HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-9-30, Page 8t .;i 4 ♦ ' • ,• f�ri 7. isptsadi(r 30, 1920. Household .Needs Shelf 'pet, large plain white "'leets' 50c per quire. ,_ilio . _perforated shelf p rlr fic and 10C' per pkg. Housekeeper's Waxed Paper, best quality, 10c pkg. Meriden Silver Polish, positively the best made,' 60c per can. Will Iasi* /artily one yeir. Mucilage, paste, pens, inks, pencils, etc. PHONE T E- 6roceteria Actually, saves you money NORTH ST. and THE *ARE A full lire of the best\'told fnsilest grarerirs. at the low penlbk prices. We I.fl `UNCI Use MST. \, BACONS and COOKED MEATS, 14.11.T PORK. PICKLED PIGS' i'P:F:T, VEAL 1A1AF, BOLOGNA ;•nal COOKED HAM. i; AX INTRIRRSTING,F1SITOR. rte lidn-*rd'$. ( we11. Aarlatagl Ue 1.1brariatt of Teresste. .t wrtl luuwn citizen of Toronto, w sped/ two days of the paM Sat urday to Monday, lu our town. 2 guest of Mi. and Mrs. S. )r:. 'tie l-leiu avenue, was Mr. Edward (',swell, who was- 4 years one of the responsiblweheads le the Iletlioili.t Hook Rooms on Itlrb no nd street west, Totentu, but about y the eit7 for the years ago tIshlon. of aawstataed nt pub- lic ilhrsrinn, the chief executive being 1►r. George H. La•►e. These two •gentlemen manage the whole public library syxtem. of Toronto, with its fifteen to twenty branch Iibnarie.. their ezet•ntive other* being lu the Itef..i,. ee Librar indieling, turner of College ane) lit. (Jee►rge street*. Ur. Caswell is one of the sone of Ole late flew. James CaswMl, who was, more thitn fifty years ago, a revered pastor ofstbe New (Danaher Method- ist church on Brock street, (:o,lerieb, the old builitiug still standing ss part of the group of buildings at present r+ use by the National Shipbuilding oe 1n -tire little brick pa neonate Witch Stood alongside the ehureh to the old days. E. 8. Caswell was ties; wl►ile (also during Rev. Mr. (nseretra YRIt H 1'F:GILTABLYB sad - - -- kRlllacik _ _." TRE BEST BREAD IN GO1)ERICH 12e A IAAF C H. McFAOYEN VICTORY BONDS At tee new prisms Iletory Kofi srt-raragteatieonably the premise- serenity ry sere ity offerees today. NON-TAXABLE 1, Gt Stand int. yield 637 p.c. I9$ Or ase and Int. yield 0.15 p.c. 11127 kr 97 end Int. yield 6.00 p.c. 10.13 ((i 90'h and Int. " 5.88 P.C. 7 die and lat. yield M8 p.c. -THE- . Hydro Fut site of Square . Cs.iie&, NOTICE TO THE Owing to the power short- age and the present cost of installation, persons contem- plating the nse of electric power will avoid expense and annoyance by first applying ! to the Water and Light Com- mission and obtaininga con- tract for a supply of elechic energy. ' Do not wire your house of .install an electric stove, motor or any other electric apparatus until you ke arrangements for the ty current. au alfli year water rates for the iefore October 1st 5 per cent. discount. Water and Lig& Commission New Millinery Modes /OR THE AUTUMN and WINTER of 1920 SHf Iy never were hats so - lovely as this season THEY SHOW THE LATFST CONCEP- TIONS IN > N. TER 11110NAL IIELPLESS WIT" IHEUMATISM !MI r rrrt. Tr FM middy 1 • E. R. ale. 1. Lassa, (low "Tee east I . roan, 1 was eedeed iia barinar>i ilimmooNata triednearly everything wt�sd bonen. B+yi*rw 1 aa1 area[ aro Jour 1~rasjnrwinartst leo p waa• maP• and the s erif agreed to go dhows I sootier& t4ldr this trait maw thetas, hspwuiqg se We time, al sow I eon wQ>rwt two tails sial do light abaras about Use please'. ALEXANDER myna ROe, a box, s for ial sass 4t an dealers or asst atlst postpaid torsi!-a-tiros Iitaitd. Ottawa. pastorate) alertIr brick cot Mee, at the topper end of I(ror•k strew. was the blrtepiace of S. E. Hick. and his par- ents• were smashers of the pastor's Sock. Still another t•,oinck,.tar, tilt•.,• two who were. !whir" together were given exactly the same new names. TbeP rimmed deg eta luta nee and I fe'eedaatp some fifteen years ago fn. Tar'ont0 and have gut together, many timid. slur, but itwaya in the city, note tits abort visit of Mr, Caswell to his settee ina'q. ' WbIJe up this way he paid a '•I� . I also to old friends et Liirlinow and father,(1sd' 11',errte este tilled yaattieal ten Bigot part of his ►ungannun. In the dao -et, -Astlnarn Ms