HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-9-23, Page 5TSE SIGNAL
-- GODERICH, 0118.
Tbiradar. September 21. 1WN)
They fold like Kodaks, they Work like
Kodaks and, like the Kodaks, they are auto-
graphic. The resulting pictures, too, show
the Kodak influence. The Autographic
Brownies make good pictures --mighty good
pictures, and that's easy enough to prove.
Let us show you what they will do and how
extremely simple they are to work.
The Autographic Brownies range
in price from $10.95 to $21.36.
Telephefine 91 Next Millar's Scotch Store
The Square
use fertilizer for Fall Wheat au&
tower tbe high tad of living
greater production
If you can raise the name
amount of crops 011 one acre
as twat serve usually prod oe.
by f.rttlirina a little �or,
heavily, it will certainly pay.
for the coat of the extra fert-
ilizer will, ordinarily. Iw more
than a unterhalsned by the
caving in deet of preparing the
ground. yowling. cultivating
and harvesting the crop on
tlw extra acre. The acre
navel can be used for pasture
or for some other crop. and is
so much clear profit.
-Farm and Fireside.
nate your
Wheat fertilizer.
heir ter tall:
for the Fall Bride
A choice assortineat of
artistic Framed Pictures,
Mahogany Ser cingTrays,
dainty pieces of English
China in Wedgwood.
Minton, Aynsley, Royal
Doulton and tbe Olde
It is not difficult to select
t e bride's gift here.
Smith's Art Store
East St. Phone 198
Per teeW and,
11140f 1gle. t tea su r =t w bo-
pilat 1►- t fund, at•knuwledgea the
receipt of two donations to the tend :
From the treasurer of Ahme•k Chap-
ter, 1. 0. D. E., ;51't6.5A proceeds of
tlw 12111 of July tag flay : from Mr*.
W. H. Hutehiueeu, aMilt lima l pro-
ceeds frotym wale of work, ;:00.
Clinton's Big Potato.
Tie Clinton New#Record tells of
some large potatoes. in that town and
hays that Mr. J. Carrick - has one
weighing two and three-quarter
iounds. Thin Hearts the monster pru-
due,0 t/y Mr. A. 0. McLean. of tib
town. by half -a -pound. No wonder the
taeirniollal prank, Iona one en110M
occurs nowadays looks discouraged.
G.C.I. Field Day.
The annual sports of the Collegiate
Institute will tw held on Friday of
next week, October 1st, morning and
uftcrtsou. The events will Iw run off
at tlw Agrleultural grounds. The
lays uud girls are practising for the
events and wane keen competition Is
expected. The public are invited to
be present.a.t these sports, to which no
admission fee Is charged.
(iletwalrn Goes to Sault.
The steamer (ilencairn, which un-
loaded herr last week, left on Sunday
morning for Sault Ste. Marie, where
she will await further orders as to the
strike eunditie.ns now existing $tonna
the .,atom. 1'h. strike mut baying
hewn nettled when the steamer left
here, the crew were persuaded in some
way to return to the boat and make
the trip as far as the Sault.
From Maple ('reek.
A note from Mr. A. B. Davison,
Maple ('reek. /task. ( formerly of
(kderlehi, soya.; "('rugs in this
district are very Much Miter than
they have been for the past two sew;
woos, although they ire only about.
one-half of a good' (tory. There has
been sufficient moisture for a good
crop. but the trout'', has been will
drlftlag and the cutworm, which did
the damage in the fore part of the
'e...011. Wi.hlog The Signal every
A Peculiar Hewitson' Tres.
11'bllr motoring the other day h. -
tweets Haytield and Hohnesvilie, Mr.
Jasgwr %%'all:om. of St. Marys. fon
merly of (Dungannon, was attracted
by the peristiar appearance of a haw-
thorn tree by tbe wayside. it bore
on its hranehea clusters of freak fruit
o.f a beautiful pen -green color. He
plucked one of the smallest of them
and it measurd right and are -fifth
!when in (•ir•ulaferenee. Weld in the
hand tt resembles a troll of fang yarn
or erochet work and is on the whole
one of the rarest and most beautiful
pieeea of freak fruit imaginnble.
