HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-9-30, Page 7•
wo o...,Wa
TSE BIGWAL (10D111031,ONT.
Thursday, flepteniia.r :10,
1 e'
Pleases the Men
Ivory seas appr••ietw the dilae-
ea•• wiles We llama aad wallas,
My Mas washed with $ualight
Soap. They ars sts•wy-dna
.ad rash Ilh• new. He rhes his
wife maims the fr.•d.m from
top ad the War. that • Saw
tabu washday Maga fie
ka•sn Mat as .bs•luesly faro
dory-- alight••-mpst be WWII
•s•a•mi•al thea •• astew eq.e.
Maoist •. 4.tti.g the See Yee
r -
ask fa♦tJNL IGHT SOAP.
MSI as -
, ,01\\\
5 Sop•
Always at
with the beat good
reasonable prices.
111,0 1104/11111/410
it y
Casper Romig. of the 14th coscessiou
of Hay. has sold his fife acre farm to
Mardi Corrivean for $4.800.
Mr. and Mrs. Elijah tory, of Usborne
township, recen:Iy celebrated the fiftieth
anniversary of their wedding.
The death of Mary Morlock, wife of
Simon J. Morlock, occurred at Grand
Bend on the 15th inst.. at the age of fort y•
two sears.
Rev. Dr. Aitken, who for nearly tour
years was pastor of the Presbyterian
church at Kippen. has given up his minis-
terial work and with Mrs. Aitken has
gone to Toronto to reside.
The marriage took place on September
llth. at St. Thomas, of Min Florence
Coward. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Coward of C',boine. to Dr. Walter A.
Burns. a dentin of SC Thomas.
On Wednesday evening of last week
Alex. King and Miss Kate Black. both of
Morris township, were united in marriage
at the bodes Moate by Rev. A. J. Mann.
They will reside on the groom's fine farm
A young man amused (teach icons near
Blake, who was working for Wm. Me-
Gregor at Krppen, etepp •d on a rusty
nail and tetanus developed He was
taken to Victoria hospital, London, for
On Saturday, September Leith, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Frey.
Centralia. Miss Nellie Schoultz, sister of
Mrs. Frey, was waited in marriage to
Newton Henry Jacobs of Ceotralta. Rev.
A. Sinclair officiated.
_Robert McIlvees, ' native of Hallett
township, died ea September 11th at
Lake Losse. Alberta, h kis sixty-ninth
year. He and his wife were for over twenty
years residents el tbe township of Stanley
and tea year age went to Alberta to be
with their sees. Mrs. kkliveee pre*.
Ceased ber busbaad sever years.
The death occurred es Tuesday, 211st
last., of Melees Brown, at his hone at
Landesharo , after a long and painful M-
eer.T1s-! deceased was a Dative et
Mullett towttaip asd was is his fifty-first
year. He n survived by his wife. into
was formerly Min Mary Jane Olousher,
arid a fancily of five children.
lir. and Mrs. John T. Trrttw rey, ab
Northcliffe Huwu•verd, Toronto. ao-
uuyorr the engagement of (heir daugh-
ter, Gladys Ilavergipl. re4 Thomas
4wewe Glenn. win of the le to .lulus 4;leuu
of Ileusell, the marriage to take place
flu. latter part of October.
Three barns belonging Is .lame•,
Mitchell of Centralia were burned at
WW1 un Monday when Itghsuiug struck
the centre barn. Mr. Mitchell's en-
tire crop was hound in the three
bullduigs and the luso is es,luwtel at
$13,(W. Mrs. H. Mitrliell, who wan
amending at the kitchen door at the
Time of tlw tush, wean Thrown io the
door, bur was not seriously injured.
Robert Beattie, for fifty years a resident
of the township of McKillop. died on
Saturday, 18th inst., as the result of a
stroke sustained a week previous. Mr.
Beattie was in his eighty-second year. He
came to McKillop in 1870 frons the
county of Peel. A family of two sons
and five daughters survive, Mrs. Beattie
having died come years ago.
