HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-10-7, Page 4I L C 6 Z7 l �MTWTW at 4 -Thursday, Mtwwr 7. 19311. TEM WGIF" GODERICH. ONT. - - - - - - - that comes slong with the firsil-orn. It Is a lao.r. ISM Mr. Lorne McKvintle has takell tilt - e Rheumatism agency for the DeLair I creaw Po befor Neuritis. Sciatica. Neuralgia. atilt. Ham DesinyoIL-41uring the violent fliunderxfor11,1, f Sunday, Septemwr` I, zx! you buy 'fill,. the 11on 3larvin Durnin's ii Tem pleton's AN farm oil the 3rd votiveiissiou of Abilifteld Never select a suit Rheumatic was struck loy lightning unit burned, or overcoat in a hurry. together with the entire crop, farm Capsules �.,, 50 implement..4 mud one of libi farvy driv. careful era. There was rAN) insurance on First be the barn iiad $]tKXI on the coutontm, about the fabric; then_ Have brought good but the low, allore this will lie eouild• the style- make sure health to half -A -Million Wallis. of the fit choose just sufferers. vat.Mr. and Mrs. Kewslity, of itleton, w0reille" 111101 week 4ill their wedding a touch of nov- A healthful, mo ne -sa v'ing remedy, trip and visited Mrs. KPw-Ie.%:'P broth.well knowu fur firteen )ear*, pre. er. Mr. Ik, F_ Brookit, manager of the elt), that adds distinc- acrihed by dut:torai, sold by drug. 'Sterling Italik. tiveness. It appeals glsts.$1-00aboa. Ask our agents Saturday, olk-totwr lith. will be Fire to well-dressed Men.. or wrote for a free trial pa,kAve. 1--Urevelition Ully. III the present agate Te no pletons. 142 King %%.,'roronto of the (Val wark-pt peo"Iti, aro more In. Laval Agents ­Dunlop's Drug Store. terested in 016mething to ottirt a are. "If gcbW Fillir-411tir w)iool almost Cl In full attended the w-hooi fair at St. Pfidhas ' , 4 'ns on Nyeduesday of last week He" are made with all the DUNGANNON. *out -11txvedeill,le eapturim: it large - are I Mr. J H. .3olt-Nabb abo6velp-coin in min 1111161111144 r" 11141bility of vourpy. L of I - the I may be Ing the majority the pupils In his so you sure M§L N. F. WHYARD is the anent auto tornek. 11'e _p sone J. R. was to gret the very best for THE SIGNAL at Dungannon. not Annoyed by the k1larloug bunch. at this store. Orders left with him for subsocrip- - IkW everyday load bin moire tions. adrerti,4tuents or job print' ue�evaa me riki Ing will recelire� prompt Attention. (,,ad Our Fall and Winter dna (Goderich Rural) T39.1 the hot C -Remember supper to the R hall. Dun - Suits and Overcoats ow Tholoulinivit fief her Pith. $upper %-411 1%, ed from are now ready for Thursday. Ot-tober 1. 1 do to- h Velock. after lik-h grand W The wn bell was tiftl up for a fvw Pofm rt 'A'III he given. chiefly ta (iod- Your inspection. days hu lit in titity ouve more. Prich talent, tua-luding violin seleL no Fxb1b1t are mining in fair the Dun- by Mrs. Millet and looloit by Wc are greatly pleated station to .- Tomotrow will be 6U& Belcher. Don't miss -th- will' them -You will he big (lay." a (I it the' weather keeps 150, and, Ww. too -call and see them. !Ike this I will be a great crowd In town. Mr. and M G. "1 le. of HAW- LT. HELENS. W". are nowis Perri in the =7__� Tar --day. Octalber 5. The harvest e M PhIlIllita haP returneal Anglican church Att Sulu even- from the W04. alitpor baring a very WALTER C. PRIDHAM lag was well ntte ed. The rector, plempant vloit 'with her brother, lot The -n I t T T w "in lit y Thursday W for o or more. r J pu"t of pit"" him rt by y so C r 11 the ft 1_11. 