HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-10-7, Page 2prnadoefft 6• • 44' ,7* 4 . 44,4- ,..„),„‘",44,'-'64•44 '6, • .. • Owen Sound tuts a "Zoo" at Her- riliote"Park which Includes four owls. one pair of widtedwaded eagles,a golden pheasant. wren 0I41 switus and five young ones. a pair of coronet: a pair of red fexee. a raccoon, tour titter. land two, Egyptian geese. The mreee are a recent segnisition. a gift from Jack Hiner of kingovillethe famous - bird -lover who•fgate an addreet In Goderleh laid June.' 41. 47.4. Thursday, October 7, Th 7, Oetober 7, 1920. EDITORIAL NOTES. Premier Meightm is busy expleinitot that Ii 6litio.t 44ay what he is reported to have said about fhe farmers und the liolshrviks, or, if he did ray it, ht• didn't wean it hist Haat way. An. observer who has been %retelling weather conditions think* that we nre to have au open winter. On the ether hand. the large crop of beech - mkt?' Hod other nuts is Deleted to as a slgu of * tarsi winter. Take your chalice. Thousands . of . !mallets of fruit - • pples. peaches and piaints-are going to waste in Ontario oreluirds this year, while thousands of people it) the cities are hungering for fruit. We don't know that anylsely is to blame; we haven't any remedy to suggest- it. • pity. that's all. • The Owen Sound ,Bunillimee. here- tofore. published twits,' a week, is now to h* bowed three times e week. OWP11 Sound has a valuable nowt In -The thot-T oee that the people of the young eity appreciate it and Ore At the support. whit+ a newspaper requires to inalte %tie itself ercelitahly. The London Free Preto; is pi- hanl for the National Polley, and 1. the tour,* of an argnment Plates that 'beton. the National Polk, was adoptedby the MactItelabi (hivern- _jegut 1' ••• ,t? a • ,nnr.11 • * SI . xot 44 from Cornelis far more sevrre than .v1 - ertur skies_ .experientwd27 /Mintier' of Renee and Huron mirth. - alert). :neetnentiotted in HAP 4l4)111114'. 114)11. If The Free Prewill mildish the figures mhowin• tlw population of these etmntiev. in each decade froze 1e71 to 11)11 they will furnish an in 'tertedIng commentary upon its "tate- meet. the crowding into the eitlee ettn• iteelf? asks Th • loom' Sound Zinn -Times. :old 3 rtswv the query If -I self : "In time. ‘VIten t'b cold Weatiwr COMP. and fuel is oleos.. many who eau will get itiek to ellen. wood can he got. W11.411 the brmid-litit'iti form- -ed, and hungry own. 0111 of W4 k. lw. 'suer there aro more filen' than ere to work for, wait their turn for a lhand-ilitt, wane of them tvlll hurry baek to the eountre witth 14,. rdenty and be glad to find a place where • .they ran work for_ their boort!. Be- ware the large city in winter unless yon Imre a goo -Trutt purse." - - „ • , , ".7-011111111111R. Oen: --43cr=avesuswiesrAmni7, , 444 „ 4 IP • ,,, • rsz swam. Mark e 4;44'.1:47%Itz'm Your safeguard hi the name PI LAD arta This is the genuine 'tea of all teas'. If you do not use Salada, send us a post card for a free sample, stating the price you now pay and if you use Black, Green or Mixed Tea. Address Salada,Toroato forhe knows that he eannot be proteet- led. the prier of his psoduct being deter:. mined by world tonditions nine, thin by conditions in Ciinada. If it were otherwise the prairle• fernier might line up with the itritbei t*olutubla farmer.who irenbes protected market for his frail Some tuanufacturiem 1(1 before the conontiodon t� state what a perilous condition their -partieuhsr industry ix In; while from another 4041ree (-times a glowing account of how manufacturing has flourished in the rommunity and what an stmet it It' to the etidutry. lit ' either ease, whetlwr the industry he languishing or thriving. It claims the Protection of a good Miff tariftiate, _And 40 it sues. A Riddell cotutablis Jam man- enmpig I