Two brothers, Emerson and Witham
Kyle. sons of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kyle et
Kippeh. are both nursing broken arms.
Emerson had his right arm broken while
crankiig his car. The nest day his
brother was assisting at a neighbor's
threshing and was called to the telephone.
and M his baste to get there he jumped
keen the mow in the bars and tatting en
his heads broke his left arm and sprained
his right one.
NNW'S TROUSERS M tow prices,
pod taaterjalr in plain
shades and patterns, a1 des,
with b pockets $3.76
sorted patterns, plan collars,
finished with 5 pockets, loops mirage Muck ks._purckased from S.
for belts, and cuff bottoms. Carter.
Sian 34 to 42;6.76 R.W. Fergusson and Miss Idabl.Fulton,
both of Brussels, pined heart mod hand
on Tuesday morning of last week, the
nuptial ceremony being performed at the
hone •I the bride's mother. Mrs. James
Fulton, by Rev. A. J. Mann. Mr. and
Mrs. Ferguson will continue to reside in
Ralph S. Pelton. who died at Brock-
ville recently in his fifty-fourth year, wait
for a number of years an the staff of The
wsee!' Post. Later ke founded and for
Some years published The Atwood Bee.
and for the last seventeen years he had
been the proprietor of The St. Lawrence
News at Iroquois. Ont. -...--
iti.VTH. -
Nil" lulls, mar Winninet..le rislting
tier sister. Mrs. 1'. Iiu rdinpr.
els Y4'esloondey. September 16th. at
44.. hone of the hrW.'s parents, the
marriage took place of Janet K.eella,
%worst dnitgliter of \rr. sad ill's Ar-
thur Steinhoff. to 4i.r,rq.e 1). iadth,
tui if -Yl." and Mrs. $ieorg. I.etth.
A. Cage has arrived from Rose, N. Y..
to get the apple evaporator in shape ler
tbe season's operations.
W. D. Fair has purchased from the
Whitehead estate the McKay Mock,
censer of Albert and Ontario streets.
There was a large attendance at the
school fair held here last week. The
exhibits ware extensive and of excellent
quality an/ the fair was considered a
great suoct t
At the mound convention of the Can-
adian Tlrket Agents' Association. at
Montreal lent week. John Herndon! of
lltaton was elected president. W.
Jarkwin of Pilaus was e'lee•ted a mem-
ber of 1b. executive, and i)r. J. W.
Shaw of Clinton was elected honorary
r,l' Celt NO W.
Dr. W. C. MacGregor has returned
to Chicago after vtsitisg relatives and
Meds in Lucknow sad vicinity. Dr.
MacGregor is sow bead surgeon is one of
the large hospitals of Chicago.
A wedding took place quietly st the
hose of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDon-
ald, of town, on Thursday, ltith inst.,
whets (heir daughter. Etta Belk. became
the bride of Brown R. Mallougb, son of
Mr. aad Mrs. It. Matlough of town. Rev.
R. Mlac'Calluat performed the ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. Mallotrgh will rake their
horse at Grimsby. where the former has a
position with the Bank of Hamilton.
Earl Cuoniaghefq is in possession of the
Elcclrical 6i4icisr
Wiring of all kinds ap-to-date
for 7'olcphosee. Burglar Alarms,
Polios Pineal and Ftry Alarm
Private Eentdeaces and Ravinesa
Places -s specialty.
All Wort Guaranteed. -«
Electric Irons. Toasters Grills.
Fara. Vacuum Cleaner', Washing
Machines, Flashlight's $ n d
Balterits of all kinds always re
Rang op M os td[ sad have us
give you as eentaasl os your
wiring. 1t will be dose gilt.
Robt. Tait
West Straw
Neat f ostaffice
Phmts-Rep 4=. Hoes 113
Yentas sae ehsdsm its.. Venom
ssj.ee e...eenearf+tataties fir ora -wed.
work It N se orssMr . memos Mr ear
grsobstes le te►tf-es gar ease ds. Soto egg
time. Cataloger tree.
