
eatahllshed at once by use of Dr..
Chase's Nerve Food.
50 minis a box. s for $2.75. allda dealers. reredos
admenann, n■ R
Snitable for all
guaranteed to
In Goderlcb a
Sales Station
The Peoph larage
MR. J. G. .c(IEE
Victoria street. 6184124
The people of 4 r.derirh and vic-
inity are requested to imestigateu
the merits of the i%.L [latter,.
The I. X. L. Manufacturing. Co. Limited
Some Man !
\'101 your hnsbaud srn:iticr aver his
bo tops'
he's toil syusihl.• utiles it.''
- (los on Transit•r(pt.
g>Iod bye' paters -rm afraid
Wide alta I look �ro inaptly flint
everyone will know ,W' are just mar-
"Don't worry, gild wall: It will only
Is' for a slay or two." (Aro/1.1n Mitt-
nrday Journal. -
Bleep year stomach sweet
Way and ward off the indi-
1pe[titp d tomorrow — try
the new aid to digestion
phanamt and as safe to
take se candy.imam DV ewer • _
insontis Or err'• ssouLanow
White and Tan Linens
by the yard, in siritgle
and double width.
Miss S. Noble
South Side Square — Goderich
if'tt'*!t eke�ro+Of¢.,.�'':Li9A P
reel :o nO tr f ''.
°+•Js. ..s^ -
¢us. ei�-�wtxrr►.'iM-