'h , I Z "inc r -I.k.h 'God - %mo .'son we-tbe' d it th� be• - great .w, her Mr. and M a. Bic It" of r . are 4 ba I . church 0 So' wait well - I te ed- The Rey. D. D. lianglas. -us- assist by Yellow Gram. Soak. "HONE Her. Dr. Campbell. of skin ell h. Mr. D. It. Murray lit.hild up with a .wad M1W. W Iii die "ore el- We hupw-ro-we hent - Wtnibior. are here on. t it: hone aselft rery soon. moon trip and are ii lo Itil the for. Mr. and Xra. Earl Graham spent a mer's sister. Mrs. Arthur ch. Mr. ew days last week- at their brother's,- - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - "lard was one of the Dungs n menW. O. 3LeCrowtlP*o,,. und have left :0 0.a,t arba-P-11-ted for overseas seri to tht4r holuliat Zdawagau.-- the war. lot Loretto Fitzpaltrk-IL. ]I Xftdu. Mr. Alex Mowbray h:t4 pura-h ate St. Joseph training W-hool, change of tion-tablem oil flefoher 3rd. rs. J. Its (-it and son. of port ffiro* he ehopillins; will at a (--'laths - limit left fur Cineinsomotli 10 Looking I.tritends rqualiout It aP well as, the all take up er work there. , here. jout will continue to tvxidf- In Miss I hi Fitzpatrit-k limit left for Dungannon. ath"m to liter the St. Joseph train. \our exhibit of Jewellery fair men. The G.T.R. find C.P.R. annoutiml a st-hool. Ton will thi4l 4hat g000l tsiatil. flow- There Is nip change In the Purignurion All I. Plwnt ool•,fopw tbly.� last week 111344" *'very artlele In the (vilee. trains. with r" mother.\,Mrii. H. Rutherford. tion.\ Watch 1-hain, ring. itth-killn. The farmers are Inisy harro"Vingi baniall finish F�kk- '('txxd fair whi,-II vi, held 9 eel r plittons.. et'... all Away the corn, w 1 c 1 4 one Pumper o a crop. e at I _, roiflPwd Joint it _T"_l Sir. J. Allyn, of `Ottawa.' with his I Wed" m wait a deel� sucrewit Tile hall nuni* .,if the arti-t delviewwr.wife I family, rhalted his brother, I day wa t1i but cooL Thur was a We, for 'A'Our-W, gumr8Ut@W_ toe Allen,. IMP w(ek. Mr. Allen large tile g of from the =7 (111tolitY. The ltrh-r% luir? -(- ",P. w \I; only in n leading druggist of the capital I I , bk-.b 04milveil, the I -e .All Inqv. 1, elty and has been rery otui-("latul lliwl!ntere"I.they t be ClAkdren. The I ­- 1,- -11- ­­ --il - at v. "I'll A. ' r:s wilere. WV.&Vfti4&j I let the The e6tivert I 0-r- shores. -1 9 j. Stimasittlis I Family. V; Ventipat end hgrd, 44 Setif.irth. vitilted Something fit, I he PI n Sattirday. penmen. The 11' ..4 0 Is J0. -tX-Jisproying, nkqa, _tb*4&k 8* t urF fll.ahpr, ROBER TSON 1", . \ 4' ly and Is doing us well nit eauld possibly Peut in bm�-Jl t, WATCHMAKER AND NEWELLER be extat-fiett. larth-l"ll., which amount't '.5140. are Corner East St. and t4iiiisre X )Ir-. S. E. Santleroon last, bern der in aid of the new children Ital 444.. Goderfeb, Ont. the des -tar's care for 11 few days, hay. at London. a A W_ WOW I W_ Ing blood-ligiisontnX In tile foot. %P"Rko-w tall 40 1110 1110 Bill Caosior -W earryluX that hig On ST. All'OUSTINE. Titemlay, Ch -t•1 E Ito. MIM. (.lady% Jeffrmwn retur I W001110tdwk last Saturday after a accordion -pleated wouth's risk at her h4)me here.- CANADI M -11 SHOES Ftla, P.t.1.1 Mr. Mrs. Wm. ThowpoPon, CANADIAN lasof week. Aft - 56 dasaraeraea "The Scotch Store" DOMILLARU.SON Phone 10 P. M. STORLHOVRS, 8A.M.T06P.M.; SATURDAYS NO fitBeautify the Home'. - for the Fall and Winter' Season The Vrinter Seaslon-iosa-A-hand with its round of social events. The season when )'01.1 %% ant Four' t, home surroundings pleasant and beautiful, which can be done at little expense with the addition of a few yards, of Chintz or'AC-ritortne-or a new pair of 'Jot", Curtains or a new Rug. andsorne. English Chintzes Special Showing of Curtain, $1.15 yard Nets ese Chintzes come in a variety of to i -a English Nets in a host of new pat. bbeauti rich colorings for,'Over-Curtains 'tlemand new designs. suiftbk for aD and Flt " 40 inches wide 0_Caverllllig. roms - w,h-*-- ana-*"u,45 inches -wide. .. .... ... 