HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-9-30, Page 1.1 J SUBSCRIPTION RAPES $1.50 A YEAR (payable in advance) $2.00 A YEAR to United States addresses ( ADDiu wt : The Signal Printing Co., Limited, Goderlch. Ontario. varseseuesovesuwasoka art& S J Burns IutayI. 64 State at. 0 M Burton 1 aug 19 flu Horton Boulevard w fi ti ;t m,'1-, I ,4 j;ti o i, •�y x ...7411MMIlititki: 4°10 aesesediamalitear aseen. FORTY CENTS Any new subscriber in Canada may obtain The Signal for the remainder of this year for 40c. Subscribe now and get the fun benefit of this SPECIAL OFFER sin ENTl -THIRD Yi%R-NO. D. • FArn.n s Farmer' wives who have a monthly allowance for household expenses Will find it greatly to their advantage to open a Savings Account In the Sterling Bank. By doing this, they need not keep large sums in the house; they can settle their bills by cheque -obtaining an accurate record of all bills paid -and at the acme time receive in- terest on the balance. Our local Manager will be glad to explain matters to your satisfaction. iiIL.STEIBg GODERICH, ONTARIO, . THURSDAY, September 30, 1920 1 THE SIGNAL PRLNTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers, i T HARVEST - EXPENSES Ramo dome hauls expenses which mutt be mat with ready money. Should you need an advance to bsip yon over this busy season, interview this lank. We are pre. paned to help all responsible farmers.. w THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE R RVEVE FUND - - SI 5,00,000 CODERICH BRANCH, G. Williams, Hamner. 1 FOR SALE WHITE PINE 2in. x 4 in. 2in. x 6in., 8in., l0in., 12in. lin. x 4in. and up. ALL LENGTHS - --4) -- Tie Coderich Organ Co.,. Limited Oodericb Ontario. MatnalWieeeMeallieleWheaeateilehlieseeiffeWease DANCE et the PdTJL!O Saturday. Oct. 2 Dancing 8.30---12 o'clock Goderieh Swath Or -Char -a- (6 pieces) blest ale at the Pay ! ONE CAR CAR Sz B. C. RED CEDAR ONE CAR' 3z B. C. RED CEDAR • th cars arrived this week. Many have already spoken for. Place your order at once. The Goderich Planing Mills, Ltd. P. O. Box 18 GODERICH, ONTARIO Phone 47 e for A Home TO acquire a home of your own, depends upon your earnestness and determination -to spend less than you earn. Open a Savings Account with this Bank and start at once on the road to beaming your own landlord. 4M U ZION BANK OF CANADA 'fig i M a ,1, cogerich r ►»risfylcOlnmanmpir .,y✓ ,.,'1 1.• , 5.w•thn• - • L Alip FOR SALE OR RENT. ROUSES All kinds ler sale at very reasonabk prices. If you intend buying a house ,t leaf be to Yow interest to see me. u 1 may have lust whet you ars looking for. faro troupe to show you the daces 1 have I. r sale. A large last w thou.. frogs.Cull in and set me. P. J RYAN, Rest Estate and loswance Phone 30. t1 rf10 RENT, -PART OF MY BRICK 1. house, corner South and Elgin street ; bye rooms; furnace, n t water beating, modern colt. yen)ences electric light, etc. Splendid gild. nth - chided. Good bort for a rising couple. Fee has cher particulars apply to Mats. JAS. STEW. ART,South street. 41 RILVERBARN FARM FOR SALE.