HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-10-7, Page 3TRZ SIGNAL — GODERION, ONT.
-- -- _ - tole McClure, F:rlith Treleaven, Luella I
Call• HM `yt/jNV c.ip MA88E CAN HAJLNDLE UOUI�LB ItllHuul. )farcy tit. Marie.
sk7711 Q{ L I'Allt. WUXK NOW. %pple diet-Gertle Aftehewni, Lurlls
Farrier, Olive Alton, Renton Ptimis,
Rheumatism '�"--/ f�y,s H,. Old 1Yrae titrength aa, Eo- Mulwl Woods.
Following la the lilt of prise -win- Scirwrl Lunch-Whinifnd Farrier,
Stiffness 'td' ergy Have IKeturned Since l.urlts Farrier, it. Martin, George Al-
ners at the West Wawrnosh w•Irool
and all Taking Tulse. Ila, lteuna !'aryls.
fele, Iw•W at St. Hrlrua on Wrxlues• Homemade Crlody-holly Cooke, no
day, September L'llth : "Tanlac has built mor up taw that I can Inter, Mattel Woods, Vera Wools, Ger-
Pain LIVE STINK. now handle about double Inc work 1 used trade Martin.
to," decl trod Oswald Masse, expressman 1,4411011 1'[r --Merle WV Imb, Dorothy
imard's Spring Cole, Agricultural- Aitin for the J. B, baillargreon Express Co.. Douglas, M. M. Durnin.
Liniment Words, Harold (:aunt. and living at 45 Elizabeth Miert. Mont -
has given Haler -broken Colt -Alvin Woods, Mal.
fsai.0tHanrhl O:aunt. ieoso ✓ a "1 couli not eat meat or vegetables learn and peteb on woollen 'cloHl-
Spring Calf, beef typic-('. I.hous. without being bloated up as tight as a la,ltr,ta McClureMcClure,I:rrtrwy
fe Altehu,
txairky rerieves sore SprMtg Iamb, long wool--F'rwl Me- drum with gas afterwards. I had to live )tudeline Gaunt, Madeline Henwtiwy,
tntwtbeorxhiti..reur• Qulltiau, Purothy McQulltiaq, Haroht on cereals most of the time. My appetite J, npligline Gaunt.
ab. fcvauca and any (taunt. was gone and I was growing weaker every Darning on Mocking --;erne AittQ-
lunda/pnin. POULTRY. day. i.ty nerves were all on edge. I,.son, Madeline Gaunt,Winalfred Ver -
An Old Reliable Remedy' 0ockert4-Imella Itintonl, Chas. Mv- could not slap w and often had night tier.
sweats. I had a paain in the small of my 1'lallo Hemming-Wlgnitred Farrier,
MraS. Fawcett, Hamilton St..Celli regsooi.� Q1hNian, Gertle Atteheatnl, H. Taylor. pack and grew so weak I could hardly get Mabel woods, Mrdelitar Gaunt, Doris
Oat, write.. -hi ward'. Lu„nenlwrely is as Pullet--t:ertle Aitchemon, ('lax, Mc• through with my work. Smyth, Caroline Webb.
sad retable rcrtwdy. 1 al.aya kerp a bottle �'
I■ the lasso --I have ratvsanm%ded ,t w QvlHian, Ltlrllr Ithrtoul, F. I'rltchar[. "A druggist suggested my trying. Tan- Homemade Apron -Lucy Thompson,
Ossitr a sumer tit my friend.. to. Acre it gave Pen of two It. 11. Hocks -Vera Toll, Inc. and very -Axon my appetite returned %ladetille [:aunt, loris Smyth, R.
gcanrelorC. Inrro.t case« it.n..ed ae a (:retie AHcht•eou, Jim). Mclk>nahl, l'11as. and I can now eat meat, vegetables or Martin, Caroline \1',•Irle.
cure fox rhr„mati.n,- l,r•QuJllla u' Hemmtltcht.l Halslke•r`bief-Irene
anything else and n: ver have indigestion
Min, d,g Pen of two, from eggs supplied in or loss afterwdrds My nerves are steady N'exxls, winulfral Farrier, Agnes
lilll►-Myrtle Aitclivelm, Gordon and i enjoy good rept without bring C'tvtrston, Vena \V,xxls.
