HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-9-16, Page 3its Hardly •teewe an relate to a range y. plrin, or Fue- 1 cotton red is of .b today 48C b 70C to. boil, it $1.35 and ex- , Jeraeye, 'glues are end equal lees range ti32. 16 e er 4th .WRI'T'E of all kinds G OUTFIT, bring them process. Phone Zig ry Tali Incom r- Stiffness It Is astonishing Nor "roily Mood's Gni. great relieves still - nos sod Luosear. Gives Great • Relief W A.a.daY4ar ma▪ r M. 44 =Oho ,.� 18 oli o :13 El me rwa Johres. Sr 111. Th•wld, On- -I ..seal ray ark rid. w •M 1•441•01 row. sr fired miry Mira'. ...M or Mawr la,w..a4 rel Yr ars.•.,.d ..e •, ...1 ,t W ..,..dye r••• TL. aro 1 c.. so .w, .char lira .q .y Ws ria O...k. cod.. Mord • U. Hs.. ✓ ed .e...i r•Wi• .ewe Mir.'•, ora sJ.n r. .••s et." eQ_ig• MINARD'S Klug• of Pdw LINIMENT MEDICAL. DR. GAO. HEILEMANN, OSTEO PATH, q•eculut in s1 m. Ws and cbddre■ aWasee,acute, ctot nee and Der vows deer.ees,ey ▪ ewe sad throat. partial dealnesa, lutmb.a n ee rheumatic conditions. Adenoids remove wllhoat the knife Clog at residence. corns %oboe std St. Andrew's streets. At home tr�c Neale).. Thursdays and Satudays, any a vens° aaamsastp1. AUCTIONEER. fi1HOMAS GAclCDIl(4 1Baa Q• Goderich. AU Instructions by atte*w lett at b.gnsIOl.e 11.11 be promptly attended ter ctemeb.ce telephone 1111. L&OAL. kA G_ . CAMERON. K. C.. BARRIS- us TBR. Wilt or. nutter/ gable Oil Eleoltoa Street, (.oderelh. thud Omer less Seas . Trust lured• w loam at lowest este. THE PRIZE LIST List of Winners at the Goderich Industrial Exhibition t;remele,dtr ._.k :ora g ,�,,-: Last Week • Brood mare, with foal uy her side- s. Feagan. Fuel of 11)20 -Jar. Ft+le'tn. GENERAL Pt'RYOSE. Matched team, wares or gel'lIiig., In harness -lot prise by Bank of Mont- real-Jow, t opely, Hubt. Joh t.stont John '1'. 'Thompson. At; It ICULTL'RAL: Team, marvel or geldings. in harness -O. F. arils, Jasper Brindley. HEAVY DRAFT, IMPORTED Olt CANADIAN BRED. 'ream, marem or gefdinge, in harness -let prize by W. Proudfoot, Esq•, -A. E. Elith(r, air ern lof Itrowu & Dyer Shows). Heat individual animal in classes 4. S and 8 -polar by Goderich Signal - Joe. eopely. Judge -Jas. Archibald. CATTLE. Following la 'the Ilst of . prlas- In•re at the Goderich Industrial -a hlbitut last wet* : 1T unMy Farmers' trot or pace Flu, (Yearly, Crediton) 1 2 1 2 Jett Hall (McNeil, Nile) 2 1 2 2 \4e Meliennie N1.1)0ugal, hayfield I 3 3 i Logan Boy (Bannerman. 1.0-1 ; 4 3 gen),... Toney G. (Culbert, Lucknow)5 -3 dr 2.10 trot ur pace opera Girl ' tdheldun, Kin- cardine).... 3 3 1 1 1 Elsie Canipbeli \IcGrae, ruswelsr..•. 2 1 2 6 2 Nile Boy .�ic\a.lt, .ile).,1 2 1 2 3 Tramp Ya$ ,• i ra y, N W.- chell).... 