HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-9-30, Page 21-77 S Thursday. leeptrmter 811, !otic!. Otalik igl Thursday, September 30. EDITOILIAL NOTES. September certainly banded out a bot one the past week. Those pleasant noises flee "cerement" hears are the sounds of prices droppwg The historian of the future will find the last few years a •'strikeag" period is the world's history. Pretty soon everybody who isteed' to strike will have struck and the wetly will gtt down to business is cattiest. A writer in a Toronto paper claims that the socks ■ aaaa wean indicate bis character. Is there, tin. some asaociattoa between ides gad hotiness ? The C. P. R. is stretching its time -table the w-ong way. Instead of decreasing the time between the arrival and the departure of the auoa traias, it should be increasing it. if it wallies to please the )people of Goderieb. Ot wa has a bureau keeping track 'of the log showing the coot of living u Canada, this week reports a check to the mound prices. By . the way, keep- ing track of figures it just about as far as Ottawa is dealing with the high cast of living. Pelee*. Meitner nail Sir George Foster in linking up flee with the Bolshevik' aad other ' oa-wreckers" in their deaweciatioas are danger of bringing a stare shout their The farmers have tiateaed Or about all that kid of talk they caw stad. A\ Republk-ams lite ea -President Taft .b le favor the League of Nations are is an awkward positioa in coueectioa with the Presidential dectios caapaigw. By sup- porting the Republican candidate (hey throw doubt upm either their own sincer- ity or that of Mr. Harding. Mr. Harding has stated pfatnly enough his opposition to the League of Nations plan, but Mr. Taft appears to believe (bet if be is elected he will turn his back upon his pre-eiectios speeches and upon the Hiram Remain crowd which is working to elect him, and will had some way to bring the United States into the League. It it difficult to see why any United States citizen who really wants to see his country join with the other en- lightened nations is a league of peace shsnild not vote for Mr. Cox, who states his maition smequivocatly. But in the United States. is is Caseda• It is a hard thing (or a man to break away from his party. The Finest and Purest Tea Sold 11 There is genuine and unmistakeable pleasure in its daily use. Black - Green 1 Try a packet front your grocer' or Mixed f but be sure it's "Salads' gal. THE MacSWINEY CASE. , Moet ,d tie comm. -sit iu ibis cuantry Oil flee case of the Lord Mayor a Cork. olio Le so hoops-ntriee to Brixtua prison. is without knowledge, and the fallowing tram the editorial pages of Tee Mamcbeiner Guardian. oar a the leading paper of Greet liritale, throws light uu some points that have sot Yews clearly understood bore. Edptrially tq be noted is the shitenent that "the law ruder whale Mr. ltacttwiae,e was euarierea wigs sot the ordinary law, gad the tribunal was not the ordinury legal oatmeal." Rin the Wag Ls derided and. ao f as toe Onyereesewt Li coacerued, M MacSwiney is to the. Strom' appeals were addreened to Mr. Loyd Geo from many enartenr. His sinter a pealed, the great eseettni of 1* owners sad commercial magnates het 'Ons week in Dublin appealed, ma ogees appealed. To all Mr. George apeakeag is the mouse of the Gower meat, arae hives' the same *newer that the law must take its cog It Is a leametaWe derhdoa, aad w have grave ec egtmence.. The la M ander which Mr. ac$wtney wag coo Met& ;mauet the ordlaery law, a tie tribunal w -aa wt an ordlaa Th legal tt(bumaL e law was the .1* of D. O. R. A. sad the trammel was court-martial The charges brought against Mr. Stat wimey were that had in hie postmeridian or seder his cats trot a crop' a tie ueiaeeical ciphercode of the police sod that be had Mao le big possee.siott two end tioaa e�ocumeats-ammedy, * reseintloo