HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-9-23, Page 1,ion [bout a t in our woman Dect the inspec- 1 many ust see 11 be a, mea. xrdines r coats, choose fall gar- [1mm d. 1 r• it tutor" � OUR/� 'Tae r LSel. r r •1 • • manufactured dutiable for all guaranteed to on. In Goderlcb • Sales Station Garage CaO1iZ treat. ketch and vie- to Investigate 1 Battery, 4imited --r stings sad Dr e 10 0•110* r •l't C • •+• •40v4- '..-1 uwr- .,s kw....es-...9^ ,s. 4 ,:z...AI --. • r It SUBSCRIPTION RATES $I.50 A YEAR (payable In advance) $2.00 A YEAR to United States addresses ADDRESS : The Signal Printing Cu., Limited, Goderich, Ontario. )) O M Burton 1 Aug 19 85 Bottom Boulevard w --1 ional FORTY CENTS Any new subscriber in Canada may obtain The Signal for the remainder of this year for 40c. Subscribe now and get the full benefit of this SPECIAL OFFER SEVENTI-THIRD 1EAI(---NO. 38 GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, September 23, 1920 THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED; Publishers. FARMERS Farmers who find it difficult to come to town regularly will appreciate our Bank- ing by Mail Service. Deposits and withdrawals may be made by mail and all money tr'aneactiona are Net by registered letter. Accounts may also be paid by simply mail- ing a cheque in your own home. Write our local Ma= regarding open- ing an account by srlI. lhE S11itwi�BNK optimum TUR SALE OR RENT (TrHOUSE ON GLOUCESTER TERRACE loc sale cheap, Apply tb owner, W.J. MAIR. 'LOUSES- MOUSES An kinds for sale at very reasonable prices. 11 you intend buying a house it. will be to your interest W see sur. as 1 may have jut what y u are looking lot 84o -trouble to shoe you the places 1 have lis tale. A large list to choose born - Call iw and see me. P. J RYAN, Reid Estate sod Insurance Phone SO. t r1�0 RENT—PART OF MY BRICK 1 house, c«tw South and Elpn. street , hve rooms. furnace, h t water [eating, modern .on venirnrcea.elecuie light. etc. Splendid gat don chided. Good home f« a 'own Mdple. For further particulars apply to MRS. JAS. STEW • ART,South sunt. 4t FARMERS' SALES NOTES Farmers with Sales Notes will be well advised is turn them over to this Bask for collection. The Bank will relieve you of all trouble is leak. bag preseatatioa, mad payments win be credited to your account pt'aaaptiy. sa. Salsa Notes atappOld 11th est ASV. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE $1s, $ t 5,o00,tlA - . PAID-UP CAPITAL REIERVE FUND GODERICI-I BRANCH, G. Williams, Meanger. FOR SALE WMtTE PIN E 2in. x 4 in. 2in. x 6in., Sin., 10in., 12in. lin. x 4in. and up. ALL LENGTHS The Codericb Orgy Co., moue mina s Aeatioa• for the Peniliso of Poli,Rce Sergeant Limited Goderich Ontario.'\ and Nightwatchmau OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH, addrsed to the undersigned• will be received up to 8 -o'clock p. m., on Thurs- day, September 30th. 1920. For further particulars apply to C. H. HUMBER, L. L. KNOX. Ch. Special Committee, Town Clerk. Goderich. Goderich. -SHINGLES- ONE CAR sx B. C. RED CE ► R • ONE CAR 3x B. C. RED CEDAR - Both cars arrived this week. Many have already spoken for. Place your order at once. The Goderich Planing Mills, Ltd. P. O. Box 18 GODERICH, ONTARIO Phone 47 en SickiessComes FUNDO in the Bask are a ,treegth and a coastort to yes whoa mimeos** cifcumstac•s artre--a.ab as sadness or acci- dent. Cepa a easiest scream with se and cowamewee