W.J.1.1.Lts'rT. Ai.tlw1.
HOES and neat grey
tweed, serviceable.
•+ilei' tentartmble vat.
aims at ...
Pear Torn from Asyut Use.
Ulm!Wri& We loam mw
etall.. Ik.rthea. as/ T '•sb
_artss/aeel we 35 /s♦
Odes M yestttssa
_Cm beadles Osiermateliol
VOW now air am temmailapa
D. A.11si•ALlit t £,taelp*L•
White and Tan Linens
by the yard, in Bingle
and doubk width. _
Also a line of Scarfs
and Centres. best
quality linen.
v-. V .
Miss S. Noble
Saadi Side Square - Goderich
The Doable Track Rate
• between
daartmoded faults car service
Weeping Lairs ea night trains, sad
parlor case ea prtulpal day train&
Fall Ishrtsedom tress asr Ores.
Treat Whet Agamic or O. I. More-
lsg. Mutes loaase.g•v Agars. To-
estptm•,,safe•, Apse phase*
7... LAwul10ES On.
Teem Ageato
or b.avi•ess alter meals are
annoying monikstatinn
ilissa..t,, to take, realsais4
ttleldity anted 6e -Ip restore
sums ST sco'rr a auwrta
moons or aarTTs lain
Rev. Geo. Telford perfurnied the ewe- I
away In the prwweuer et about forty
guests. Mr. and Mrs. Legh wW eaa-
tiuer to rookie in Blyie.
MI,.s (aura Jehu.tue, of BIM, wits !
married d in the ring Meths dW rhumb, ,
North Vancouver, uu A•plst•Mf'flfi,
to Arthur Goble, only WA •t Mra J.
T. Dunk of Yatiweaver.
The Eseter lall lair, held last week, was
%my successful.
W. D. Sanders has returned from a
try of natty three months in the West,
as lar as tine Coast.
Reeve B. W. F. Beavers has purchased
the hardware business of Hugh Spack-
man. who atter forty years in business
here will go to Guelph to reside.
Mrs. E. Sanders, who with her late
husband had been lit the cewkctioseery
-sleepless nights, constant
sneezing, 'streaming eyes,
wheezy breathing :-
brings relief. Put up in esp.
mules, easily swallowed. Sold by
reliable druggists for • dollar.
Ask out agents or send card for
free sample to Templeton's, 141
Xing 8t. W., Toronto. Agents,
all Toronto and Hamilton drus-
business here for over forty years. has 1 AIMIL se
closed up her shop and will live with her Local Agents--Dud•p's Drag Steve.
daughter, Mrs. R. N. Creech. _
1t illiam Rollins. a welt -kaon• resident -" -
of Exeter, died suddenly on Sunday, 19th Rev. lir. Larkin, assisted by Ret. Dr.
inst., in his eighty-second year. He had neither of Thames Road.
been `cod health up 10 that day, Nat IPrls Ila Mrlieieegall, widow of IIw
it the al�erwoos was leotd Inas dead en tale Peter �awpilrt•11 of l'romary,
the horse of Mrs, Wm. MaY, kis daughter, died at the home of her nvu, Ale.-
withalmost helived. ander t'ampbeii, Sealer -1h, h the 1Tth
lint_, at the age of eighty yearn. rm.
&wearied lived Jur many yearn oo the
POOR HEALTH farm Hear 4'romarty, crowing to Sea -
forth three years ago with her sen,
LIFE'S HANDICAP. Alexander, wbo ,urvhvn her.
k;gmewlville ban loot • gaud eitiaeS
In floe permit of Joke lhmeron, who
died Septe'Wber l:ttli at the early age
Rich, Red Blood and Strong of 'forty -nix yearn. In kin youthful
Nerves Needed to Win Out. aye lee hada pw(rmniuual career to
t•It•w•, but Vwtalg to heart trouble,
It has been well anal 1101 Id. is a race• wkh'h finally vretiod kis lite, ito was
Tbe lull•blooded man witk detail servo. .1 ge' 1 lu al sialeu Giese. rima and
lice bright-eyed. roq•taedted womsa [Ise tri. aftrnttou to farming. Four
invariably maw- The screens, dyspe%k years ago M• lets tla. liars. gad mos
awn and the airing&amok woman sue' to Egwondvilly. He is survived
kit behind. Success is Ide is hugely a kin wife and new danghter, also by
question et good health sad sowed nerves.
bin parents .Hd two brothers.