being. la -Roderick and there E. ('ha d i ng. e iota steeted warmly on Sunday by gaffe 'a " few prevent members' of North,alreeet oburt•h who\ were mete-. wr into the chinches at ', hate.ponqqn and. Auburn by Rev. Mr. Caswell while rt�'Slime there. jkwRies bring the aut or,o num. bey 'of mageslbe artl'Ietera,k� aloft ainiswk� Mr. (?stswell also puba "Canidtatl . $t,gers and 1 Sdngs," which 1,. besititlfully apt eml fix unique (q iprlwll»g :wary adj tie: well -heave 4ltsdiaa writers ad ver, e, hymned or poems, with a por- trait of each author occupying sine Pair and oa the opposite page Maar the whole of, or a selection from, one of that authors 'best productions, in theifae-elmile of.hjsor her own hand- writing, signature and all. Ste' Forty Cents to January 1, 1921 CHURCH NOTES. At the meeting of the Presbytery of Maitland last week the call from South !ampton to Rev. A.M. Boyle, of Belgrave, way susta ned. 7'he Ladies' Aid of Victoria stmt Methodist church will bold their an- nual thanksgiving supper ou the evrn- ing of Thaakstairins Day. The annual cuoventiott to the Deanery of Huron was held at 11'togham on Tuesday. Rev. S. S. Hzrdy, rector of St. George's church, (:odcncn, was nit the program. The sermon subjects at the Baptist •'arch nett Sunday will be : 11 a. m., 'Mettttp4 ( His Success." 7. p m., ti ni God aChance." Bible school at 3p. ,, B. Y. P. U. meeting at8p,m• At Church divine worship next Sabbath morning and evening will be conduct ' by the minister. 1n the I� theme t annual "Rally Day" service �.,i����� Su 'ay school will be held. %leets of sermons : 11 a. m., "Our Aim," 7 p. m.. "A Noble Guest." Adult B.ble dais as Heiser ICS o2laclf - ERY ART 1 tea Ci t es. 1trJ 1k! gra LE Tat- yield 0.27 p.e- 1104 BB and ut. ykid 6.26 p.c. litunietpal often • yielding sp to 7 per T. R. Harr son Insnranee and Bond Broker, Phone 3I( Goderirh .ti♦I4re adjoining British - -K ebange Hotel ti IF you would shop in comfort shop for shoes first and stop here to ship We will fit you with sties that breathe the at- mosphere of 'style refinement aryl skew the master crahs- manahip .if real shoe baildiag. Our wears aro bound to meet with year requirements if roe want smart shoos. YOU ARE CORM/VAN INVITED TO INSPECT OUR STOCK Miss M. R. MacYicar Kingston street, Coderich S'hoees 0 fit every f of and411 IR THESE SHOES LET ME Ag OT SHOP 114 COMFORT i SHAR mom ;immix PHONE - GODERICH�ON'T. .14 Next Sunday willsbe Missionary Day in North street Methodist church 1 he pattor:a morning thtmlewill be -"Canada for Christ." Evening. "The Universal Gospel," The Mission Bend and Men's Club Will meet at 10 o'clock. The monthly fellowship meeting.,will be held at the name hour, A New Connell tor Goderid,, The North street ardilleOrth League held an interesting meeting on Tttesday eveping under the auspices of the citizen- ship department, at which a new council for the town of Goderich waa duly elected: Mayoress, Miss Florence Mooney ; Reeve, Mr. Howard Robertson ; Deputy Reeve, Miss Maud Howell ; councillors, Aliases Helen Griffith. Marjorie Aitken, Beatrice Anderaoal, Jessie Ford and Messrs. A. M. Robertson, Walter Hern and Edgar Shepherd, The addresses of the various candidata torhe electors in which they outlined their platforms were well received and their advanced policies made a strong appeal to the young electors. The first meeting of the new council will be held in a month from this meeting The skill of the electors was evidenced by the fact that only three ballots were incorrectly marked. PRRSANAL MENTION. Miss Leckie left this week ter Toronto before leaving for Frit Worth. Texas. where abe will follow her occupation as nurse for some time. Mr. Hugh C. Wilson left 2(ti, week for Toronto to continue his studies is pre- paration IT the Methodist ministry will be greatly mirth'p . eecially is Vic- toria street church.where he haabeett very helpful during his stay in town. Mr. and Mn. O. W. Rhynits. of Brant- forct, were here this week to visit relatives am friends and also to attend the flay-. Geld tan fair. Miss Nellie Colborne is upending heti- dSys at Toronto. Me. .lames D. Pewr•ie. formerly of rich bed IabeT of Detrth• in crow fending the Aaresetran Wheat t (krtO0.0thl. at tlraawale, ttlttaast •t a monsbete of the a0phj wM1 Ass ti(rs. J• Moe Ob roan sod d*dtttheer, had Imre title hist fear reside 1 ldnatasd, ereltivrl Mame leve w$.,. Mr. QUPden, wan hes iwen employed Reilly at f'alesareeM, came tem as refbil 11110111. • r. ro • h.. 4, ► '.O or t. • • y7 THE OOLBORNE STORE • err A store fuJi of wonderful values in Ready-towear and Piece Goods Winter and Fall Coats A range that is complete can be inspected at this store in Fall and Winter Coats. Every garment is guaranteed to give service and they are all new this season. We feature Northway garments -which means the highest quality, the best workmanship and the latest designs. Children's Coats are also small girls' to misses' sizes. We size. �is a pleasure to show want yo��to inspect this most deciding'ot3 our Fall Coat. • shown in sizes from have a Coat for every these garments. We complete line before iece Goods Sergio in :theest qualites of botany'in wide widths and all wanted colors are shown. Broadcloths are • shown in many wanted *lades and the weight is .. • for fall wear. Garberdines also are 1 . r this seasons wear. We have them in stock at the pre nt time. We have,* large stocl1 v r• ;b • LI • mined COLB is SPECIAL VALUES FOR THIS • WEEK'S SELLING , White Cotton, regular 65c. for Nainsooks, regular 60c, for J 55c adapolam, regular 80c, for 65c M hoc Boys' Heavy Cotton Stockings This Stocking is wonderfully adapted for fall wear. It comes in all sizes from 6 to 10. Regular price 75c, for ,... , 59c a pair Blouses We have gathered together a great number of douses in crepe de chine and georgette,and have combined them all in one lot at one price. -These, Blo'ses are pe,f in ..y respect and correct, but for this are woejt's selling we have reduced them 610 one price. , This is an opportunity to buy areal Blouse \\ at a small price Crepe ddchirre Blouses -selling g prior np is 1730, Georgette $}4., 1 on sale up to $II.So for S6.49 These are real a Be sure to see them NE&C THE HOUSE OF RELIABILITY_ Mr. W. T. 1'rldham, of \Toronto, ac- hyr+ved in topn ou Friday, a rumpanitd his wife end other mem ra of its family, coming, toy auto. They were - the guestx white here of Mr. Prhllam's bnrtle-r. F'. J. and W. C. 31r. i'rfdlum NM is one of the many Gtslerich boys who have made good in tlwir ail 1 hornet.. Tlit' piety left for home dp 'Fnre defy, intwtd/pg on their way td� stay for • few days at Stratford and Gait. THE GODERICH BEAM $ Tnuasoay. September so. Wheat. per bush a 1.11 w Stab (rete, per busk... 1.03 t• 1.Jo heeler. per cash .,, . I.M, to 1.7° ('eat per bash 1' • {,6" to ire6 of kwfw(1 i•,.e ' ...••1,60 to I.a•; !. prequel.......,4,74 to 7.0 Irlout. print, par ewe 7.MU sass, per ten .... -- --- w0seto 6esi.eat aborta, per ton 61 0o to 82.0l3tes�i ren too. ro 20 to *seri-. 1010 ILO IL hair* utter, per lb 60. to .s6 Creaser, Butter, per lb .66 to .t0 Statfresh, per dos Hr to Die Paab aose, per bush.. 4.00 to 4.60 Cettie. butcher. eMeMasl par set. 11.60 to 15.11 Cattle, border*' msdli*s aatawt 10.76 to 11-50 Raga. 11re weight. oar ewr 10 00 to '*,rye Bider. per ito .10 to .12 bkseoettlne. .26 to .60 Action of the Ford and Franklin Motors Companies last week in cutting the price of their products was followed this week by W illy$ -Overland, Hudst of on stand Stthe ude- baker Compania. This step will no doubt be followed by many more motor cohppanies. Margaret is alive. A letter to her slider Mra John Fowler adclsee that 1141s. ('ampts•Il is at the preemie time in the general hospital In RulTato and Somewhat indisposed. but saurus and Iotgtug to learn something of her nwu people. from whom for +o lone she has bad neither direct nor ineliret com- munication. That eneh news should indeed be maxi lag andowe,'hat 'verb's/le to the recipient. we are mit a all surprised. That one whom they ha mourned a. dead +ho1l'1 le. alive was hard indevel to believe. Mr. flan ('amptell. In orker' to se - mire , sthand information, phoned the gene I hospital *601- CeaAteaured that his liter was there hut unable to he rem, 1 for at heart w.perlod of ten der( m , nIT. Willi la?itt7 mating /Yale` atter s •h a v 'death,., he de- cided` ro make rnngemenfo7-giT•iTelt the- .ity of lin Io and retest, Ido. sister and sere t t everything that •onld he drone to a to bar comfort could and would be p, hie 1S Indeed an a of myaterions ha peenings. We reJo with the Mill lives ami hope 'Stn' friends of the mirk to kn sniii•Irjrthat she have a very speedy rehears, ami etre more enJoy health and ha'pennies'. After teen AS DEAD -Ls ALIVE. After teen ''ears Woman G Re - stared to Ripley Relative*. A peculiar -dory is told by The Ripley Express : Fifteen years ago, relatives and Ripley citizens mourned the death of Mims, Margaret Campbell, sister of Mr. Dan cam/theft, e-Mrpr•nter of itis village, also Meter of Mrs. John Fowler; in the leering of 111011 a message• was reerfv from Buffalo, death hid Mtge ('nsting mplellt that thea world Minns], a few days sfterwanl her' clothing and treasures were reeelve•,I by her friends to be ahsrel ma keepsakes as a last fond n'mcmtrrsnev of the departed one, and for all these yeir,' Margaret Campbell hose hear mourned am dead. Her brnthera end sisters and many friends of the suppowd departed one are rejolring to know that Mtn The Better Way Ihmareiksbay avian midihe Vohs bolter to .anourishment dust pmesees. Seers sitar umols irshim or adolk is s dwirosknaas. far aim a • imago, wt. !ea LIVELY TIMES AT PORI- ' ARTHUR Strife Between Striker- s and the Pettit -Non-union Mea. Shigped Port .Arthur._ jam, 2'1. --Forced by rikieig'weadleffief-ditcher hawsers et e•' .lo. -k winches. the hlg lake narlga- orr steamer Hanlon lc,cIP* red for the .a+t at 110 this afternoon with a full in -onion 'crew on board, but not until overly one hundred of the striking lake semen far npwarrke of an hoar balled rents against what they termed "a rah 'crew." i,hely scenes _were onsrted nn the nadlan National Railways wharf ring fie aiternoon. The 'steamer dlth*e, renamed the Maplehnr+t, . but the iker*rnart'heebt toorthet head of the •k with the idea of forcing the ke-breaking crew of that steamer vae•te. The attempt was frustrat- by the arrival of a mead of heal see otfk•lals. ft looked for • time if a Nolo. wmttd Pike pitoe between strikers and the polk•e, but as the lee formed a line across the dock reach the strilu'rs beetteted. Some ed out "rush 'em by," "take 'em off r feet," but only a few broke away n the mob when they sew their relies decline' to follow their step, me trouble occurred when the me Smith of the Alierne Omitted cleared from the name wharf as other two. retie of rhe striker* had taken part in the deseeaegra-' of the Cedttlac •nel the Hateonic Med Ute- (Rome Smith to full view heir mmndee and signer! for the This retried the •ager of the re- eling etrikers, and *felt many Hirer remarks one of the deserters rand to the make. Home $mkh elear•pd tate to- t: add there was app ap nge in the irtir:e nttngfasbm. � At hasdgttrrtorw d the ti4astaea'a n rte word of *AAFrsaot iba4 saes ltd. rive Mats *saw retia haw Way. at t1 ti F to th w ('a stn ('a sir Iba ctrl to erd sol ea the iib •PP "* 11 t heel fro, com So HA I I rtes the w hey !inn law of trlp mat tam nein The nigh elm the Undo revel fear. ey • • • .�ewr,+ .aa o••v r^ • •r, r.. i 1 r i / 7 ro�weM-at�"^kt; ''• _ $8E US ice? :. ,. Take advantage of our Goderich service, We ST! avails*, every day and ail day and will see that you get the.right Glaser that they fit properly. We also replace ire r broken lens, A. L. COLE OPIeReltrraf SpeciaBst 1 Fmest Ever Shown It is admitted by all who have seen this season's styles of footwear that they are band-__ somer and more varied than ever before shown,., They are shoe Perfection and have no equals in beauty, elegance and ease for the foot. Fash- ionable in shape, high grade in material and excellent in construction. Prices are most reasonable. Overgaiters and Rubbers ate ngw_jm See our window display. - REPAIRING Lees NORTH SIDE or SQUARE 1 ,i GODEJUCH .see -yr • The New t 1 Overcoatings and Suitings Bannockburn Tweeds, Hair -line Blues, Blacks and Drowns, Indigo Series and Cheviots, ScotcTweeds and Irish Serges -ALL PROM THE BRST MILLS -.a. The Fit and Style Will Be Correct MARTIN the Tailor • i