HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-9-16, Page 7'r -"'"'"'MlninInringssiment lut W'S SIMPLY MARVELLOUS His way tam-Buk relieves the' burning and irritation of lemma." writes Miss A. Gallant, of It. Nicholas, P.MI. "For a year I suffered with title inseams ant triad all kinds of remedies, but nothing /soloed me until I used Zam-Buk. The continued use of ibis herbal hula bas completely eared 0241. Although it Is now two years plume this cure was effected, there has been no return of the diseaae " Zern-Buk Is equally good for ringworm. scalp sores. pimples, bolls. tmaktog rash, "barbers snish." ulcers. old *ores, abscassiies, $g legs. blood -poisoning, piles, gage. barna, sealds and bruises. All deaters or tact -Bak Co , Toronto. Us. bus. 3 for 111 ainSuk Fall Terse from August 31st. CENTRAL STPIATFORO. ONT. The hurling C,onmercia I School _st Western Data rlo. We tuive eowlpeteut. experleinvil in -trig -tors. We ;die thorough eourse. in I 'itin• nserelel. Shorthand and Telegraphy departments and we assist gelid - muss to positions. --- stsw toe our free Wakes& D. A. MeLACHLAN. Prioripal. • COUNTY AND DISTRICTII The death of Albert Erringtqp, the eleven•year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Errington, of Turnberry, occured sud- denly on Wednesday. September 1st. Congestion of the lungs was the muse of death. On Friday evening, 3rd inst , the Moncrieff store and residence attached were destroyed by fire with most of the contend. The building was owned by Mr. McEwen. of Wingham, and was occupied by Curtis Rathwell. Mrs. W. E. Brown, of Grey township. passed away on Saturday. 4th inst., after an operation for appendicitis. She was in her thirty-fourth year, the eldest daughter o( David Dunbsr. Besides her hushand, she leaves two young children. Nelson Thornton, an old resident of Bluevale, passed away on September 3rd. in his seventy-second year. He had lived in Morris township 1,r fifty-eight years and helped clear the land as a pioneer. He leaves a widow, two sons and a daughter. The marriage took place at Hensall on September 8th of Hugh J. McDonald and Miss Anna Carlile. daughter of the late Robert Carlile. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. A. McConnell. The young couple will continue to eside at Hensall. While assist ing in harvesting operations nn the farm of his neohew, Milton Parr. Grey township. John Parr, aged seventy - Topic and Charles St.. Toronto. eniov• an excellent repo tahon for high-grade wort!. It .1 no wonder the demand for our graduates is tire Imes our supply. Enter ass time. Catalogue tree. W. J• ELLIOTT. Pnnctosl. = = = ••10 •••=, • • •••• Mom OM. ••••• • ....I. WWI 41•.• ..1•11 MEM ammo ..111. al MED IMO NM/ ••••• AMMIm elm, mom. MM. ••mlffie = BROWN AND OX -BLOOD SHOE pourags,. THE BIQ VALUE 'Be Also fir Bl. elo, rot IndeeSkairl' l'ir.p. DAturt Coaroxxncess lialdhltit" . so 0000.11.111111101141--""'"0.7.1"17 1 R Tait Electrical Coutrador G 0 • Wiring of all kinds up-to-date C4 for Telephones, Burglar Alamos, • lig..„; Polies. Patrol and Fire 'Alarm SFsams. Private Reeidences and Business Plsoes-a specialty. • Always at your service with die best goods at most reasonable prices. www04140400004000.4144"4"•11010 J. J. licEWEN South Side Square Telephone 46 op••••••••••• All Work Gusraa$s.d. - Eleatic Irons, Zander% /NIEL Fans. Vacuum Cleaners. Washing Machines. FlaehMghts a n Batteries of all kinds always on ' hand. • Ring up 112 or 193 and have ue ,glve you an estimate on your wiring. It will be done ght. Robt. Tit West Street :-: Next Postoffice Phones -Shop 82, House 193 '0 rye'. lin SWIM; uobtnitaii, • Thnrsilay, Eeptember 111, ia24-F 1=m11•••=aimm,••Mt five years. fell from the ladder wink climbing into the mow and was so severely injured tbat he died. Three sons and a daughter survive. Frotthart, of Ilvtinall, 1111N 1,141 oatmeal mill, grain elevator und grain loaminess to Geo. T. Stickle, of Rittgetown. Mrs. J. A. IteNeil, of k:iist Wuwan- oak, 11111101.11MV0 the engagement of her daughter, Edna Marjorie. to WttILaw 1). Hopper, sou of John Hopper, of Morris