Smith. unifred Farrltfi. IJresned Iholl-in•ne Woodis, Lucy
f of ��1 SihWttroubled with night sweats. The pain to
Lfn men'i I'mir of White Wyandotten Helen my back has disappeared and 1 am Thoulpwoll, Carolue Webb, horiue
Mdiler, FAIdte [:aunt, Ralph Cameron, stronger and bette- In every way " Webster.
Yarmouth Nwnl>50021M, Ohio Comecon. Tanlac is •old in tkxlcri.h by }:. R. Crochet Work -Caroline Webb, An-
I'alr of White I.ry[honlw-\Villin Wigle aloof the leading druggist in nie Campht4l, Winnifrxl Farrier, Ir -
Lyons, Caroline Welob, Dorothy Mc- every town. 'one Wtoo{Im, lmel4a Farrier.
QtdHltln, Madeline Hennessy. Hand Ewbroldery-Dorothy McQuli-
- fair of ItlackMtloonvs-Margaret --- -
IMICAL Th ore. Helen Miller. Stluanley Ormer. Tomwy henry, CaroNne Webb. Ihn. Vernet Gaunt, Caroline
Lucy Ttwmpson, Carollce Webb.bb
Pair of Itxle Ivclaud Reds --Ale=. Slte -tail-Dorine Webster. NATURE STUDY.
Inglis. Helen Miller. lttr•tm__4;drier Lyons. Witlte ltin-
DR. GEO. HEILEMANN, OSTEO fair of Barred Rockes--Gordon toul, Marjorie Purvis, WLlnifred Far- Collexettrti of wredo Margaret Mv-
P41h. epeceaait is ataru'a and children Smtth, Hrlrn Mlllrr, Fad MtCJuilllan, \alb, Gordon Smith, Harvey Er-
orem«ea,saute,{beuoK andrervew.d..eava,ey Her, John Sterling Durnin.
ear sees err (kept, partial desfrwsa, lumbmg \'ecus Told. Carrotm-Ruby Turner, Irene Wools, rlagton, Madeline Hennessy.
ae� rbtwa tie coaditmaa. Adenoids remove Mxty llarthl, l.yla l;aunet, l;onMn Voll" tion of Weil Steels -Lens
witaost tbe krill CMce at retidrace, come RIIOTS AND VF)(:}:TAIII.F.S.
Nelson mad St. Andrew's atreets. At boat milk I'otatoem, (:teen Monntaln-Allen Rfutoul. Hackett, Anlote Rowles, Vera Todd,
Yotrdtga, 7bwadaya and `atudaya; any events Lyons, Robert Lyons+, Madelkie Hen- [lufmis-1,yla Higgins, Dorothy )ic- Gorge Alllu.
---- ---- -- Posey, Malrlix (soot, Mussy Atlrr• bloollahhMcDonald, Gotta
loRKt ion of Insects-Renna Purvis,
son. Webb, FIisalieth
Lnglfs. AHru I'rtrLlntxl, Josephine ltxuut, Hrr-
AOCTIONEER. Potatoes, Irish Cobbler - lkoria I'arslolpc, Harold Champion, Mary vey Errington.
Smyth, Wwwart Irvin, Edith Tru $Ni'1&_ Collt•e[ion of plant diseases unit In -
leaven. Jesa•phlne Gaunt, Robert Mc- GRAIV. .,ser -t injtnies--Ross MrIaberwos, Mad.
elineTHOMASGUNDRY s Quillitn. Oats, Sheaf -Gonion J. Smith, Fred Don (`aunt, (Mlvr }'artier, deter Me-
AUCTIOIfRRR- IMangr-Im - Jethro Weioete-r, Amor Donald.
Valnpbell, Mall el Brown, Wallace Wit. MO tlllllxn, Jamem St. Marfa. urs.COlixMartiOngaret of h•a-•Winnie )dc•
Besa,Goderkh. All instructions by lead or win, Myrrie Siltlb. (Juts. Graf;. Jemrs St. Merle, Fred ['lure, Annie Cu olm-U.Durnin, Ju+rpblur
Mt lot bill"Oase tete be promptly attended to Ilan el- Jean Webster, Annie (rem Mr• heat, f:. J. Smith. (:suit(, Annie ('amyloid.
g P Wheat, Sheaf -Harold Hyde, Stan-
rasiaarea tdeptsom its. Txtl, )fatxel Itrown, Willie 1.}stem.l'ollta•tlou ,- of \\'users- Josephineley Orser. Gaunt, Herbert Taylor, no name, 110fly
Turnips - F:elna Park, Donraldr When I. Graln-Hurold Hyde, Stan- C e.
LEGAL. Tb omwHwErrington,
pm, rvey J. Car. ley Orsrr. �
trllue Webb. Mary Murphy. Marley, Sheaf-Hertx+t't Trtylor, DRA\VING, ART AND WRITi,XG.
Spcial-IMrlue• Webster. George MAQulllian. Map of Huron, 2rx1 ('lass -Ikons
G. CAMERON, K. C., BARRIS. Turnlp-i►onsids Tlsompeon, Harvey Smyth, Albert Taylor, H. Taylor, A[-
- L TRR, e,elK,tw, notmry pwbu . Olara Field !'Ams-Alltert I.. Taylor, F.rl-
Ymatoe Street, <.oderK4 tbua dote 11cm J. Errington, IA Verna 1'entla beets Glen.
seeese Tract funds w boar at lowest rata. �- die Gaunt, James lieywh x Alvin Miller. Gordon Smyth. Map of Ontario, 3n1 Class -Annie
- --- -- - --- Corn, Compton's F.urly-Garnert For- King.
IL AHAYS CASCARETS rfer. MeV of Mouth America,,Ann4th (', L-
aARR1STEx SOLICITOR, NOTARY (`oro, Golden Ranhem-Lurlte Rln- \\'tnnifretl Furrier, Annie King,u-
PuArIC. RTC. elite Itinrtoul, Ambrw+e Gibbins, Reta
tool, Harry C. \\'ILvnnl, Arthur Brown,
Oiss-bterl r, 'Bank? Blork, }iamatoa Street Webb.
4046mos. TalepBu . Carmon Andersen, CNicr Farrier. Writing, -What Does Uttle Rinlie
bdRstaN.Leaasand lasaraaa. •Jl+.y Work whit ou S Fronk gay," (lost (Isms) -Margaret Miller,
... _ .__. y Fall Prara-Ftvnk Yrutldtal, lmtte Wallace Wilson, ((live Farrier.
IROUDFOOT, KILLORAN it COOKE Woods, John Irvin, Olive Alton.Writing, "Nacioo.2
il Arrtls•m," 1x1
Iwrmhard I%xims-(:mita Webb, Keo- Clam,-Thomam Hackett, Huth Tr►
iA1111"171111111S. SOLICITORS. NOTARJFS son Mole. Chrisde ieiglis. leaven, J. Mowlem, Mary Andrnmon, }ted.
PURL/C. RTC_ Collection of Appir�lre•nc• Woods, no Parks.
flim a the Square, aaw.d Moor from Hsmfl_ Benson hole. Gordon J. SmH11, Ir \I'rMing, ' I'0, .. Song." (:Inl Olsn+)
aasummit. Qlasocd 1 Vrrm Pentland, Vertu (:aunt. -Dorothy McQulllian, Muriel Muller,
phatoo0s to Iwo at ri
lowest rites. Collection of Iliums -Madeline Iden- Lula Weatherbeud, Mary Purvis,
W. hams C, J L. Rnttoaar bossy. Harry N'hyrM.
J. D. Coosa FLOWERS. Writing, "Recealthoylel," (4th Glutted
0ARLES GARROW, LL. 13., BAR. Bouquet of Asters -Frank Pentland, -ANcr Rope titin, Mildred Mooff,--Lu.
itilmmt«oay,•.dKawr.etc, GoderKb. Caroline Webb, Itestrhr McQuillian, ells Rintuul„ Irene Woods, -Mena
limited a lowest rates. DSyou feel �tangled up-Mlond, Marjorie Purris, GeW001111%;te Attt-lemon.W001111%;ceU1>•ted. y, nervone, fall of Bouquet of Sweet I'ems-\mule Mc- Pencil Si etch (4th ('lash)-lfleta
\ SEAGER, BARRISTER. SOI. e>olit Tske Ceasanta tonight for your Clore, Helen.Miller, Rents McPhermon, W#4)1), Jooephtne Gaunt, George Allin,
IC/TOR tooterl�cpe tare ardooa.efaroet liver and bowel, to atraittm you out IJbrtne Ntirster, Lula \1'earherrnek. (Her Alton, Lnrlla Itirrtoul.
t Hoare• GedersdA. ss'txm its
morn►rnngg Waka up with bead clear( Bouquet at • 'klox-Irene Woods, \Vte[er Color Skt•tth 1 C'ontlnuation
s Alt 1t, breath sweet and feeling Rens' PtarriA,�Jean Gaunt, %ylda tMassl- Ile•atrl'r Me•Quilllan, Mail.
INSURANCE. LOAU\1To Pte' ad iroanvetienoe (gild- Webster. ohne Gaunt, Margaret Durnin, Miza-
�� mss! � Ohmemigulia 00. 106 X. A Cftta, lioypwt from Home Garden --no torth ingiis.
name, BbtJ'kye Mt'4Je,lllan, Iorirto Crayon Drawing-Winnifred F'ar-
jUcK1LLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- -- - - - Webster, Madeline GimIat. Gordon J. rfer, tecta Webb, Luty Thompson, Mir -
al ANCRCO.-Fvmaod Isolated twravwy � Smith. garet Ihnrniu, t:eorge All.n
rterlrae -J Plant In Water Colors--Winnifeeel
Oioats-Jr Como' P. GodwkbP.O. DOYF.A'I`IC SCIENCE. pyrMrr, Beatrice M Illign, ]
/ae,Rv.> c Prem, (rood P. 0.; Thomson; 11read. white-MatkRhimoN,Heassiat0, it W' a areptt'
S Ysrs. ra w ScalortleP.0. \. Ire /:aunt. Graf Wrlrba_ MaWiNIt
DYectere-D. F. lowZoesor. R. R. Me. f. Saw Yesge rend Cbarles Site., Tewnrw (Martel Miller, MartDartt Btrgaq-llltRi \a bb.
arta; )ora Q. Grieve, No. t, Walton. w Martin, Wlnnifred Farrier. -
R R. No.; Seatortl; Jabs Baarewies foy,ancscellentreputationfor high gredo Bran MuAiws-jlutiel Millar, MANUAL TRAINING.
Geo. Mt(:artney R. . No s.Sw
est 4. 1teAart Fertw, "arlai[ lac- ork Itis no wonder the demand for oar AinMesln, tlorrthy MtQulllian, at0• binl Haler --Iva Verne I'rntlatul.
awsRCBntom;JavanBvmns.Nowhereted; James sduate,infivetine"oarsupply. Enter may Fine Webb, Luella Writoul. Gordon Smith, Alvin M,Her, Aird Id
Ceaadr. GOderkb.
Areata: J. W. Yeo, Godricb; Ales.. lwite� Catalogue fete. Tea" Blecuits----('hrimid Inglis. Mat, ,m. Garnet Porti".
L R. No. 1, Clint"; wmmw Gbsaasy. Seslartb garet Durota, Dorlue \Vebo*rr, W/naf- iismmrr Ila tiANt�itlArAeet 1iyIArr,
IL Hlacbirr. Stem/wth. ,tOIK bldvs w P ell W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. fried McQuilllan, Vera Told. La Verne Peathilxl, Alvin Miller, Alex.
to mw C14 tbrw rs neceiyted at R 1• issermasself
a C1ot4og .Stora nor; R. H. Cott'- _ _ Oatuml l'askler - Mary Purvis, Issue. Harvey Champion.
Ke'wsetea oueet. Gederkh, w J. Il. IAurrtta . McClure. Josephine Gaust. Milking Atool-Alvin Miller, Her.
(rerwsi Stere. aetsaaM. r ea_r mi—\_ . __- '. _ Muriel Miller. IM64Wine GauoC I Bert Taylor.
Brophe3 Bros.AW
aT11AT/O1tIDe ONT.- •
" Tree Leading ,o The leading Commercial School '
of Western Ontario. We have
Forestal Directors competent, experienced pertPnewl Inotrnrtoro.
amd Embalmers l We give thorough coarses In (om-
mer•lal, Shorthand and Telegrtphy
Orden sssefully atteeded to Mat" to Posit we assist
at sA blsers. sllaht of s.7- -taw er a!
WDZRIOH _ _ D.4ilei,A(]HiiN Pltsd i>:
• Bring your tread -worn tires to us
and lot us retread them for you and
get an extra 2,000 to 3,000 extra mile-
ileage out of tires that are practically
_ woorthl m. or let w reline your tire,
I which will strengthen it 50 per cent.
Tires repaired in the proper time by
our peoic will pay biggest returns•
Let w examine your tirec if we
cannot ave your buying a new tire, it
will be a pretty bad on&
There ie faultier age
limit nor elretasption-
Tires, Tubes, Accessories.
every man, ewsornan and
child has daily fight
���p masm"
a is
d WM , m1�'
to terry an a=eia►st
germs tmd microbes of
disease. Lisa
, A H O
for a victorious and
\ P R I NT I N Gil
delightful toilet, for s
reir"ag betk and for
f "
6dwratiI aid
of the b@W"'
w�"„�"timitr0 slow �'"''a t
` --. ftosaw sraqP ALM t c.rAAe'srlas -
Public Speaking-Wilxilfred Farrier,
M idelirne Hennessy, George Ailin.
Hitching Competition-F4die. Gaunt,
Hlllzabeth Inglis, )ftaloley Thomltmon.
Judging Homes -Stanley Th omplxm,
Alvin Woods, Frank Ol'Callahan.
.Whoot Parade--U.S.S. No. 12, U.S.
S. No. 13.
– -
Charles Heck, Wise Graduated h"
The Sitaral Oda Some Few
Years Ages
M we perused a recent number of
The American Printer, a trade paper
published at New York, a handoome
face staying at on from one of Ita
pa con ressolved itnelf into the familiar
collatenene•e of "Charlie" Hesi
Goderk•h old boy who bottle one of the
prize positions in the printing trade of
New York- Olty. lir. Henle used to
write very radahk fet.tetw from New
York for Tine Signal, lvut of late yecarr
he hon grown weary of this; or perhaps
he it too busy, or perhaps he is using
him pen to better advantagw-anyway,
we mlms him letters.
More Is the article from The Amer -
Iran Printer; we ass+ norry we rantlot
Its" Co.ethe picture:
T4arm ago someone adviwnd (he am-
bltlo,ys inn or women to hitrh their
wages to a star. A New York print -
shop Reeentive tied th'ho when he took
by the first exernHve ponMbn and sel-
meted on hen star "Plant Orgaafst4oa"
The t the drta din of f1him iew Hee to have
(Otte true mer be (iron in the mmrxlth
and steady moriner In which the rar-
toes mechanical departments of the
TMtoral "nMng Cttmprny function.
Up in Oodetich, Ontario. (lensdta
not a gnat many years ago, was barn
Mothe .0 Advice
'itis lie eousibillty for a dattsbter's future larsaly a
is with the mo r. The right indueoee and tbs
ormAtion which isofra
of vital intast to the dZbtw
parted at the proper o bas not only an the
e but insured the success of many a buttfnl girl
n a girl's thoughts become sluggish with ha&
echos, dizrlmss, or a disposition to sleep,Paw In
baoft or lower limbs and a desire for solitude, bar
mother should come to her aid and reaember that _
Lydia E. Plukham's Vegetable Compound, made from
native roots and herbs, will at this time prepare the
system for the coming change and start this trying
period in a younggirl a life without pain or irregu-
lariUss. Thousands of women residing in every
part'of the United States bear willing testimony
to the wonderful virtues of this medicine, and
what It has done for their daughters.
Brooklyn, N. Y. -"I cannot praise Lydia E. Pink.
ham's Vegetable Compound enough for what it has - -
done for my daughter. Site was IS years of age, verryy
sickly and pale and she had to stay home from echoed
most of the time. She suffered agonies from baekache
and dizziness and was without appetite. For 3 months
she was under the doctor's cam and`ot no better,
always complaining about her back and side whing so
I did not know what to do. I read in the papers about
Iour wonderful medicine an I made ap ml mind to try
t. Sit has taken five bottlm of Lydia 6 it
Vetable Compound and dossu't complain any more
wa``sher back and aide ischit4L. She hes gained in
wed``ht and feels much better. I recommend Lydia R. ._
1.m ham's Vegetable Compound to all mothers sad `
daughters." -T;: K. Routs. gee Marey Avmit%
Brouklyu. N.Y.
Lydia E l
Thursday, tlletober T. It—i
MR 111,111m,111LAILL 60
%,Vii The Huron Sig,atl, of (haterich,'
Was a v omplsiror for some time with
rite Wiarton FA -ho, un d hter went to
ruronto am a v ompositor.
The World's Fair of Ittfr_o attratted
Om to Chicagt) solid he w.Im with
hand -McNally tu" the (next year, ' aarwa
when, drawn by his Mar, he went to hada 8
�rw York amt for four years obtained -
caluable exlterieuce in nom[xosittou "4' WMI
ii makeup in the famous Harper Overseas. Trade is
11RM. Four more ytaM wen• s[k•tlI with v w
rh Dry Goils Fnxonomist, and then
he he'll foremarwhilos with Sackett k
IVJIm, tiro Wtnthnrp !'res. and ilii $29351v0009000
"HS1Iiftr(law(Ville freta
in INXI Mr. llsmle went with
the Greenwich Pro-. as foreman of
the r•ompndng rconn. and when (hisLW
,dxtN was v ouw)hdooted w4th the Fexler- -,
it Printing Comisny in 11X17 hr was
looked to rake charge` v the comixa{inK t Y Sea -borne $ � 0` 6 OW ow xt
,e[oart[nx•trt. HIi stnax-xa in otetathz- w.se.taa«„amo„w.e;,.... y y y k
ng anal schedulingIris department at-
rotrd the afrntiolo of (dicer higherLand-borne $1,305,000,000
Ip stat he wtlm girtm the amsignment
of organizing tear en%re plant the
tame way °" ` � ------
Hee-has, been wpiorint t -orf --the
perabM ie
}. Dr ebfMJTz<nrF flut
It in no_mmall job lhan a pilin we lir More than half � rooms bode
earn ,theft LMare T. more ` \khan are
rundred employees, forty-five ey'lin-is ultimately sea-botne-but in Foreip
Jere, twelve platens, twenty-five Imo- c`
typen, six monotyp+A, card- a bete w Ships.
y. y petNolkaia are '
binder Fort
- tab•
3uced, including the Inyt fu the
world, The Iron A. 1t is in the 100
." _.
room of tills plant that The AmtTitan
Printer is y to take
and ec pexin• w Every pound of Canadian products shipped
vert too busy to take a direct p•rwotatl r
nHis v our pidei Non. from a ort outside Canadian territory
His gtaarvet pride is that the plant ` P � AY1so�tiilllWifl
- ter ter" re bet zedvve, their it 1, toy gi%. retards our maritime growth, weakens our
-rating. He Ixth•coex ftntt Duly by sic -
ng a mX(mod
to his own foreman "br e•oarureIleal" -frac- national prosperity and places control of a
rig him
usnKinntion--can the best r•s ds . ite part of our sea -borne commerce in the
Mr. Henle Is a philosopher; he id a hands of a competitive nation.
dwie•nt of human notlore; be in a'" •qVol r '
IForpr of the great outdoors. , Dr. jW�1
rune and Emerwon are - his guitkos
-41K.lit°ua_4u- rrt,ee..,ond will Taus—
iodand, right uext to Focal Dark, with �r� -_ ----
n tennim court across the street: 1.,, r Mn envy Of d-
Mr. Heinle Is a member of the Near -
Cork Club of Printing house Craft"—
The following is thr.report of il.S.tl.
too. 11, Hullett and Feast Wawanosh, Pin Yo Faith to "��
'or the month of September:
Sr. I V. (honorm r 25. pass 601)- at 1
Ilal�garet Cowan RT, Wesley Rradnock Ho bs Goo .dal Lm
re -e- s W_
-Sr. IN. (honow 750, pans (100)—. –
loon De'pltolm tll(0. ____-.._ __ __.-low
Jr. til. (!honors 7150, Pass 00111-
]race Cowen bot, Kenneth Color I
3ordon Jeaklna 713, 1 ince Wolper r•
f a1►eent during examination). -�
Jr. 11. (a) (bondrs 673, paam 540)-
IftimeMadan am.
Jr. IL (h) (honorsn'. pares W)---
Ifrtry Ili nholm (KID, -Wife Robertonm
Present Pv-ery day during month- I"
irweM Cowan, Matilda Malas.
ltrAt spellers, \Pedley llradrioeb,
iPnneth Conran, Matilde Moines.
Number on rdf1, 10. Average e
ends nce, s.
I. M. HOW ATT, Terrher.
The following to the report of R.R.
io. 5, Cdborme, for the month e( "
leptember, arranged in order of merit.
Mote marked with ten asterisl omine-
4 some of the exatuina(ns: a
Hr.iV.---:rawer ltogflo. ti,i per cent.: b
Nellie Morris, 59 per cent.; *Lillian ass «e a.r a..ewrvt
Muria . tip EVERY article you buy at any of the followirt� '
Hr. til.--itetrmnn ('hMholm. TO per L+ hardware stores will give you or istinguished
wet.: Jean Itocions , r p, cent.
e Service" if oil make sure when bu m that It 4
Jr. lit. -Plop Norton, Tfi per ern(.; y fl
Olive florton, T2 per event ; aJtetsle bears the fausious GOLD MEDAL Label.
dr('ann, 72 per rent. ; Joe Freeman, M , \ a
ser cent. 0, M�
Hr. I1, -Rrm■ Fretmen. Joe ('his ., �-�ee a "Webb. Gold Medal �� meat( the
toles, Kenneth Morris. ' , aline •jjL�Oppokk et>r tike Gold Medal Labd--a symbol i
Flirt-t'harl{rtte Morro, Fred Hor-IN
of semi((. You'll find it on Harvest Tools, Garden
"a Tools, Safea, Lawn Mowers, Sewing Machines. 1
PrtaMa -iteet Morelos.
Freemen. AJlern Fra.- R06fdnge Washers and Wringers Cuddy Sporty
tato, Clary Yornict. . r
A.- elle Tier -ton. !1 Ates, AeM[araters, Hiadw Twins, etc.
Nuarber on roN. 1R.
Ttiaithe N. Kempacton. Teher. •
- Fie sat. b�
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