HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-9-30, Page 4i, 4-Tbarsda7, September 30. 1920. THE SIGNAL .44444110,1100.1044,./.440/r- GODERICH, ONT. THE FOUR ESSENTIALS OF GOOD CLOTHES I -The Proper Fabrics, 2 -Expert Designing, 3 ---Good Linings and Findings 4 -Tailoring by Experts ALL OF WHICH AR}! FOUND IN Pridimuis Good Clothes K•t buy cheap, poorly made clothing and think you are saving money -its a wrong idea -pay a little more and get clothing that will _look swell on you and last twice as long as the so-called cheap stuff. See our new Fall Suits and Overcoats -you will be pleased with them We do a special order business as well as regular lines WALTER C. PRIDHAM -SALE AGENT POR 20th CENTURY and ART CLOTHING PHONE 57 • HERN'S DOLLAR BILL SALE $ $ $ DU1NGANNON. MIR. N. F. WHYARD Is the agent for THE SIGNAL at Dungannon. Orders left with him forubacrip- tloaa, advertlaeptlnts. or ,lob 'print - Ing will necefrel rututit attention.. Telephone tGoderlch Rdglil► r9(l. The Fair Next Week.--Tliurslay and Friday of next week are the days of the Dungannon hill fair. and only gaol weather is needed to ensoure a su,vt•saful event.. Tor the Friday ev- ening concert the Murdisou Concert l'omputIv has been engaged• and a tare treat k in store for those who attend. Murdlsou-'.the real McKie'" -W one et the cleverest crowed ns to Viral}. end with' the' tftIi r miembers of the compauy-Mss Adelete Mooney, so- prano wetoist. and Miss Annie McRae. elocutionist -will prevent a program Inwood to cone that has ever beau given at Dungannon. Be sure to hear them. The Dungannon hotel will provide genal accommodation ou the fair days for man and beast. Mr. Harry Fowler. the proprietor, la prepared to cater to a large number of guei.ts, so that visitors to the fair may be as- atird of getting a good mewl. LEEBURN. TUESDAY, Sept. 28. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Linklater and family motored to Exeter and spent the week- end with relatives. Mr. James Chisholm has sold his tractor and has purchased a much lar, r one. with nearly 100 horsepower. Jim certainly doesn't believe in any toy tractors. Mrs. Arch. Horton spent a few days with her parents at Auburn. her father being very ill. Mr. Leslie Flick and sane of the other farmers shipped a carload of oats to the Farmera' Co-operative Company of Toronto. and realized a good price. R. Bogie. of the steamer Martian. is home at present. Mr. Irving Hunter is wearing a broad smile over a young lady that arrived last Wednesday. HERN'S DOLLAR BILL OCTOBER l lit to OCTOBER 16th Surplus Stock Sale of Boots and Shoes HERN'S BOOT SHOP To make room for fall and winter goods we are putting on a ONE DOLLAR §ALE. With every pair of boots, included in this sale, at $7.5o or over, and with every two pairs under $7.5o included in this sale, we will give a BRAND-NEW DOLLAR BILL -This is a Great Opportunity to get Special Footwear Values Our stock is marked much below present market values and in this sale you save an extra Dollar Bill We can itemize only a partial list of the splendid values we have to offef COME IN AND SEE FOR YOURSELF en's Sae Hid Goodyear Welt, 15 Pr. Women's Chocolate Oxfords, Mili- at ..• • $10.00 tary Heels, $ 7:00 18 Pr. Women's Kid, wide fitting last, Cuban Heel, at $ 9.50 9 Pr. Women's Pias Oa1f, Low Heel Bal, at T .. $ 8.00 17 Pr. Women's line Sleek Lid, White Welt, Low Heel, .. $ 8.00 16 Pr. Women's Brown 9s11 Bal, Military Heel, $ 8.50 1 Pr. Women's Patent Bal, Brown Kid Top, Louis Heel, at ... • $15.00 6 Pr. Women's Buck Bala, with Louis Heel, at 115.00 8 PT, Women's Brown Calf Bal, Buck Top, Louis Heel, .. 113.00 16 Pr. Women's Black Calf Bal, Low•Heel, at $ 7.00 7 Pr. Women's Gunmetal Bal, at ....