31.7s yard from ....................... 6sc yaftl Special Ide, in- Velours New Nest and Scrim $5. a yard Curtains Extra quality Velours, rich Exceptionally- sn2irt am, the new in colors of green, rose and Scrim and Net Curtains for Fall, in a var. French blue, 50in'ches 'de $5.00yard iety of new desi.0" $&50 to. $10 Pak New Linoleums Just received \`several nein designs Also two ' patterns Nairn's Scotch ,i Linolleums block pattem' 4 yards Linoleum, 4 yards wide, .......... in A& .................. $x.So sq. yard ........... ...... $a-00 sq. yard urge stock of �anadian Floor Oil, to all pafterns---stritable for all rocims "dsha squares undo stoves and heaters, ............95c Per square yard 4 Some Smaiat Ncw*,esses Just Received-, Women's all wool French serge, Another smart Misses' Serge Die" Eton effect, Tricolette Vest and serge, Eit�n effect, braided and embroidered, Skirt ............. accordion -pleated skirt, a most attractive ...... . Special ft, So dress, 11 special PEOPLE r. suit Xr%. S. Osborne, of Durban. McCall's Patterns Nemo Corsets Maullt,im. returned 114OMP last% week I after all extewhid visit with frlettds emu amok in this riclulty-_ 0-,oflir. awl xrx.�John Shanahan. •-- Our -Order Department always at your service. Jr., (1111ton, visited lit Joponm "03 . rip'll char and all orders shipped in time for R als'"Co-lip- tit %newma F4 I•. Anxn%t - trip was well repre-ented 4 11 qa, Kayser Gloves We prepay ,)Wveries Silow fifflux and Imeato plo-kini are N�w tar is ocoicn-'atore ma the 01-Irr fvf the day this week. Both, i-l-rii und po)tatoes are & this, WWN'ZWAY, Oct. 6. - ­---------­-------­ Neitt Sunday anniversary services will a riilly nt 4t. JZWn urch at 141 One Attending the funeral of a be held at Zion church. Tsyler's;Corner, limidge. If it,.' "ah" COINIII lt,.bert Slwarer.,,,- d will be conducted by -Rev. W. H. a Urp crowd Jit ex Mpbell at I I a. in. and 7 -p. III. A \ 11 ., Miss y Tom has returned to Tor. 019 MEAT F YOUR 41CM6 1140 to res e her studies at the Unii I think -offering will be taken at both 41C�66 se -iric". AUBURN. vosity. in Mf�u[�/(d ACT CY I%. nw1weli no WU We." iii tired 6ne on the 4W cdoarission ihd one V tilleft ffitul IM I - Is.Atile to be 0=11"n eeks ISt_127,XCM in all_fo Mr. Harry evenings commi"Mr, *tIft 3fonilmy about spin. Baker, of Clinton. It is understood that errains. (to-tolwor 2'7rtli. Milos makestn fake lablonvoindw Of' Will Lf as* the new owner plarit to make the" at three closim idglita in tlip wrpk-��rIArk .-urtif4l to Tor. hub the lake farm looking to '* x tj rdoir.6 Or Bkddw bothow-Oftk W* tun, 4. the rummer Monolay. 'Wednew.bloy and friday nightk ont,ibon - t7w..- several molitil. I - , �' R . resort trade. Mr. Harrison will takes They think- thut very little Incon. at home, time h work as it bb of wasw, -a- will -sumed rest for a while. n( %% Ile by the Spew, 65ement. Mrs. V41thrim if . . ..... lksm tfila week i Wing- Will am a MOOR of Mont onsft's" t W.M.", ear blood Is filled wft aria AnK sayn-V tour KINGSBUIDGE. of the 11relabytPrInT,church t re on well-irmown &uthrprity, who wilras 0, Ie' churrh Tilemilay. (k-t6ber Milt. the W-t-asion of tie ir-fhaak-offer bil "On't"'lly On guard against loidany A PIMMOM Vveallft.