Signal' Forty Cents to January 1, 1921
It's a comfort to know there's
a man on whom you rney call
in your troubtea--the Plumber.
We •know our business and
are here to serve you.
"Tat TLVMUrn
au.sitoo arm.
Eaysotr u ping
Mon* Iola
Metal Work
Model Theatre Program
Week of Sept. 27 to Oct. 2
one who for many wars was in es-
teemed resident of Goderich. With
her husband and family she removed
to Detroit about twenty-four yearn
ago, and her hushed and children
have Akins- all passed away. Sluce
early In Jour slw hod been at the
hole of Mr. and Mrs. McLoughlin
and had been tenderly eared for by
Mrs. McLaughlin. Mrs. Doyle w•as in
her eighty-second year. The body
wap taken to Detroit on Wednesday to
await burial after .the arrival of rela-
tives of the family living in Mlasda-
ell wart tit.
Board ef Trade Meeting.
The general monthly meetings ..t' the
Board of Trade have been re.unI MI,
the first since the holiday season lasing
held Tuesday evening. There was a
rather slim attendance. Mr. J. P.
'thaw was toured to the chair. and at
mallow of 'natters revived attention.
The Brantford l'haulIer of Com-
merce asked support fur a petition to
the Federal Government In'the• matter
of a form to be made out by employers.
4hwr 1irautford merchauts ,have been
heavily tined for neglect to 'mike out
the form, and the Government is re-
quested not to enforce the penalty in
much eases until men•hauta are advised
of their duty In the matter and forms
are supplied to them.
The (ioderich Hoard passed u resolu-
tion supporting the request of the
Brantford Chamber of Commerce.
An automobile party from the Strat-
ford (Vsamber of Commerce, to be join-
ed by bushiest. men trona other prints
along the route, Is to visit Goderleh
on Friday, October 1st, and is expect-
ed to arrive here at noon. about one
hundred strong. The Meal fioani wilt
newt the visitors at lunch, and it is
hoped that as many am possible of the
busbies.. and profeaslonal then of Gist-
erich will le present. Arrangements
for entertaining the visitors sere dia-
Messrs. .1. W. Mailer sal W. S.
Bowden spoke of their Investigation of
one of the industrial prospects now
Iwfore the (hoard and reported favor-
The filling of the vaeanep in the
presidency created by the departure
of Mr. R. J. Megaw from town wax
dis•u»sad. but as the appointment for
the remainder of the term is in the
hail& of the executive no action was
The remainder of the session was
taken up in discussing matters relat-
ing to Maitland cemetery. the fall fair,
and other local matters.
An Important Newspaper Past.
Mr. Arthur H. Ford, non of Iteev.
J. E. Ford of town. has been aft
pointed managing editor of Ttw Lon-
don Free frees. sne •ding the late
Alfred E. Miller. Mr. Ford hair had
all extensive and varied newspaper
experience. For some time he was
on the staff of The Winnipeg Tele-
gram, later he was Ottawa •orres-
ponlent for The Toronto Newts, and
Latterly he has been on the otai of
The Ottawa Journal and halt also
Iwen Ottawa correspondent of The
London (Eng.) Times. As managing
editor of The Free Cress, he will have
M psaltlon of great responsibility. but
Iris friends are quite confident of his
ability to hold the position with Credit
loth to himself and to his paper.
('ounty Hospital Grant.
7Mhr 1'linton New.-tte•ord of last
week reported a. follows:
Yesterday afternoon Mr. Cannon.
llrs. )1. (1 ('anhernn, Mrs. 1'srrie.
Mr Donald -Mackay.