township, the marriage to take place late lit September. The death occur ed on September 9th of John Jordan, of Seaforth, in his thirty- sixth year. He had been an invalid for a number of years. Mn. D. H. Stewart. of Seaforth, and Peter Jordan. of Winni- peg, are sister and brother of the deceased. The 100 -acre farm of Haitwl Speiran, Grey township. with crops, live stock. implements and houbu1d furniture, has been sold to Silas Johnston. a neighbor, roc 112.000. Mr. Speiran, who is a bachelor. will take a holiday. Mr. John- ston has now 350 acres. Pleasant View Faint. the borne of Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Taylor. Kinloss township, was the scene of a pretty event on Wed- nesday. September 1st. when their only daughter. Gladys Irene. was united in marriage to Archie Paterson. of White- church. Rev. Mr. Scobie officiated. Hr. and Mrs. Paterson will be at home to their friends after October 1st at White- church. While threshing was in operation on Saturday last on the farm of Samuel Storey. McKillop township. fire was discovered in the straw stack, and the flames spread so rapidly that the separator owned by Mr. Lamont was destroyed before it could be removed from the bans The barn, together with the season's crops. was a total loss. The burning shingles were carried by the wind to Mr. Storey's other barn about sixty rods distant on the farm adjoining, and jt also was destroyed. with crops and implements. Only for the help of neighbors the dwelling house would have been! burned also. While assisting to save the house. Arthur Buck, a neighbor, fell from the roof and was severely injured. The loss will exceed 110,000, which is only partly covered by insur- ance. Style, Fit and Durability All THREE VERV IMPORTANT FEATURILII IN FOOTWEAR They are qualities that every Shoe In our immense stock mud and does posseros Every line ie selected with these ends In view sad before being offered for sale le care- fully examined, thus ennuring perfect quality. Now le the time to get your Boys and Melo ready for the tall term at school. Buy their Shoes from us mid feel astistied they are well ohod. Pricee are most reasonable and quality the beet. Lest us do your oboe repairing. It will be done right GEO. MacVICAR NORTH SIDE OF SOUAlltIL i 001/1CRICII awrtowi••••••••~0.0~~0~"r'A° CLINTON. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. O'Neil intend spending the winter in the South. • The Horticultural Society held a flower show in the town. OM on Friday and Saturday last. Mary Cook. Cantelon. died ter, Mn. John She wits an H. R. Bank here, of the ci bins from ations to to remo On • 1 alinewagiegn On Wed August 25th, Miss Mae Wood. da Mr. and Mrs. John T. Wood, was u in marriage to William Meltille. the y being performed at the Presbyt Mouse by Rev. James Foote. The young couple wilLresideRt Exeter. , At tbe home cif levirg_E- I- Wyt an Tuesday. 7th inst.. the MarriageMiss Margaret I. Johnston to Rev. Harold Victor Ellison. of Collingwood, was Solemnized by Rev. M.J Wilson. assisted by Rev. Mr. Curren, of Meaford. After of the late George home of her dough - land of Winnipeg of Clinton. er of the Maisons was to be transferred to remain in Clinton. Sane Who did not want to - made such represent - office that the decision Iras reconsidered. • y, September StIkat the bndos uncle and aunt, Mr. Milibrtney, Miss Etue tedthi.nthentaitiageceremontoy Absiagivin • S. E. McKegney. Mr. left ecu the &Rename trip and on Hair at Sea .orth. IIDERTIDL ind children, who the tormer's parents. Mr. Murray. left recently for Mr. Jordan. cliffe left last week for . to .take a position in connection with the college at that place. Will Morning Never Come Rheumatism Now�e time - to get rid of it Nature Is pulling for you - The warm weather's here - This is your chance - grasp it -take Templeton's Rheumatic) Capsules Get it oat of your system the easiest way I Sold by reliable druggist& for a dollar. Ask our agent or write us for a free sample. Temple - ton's, 142 King St. W., Toronto. ss Local Agesits-Dunlop's Drug Store. a trip through the West