-Thp . 1,Kmi A Double Annivernary.-On Sunday, Mr. And Morn. Wil"an Wootton I trouble. Young PftvW fnJ,-.rr4 pleasant %powlal merrim W1111 -40A t" children,_A_ OilIlt4i sa"­& 710 kidneys do their atie"t to _Ibe PO4riah 1hall on NfoIanday Us blood of tioh, irritating meld, but prelling MU held In IA-elonru ehurch 1w 1piffoisyInx wkh the ftorw;r7;790 tm 11 f)'vkwk and contlullf4l fill 12.30. Al- the church and the twenty -firth anni. UP. IIDd 31r%'-' ThONNA Wootton. Huron bactive sisal, from tho, age met ; flay N night. The dani-ing heart at niotput I eallfp of the fortieth anniversary of rp.l . \, 1".0 . road. ATt MIUR611h; So ellahlauve tissues verstary of ReT. Jan. Hamilton's indue. NW thus ths wants is mWasol in though Ilia- Prenina ins Ice rri-im \t 1�ylllng, of ftro �K I Mhois Mand -roning a fo%4 h,,, returned in nto looking' farward to next Monday night, "upper atilt eoncert will he held Forleriffn "Sit to Vanr"11yer, Who 610ild to Poison the entire symiless, I was In %rorpat dprumt"l. Fi-PrOwitly 1.4 tl"- (In the following I I � ontliffl, take loolm-e. art- asked to rpmeoilwor Ilia- dritt-. he viopoot buItias sell. and fest in. when mmother tintwe Is I &C.. wax I Wbft kidne XV, � said Trou have sun 4 The members (if the lf..iy Name Sol.- Of Mrs. Stirling, Cambri,ol mind, 160 9129 1 VS -4: 15 Woo week. f- in t1lis bask or was on,, I, iety of the parishes of A-hileld * Wing Nsfft Zion Thanks0ving Supper and 11 Of "dhOM46 or the bladder is ham and St. Augustine are liold Ing , Dr. W. It, Clark No% n,tonortivil home I table, Iglna AftPor rholtIng (,III fill" Rt I L%@ night. t* seek Pellef dur" INATO severe bead. hk-h be acted as Judice of light hormes. seheii. no-vaus gUzzy lipalls, skepkw The ronnudl hot fowl supper and con- tip wfl, t Chnfliam. 34t. hrydit", An. "- said stalmolkell or rheumatism in bad GUARD AGAINST CHILIS ,Prf will lop held In the North Zi,)n (-apt,-r ninnoll Tmvktock faim oillst. church on Monday evenlyalt. met f- year pharmacist about Meth wMr. Walter J. Brimicombe. after D@m of Jad Salts; take a Simple Precaution Against Panglars Ortober 1.14th. The stupper will atperiding a few weeks at the partntal I&bl �tul in a glails of water brim ISM" at &30 O*el(x-k. An exf-ellatnt horne here. left on Tuesday to vi == a"& moral of Cold and Daiamp. III he ifiren after the mupper, sit New "d In a few 0 Yorkand Philadelphia. His health hat d4sam, kid" U met am 7%b of W)Ioq b%. lolk,o 4101. to In - mrs your 1? �� 14 !Q not been good of late and he ioi a malts In imade from tie &@W 4# Cultivate th* habit of taking a Terry of Lonolon. sinner of tho- ('an•. a rest and may spend the winter in the rtPw mail I*-- Jake. mulbiried wits euro*f hot Oxo --i cube to A cur- Oldbin Nati(mill gold ma-whil at T.)rnnt.*, South. 6. saw has ilea" asond f, be re going out In the cold or Reitthiixa will lie given by Ml,%� Campiwil of Londfm, WrHolualp of the damp. Such weather in a tax upon Mr. William Tiv) . mpw)n. who rpt 60 tmk AM OAznl&tm elofted kidasyna, ty%, '0�L,� the syntern, and the strengthening 1APwInit Selmol of t:iowutioll. A41. Pd r(4vtktlY fr,)n) R three mantlim- "rn* 60 -tr-Hft tb* OWde in urin. so it, is "'p so llomiom a mom -W Irlinod and warming powers of the conren- dorr-4-lo will he it"Ilverell by Rauvereoiulw to the Old Cmintry, tmq grorre to HAftt- sodall" Uri S•lta� is sed hisireter all on, this toted