It is sever the dMky. wmdecid.d lees
wM are choirs for promotion: the sickly. HURONlooking, pale minas is stet sought after
Wee her happyuyesy esters. AT f9I RATA OQD NORMAL
What snakes all the diereses is glee
txda et the bMod 1f your lobed is The following students front Huron
thin aid poor. your serves are bound M meaty are attending the Stratford
suffer because they have 10 depend tapas Normal School :
good red blood for nourishment. Head-
aches, undecided all, a skrunkea figure
and pale unattractive Ace cell only lee
vainly tl at the blood is at fault,
Both m'n and wanes in [real *umbers
h tee found deliversacs frets their wlesi-
ority in life's causedby Impoverished
blood, threagWilse use of Dr. Williams'
Pint Pith. They are a remedy that Ras
been a household word for a geaeratro..
because they tone up the whole ayNees.
snake the t•tood nab and red mad
strengthen the serves, Mrs. S.B. Miller,
E{idea, Ont..- says : "I look upon IR.
Williams' Pink Pits as a family tsedinae,
and have reason to praise them for whet"
they have dose in our hone. Some years
ago. while we were being in Alberta. my
husband was so completely undow even
he was unable to do any and
to carry a pail of water would rehouses
him. A doctor was called in who said hi
heart was affected, and that rmedkine
would be of little we to him. This greatly
worried me and I finny urged him to try
Dr. Witham,' Pink Pills. He began their
note and in a short time the ,wettings in
his hand: and felt disappeared. We
decided to return to Ontario, but the
doctor said he could notataad the trip.
But the doctor was mistalea. for tbrowgh
the use of the pills he gained such
strength as to 1x able to took atter the
harvest. and in a mouth later we returned
to Ontario. My husband still takes a
bnx or two of the pills twice a year. mid
have they keep him in gond shape•
atm found the puts good for nay growing
daughters and we are never without
them in our home.'
One of the best things about Dr.
Williams' Pink Pit's is that they do not
contain the slightest trace of opiates or
harmful drugs. While they are over -
comma diem* they are building W
general conditions of good health. You
can vet these pills through any dealer
in medicine or by mail at 50cents a boxer
Rix hoses for 42-50 from the Dr. Williams
Medicine C4. BrecwHl, Oat.
Use Ilse Old- p''mme Sage Tea and
Sulphutlland Nobody
Will know. .404
dray hair, howeverahaeosee1 e
do -
notes aavanefng age 1 8 kerne
the the advents/M' tri a rewttttw
amis. Your haft M your etmr
snakes or man the tam. w1
tad.a, turns gray sad looks
Net a few applications et Toa
sad Sulphur ealsane3 Its appearance
a hundred -fold. •
O,s•t stay gray, Look young!
dither prepare the mMps at home •r
get trent any drug aeterrs ulpah ho flewle et
usual," which ts merely the eta -alae
retire improved by the addition of
other Ingr.alents noussaAriett tout.
fromrnvn•nd tilt• r•a4y-te-wee pr pars'
21.12, becataer• tt 4aeke1111 WI Mair Mau-
aautff . beside& ne ow can poly
talk se ft darkest" s• sateNit said
Tea matelot' a spews* sr solo
broth with i drawls. f agreed
the hair, taking �'�`-
a Hum n mamma
disappears: after a*sth•r ante
or is eater*, holey w itemtes»d
asel ft bosoms. thick. Siva( and 5..-
Wogs and yes laftSear rears
*wroth..1tend Bahap
W delightful
.W bet.l
Msgt tatsidtil ter
ti R. Flanigan. of Stretford. tens
pnn•hnwecl ?hr. mirth Moire husfwP..s
for many years mediated ley the tate
ihivid 114.11 and Is now In pos4eessbn.
A young mat by the namee�1 Mr,
Tool. from 1. .know, wan wt�e' ted
e. r•areed with hnaaklng 451110 a
waled ear on the 17,1'14. I1 los befieted
that he is mentally deficient.
Fire broke out at the 41 T.R. round-
house Thursday afternoon hist, but
ens estingmishrd withosst any damage
to the hutlding. The fetter and a p4IP
of limier and fien were acre.
While worklog is the gar •mill here,
Wm. Clark. a Indy of Aleut Ililrtuti.
lase i.anutierl by a may ranwd Arthur
11.Christie. an elderly employee Refire
Mayor Burney /'hristie pleaded gs1111y
RIO Was lined. with ...efts, 51050 The
.d.l ,utiu toll the worn a pitiful story
of the warn nn*Mir of boys and em-
ployees in the tins mull had been
using him. He claimed that for ever
iv yeear they had been nggt'ms'atlmg liln4
till at last kP cowid endure it no I•tig-
or, and lance the ,swap. Ma Wor-
ship took his story into .wns1Aeratten
and stated that he would see that hp
had a better 111P while at his work •r
lel, tormentors would he is the docket
Rebecca Armstrong, Wingharn.
Elisabeth J. Haicer, Cranbrook.
A. Heater, Gvderrch.
M. Myrtle Bennett. Wingham.
Maria Bennett, Wrngham.
Iva G. Carr, Dungannon.
Bertha V. Clarkson, Luckttow.
Phoebe Coagram, Holyrood.
Mary C. Crosbie, Ssaforlh.
1.4yrtes A. Deans, Winghaw.
Sadie M. D aper. Clinton.
Sr dee Ga, Luckeow.
lids Hamillon. Lucknow.
Vera M. liaise, Sealorth.
Mary M Haugh, Wtngham.
Mabel Sarah Hogg, Sealortk. .--
Letitia Ho land, Beechwood.
Mary 1. Jefferson. Auburn.
Luella E. Johnston, Auburn. .1
Violet Kirkpatrick, Dungannon.
M. Irene Kreuter, Brussels.
Mabel Livingston, Sealorth.
Jeanie McDonald Lucknow.
Mabel!. McQuoid, Dungannon.
Edith A. Mogridge, Auburn.
Edna Reid. Walton.
Dorothy C Roth, Wingham.
Edna P. Scotchmer, Bayfield.
Ella Sowerby. Goderich. -«•-i
Dina M. Staples, Walton.
Ruby L. Taylor, Varna.
Norma F. Thomp'on, Lucknow.
Annie E. Thuell. Brussels.
Marron (:. Tigert, Sheppardlon.
Grace G. Tucker. Wingh2m.
Jean E. 'Turner, Seaforth,
Agnes Walker. Clinton.
Gladys C. Webb, Lucknow.
Versa Woods, Lucknow.
Kenneth L. Ashton, Gorprie.
Arnold H. Glazier, Clinton.
Cecil G. MacNay, Lorimar.
Noib1ug is more satisfactory 1l♦yt!
PIMP persons' opinions of them•e�
Same Win
Gerais Tare ,wire Blvd on coins.
we burn, and we are Melling 4t is-
er00MORly hard to lice rim Ib1 .-
Nrw■ Scimitar.
'Rusts So.
Settling a .yap wit' ikc 4..,tike wae•h-
hip your 1114+ : you merely hutP 5i dI
it all tiler :again next t11ti1'trinr4
4'OIumfda tt.vonl.
Let us help you with the problem by showing
you our large stock of wearable, for boys of all
ages. We have been selling clothes for a good
many years and know something about what a
lively growing boy needs.
Everything for Men's and Boys' Wear:'
(except boots and shoes)
Semi -Ready Tailors and Gent's Furnishers
Another Greet Tntth.