to build up a re- serve which will pprrtava a friend in 7ov (bear of trsskls. s1 M d __ I time .get ass to ea aw ens - se ...nna W UNION BANK OF CANADA Goderich Branch F. Woolcomb, Manager • QILVERBARN FARM FOR SALE. - IV Eighty-eight mess. Rodd clay land. ata and a -ball mules from Godtt101.01 t., on good county rood. Two-story d.elhng buns*, very cumlort- able. well built. g..od repair. eight rooms. bath and W.C.. txins water system and hot water heating. Gmains barn 4Ra.50 fl . metal sides and root. concrete staples below. Driving shed. hes house, frame barn and shad, This ,s a good op frrtuwty for grttiag a good larm with a lake onts t. Ap toowaer, DERMOT MCEVOY. 1 R. R. 0.2. tch, Out. GOR SALE.—TWO AND A -HALF a- acres of excellent garden `round, well dr04vwd. Has comfortable house with good cellar. M number of fruit ueas and stable- Will be ad very reasonably and on east terms Alan r 1.1 erre, on Huron road. -}sewe as the bnck yard property. Thera_-jl_-a good brick house on the plata-WOW .ceeral acres of both. The land is good; meal of it could be cultivated. but at present ,s to Demure. There ran abundance of water. Will be priced very reasonably, T.GUNDRY. Auctioneer FOR SALE R SALE.—A LARGE OLD COUN- TRY CHEST. suitable for barmen. .MISSeI N I OSH. St. Vincent street. LIOR SALE. -A SQUARE PIANO. IN 1�' good condition. Edd .«rd cane. a,oea gcos. Ne. York Apply at WALKER'S FURNiTURESTOR• ATTENT)ON AlICT10II SALES. AU1MPLEMCTION lNI GRAIN SALE OF FARETCM STOCK, S,. MR JOSEPH MU GFORU will sell by pubic suction, at kit 1., toncseuon 4. E U. Colborne townsbep, on TUESDAY. SLPTEMBER airs, comrnenc,ngkt I o'clock sharp • Ooe draft mare, a years old, pacing hots*, 7 yrs. old. aged dr,vtog asst% one -year-old driving colt, dealt colt. general photo colt; cow, 7 , ears old. supposed to be m r7aD 5 2 -year old steers, heifer, 1 - rear dd. steer, 1 rear old calf, 0 weeks old. I.rtI'aer seed drat etd6tvator. both Maasry- Harrs make: 4 section ir..o harrows. No. 21 Pleury plow 1 set of sleighscutter, new rubber tired buggy.cart, 2 set •inglr baratest.1 set double Moneta. buggy jack, fist rock, 2 good strings of bells. a quantity of good cutaand other articles. Al' the implements art ,n splendid condition. Nearly every ore was Doeeht new this year. and everryythir - will be sow! w•tbout reserve, as the Duel isso J. Tames.- Alt some of ate and under. cash; Over that aawuat, h months' credit will be given on furnishing approved Diet notes. A discount of 4 per cent. straight allowed for cash on credit a mounts. JOSEPH MVGFORD. T.GUNDRY• Prop ie tot. Auctioneer AUCTION SALES UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE OF, HORSES, CATTLE. BROJD SOWS AND STORE HOGS. MR WILLIAM SLACK will sell by public auction, et hos 1 arm, lot 15, L, R. E., Sta..ley. on FRIDAY. OCTOBER 15th. comme.c,ngat 110 o'clock sharp. One heavy draft mare. 10 years old; 1 strong if IV mare, byy, ar. old: 1 heavy mare. 9 years old; : hes vy geldinit ,6 rearm old, l heavy gelding. 