beef-goodnem fortify you It J Rom ar"I A. F, Mfllwm broth of (111oll to take R prwition. Mr. and Moral. ino"Itive Now "ammool; against the OVU@ esmsequent upon Avilourn. tither i(xni tnlptrt will also lint'liffo, blit linothor-In-law And 41fater, a delightful efforvomienti exposure. take part. Admimlou- 7-w fire If-ItTing towline for the same place UtkA& &to drink am If the no" of Oras erg new to you, Chlldrrn &-W-. Adultm ikild will walls. their happe y sion nalke .thprp. & liftle try a tin of few ellilks. Oto treat- Mrq. F. R. Watlion and Ulm 74urm =V,=�alas•eouv4L 17 Imp of firravies, Irt-, er rRRSONAL MIKNTION. Wilto"On left W(Antlodoly Rftprn(,,, for soups, and in a delightful, sustain- WilklertnWai N,Y. Ing and app@tistng bovermpit, It is fliturp orpultle. 1rha`rP they 111 1, , 4 Mr. J. M. Govenlock, M. P. Mr. flurry Ivat-on have alrolsitly lioe" was iii excellent for childrim, P, of M14- Pdripoinrop Anil Gvorrr'm chnorell e1wir: MI" Fdrivan Regular alios." of Ow pre&r the Nesforth• was in town on Friday. there uninp week,a lf;nderlch is very tow of the PnpnlAr ro"Milto, of the y tAus Adelaide Nairn has returned wwrry to 1~ oto pqtlrftl)lp A fAmIll slid )At- ialoro, hPA boom an el- tl 1- 11111,111110,11 largor ting of 10 land go cub@*, In after a visit at Detroit old cher nd oripti,inally eM(-Ipnt Aq'intant noting them In me" ifte4int WILYIii their d"I"artilro' will tow felt to "May Mokep of the in p1mee of. most. points, eirt4". no young ppoptos town I'liark. IMe hearttvvt Dr. I� M. Mab" on Friday lost was •ortirp and rallied members were *11 g"wA s"Ifthi'la to with tim,m to their e. of St. new home. V Jq VS. The Price of Other Things i Al FbeensaidAirmu'La--.. risons are odio,nd so they are --as a rule. But it has been so repeatedly stated that shoe prices in ..excessive" or "ridiculous." that we feel justified in making a comparison between the present price of shoes and the epnoe of some other disip- that we buy. N The following prices are from CAYverarrient statistics and cover the period from January, 1914. to January, 1920, Advance is pries of Iron and Steel . . . 124 per coati Avaiarialle torlicalwals advoiam in all ties 146.4 - Advance is price of Fruit and Vegetabiss ISU - Ad,liam In prim of Twortales, 3062 - Advance in prim of Nasfen Grains _219A Advance in price of Dooms -1 sboao 118.2 It Shoe prim had to increase -naturally. The price of every. thing that enters into a pair of oboes has gone up tre Z n le a dously in late yearn For instance. bides have advIlneed . ...... g4ftPV WP IS4A per cent. in six years. One of the principal Materials used in making fine shoes ban advanced 500 in the whom Periodi, in fact, them in no airWJe oonunodity used in the manufacture of shaft that has not Advanced by leaps and bounds during late years- a"i lei 0- Ml- gm_=4 But in spite of this a close margin of profits, efficient manu- W. 4F- lecturing roled"d000, anjZk dowsetic competition, 'Pon ext 11 1 _TW MUW in lower Priem above advances would seem to make inevitable. Tbeoe crimparionno will show why shoe price are b4ber-- vow they have simply followed in the wake of general advancing Prices. �AW But, is Canada, they are neither "excessive- nor "ridiculous," 0ii4W but proportionately lower than most other things, Tit Shoe Indus" in Canada a sn efieie•t "d rnmPeoaraioo alase-- irking shoes for the Canadian peepir wharla. grade for grade. ars 6". or Irmer as proem. in oboes obtako"k in my C•auao". prodweve 1"foasaper C d. of de#601,1. type.N0111,111 quaOry in off IWIss "y Afisdop in Cwt iris. Visa keine raw d" 40 F41111or PPkM 41140111PIR, Of A* MtXftd t fAaf wdsrw aw" . .Wk.