An event of pleasant Interest to the
friends of the bride was the marriage
on Wednesday of this week of Miss
Flizalla•th Mackay. daughter of Mr. and
Mri. sold Mackay, Britannia road,
to Mr ilavitt R. S/el)onahl of Ripley,
esu of lite late Jolla S. Mt -Donald.
M.P.P. The ceremony took place at
high noon at the home of the bride's
parents. Iter. It. C. McDrrmtd. minister
or Knox choral. (tMelating. Those
present were imiiwdiate relative.. of
the bride and groom and a few intim-
ate friends. Ikcorations of white and
pink anal green made a eery pretty
setting for the erretaouy. The bride.
who was Oren away by her fattier
was becomingly attired In a travelling
Suit of French blue velour, in gold
tone. with hat to mateli, and wore a
corsage bouquet of pink tweetheeart
rose.. Mr. C. Buckley ptay 'tbe wid-
ding mush•. After congratulations
had been extended the party Ant down
to an excellent dinner. the tables
being very prettily decorated with pink
nod white sweet peas and ribbons. At
the conclusion of the- repast Hey. 11."1'.
Meliernild tendered *one apprsspriate
remarks to which the groom respond-
ed. Deur. and Sirs. Miihasald atter-
wain'''. left on a motor trip to 'London.
Niagara Falls, Buffalo turd other east-
ern prints and in their return they
will settle in their Lome near Ripley.
The gr.oni's gift to the bride was a
{marl ne•klave. Many handsome tufts
from friends and relatives testified to
in(mtwrw of ttty-tinRlr11rh it+npitst the esteem iD which the bride is held.
board, and the Res. J. E. Ford, pres- 1)n Friday evening Last a teathering of
members of the (:.x}erioli Ttebel:aft
Ledge was held in her honor at the
home of Mrs. W. :bell. and she was
presented with an address of appnc-
Int ion aceompanicd by a taut -glass
twrry bowl.
(Iut•Ttown guests at -T11---0 wteTiifng
were Mr. William- Mci.ean. of Port
*Sims crate d to sesppt what })over: Mr. and Mrs. 1). Meilomild. of
county mimed decides upon when the Rioter: Mr. John H. Meltonald and
matter is dald before them, rather Mblt Frances McDonald. of Kinr•ar-
than to ask for a definite suns, as the dine•
Goderkch Ito id did haat manna. NO The bride carries to her new home
definite action war taken.- the moil wishes of many friend,' In
of weddlug preseuts was a large one
and included Victory loan 1o11dt and
chorines. The bridal 5e.uple left the
house uu Church street amid a shower
of confetti and there wan another
shower ut the mime when the t in was
Iasi rdell.
The y ty euuple urrh.ul . tuntay
evening at the home of the groom's
mother. Mrs. J. T. Salkeld, Hayfield
road, where a reeptiou was tendered
them by their relutivex and friends,
and this week they have gone to their
louse near Lw•know. The bride was
for .etvral years a resident of Gide-
rich and attended the Collegiate its,
xti1111,• 11,•1,•.
.t very* pretty wedding wan Notelet'.
hied at tlw IWme of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
.J.lii on, Myth, uu Wednesday, the
Lith, at 11.30 a. na., when their
secuud daughter, Margant Hruw•n,
was united in wedlock to Oliver
M. Johnaou, wand MOM of Mr.
Oliver Johnson, of ekuderieh. The rites
were performed by Iter. H. J. Me-'
Vormick, before a e•ompluy of about
twenty-five guests. The wedding
march was. played by Mise Falun
Hrow•n, and Mrs. t'oliu Fiugland *log
•'1'util" during the signing of the reg -
Infer. A beautiful dejeuarr was .ere -
'til amid decorations delicately arrang-
ed anal in wonderful profusion. An in-
formal toast list was arranged with
complimentary addre.sca to the bride
alai groom, Major Shaw,'or ('Iiuton,
commanding oltkvr ut the groom over-
seas, making a most felicitoum spas h.