5 yea„old;7steers.: yearsdd; 1 spring calves. t match cows. n young sows. due to larrow early in November ;4 barrow pgv, and ether ar{hles, TaNs,-Seven mont hi' credit will be g)venon tarnishing approved joint notes A discount at rate of six percent per annum allowed for cash. Everything advertised will positively be sold without reserve. WILLIAM SLACK, T.GUNDRY. Prow Wm. Auctioneer. LEA RING AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK. IMPLEMENTS AND USLHULD FURNITURE. ADMINiSTRATRIX' SALE 5 Y AUCTION OF *ES1UENCE, HOUSE- HOLD FURNITURIt AND EFFECTS. belonging to the estate a{agt he late Elisabeth Keu'J to be held on the peeled in the village of Nile on SATURDAY,SEP.'EMBER 225th, commencing at 1.0 o lock sharp. The doppee,ty cooststab • comfortable seven room ow, llInc built ante' hve yearrago. Err, y - t hing is In splendid sha//yy•rlth a targe garden, a good roomy stable. dxtl.ng shed and poultry house. T'lte furniture andeeecw- mew of ' Rood and co.lfuOve, wood wove, tat' oil stove hors burn ern. bedroom suitebras each, mattresses and springs. high bureau. wad4arda glees cupboard. kitchen cupboards. 1011a4e•1 table. lard,nere stands, parlor table. louvres. rocking chain, kitchen chs umchairs. pictures, Doherty Or- gan sewing cMne,rbtheseack hanging lamp, toilet seta, ea t•. wkloth,aower stand- tuba and wringer, light Wmgoo and bra. some wood, wheel. barrow an! other articles. 1 gars, -On the property. which .ill be sold auby ct to a reservebtd, will be. 10 per cent. of the purc%see money r, to he d on the day of the sale. The 'balance ti be within 80 days, without interest Othe futn,ture, etc., cash. MRS. ANNA.J GRAHAM T. GUNDRY. Administratns.\ Aix fpneer.• AUCTION SALE Ot \DWELLING, LIVE STOCK. ETC. .111 gat Wpb W Mit. W1(Jr+AMSMITH I cannel= public auction. at lot lecannel= b, 1 AFTER NOYEMER FIRST 1920 aria. en W DNESDAY.00TOBER 66th, neT/ NT 1 o'clock sharp: • Huasas.- oaged 'mares, 1 two-year-old hay. C'Ain.t•-O cow. supposed to be en calf: 1 cow- supposed t bis to call, a year. old; 1 2 -year- old steer, 1 :.ye road Durham bull. 2 aping C0IVes Snag*. -Three* and 2 ewe lambs. Pic. - One brood w. I UMIDAINTS,-Ore assey-Harr .mower, 1 hay rake.laay 104ks.1 M y Huta drill. 1 set of harrows, 1 ret of -pad harrows. land roller. 1 walling plow. 1 Massey ns cultivator. 1 twin plow. scorner, 1 wagon, I le of sleighs. 2 buggies. 1 cutter cutting -boa. fanning ill. 1 seta of heavy harnessquantity of lam F. wheelbarrow, whinktrees. neckyokea. qtr tity of squared cedar timber, quantity of house old eaects. Everything to be soldlas the Diner has sold his farm. Tgarrs. - All Bums of 810 and under, cash. over that ■mount, u months' credit will he given on Igrnisl„ng ap, roved mint notes. A d6count of 4 per cent straight . allowed for cash on credit aWmou ILLnA SMITH. Proprietor. T.GsiUtiNoctDRrY., \ A UCTION SALE OF FARM. FA A STOCK, IMPLEMENTS. ETC. I. ile• The Mer smn nno,MR ile Salvage Co. will vacate will l■.leJOE&POHoa e pr-mGoaRIFFIN the Point Farm premises within two or SATURDAY. OCTOBER and. three weeks. Persons who are in need of any sort of lumber will find it to their benefit to get their requirements right away. fully mode' n red brick 66. e, On Nailer street, Into 1(1 Iver frontage .. able terms Ten pet amt. of percher,O.to be paid on day of side, adbace can he to sun purchaser Tom beu.e is baited wg bout with hot We have to offer ahalf-million feet of water aystem.pd splendid b"e'n`"t edatywhsse hoer* la t pertinent,. laundry the finest secondhand lumber, doors. tubs, \ t windows, latb, baseboard and wainscot- ing. also some very fine cedar anchor posts. All at very rea...nable prices. Apply POINT FARM. 