HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-9-30, Page 6Thu*rdas._ lleptt'mher 30. 11110. • FINE REPAIRING Bring your tread•wora tires to us and let us retread them for you and get an extra 2,000 to 3,000 extra Mil: - age out of tires that are practically worthless. or let us reline your tire. which will strengthen it 50 per cent. Tires repaired in the proper time by our process will pay biggest returns. Let us examine your tires. I( we cannot save your buying a new tire, it will be a pretty bad one. TiresTubes, Accessories. %� "" J. �""""'r GOI)ERICH 1. X. L. Battery A Canadian Product The only Battery su.afat'turel entirely 1n Caruida. Suitable for aft makes of cars and guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. We have opened la Goderiek a !tatter, $icrvice and Sales Station in charge of The People'( Garage ME. J. G. WORE Victoria street. The people of Gderieh and vic- inity ars requested to i.veatigat. 4611 merits of the t1t1 Battery. The I. X. L. Manufacturing Co. Limited iALMERSTON, ONT. l 40C --U Jest Try "The Signal" to January lel, 1921-40C MAGNIFICENT STEAMERS 3 } _ t-smitroarege - "CITY OP_QIC^ - `CITY OF BUFFAI r .e T.,.pM BUFFAjL Vsekpsily, May 1.t to Nov. 15th -CLEVELAND .vrtoil • 1,00 P. at. 1t (lameInsmiur lame Ctave4Axm - their ais. ►.Q f 740 A. M. 1 ryi.o.tu Tut Arnie M',,.00 - 110 a. k CmretM...1 /9wied for C. twat. Poe -s -a r. ?stab. D.asit uW •4* cPoints- tots sears betwn- bmf • W Ctse..od re goad for tr.n.prtatwn - or . ,".r &•at wort r Ameba a.r� le AlAie for betels ,o C • u.. 44.. ?o Ante - mobs. nos -now Round 'rm..wra x ase ..fir. bell, fr e.....4..wed.it let r, .uhfuttr eolerer p.eta.wJ0,0e1. ebort .f The Groot at,,p "SEEANDrte.E' met — reemet.1 are rots. *1na oak for or L. -q. ,. prtrl.t W d.svtp1 .-. bolt fr... The M.I.ad, a: a.tf.le T Cv hr%1 Co-�.ov Ter inw 'ham iYE F■+ sone. THE SIGNAL — G013E t1os, OW. THE WEEK AT THE CAPITAL By Is Duaelge Ottawa, Kept. 27. --The Government is "twe up anti Ante to go" on the by-elections seine heard. 'yule Heighten stock ham meta in the political mer- kets, as a result of the contests is Kt. John 11011 tedeherter, and prevent indlentiorls are haat it will pia atilt more. Whether or not it was math par by the timelhe sett eleettoa cam- palgu la launched resaains to he aeon. Dire predictions se defeat for Me - Curdy to Ca irbester west see,. l. - bored et tailing oat at tbe wrote( end of the score, the 1Yabite'r of Public Works cinched his seat tightly and left his Parauer-Veteran opp..eot ouly the consolation of having toeght 11 good fight in kis first eleetlon emus- Iwign. Iter. Yc'thudy got away wick tate largest majoetlty ever given x can- didate in Colchester, but for a time AS the results came In, and having la mind the voting hl the resent Provin- cial election. it seemed as though he would have a haul run for the teles. The ftye-eleetions. The contest, which ended with a majority of occ'r 1,:inn for the Cabinet iliuirter, was a strenuous one. Ttse hoary artillery of the Government was all sent doetn there to give Hon. F. R. a lift with his heavy load. There was 110 over-eonlidence on the (:overnmerit side, for they realised that they must fight and tight (mrd. The couselt.e'n- cy, of course, is chiefly rural, and It was held to he a stronghold of the Palmer movement in the Fast. There- fore sleeves were rolled up and katal thrown to one site in the effort to up- set the hopes of the termer:,. The figures show a .blit ia eke farmsi vote which was yrs p./tonne for Meeting Dke'k.o.i in Mr rural tolls. The etpdaoation can probably he found in the tact that the liberate were not any mere anxious than the Conservatives to ace a Farmer elected, end, `further, the appeal .f a pert folio, and particmtorly the portfolio of loaves and fishes, was too strong to resist. nn the Provincial contest, the Par- tner candidates were 1,000 behind on leaving Truro, but its the test of the county they were 1300 voter ahead 111111 won their contest by 3110 majority. 