Mr. and Mrs. Ellison will make their home at Coiling - wood. A quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Case on Wednes- day. September Sth. when their eldest daughter, Ethel Catherine, became the bride of Chas. B, Allison, eldest son of Mr, and Mrs. J. T. Allison. Rev. g! A. Trumpet officiated in the presence of only the immediate relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Case will reside Oil the groom's farm on the Thames Road. TREASURE OF GOOD HEALTH Easily Maintained Through the Use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. There isnot a nook or corner In Canada, in the cities. the towns. the villages, on the farms and in the mines and lumber camps. where Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have not been used. and from one end of the country to the other they have brought back to bread -winners. their wives and families the splendid treasure of new health and strength. You have only to ask your neighbors. and they can tell you of some rheumatic or nerve shattered man, some suffering woman, ailing youth or anaemic girl who owes present health and strength to Dv. WilliamsPink Pills. For more than a quarter of a century these pills have been known not only in Canada but throughout all the world.= a reliable tonic, blood - making medicine. The wonderful success of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is due to the fact that they go right to the root of the disease in the blood. and by making the vital fluid rich and red strengthen everyorgan and every nerve, thus driving out disease and pain, and mak*--essak, despondent people bright, act** and strong. Mr. W. T. Johnson. (nen tbe best known and most higbly e,tsd men in Lunenburg county. N. 5�yi -I am a Provincial land am exposed for the greeter the year to very hard work tta *rough the forests by day and out at night, and I find that the ea* that will keep me up to the Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. DOES this illustration pic- ture your experience? What is more distressing than being unable to sleep? Sleeplessness is one of the • *rat and most certain symp- toms of exhausted nerves. This to the warning that you need the assistance of Dr. Chase's Nerve rood to restore vigor to the nerve eellm and thereby avoid the develop- ment of serious nervous trouble. By improving the quality of the blood and building up this nervous elloWne this teed cure bstries now energy and strength to the whole body. II eget. a iiriztree all doekwe. or Bilblillaren. a Ca. Ltd.. Tweets. purchased the Walker & Clegg factOry and proposses spending a large sum on machinery aud other equipment for the manufacture of phonographs. He is asking the town fora fixed assessment of ;10.000 for ten years and a loan 011110.000 for seven years without interest. The bylaw will be submitted to the people on Monday, October 4th. LUcKNoW. The marriage took place at St. Steph- en's Anglican church, Toronto, on August 30th, of Edgar Hollyrnain and Miss Annie Winifred Penrose of Toronto. The young couple will reside in Lucknow. While visiting her sister, Mrs. Hugh Morrison, at Toronto. Mrs. W. J. Little had the misfortune to have her leg broken. the result of a fall while going about the house. She has since returned to Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDonald of Lecknow announce tbe engagement of their daughter, Etta Belle. to Brown R. Mallough of Grimsby, Ont., eon of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Mallough of Lucknow. The marriage is to take place quietly this month. The results in the standing field crop competitions conducted by the Lucknow Agncultaral Sanely were as follows Oats -Wesley Henderson, Lucknow, R.R. 3.0. A. C Tl, 95; John Webster, Luck - now, R. R. 2, Banner. 9454; John Mc- Leod. Lucknow, R.R. 5. Daniell, 04; 1( R. McKenzie, Lucknow, 4, 0.A.C. 72, 93s; Peter Wilson, LucRnow, 11, Twentieth Century, 91!,; W. A. Wilson, Lucknow. Abundance, 91: W. J. Irwin, Lucknow, 6. O.A.C. 72, 90ti. Wheat -John Webster, Lucknew, Marquis. 