of the city council of Cork profes:Mai allegiance to the illegal organizstecia of Miran fell, Rada copy of the elementdelivered by bimrelt in support of it. On the Jetresigth of thee ae�emsatioaa was sentenced to two yearn im- miert ie the woad clam. and for \ renter security was removed to guanineBrix prison. is the gukine 4 Ile said at the time that It was use talking of twee years. for nut r'sense. Nueserotm exceptions have r. tree made in Use coarse of the Inst sea years. aud roue of the ewer - grammes ekeclared by kir. Lloyd George to tie lees -iodate has followed. The la tact is drat it br only ander very ad. special a041 excepti.naI eircomstaacr* d flat the imager -strike can *accord. ay It as sucueeed only when la the drat place the hanger -striker is prepared a- to face the passibility of death and — the certainty of peysdc(d paha and roe. l.jary. It is es molted also that he il1 'Weld have a great body of public II Menem to support ham. No Isasmttad - eNmi.aa would be likely to undertake ad such as ordeal 'avoided. or, If 4e did ry aid be were guilty of some eomaaou w WWe'ise/. be meld be forettey fat, as a indeed eo ietiaes bappeas. in the preaewl !cerise* the cable setter In he not a quenrtioa of mere Iegellty. There - is little easmieb al the spirit of the law la *entreees by court-martial leader the proviseioin of the Act for tie Delmer of the Realm. co a ri ved fila a war mea Wire strainer derma try ad now kept olive me a war tmeasure epee !retied. It is a q.eettun of polity. mud au extremely gram our. ad it would bare been better had Mr. George freenkly treated it as sats. Thai. whet' the Geverameat tboagbt Mat policy demsaded the release e! bower -striking atius ?einem. rrtexeed Map were. Now that the Goveromeot is oa another tack sod strong nreasareo are the order of the day what was presible-heLore Pas 'addwely become w 11 iaspae sable, and the foaadmtelnas of , over law ha the whole of the Felted Kang_ a 'Joao are discovered to be imperiled in t if tbe very team is done new which real released be would he dead in month,\ having already heytsu his huaper-e.trlkr , That is just `s fort- night ego The fiwd Mayor of ('ork is not :s stroller u. He hat an affec- tion of the hs which makes it daugetoae for him o be forcibly fed. Ile is aimed, in • last stage of prostration, sad any y as, bring the sew; ot_Itia death. Obelatudy, Mr. Maefiwlieg 1a -1201--111 very grave offender. Very uch more sstiour oteader,. wile net Ia sine. 141,1* hunger-atreci were rel 1 be- fore they died, just as the rs item anfreglwta who 'haat set tbe fa were aU relented. lip to the pr - me, therefore. no Riegle offend_ las has sought to release himself or emelt' (rum impisoetmeat by death as twee permitted to do .n 7Le kW of the ilord Mayor 0t coli. '.e the stmt it tbe eakeptios. .lr George mate it as though it were the rP_ 1 rye. "it is imapossible," he .says in reply to MIs Mseyiwiney. "for the (:orerasmemt t. .make any ea. "(ratierse u hie nave. were they to de "r• it would busk d.wts the admin. "Lrtortfnn of law is the United TT lag - "dons for all primmer§ would claim "Me same ptiviteg'e," Now. wfth all respect, we mature by me that Is non - ti w ex rir Hon. Mackenzie King, the Liberal l meeting; in the West. la his opening leader, has commenced a series of public o I ton address at Victoria. B. C., on Mon1ay evening tie repeated his demand that the M ighen Government stere uid go to the people for a mandate before further pre 1. Suring to manage the affairs of the country, fie pointed out that barely hal( of the mesbers of the original e! Union Government now rennin, and three of the present Ministers have mate only in the Senate and caartot 4laira to be repremeatative d any portion of the electorate. He spoke -..int the autocratic methods adopted in the acq usition of the Graced