111 the recent Federal ('4 IU(M 4n Ile- ('urVy was 2110 ahead .ill Truro and 1hrkson lost se-veral poll. throng' the count7, Neese Irian Oeste -third doted. The St. John .light Ate ell, le havt' bele) chiefly torted Air the Net -that less titan one-third of the electors turned out on the day of tolling. The Minister ant 1.114001svast' in with a handsome majority of more than ' Lour ti nand, while hi,. opponent, Pr. Emery, lost 1,1. drpcst{it. The Liberal tight in this riding waif a heat_ (hearted sort of efrnir. Emory had jolly A. It. McItaster to Assiut him, tihile. lien _.i►fgmore had the ,best of the tiovernesest upetl-hinder* at hies cemmand. in this constituency also t ie *topesI of (cabinet representotom Sas too strong to be overlooked. Wig- more Inas been a cenaistent worker for Ht. John tiering his whole time in Par- liament and his bailiwick had hopes CANADIAN SHOES FOR CANADIAN PEOPLE of further larges, if he were returned. tole thing which utas toured taut% (valuwrt during the six weeks of cam. poisoning down to the Maritime l'rov- t.tYa to the fact that, while, be has found time for .masking everywhere else, the leader of the Llllerals, Hon. Mackrnste King, did nut go there at all. of course, he laid coveted the territory in his trip doom there last year. but at the ,:arse time It bus been felt in many yuartct-s tint he should have wade *tort to give lir. I•;utery s Wood alflffg. Iuattwd, Mr. King spoke at various points In Ontario and then carried out his plates of visiting 'the 1Yoatern l'rovinees. Wanted --a Waked frau Quebec. There has leen a revival of the rumors of ('a leiuet reemiltrn't tun mace the Government carried off the honors 1m the hy-elections. Mention la being made of 111(0. Mr. I'atettaudt, former ltlnlste'r of Inland Revenue, end also of 1:.. H. Boivin, Deputy Speaker ilL the euwmurw. lu the rase of the latter, it W not likely to 1e more than mention, for, although his war did cost' before the caucus ed 1.'nioniuts at the end of last session, it is not believed lilall7 that 31r. Matrin w411 listen to the hlaudililtmentr of any- one who might tr'• to tempt him. Throughout the sessions when he has born itr'puty (pes(4oi he has consis- tently voted with the rtpposition and he is not thought likely to swallow his principles for the rake of te•mpothry glory. Ttwre is a seat i0 Queues which can be easily opened, and which is as safe a tbnservatlre seat as any in the Proy- inee. That 1* the St. Antoine division ant slontreal, at present represented by stir Herbert tura, whine work in tbs. financial wrn'tariat of the ieague of National lime, him little time for Can- adian politics. Sir Iferls•rt, it 1r1 raid, only awaits the dercrmincI,taf 44(1(1 to turn in his re,ig uatiun. ran whenever' a hrave cau(11441 . turn., up that is the ,'trot where 1plol.s• will probably get her (cabinet repre..eittatioi Will (:rant Heil ('e,'a limonite? for Little Ones. Baby's Own Tablets are aa excellent medicine lot t e little one,. They are a mild but thorough laxative which sweeten the stomach and regulate the bowels, thus brining retie( in case,' of constip- ation, lndtgeetion, colic, colds and simple fevers. t,orernmt them lira, L (auaason, Paquetvlfe, N. B , writes : "I have found Baby's Own Tablets excellent for my young baby ta tbe case of constip- ation and colic and it gives me great pleasure to recommend them to other mothers." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from 'he Dr. Williams Medictani Co., Drogheda. Oat. and other foreigners has been one of its most important functions. Like every sincere person, he early began to auk himself what use he -should stake of his life. Poverty, sickens. dis- appointment and hardship pressed him, but he allowed nothing to stand in the way of his purpose to excel. During his senior year at Yate University he decided to become a foreign miaiionary. Of course, there were people who said it was a pity for a man with Dr. Parker's training "to throw hinwe( away on the heathen." in 1834 he sailed for (china, and after a brie( Period of language stuffy he began his great work with the opening of the oplithatmac hospital in 1833, It was decided to offer treatment for diseases of the eye, since they were the most preval- 1 ens disorders in China and