HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-9-30, Page 5aosmucur, on. 4 Film fit (oiria KODA Eastman Film We have it -both autographic and non- autttograplltr-in all the sizes, carefully kept under proper Conditions and ready for your Kodak. Let our experts criticise your negatives -they may be able to help you make good pictures better. CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE Telephone !S THE.PENSLAR STORE" Next Millar's Scotch Stere TOPICS. C.P.R. Tlae-table, The new C. P. R. timetable makes change in the time of arrival and depart- ure of the midday train at (oderich. It will now arrive at 12.35 instead of 12.25 and will leave at 1.25 instead of 1.35) A.Sietundhet !s Pirealdent. MT Ate[ finders is the new pr ,rdent'Of the Board of Trade, to fill tot! (vacancy created by the departure from town of Mr. R. J. Megaw. The appoint- ment was made at a meeting of the executive council on Monday evening. Silver Medal t'onleat. The W. C. T. U. purposes holding a silver medal contest in elocution and vocal and instrumental music. Will boys or girls, between the ages of ten and four- teen years. who desire to compete please tend their names at once to Mies Bentley, 'Wren's Home.. Cameron street, or to Miss Gould, Market street ? Another Night at the Pavilion. The regular season at the Pavilion closed on Saturday night. There was a Targe crowd of dancers on hand and there were many regrets that the season which bad been so much enjoyed was at an end. On Monday night the tennis club had a dance at the "Pay," with a fair at- tendance. The management announces a special dance for next Saturday night, with the (,oderith Society Orchestra of six pieces supplying the music. 1O and Meat Market. - Mr alph 'Brat. hue of Iritroit, is raving tlw afore at the corner sit' the tan- and Kingston street, 1n the. .ron bla•k, 111011 up as a grocery o©t market and will open up In al tt two weeks. All Ki nilp of Weather. i+c the home gatherint day of the year. If distance prevents your home -going, let your photograph carryy' r message of lore old fonts bae t ' ,ry not make an h}• pointment today? J. T. FELL FOR LANDS' SANE *Wiser for like Wheat and the high rest of living by production. • i It`roe eali• Mb* the •• 'sbtuunt of cr(tsfa on one acre as tau acres u. ally produce. by fertilizing a little more heavily. it will cettainly pay, for the rust of the extra fert- iliser will. ordinarily. be mete than rouuterbalrac•ed by the saving in cost of preparing the ground, seeding. cultivating and harvesting the crop on the extra arra. The acre eared can be used for pasture or for some other crop. and Is so Much clear profit. --Farm a std Fireside. The ver given us vet weather dor! Pp.!! came on 44 week. and on warmer than at a or .tugust. This Intek to the weather think of winter and t it+ bas been cold and we there was a severe elect with a heavy tall o( rain. The Court House Is Alive Again. Mr. Wm. Lane, county clerk, who re- turned last week after, a trip of seven or eight weeks in Wester.. Canada, gives a good report of crops and business con- ditions generally in the West, In some parts of Manitoba and Saskatchewan there were crop failures, but on the whole the Prairie Provinces have had excel- lent yields of grain. Mr. Lane Silted Fred Davie big farms near Calgary and says he never saw more beautiful crops in his life. At the Coast he spent several weeks with his eon, Mr. W. Stewart Lane, who practises law there, and saw a good deal of the industrial interests along the Coast. He saw old friends at different points along his route, which included Regina, Saskatoon. Edmonton and Calgary, and hal a good time -but is glad to be home again. Industrial Evening ('lasses. The industrial evening classes under the auspices of the Collegiate Institute board will be organized for the season next week.' Mies Tena McKinnon will be in charge of the millinery classes, Mrs. W. 1'. Pellow of the dressmaking classes, Mr. A. M. Robertson of the classes in shop mathematics, commercial arithmetic and mechanical drawing, and Miss B. t. Anderson of the Gasses in comthercial tile Canadian climate bat •rel different varieties et the past week. 