6 i 3 3 4 ilentry Deforest, Hart - awl!. Winghanii • , • i 5`,.5 4 5 Repealer Mchnugall, Bay- field)..,, 5 6 6 % dr /gerund Vey la the second heat tit the 222. one'\ ut the resins un Tranrpfael broke short- ly eller the heat started. The horse kept on; huweser, with • young linty guiding lilts with one rein and the whip. Ile ttni-tied ttir race in third place, but the crowd wad .looping for an accident wary •minute. Ten horse" we Pnt.•red in the .2.10. so that two l'ac'er sere_ Ilia4e' 471C • ---- -\ t30 trot er R C. HAMS. lir &AKKUSTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY 11J SLll LTC. Osco- Starkn{. lliaetk• bk.k. Hsmthoes Street Gadw.m. TeleAsoe M. B sat Saws. Liam and laseuaace. • • PR()UDI0� T. KILLORAI` & CCOKE SAIRBISTERS, SOLICITORS. NOTARIES PUBLIC. ETC. �e OD the :eiu It. KWnd , rum Int timid w tiYeal, t.udenob. MOM lance to ban at lowest rates. .ieeteruot. K C., J• L. KILLoUAM H. J. D. Coosa. Ileo. Pa chem, ,1i- Young, Clan- de•boye Toney Er t,. thin ' Jtitehell)..4 ,L. Bars, boys). Anna Mack laybor. Lnrknoes 5 t',i ,tie 1. 3 tela 1 tT.t.Whitely, !! , Z Mtltl ... 2.30 tr t and pare. Nile Rot ♦4t•Nall, `Ni1e1 HatelePah h, Porte Burlington 3 Tom Wilkes. Jackl B ni eels! i T n Repeater. Melee:gal Bitfie id•3 Bar�••••aA'Hkee. \frfn•r,(nelertch)1 Best w .2s4i. S ttln ! ;.t! trot hr p Partiitll.. Aar.._ Tenet. 'uuninghain, Claude - ' GARR(3W. LL. B., HAR- M ER. sttwDey, moos«. ate.. Godeto: . bum at lowest rates 'ER. BARRISTER. '801.- OAt a 47.=paWie. sed soevweryrr " rHnt- 1 1 ! 3 • Cow, In calf iny giving milk -A. E. Fisher, let and 2 - 4 4 Hefter, over 1 a 2 SHORTHORN (PUREBRED). Bull, 4 year old and upward=Robs. Meet. t'uw, In calf or giving milk -Robs. 'len, 1st and 2nd. rifer, 1 year old-Robt. Glen, 1st ant .Ord. 11ler twit, under 6 months -prises H by Ches. Black-Rubt. Glen, 1st and 2nd. Herd, nnsistleg of 1 bull and 4 fe- males -let prise M al of Montreal ---Itobt. (:1 I POLLED A31$ ()H ABEODEEN 11' 'HEBREDI• A. E. Fislwr�-let ant Heifer colt', made 3 Y Fisher, let and 2ud. Bull calf, uuder 1 Pfsher.• Herd. couslstiug of •1 b • . islter- ' males -A. E.• k 1 1 2 2 3 3 i 4 5 5 1..n). .1 1 1 SIsrlltyle,. 'Port.•r, Burlington 2 3 1a,1v 1.1i'at. McLean. G•sl••rleh;4 5 2 Tranipfast, 1 ray, .litehell).....3 3 4 G. liefuh•str' Hartnell. N'irtg11 hang).....••••...' .... .. .......3\ i 5 Best tittle. 2.12!4. ' Walter Burnside.. ..2 Klneaitlkne. acted aa stagier fur the rates both y BRE'D .. I Campinns, Sat variety=W- 1. Iter• arious clarre•s w. re aa, follnwa; r and ander 2- 2nd. Tyear -;.A. ea r -A Lr. year -A. E. and 4 fes Robt- (GRADE CATTLE. • Cow. giving milk .or _PI calf Glen, 14. Andrews. Helfer, 2 years old --P. Andrewll� ILeifer, 1, year old-Hobt. Glen,\• Andrews r. Turkeys, any other variety,' cockerel Ma \all• RoDt. Gee it'li N jitter•(irpingtona. buff, h Thos Bow1�r -F and H 000DSIt19E, 0 Thut's•lry, September 16, 1920-$ DIUJO .s TA),p,IIC TO \ Reafe,lll cum '� ylinorca', black, pulkt-tohneloti • T • Itereuui "'tires $.teles 'PIS Me In f1�+• 'dld Bowler. . -• . . Says Herbert KBipNR• orpinglnns, buff, pullet -Thu.. Roost- er, t3.y er, • "Tanlac has been of such benefit to i,rpingtnns black, eorken'i- \v. 1. me that 1 feel it my duty to maks 1 \liller•• facts known to everybody." said Herber tirpingtona,• black, pullet -W. 1. NW. Knapton, well nuwn .'r. twin. S ..