87. Joseph Collings, Ripley, Marquis, TX W.E. Smith, Ripley, 1, Marquis, 71Si. Sans. Phillips, Luck - now 2, Marquis, 70; Albert W. Alton. Lucknow, 2. Marquis, SOh; Hugh Ruth- erford, Lucknow, 2, Marquis; F. J. Todd. Lucknow, 2, Marquis - When 1 leave home for as trip in the. woods I am as interetted in having my supply of pills as provisions, and on such occasions I take them regularly. The result is I am alwayseAt. I never take cold. and can digest alltinds of food such as we have lo put up eVi hastily cooked in the woods. Having proved the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pitts as a tonic and health -builder. I am new without them. and I lose no opportuni in recommend- ing thensto weak prop whom I meet." Dr. Williams' Pink PI should be kept in every home, and t occasional use will keep the blood and ward off -i illness. You cairitiviteit pilI through any deafer n n einsve by mail t 50 cents a box or six •aboxes for 12.50 from the Dr. Williams Medicine CO, Brockville, Ont. Open Seaman for Gans*. The shooting season tor some kinds 01 e opened on September ist. The open seasons are as follows: Any other variety of duck than wood or eider from September 1st to 15th. both days inclu- sive. The season for wood or elder duck is closed until September, 1923. Wild geese from September 1st to 15th. Black - breasted and golden plover, wilson jack snipe and greater or lesser yellow legs from September 1st to the 15th of De- cember. Partridge from November:Ali to the 20th. No person shall lake or kill more than five patridge in one day. nor more than ten in one year Woodcock from October t5th to November 15th. The season for grouse. prairie fowl. quail. wild turkey, black or grey squierel is closed untit November, 1923. Cottontail rabbits and hares may be taken by any means at any time between October 15th and November 15th and between Decem- ber 23rd and January Ind Following, and may be taken at any otbsr time by any means than shooting. .."They ns•Y be Leans by the taken at any time by owner or lessee of any they cause actual damage. may be taken of council from Ilse Lieut muskrat shall be bunted. or had in possession in tbitt Province south of the F taws Rivers except from March to the Whit deg mush:nit shall be pia( or time dor shall amy tooderats" rap, - bouts, or dans be cut or shan be set nearer than to a muskrat or beaver house. fisher, marten, mink, or racr000nshall Ha hunted, taken dr killed or had in posagErion by any person between tbe th day of April and the lit day t of ember fob -s lowing. "IT'S A PROBLEM TO LOOK AFTER THAT BOY'S CLOTHES" Let us help you with the problem by showing you our large stock of wearable* for boys cf all ages. We have been selling clothes for a Afi many years and know something about what a lively growing boy needs. Everything for Men's and Boys' Wear (except boots and shoes) McLEAN BROS. Seni-Ready Tailors and Gent's Furnishers THE SQUARE GODERICH FANNING MILL SIEVES AND SCREENS anssfactured to order our any wake Of will for t leaning any kind uf grain or seed. With suitable sieving nnd acrecning properly a r rn used ill nearly any ordinary tousling will, Freda and grain of ally kind can be as thoroughly cleaned as in possible to cle/III them. When ordering Mese* or serves* be very careful to gtva the ezai•t else needisl, iil a hat they are required to do. Sieving and screesing 'old by the square' feet if desired. Old fanning mill frames rewired. Complete new sieves and streets* \ made to enter. 11iirdeca rs refuit lly ilentind (0. THE GODERICH MERCANTILE CO LIMITED, GODERICH. Owing to iissoien Hod facilities for manufacturing, 1 !thee transferred tuy fanning .11111 supply business to the above firm. J. W. AlthisTittiNit. 