Trunk Railway, in the expenditure of vast sums of mosey for (he creation of a merchant esarine, and in o' her measures, and declared that it was mole time the control of the people's alba -s should be restored to the people. The need of a downward revision of the tariff was emphasised, especially with regard to the necessaries of life and the means of productioa, and another passage of his address dealt with the necessity of more effective measures against profiteer Mg. a tical murder and the vk•tlma as a martyr to a great and leered causer Teat tamer will he confirmed and eaacgaed Ly Ma blood, and every evil and every danger by which the des- perate Irish gsesrlou err eurrugnded will be exse'lrretteid gad fmtenedaed Conciliation, Mgkult enoage before, wilt become doubly difficult. 1111111110‘04- 14, bitter euoaab before, will become more bitter. The riketre for revenge. cruel mouse before. will become more erste, and we shall here entered ou a fresh and more ►upeleis stage of • Isar whit alreedy was hwmiug the beet minds. l■ other words, as act carried through ha the name of law gad of high pocky will breed taisseaae lawksuanem and defeat every alma which decent and ratios' politer eau have in view. Is tr likely that ft this had been a wire thing to do aitch a meeting as that at Ikitten on Term dal. where the moot conservative and renpenaibie elements in Irtsti moclety were asemneted, would have nnaai- motedy peUtioaied fur the exeet con tairy ? These men know Ireland. and the, kaow what finch • tatod tarp as flirt now in ylew poi -teals. Flat Rake tar Hydra, Tie Farmers Sun. Tee Toronto press are unanimous to aane the tlrecent ediortals Tee Tofor mato o powerto Globe dealt with Premier Drury.'s speech advo- cating mama rates. mad endeavored to Mow wry large centres like Toronto atmasidpay a lower rate for its power than a mealier cosesenujty. Tie Globe argue that people should pay for power went it costa end. there- fore, a large centre which can bring in more power. and can beadle it more cheaply than a small centre. should get it at the Iowa rate. If that be true, thea a business house which uses more postage than a small bough Mould get its postage at a lower rate. Or. we should ply leas postage era a letter going to towns ten H s*pertime on a letter gem( to or Vancouver. It costs more to carry a letter across the continent than it dna between netehhoriag towns, yet tbe is tie sage. Further. it should be potwted out that the natural resources of tbe country do not belong to say ooe particular caoauaity. The people within a stone's throw of Niagara do not own that great waterfall, nor do the peopit fisher beside other waterways own otiose. Oar water powers belong to alt tie people. sod all the people sboutd get tate al mirwama benefit from their utilis- ation. if we are going to allow big cities to the power developed by our 1 waterfalls, it is lour to peaalize the mealier towns sad cities as welt as the rural commsuoity. It is far sstore important and vastly 1 more beneficial. for the country to have a t lot of snail, proeperoos towns than to have toe or two huge over -developed, congested centres. It power can be seat t t to outlying towns and villages it t Women of Canada Who Testify Tahomburg, Ont.:—"Ever dogs 1 au mrmenber, 1)r. Pisew's medicine were uasd in our Wallyea Mims and they never Wed W give rssu(ls, The 1.10 Medical Discovery' was used es • tooae and blood purifier asrdfor b.os- otu•1 trouble. and it proved *aodteet. I hive personally tak- es 'Cobden Medical Discovery' for broo- Oce thea! trouble. 'Favorite and the 'IrrPs ssripuoa' so bend ms up wbso 1 was nue-down ad they both were vary bar amid. Mother always used Dr. Pima'• Compound Extract of f)mars-Weed tee pais; it also was may good. I lest sale ja rewowmtamgeo�dsing d Dr. r. Piens'. medicine knoMORD MITCU,aLL. —1[R8. CLIl- Coated Pisree'ee M� Diaoo "I have read Dr. mote 04 sea sad am d50 fors cad it pleased to ee•omse.ad it is • bleed pander. 