-� Orpington., buff, cockerel--Tliow. k • k ilea clerk of 15 t hpworth avenue, London, Pulsr►ds, any variety, cockerel "As the result of an accident about tat,t,,mttnsn. �iPt-W three years ago 1 was laid up and bad to Putaudt, rany' r variety, p stay in the house for seven weeks- i Rot rh.ard.,,.. very rundown condition and my Plymiuutti It.s•k., hams. enekervl-- In a blood was out of order, for I brie out in Tito.. 80%1,1, w. I. Miller end and I all over my alms• "''a ted. _ stanach ' pimples a was also upset and 1 had to o on special Plymouth • Rocks, barred. pullet -- diet because of indigestion I frequently Thos. Ho ler. 1st and lnA, W. I. Miller. had to take medicine for constipation t'llnu,uUi Necks, parlrbit:•, pullet - and had so much neuialgia,pain in my Johnston t RParonl. shoukier that 1 could Ret no rest at night Plymouth Roc►e, partritln:P, cockerel without tektite a sedative to induce,sleep. -JMln+ton, < Rvaruiu. l must confess that 1 did not think . Plyuwuth H••eks, walla, eoeken•1- Tanlac could t.elp me, but a petaorai' \1'• 11. Ilw►, N'. 1. ♦liller. - friend of spine was so benefited by it that Plyiit.ulli H.s'k.. w'hlte. pnlb•t-\V. I gave it a trial, 1 was boll surprised IWW.- . 1.1' and ;:kit, W. 1• .lucre It gratified by the results. It quickly HIIo;1e IoLili,l+ite,tr, 'tore eolith, tock - Rave me improved my digestion That 1 could eat mod.- Island Ra)s, bullet -Thos. whatever 1 pleased without suffering any Ruw1••r la, Ind :end 3rd. , bad afteretlects. It relieved mY 17011•, Spanish rorkerel-J. S. Mowrfr. stipatiofn, purified mY blood and the apanish pullet -l. t. 'Bowel• pimples disappeared. 1 haven't got an • Wyandotte., silver slated, cockerel - ache or pain in -my body now and ever ,1.:• sow rie. tine 1 finished the third bottle of Tanlac Wy:u{duttea, sayer laced, pullet --J. I have enjoyed splendid health. I've & Hotvri.•• . been praising and recornmending-Tanlac Wyandotte., white. 'cocterei-W. -t ever since as a most excellent medicine. " Miner. Teular ie sold in (tottered, by E. R. i 11'yaa.4,lt•'a, white. pulse.► -\l• I. Mete and the leading druggist in Miltitr. , every town. . I N yierul,4tte,I. _ p.trtri'It;e, cockerel -W. sh•arvlo.tn• - • -_-- -�_- _ -- I Nyaudotres, part ridg . pullet -W. `lien rdow IL 3rd."e081..._%. : R:.ntafn.. •Itght Brahma rocketti•1- an excellent appetite and eo .rel-. Ibert ieke• llamburgu spangled, N • ihrarvlriwn. ar,•srduwa.-R--C- PoetlhieuhT tee Il,Hd..ni , -litdit-Brii•n)aa, pullet-V1',-- Ilanrhurgs. spangled. hen- R P •h•••irdot•n. telethwallie.. $TJ-- 1i4K.Y,--11'. 