- E,gbty.,ght acres. gots, clay land. tat and a•hah miles from Goder.ch,Ont_ on good county rood. Two-story doodling hook, very comfort• able. well built, good repeat. eight rooms. bath and W. C.. pressure water system sod hot water heating. Good barn, swab° ft., metal sides asd root, concrete stables below. Driving shod. hen house, Irame barn and shed. This is i good op- portunity for getting a good farm with • lake frontage. Apply tooweer, DERMOT McEVOY, R. R. No. 1. Godench, Ont. FOR SALE ATTENTION 1 The Mercantile Salvage Co. will vacate the Point Farm premiss, within two or three weeks. Persons who are in need of any sort of lumber will find It to their benefit to get tbeir requirements right away. We have to offer a half -million feet of the finest secondhand lumber. do.ws,' windows, lath, baseboard and wainscot- ing. also some very fine cedar anchor. posts. All at very reakcnable prices. Apply POINT FARM. WHITESEW INC MACHINES r.. THOMPSON, Bripah Exchange Hotel. // Agent. •Httiply of Needles on Hanoi-- ---- BA. SHINGLES ALWAYS ON HAND • at MCGA* STATION. can C. A. Robertson or John Treble. Telephone Dungannon 644: or John Trehla,4b• Unlimited Quantity GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE. at $3 per single cord, deJirntred, THE GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO., LIMITED. (Foot of Ange.ea St.) Phone 61. t AiTCTION SALES. ' A DGIINISTRATOR'S SALE OF tt LANDS 1N THE TOWN -111P OF 'S.ANLEY. The administrator of thrstare of Ellen Ban- nerman. late on the towssbp of St aMey.sprmte,. ' will offer for sale by public auctroq at Gundry'. Auction Rooms. Hamilton street, Goderech, on THURSDAY. OCTOBER 21st. 10.11. rt 2 o clock p m.. the IolIoabA%Isnde, namely: The north ballot lot 14, La iyrt Road East roe- cewon. in the township of Staley. in the county o1 Huron, containing lusty aada-hall (40, i) acres. more or less On the property there is a small sl .y -sod -a -halt name house. 'The farm has a swing creek, and is well located on the Lake Shore road. about five miles cloth of Hayfield The term is.rented for the paw eea'on of the went year, 111.0 The property will be gold sub ject to said rental and subject teba reserve bid. -Ten percent. of rchase money to be paid on the 'day of sal nd the balance, Timm. `without interest, within thirty ys thereafter: For bather particulars and gooditions of sale apply to PROUDF70T KILLORA$ A COOKE. Godericb, Ontario. ffoikllors for WILLIAM BANNERMAN, Administrator, Goderieh. Owtrle. THOMAS GUNDRY. Auctioneer. lfCTION SALE OF DWELLING, LIVE STOCK.ETC. MR JOSEPH C:(1]PFIN will offer for ale on the preslees on SATURDAY. OCTOPER :ods fully modern redbrick balk, On Nap,et inset. sue UO (tet fronted.. no tidocd, ble sero», Ten RerCent of purcbs.emoney tobe paid on day et sate batence can be at tended M suss purchaser. Trus house is heattl t bout with hot water system sad fireplace' Ad+d basement under whose house in Mee riteMundty tLbs. There is a cement stables Mirageo • hen home ; • goal 16-(1. stows weal vi.f, .MPen tome pump. and a Dumber of fruit-bsst4ng Trees on the place �. The someday there will be mid two .ell -bred Ayrshue heifers, ruins years seg. and one dnv ,tog colt. risco`` sold, bard Irmo Mt Biind- ley's thoroughbred roadster, aechnd-hand top hcagy. a No 4 Revolution c kiln with &root et, outfitand other useful J.C-QR1FFIN (Gouger). I 1 GUNDRY, meow et Auclepi s's. CLEARING AUCTIOf SALE OF FARM STOCK LMPLEIlifEETS AND HOUSkHOLD FUIIIIi1T11R, MR IVILL1AMSl�tiTH will sell by puhlk auction at la, concemion S. Wert Wawanosh... WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER t;th, AUCTION SALES 1T}' NRESERVED AUCTION SALE OF HORSES. CATTLE. BROOD SOWS AND S ORE HOGS. MR. WILLIAM SLACK will sell by public auction. at hu farm. lot 15, L, R. E., Stanley. on FRIDAY. OCTOBER 131h, commenc,ityrat 1.S0 o'clock sharp: Onehesvy draft mare. 10 years old; 1 strong 'riving Rai,,6 yeses old; I heavy mare, 3 year, old; '= Kathy geldrys, o years old;1 heavy gadtng. S yea, oold;7steers,1 yearsold;2 spring calves, 2 much cows; e young sows. due to farrow early in November,4 baWWI pigs. and other articles. t0iu .-Sev.n mons ha' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount at rate of sig per cent per annum allowed for cash. Everything advertised will positively be sold without reserve. WILLIAM SLACK, T.GUNDKY, Proprietor. Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM STOCK. IMPLEMENTS. Erc. MR.DERMOT MLEVOY ' sit)! sell by public auction. on the premises. on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5th, e..mmeocnig at 12 atlo'cluck p. m . his far lesion the Bayfield road, s)t miles south o1 t:oderich, yes =desirous Bayfield. The property ks.ewnasSeverbarn Faim being lot No.24,con- cewHmn 1. Goderich township, and comprising eighty-eight acres more or ICS•, o wt of which ism good cultivable condition. Then es about four and a -halt &cresol bush. mostly eedar. The buildings, erected seven years ago, include a dwelling house with concrete Lover story. comprising kitchen. dine groom. pantry and lurna,e rodeo. 1 he upper story of frame.onstructon.touled wthgalvanired steel plea contains five rooms besides bathroom and separate N. C. hot water heating system, with radiators m b.oroom and hall uptous. and (iomeroom downstairs. Water from artesian 0,11 1sr4 feet deep. can be pampa to barn or pees - ,ser. -tank in house. A septic tank with properly laid overflow drat n takes care of the sewage. No reserve. Barns. Main hernial% feet, Concrete stable. five stalls for )ler-e►, is steel stanchions Ile cattle. comnodi- owe rootcellar under gangway Walls and roof e4 barn are sheeted with heavy plvanlsed steel cot. rugated sheeting Barn No 1 one-story only. Polo feel, %ward wnh t-inah lumber on heavy Arsine and rooled with heavy gaiyanixed steelcorrugs ted sheeting Implement shed, 20160 lett. concrete wall., ruhhvrced fele-covered root. Chicken house, A120 leer. Ptovrncial pattern Frame shed.Is21 lest.1 hefted and rooted with i 'notched lumber. root covered with rubberoid left rooh0g Tasw -Ten per cent eau and balance in 3o dsrs.015 portion of purchase price may remote sa mortgage Furtherosrltculars at timerolsale At the same time and plsce.sis acres of standing b tckwbeat, several stooks d cob -corn and a genttty o1 grain; also ail the farm stock, imple- mems etc .coiarstingct. Hoose,. -Team Shire geldings, 0 Ing 11 years. Cover - All Shorthorn grade 1 12 yearsold.1 5 rmahold, 1 2 years old. also a heifer, t years old, dee November ai tit. and l year ling steer, t young tis Irom .bout eon. These are an good atuff. Play. - Fol r gradeCheaterwhite i2 taws, 2 bor- row) 5 moot Imola. FOOL -One hundred Barred Rick hens and Wallets- cockerels imw,aatgwn.-Eleves-dEsc Deering seed drill, wrtbferubser attachment and grass -ileo boa; Na & Massey-Hsens disc harrow; 1 Derma spring leak cutaiestot; 1 Blew. $aectioa steel roller; I draa•awrow t$ mc%s ; 1 -Hers. Mrrow Il see/tern+! 1 M.wvy- (larris Alton -cut meet, wnh two es ire knives: I Massey. Harris 5dool Moder, with sickle and Item breves; 1 Verity waiking plow, 1 eub-soil plow 1 double turro} p1..w. with p tato-dgging alta. hm.ntt Deer be pattern all -steel hayrake; 1 Massey - Hams scorner: I road -drag, : fence posthole wagers; 1 all-.terl woven lence-stretcher: 1 hay and *crew cutting -hos; 1 rod puler; 1 corn-sheller; 1 grab, ieperator 12nscreens5: 2 steel eheelhr- res»; 4 wood whmtfb&newt: f grind•Itne:'I Planet. hand seed drill • d colt 'valor. 1 9e t platform wiles (00 lbs.); lett platform scaha, combined w,Ib scoop (240 11y.1; 21aws Mao,,,) nee spay amp with ho.re1;1 Knapsack spay pomp: aIW 15.:ulphstenl irin;ecu $-,n ISM tile; 5114 -inch Ward tot; 44 inch gtased tile: $ flinch elbow.- carpenter's took. olk. tars. chains. licks, shoveN, as,d othertbisgstno numerooleto mention. "Tomas - All sum. c f $2h a nd under. Gosh: over tint ..mu 1. 7 months' credit will he given on formatting approved 'omit octet. A discount of 4 per cent. straight allowed foe cash on credit commencing at 1 Weigh& .harp. Hooses. -Iwo aged MUM l teao•yea►-n d tiny. Citic. -Ore cow. supposed W be to can 1 cow. supposed to be ,e twit, s peers old; 1 7oyese• old iter, 1 2-yearotd Dothan' bull; t sprig calves. Swsr.- Three ewes sod Yema ash•. rims - One W oed new. mPLgwajt .-Osie Mwiq-Itarfs� 1sal tabs. tnay reeks.' Mwaey'tterr•Y dela, 3'•set'of barrows, 1 set d spode brows. land toter. 1 walking plow, 1 Marry-44losb cult +va lly1}}}rrrr 1 twin plow, acuakr, l wagon, 1 sat .4 sleighs. 1 1 Cotte, c ntsg-fiat, teamed mal 2 arta bl eavY barium. glean. y w I�h wMNbreow, ivy of masorwe wbrlacerms. neck Yokes. cedar flasher. gsrnte ./ £o. pI sy to los ae►�Sa «Ar ilia arm. Timm _All as of {sat and under, cash. over ha, amount, 6 mosta' credit will be gte.. 0 rynoshing ap rover joint notes. A discount d 4 per cernat mins- snowed for cash on credit amounts. WILLIAMSNITH, T.f.UNDRY, Prepr. tlor. irtwneer. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. OTICE TO CREDITORS AAD is TIM EsTATI a Tlm(lTtt, JOSEPH Grime LATS a THt CITY Or DI/Rin?. IN TH"TATII Or MICHIGAN NICHAN-c. DILlAS5D NDTIcs ,s hereby given, pursuant to R.S. 0 - chapter 121. 'metros 56, that all penton* hamlet claims agonist 1 b estate of • he said Timothy jleaeph Goths, deceased, who died on . r about the 54h may of September, A. D.1915 are tequired tin send or deliver to,the Jldaaigaed adusta. 4.,- SiraFT.rifftn, admt'ytratns o1 the said estate of the 11,0 deceased, on or before the 1st osy of °hone,, A. D. 192t.„ their Christian and surnames• mddrei es and descriptions. the full particular d their daunt a statement of their accounts and the nature of 'scorn les 111 any) held by them, Aso runtime r*ae NpTlt a that alter such last mens toned date said ad mime,ratria will proceed to distribute the assets of the decomeed among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only In the claim. o1 wheel)the shall thew have received notice, and that the aOin nietrstria will not be liable for the pose daimp said awes s, w any part thereof, to tice shill not have been received by her atthe time of much distribution. Dated the 10th day of September, A. D. Ifrdl- CHARLES CARROW, Salience for SA-14/1.116111fFIN•t� ' • Admhtstntrla- PUBLIC NOTICE DR. F. 1. R. FORSTER. EYE. EAR, NOSE, THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, assistant st Moeue1eld3 Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hos- pital London, Eng. At Waterloo S,. S.. Stratford. Telephone 287. At Bedford Hotel. Goderich. from Wednes- day, November 17th. at 7.ar p. m-, to Thtttda}, the 1611. .t 1--------------..... CRAIGIE'S Assurance...1 RealEState FOR SAIL "Villa Pkton." 2 story brick, fully modern, with fireplace, 7 rooms, large lot, mitnated on the eolith aide of Pleton street. TMA Ix one of the most modern bonsai in town. Immediate possession 2 story, red %rick home, fully modern, 7 room., fnll basement, month aide of F:s.t street, I% story, frame house with 7 rooms, full lot with errhard, situated on the went side of GEM- Pron Atreet. Wltb a little re- modelling this can be made a desirable property and will he sold cheap. investment quggmatied4 Victory Honda bought and 'sok!. Province of Ontario Sands. due Jane 16, 19190, pries $100, to ylsMd 6 per east.. • J., W. • CRAIG'S' • J WANTED. CIOMPETENT GIRL WANTED FOR Vlen rst housework MRS. C N A R LES GARIIOW North street. /ANTED. -ADDRESS OF E W. I a • YRAiER formerly real smote. East Co1- pwy. toms interest. BOX 27.SIGNAL. :b ANTED -WE WANT OUR EX- liEkne opeeed up locs44y-44.4•oN- e11 give suitable man sole selling lights• well est abbisked (seven years). high clam beespeaa, wpeeekcdine large profits. permanent, big filmic, specially brsapplicablec are mating iseat nmaooditiossa ny or her towns Requires $$60.00 to handle. Write ,n first in*tante to W. TOLLING1ON, a John North. Hamilton, Ontario, YYOUNG GENTLEMAN DESIRES to be taken as paring guest for the winter. essonhdeatiat. WRITE P.O. BOX 206 ANTED. -LARGE QUANTITIES of cordwood tegwred, all kinds. bate what you have to offer and price laid down ,n Goderich. •Give fullest particulars, BOX 314. Credit -rich. gels -. t' 1a _APPLY C RICH KNITTING COMP Y. , • LOST OR FOUND. KETBOOK FOUND ON SATUR- DAY containing • mum of money. Apply to MICH4ELKENNEDY, A.gkge• street, SPECIAL OPTICAL OFFER. High-grade, gold-filled spectacles and eyeglasses, with best flat spherical lenses, kir onity $3.50. Eves examined tree by our well-known and painstaking epedali. Mr. Hughson, formerly optical ex for Kent's jewelry store. Toronto. e save you money on everything the optical line. Three days only. T • riday. Friday and Saturday, October chi 8th and 9th. Come early. 'S ART STORE, Goierich. In kddit ion to the lo,egoing,t be following Int es. ',.a444e4ere whit was omitted ,n last weeks mime tar the i,ewspapers and also fro the dale bills! Ten tons baled straw; 16 toss good hay (about le tons timothy:e d about 6 tons alfalfa and red clover mr>KO). VgHICLes. -O.,. Ram wagon with stand- d equipment of box; racks for stock and hay. o ng seat and gravel boa. 1 democrat with tope , up- bal.1ered seat. en good condition; 1 pha on, in good condition. rubber -bred (5 new); 1 , d open boggy: l heevytypearesgeo ea,; 1 cute - ,epboM- tiered; patio -box body, in good e0nd iot. 1 metheavy team hareem with brechens, 1 t of plow es harns for team; 1 set sing., hon ,col.ars and bridles. Huu-gstxo AMIcLas.-one mp,rt Ansae steel cooking range wnh resew or. used less than a>ear; 1 two -burner coal oils ve. l crock churn. 1 No. ilLay.hwn-2 kite n cupboards-. We.L. rug desk.cowch. kitchen r .re 3 tables. sewing machine, crock.. sealers, I Baltic separator, kitchen dnh,s. pots ■ pan*. pati.. washtubs, wreager, bnol,.,n clot , ptetwes. 2 wooden single beds, springs and ma ewes; upright Nordhemer pilon. m earslWH c , sons ai+d numerous other MI ter les. DERMOT MLE OY, GUNDRY• tionee►. Proprieto L TOPICS IN BB 1 .4 T Ahmeek Chapter, I. 0. D. E., wi ho i a special meeting in the Board of 'ode rooms on Monday afternoon, Oa ber 4th. at 4 o'clock. All the ladies ; re requested to attend. Judging trap the gardens to be seen about town, one might think that the aster, ratber than the pansy, was the chosen flower of Goderich The asters ere beautiful this year. and in many gardens a great abundance and variety of bloom is shown. THEWORLDIS THE MARKET FOR MEN WHO CAN WRITE RED BUSINESS LETTERS The business mon of today pay 04510 to S1 20o0 a year for nwit end women who can write .wrong and gnnclll.Ing Lnvinees letter.. 1 will take charge of Instructing forty or fifty men and women in brew to qualify for positions no gnrrestpnuleats Thi. 1. all 1 can take charge of at present, so he a hnvtl.r end write me without delay. PROSPECTUS F11ghteen to twenty tes.nns per correspondence. lt*ch applicant tre•,Ited with trxllridtal a,vie,. Retro Ie.twm, and .1st -i.1 In.trn,Hons in talon' where neeeid. Parrevem In hull for the rnmph•tr course, 41400. --WRITE MR. ANDREW GARMANN, REPRESENTATIVE -:'. •r 130X 29, 3IGN..LW 18 FIFTY CENTS WORTH SAYING! AS already announced, the sub- scription price of The Signal will be Increased after November 1st to *2.44) a year. During the last week or no, 51111•te the announcement of the pro- posed increase wax madtt a goodly number of subscribers have culled to pay for the paper for 1921 and thus have saveel t.t►c, as the present price-- $1.50 rice$1.30 a year -holds good until Novem- ber 1st. Although nlauy lines of goods are showing an iut'linalion to drop 1n price, the contrary is the case with newsprint, which. outside of labor. evenntftttta the Ittrgt•,t t11e1aa::_'tJl expense in th.• publishing of 11 weekly neespols•r. It has -beet ins-reasitg in price by leaps and bounds, and wP are told that event the recent hes y I'wren se•s wt II not he the last, and the-,&Ha.hanlous are that there will be--fhi--tell T fiir two or three 'tars at letter The loervneed price of The Nipwl. therefore, b (orctsl 4115 11.116 by the newsprint man- nfaetdrers and Is absolutely necessary for the oontintl)tt publication of The Signal. Ws• are loth to Jake this ('nurse, however, 61101 10 ant giving The Signal's friends and auppnMPrs an' opportunity fora few weeks of paying, at the old prier anti than .leaping far aear the twodoihr Jute. • i Y avcrite iot" crow arida is heti None hitt the purest flavors used. H. T., Edwards Sunday- iN LIFE." Sundyay � on Address by Mr. W. T. Smith of Chicago. on Sunday afternoon a meeting fur awn was 1104 111 t e M.wntk Temple and Was addressed • Mr. William T. Smith, of Chicago, a ell -known (;od- crich 0141 boy, who, wi 1 his wife, hen leen siending two or \three weeks holltlays there with Ills soother a sisters on South street. Mr. ('Iwrles K. Saunders\ act • ale olio irum n. Familiar Ilym.s were sting by the getloteril)g Before • , . after the address and a s lelalid • etre was. boateameed by l . $., Mr. W. 1'. l'rfeltanl, - ji.t•. HtMh V. Wilson also Mr. 4'. 31. It tun. Mr. timlth'il subject w. s "The -Tr Kui•(•etie 111 Life," and 111 aim. which Ile well tarried vat, a os t0 1410W that 110 life, -no matter what calling A 01811 Might lie. c iia prove Nally vousn,rtltl apart oat a hent. sic f.Mlr in ami accepts' • of the spirit of Christ as Mie-' •ont'nlll11g force. As one of the d .. rtmental heads 1the lmmemwe b. lness o1 Marxhell ld R Co., Mr $moth Ian ,leen for 'are brought to direct terminal contact with (h mends of all kink of men, and h oleo had great opjv,rtunitb'a f4tr ryfling the twditlytig c. l " - bar for sheresd ,,. f..in... L, io,eiur It well as for usefulness and real tiefat'tton to life, am eoutrafett'dwlilr Ilshl„ss and tl.rlesemess with tta consequent lin heppinews and misery as life draws t0 a close. Mr. Smith's' own emirs*. and con- siwteat life in the big city arewell known to his- amity -friends in Mw twofer town ae a striking example of the very principles tkemonrtrat,sl In b t address; while. Rio heifer appreciation of this fact could be shown than tae splendid audience which betted him, made up of men from all the Tiife•rent (euomftlatlona Imre • .o ' e I he town. At the conclusion a hevirty tote of thanks, motel by Mr. W. S. ltlwden acid Mr. W. 4'. Prldlla m, was .temleml to MI\ Smith far his splendid ailirteile. That delicious made-in-Goderich ice cream of Blackstone's makes -new friends every day. LOCAL TOP1et'8 L's BRIEF hifilniSi wet wiiather ilk' 0. 1. apo scheduled for F'rtday of this week.'re been prstttxintrl to the Snit tine da next week. Mr.Ttti.t. i"ndy, who moble tthe ago purchased from Mr. D. MMLrlin his tomfortattle rltd4lence on Victoria street, is going'4\01,to Goderich v shortly to makelos home hem.- Sandy is a cont111r well known le the northern part the county. Hp has Just ,ompleted a 'erste rower* bridge over the Nine 3441te iLiver at Ila nndprr mill In Ash field. PUBLIC NOTICE. TAXES- 1920. ITaxes for 1920 are due and payable at my office, Town Hall. Two per cent. die. ' count if paid on or before October 1st. ' Thereafter no discount. ' After December lb to the gist, two per cent• will be added to all unpaid taxes. winfter January 1st, 1921, five per cent. be added. ,All lases in must be paid at once wners or harborer. of dogs mitt have them tagged Or sutler the penalties for roil-ro n,pbanre. %a'CAM PRF:IA Collator.Godetich, Sfffl.,1Slt�i�ng.il.rWgs.,rn BOX AND BASKET FACTORS'. Goderieh Manufaeturipg Co. Has. a Progressive Move in View. At the stile 41 the W. H. Woods es- tate, at Hayfield last week, Mr. J. E. Buechler, of the Goderich Jdauufac- tnriug CA., p11rehasd a property of 123 acres, including ninety 111•rI o of hardwood hush, at a prilw 0f #'ss,lQp, A parcel of 11rt acres with the build- ings thereon was ptlreha,'+1 by 1'11 ox McCurdy, of Stratford, for 4..,704) The property purchased by Mr. Baechleer is on the iake road a mile and a half Knuth of Bayfield. Mr. Buechler intends to start tukiLE out some of the timber etaut the nr• t of December. To bring this timber to thl+ Will is Goderich Mr. Itaeehler will have two Ing motor true**, which he has pur- rhesesl from the. Notional Steel Corpor- ation. of /In menton. These trucks, which cost $11. 1t't for the two, were delivered in Goderich o11 We,he•-day morning:. They travel easily twelve miles art hoar nod are calculated to ego the work of About eight teals. of horses- - .. few ,htys before the Woods sal Mr. Itatr•hle•r bought fifty acres lival�lp Warwick township, county Lambtoo. The timleer from this 1 op- erty nclll tie brought- to (;o.h•rlc by rail. he ine tole buildpittis factory ifhiu b le hler muses ar. fl►ngements can M made •it1i the rnwtr 111. plan .is to Ito teuslveely into the manufacture o , bossy, and htsk-ets, •CIV Dalry ice rrea betties alwaSra 1� 4apd-at H. T. 1•i1 soda'. MOWERS" H tome Party by Au( E ON FRJD,41 -72 ted to Reach Town le About Wan. in reply O it telephone ertgniry thin aftension the Board of Trade e..m- mittee 1 .o1ng lu .•Large the rt.. -.•j law .of the Stratford -hikers' tow n.ow (Frig y) b assured that o0, r one Illlnl 41 alltllwoleilP. will -is' 111 the ex( rvion to G•slerieh tomorrow I Fri - 41 1 from (44'.,.) ford and intervening 111trt. It wax ft -erect that the llllrert fain weather might 110111 the plena, hut the !Stratford) people w.y that defin- ite atrrengementm are mad•• oral they will ioe here. At four to the •ear, the party won't] number .o.•r four hun- dred, and k may is• •' ' ti 1..I- , ; than this. At this end the committee 11, s tern wudwa usHuff fey- s�h. rytt•y • 70.. 1/1tC .1rrangemelit,Gthe e proper r.•cep- Mun of the visitor,, who are «53 -•1.,] to arrive ais,ul 12.:;o. Lunch will be served at Hotel Harv.', the 'tV , ien's 14111,1,- having taken in bar 11 the I to k of catering for the .sva....n No inv oriole bare been i..u,.l bat it is_ a g.s41 rainier of -citizens A•111 ise on and to share the n1'dl w'Ir!t the 1•1sltor. nd to listen to the a11i1rexnelt whtle•h W I MllOW, Hun. F. 4': Itiggpft, 1'rovhs•iai Minister of 1'ubli, Works, and lion. 'eter Smith, I'rtivinclei Trea,mrer, a • expected lei a,r5lmpany they party ata) / deliver adds,r•w r•x, and nn doubt otheel' row num t mewls rs of party will ha'e an tuitional. 1y ..J; willow a tea' re,. rks. Thr town t•.tu is co-ope:•atlttg w,i((h the Board of T (k• In t\he r,•eep- tin11 of the visitors, EXTRA! \ Friday morning -Word stun been re- ceived from Stratford that on account weather has been calledof imfef nit , "hike" Itin reported to he snowing in Stratford. This is disappointing -hut better next time. katone's is the place TiFg-ef---[6s gift bozo( choxulates. Considerable quantities of second - growth raspberries have been on the market the past week, Enjoy Oetober. Take home a pound of Crlborne's homemade candy occasionally and enjoy life. curnmniviallI1BECHSTER. 5ATua11AT. Mt. 2. -Auction ale of dwelling, live stock, etc., Property of Joseph C. firs rho, on Nspror street, Godench. Wto.gllOA►, Oct .4. -Sale of fa rm.tock, imde- atents and household furneture,property of m - Smith. at lot 16, concession 3, West Wawanoah, commencing at 1 o'clock sharp, WeoN,SDAY. Oct 73.- Sale 01 farm stock and i eplements, propperty of Leslie O. W. Phck, at his term, lot I6 L R. W ,Colborne• commencing at Lan et lock sharp. FRIDAY, Oct. 15.-Unreservtd ale of hose, cattle. brood sows and store 'nip, property of Wm. Slack, at lot 1.'., L. R E., Stanley, at 1.10 o'clock sharp. TttaSDAT, Oct 19, --Sale of farm stock. )mole• menta etc , properly of lames McWhinney. at lot 7, Lake road, townshp 1I1 Ashfield, commenc- ing at 1 o'clock. THu.gDA,, Ott. 11. AAminislra, w'. tyle ct lard. of the estate of El to benne, veru. late of the township of Stanley, at (tunery's Aucutlee*h Rooms, Hamilton Street, Goeneich, at 2. o'clock p m. DIED. WEISS.-hGode,ich,nnFriday Sept( raper 24. John Weis, in his 7Mh year. l =3 NEW ADVERTISE IE. Page Fire Prevention Day - Ontario Fire Pr. vemeio0 League a Pocketbook Found Mkbsel Kennedy._ 1 W.Mpd=*. Tollrnitem, Hemsltoo 1 Mullen 1ale=lestaft ofttlknR4niw,ssse.., 1 Gkl Wastnt-Mrs Clfrjjrr.� Garro31 � LIMIntNot {.east--noci(i lrt'fl/llr Address Wasted- Ret 27, Signal 1 Letter Writjss-4rnt 6 pa.q 1 •