1 know it has no equal, as I mei it for my boy for tub/remains of H. kegs joist. My neighbors sad meads weriveurprised wits the results; in foes, Ido ase thiak he weWd be shy* qday lied it act bee. for the Method Dia.overy.' 1 gigs beep h os head foe coughs as it differs is bora other cough mediates. emceed of up - the mwsee.h gs most mash syrups do a r hood for the me iameet 1 odep wi.5 1 bad knows about fir. Pierce's s.sdiais.s sager."—M rte PAACY WOOD. w►w you take Guides Medical Dee - seven. lou are gasieg the beo.at of the emrigsgs of a doctor wita reputation goer eQ amend the earth. fell mon, nee IIA a te.prsace mediae that examine not • trop of atoohwt or soroche d say kind. Long ago Dr. Pubs oomhia.d ..tis valuate mostatie ingredieass-- witheat Me tug at alcohol—so Hat his nadir Moseys ►se. Wm — immy.saw amdi_ia'a 1 he procured to their native (and. Tbey remained to three years the property of the King. sad were ties dietribated among the fainters of Canada. to ordet to encourage tile devetopmeat of agricul- ture. Some few years age the pedigree records for the Preach-Caaadiaa horse. maim tainted by tbe Quebec Gonernrweot, were transferred to the Natiosal Live Stock Records. Otber steps have been takea to maintain tbe breed as pure as possible. One of the latest methods, as pointed out a the bulletin. wricb can be sbtaiaed from tee Publications Branch of the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, has been tate establishment of a horse -breed - ng farm at St. !whine ataated lase weaty-five miles east of Quebec city. This farm. white as operated under tee Experimental Fares system, has some hirty well selected broad mare,. These, ogetber with fifteen of similar quality d up small industrial centres al tee coeatry where people can live in more sane. normal way than tb-v can he congested areas of cities Tike Mont and Tomato. Farther. tbe demands I kept on the Fzperimental Station at Cap Route. Que.. forte a collection fres which it is hotted to produce a superior new foundation stock for the breed. wit.' doer before without any sign of of Mack disastrous oouHequej)ces. The yea is is fact a false plea. gad Ur ur rural communities for power are just aa�� tie r g thr++requiremeat• of Toronl6 George in the very act of defending it oonc tacideutally ttveir erldeace that It ix help false, for he admen. is the formal pro' doe•lemout Limed from f.ucertte, as a tow reason why Ysapc'r -stri trews saarunt be this mieat.ed now. int where they were re- and the bas big metres. The sidelines and mimes have betrt stripped of their became ref the high wages paid by ected Industries in our cities and as. Valens there is a suhstitute for lack of help is the form of taachiaery power Vtirj will take the place of mmn-poierstad woman -power which gnrie from tie country to the ct leased before the res*itee were disap- pointing. If thea they had not been dan*epointing it w.etd ores that the stars erne polio eagle have Isere adopted teat mew. That is t., judge the matter oa avai t ground not of remelt, Mut ort gra- (seal, realer. 1401 the ggestioa heemnas j 'sae Wager of law Mt et matfett And politico, et weeding. stars enasgh. is perbape the gravest aad 0104 m 'ng which oris tieverammeat has yet f allyd apes to meet. Per let t be no mistake. Rightly or wreeigle—w nilly. of course. leo ler as moral guilt is ieer.ed—the denth sf the Lord May of fork will be j regarded by Ns tort Ireland- and f rgeht tbrougb the world of America gas the i)osI . i1 The Clinton News -Record, discussing the tendency of the fall (airs to run to sideshows, says • "Wouldn't 't be possible to have a count) fair somethug 'fake the State fairs they have over the line ? -Suet) a fair would