$ 6.60 9 Pr. Women's Kid Oxfords, Military Heel, at 1 4.50 9 Pr. Women's Patent Oxfords, Military Heel, $ 5.00 13 Pr. Women's Brown Calf Goodyear Welt Oxfords, Military Heels, at . $10.00 15 Pr. Women's Black Kid Oxfords, Mili- tary Heels, $ 7.50 13 Pr. Women's Kid Oxfords, Turn Soles, Low Heel, $ 6.75 14 Pr. Women's Patent Colonials, Louis Heals, at $ 7.50 10 Pr. Women's Kid Pumps, Louis Heels, $ 8.50 at •-t-rrrr.'rs`e-rrsr. -. 17 Pr. Men's Brown Calf Blocher, Rubber _Rola .and Heel, Plain Toe et .. $ 7.50 13 Pr..Ken's Dongols Bab, Plain Toe, Good- ' year Welt Sole, at $ 8.00 18 Pt. Men's Brown Calf Bala, Goodyear Welt Soles, English Last, at $15..00 16 Pr. Men's Brown Calf Bala, Gopdyear Welt Boles, Wide Toe, at 115.00 10 Pr. Men's Black Elk Blocher, Heavy, at $ 7.00 13 Pr. Misses' Patent Bal, White Top, at.. $ 4.50 9 Pr. Kisses' Dongola One -strap Slipper, at $ 2.50 12 Pr. Misses' Patent Oxfords, at $ 4.80 17 Pr. Boys' Heavy Tan Grain Bluchers, at 1 5.50 15 Pr. Boys' Kip Bluchers, at ' $ 5.00 10 Pr. Youths' Kip Bluchers, at $ 4.50 18 Pr. Boys' Tine Gunmetal, at $ 5.00 I ea Die ea r M t1i 0 We uarerstand the FarmePu Club of Colborne its bringing in a large quantity of peaches. Mr. Fleming hal bought the lard belonging to the Point Farm. Miss Ruth Shaw was home to attend the putding of her friend, Wim Jean €Elnser Llutena'ayer. of West (nine. is spending a few days with his mother. Mrs. Arch. H rton. Rev. D. Johnston. of Lucan, formerly f Varna, will occupy the pulpit of Lee - burn church on Sunday next. ea ii N w N 7d GODERICH TOWNSHIP: • IS'EDNESDAY. Sept. 29. Rev. b. Johnston, of Luca, formerly of Varna, will occupy the pulpit of Union -church on Sunday next. Owing to the illness of Rev. James Hamilton. the pulpit of Union church was occupied on Sunday by Rev. J. E. Ford. Mr. Robert Sloan has been distributing 24 KINGSBRIDGE. MONDAY, Sept. 27. Wedding bells are ringing loud: Threshing is the order of the day. Miss Katie Dean is visiting her aunt, Mn.,E.Sgllivan. FatherDonnelly, of Denver, spent a ew days visiting friends around here - Dean O'Reeilly, who has been spending the summer bare, has returned to Dakota. Gus. and Irene McCarthy have re- turned to Detroit. Quite a number from here took in the tall (air and dance at Lucknow on Friday and all report a jolty time. This community witnessed the worst electric storm of the season on Sunday. The hares belgoging to Marvin Durnin on the 2nd concession was struck and burned Phone 56 es,w, to the ground. Bi.YTH. Wednesday. Sept. 29. 1'. (colter tbi• week shipped his household effects and stable equipment lo Wheatley, wyerw, It Is understood. he will apse vale stables. Miss McLean. who has hekn employ - al lu McMurchle's hank for the lest few yeara, Iia. gate to Egmondville to reside. Misr Mary McMurchie is ai presedt'aladstInt her hither in the hank. Mina Iowa Livingston lett on Tues- day for Nobleford. Sask., where she will reside. - ltu Yaturday last the marriage of Miss Elva M. Brown of Luudiori , daughter of Mrs. FAL Haggkt, Blyth. to Mr. William Johnston of Toronto, was solemnised at I'arkdale Presby- terian .ehnr•b. Mr. and Mn. Johns- ton left after flee Ceremony on a motor trip to Hamilton a Bufrale and on their return will �eslde at Toronto. / Miss Ruth McGowan has returned to Toronto. where she la /training for a nurse at the Western hospital. af- ter a two weeks' riait/at her Tame bete. Mr. David Fbxaly *bile operating a ripsaw at the planing mill ou Sat- urday morning had the misfortune to have the index and second angers on his left hand severed. Kryaat Maines,- (►n Wednesday. September 2 -2nd. a very pretty wed- ding took place at the home of Yr. and Mrs. John Malue... when their eldest daughter, Eva. was married to John It, Bryant. •of'' Stratford. Promptly ■ t 10.30 the bridal couple took their Maces under an arch of autumn leaves and flowers. The bride wore a gown of sltrer grey silk crepe de chine over pink, and carried a bouquet of Opkella roses. Her only ornament was a ring of pearls, the gift of,the