1 Salads Buys Huge Warehouse. In February next the Salada Tea Com- psny will occupy the magnificent new building at the corner of Si. Lawelence. Le Royer and St. Jean Baptiste streets, , Montreal,:the building at present occit- 1 pied by Salado at St. Paul and St. Sutptee streets, and erected by them eleven years waving lorsont. rime beentrindequate Inc their business. Other Salado ware- houses are situated at Toronto and Boston. BRUSSELS. Brussels fall fair was held Tuesdayand Wednesday of this week. Frank Davidson hes sold his stock of automobile accessories, etc., and will remove to Florida. where he has an orange grove. Miss Edith Deadman. B. A., left last week for Edmonton, whete she takes a position as instructor in household economics at the Unkversity of Alberta. The marriage took place on Wednes- day, September 1st, of Anna Lovette eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ballantyne, to Rev. T. E. Ken- nedy, B. A., minister of Ethel and Crenbrook Presbyterian churches. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. J. Mann at the home 4 -the -brae& parents. Mr. and Mn. Kennedy are taking up housekeeping la the Marine at Cranbrook. WINGRAM. Mrs. (Rev.) E. F. Armstrong has been reeved by the death of her mother, Mrs. Banwell of Windsor. Dr. Jerome, so aged resident of this place, was seised with a paralytic stroke while sitting on hi. 'ann. When found he !Vali unconscious. As he le in his eighty•Mxth year mind has had simitar seizures before, little hope Is held out for his reeovery. Mr. Wright, who came from Cochrane to take the principalship of Wingham High School, has had to resign because of ill -health. Ernest Linklater is acting as principal Inc the present month, and the other teachers on the staff are Miss Finch. Mrs. (D*) Parker, Miss Hamilton and Miss McConnell. A pretty • wedding took place at St. Paul's church on Wednesday, September 1st, when Mies Ida Elisabeth Carrick, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mn. Robert Y. Carrick. of Whitechurch, was united in marriage to Willman A. Windsor. of Detroit. Rev. H. W. Snell officiated. The bridesmaids were Miss Lavine, sister of the bride. and Miss Ahce Reading, of Winalient. Charles Gillespie, of Whitt - Church, was "best men." Mr. and Mn. Windsor will reside at 'Detroit. Tb. bylaw to grant certain concession, to Wend Bros. for establishing a woollen anode factory in Wingham will not be voted en. the buil4 whit* wee to he occupied having mid to another osocern. WItham Gunn, a PlwonnareOh •M•Ufseturer ni Saginaw. Mich.. hes SCHOOL FAIRS IN HURON. Ethel-Pisay, 9ept. 17. Porter's Hill -Saturday. Sept. 18. Colborne-Mondsy. Sept. 20. McKillop- Tuesday, Sept. 21. Clinton-Werinesday. Sept. 22. St. Helens -Wednesday, Sept. 29. Waltots_Thunitlay. Sent. 30. Wroxeter- -Monday, Oct. 4. Belgrave-Tuesday, 5. Bluevale-Friday, Oct: OVER- EATING mitjactiM • Ow di te ii•Ailllidise• las =Won enagran. ii=g11•800. • MUM 411P sows GRAND TRUNK RSaYllI"E4Mv The Double Track Route b. t ween MONTREAL TO*ONTO DETROIT asei CHICAGO Usexcelled 4inig mt. *erne* Bleeping care on night trains, and parlor t ars on principal day trains. information from aey Grand Trunk Ticket itisst, or C. PI. Horn- ing. Diesrlet Panneoger Agent, To- ronto. H.H. Lauder. Station Agent, phone 2P P. V. LAWRIIII4CS & RUNS Town Apish' ?hose P Why Live with_Crogked Warn and When They're Easily Covered Up ; Bestow Board will cover them up for all time and you'll never have ths of falling plaster it is covering up old dingy wall paper on walladeZ Yob to do again. While Beaver Board is doing away with the MAW and giving you an ideal surface for painting and decoradne Mar lisniestesd Las been revived fibre@ of the "prune tree. Tech pod nabob Inadess, crackle* manufactured treated with the patented Seohbes peg. ems which pit -vents warplag.181 pus need to build or re-bulld, resagala rie enlarge ask us how you IA p _ eat* - using Beaver Board . . lissabeir. Rosen after room has been made st • time 11 you pleeses-wlidi- _ kali °a 4:e :Free! timber. It le bulk panels fr n the smog. pure • ,, TheGoderich Planing P. 0. Box 18 "Goderich, Ontario Phone 47 New Decorating Store West Street In addition to our lines of Wall Paper, Paints, etc., we handle all kinds of • , \ GLASS--' WINDOW GLASS BEVELLED GLASS PLATE (*.LASS MIRROR etc. If you are thinking of doing any decorating this year, call on ue and let ua give you an estimate. J. Cuthbertson North Side West Street Ooderich. Ont. ...esssesusessuseseseiseeeeporsewstessestsse~ 1'