the MOR st nt 10 the native practitioners. Very soon this class of disease offered far moue work than one man atone could peffntnt.! t , On the day the hospital was opened I one person -poly, a poor woman, applied e for treatment. Three wolfs. later Dr. Parker was prescribtag tor a buadred or more every day. and they were from all classes. The Chinese had never before beard of such wonderful cares, asdlas lite employed his medical skill he told his patients of tie Great Physiciaa. Bi+t there ware prejssduces aadobWcla. The Chinese coasaidered his work mime*. lout, but they could not uoderataad his unselfish service. His motives were questioned, but he continued his Christ. like labors until many came to believe is him. In 1841 the chief superintendent of British trade in China said : ''The sur- geon's knife was better calculi ed to coaciliate the Chinese than any weapon of war." Pte was the organiser of the Caste. Medical Missionary Society, which claims to be the oldest organization of the kind in the world- His hospital is now called the "Canton ho.pital," and prides itself os being the oldest hospital in the Orient. It is striving to develop a strong medical college, thus following "the lead" of Ile. Parker, who trained several yo.ng meg to a targe degree of usefulness as assist. ants, Trusted and honored by both the United States and China, he was largely Instrumental i1( negotiating a treaty between the two countries. Perhaps no man in China could have dose more to help win the Chinese in the (ace of as indifference to foreign governaiatts that amounted almost le scorn or insult. For a time Dr. Parker was given entire charge of the United States Legation, until poor health compelled him to return to America. "We have not as yet folly comprehended the nature and the mag- nitude of the services Dr. Parker rendered both to China and to the United States: while the triumphs won by hire, and /trough his work by others. for the Kingdom of Christ only the cycles of tern! ty can reveal." f[etween coal, railway rotes and tit - epitomes, the Itatlwac t'uulmissfon is getting it handful of work these da(•s. Deports of the !tell Telephone Co. gave the tbmuri.ssi and the emintry simnel hing to think about when 4hej ((((0(ed figures right and left to show that the company was ie the hole up! Ha prevent priers find likely to. he more a. 0014.418 an increase were granted. 79tenr wi11 lie further hearings at Mon- treal. Toronto and otter,* before the! case is cenN'tudtrl. The chief question fu: flow large- will the increase he? A fairly safe guess is that the evompany will be allowed to charge ail that it is asking. Tariff Cemiseission (criticized. "oiliest Jo. -ms' carder is !mese from - Europe, not that there is anything more I'arisian In the manner iu which he wears his clothes or folds his hand- kerchief. batt. J. -A. eae•ee(y dropped-s ofr here fors few hour. on Saturday on his way through to join the tariff commission in the West. The make- up of that commrisslon 1o. lasing criti- eized In many quarter-, where- it is pointed out that of the three member:,' on N there Is net one who could be ranked as so int -and -out ('onsert'atlre. Alt three members, it Is chrhn sl, are members of the Government, in a way, by chance, tad It I.,bard fur opposi- tion followers. to see what r• -al Is" -tit there will h' to the conutry from the tour of the,:e torte Ministers. Anyway, they will gather the feeling of Caned - inns in revel to the tariff and pre: t0apa- iTie -t3'as ft wtRln' '.omething little sere wnttafactory f1( .11. ONE WORM'S EQERItNCE Of ialeral le &Bees Tees to, Ontario. - "1 valteaed foe ti long tisb frog a lassie s sakasw, it► ad a torrid' backache eased by thee ormathn (los day cap ofyom booklets was Met at s door, age aka 1 road biw woaseb with trouble* Ifni tante bad ibis leads wee 110 l got a Naasd Lydia L ss�ta Vegeblo Cooaf�sad *ed a packageof Banadw W and it bailed ria watdarfvlly. i' and I now has the finest Mtt)e baby Eery that any mother scald wast I want to rwossma.d Lydia I. Manna's Vow table Campes any wman owho hog' female tangibles." - Mrs. Jost?* IA Bat.t.a Tit w SaStreet, tormto, Q.. T s Caaadanrrisaabeof Yotiarbood Is s ' trying ons to soot woman and distinctly aa epoch 1o. their live. N one wewn in a hundred is prepared air amilerertaada how to b.rf teary woman woproperly at .0SW tied' should ran aptm Lydia E. PWtiam'ra Ver;btabh C,,ornpomed, a snot wlnaJsh tonic sod invigorator of too fanabl ergaberas. la say boners once childless thio aro as children because of the tad that Lydia li Moldiem's Vegetabiw Comparted makes woos a o r m at. hsaalfa�'aad strong, and this good tasilio..d root and herb remedy son tans Msls,rsocks or harmful *sego , The Progress of Mani ba Dry Meson:neut. So you spent Supday with Sub- Indst, did you? Is his house far from the station?" -About two Miles, as the. dirt flies," 22,000 CANADIANS are engaged exclusively in the manufacture of Boots and Shoes. '6e industry provides them with over $20.000.000 a year to spend within the Dominion. They buy food and clothing; pay rent and taxer -they help swell the total of Canadian trade. ALLIED with these 22,000 men and women are ma i thousands of other workers ;rho contribute to the making of Roots end Shoes. These include textile operatives; wire, nail and metal workers; machine manu- facturers; box and carton makers; coal miners and deafer, railway men and shippers; Printers; packers and battalions of Berks. All these, and more, participate in the 50 million dollars which is the yearly slue of the Canadian - Made Shoes. Every pair of imported Shire you buy reduces Canada'. eel stock and pets money in the pocks of foreigners who cora, tribute nothing to our oatioo.l growth CANADIAN . mode Bis grade for grade, ore da equal of the best in deb world. -The most scientific processes of manufacture are employed. Cansdi.n workroom are as ono. acistious and Shod as those of any other country. SITUATED as we aeeteeweet. the Old World tad the New, every authoritative ids of shape and style and flashes* is issms& ately seized and developetg. Ths brine of Canadian Endo Shoes is based entirely nes aetud produotioa 0001 it represents 1001 of value - Canada predators footwear of ovary dd aairw1Ie typo, awl atrdwmit gn.!!y Ie 9 grades. Whee. yea hay Male in Canada Footwear year we ansisrest, et /esti /sissy alum yes, eel the sanest that wisdom skill ems wester* in Cordell. Smeller ad Stpb, M ICAL MISSIONARY I PIONEER WORK 1 IN CHINA. { I By fir. 4'. W. Service, 4lz.'ngtu, 1 West Chinn. 1) Ttie year 1920 is the centenary of medical mtssiont. Fortunate indeed was the medical missionary enterprise in its early clusaders GDr. J0}ln Scud- der left an etablished and lucrative medical practice In New York City to go to India as the pioneer of medical missionary work, setting an example of sacrifice and devotion to the hundreds of Christian missionary physicians and nurses who have followed in his steps. The pioneer-'-itARltral 11111ffSfilry to China was Dr. Peter Parker, a man whose "life was crowded with activities of many kinds, and upon whore numerous honors were conferred." China's great wall, 1300 miles'1ong, built 300 years before Christ, was t yptcal of China's self-satisfaction, pride and esdusivenesa. For more than 4,000 years her history had been is the making. Her civilization had antedated and outlived that of Babylon, Egypt, Rome and `In the earle. yy should tfthe doshe change nineteenth Century, the Chinese wall of conservatism . ' and conceit was still standing, and there was no gate open for the admission of anything new or foreign. "in those days when foreigners were given scent welcome to China, the first medical missionary to that unfriendly country, Dr. Parker. landed at Canton. awl seek began toope. the eyes of the Mind and to cure the lack. In time, patients from every part of China were treated in his hospital at Canton, and men of every rank received a new irprea.on of the 'Imeigrt devils.' Thesyr of the Chinese were being opened ht more ways than one. Men t in0use* came into perform' touch with an unselfish fellowman of a different race, whose dislatereated service amazed them. Thus it is mid that Pelee Parse nosed Olds 'with the pont `.f his Tencel.' Certain