1��-• -� A+nlama, r.nrlttne, ern•ker:t N R. dt. n. �• 1►nak. W. .h ery • : P k.wo. • Hanthprp•A, black, tock -3• J. •+ al• Bantams, l:r•hine. pullet -W. `h''at- 1st. 2nd rK ,.bd. 1.lo+tn, W. H. Ik,ak• s 1. 2fl.I rg+, • black, hen -8. J. >�si►. l Bantams. any other variety. roeker- ist, end and 3rd. V4--Havnld •KaitlinR• fa and,lM1. Legho an+, hen -J. S. Bostic. I A ntnm ;• qu;' oilier variety, pullet- Leerhurne,tiro*►`II,- 111B61E T 1t:.rvIsi K ittins. 1'1 mei end: -J. 3. rfl$, b. hen I. 1►ueke, Pekin, drake--4:en, Baster, E. l.prhoros, brown, sheen eoleS, snit: M. rn.,►v.kn• -J. S. Howrte. "Burks. Pekin, shirk -E. and R. Bnew-- LeRhorns, brown, root comb, bock- j den.- Iter,. Hatter. • 7• B. Howrie. lurks, any ether variety, "davit -J. cob ben- n- rose comb, brown,ro - hoint ri.'. • L rfu,�. H J- S. Hawrle. GrPse. Toulouse!. Sander -Jos. Alines. Mfnortas, . black, cock -Johnston •a 1. r.,)Psr, Te,uluo.s•, goose -Jae. Alt+.n. Bcae�rl• e;PPae, any ether variety, ganikr-E. as ac Snowden. Paeenl. i ti.•e•se, any other variety, goose•r-E, urpington., butt. rock -Thos. Bowl- lead R. Rnowelen. -" - Snowden Heifer calf maunder 1‘ year -W. 0..e n en- Two-year tdd .tear -S_ Andrews. OM.pinstena. black, cock -N'. 1. 5111- I • Turkeys. any other variety, pullet-. Yearling steer -Hobe. Glen, S. Arad- Ice: K. and R. ►nuHden. k . reww. _ orpinittons, black. hen -V.. T: 1QL• r. Old -- : -. Steer calf -R, R. Winter.' Poland*, any variety, COck-\\ . r Breeding Pens -Mbar, Tara. Its eft Best milking caw, any breed -titian >NiPardown. 1 ♦nermas, any variety,-4larold 'Keit- by Sterling Ilauk-R. il. Winter.. t Poland. any variety,. hen -W. %tear- tins. • ' Utnore , black, hen Juhnstaa " add R. . n .tt 1 n. l B Gray -Dort Motor Cars Tires and accessories of all kinds. Prest-O-Lite Storage Batteries and Columbia Dry Cells. Oils and Greases We are installing an Oxy -Acetylene Welding Outfit in the near future. A demonstration of this work by an ex- pert will be given here. WATCH FOR LATER ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE DATE McLaughlin Car for sale. In first- class running order Let us remove the carbon from your car by oxygen. We are doing this work on some of America's best cars. - Give it a trial. GENUINE FORD PARTS • A TSTIREETGARAO T. F. HOLLAND • The w lnrwr.s. of the primp In _the a AT CATTLE I ANY Bank o ) down. , k amburge, arty variety -g• O. ,v )'*t halter -prises by' Bank of Haab Plymouth Rocks, barred. N HORSES., esi -- - -'ROADSTER& -- iitvolt mark. with her foal ivy --het elde- m.. Green Murray McEksh all. Tell of 19)0 -Woo. -Careen, Murray McDougall. . Single horse, mare or gelding, In baraenax-Jgeld__ ae. W. Brown, Mr. ting - bottom. SADDLE HORSE A,ND SPECIAL Yarns or geldings -A. kitties. • Lady driver=-Jaa:-W. Brows.. . MO • LOANS LTC. • Halter -broken Bolt, foaled l0' led- itlyld ,exltihttt•d byrj bov_ t ler loll reins cad alae --Wer• °reit. ill Me- McKII.LOP AL FIRE'1NSUR- Ale Nt CO.