'A bot tut the middle of last Iteral (jays ft was time during July I. came a change hat makes you y (Tlturt•dttyl On Sunday teal worm. ice+- - - __.--, 'Stop, Look, Listens Largest line si Picture Moeldiegs BEST WORKMANSHIP *nd;itt lower prices than can obtain anywhere for those pictures at framed. ear work. EYE SPEC1A11T HUGHSON will be here OCT. 7th, Eck and 9th. Smith's Art Stor East St. Phone 198 Moo your orders now for Fall Meat fertilizer. ROBERT WILSON LION STREET 0Q0LRICH • • trek_ j_ible ill Comfort to know there's a ONO as whom you may call in your troubles -tote Plumbs. We know our bushes sod are here to sure .you. impqm FRED. HUNT -TIIL J91BLR` ,uwkwaw sa..t n».., tee Piumbhig Head Natal Work HE - mak" Gni \Csrgeee *stetting. Things are getting busy at the har- bor. The stranwr (:1a•nmouat arrived on. Saturday with a sstrgu of 119.000 bushels wbent-.:f,tNNI for the elerator and 60.0(10 her the Western Canada Flour Mills. The steamer Matthews arrived /in Monday with 115,000 bushels wlewt, 47.517 bushels lax and 44.:44t bushels rye. for the elevator. Tier Martian also this a -eek unloaded 100.0110 bushels wheat at the Western s1eneda Flour Milia and 99,250 bushels at the Nrvator. The aramen'e strke Is s 111 om, hat the hosts are running witl► pert crews or with crews made up partly of men ptekel up witerevt(r they were available: Near End .t Journey. Mr. A. M. (:lover. who left Goderich, with his family, on August 27th on a transcontinental trip by automobile. writes from Colorado Springs. Col- orado, stating that he had arrived safely at that place and hoped to reach leis Angeles, California. by about September 25th. He says It would be almost impwstble to write to alt of his frie'ntls in Goderich, and hr ask* The Signal to state-ttlat any mail addressed to him at Loa Angeles would find titin all rights ==-Wt expect to hear from Mr. Glover atter he Model Theatre Program FOR Week of October 4th to 9th MONDAY and11318881( A PARAMOUNT Charles Ray In "Bill hen IIAROLD LLOYD "II18 ROYAL SHYNESS" WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY A GOLDWYN PICTURE Will Rogers "Water, Water Everywhere Alas ('IIAR.1.113 CHAPLIN h •`BEHIND THE SCREEN" rocrastination is the thief of tune COME NEXT SUNDAY - October 3rd / TO THE 'Baptist Church Montreal Street • THE PASTOR REV. J. MCCLULEY WILL, PREACH 11 A. M. SUBJECT " Methed of His Success" l 71'. M. SUBJECT "Giving God a Chance 3 P. M. BIBLE SCHOOL A WELCOME TO ALL tinted autumn leaves, to the strains of the Lohengrin wedding march, played by Miss Margaret Adams. The bride was attended by Mit.. Eva Keene, of Dundas, who was gowned in buttercup satin with silver trimming. The groomsman was Mr. Hugh McKay, of Toronto, cousin of the groom. Little Margaret Smith, of Sealorth, niece of the groom. made a charming little flower -girl, dressed in pink and white and carrying the ring in a basket of white narcis. The crrenronty was performedby Rev.ssuJ. E. McCauley, of theGodtnch B iptist church, assisted by Rev. James Hanoi on, of the Leeburn Presbyterian church. After the ceremony tie guests retired to the diningroom. re a dainty luncheon was served by four 1 the bride's girl friends. The tables were tastefully decorated with pink and white asters and autumn leaves. Tee happy couple lett for London and lIoints east, the bride travelling in a navy tricotine suit with georgette ',louse em- broidered in blue and gold, with a picture hat and sable fur. The groom's gift to the bride was a gold lavaher set in pearls, to the bridesmaid s gold pin set in pearls, to the flower -girl a gold English soverei n which was carried by the groom at the Front, to the pianist a cut -glass vote and to the gropmsrtwn gold cuff -links. The bride received also many beautiful and costty gifts from relatives and friends. The