alvertise Huron county as no other lactor possibly could ago it properle caieducted it would be self -summing from the very beginning. With the county's great productiveness in almost every lime as exhibition of astonishing dimena'ose might be held. Discruivaaho• in offering prizes would have to be shows. For iastance; Huron county doesn't produce a real racehorse in a dozen years, probably, and it pro- duces hundreds of high-grade (arm boraes and of fine beet and dairy cattle every year, Why .ot cut oat the prizes offered for racing aad put it on cattle and upon the sort of horses which flume county formers do produce' 'This show would have to be represen- tative of the whole county aad every farmer and business ram in tie county be interested in at. Tb• iateraat of the people should be directed to the Mow itael(, rather than to sideshows. We are tnddkt inggrstiag that thin enmity fair be bold u Gnderrch. Clietaa might be a Clad. to hold it, but, properly darted, n coaatee fair ought t` be. Cyt e turatip.al factor aad • groat ail aunt for On meaty h w it %Mt atioa will (ace the cities, and all the erpower is the world will be of no The Fronde -Canadian 0...e. The French-Canadian horse. which is cesparatively little known outside tie Province of Quebec, is claimed to be one of the most durable and otherwise useful horse to be fond anywhere in Caeadg. in balite■ 96 of the Experimental Farms, the author. Mr. Gas. Langelier, points out that this breed is descended from the old -tote French-Canadian pony, sent from France to Canada by Lotus XIV as a Don- ,, t Tbese seaof itS� )AFOR �AiIB Bslfoot Students 1RIeg... pefo for Primes Offered lw • re Pre - tree homer ad orates gold-pisted and entrain mediate will be preand as prize* to she pupils tee tee tbM and fosrth forms of public, prlvite and 'seminar arbor&R of Osterrlo for the Seat a aye oa "Prevention .f Fire is Howe and "Fat -tory." ave 'elver mer.sh.. to high wheel atademtit sad medals 'tical gold sail two saver edals will here gtvg for the 'oar beet tenses written by Modest. i* colleges and gNveraitLiE' Au boyo. aN Orli Ia We $iced aad fourth forms et public. private and seperpte wheels are etiglede so core pete. Not were titan (haw medal. will be slimed ro any one eehunl, one Leonid onid be gime (a nes (bird and one in the tonal fora. Romero ROWgut Pxewrd five hundred wards were the blot char nil ts` toorth. write only as one side of tee paper. For Information aad eta.. Sskatehewan Saskatchewan has played an import - Province !ilit part in gain- ing for Canada her of Inherent Wealth placeamongst the great wheat pro- ducing countries of the world. In 1915, 56% of Can- ada's bumph crop was reapedin that Province. This year, eg'tissaks iafthat 136,600,- 000 bushels of the iDominion'f3 total of 289,000,000 bushels, will be produced tier&. The value of this Province's 1920 wheat and oat crop alone is estimated at $400,000,000. This large natural wealth constitutes one of the reasons that Saskatchewan bonds rank high in` invest- ment circles. We offer, in $500 and $1,000 denominations, ations, Prove a of Saskatc ewan 6% Gold Ronde at 96.62 yield 6.30% for Twenty Years $3,000,000 of this Province's 6% Gold Bonds at 96.62 yielding 6.30%. Mail your order or telegraph at our expense for a dtse(�iptive circular. Wood, Gully & CoinpanyC.—j ' P.tle Rafhny Dont Toronto 1 4.•••••-•,44114 .w..... tb,t rs. osttadde of that which may he obtaleed at the punk library. etc. read the bout, et "('oaservattoa of Life and Property from Fire." 1f you haven't a ce.py write for one to tate secretary M the Ontario lire I'reven 1.e Leaves. fee. ameba's. male and teasel.. la'eel- Mem aad aairrrsirlive aad high sehoota ttsrotsgltont Ontario are eligible to com- pete for rbc nine grand prizee. two .414 gold and mea.. roll Miner medals. premiered by the Oatarle lire Prevention Lehane. nor the head hong on the topic. "Preremtloe of Fire in M• Rome and Factory." N.t more thee ram medal will he PreMsated fin sae one high whool. miler. or unl- enntity. Ilamays meet wet Pxeeed Ole tttouwnd wnrde in teazle , Alt array' inset h. In the hands of rho prine•lpan of achestta wog labor tban Ns/.ehrw tet. FALL FAIIRA-11511. W ltsgbaa—slept. 