Lust _that a Brill firm wao putting orange marmalade Into Vancouver shaper than be route, manufacture it, though he had plenty - of the raw material (et liana:Why au, Ohl Country manufacturer._ thong:toils of tulles away. could romper*. WItI. the DrIrIdi Cottunbla producer -„at his own front door Wax not explained. , DRURY ANI) %IEIOHEN. The Prot incial l'remier Has a Few Thing. (4) Sit) of 11111. l'edera/ -Leader. \ (Frain The Farmers' tem.) That l'reinit•r Aleighen is troubled leet \the Fanner.' lotrusion Into poli- ties .Woult1 result in the overthrow eoMt__thleyes" ra titer t ha u the social order-wae Peemier Intry's I suggestion at Osleiwa thie week re tie. Federal 4 leader's refleetious .0 on:tinned tartuers. The fear of the Federal l'remier might arise (nen 11* investigations ef the thdirio Goternment into the timber affairs of Pre t incr.-which pointed t4-*-4!4+ tertuitattion to el the political =\ up mitnatItiti..antl_l on _Iittnglity_ dB 1 public mutters. , This wire Hon. Hr. Hrury's tire op- , immunity ni. putdicty reply to the 1111-1 pieugunt Iltoutinuttions ' of 144111 lion. Ile Meighen 'end Sir tieorge Foster, 1 and ho 11111 'to without making any dlr. mg -reference to idecal polities, 44 he 1.1 not eittedder it fitting that k Pro- rhicial I'remler should do SO. He prol014011 that 11144 11410;',. ,\Of timber in the northhind would •he ealleibupon to make restitution to the l'rovin ao far 'am possible. and (14X- 1Ittaidefl 0Ufltt.o tfibdti of twopte in- volved, After m ing the promise, he put a lamp in the windew, all tritimeel neatly, with a gotelly.supply of 4)11 In 1118 1144W1, 11441 * cteaff chimney, when he said that he hoped proseentions would not alwayse be tweesoary. \but tint the ofeetelent Would. 44011144 ar02241 ; nil niike reotitutkin without being' erred to do eti by law. Shortly after taklug Over_tile_rOnirdi of the Government, Mr, Drury sant. adaatutat- to ogltothis b4(set4411 World. The "world Aeries"- ' the -411111441 premier event In bam-tisit- jjjj -was pLYbd a year Iwtween r_italuttatl. of the National League. rind Clileago, of the American beezur. Toe! .,,n, (1 W1411 th PPriPla and !Vv.' Pince there 1.4IVp been ttannrs - Veit the Chicago team "threw" the stales for money supplied loy gam - matter k now before a court at Chicago and some of the playere have confessed. (inc men. 7---tr-yttrtirrrtotrott-It1OZIOunftr-tI18 mw ti1141 "delivered the goods" by al- lowhig etneitinatt to rin the mimeo; in %hit% he pitched. tither players temived other large amounts. Not all the tatet on the Chicago team were correpted, hat enough were reached to 4,- 4,atrItych the aim of the gamhiers, who of course put up their money on Cinvintiati. It I. to the credit of the men at the Mimi of hatteball In the States that they are bikini tneesuree to cleat, up the mew and nave the rpOrrr• ter the ttrtnre_trom me hand. ,pt Hm. ...bo would wreck it. - - The tariff commission he making Its 44 ay .lowly en eters ni from t he collo. giving hearingo at the forger • centre. to three who 'filth to premed otatementn. It will take week* yet to reach the Maritime Pet -whit -ea, but the eonnulerion rembi votieltple its j1141'.4. citation any dap and hand ont s report Must would pretty well cover the ground, by swats 114411 everybody Mint.. to wv41 In a protected Om ritt.t 41,141 bny in a tree market Ec4‘11 the prairie asesser Is hardly an ezeoptMu, • .1 4 1;441..* #11/ • 1. 