'f cement stable'garage . also a hen how* ; w good (446. Nom writ with iron forte pump, gads numbered fed Waned trees on the place The ane da tkN* will et soy two well-bred ll -bred heti rielea 1 , .old; and one df,r- `•n= tag eotl, rtawlg sa,egad. ,fed Aon, ler. Brind. I7 W's1 VI■rad ••f-- Jes1eaeri-oothM I aAeke. J.0 GRIFFIN ‘Gaoler), T GUNDRY. T. R. THOMPSON, t4opr,et« AiiR,onerr. • i&itish Exchange Hotel. agent. Satiaply-ol-Needles on Hand. RUR SALE. -ONE PiANO CASE OR - l1 GAN. sisoctave, solid .carne, at a tamp. Apply at WALKER'S STORE. 0. C. SHINGLES • ALWAYS ON HAND at McGAW STATION. Cas C. A. Robertson or John Treble. Telephone Dungannon art; or John Treble.** NOTICE_ TL.CREDITORS. NOTICE TO GREIIITORS AND UTHhRS. IN Tele E.TAT* err TI*orNT 1011114.111 GRAFIN LATE M Tele CITY cw t*TRn,T, IN Tule STAT* ray MICHIGAN w*CHANIC. DEOLAyae. Nnncg Is hereby girt n, pursuant to R. S. 0 - chapter tel, section a.. that Ari moues henna' claims against the estate of be said Timothy Joseph Griffis. deteared. *bodied on ,.r about the 5th..., a !Rptmbm. A. tr send et deliver to the * de/signed sohcnor for Sarah Grafin, admmntratr a o1 the said estate of the • W deceased, on or before the 1st oay of Otto. S, A. D. 11120, their Christmas and surnames, addrew.ei and descriptions. the lull earticulars of tbeu claims. • statement of their accounts and the nature ul securities. it any) held by them. AND FIIRTH•e YAMS NOTicg that after such last mentioned date said adminrtatrtit will proceed to distribute the sweets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she than then have receiv notice, and that the administrarrin will not be halide for the mod assets, or any part thereof- to any person or persons of whose claims notice shalt not have been received by her at She time of such dist nbu tion. Doted the 10th day of September. A. D. 1920. CHARLES GARROW, Goden¢h, Cmi., --T-Solicitor for SAR41H GRIFFIN. Admimstratrix. Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE at $3 per single cord, delivered, THE GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO.. LIMITED. (Foot of Anglaaea St.) Phalle 61. PUBLIC NOTICE. - TAXES -1920. Taxes for 1920 are due and payable at my office, Town Hall. Two per cent. dis- count if paid on or before October 1st. Thereafter no discount. After December 15 to the 31st, two per cent. will be added to all unpaid taxes. After January 1st, 1921, five percent' will be added. All taxes in arrears must be paid at once Owners or harborers of doge must have them tagged or suffer the penalties for non-compliance. WM. CAMPBELL, Collector. Gilder ch, Sept. 16, 1920. CRAIGIE'S Assurance gad Real Estate FOR SAID "�'llla Pleton," 2 story hrlok, fully modern, with fireplace, 7 room., large lot, altnated on the mouth Ride of I'lcton street. This Is one of the most modern home* in town. Immediate possession. 2 .tory, red brick house, fully modern, 7 roma, fall basement, .Oath AIBP of East street. 1% story, frame house with 7 room!, full lot with orchard, situated on the west side of Cam- eron street. With a little re- modelling tbls can he made a desirable property and will be gold cheap. Inveslr.ent Suggestions Victory Bonds bought and sold. Province of Ontario Bonds, duo Jane 15, 1980, price $100, to Meld 6 per cent, J. W. CRAIGIE PUBLIC NOTICE DDR. P. J. R. FORSTER. 1111 EYE, EAR. NOSE. THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital. assistant at Moorefeld's Eye Hoptal and Golden Square Throat HOF pifatHLondorl• Eng. 39 Waterloo St. ,S.. Stratford. Telephone 187. At Bedford Hotel. Goderich, lens Wednes- day. November 17th. •t 7 a, p. m., le Monday, the 1st• at 1 p. m. MR.DERMOT MCEVOY - w d l se ll by public auction, en the premium -On TUESDAY. OCTOBER fah, eommeocmg at 12 IDo'clork p. m.. his farmmon the bay held road, d!, mdes south of Gedenc h. '.6 s miles,rom bayteld. The property known as S,lvetbarn Farm being lot No 24,con- cesson 6. Goderich township, and comprising eighty.erght acres more or lea.. most of which 0 in cod cultivable condition. Then mahout lour and hall acres sit bush. mostly cedar The builds rigs. er ted seven years ago. include a dwelling house ort concrete 1.,.er story. commuting kitchen, dint. oom. pantry and 'ornate Loom. rhe upper storyhn ametoatruction.rooled with galven,ud steeUtea contains hve rooms besides bathroom and separate W. C. 4Wt,,water heatog .Ystrm, with radiator. to bhlroom aid' hall upstairs, and d,n,ngroom downstairs, Water Iron artesian weIL102 feet deep. can be pumped hebare or pree- mie rKese •a.h•. beak, A rime emitanamoana teed weelL_.., dreier tante care wore. No reserve. Barna. Mao barn ORM feet concrete stable hve .calls for ho, -w.. it steel stanchions for cattle. rommodt our rootcellar under gangway Walls and root of barn are sheeted with h..0y aalvanired steel cor • roosted sheeting Barn No. a one-story only. 80140 feet, sided wit 1 -inch lumber on p�ary frame sod tooted with vy galvanised fteel corrugated sheet ing Imd nt shed. 20250 feet, concrete walla. robberoid fe covered roof. Chicken house. 41x21 feet. Prov, a pattern Frame shed.12124 leets heeled and oiled with matched lumber. root covered with ubbero,d leu rnobng T.aex -Ten per cent cash and halan ,n 80 days .ora portion of purchase price tory r maul on mortgage. Furthernarticulnn at toe o le At the same timeand place,srx acres of standing buckwheat, severed stacks of cobcorn and w quantity of grain'also all the farm stock. insole consist) 5.1 !1RaC - earn . ,re ge . ings, ri mg years. Craws.- A11 Shorthorn grade - 1 12 ',remold.] 5 yeanald. 1 2 years old; aloes birder, 2 years oW, due November 20th, and 1 yearling steer; 4 young calves from above cow. These are all good stub PICA.- Pot.r grade Chesterwhlte 1: sows, 2 bar- row) 5 monthsold Fowl -One hundred Barred Rock hens and pullets. cockerels Irn.E.awrs. •Elevend,sc Deering seed drill, with fertiliser attachment and grass -geed box; No, 8 Massy -Hurn dW barrow; t Deeringspng• Bowel tooth cultivator; 1 Bel Saection steeraroller: 1 heavy drag -harmer N sections. I admetable Massey -Harris harrow (2 sectional. 1 Maseey- Harri* l.ftootwt ttnrecwrr with two edea knives; 1 Mosey Harr.. afoot bender. with sickle and plain knives. 1 Verity walking plow. 1 suh.o.l plow I double- lurrow, plow. 'nth p tato-44mm' geese hment:l TTii bf patferis an-4(eet h.yeake; t Mamey- Harrn ,cuflkr; 1 mad -drag: 2 (rote pothole awn; l analteef woven fence stretcher, I hey and gtraw.ewttini-bot; 1 root pulper; I corn -Sheller; 1 grain venerator ,20screens): 2 *feel wheelber- rtyws; : 000,6 wheelbarrow.; 1 pind.tone. 1 Planet h and seed drill and cultivator 1 net platform .esles42,0001bs.)• let platform sales, cnnihined with.coop (2401kg.i; 21awn mowers. I new rpev pumpwith h.lret;l Knapsack .pray pomp. 200 Ree, sulphate of it In; 'AM 8-,n held tile: 50 4 incl ' lased Gk; 4 6 -inch glazed tile; t Atnch elbows rarpenter's tools, bare, chains, forks. Shovel., amt other t hmga tow nu/Serous to mention. Tittles.- All sum. cf 820 and under. cath: over that amount. 7 'menthe' credit will be given on furni.hinh approved feint nrte.. A discount of 4 per rent straight allowed for cash on credit a mounts. DERMOT McFVOY, T. GUNDonRY, Pmptet« Auetie,'r, \___ 1 NOTICE - LAST' NIGHT \ wL . Saturday, eptember 25, 1920 THE PAVILION \WILL CLOSE ON THE ABOVE DATE FOR THIS SEASON DONT MISS THE• LAST REAL DANCE OF THIS SEASON Dancing 8.30 to 12.00 Goderich Amusement Co., Lr'h�ited --- PRICE R_ ■ HE SIGNAL WILL BE TWO DOLLARS A YEAR 1Aws FOR THE AFFLICTED AND THEIR ATTENDANTs,--When sickness enters the borne there are many little things one, may use to enhance the comfort of the patient and lighten the long, dreary hours of the attendant. A hot water bag quickly allays pain and restores circul- iation. An ice bag -invaluable in rases of lever. Vacuum bottle keeps liquids hot or cold for long periods. Sanitary b dpans, feed cups. medicine cups, ther- mometers,'ranges,invand Hogs, syringes. sprays, adhesive tape, gauze, absorbent cotton, .Ask your physician to suggest Ow things which may be required and let to fill the order. E. R. Wigle, druggist. Goderich. Your favorite ice cream soda is here. None but the purest flavors used. H. T. Edwards. Peace knows no imitation ; there is nothing "iuet as good.” You will always have peace and comfort if you wear one of Pridham the Tailor's suits orovrrtoats. Walk around the corner North street and save 810 to *15. " QN ' Dairy ice .'ream bricks always --sir hand at H. T. Rrheards'. LOCAL TOPICS LN BRIEF. Monday, October 18th, will be Thanks- . giving Day in Canada, - A collision on the Square Saturday night betw en a buggy and an automo lk created some excitement and caused some damage to both vehicles. The Goderich Amusement Con pany announces that the season at the Pav,hoa will close on Saturday evening next. There will doubtl ss be a large attendance at the closing dance. A team comp.'tied of J. Brophey. A. Porter and F. Hunt (skip) won first i lace in the local lawn bowling tournatnent yesterday. J. •Swaffieki, C. A Nalru and C. Chapman (skip) took second place. • As an extra added feature for Fridays and Saturdays the Model Theatr. will show. commencing. October 1 and 2. British -Canadian Pathe News, giv r ✓ ail the best news from Canada and (,real Britain - A benefit dance in aid of the funds of the Goderich tennis club has been ar- ranged to take place at the Pavilion oa Monday evening next, This will afiori the young people one more opportunity THE HIKR,FROM STRATFORD. 1of spending an evening at their IRlai$. ! resort. Two ('•Neel mullion Will Be with I rue Model Theatre front. Insect• km brightened with a new (oaf of peirt. and Party te Ardis OKober 1st. some improvements hake been ma a is >t'be Ytntfood Rea. [ •ems the interior, lnCJutiJlg the layi cis a m.,tin( o? t'r\half* Pommlt-iw� Management is b, urd M tee of the ('baailwr of 4 lamer,'+ held i keep Godench's pictcre house w the last night It ons decided \h, gra ahead front ranks. with the proposed cumttNinity and , g.ral read hike from �ttratforvl to � That delicious made-Goderi, h ice t;oderiih, anti Freda, uelolwr 1,K. was 6 cream of Blackstone's makes new mends the elate definitely deviated opnrt\ every day bast night's meeting nor lerg«1v at- tended and much .enthusiasm an e evl(Ien,.w1. Hou Peter Sr'., t An InsitatIon. 