Tlw groom la a very promising vuueg
optb•iau of Toronto, while the bridle
Is our of Hlyth's most charming young
holies. The happy couple lett on
their honeymoon for RNleville and
other point., east. Among those in al-
ts•Inlanee were Oliver Johnson, of tlesl-
erieh, father of the green, Earl and
ilarold,-brother*Ttaeejroon,_of 'Tor-
onto, ami . Malar iliimw. .t Clinton.
-Hlytb Standard.
Iden', ramp dawn M Clinton to meet
the members of the (Tinton hospital
Is.,rd in order to talk "ter with them
e,soperatiott iu the matter of obtain-
ing county grants for the hospitals.
Mr. Ford addressed the gathering.
The 100a 1 hoard, wtrlte loping for an
Thema singly generous yearly graft.
h the
Miss Catherine McKenzie lett for
Detroit on Thurs lay.
Mrs. Clifford, of Brantford, is the guest
of her niece, Mrs. Wm. Straughan.
Miss Agnes Smith, of Toronto, is visit-
ing, her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Allen.
Mr. R. J. Megaw and family left on
Saturday Its their future hone at Van-
e•' uver. B. C.
Mrs. B. Newland, of Chicago, and Mn.
W. Shields and two little girls are visit-;'
ing Mr. Geo. Hunt, Britannia Road.
Dorothy Dalton
"Other Men's Wh ee
Baby Marie Osburne and Little Ilam
1Wheisor Marriage.
On Monday. September 11. a pretty
welding took Aber at St. Alphonlus
Windsor, when MIs. Ethel Jef-
frey daughter of Mr. Joseph Jeffrey.
of Goderich. was nnitel in marriage to
Mr. William Henry Willoughby. '1\w
brhte, wearing n nary blue irientine
mit with pretty hat of sand.'olored
duretine velvet, h/id carrying a oor.age
bouquet of (lphelia roves ant ferns,
was attended by her cousin, Miss t.11lan
, of Detroit. who more brown twtin
with a pretty list to match anal carried
pink roses. The groomsman was Mr.
Dennis T►ueharme. After a dainty
welding breakfast, served at the home
of the bride's brother, the young eonpie
left on the 12.1:1 train for a brief hon-
eymoon trip to the bride's former
home in Goderieh. After September
2.ith they w111 be at bome to their
friends In Windsor, where they will
Death of Peruser GedPFIeh Bey.
The news was received in tioderleb
welch regret of the death of 1VIIIImm
T 14 Elliott of Toronto, son of the
late Thorns* 1:Ihlott, formerly of (tale-
rleh, which oecvrred bn Saturday
A Goldwyn Eminent Author's
"Dangerous Daysr'
This Is one of Goldwyn's Leading
('hrlatle Special Comedy
Alice Brady
"Marie Limited"
Extra added featvree for Friday and
Snub Pollard sand Little Rambo
Mr. Wm. Lane, county treasurer, re-
turned home on Wednesday night after
his holiday trip to tl.e Pacific Coast.
Rev. H. D. Moyer is at Toronto this
week attending a theological conference
which is being held at Victoria College.
Mrs. Lewis Taylor and Mrs. A. W.
Young, of Nile, spent a few days in
town last week the guests of Mrs. Sncyd
Miss Grace Boon has returned to
Detroit after spending her summer
days In Goderich. We wish her
--County Clerk Holman is sporting
handsome cane, which County Treasurer
Lane brought him from the Pacific Coast
as a souvenir gilt.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Muirison and Mr. and.
Mrs. Harry }hunt motored to London
Saturday last to see "Chu Chin Chow"
at the Grand Theatre.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Lyttle, who have
spent the past year in Detroit, had their
vacation the past few weeks irs their home
town. Goderich, and left here last week
tor Saskatoon, where Mr. Lyttle intends
going into business.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stewart and
their young son, of Ontario. Cali-
fornia, are visiting at Mr. Slewait's
old home. the Benmiller Nnrseries, and
will be here for several weeks. Mrs
Stewart and child have just returned from
Scotland, where they spent the summer
months visiting her people.