4 •••4 it was discovered that the cote of adtaluisterIng the Lauds and Formes liepartment about equalled the revenue from timber, and It wait thought that ionwthing must he wrong, so •ti 10. vestitration was ordered. He bad no nee for etintrusixelons of administration. but a Royal Counnissiou. appointed 10 20 Into matters in a way which u Gov- enituent eittiout ti., of iteelf, was quite a differeut question. cud t•oultrbecome * useful tool in the hands of the Government. ••We ere finding out." said he, "that tow timiwr resource,' of the Pro- vince have beim ireeklepoily admin. littered. la•e found -wee paying dues un Motel feet and touting 110,000," Million* of tiollars have been stol- en from the public treasury. he _de- clared, and it Is the Bret duty of the Government to recover aliat it ,can of the xtoleu goods. One promteutioti Is already tinder way. and it a•ail only the first of a niuts4r. He hoped werions would atd,-be 414p- powary. The wily IR open for reotitn- Gott to be made. he 88141, but the rem - 4A„ - OODZILIOH, ONT. 1itittlon 0140.1 Ire oven and aboNe hoard. He believed that the punishment et wrongdoers would do more than any- thing else to counter -art the retolutione O' r 1147 NtAttt,t*".:441., *,i•-* 4i" " 4,6'''•- '•• "when they try to pet 11101 14 HS at each other's throats 111 this way. We are all Canadians and meet work to - Jollier fur the good *1141 Kiva 'evened lets and Bolsheitts. If the people had and the stability of the toiletry. C*11- conadence that the man who steals lug uames and stirring Up chiss and itioinuating that hotwst men are dishonest 1:4 oomething lieueetn the digntty of the holder of the Govern- ment of tido Dominion. from the public would be punittheal, they would be leas liable to become revolu- tionary, and, "1 believe it is up to IA* to provide the object lesson. The ob- ject of it all is to get, nqt for a claim, o but for the whole of the =le, the things that belong tthe ." "Tills group. pitehforked together, has honestly tried," he said, "to do their beat, mit for any party, not for any group. but for the beuetit of the people of the Provinee am a whole." Rut during the hurt few weeks an ,instnuation has been thrown out he Premier Meigheu and one of his lieu- tenanto, that farnaiev In organising for political action were liable to dem- troy and overtlirow the estalilislied order, and become Reds or Itolalieviki. "1 regret talk like that," said Prem- ier twiny. resent It very keenty. It is true that out of a clese move - went grew a poiiticut movement, but thut movement is not hi any sense destruetlre. "('an you call our (io%ernment Bol- shevist or Red? Have we owerturtk ed an)thing? Yes; we have oterturre ed something. We have overturned the rottenest system of forest', pilfer - "And I believe this triune. Is being delilwrately taken beeause there may be something nearer home that will not stand investigation. There smite little investigating being done lit on- tario. and they see -that ee want to get at the luau who is getting 44041)4" 1141 fur nothing -in other words, the thief?' Etidenee that there 48 844 sornt•titing wrung wax found in the fact that When the l'nerince undertook to punish profiteers, through the medium of the itoard or Commerce, it was "to our astonitibment we found this Board of Commons* a tierce adowati- of the profiteer,. : it fought our lawyers. st ev- ery turn." Further evidence along this line CAMP 144 +444'tion 1.1 of E.4 'oloto1440 bdoner Murdock's letter, which emu- iilained that the Government hall not allowed the Hoard of • C•ouinerve to work without "Influents." for the pur- pose of keeping costs down. . as it lag that lies ever existed on this , 48111 apparently intended. contioent. t.tpplatiee With this in ininti Premier Driny - isn't everyrhing ?gable and maid : -Perna'sl the man who has im- mure st4 than a yettr ago? I think it puted thet the Ontario Oorernment is because people believe they will jr,.. shouhi he cussed with the Itolsheriks at least an attempt at a stioare timid." is more concerned with the little liou He weut on to refer to the long backin the corner than he -is to look- eumiection with the soil, ex/meting !us after the Daniel." back through getieratimis, whirl'. nuke This reference was to a story rue the members of his l'abinet to umi- coture and the Province. This le itself w*s enough to gun router a- stabil- ity about the Caidatet that eould not 8*144 --it -It-- -wait tatanwitetti and revolutionista -Men ebould be careful," he or Itoda; I*'w* not riling for Daniel, hitt the warned. Mel lion tack in the tomer looked as gh he wden't going to get any." Premier had told during his speeeh. In which • little boy tried when look- ing at a picture of "Daniel in the lion** en." On being asked why he wail 41414w -lad Burning the Nation's Wealth EVERY HOUR OF THE DAY AND NIGHT ifh The. Torch of Carelessness BRINGS DESTRUCTION TO SOMEBODY'S PROPERTY IN ONTARIO ersrotati, The Work of Fire Prevention should appeal to the Farmer, who is at the mercy of the Fire Demon; and to every Merchant and Manufacturer who wishes to preserve the con- - Inanity and non-interference of his business. SPECIAL EFFORTS SHOULD - DURING . Fire Prevention We to remove all Fire Hazards and take to Prevent Fire, MADE -Oct. 9 ry possible precaution 41i1o, CLEAN accumulations of waste material, rubbish, boxes, brnsb, weeds and conditions that create disorder. 4 f4 RI ONTARIO FIRE PREVENTION LEAGUE, INC., Iftfr: Allliatiou with i THE ONTARIO PTRE ,MARRHALII OPTICE. 1,011ONTO 4'48. . 4-.cor 91. OF FIGS" ..1441•4 Look at tongue! Remove sons from little stomach, liver and bowels •4, Accept 'Callforalt* Syrup of Pigs 1 only -look for the name California on 1 the package, then you are fare your child is haring the beet and moat harts - less laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowel's. °Wires love its delicious fruity taste. Pull directions for c.hild'a dose on each boa. tle. 'live It without fear. Mother! You must say "Callforala." [GRANO TRU K RAIL vvil • The Double Track Route between SYSTEM - MONTREAL 'TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dieing car service Sleeping ears on night train., and parlor care in on prcipal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or U. E. Hare. Ing, District Passenger Agent, To- ronto. 0.il. Lauder, Station Agent, phone 29 ' - F. F. LAWRENCE & SONS Town Agents Phone 8. • •• 6.30(7,(--, \for I 141V4 Province of Saskatchewan 6% Gold liond at 96.62 yieI4 6.30% for 114. Twenty Yearn. 1102fAtirriff3 • rinw .fteliarte.1 ertemi. Inita626.4 14411Sagis441." rev - (41! -'144 , • oweeroastereneeree twrosokovevoroorso eatelierdatincess.eaC,e,,telreitor One% tio„, '40n"'"ositatillitettentritrat ail your order / or write. for descriptive rr circular. 41 • )4np 1C7,tfte4 j 3041 atlatom,.., 11"1 ▪ nnn..t vlot W.111.nnOni On 'WAN, '41 ,.; - .41i:1 Nventy Years twenXt years of freedotrti from in- 4.. vestmen rare is offerixl to porch- _ users of. l*ivince of Saskatchewan % Gold R(Jnds. D 'lig this period, an interest return of 613(0% is aaaurNi, While to collect -this intermt, eoutrono--noefLonly he -,-__ clipped nnd cashed once every six months.' \ \ • \ \ Saskat,chewal\ranks as One of Can- ''''' 41:1;4' ada's wealth wcinIthist Provintes. The ilotto value of her wat,..--d-b4 st crop ...• 44+3014 -nlone this year is estimated at 194 approximately $400)00,000. - ......4..• .... 440.14.4•.... 4 --......... , _ We offer, in $500 and $1,000 denom- inatibns, Province of Saskatchewan 6% Gold Bonds ftt 96.62 and inter. est, yielding 6.30%..•wm'srratierreat r, Sf.it44FSi.at Wood, Gundy & Company 04, Casadiaa Pacific Railway Riwo N4 rat, * Toronto • * NI Offilk 4•41,/}1.,. • • lift AAA. t444:140r,".11. .-4PING40...044.04.•••••••MK :44 111111111111111111111111111141111IIMIDNIN****111 111 Fashionable Coats at Popular Prices A splendid *Noting of Veloura, Chinchillas mud 'Tweed Coats for Women and Misses. Many are lined throughout with tar- niers' satin or silk. Soule half -lined, Nome hundmatuely fur - trimmed. Every toot Is specially priced mid reduosl to meet the times. fil3-1211-1Z5-$311 and SW. WOMEN'S DRESSES IUNI/EMWEAK Lowly goons of Silks, Stanfleld's famous unahrink- Merges and Trieolettes, good able. for mea and buys. l'ete material,. anti in prevailing taans natural wool, for wo- style*. All our fall showings wen or wen, 311 2-pleee or are on Kale at very niut•ii un- combinations, st per ec AA der regular prices son, special trasVIIP FLOOR COVERINGS TABLE LINENS New floor Cloths 114 72 -inch, half bleached T*blc splendid patterns bud (Nal- toe ubson 441„4) ity, Iu 1. 11,, P.a, 2, yankgood patterns. Reg- ftl 7c wide, at per square 85 'der $225, at per yardcl•I yard ........... • 2 1 214, Pirtle. Arlin finish LINOLEI•NIS Table Cloths in half a dose yard. wide British make pat tt•rns. Regnlar it2.95 $5.00 patterns, for •t 'V° 1wr 4.111dre yard yard $1.50 TOWELS and heavy qsaility 3(1, Irish Huck Towels, STAIR OIL('IAYID neatly hemmed, blestetied and ulur 3:46., for P. o itle. 114'g'111 good quality, * 4 Special , 6 for P4e, W. ACHESON & SON A-- dowvammeneee40404,04;04^0~4,44~^~4,04~,^0.4,;„"ols Y-DORT.andiTUDEBAKER 1:77: MOTOR CARS Prest-Olite Storage Batteries and Columbia Dry Cells 4,14, Several second-hand Bicycles for sale cheap Come and see these, •-• .4-4 4... "14'14414: .4.44...444•04' All Tires on sate st a big reduction in price. Oils and Greases of all kinds, ial prices on Oils bought in Five -gallon lots.. olet Car_for stile cheap _ This ar is in good running order. GENUINE FORD PARTS .", EAS TRE TGARAGE F. HO LAND 41 4 - •• 2,4 • 1.14 08 Machine Repot 4 or We are prepared Hyde abine repair ork-ofall Muds - ptomptly and at reasonable prices. We have installed an ACETYLENE WELDING OUTFIT, an.l. f,a:n.,ers and others having broken castings can bring them to us and have them made as good as new by this process. WORKS AT OODIERICH li RDOR . \ DOTY ENOINEERINfi COMP ONO 4.110 Au* OM WO WINOWNONNOMPRoseacseteeeseeftWeRameol ROB/Ns 3IZN'S TROUSERS at low prices, good materials in plain shades and patterns, all sizes, with 5 pockets $3.75 MEN'S TWEED TROUSRS, as. sorted pattern, plain c011ail, finished with 5 pockets, loops for belts, and cuff bottoms. Sizes 34 to 42 $5.75 BLUE SERGES and neat grey patterned tweed, serviceabl, dressy, and remarkable val- al., .41111 sizes at ... ...$6.95 1,111,, Cr;1,TE TEA OBINS $0411111‘41114.4.4.4..--.44.4,444.44aartimmgrasota .43t Tr‘Tiltt01 - nitiniiilit.Witff0440r0.4,$ffir.04$40164111WC:~MM4r7t. INFT,X010.4, 4-iki*,4*K6W*447 -.44•• 144PL,4414.41;"04"44 ot, .44•444A444A...4. ;Mg 14, 1*144.4•t 4.4-4•44,z, 1444484,. • -4, n1;4401.4 • 4444,44,444,4•,,, 144 44 4. 44 - 1n..,n5n n n inn In. ninenno, 01. • Matt,..t; 4biAll1111111111ifrrisat'llifaSilliak_ 14, 4918 4484 'dt•qr. "nn -5- 5. .5- 3- 1. ele - 4:4 414 4.4 44. Mow 251 -School of Commerce - Clinton and Goderich, Ont. OFFERS THE FOLLOWING COURSES : Business Stenographic Secretarial Civil Service Teachers' Training Course er 464. and arranges Special Courses for students. THE F01.1.41WINC. ADVANTAGES'. torregwrowrr Highly Qualified Teaching Staff Actual ilusintss System of Bookkeeping ' Credential Typewriting reset 04•4- Positions Guaranteed Vocational Training School ler this diltrit, by Government appointment end under in- pection hy Soldiers' Civil Re-estahlighment Department, Por Tertni, etc., write R. r. WARD, It. A., M. Aeeta., Principe, Phone 196, Clinton 444 M. A. STON, Com. Specialist. %lee -Principal la... School Opens Wednesili /04200000:0C etlitember 1t 1900 .5 '1- .3 -5 -1 -3 -5. .3- -3- 3 -3 .3 4, .4 • ,4. 4)11 W11.1 1,1•11111.11,11+,1111,11,11+111+ itod t • 4,,„ o' • 4*, • 64f ' , ,144' jw•• 114 44. ,t4 „ * ".• triNfl 1184 41.44444411 . 44 04104 6141:4• ".4 -14 •••!1 144 '';