groom. The.eenutony was performed by v • J. Mcbrmk•k. (m- o odlgtely Orin the w•ediling dinner was served, t11e happy couple left by r for (mown taking the train tyre for Stratford, where they will ;side. The bride \ travelled in a ailored suit of navy 'merge with mink rollarerte over a blow of pink ge,rg este, and large black lar The bade WAN the recipient of ma , ilea utiful and useful gifts. showing the bfgh esteem in which she Is h_e_ld by ler many friends. Guests w prew- eut (min Chicago. lit. Cat rine*. Toronto and local peens. Smaller lots shown on our tables. DON'T MISS THIS GREAT SALE • AT HERN'S BOOT SHO.P ad die ire Office GODERICH Nati side of the Square 1• 1 '0 40 M !!d 911 ale 4 "The Scotch Store" STORE HOURS: $ A. M. TO 6 P. M. 1 SATURDAYS IO P. M. B?nusif tete Hoine for the Fall and Winter Season apple barrels to his customers this week. A meeting of the Goderich Township Rifle Association. Tor the purpose of reorganization. will be held at Hicks' red house. Huron road. on Thursday. October 7th. at 8 o'clock p. m. A good attendance is requested. A meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society of Taylors Corner will be held at the home of Mrs. 0. Walters on Wednesday. Octo- ber 6th, at 2 o'clock p. m. M M HEZN'S DOLLAR BIiW • ('OLBOR N E. The Ladies' Abd of North Zion church, 1'olhorne. Intend holding their alining. tlwnksgiring sapper on Thanks- giving sight. LEEBURN. Melsrs. Will Hart and Harry Kruse, of Sprucedale. Muskoka. visited at Mr. Wm. Bogie's Lake Shore road. last week. KINGSBRIDGE. TUESDAY, Sept. 28. Rev. Dean O'Reilly bas returned to his work is the mission fields of Central City. South Dakotg. The best wishes of hie many friends gp with him. Mr. Joe Stiles, of St. Paul, Minnesota, is renewing old acquaintances here. Miss Kate Dean, of Chicago, is visiting relatives here. Wedding bells are ringing. Many local farmer' are busy threshing flax. Everybody is feeling satisfied with the crop, the average yield being seven- teen to eighteen bushels to the acre. The friend* and neighbors of Thomas Little hear with regret of his illness ; but he has the best wishes of all fora speedy recovery. Ford can are too cheap for some of the people aged and there are a few planning to buy en aeroplane. PIL De ass sedan dS a. teal et tPilea �i�disfawl�wfr�iL Dr Camas Olast eat relieve yen I. wane saes a laaset ea91 1 Lohse `Wes Oa0 �raa J1 The Winter Season is at hand with its round of social events. The season when you want your home surroundings pleasant and bea iful, which can be -done at little expense with the -.tion of a few yards of Chintz or, Cretonne or a ne it of Curtains or a new Rug. Handsome English Chintzes $1.75 yard TiMe aiietsescome in a variety of beautiful tick mixings forjOver-Curtains and Furniture inswing. 40 inches wide ..... $1.75 yard Special Value in Velours $5.00 a yard Extra quality imported Velours, rich finish in colors of tan, green, rose and French blue, 50 inches wide 55.00 yard New Li Just received several new designs in Linoleums in block pattem, 4 yards wide •.-•-.-.-o war. $1.50 sq. yard Special Showing of Curtain Nets English Nets in a host of new pat- terns and new designs, suitable for all rooms, white and ecru, 45 inches wide, from 65c yard New Net and Scrim Curtains Exceptionally smart are the new Scrim and Net Curtains for Fall, in a var- iety of new designs, $5.50 to $IO pair noleums e Alio two 'patterns Nairn's Scotch Liooldum, 4 yards wide. Large stock of Canadian Floor Oil. in all patterns suitable for all rooms and also fo squares under stoves and heaters, ............95c per square yard Some Smart New Dresses Just Received Women's all wool French serge. Another ennui Misses' Serge Dress,, Eton effect, Tricolette Vest and Collar, 'Eton effect, braided and embroidered, accordion -pleated Skirt accordion -pleated skirt, a most attractive dress, special $25.00 �...