1'rooinr•ial r(wnurrr, and Hurn. ' An invitation is extended to rrer, and 141Rgm, lliahtter of Pnhli.- Wnrk., have especially young men to hear an )ddless ,-nn.ented to'die prtw•nt and go on the o be given in the Masonic Temi le oa hike. ay afternoon next, at 4.1 The prime object .,f this trip in to o'c •k, by Mr. W. T Smith, one of • .how the Hovernmettt that 14tratford`; dep mental heads of Marshall w and the surrounding district are en- Co., o Chicago, on "l he True c ti tray to sit, arid. apeondly, to develop the 1 and havh g to do with h» taro 'r rrommunity spirit with the i There will be good singinr ' neighboring towns. Reprenentativett Saunders hike consented from liehringville, Mitchell, tt.aforth, mayan. Tell otters t0 Arid t'lihfon will Join wltb the loyal our friends lrjth • w delegates and proceed to l;Oderl.b. I well-known G%de� ye (iod,rieh, alt r• well as the aforemntion- I has "made eel pinr.v i. ��g���ppppppite-enthu.tatitt' over the • metropolis. prop nwl tel ThiIR'a hlg andPrtaking. It will probably he the et opportunity for such a gatheiiag N)Ie year and one Blackstone's is the place to get that gift boxof chocolates. SPECIAL OPTICAL High-grade, gold-filled spectacles eyeglasses. with best flat spherical le for only $3.50. Eyes examined free by I "Lad9 0utrwell-known and painstaking specialist, L ne of 1R class Mr. Hughson, formerly optical expert for Kent's jewelry store. Toronto. We s. save you money on everything In the optical )ine. Three days Only, Thursday. Friday and Saturday. October 7th, $th and 9th. Come early. SMITH'S ART STORE, Goderich. Gen Boy,' at the WIT of E; FER. Mom' • ind Ild the flax. WANTED. Best la Nose Too for the people of Goderich. Colbo. pure bomemade candles ■re the to M had. Take a pound bome with you. YOUNG GENTLEMAN DESIRES aUNDRY'J SALE REGISTER' to he token se pay,n t for the winter. ReD bpcoehdential. WRITE PO BOX T 6. STYPEWRITER WANTED TO RENT for two months. Apply to MiSS E. M. RANG. Poultry Wanted. I am loading a car for New York at McGaw Station on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, and will pay special prices for fat hens, ducks and chickens. Poultry must be starved. Phone fot prices. J. R. McNABB, Phone 35, Dungannon. WANTED.—LARGE QUANTITIES of cordwood required, ail kinds. State .hat yea have to hats and price laid down in Godench. Give fullest particulars, BOX 214, Gederhh, /JJRLS WAINI MD, -APPLY CODE - RICH R COMPANY. of • t Ttrstoar, Sept. ?a. -Rate o%(arm •tack, orate menu, gran, etc., poperty o/ Joseph Muiflord, .4606 IS,Mnceraiond,E. D. Colboene, al I oclacb sharp. SATU.DAT, Oct. 2.- Auction Sale Of dwelling, bee .tock, etc., property of Joseph C. Griffin. on Nape, street, Godench. WWDNg*DAY, Oct A, .Sale of farm stork,imple- rnents and household furniture. property of Win. Smith, at lot 16. en. ce.rico 5, West Wawandah, commencing at I o'clock sharp, FRIDAY, Oct. I5. -Unreserved tale of horses• cattle, brood sews end .tors mgr, property of Writ. Meek, at lot 15, L. R. E . Stanley. at LIP o cloak sharp. OKE.-Inb b1w.Mip, en Sunday, Sep- temberEarl. eat el Mt. [fad Mrs. Richard anti years sal r me.t6*. NNW ADVERTilSEMENTS. Psis SpeeislOptical Self --Smith's Art St«e 1 OM Country Chest for Sale-Misslifcui4i 1 Auction Sale -Wm Smith . .. Auction Sale -Dermot McEvoy.,... .... kitten' Sale -Win. Steck r a Paying Guest ler the Pfister -WrietP.O.aw 2mm. 1 Crowds Coe -TM Navy Leers*... ., s The Lest Deere-Goderkb Amsae. tCo• ) 11 1