HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-9-23, Page 44- Thursday, September 23, . 1920.
Men's Suits
Saturday,SepL ir/
Just twelve. in the lot, Mens High-grade Suits, W. R.
Johnston's make (one of the largest clothing concerns in
Canada), bought at a big reduction. We pass this and a
good deal more on to you and we figure that thirteen people
will make a good thing out of this bale -the twelve who
buy, and we will make a nice profit by selling twelve in one
day. This is the modern way of doing business.
Made in young men's and staple styles -good Tweeds
and Worsted -no two suits alike. Following are the sizes:
:16 37 38 39 40 42
2 3 1 1 '
Ten were made to sell at from $.50 to $60
On Sale Saturday for
Two were made to sell at $45
On Sale Saturday for
MIL N. P. WHlABD is the agent
for THE SIGNAL at Duugaunon.
Orders lett with bun for subscrip-
tions, advertisements or job print•
ing will receive prompt attention. ,
Telephone (Goderich Rural) r39.
ZHUR5DAY, Sept. 23.
Rev. Dr. Campbell attended the Pres-
bytery meeting at Wingham on Tuesday.
Mrs. Campbell. of New fork. is here
visiting her son. Rev, Dr. Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Wickens and
family. o,( Mensal!, spent Sunday here
with MtI-Widtens' parents.
Dungannon will be well represented at
the school fair at St. Helens next Wed-
• Mr. and Mrs. A. Disher returned today
from Clinton. bringing with them their
daughter, Jean. whom they have been
attending during her serious illness.
Jean's many friends will be greatly
pleased and relieved to know that she is
much improved and is now on the way to
on. Will MacKay and son, of Hamill,
visited friends in the village on Sunday.
Bert Treleaven is on the sick list this
' Mrs. Hilliard, of Wingham. is in the
village this week with a full stock o(
Meals will be served at the bakeshop
and at the hotel on fair day. The
Women's institute will have a lunch
Counter and rest room in the Allen block.
The IRally Day service will be con-
ducted in the Presbyterian Sabbath
school neat Sunday.
Mr. A. A. Williams, of Toronto. was
bete this week visiting his sister-in-law,
Mrs. Rogerson.
Thanksgiving services will be held
;tn St. Paul's church ou Sunday,
`October 3rd. at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.
The people of ett. Paul's church
purpose having a thanksgiving supper
.n Thanksgiving eveuing, as le their
usual castors.
The regular meeting of the Women's
institute will be held on Thursday,
:September aith. in Alien's hall. The
subjects for discussion : "Value of
Fruit as Food." to be taken by firs.
Brown. The roll call to be an*wered
by recipes for canning sad pickling.
and a discussion on cultivation of
bulbs to be led by Mrs. Crawford.
The Misses Nettie and Clara Sproul
returned home on Saturday from a two
months' visit to the West.
Mn. Henry Jones is visiting her sisters
at Aylmer for a month.
Mr. Alex. Culbert has teams busy
drawing out lumber to Goderich.
Mr. James Mallough and Mr. and Mrs,
Wm. A. Stewart attended the Mallough-
McDonatd wedding at Lucknow last
Mrs. S. E. Sanderson is under the doc-
tor's care at present.
Mr. and Mn. Rogerson and Alio*
motored last Saturday to Letroy, their
old home. returning last night.
Mr. W. H. Carr was kicked by a horse
on Tuesday and received injuries that
will keep him laid up for some time.
A BIG TIME ExrECTE.-Dungannon
and the surrounding countryside are
looking forward to the 7th and nth of
October, when the annual exhibition of
the Dungann.,n Agricultural Society •will
be held. The prize lists have been issued
and copies may be had from th- secretary,
Mr. N. F. Whyard. With good weather
there will doubtless be a large attendance
and a .good list of exhibitors. For the
Friday night concert; the Murdison Con-
cert Company has heen engaged. This is
a company of talented entertainers. and
those who attend th- concert may expect
a !very enjoyabie occasion. Remember
the dates of Dungannon's big fait -s..
Thursday and Friday, October 7 and E
It is admitted by all who have seen this
season's styles of footwear that they are hand-
somer and more varied than ever before shown.
Th are shoe perfection and have no equals in
beaut elegance and eaae for the foot. Fash-
ionablein shape, Vgh gi'afe fn material and
excellent in construction. Prices are most
Overgaitet. and Rubbers are now in stock.
Set our window isplay.
Jewelry of kdmement
for particular people, that is our
claim to your patronage. Noth-
ing of the loud and vulgar about
our goods. Before selecting
your engagement, wedding or
birthday gifts see our large and
elegant display of the best,
K"ATe'IIf1AKe1l %\I, JKWlt,i.If'lt
Corner hest St. and quare
Goderich. Out.
Tuesday. September 21.
Mr. William Megulllin has been
appointed Judge on .stock hi
t riot of Niagara and i:rie and left tor
Monday to attend to Inds duties. y
&Ir. and Mrs. John hell and Mrs.
Rothwell and daughter motored from
Stanley and spent the week -end with
Mr. Heist's skier, Mrs. It. J. Wood*.
Mrs. Jas. Durnlu spent the weeks
end at Yeafortlt.
Miss Lila Humphrey. who hod been
visiting her aunt, Mrs. Taylor, at
Westfield. returned home on Standay.
Messrs. N'lll Webster. ('arnia Alt-
cheson,. Souter Taylor. John Turner,
Tom Alexander, Jas. Purdon. Eimer
Purdon, Mrs. Purdon and Miss Alex-
ander stteuded the Western F'alr at
Mr. and Yrs. Will Taylor spent the
week -end at Listowel.
Mr. A. T. (cooper. organizer fur the
temperauee force, in Huron. was hi
the village last week.
Word was received here ou Monday
of the death of Ueorge Jamieson, son
of Rev. L'..Jamieson, which occurred
on kWturday at South Mountain.
Burial takes plate today (the Flat)
at Brockville. Misch sympathy is
felt for Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson after
so reeentlygroing to their new charge.
Mrs. McKenzie and children. of
Winnipeg, who have been visiting
their sister, Mrs. (.co. Webb, are
leaving for home this week.
St. Helens Scheel Fair.-IMn't for-
get the school fair to be held at St.
Helens on Wednesday. September
29. Concert in tba evening lu the
new Presbyterian sheds. The concert
will be given by Waiter Edward. con-
eert comedian and entertainer; Flor-
ence Wright Piggott. soprano and en•
tertainer; Hanel lean Byron, concert
violinist. and Hilda Buckingham.
plaalat. Athol/akin bot' and 21c. There
will be a booth on the grounds and
lunch will be sold. the prrceeds to go
to the new children's hospital at
Monday, Sept. 20.
Wedding bells are riogiag.
Raw Day servhr will be held. at
Smith's Hill church next Sunday gad
Sabbath school work will be the' tae
for the day:
No. 1 school was closed today, to
allow the teacher and pupil* to at-
tend the township school fair n.1 Car-
1.'ora-cutting has commenced and
there is a wonderful crop. it is well
beaded and well Matured this year.
There will he abnada•t•e of fodder
corn for nett winter.
The county road i* getting a light
coat of gravel from i►unlop to Loyal.
Andrew Bennett, of the Lake Shore.
Ma the contract, ander the gaper-
-Than of James Connolly. -
e We are sorry to report that Mr.
Geo. Glen, who has Merl in poor
health for some time, Is not improv-
ing as bis friends would like.
Mr. .1 R. Varcoe has !sought a
tractor and intends to go more thor-
oughly into farming thsn he croup
otherwise do in the face of the prem.
eitt ,a•areity of heti).
Dee.rati.a Serv1 e. -The decoration
service at the ('olb.rne' cemetery on
Sunday afternoon last was well at-
tended. Rev. H. F. Kennedy gad itev.
W. J. Campteli took part ►a lite *er-
vitw, which wile conducted by the Ben -
miller bodge. C. 0. F., with visiting
brethren from Ooderkk. Auburn and
other lodges. it la likely this will
be made an annual event.
"The Scotch Store"
Warmer Underwear for the
' Cooler Weather
Full assortment of Fall and Winter Underwear for
Women, Men and Children, in a greater variety of %% eights
and styles than we have ever shown before. It will be wis-
dom. to secure your supply early, as,repeat orders will be un-
certain under present conditions.
For Women
Turnbull's Natural Wool Vests,
high neck. long sleeves, Drawers to
match. Per garment 52.50.
Turnbull's Cee Tee Unshrinkable
All -wool Combinations, cream, high
neck, long sleeves or V neck and short
sleeves. Per garment ..'s 58.50.
Turnbull's Perfect -fitting Cream
Ribbed Vest, high neck, long sleeves, or
low neck and short sleeves. Drawers
to match. Per gafinent 52 25.
Turnbull's White Union Bloomers.
Special per pair 52.50.
Tuesday. September 21.
An Old Citizen. Henered.-At the
Presbyterial conference of the Wo-
men's Miesinnary Society which was
held lir hayfield on Tuesday, Septem-
ber lith. the wrimen of Mt. Andrew's
church. Iiayfield. presented Mrs. Stan -
bury with it certificate of life -mem-
bership in the Nociety. Mrs. Stan -
loamy was the first president of the
Society and served in `list capacity
until her removal from Bityfield.
A New Clete Moieesent. - A
splendid evidence of an awaken-
ed ('Inciconsciousness and co-opera-
tion between continuous and simmer
residents oeeurred here yeaterAny in
s mass meeting held to pmtest the
closing of the old harbor road. This
road -hits- been used- ter -urine time a*
the common highway to the civic har-
bor. but recent ehungea in property
re. The council
had given tentative approval to the
closure, which would have eut off
many citizens from direct ar.ess to
the lake, but the mass meeting re-
sulted in a reversal of the policy.
Councillors expressed their pleasure
in that ratepayers. not continuously
residents of Bayfield, were taking
such interest in civic matters. Ths•y
deprecated any attempt on tj►eir part
to take any action ao,(wldeatly apInst
the popular will. R. Y. (ifaitt, 3i.I'..
W. J. Tillmann. E. thinness and other
Londoners took part in the meeting
of protest. A survey has been order -
cal by the council towards eenring
light and power from the Hydro -el -
'metric Commission on the completion
pt the Chippewa project. This sur-
vey was recommended by the Hydro
('ommianiee and will be undertaken
by their engineers. Committers have
been appointed to look into the trans-
portation situation as regard. Hay-
field. especially In regard to future
hydro radial development. S. .F
(:lass. M. P.. has given valuable ad-
vice to. the rount'il in regard to these'
matters, having brought the light
Ind power question to the attention
of Sir Adam Beck, who indicated
what it.yneld should do In order to
get in line wltk hydro development.
Ton can't get even with your phy-
/ic•an by returning his ealL
Em tzetsts
1.s sten r.
tsar's n.0
seat tag Mexeas gra all. Irrtla-
MIIsvN at lm sag grade -
:is.. tag Okla. `temple 5.a Dr.
Chase'sre.t,tr000 It psi
eswages this
!.t :6MI 4 fir Massasoit, "MN e. : Os'
Wednesday, Sept. 22.
Large numbers from all parts of the
township attender) the, district school
fair held at Porter's Hill on Saturday.
Clarence Sturdy lost a valuable driv-
er when it broke through the barn
door and fell into the stabling under-
neath. being killed almost instantly.
Geo. Prager got 1.1. new burn lobs.
ed on Monday in spite of the rainy
Rally service will be held at the l'n-
ion church on Sunday afternoon.
Tuesday. September 21.
Mr. James ('hiatiolm and son Hugh
took In the Western Fair at London.
Thos. Richardson is threshing the
sweet clover In this vicinity this week.
Sir. and Mie. John Rapson, of Clin-
ton, were here for the week end visit-
ing Mends.
Mrs. Jas. Horton. of town. spent •
few days with her *nn Alex. this
Was a Penner Wingham Man.
Wingham. Sept. 22. -George Elliott, of
East Korah township, on the outskirts of
Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.. who was murdered
a few days ago when he accosted a party
of one man and two girls on his property
whorn he believed to be chicken thieves,
is a former resident of this district.
having been brought up within a mite or
two of Wingham. He Will vii -, iuCh
respected in this district. He was forty-
five years of age and leaves his widow
and three children, in addition to four
brothers. all of Sault Ste. Marie. The
police of Sault Ste. Marie arrested a man
named Dougal Moore for the shooting.
Togas* sir, September 211.
Wheat. par bath 51.26 to $ ata
0.21. per bash... 1.05 to 1.10
Barterper bush 1.60 t. 1.1
Peas, per boob tae to 2.75
anekwbatq,......1.00 to 1.66
Mom. ltiaty 'whew 6.73 to 7.60 .
new. patent. per ,wt 7.60 is aoa
Bran, perton 40.01 to DIP per ton m oo to 6200
awl, per ton 00.00 to 20 Coo
etraw, loess, porta. 1o.6n to 12.00
Dairy !Slitter porno s0. to .at
h, irs .6n. to .T2
Oaths. buttche,s'abul.., gor ot owl1i 1100 to It6.0000
batches'.Mtam,p.rCwt 50.15 to 11.a.
liii«.1p1e.r. trial"'
use .vet Pito to m: o
aYs.nsktr. .s to 60
The i'reehyh y of Heron heel Its
September meeting in the Anglican
Church, hayfield, on Tnem1y, 114th
last., at 10 a.m. it a alagnlar
pre-eminence. not now 'its glare of
meeting. lint in Its w as -the
For Father and Son
•Turnbull's Men's Natural Wool
Shirts - and Drawer,. All sizes Per
garment $2.25.
Penman's Heavy -ribbed Men's
Shirts and Drawers, extra value. Per
garment $2.95.
on Shirts and Drawers.
For Children
Turnbull's Perfect -fitting Vests and
Drawers, all wool, Natural and White
Sizes 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Price SI.15 1,2S 1.38 1.3S 1.5S 1.6S
Turnbull's Union Natural Vests
and Drawers -our big seller.
,urs 0 1 2 :t 4 tt 7 k
Priee See SSe see S5 70. 73e 7Se See 55.
Children's All -wool Cream Com-
binations, Turnbull's make.
size; U 1 s S e 7
Price 52.35 2.45 235 2.65 2.73 2.55 3.0 3.24
Dr. Denton's Sleeping Suits for
T,unbnll's make. Per garment from . .
51.20 to $1.60.
Special Showing of Hosiery
Exceptional value in Fall Hosiery
for Women, Men and Children.
Women's Cashmere Heather Stock-
ings in rich dark heather and Lovat
des so much in demand for fall wear.
Special per pair 51.50.
Men's extra quality All -wool Eng-
lish Heather Hose. in light and dark
shades. Sizes 10, 10% and 11. Special
per pair 11.25.
Boys Iish Golf --!'los, fancy
colored sizes. Special per pair
52.00 and 52.25.
tat to hand this week- -New Gab, Dr
Our Mail and Phone Order Department always at your service.
We pay•shipping charges on all orders
McCall's Patterns
Millar' s
Nemo Corsets
ayser, Gloves
rector and ntte of his church warde'att
-n lady. The following were pres-
ent: Mr. nogg moderator, Ileo.