out•of•towrt guest were from Toronto, Hamilton and Seaforth. health--Middletoe. A pretty weakling took plan. ai% Mouut l'leasa ut. toss Chilton, at '12 0.0100k ,NNni on Wednesday, September 2f1, when Mit.. Kelso Holt Malin!) Middleton, youngest daughter of ]Irv. Middleton and of the late Mr. George xiidal•tun. was marries! to Mr. Arthur Jowl,' Smith, +Iln of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith, of Wen - ton. Ontario. Itis. A. 1.. ti. ('larke, re.'tor of the Church of lit. John the , livarerelist. London. o/k'lated in the ' presence of only a very- few hnnwrliate relatives anti friewla- The lovely old home waw gay with autumn lowers and foliage. The pretty bride, who I was given away by her br*lrr, Mr.I W. 11. Middleton. looked sweet in a ' graceful, though simply made, gown of white georgette- and ih.rusenaee j grimmest with. Carrickmacrose lace. The wvskling veil aus of tulle crowned ( with orange hbssomn, awl sire camel a bouquet of einem' and sweet pews. The. bridegroN,m's gift, the ouly e1•rut- ment the bride won•, was. a gold ter pin wet will' .liaatursls and pearls. The briar and bridegroom were uiiattetalel. After rile wersi.e a buffet luncheon was served the guests. Mew. George Middleton, mother of ties bride, wore a Iic.unsing guwS, ut black crepe el• chhw and g...rc,if*, with guipure trimming. Miss Smith, of Weston, sis- ter of the bridegroom, was dressed in a midnight blur taffeta embrollend in silk. The brides going-iiway emit was very smart. of F1eI1•11 navy blue, with hat to match, and was wttended by Miss Lila M(•llwaln, sister of the genera, while Mr. hoes Harrison, brother of the bride, war the grooms- man. l.um•heoa •at the home of the bride -s parents followed the ceremony, atter which Mr. and Mrs. Ltcllwaiu left on a trip to Niagara Falls and other points. On their returs they will re- side un the groom's farm hear Shep- pardton. where they will be at home to their friends atter November 1st. 510 FRIDAY and SATURDAY A SELECT PICTURE Olive Thomas In "Youthful Folly l(wor hees lits elastins settled down. At tip G.It Grsunds. Du g the last two weeks consid- erabia rk Isis been done at the golf gr ands' M laying ort a course end Improving the grnnmis generttliy. Rev. Mr. Rltehlt of Cromarty, a former golf pmfemsic T •T $t. Andrew's. Seoil•ad, has hl out a nine -hole course, the terve 'and putting greens have been put In other, and the golfers hope to he playing sin • .. couple of weeks. in the spring It 1n proposed to part a club Minter. -- -__ A meeting of those 4HerI stetl In -11 game Is to he held In the Board of 'Trade ronrns on Friths. evening at R o'clock. end It is. hoed there will be a gaol 'attendance. 1 p1a Water and Light Commission. At the regular meeting of the water and light eomml2011oa last Tlnirsday the engineer was instructed to report nom) an application by the town coun- cil for the placing of a air.. -t light at 11w .miler of Walnut and (cypress streets and at the corner of Eldon anti Thomas streets: also 011 rhe *Art of plating a stmt ,light on MeeMahon anti ow won, a sulaii hmthir luit. street at the cons•r of survey, After, the wed.lug trip to New York, and on the cost of moving a etret Mr. and Mrs. Smith will reside in Tor- onto, where Mr. Smith It with the t'anadia■ Bank of ('ommer.•c. Mr. and Yrs. ('has. 1'. IAV, Mtss Marlow l..e and Mr. ):retest Lee, of town, were. among (hose present at the wtskiing, Mrs. Lew !.ring a sister of the bride. light on-*,.Isiurg street to the top of the ('.l'.It. steps. Tlw National Ship- brildlmg ('o. applieil for :/0 horsepower for the plant on Ilr,gk street and It was decided to refer the appiicrtiou to the Provincial Commission. Owing to the shortage of power it was der•lletl to advise the puddle to apply to tho commission for power before installing any ales trle appliances or Iwf.lre wiring houses, itt order that-ossiera•e way he waved If (*rrent is trot available. ''•u- 111 further` w,Mae 25. 