Rev. W,J.Scot t,B.D.,of Port McNicoll.
who preached in Knox church on Sunday
evening, left this week for New York to
take post -graduate work in Union
7 heological Seminary and Columbia
University. He holds a travelling scholar -
'ship from Queen's University and has
been awarded a fellowship at Union
Theological College. Mr. Scott is a o son-
in-law t o f Rev.
J. E. Ford, of town. Mos.
Scott and their little son will remain in
town with her parents while Mr. Scott is
in New York.
Goderich is losing a talented young
lady in the person of Miss Kayla Little,
who has gone to Brantford to take a
position as soprano 'oloist in Alexander
PresbyterianTurch and also to continue
her musical studies with Mr. J. C. W.
Taylor. the organist and choir leader of
that church, who formerly held a similar
position in Knox church, Goderich. Mies
Little has been a valued member of Knox
church choir and will be much missed not
only from the church but in other circles,
as she was always ready to use her talent
in any rood cause. We are sure the
people of Goderich will wish her every
success in her future undertakings.
town 5041 elsewhpre.
The Smith's Fall. Hesor1-Vows of
September 10th Iia. the following ae-
count of Mn event which in of Interest
to Many readers of The Rlgnal :
A romance whleh had iffy beginning
when both of the parties thereto -1"w
side) in the Western Ontario town of
ok.alericti had Its 15.115 h1tbni ' at
5.:111 o ria ktvuenlay morning 1,1 Itte
home of M and Mrs. S. .1. Work,
rhureh mt.- --when _ Their dirt•-
daughter, Mimi. Amy Lilian •Work. be-
calm. the wife of Mr. T. 3. Salkeld of
Goderich. It.ev. Mr. Ellis, Astor orf
the Methnllst d•hur,ii. .onln.hsd the
e'renhony. The bride. who was un-
attended, wore white taffeta. with
overdress of white georgette. And ear -
tied a•tluJlhle•t of 1)phelia and Colum-
bia mimes. Iler going -away denim -waw
of taupe bromIclorth. with hat fn match.
A wedding Inca kfaot f,hle14•e1 11Ip 411.-
I. '. MINI` Mr. liar. Mrs 1alkeld en-
trained for Brockville, there 10 take a
Irmo for Toronto and from the Quern
Pity to motor to l.ueknow, Where they
are 10 reside. Among the gtests at the
wedding were M r. and Minn. George K.
last while he was holidaying
Wark and dsnghter of Tnrnntn: the
y a at groom's mother from Gudert, t; oleo
Orchard leach, lske Aimeoe. The ()flaws friends. The bride wan for
&Pcea"srd spent his Ioyh00d 'lay' in 1 some time ■ high sehad teacher: the
(loderirh and removed to Toronto. 1 gram, who is now farming, agent four
where he became a partner with the 1 y,orm at Srilonika in Greece as o mem-
Hop,-Rentt Co. of Montreal ss a cum- per of a motor transport. The list
npiasloa broker. H. wan thirty-one
yearn of age, And is svrvlvad by him
wife, him mother, and a sister, Mina
Mand Elliott, all of Toronto. Him
death came after a very brief Illmmnw
Of peetrmonla, Pnmplieeted with heart
t many.
Death of Mrs. James Doyle.
The death of Mem. Jame Doyle.
which oeenrred at the home of Mr. ,
ass Mr.. PI. Melafatiftla. 'Waterloo
street, on Tuesday atteraooa, removed
The Ladies .ti.1 of Victoria street
Methodist .church will hold their an-
neal thanksgiving supper ea the even-
ing of 'thanksgiving Day.
R. Steel Co., Limited
5c to $1.00 Store
Grocery Dept.
Week ending Oct. 2
• *i\k.
BON -AMI SOAP, 2 for.
YELLOW SUGAR' ro. ; .....20
The L. R. STEEL Co.,
5c to $ 1.00 Store
The members of Victoria street church
choirand their friends held? marshmallow
toast at Point Farm last Monday night.
All report having a real jolly time:
Na th street Methodist church services
next Sunday will be : e lasses and Men's
Club at 10. The Club topic will be,
"How may we cultivate high ideals ?"
and will be introduced by Mr. Bert
Menielly. The pastor will preach at
both services.
Divine worship at Knox church next
Sabbath morning and evening will
be conducted by Rev, A. Mc-
Farlane. B. D.. of Bayfneld. Subjects
of sermons: 41 a. m. -"We Would .Ses
Jesus." 7 p. m. -"Christ Receivirrtio
Sinners." Sunday school, teen-age and
adult Bible classes at 3 o'clock.
At Victoria street Methodist church
neat Sunday tM sermon subjects will be :
Morning, "Progress While We Wait."
Evening, "An Unfortunate Haircut."
Rally Day serviw in the Sunday school
at 3 o'clork.
1-'3rl.Al4D.Zr'; ■"CITY Or Mr' - "CITY Or BUFFALO'
'UIPFA...L///QSSs��-ilwily. Maj lot to Now. 15th -CLEVELAND
Lam hen 110 r. 1L i Barnum 1 Lea.e CIJv.a.ai - 1 a r 14
Ada.$ CLIVWwa g ?.60 A. M. Swamis Term 1 Amt. n•.ru.e - f:na it. IL
i 0.mo..Il.r .t c ...le d tor Cedar Pit, Pet -r-11.,, TMW, Dao( w.trpYY, a.0►. 4
ael.lmmdl.. A.tv.m 0.e.1. mod Cnw.W we mord foe aa..rt.t1am en .mm 15.. Ash
pew a.lil ..tet w Aterriamm Mamma Atm for ae1.e. via C • a 1.1... Now T.ermM Avis.
' My a..• -n4.411 R.mmd Mg: ',MA rn Ir.'s,. limit, tom rare mot uc..iYi Irl b. .hello
1e...tu.u, rmimormd ..,t ...I m...l. e1..1 .f Thr Gomm( 61.56*I:AND•aa'• .•i en r«.yt .i
ol....aY.• Al....l fie .w fr-r.5• ptermrtml.J dormr1rtN. WkM Ms.
TM 4:1.r.11.641a adt.i.
a..&C'014,r...l C. • r
7'►. c... •i w-
'FARE =,,s5,s6
THE TOWN COUNCIL.h an.l 1•'aa tni rkx ,nme,.lwe1./a
with uud hhe nleantlnae rosvaF
mend that, your cusamitte'e be-mwtpow-
errd to obtain a premier ledger ani
confe•r with Messrs. A. M Hob,I oa
and 11. ft. long HS to ed.taiming the
necessary tr,,i4t41114.P 1114111.,sl 11) 15.
all the books brought. up to dale am
nomdfamed h} the irons rr a. ..
'rim. special ,vurinittee aske1 for
power to slake atrail ugements with Slr.
J. A. Fowler for the cuupletiou of flit.
,, honor roll. The committee rcyucl.•A
Bona that a bylaw for the establishlug of a
Net yard mus being attended to by the
committee in ,mnJunetion with (hl
town solicitor.
Thr Nre committee nevuume,del
\that a permit le granted to Smith's
rt Store to shlagke the store with
N pet rhlnrling._
'Iehese reports were all adopted.
The questkto of providing a ripply
of file(' waft again brought up and Ike
chairman of the public works ,ow-
mitt.r was empowered to pnn•hn-.e a
supply of w04N1 from Mr. Reg. 1:*I1ea,
who Iws atone :NM cords for male.
The ,•emefd•is eummitlee was eloping. -
pull to have about 450 feet of wire
Pining construeiet at ttie cemetery at
MD approximate test of $50.
The unifier of plowing and bese111rhy
Surwet Park was referard to the parks
committee aitk power to act.
Two More Fewer Bylaws Passed --To
Obtain Supply of Wood.
The regular tweeting of the town
mooed was held 011 Friday psemimg.
Mayor WVigle was unalsle to be present
Oil ar.mult of Minima and inose. Wa11is
look the Chair.
An applies' tion from Mr:
Buchanan for a permit for alf
and oel)ili.uts to lbw building k.,own
as the Colborne. hotel wean referred to
the tire c:nunittee.
A letter trout the tire brigade, stale
Ing that, subject to the approval of
the souautl, Mr. William Tait bud bees
appointed fire rkhef-forth, remainder
of the year, www -t farted to the fire
A request from the ('ollegiote Indl-
lute board for a payment on the I0220
levy was went to the Nuance committee.
A request from Mr. A..1. Cooper for
permission to remote a tree Vh'torta
street In front .of iia warehonse was
referral to the public works and parka
,onlmittees with power to act.
A communisation from the Goderich
Flax MI114 with refereae to using
the mouth *safer of the Agricultural
.hell for a few months fur the storing
of flax sed and fibre was referred to
the public works committee.
The finance committee reported hav-
ing tonferrel with the heads of in-
dustries Ie slrrears in their paymente
to the town, and matters were in
course of arrangement. flaring ex-
alalii,il the /lleotlntm of tl.e i)umialon
IMty celebration enamittee. She com-
mittee revmwended that a grant of
;314.04 (Including 4150 already ad -
reeved 1 be made to cover the deficit.
The committee resomaeudel that a
Cheque for ;20 he forwardeol to tbe
Eaton of Canadian ttunicipalftles to-
wards the fund for meeting the Bell
Tckepbone (',o.'. applieat.011 to (Ile
Ikomiulon Railway Commission for
power to Ie(rease tlw rates. The com-
mittee also reported:__ "We bare con
wlderd the tows treasur'er's reel/tate
Fail Tera from Allgood 31st.
The leading Commercial Sebool
of Welters Oatario. We bare
competent. expmrIeneedl instructora.
We give thorough emir** in Com-
mercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy
4dI.rtmentw annd we assist grad-
uates to pn,ltbhs.
Write new for our free catalogue.
D. A. McLACTILAN, Principal.
A comfit:Hat with reference to .has
hacking up of sewage from Ilatn.lt.a
street sewer was referred to the pnk-
iie works eommittec to obtai• a r. port
from the engineer.
Home ?tern in connsrtlea with the
homing of buntline permit/4 vier* dis-
cuwsel and tote tins committee .vas •ek-
ed to obtain a book of forme for ap-
plication., mad pert/alto.
A "suggestion was made that Ike
large geld at the front of the'remetery,
which goes to weeds every year, be
cleaned up and rented for cultivation
for a short period of years. This wan
referred to the cemetery r•om,nitt.v.
Hylawa Nos. 2A• :e!1 and :t0 "sore
pas..wl. N. 2A authorize, the tea-
stroe•tion At a nine -inch eewer on Mc-
ilonald netreet from ftritannia read to
Raglan plreet \n 29 adthorites the
rnnstruction of a nine inch sewer .a
ambria road from Nylons street to
Wolfe street No :i(1 appniato Witi4ta�
E HPneltr'on am cemetery sexton nt a
salon of $W0 a year and free house
aol garden 11 it. provided that ha in
net to receive may remuneration from
other moons* for him services in tae
care of any private Into is the iena•
The Swift Co , meat packers, invited
gue nes as to the weight of a ham shown
at the Toronto Exhibition Roland
Walker, win of Mr Wesley Walker of
town, 'ironed exactly right, 1?3 ea., and
has since received the hash as the iso_
They my it's better to he bora lihrkp
than rich.