36, Oct. 1. l'ordwkh—qct. 2. renews ter-4)ct. R. Deana*nom- Oe(. 7. 8. )1111!D GRALN DISTRIBUTION. (lkperimmeatal Farms Note.) The atonal free distribntiow of asnplea of seed grain will be conducted as usuai at the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, by the Dominica Cerealist. The following kinds of grata seed will be .eat out ibis sesame Spring wheat (in abs t 5 -Ib. ) white oats (about ► 15.), Id pass R lb.), Geld beans (about 2tb,l'fllltt 2 Ib I. Only one wank am be t1 (s add appliosist. pplicatio.s mist be coo printed latest which may be obtained by writing W ithe Dominion Cereahot, Evorriasiwtel Farts. Ottawa. at gay time agger Sepl/mber 1K. As the stock of sad is Iiai(N, fargmegi are advised to apply early to avoid dhppoi.tetme tit. Those who applied tee late last seism are particularly wowed zpit:i in their same'Pt sacs so that tree Isms may bforwarded e forwa dte _ No thew.foritlaty acyl-disaa fermis will w sloth i.iste ma G9110m�R'ig, ■/111M1•rM11si*1[IIIA*l1)tl)ttltt>t[**W$J $ Eittraordin lSi lk Values )1 111 J▪ Ill Here is a list of our Silk bargains for September, the 1.1 likes of which we have not offered for tnany a day. A $ large choice and large stock. Y I Black or cavy blue Ductless ii Silk, 36 inches wide, our rega- l. tad ...76 for tbe ;1.98 II Satin Cbareeuse in black. navy and brown choly, i0 iacbes wide. in $ Regular 14.50, for M per yard ... $3.00 �Je W Natural Shantung Silk. yard wide, heavy purest silk, 9Q_ $160 for 98c Wadi Sabo.. extra heavy, 36 to 38 inches wide, in ivory, whits and peak. Regularm� EA 13,00, at per yard a2.5O ▪ Woolen's Fall and Mater Coats at OM -ti.. values 1111 ■ • Dress and Suiting Shea 111 • Black and aavy blue English Series, 54 in. wide, all wool ; ewe botany yarn suiting serge'. Regular 15-00 for. $3.95 Materials Velars, 9ilvertoaes, Tweeds. Cbinchillas in aavys, browns, grey. taupe. stylishly made. Splendid materials and im limed throughout witb silk or fanser's satin. some hall lined. Price VQ, $26. 135 and 130. ii li A 1 W. ACHESON & SON 1r Y x 1 1g*N1/S** Sfg/ 1R1<Sl<l<It1<)t>i1R/)«IKIN I• DEVELOPING AND PRINTING BRING YOUR FILMS TO US FOR DE- V ELOPING irVELOPING AND PRINTING, --ONE DAY SERVICE. . , FILMS TO FIT ALL CAMERAS. H. C. DUNLOP. hterheie 1 Western University c�aK od.r New Course in Business Administrtrtion Registration Oct. 4th. Four year comae leading to B. A. Admission requirement. Junior Matriculation. FOR INFORMATION AND CALENDAR WRITE K. P. R. NEVILLE. Registrar A Machine Repair Work --- We are prepared to do machine repair work of all kinds promptly and at reasonable prices. We have installed an ACETYLENE MELDING OUTFIT, and farmers and others having broken castings can bring theta to to and have them made as good as new by this process. WORKS AT GODERICH HARBOR DOTY ENOINEERINO COMPANY now tic Xiflattisrleflm20001gfj ' f -School of Coinmerce Cbntr,. aad Goderich, (ht. OFFALS THE FOLLOWING COURSES : Business Stenographic Secretarial Civil Service Teachers' Training Course and arranges Special Courses for students. Tete FOLLOWING ADVATeTAGall: Viably Qualified Tisching Staff Actual lin'iates yt Bookkeeping Credeptial jyYrnaosiptaions Guaraateed Vocational Training School for this district, by Oo.eramcat appolatmaent, and under in- spection by Soldiers' Civil Adestae)tshmeat Department. Tor /anus, etc.. write B. F. WARD, w. A. [MONK, IR A, W. Adds.. Chow. Apodanss, Prlasigal Phar WK. n rle►!'rit.f>W School Opens VCednetday, Be$ember 1st, 1990 •