It is that Dr. Porker was largely reepoweeble ler the opening of Chin" to 'rissinnariee, and he most be < minted amine Hiner who did much is foster frimarishiOrddentbetween n all hada the this work of wsedk-itf mita inn as a "Mower agency" id' opening the door for both sishoiarie, • (1) On ie -Tei( _ yrs Willmipeg, an4 ea the right a portion d the - C. P. R. Station Building. (2) Fort Garry, W' A Alibi on the wall, panted by Winnipeg Canadian aub, tells • story. a There is as Iagien basted et a wine of peon who dwelt Ss the d & .Alta Prairies betted' iia Rad Moa tame, but whey tieag vsleshed or who they were no mat Ilaowa, Van- Sle tasy did ad bate place was tab- s by rowan .r'tag trlber of /sham - ta Silt their wigwams 4 tastrrasan-flo d(t told E. s and a tad,' toosayma Ils/a�ieid� � �a marabou the matt e[ tib w tion dear tem Setae that waew their The fleet absea ver of 1t.t11r*a teleses tka al-tktad Hoary Malaga. . sz- atrslp MO sant *ab, unbars Labwad la Ma M. R+bmtbr scomas ther ofamants. do r. who is sat the liiA, sat bosh t• illamaatd. wham with R.Ataaa.. lies hew tho defPrfab Rowse; Wends et wait tont nos (]tarts, Et and wale was 4M as start a ,oast la ea glass 'Meavy et Onssi► Mona tbis sate hesanall odd Pas eine •_-_-_lsatld avow ret ilea. and 11i11, *5 Altsy el rm Isis arias complor IranTho Fib ibmow ft lows - a o Mild oak its 1wr11 allslta.lin dk *Masa �• he bods goeszps- ills el all ties elasete K t s w/ as■s- b sir din& 11 OAS. ger glia nowt IR*R besees..4. sfs M. Par Compaan Misr soosTA tont haws thaw Iwo ankellIMP laillfis"letar Me the Raft iskis, after bang a. felei r alt la tom alit elm .bleed hem f. tee' 1i as 1141/11 .Mala Bed /Us trerfory, hawse the., In 4aaltri4a es largely wean ti the loran snorts « the amok. both Catholic mid h'otastaat. Pa the bf~ Ermtant lstorsatly b.tmdaria. sad wiaalPeg aald Wbsaipapa.ia Theo boa he pas0•edad to colonise with sealing; hen the Scottish High- lands. w sad flearbl- tient IMO the p of Red Ras was 1.1A1. la 1i36� tis Orsaoil d Lteufalba�ia w eerroteel b Onw Winnipeg) was hulk Teas eh tins as the kissers de Yea retem fa ale if greartng NNW' 117, b,eho. may by Om Mai rebid. as or 1145 4 UK 'Jolla Or el- mud aiand Woad. Aswarta, Os.eal of Canada fa I t 1. as dos the het that, er1. l.L .J.4 stab tie Desai• Is ISM las Itlodanals say Conows, et whish be we; a dime- Isr, hl eatfamy la t 4. llinglaad. !a tag a sem at ,till1,i0I, an Inds old* lr Isar miss tela.how, P... %dam. >a headlined ths hmrTttaetss mad th• debt id Illidate.MM Iles ?motT Remise sY t#nsh ase as Zoos 11th., 11A , 1am a baba buena a her placethe L a mean O. Ass*tahiir tri she sleeted bar flirt Pt*er, Sea W. J. Clarke. a le moatt tests. hes dims. hetes. Rat landau p aaro e-. Of tib natty ''I area as boobs tis North - an Ilgaledaat1N lass tada.t4 do- pes* gi est shah sir }/ams to egyeasr jadalog Ism tmong Ilii Maris sats.* Lsssaerslr mise gaol lead an dbalas 1r r. bodes wow Ss Asolt • Ya mat! (if ~OS Moahag of Um Prwvagaat ata► tars warspariah schools kat 1a MN tis sandwrr to askis e aid grows to it. leant year there wore UM tenuous sad 11L,aat Pe- wthe rhant A Ygli asehsstis It les a (tar amr now **aid trading � of Fort harry to the big, mod - city of banid. Fifty years ago tits slily was a mere vlliago d only ate.mpllo elf 'tundra }Saab, Mats Street was o.?y • prairie trail. Thera wan as sehrl, are rallwsy r a1SvVh someless Sib the tains wowed; me Sam sage that the Resoles e. May Owns, aaeigbd doe pants tad Wood par nosey et lay as; ad Pr'uparb sore gold tarp. Ret ter led the oboe k.- pao to guar. Throe )taus fAl• wank ft -- a psdaelim at wow LOW sad gutleft itMOSS nmOO. poraad ally, wee 1. a. Ciande , r lawyer, so lona Mayer% bi Inst the Malang it the (xi. .wrest avboos id wad bow 'r- - es` + train howl Msweri al first art Pet rr crenate= ort Zit ling pray sad .Irl Ia the 1 Vara. ,mast bating es war papatana kid ntd tlmna m I ,1 sad her fuse aggregatethe � I•e is Sr Ohs rtes feast 1* Cando and the dttls shay, la. by R.dlssta raid Ida Idled' adv in sew a groat tad Boar. part et tho wtdo whoa atmos SS* Elan mal and %Ahem swab Is harmsTil Tees& J T ,. ¢ '1 • A