• • . Special $37.50 McCall's Patterns Nemo Corsets Kayser Gloves Our Mail and Order Department always at your service. We prepay all charges and all orders shipped in time for Rural Deliveries MiIlar's Scotch Store -News' 1 PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. Walter J. Brim•icomle. of ile- troly Is spending a few week: at the I parental home here. Mrs. w. A Coulthurst has returned home after a few weeks' visit with friends at Toronto and Hamilton. Mise Ruth Hamilton, after a visit with her parents, Rev. James and Mrs. Hamil- ton, left on Monday on her return to New Haven, Conn.. where she is the supervisor of the children's ward in the General hospital. A STRATFORD COMMENT. "Peter Plainman." a free -la nee wain. er In The Stratford Beacon. has the following this week anent the auto- mobile "hike" to Goderich According M t:1.• local papers the Stratford Motor League hope to go up to Goderich some • of thew days. the Idea being. 1 believe, to endeavor to create a more fraternal spirit between the (lassie (city and Its neighbors to the west on the proposed Provincial Straight Line Highway. a branch of which will run from Stratford to the lake, 'peening through Mitchell. Sea - forth and Clinton. The/ Intention is M take Non. Peter Smith and ikon. Mr. Blgge along. both of these gentle. men. 1t 1* understood, haring slgnla.rl that they would he delighted to view the "Garden of Ontario." that lies be- tween herr and Goderich. and Incid- entally take note of the road espec- ially between here and Mitchell. it was proposed that the highway a mlle and a quarter south of the Hu- ron road he taken until Dublin was reached. whence the troll vs -mild again divert to the north and the regular "straight line" road between here and fioderl(h would be resumed. Tide road passes M flea. Peter Smith's farm and 1* 1n fairly good shape. hilt It is believed that It was deemed advised. to dem the Mires road to the 'tenors ss It is, In the A -5' - E C0 RO Always the Favorite The diamond is the one su- preme gift of gifts. It never lyes its charm, never faif5 of ad- miration. Our collection of dia- mond rings and jewellerycontains ornaments of all descriptions, set with stones of rare fire and brilliancy. We invite a visit frosn those who contemplate making a gift of unending and infinite charm. EfTSO V WAT('II\IAKEiR AND .1SWELLER Corner Fast St. and Siusre Goderich, Oat. before and after example of the •d - option of n system of rational toad c'mstrnction 1n Perth county. Ev- entually. no doisht. the photographs woaild he framed and hung to the county ('.0011 clamber at the court house. Were 11 not that we might he eon- -.tiered in favor of (nquieitlewr methods, 1t might not be a bad idea to place the two (cabinet Ministers In a "tin llasle" nn the Stratford to Mitchell part of the trip. Thla would give them a taste of what the motor- ing public harp had to put np wifh all summer. This. however, would put a had taste in their months and would mar the pleasure of the '•hike." The tat.ntinn Is. I helieve, to have herr ahnut nine and the proeea*tdn will to es mad. Arriring at Gnderh'b, dlrmer will he served ■rid addresses delivered by Mestere. Smith and Riggs and other road enthusiasts. All the towns op west are quite enthuatsatie *hoot the outing and It goes *Shoot laying that not only will we have better donde ass revolt of the "hike" but a eommnntty spirit wall be developed wbtrh will help to nrttfy Perth and Huron cosnties for the future good of both. The auecesa of the outing w111 depend to a large extent npnn the aplrlt' with which the mantises of (Stratford take the matter up. foto its hope, therefore. that apveral hundred Imre herr, The mare the a ec'rk.r. I believe the ladles are expected. Thew have rote* sow and few who h fs r bf trip w111 " f their. Ilal>p sr *taper tMidst.• F( • ..- • n � r • f1: