The Signal, 1920-9-23, Page 8• ._ ......,.._ THE SIGNAL GODERIOH, ONT. Snapshot Albums its a varlet)• of styles and lava at prices ranging rum 2'3ic to 114-50. . C star's Pbotolibrary Paste for mounting suapsfiots 1(1c and 15c. Waterman's Ideal Feeetai■ Pear N11 t,llru, safe and cou- ,. nu'nt, with a variety •.1 I..iutS t suit your in., 112.00 up, PHONE 356 TiiF,- Grocetena Actually saves you money NORTH ST. and THE SQUARE BIG DAY AT PORTER'S HILL l:oderi1.h Township Holds Iia First School Fair Swrossdully. - in $..tiirl;,y afternoon last School Sections Nos. 1, r, 3, 5, 6. 8 and 10. of illitterirh Township united to holding ,, •a'hool Lor at Porter's Hill. The deg was a perfrrt one and the event was quite a holiday occasion, a Targe gathv orate of parents and friend. of "tie scholars aswrnbhng, including quite a number of people from Goderirh. The r•nnmittee in clwrtte of fair consisted of 11. A. Stirling, J. H. Middleton and ( i.1. Whitely, and the direclora were. .lean Allots, S. S. ? o. 1: Orval Rod- gera, S. S. No. Y:. 11. A. starting. S. S. N. 3; a repre.entalive from S. S No C.; Back (lrr, S. S. No. 6; Ethel Stirl mg. S. S. No. 8; and VI ani.• I.ind.ay, S. S No. JO. S. H. Slother.• Agrieul- loral Hely.•.entat..e for Huron. war i..istel , y N. C. NIcKa), The Atirieul- ti ral H pr.•.entahog from Brice Coon 1). Mr. Keith Revell acted as judge or poultry, and atewlanles Stothetb and McKay -of indoor dep.rlmenls. In the school parade S. S. No. 3 was awarded first prize, S S. Ni. 6 second and S.. S. N. 10 third. The fancy drill ud ph).ieal exercises and singing by I,n• v sinus school, was ver) enjoy - .1 1 - on the part of (he-.pectnl..rs and eu'h s.•1 ooh recened heart) applause %Ir. Sallows was on hand vv ith his camera and took group photo. of -the 5ariole. schools. In the Pogue speaking contest en 1hi. a,d,Ject, "Kindness to Animals," there were Mtree cnnteatants, Olive Ianlphrey, '. S. Nod 1 f Stewart Oke, S. No. f: and Orville Rodgers, S. S No. t, aril they'. were awarded first second and Thar.):in Hie order named. The prizes were specials offered by AIN'. Isaac Salkeld. Ttie hitching com- petition was. another interesting con- test. - '9Aie rices were keenly a a.leated, those coming in first, si•cond and -third in -eael, event being as follows.: Fifty yards rice. boys,,. under. 10 )para-I.irldsay Sterling, (Sias. Wallis, Row oe I:onrtirc. gift} ._'yards -race, gifts -baler 10'' earn--F:tltel Sterling, Margarcl,,Groyer Evelyn McAllister. ifty Lards rare. hos-. 10 to it year. as. roves, Jas. Naftel, Hob!. Pov}- ty yards rare. Rirl'Itt 10 to 1Y wears e Sterling, Del. Cox. Jean (:coven three-Ie,rgrd• raee-4:Po. and :roves, first; F'r.d and Chas OMI. gree-lega�l rare -Grace and ling, tirsl; Marion Jliddlelun Lindsay, snood: Joan one yes, third. A full lire of the rest and rim -hest groceries, at the, lowest po.sible priers. We well ONLY ties MIT • It.%efINS and COOKED MEATS, t.11.T PORK. 1'IcKLED PIG'S' F'FET. VI•;11, 141A F. HOL.(KiNA and (YOKE') HAYS PRE>IH t'R(;ETARLE$ and FRUITS THE HEST BREAD iN (:oitERiCH 12c A LOAF CASH AND CARRY Boy Chas. a te.. Ethel Ste and Flossi alarjurie (: Teachesai_-^ rare -Miss Laithwaite. is.. Keith, \liar McKeo- n, Miss Murray. Walter Hackett, 8. ,. lie Cox, S. •S. No. 5. Vallis, 8. S. D. s. Mist& Elliott, air, Miss Jack . Trer.tres' r'a No. 2, first: srrond Walter third. The winners of various exhibits we fns (Bruit. Sheaf --brio Oats, grain -Elgin e prises toe*, the as follows: s\ rkald. • ckard. TORTURED BV TERRIBLE ECZEMA Saffwd TLrw. Yemr. Used Si.. Tried 'F14t11T-A-TIVES" THE COLBORNE S7ORE r Ready -to -Wear Department ow jn shape to supply your wants in every line DAME PETER LAMARRE Pointe St. Piers., P, k. -- "I think it my duty to tell you how much your medicine has done fur me. 1 su®ered for three years w.th trvrible • Eczema I consulted several doctors and they did not do me any good. Then, I ,Med one box of 'S.otho- Salua' and two boxes of'fiuu..-tivei and my hands are now clear. The pain is gone and there has leen no return. I think it is a marvellous cure because -no other medicine did me any good and 1 tried all the remedies I ever heard of, without benefit until I used 'Soothe -Salo"' and •fraud -tiro' 'Fruit -a -fives' tooled the blood and removed the cause ofthe disea►ae, and 'Sobtha-Salva' completed the' cure." ' Dame PETER LAMARRE (Mal, ti0e. a box, d for s".60, trial sins los. At all dealers or sent postpaid b Rruit-atires Yimited, Ottawas Oat. Harley; .sheaf -Willie • Autehlage.. Firth peas --Luella Glasifr, Charles Wallis, Joan Graves. Clayton Leltb- waite, Florence Stirling. Cont COmplori'.e Early-'Oocdos Hathvvel4 Errol. Walters; Ernest Mar- shall. Corn, Ogden Santoro -Alice Tides - well, Edward l.itdsay, Rd,rrt Jervis, Gordon Johnston, Qr Ile Rodgers. Roots a 'er(sbtew Potatoes. 1' n Sfountain-Dorisk Hodges, Len • ay Calwell, Elliott Har- ris. Jame Ress, •Margaret Stirling. Pots Irish Cobbler -Elmer Pot- ter, Ytalter Atcka, Charles Groves. Au- stin Fuller, Willie, Tideswell. Mangels-Laura _Mulholland, Wilmer Harrison-, Maurice Hie►a, Robert- Me - Cabe. George Groves. Special -Burne alter. mangey -Laura Vnlpeutland, Harrison. Wilfred tOazler, Maur - tine, M4urice Hicks. Spe ' 1 Reds--Bartie Walte Turn! •-Bert Middleton, :Al . Aus- tin, Han fi Sowetby. Beets -F. el Stirling, R. Cole, Mar- garet (:rout Ruth Bell. Maurice Bath - well. Carrots -Mac trlutchings, Marion t:reelmore, (:er Trewartha. I:rare Stirling, Helen Ila dson. Irnlons--.Charles fIfl Rii8teH Gla- zier, Hobert Powell, ,lith Middleton. Loris Miller. • Parsnips-Iklrothy ita(hwell, Marian ylulilelon, Doha Harrison, Margaret F'aleoner, Adelaide Dawson. Poultry cockerel -Walter" Hicks, Scott Young dilly l.aithvvaite. Pmllel-Billy Latthwaite, Reggie 'Monipeen, Marygiterite Falconer. Wallie Stewart Oke, Marion !wife!, Walter Hick, Billy laithwaite. Pair of White t.ettttorns-W. Traq Winter Coats in all qualities from the inexpensive to the moder- Mo y priced garment ii ssimm a make and the style is correct Our stock o Dresses in Serge and Silk has been a ' ed by everyone that has seen it. Our Dresses are bought with great care from the leading makers H. McFADYEN ORY BONDS 181 the nein prices Victory Honda are u,guesthma(tly the premier security sued (oda>. NON -T. �: La ]fr_'2 or i S std 1at� 8.37 p.c. Or lis and Int. 6.18 P.C. 1921 6i 97 Bra 4V A7 end Int. y1 p,c. i • la= O 08 and Lu. yield 6.,', TAXABLE Ind int. yield 6.27 p. and Int. yield 6.26 p.c. uRerings yielding up -._ to 7 per cent. a _ _L Any style you require can pro.ured here Everyone knows what our uses are like, only this season they are better than ever. If it's a Blouse, we have it • x.'41 ''I` Huron's best Ready-to-wear Depar \Iumn.-Marion NaftcL Dorothy Rothwell, Epthef Trewat'lfia, Hannah 3owerby. .anger rooki,ta-..84.*i. O•baldston, Marlin Middleton, Shirley Beacom, Mary McPhail. Tarts--Clai Mair, Marion, AtcUuu� gall. Bessie O.baldcstoo, Evelyn Mc- Allister. APO pie -:rare Sterling.- MYrion Mrpougalf. urate Haecke, Clara Mair. Sehool lunch -Ethel Stirling, Evelyn !ticAllister, Mgrion •1nurt.c.•. Candy-Mildnal. Hicks, Kathleen Be - dour, Ethel Treivartha, Ruth Bell. Moat correctly onset table -Special by Ilia Country %Vul1ten's Club -Sybil Courtice, •:race Stirltl► Herr ram' on esttnn. stool O ee Stirt- irlg, Hannah Sowrfl y, . bels, N A. fitmerby. \ Plal hatalftevv wartha, Cora Trewarma, Billy Leith. ing-Dorothy Rath- . II, J riel Rathwell, Olive Lanrprey% rni on woollen goody --Ethel Stir , A !aide Davidson. • e' ---Doris et `.o .' Hlll Middleton, Clara Mier.- Dressed. ier.Dressed doll -Helen Davidson, Oliva Lamprey. wall.. Chas. Naftcl, Bert Middleton. -Pair of White Hocks�:race Stirling Pair of Rhode Island !Reds-Austig !•ulcer. gtlerial- r, �� H. K. Revell -Fred Wa111a; Live Hoek Spring roll -eraser Stirling. -itaenn hogs--l:ordon Slack. Nature Stody Collection of weeds -Dorothy Jervis Ethel Stirling, Grace Haarkr. Collection of weed sredv-Gordon Stork, Jame. ROAM, Auilin Puller. • Oportion of Inert.--Rlllie Leith - Waite, Crape Stirling. Collection of native wonted' Stork. Alvin Proctor, Marie* Norte!. Collection of Mares -Doris !lodge., Marion Courtier, Gordon Srhvvanz. Drawiq, Art and Wrlling., Slap of Huron -lora Harrison. Revs Elliott. Arnold Porter, Winnifred Halq- ilton. Map of Ontarle--Mary McPhail, Hrl- ot. Delta Cox, Marlon Mattel. `Map of North Awtertea-Edna F.d- alds, Nock a.wevby. Marion Middle - n, Natter Hicks. NVrlting "Evening Prayer" --Margaret rnvrs, Gorden Rathwell• Eileen Mar - all. Elmer Lindsay. W`iting "National Anthem" --D r - thy Ralhwell, Edith Mtddlelnn, !trio Poem.. Alex. Aulrtin. rling "f.tead, Kindly LIgtlt"--Dells ox, Mary• MrPhail, Kathleen Hednur Ielen Cox. •w' r it i net "Herelainnal"--Marjory nrke. Shirley Rearm), Sybil Cnurtir.. Walter Hicks. CrsynRs$rawing -Lorne Poster, Eun- ce SDweiby. W er cnlnr drawing-nrtll Cox- feleQ Cox, A. Mt -Allister, Marion Naf- el' - Manual Teetotal, 11 r /Hindle .Rlllie I.ait•hw.ile. Hrias, Stewart .,k., Maurire Hicks lttilAing stool James Rose. retch M Stant hag -Orville Hodges. lewfet oke, Wi1�Pr Narrisnn, Rills, envy one. Plain slHoh d ciliac an inch leather •- l'I lt.. • R s' Wihner llarrisnn, l;hleken roan-Ap'rlai by (7.sntry amitn'a Club Jas Ross, Orville someone �iMpp 1►rr rl, while -.Mary M�beft, Awa ,. i, son. Merles Miderla s. Ossslo Os- IdeAtan. yea would shop is ceidert step far shoes first and stop here __ to shop We will fit you with shoes that breathe the at- • tno.phere sf style refi.esse.t and show the master crafts- manship of real shoe building. Our wears are footled to meet with your requirements if yam want wart shoes. R1ti. SIiAR _PHONE -------=las ,GME LEMING 51111E SIORE DERIcH .ON T. .A.Irrs-Ate rt Oka, Jas. Rus., Mary Stirling. Mario Cudmore, Dori. Rod- gr•s. Swart Pea.. Yaftel. Phlox -intro y Jarvis, Grace ltaacke. .tbert11trlini Rou,lu•t from hnitt� gard•'n-Jas. ito+. Jack 1tirlinit, Ddruthy y`ervi4, Vera Cox. \ Hilehing nom titian-Edv\ard Lind - my, Orville R gcs, Elgin Po?ter. Ri.1 TH FALL SHOW. Splendid Weather Helms to Make a eery Successful Fair. Myth had a very tozeresoful fall fair nn Tue.dny and Wednesday of this w.•ek. the weather being Ideal and the attendnhce large. The Inside deportment(' were not as well MINI ea in prevlons years, but the quality of tbe vrgetahles and fruits was excellent. ` The Aeby show emoted a great deal of interest and there wax keen compe- tition. The resulto Were : 1st, Mrs. Wilson's twine; 2nd, Mfrs. M. Bell: 3rd. Mrn. E. Bentley. The Hingham hand furnished a high grade of mottle and In the evening the ItNlmond concert company gaVP a drst-elaaa program before a packed house. Spewling F,vsnte. The speeding events resulted as fol- lows : FRR1C-ALL.-A 1.1.. Xqe B.y (McNitll) 1 1 1 Tramp Fait (Grey) 2 2 2 Maggie McKinney (McDnnga II I 3 3 3 THREE-MINUTE 1'1.AMS Reporter ( lie things Il) 1 1 4 2 2 Jls Mal (grows) .. 4 2 3 1 1 Rainey Wilkes (McGee) 2 3 1 3 }< Rina (ytrWll) 4 4 2 dr. It 1. eavler to make enemies than friend. bit It Is cosier to get red of friends than It 1s to get rid M e•neensMs. GODERICH RIFLE ASSOCIATION: Sixty Members Already lave Joined and Keen Interest Is Shown. A meeting of it, I;oterich Rifle Aa- so•Iatlon wus held iu the 1;.W.V.A. rooms on Tuesday evening hoot, when the following othiers were chosen: Ca►pteln-Ren Sheplaord. Executive e•trmmittee-- E. Mselba- a1.1, A. F. Sturdy, 1). D. McMillan. Secretary-treaaur1•r=E. Pritchefrd. 1;rrat time.. are expected in con- nection with (him Aosk•Iatinn. Very keen in(Pr.rtt Is manlfesl. amt already sixty members bare joined. T'bis is not a retuned solliert orgenisathon, het _le 4ItPII to ■l1 who d.a.ire_ba baa_ e.rnw members, A tpec&il invitation I* .'ctw.lwl to -young- men, and sr rwugements are under way to form a cia.. of Instruction, mo that all wbh- ing to learn the "noble art of abaK- lug" will rare an excellent opportun- ity under very eapaCie foxtrot -tore. jt le ate. Intended to Moe a minks- -ore range during tbe winter mouth.. mail all are looking forward with ern anticil.,thon to Nome good indoor est' tl.l. winter. Thoar Wishing to join should hand In their nsrhea wt once to any of the A,asg•latiou uffl.rrs, N, that suMelent ritlw end ammunition may be secured from (Ora no ti ape'ial muting well lik held in the f;.W.v.A. rooms un y, Oet- oher 1st. and all 1 are re- quested to attend. M . Alp wlll not he granted to a UMler sixteen year. of a�c. The Association wllTappreei►te any tereot shown by ett�pps who air unable to biome active mPmtwry. !Methodist DMtrlet Meeting. The Methodist dlsttrtet meeting for the Ooderfch dtatriet was held in Ont- ario street ehureh, Clinton, on Mon- day, 18th Inst., with morale( and af- ternoon aesalnns. Delegates were present from all the circuits in the district. The chaIrmo n. Rev. 8. Anderson, prodded, and the morning o1weton ens taken up with general Imminent and the diN'lutaion et the molt system. in the afternoon, atter devotional exercises led by the claims.. Rev. Mr. Truman. secretary of the educa- tional department of the rhumb. movi- e very Interesting uddreas on: "Meth- od, Opportunity and Programs." Excellent addressee were given by Rev. H. D. Moyer, of Goderiell. on "Evangelism" and Rev. R. E. Mtf.nn. of Rlyth, on "Edutatlon." Rev. D. N. Mel'amus, of Clinton, gave a re- port of the limnedn of the national campaign for the dl,.trlct. a report which waft eexreedingly Pnoonraging. The distrl.•t wax complimented by tbe head odke for its promptness in art - ting In the ;ounces to thla caazpatga. Ronde time was oleo spent 4. the dl-cnsston of the 1st etlitdatie campaign. 1.•d by Nev. H. D. �iur. An wd.Wew. on '!tie Mowar 4p of Llfe," which wan to have been given by Rev. .1 1.. rover, wail deb,. ed until the meeting for splrlttml mor (er.ene. which lake* place In Hasley ehur'h, Clinton, nn October lith. "Let your own discretion be you tutor" -GOOD ADVICE, TOO. VISIT O STUDIO, EXAMINE OUR PORTRAIT- \ URE AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF ' T FELL 1. X. L. Battery A Canadian Product - The only HaBlsry manufactured entirely in Canada. Slritable for all makes of cars and guaranteed to give entire aatkKactlon. We have opened In (Ioderieb a Battery Service and Sales Station in charge of The People's Garage -_ MR. J. G. IYOGEZ I Victoria titreet. The people of 6derleb and de• - inity are requested to investigate the merits of far IXL Battery. • The 1. X. L. Manufacturing Co. Limited PALMERSTON, ONT. The Nein Fall Overcoatings and Suitings Bannockhnrn Tweeds, Hair -line Blues, Blacks and Browns, Indigo Serge; and Cheviots, Scotch Tweeds and Irish Serges - -ALL PROM THE BEST MILLS - The Fit and Style Will Be Correct irk