• .6 C..f..t. S.. its/ s,,*. Kayser Gloves We prepay ,)Wveries Silow fifflux and Imeato plo-kini are N�w tar is ocoicn-'atore ma the 01-Irr fvf the day this week. Both, i-l-rii und po)tatoes are & this, WWN'ZWAY, Oct. 6. - ­---------­-------­ Neitt Sunday anniversary services will a riilly nt 4t. JZWn urch at 141 One Attending the funeral of a be held at Zion church. Tsyler's;Corner, limidge. If it,.' "ah" COINIII lt,.bert Slwarer.,,,- d will be conducted by -Rev. W. H. a Urp crowd Jit ex Mpbell at I I a. in. and 7 -p. III. A \ 11 ., Miss y Tom has returned to Tor. 019 MEAT F YOUR 41CM6 1140 to res e her studies at the Unii I think -offering will be taken at both 41C�66 se -iric". AUBURN. vosity. in Mf�u[�/(d ACT CY I%. nw1weli no WU We." iii tired 6ne on the 4W cdoarission ihd one V tilleft ffitul IM I - Is.Atile to be 0=11"n eeks ISt_127,XCM in all_fo Mr. Harry evenings commi"Mr, *tIft 3fonilmy about spin. Baker, of Clinton. It is understood that errains. (to-tolwor 2'7rtli. Milos makestn fake lablonvoindw Of' Will Lf as* the new owner plarit to make the" at three closim idglita in tlip wrpk-��rIArk .-urtif4l to Tor. hub the lake farm looking to '* x tj rdoir.6 Or Bkddw bothow-Oftk W* tun, 4. the rummer Monolay. 'Wednew.bloy and friday nightk ont,ibon - t7w..- several molitil. I - , �' R . resort trade. Mr. Harrison will takes They think- thut very little Incon. at home, time h work as it bb of wasw, -a- will -sumed rest for a while. n( %% Ile by the Spew, 65ement. Mrs. V41thrim if . . ..... lksm tfila week i Wing- Will am a MOOR of Mont onsft's" t W.M.", ear blood Is filled wft aria AnK sayn-V tour KINGSBUIDGE. of the 11relabytPrInT,church t re on well-irmown &uthrprity, who wilras 0, Ie' churrh Tilemilay. (k-t6ber Milt. the W-t-asion of tie ir-fhaak-offer bil "On't"'lly On guard against loidany A PIMMOM Vveallft.-Thp . 1,Kmi A Double Annivernary.-On Sunday, Mr. And Morn. Wil"an Wootton I trouble. Young PftvW fnJ,-.rr4 pleasant %powlal merrim W1111 -40A t" children,_A_ OilIlt4i sa"­& 710 kidneys do their atie"t to _Ibe PO4riah 1hall on NfoIanday Us blood of tioh, irritating meld, but prelling MU held In IA-elonru ehurch 1w 1piffoisyInx wkh the ftorw;r7;790 tm 11 f)'vkwk and contlullf4l fill 12.30. Al- the church and the twenty -firth anni. UP. IIDd 31r%'-' ThONNA Wootton. Huron bactive sisal, from tho, age met ; flay N night. The dani-ing heart at niotput I eallfp of the fortieth anniversary of rp.l . \, 1".0 . road. ATt MIUR611h; So ellahlauve tissues verstary of ReT. Jan. Hamilton's indue. NW thus ths wants is mWasol in though Ilia- Prenina ins Ice rri-im \t 1�ylllng, of ftro �K I Mhois Mand -roning a fo%4 h,,, returned in nto looking' farward to next Monday night, "upper atilt eoncert will he held Forleriffn "Sit to Vanr"11yer, Who 610ild to Poison the entire symiless, I was In %rorpat dprumt"l. Fi-PrOwitly 1.4 tl"- (In the following I I � ontliffl, take loolm-e. art- asked to rpmeoilwor Ilia- dritt-. he viopoot buItias sell. and fest in. when mmother tintwe Is I &C.. wax I Wbft kidne XV, � said Trou have sun 4 The members (if the lf..iy Name Sol.