Fletcher and Aitken, ilessrs. Mae.
Faslane, Hogg. McLean. SieDermid,
McIntosh. McConnell, Foote. . Tel-
ford and the elerk. mtnl*ters, and
Mes.rs. Wallace, Mitrhell, 1iemmeil,
Sparrow, W. A. and T. F. Turnbull,
eiders. Mr. Me('onnell was elected
moderator of Presbytery for the en-
suing six months. Messrs. Telford.
Homs, and lir. Aitken. eommissioners
to the last General Assembly. reported
attendance on the meetings and im-
pressions thereof. Arrangements
were made for the consideration of
the remits from the Assembly.
It is not often that the i'resbytery
bi called upon sir one meeting to Te-
eelvl4 tea reeignationa. The MIST rt..
etived was that of lir. F'letehc'r,
whose congregation* were represent.
ed by a large delegation whose mem-
ber* expressed the regret of the
people. While the Presbytery regret-
fully mei-erred the resignation. it had
the sstlsfartlon of knowing that Dr.
Fletcher wan still 10 remain as a mem-
ber in full standing and at once gave
him the unique duty of saying his
farewell ends to Ms people and on
the came day. October :list. as interim
moderator. of Metering the pulpit
Representatives from Kippen awl
Mlle Green were also present In cnn-
ne•tioo wtth the resignation of their
minister, Her. Pe. Altana, and express-
ed sorrow at the thought of his depart-
ure. Henceforth that (laarge will eon -
mist of three congregation*: Kippen,
Hills (seen and Blake. Varna at !emit
temporarily being attached to Bruce -
field. while Mr. MacFarlane of Bay-
field will he interim moderator.
Dr. Haddow was nominated for the
editorial chair of the new church week-
ly and Her. (t. 1'. 1,Ittle, of Guelph, as
manager of the Presbyterian Publica-
tions Company. The committee of re•
■rra ngements reported progress. Pres-
bytery anrpted the increase) alloca-
tion for the budget and tie program
of the Forward Movement conttnua-
t ion.
The- algals
Tuesday, Demobs, 14th, et 11 a.es„ at
Some always busy sad sever
do anything.
London Advertiser: With Col. John
Howling leaving the city as divisional
rnmmander and taking over the duties
ms chief field treretary for Eastern
Canada. other Important rhanrea are
ale) taking pisee. The distract, of
which London has been the head-
quarters for a number of yeses, will
be divided. London will be only tie
headquarters of all hraechea west of
the city. This new dlatrh t Includes
Chatham. Windsor. Saints, Forest,
sad 'several other .mall branches.
Stratford will he the headquarter* of
the other di*trkt. Thea part will he
called the northern district and will
Irwinde the rity of Owen Stoned, the.
testae of Clinton. (loderieh, UAatowel,
Palmerston. Wingham. Wlarton. Sea -
forth. Mltehell, Drayton, Nt. Mary* and
it 1. tbnnght that Chatham will be
made headquarter* of all towns west
of that place•. Tbts leaves London
only In eharge of the brink -beg Ile-
tweea London and Chatham with
north as CuNlerirh sir the w►uth and
north boundaries r'wpe•tively. The
reason fur making Chatham) m head-
quarters 1s that the London command
hull lead too much work lir the past
to look after, and it Is thought thin
when this change la' made the work
of the London headquarter* will be
hatted mostly of opening new hr.aehee
in the dl.trict.
SW'S TROUSERS at low prices,
good materials in plan
shades and patterns, all ski%
with 5 pockets
sorted patterns, plain collars, _ /
finished with 5 pockets, loops -/
for belts, and cuff bottom's.
Bing 34 to 42 $5.75
BLUE URGES and neat grey
patterned tweed, servleeahla,
dressy, and remarkable vat.
no...k11 sires at ... -SAS
Lake Rd. aimLama gamma astir 1 .•,,,,,,,