'•Wou1d ppm rather be respiiilwll�
for the songs of u nation than for Is
lea s'
'•I think 1 would Yon p.4 r.OINiew
on songs, but only alai*• for making
A. T. Craig. who has resigned hla
poslflln as organist and choirmaster
in the Furst 1'rnsbyterian rhumb end
I.. letrvine yeaforlh, wan presented by
the choir with as addr'sc of appre-
dation and a handsome travelling Mg
Mee. Alexander Willem, wife of
Llettf.-("iii. Wilson, who took over -wan
the /lard Weenies Ontario Balt.lioa
in 19111, died at ttakvllle •n Thursday
test. lits. Wilson watt • natter of
fientland. HhP was for may years a
mealtime of f4Psfnrth. her Mardtbiad be-
ing In hwal.PPP here The falafty
moved to Oakville last June and sher$-
ty afterwards Mr.. WLlPnn became ser-
iously 111. Rhe le wireived by hoer brow
hand, one taw, Reginald, et Now Yyrk,
anal them daeg1NPrn: Mrs. Arnett, et
WeshII% fon; Mrs W. A. Holt .ad Mlwn
Harriet W11.•uk of Meg Tort. Rho
*ea hi her orkrig mead peat, The fun-
oo-eral meal pia•. so Peturdap ermine's
from the Presbyteries ehereh, the etr-
doa lips .•alasii4 by file paMr.
/. '
reaI •
i�.4 ♦ r
1 •s-
Look at tonrue! Remove poi-
sons from little stomach,
ver and bdwds
manufactured to neck► for any make of mill for dearth .iny kind
of grain or seed. Wltb suitable sieving snit i.•re•ni• properly
arranged in weeny any ordinary fanning milt suds a grails of
any kind eau be ss1Ih.roughly cleaned as to p•eallsl• to ..an them.
When •r.Mring ',levee or u-rergs be very careful give the
exact size levelled, and what they an required to do.
Sieving and screening sold by the square foot if d :ed. Old
fanning mill frames rewired. Complete sew sitter, . 1 streets.
made to order.
Mall orders euretully attended to.
Owklg to Meagan NW /milldam for manutartnri •, 1 lune
traosfenN my tanning faille wyply business to the aim firm.
J. W. Alt 'I'Nt)\li.
fin $ETTEL WA>l,.LA • CE1L1N .i
Why Live with Cracked Walls and CiSop
When They're Easily Covered Up ,
aspens Board win cover them up for all time and you'll never ban. r
1 S7o ,pilo. While Beaver&std is doing away with flue
of bang passser is covering up old dingy wall paper on wilt=
canes sad giving you an ideal surface for painting and decor
Maim aid homestead W been revived Ohms d Ore spruce rte•. Each get It
wallah knoll.., crackles, manufactured treated with eke panted p►
bashow. Roam oiler room hes bee MAD pile which pnve.m weeping. • d pa
��utlemte'�s�m at • Ilse Y you pte...-whh- Decd to bull or re -b.44, males, M
�saser ]•urd is rat lumber. It Is bolt ealar:g sok us buss you wtr peel t7
tip itts hasp panels bon the ieroe(. pew using Beaver Board
The Goderich Planing Mills, ltd.
P. 0. Boa 18 Goderich, Ontario Phone 47
Accept "California" Syrup of
rale tank au the same tbltt
the package, flaw des ere sun your
ARM le b•vlas vim led at/ mat
tka bam-
boo lsh. Liv N jh7' ob weel& IJh111P.4
k'e'gou1* . Mew treat , taste. 1MM
I.ve Tia delbeionm • y
OrertMa. M neere eta es each bot -
Mm. IMw N wrih.a* fear.
M.threl Tae mast say "OslMarafa••
The New Decorating Stor�
t '
West Street
in addition to our lines of Wall Paper, -Plaint.,•
etc., we handle all hinds of
If you are thinking of doing any decusating
on ue and let us give you an Tstirnate.
J. Cuthbertson
Nor,..4.w..,15ttost- OederiS$. Oat.
• v ,
N ••