- Of Mrs. Stirling, Cambri,ol mind, 160 9129 1 VS -4: 15 Woo week. f- in t1lis bask or was on,, I, iety of the parishes of A-hileld * Wing Nsfft Zion Thanks0ving Supper and 11 Of "dhOM46 or the bladder is ham and St. Augustine are liold Ing , Dr. W. It, Clark No% n,tonortivil home I table, Iglna AftPor rholtIng (,III fill" Rt I L%@ night. t* seek Pellef dur" INATO severe bead. hk-h be acted as Judice of light hormes. seheii. no-vaus gUzzy lipalls, skepkw The ronnudl hot fowl supper and con- tip wfl, t Chnfliam. 34t. hrydit", An. "- said stalmolkell or rheumatism in bad GUARD AGAINST CHILIS ,Prf will lop held In the North Zi,)n (-apt,-r ninnoll Tmvktock faim oillst. church on Monday evenlyalt. met f- year pharmacist about Meth wMr. Walter J. Brimicombe. after D@m of Jad Salts; take a Simple Precaution Against Panglars Ortober 1.14th. The stupper will atperiding a few weeks at the partntal I&bl �tul in a glails of water brim ISM" at &30 O*el(x-k. An exf-ellatnt horne here. left on Tuesday to vi == a"& moral of Cold and Daiamp. III he ifiren after the mupper, sit New "d In a few 0 Yorkand Philadelphia. His health hat d4sam, kid" U met am 7%b of W)Ioq b%. lolk,o 4101. to In - mrs your 1? �� 14 !Q not been good of late and he ioi a malts In imade from tie &@W 4# Cultivate th* habit of taking a Terry of Lonolon. sinner of tho- ('an•. a rest and may spend the winter in the rtPw mail I*-- Jake. mulbiried wits euro*f hot Oxo --i cube to A cur- Oldbin Nati(mill gold ma-whil at T.)rnnt.*, South. 6. saw has ilea" asond f, be re going out In the cold or Reitthiixa will lie given by Ml,%� Campiwil of Londfm, WrHolualp of the damp. Such weather in a tax upon Mr. William Tiv) . mpw)n. who rpt 60 tmk AM OAznl&tm elofted kidasyna, ty%, '0�L,� the syntern, and the strengthening 1APwInit Selmol of t:iowutioll. A41. Pd r(4vtktlY fr,)n) R three mantlim- "rn* 60 -tr-Hft tb* OWde in urin. so it, is "'p so llomiom a mom -W Irlinod and warming powers of the conren- dorr-4-lo will he it"Ilverell by Rauvereoiulw to the Old Cmintry, tmq grorre to HAftt- sodall" Uri S•lta� is sed hisireter all on, this toted beef-goodnem fortify you It J Rom ar"I A. F, Mfllwm broth of (111oll to take R prwition. Mr. and Moral. ino"Itive Now "ammool; against the OVU@ esmsequent upon Avilourn. tither i(xni tnlptrt will also lint'liffo, blit linothor-In-law And 41fater, a delightful efforvomienti exposure. take part. Admimlou- 7-w fire If-ItTing towline for the same place UtkA& &to drink am If the no" of Oras erg new to you, Chlldrrn &-W-. Adultm ikild will walls. their happe y sion nalke .thprp. & liftle try a tin of few ellilks. Oto treat- Mrq. F. R. Watlion and Ulm 74urm =V,=�alas•eouv4L 17 Imp of firravies, Irt-, er rRRSONAL MIKNTION. Wilto"On left W(Antlodoly Rftprn(,,, for soups, and in a delightful, sustain- WilklertnWai N,Y. Ing and app@tistng bovermpit, It is fliturp orpultle. 1rha`rP they 111 1, , 4 Mr. J. M. Govenlock, M. P. Mr. flurry Ivat-on have alrolsitly lioe" was iii excellent for childrim, P, of M14- Pdripoinrop Anil Gvorrr'm chnorell e1wir: MI" Fdrivan Regular alios." of Ow pre&r the Nesforth• was in town on Friday. there uninp week,a lf;nderlch is very tow of the PnpnlAr ro"Milto, of the y tAus Adelaide Nairn has returned wwrry to 1~ oto pqtlrftl)lp A fAmIll slid )At- ialoro, hPA boom an el- tl 1- 11111,111110,11 largor ting of 10 land go cub@*, In after a visit at Detroit old cher nd oripti,inally eM(-Ipnt Aq'intant noting them In me" ifte4int WILYIii their d"I"artilro' will tow felt to "May Mokep of the in p1mee of. most. points, eirt4". no young ppoptos town I'liark. IMe hearttvvt Dr. I� M. Mab" on Friday lost was •ortirp and rallied members were *11 g"wA s"Ifthi'la to with tim,m to their e. of St. new home. V Jq