411 slat tilt -watt lamps are to\be .old at 4:e• each. The Supresse surt. The Supreme \(court .et tings in Orel - PERSONAL this week reeve very brief : bring M IIw•aln-Harrfa.a. 'A pretty wedding took place at St high noon, when their only daughter. George's church 011 Tluirsdey, Septem- Jean Elizabeth: became the bride of Mr. Tlunsrhor sseptru.l,rr :10, 192(1 !f PERSONAL MENTION. • L. R. Steel Co., Limited ,25c to $r1-.00 Store Grocery Bargains FOR WEEK COMMENCING SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2nd EAGLE BRAND CONDENSED MILK .30 CLARKE'S PORK AND BEANS .... , .. .19 AYLMER BRAND PEAS, 2 for 35 OLD DUTCH CLEANSER .11 LUX FLAKES, 2 for 25 IVORY SOAP • •, .. e 2 f" .19 SUNLIGHT SOAP MAGIC BAKING POWDER, 16 OL Y\ELLOW SUGAR, .10 .35 IR. .19 The L. R. STEELft J LIMITED 5c to $1.00 Store GODERICH - ONTA y IO Miss Maud Watson has returneif't( Toronto alter a two weeks' holiday visit at her home here. Mr. Henry Hunfalvy, a Goderich young an, after a couple of seasons on the lakes has roamed farther afield and is now with a cavalry division of the United areal -ally eom indel ill a few hours States army at Fort Brown, Texas. on Motulay afternoon. t)f the five CANON on the docket 'four were settled The eugagvun•m is aiUNnO.c.s1 of out of eonrt and 11.1 fifth was tout dc- Toss Lilian E. - Whiting. ng. vomit:01 t fendel. $mith v. Smith 11111 $inner- daughter of file late Mr. and Mrs. V.'. villa v. Somerville. truth alimony y F• Whiting of Sarnia, Ont., to Itr•v. .1 actions, were settled.)veelsdt r. Etun•r Slut'auilsy, son of Mrs. uud the Station, an action fur wilt lion. was late .Caines Mt('awley of Tara, Ont.. settled. Heisler v. Narita Ship- - -both of easlerl•h---the marriage to Infilling Co., ae--action rite *ham. tutus place quietly c+H•ly in ,butes•. ages 1.0 plaintiff's residence mud, Turn- Rev. W. A. Shannon. of McEwen. lilt Tennessee, has returned to the South Cork Bros. Stilling Co. ( Hensel v. after spending a Creek or two in his old I.. H. Shepherd Grain. Bean &'Mill rg home town. Father Shannon's annual Ib. ( Michigan 1 was tut /union over' visits are much appreciated by his friends deal in 11ea11'. .1. L. Killorarl appors in GoJerich. for the plaintiffs: defendants were 1101 Leslie Evans. at the jufairt'eoh *WilednesHarryday reptesyltel. Judgment N•as given for Lauder, was Ripley e plaintiffs for $2,1N10 and (oats. midis at Hayfield fair today. Judge Latchford. who presided, was Robert Hawthorne has returned ptrn\end With a pair of white gloves W her ,home at Seaforth, after spending in token of the fact that Chests wass no several weeks here with her son Mr. crlmtMil business to come Isdkri'v the Walter Hawthorne. Court. (crown Attorney Singer anal Judge B, L. Doyle and Mn. Doyle 111. Lordship Rs11 aid the hoisors, ars- arrived in town on Tue.day from the His t. son►ade .citable acknow- State of Washington, ani! will again be lelg*'. el iflI,, uiatlmg the county residents of Gdtlerich. They havetaken on its clean nsonl. • rooms for the present at the Park House, Mason -Clutton. -' and when the winter sets in will spend a The home of Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. few months in the South. They left their Clutton, Sunnyside Farm. Colborne son, Mr. Joseph Doyle, in charge of the township. was the scene of a pretty wed- fruit ranch at Gra V-rew, Washington, ding on Tuesday, Septem',er 2.ith, at where they spent the greater part of the last three years. Judge Doyle has renewed his youth since giving up his official duties as judge of Huron crunty and looks years younger than when he left Goderich for the Coast State. dt asking the pubiie not to touch,, would de Just ant well., t 1 would like to sash'+ la committee get a sample of pots and let any of the mashers bar pound or two, and give a prize Ibe I.e.1 and heaviest• crop from them, or for any other routs that the vow - mince may !egret. Also pet a sample of lower 'Wed - .ay persica, aweet pens or other annual lowers. Let the members hate a packet, and offer a prize for lest growth and display, to he wet out in hall first day of' slow, *street to count on a two -foot spree. Also I think a childreti s display of wild flowers, say not more or less than Palmerston 1' hunk Ltn* Iva incl. -ties, to he out by Chet children three feet 'MEI ay. and twit the to be assisted by any a older the■ s tlwnrs•Ites ; effect to count. 'rho a cbildrem's .•lasses, if fie 's 'errant, (e he 1st, 2w1, :Ira, for el -cu from 7 to 9years, 1) t0 12 ye 12 to 15 ewe., and open to boll sea. l'rizea to he hooks or tel; the winners 1. Theo display 11 exhibits till ng you ran tlnd Its and exruw• • ahwce, 1 remit Ton f .ret her 25 sl, when Atlas R01101111 Harrison, eldest 'laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Than •rrlson. Nelwm street, beta me 11. bridle of Mr. J'iirl Mellwvin of Shep- pardton. The nuptial ceremony w•s , veil of tulle caught up with orange blurt performed by the• rector. iter. S. S. ' soms, and carried a bouquet of Ophelia Hardy. The bride was b vomingly •t- roses. She took her plac- by the side of tired in a navy hints suit of trkMine, the groom under an arch of beautifully SNUB POLLARD ARI) COMEDY and HRiTiM l CANADIAN PATHS NEWS naso Saturdays 7, Start 7.9 .harp. COME EARLY? 11111111111111111111111.1111, Hugh Roy Mason, of Toronto. The bride, who was given away by her father, was gowned in white satin draped with silk net with pearl trimmings, and wore a s$TAnu$xlLD 1e72 1111 .1 ' tfI 0 SOMI; people have fortunes left thein. Most people have to make theirs. Everything moist have a commencement. .A savings account in_the Bank of Hamilton may he the commencement of your fortune- It is certain that if you never start, you never get very far. BANK OF HAMILTON Goderich Branch- -A. 1. Mackin art 1 hal 110 suggest ou your • to value •t(NMe tltr'ir�. - .rizew ever shnw.. -a for thew 1 -. sprssll - truly. It.tRKER. -Ich. LAST BUT NOT L f - AS' Bannon air Thursday and Friday OCTOBER 7 and 8 • A real Agricultural Fair, aiming to encourage and promote the agricultural interests of this section Prize lists and entry forms may be obtained now from the Secretary 'and it is requested that entries - be made as early as possible TO iMPROVIt THE FALL FAIR. To the FAltnr of The Signal. fir, -As you ..have • invtted your readers to glee a few suggestions for Improving the Coder -kb oboes, 1 would like to make a few that 1 think would) make it more interesting to all. First mai most Important --e prise list should he homed about the first week ?11 January, so that anyone wishing to show ewti decide what chasm he world like to grow Mr. A lot of weals require an overly start. 10 get them in gond foorin for the Enthib1- tlon. and it is very iliwipprrintina, after growing something, to get the prize lista week before tbe show and Intl Chet it 15 not in tied Iia. We,riid Make • few cla.srs 111' animals, vegetables, flowers. efc, open only to those who have ucvrr won a prize at any .bow. a' n new starter does not like to eomp•te against. as old hand. Thlyd-s-'Fhe exhibits sIioOId toe nut r• - ed after the Judging with name anti address of the grower, and the closer they belong to, so that titdtora can are the different ambito ani suality 0t each Aare. Alen have a spare between eas•I' rhes. 1 do not think that • wire fetes* abet e to frost 0f eshldt•, es visitors he wait to get cic, to collator efh'ihlta. - A foo card' TWO SPEED TESTS OPEN it ALL --Trot or Pace Purse i65.0O 2.40 --Trot or Pace Purse ;65.0,0 BABY SHOW Friday Afternoon at 3 o'clock Music by the Lucknow Brass Band ' ADMISSION TO GROUNDS Thursday 10c,, Friday 35c, Children er 15 years, 10c GRAND ENTERT INMENT FRIDAY EVE NG by the M1JRDISON CONCERT COMPANY Murdison, Scottish Co edIsn-"The Real McKie" assisted by ether members tiespasy k readings and vocal selections "ADMISSION TO •CONCERT 5oc 111 -t Everybody come to Dungannon and have a good time Ample provision has been made for serving meals • JAMES MALLOUGN. JAMES HAYDEN, N. F. WIYARD, President Vice -President Sec.-Treas. t