- arm a- r' Isolated town prop- AL rop •ite Jae. Cu.nuiiy. Pres., Goderich P. u , Jose Reaps. 1i e•Pres.\deer hwood P.O., T WQq L• liars SW..Tree. Directors -U F. EN seta; John G. Gneve• R1ase, k. 14 No. 2 Sot aim., Geo. MCI acct: Mob's to Farrtsei� gums. Clinton; James Se (;gee ts: J. kk eh, Agents: J. W so. Coder Ales . Leitch. • R. R. No. I. Clinton: Weems, C . Stahel b: E. Hinckley, Sealant h. Pokey. • nun pay alt payment* sod get thew cords r - ipted at R. J• Morrish'. Ck.thina Store. Clint • - R. H. Cott's Grocery, KingstonStore. street. oder or J. H. field's General forth P.O. error. N, R. No. 1, 5i:a• I - o. 4, W alton, Witham - , eh, Julio limnerr•s, ' le k. H. No. S, See - 1. Malcolm JNc- hrood; James 1 Dougall. CARRIAGE, - Rani, . I Yearling. filly or gelding -Jas. Fea- wartha. Nana lamb j�aili. ' Iltolt-S. Andrews. fat steer -prises by Ilton -111• Audi -wit -1K - gest cow -B. -A Ju lgt,-H. IL Snell •dill (MCR 111, s Le Rani. ! shears 1•.� tbearling rat Rant iamb ce- chic e udents. na aranteed ruder in. ;meet. t, 1940 • OM ONO • • Br o he BrosIll 3 P I Ile Leading .7. .. Fu ersL. Ditnt ,IOfs, V . - 4l' Orders easrfutly att.od.d to -u.-- ---�•,-nit 0* day. OODERiOH y, . bepeadable. - T1W wusoniet inet-inree ro .dsii-.._ _ Of brieses. that so lightly Mow But the electric fan's the thug. 1• 1's more reliable. you know. LINENS i:i:: ln.I. Etre. 2 she ,.' J :ter Lint anti 2*1.. tlbearling H• }:we lands --11. J. 2nil. 1 White and Tag Linens �Y tie- 'era, tin single' and double width. 22aa 4\Ieo a hoc of Scarfs -.and Centres, 'Hest quality linen. Mis S. No os. Row•Ier.,W I. Miller 311.1• Kay. Rank. a{ Ham Pfyrno th� racks. hen-Itlit.t 1-1 • A�nrns, any variety- • 7!>1 p er.•- -roe Ok_ k +Plyntou9J Rorke.' lenity -W. • ._ atelias "si, *;` Johnatoe A oto' - 1 '1. MIller. Vie. H, . Baxter. . .1.. Ply.ar 0* Sbell,.•lien-Johosiot A .W)andhttele-Wil. SiaardoW4 J. s, ) • ltnivNP W: 1."Miller ,• - "t. tis J w_ 4 iMth ki. N AboillsAsatid -Abort Blies tom• - p( A. W e h 4. 1s _Rhode is1 ,leo troy \\ - r.. - 1C lien. .hen -Thos. )Keel i"r.' • Paataile -N'. Sardeiit $pau..I, icon-.ti1. .. lfowtie. t ' • B• .1 • Wyandotte' shyer laced. opeg-.f Sr i1' • '•�?'Tn• • • ,.t 43atcom. ;IL/Plymouth Rocks.r.whetir._ eo2 -W. PlgeisBa,' NI R.xtiwlilt4„ Ndn-N'. H. tea*-V�- ,�AdlieOq�� n^' • Oust -let and 3rd, W T. 1MHler. tail. Tualbt4s4a Cotte *tall•. Harold so and Ikds, rose tlnmb r I.atttlrlg e -r' �� I Honore-� Sie�darlB► J Any Bawd of Pu. bred Sheep Lir Vatne•d Usti. 2 -h•a and ever- w.,rtha. Ewe, 2 +h s and or rd a wont. 1920 - Fat . . q. - ie,• .,. . ri. wart. nn k .111i1¢e•. Ii•'n H. Stntotyi; I a Romig). , ,� •:4r 4Atr(ntr eanary-Mrs. J. C. ftlekkg Virt. andf 1Vyandottes,. •(Bluer .e n- • Lowrie. raja- yatrd11Gw'. white, ;ax' rtbb..lar. .- - ; IWyendotteli• v\tiit.:�h -she r- e. e J• E \trA` 1 F ,•t• -r: . L ricest co11br tf of insects -\oily Qui.' or' Improved N,rkehlre .(icon t•,i,l(. JII prod. 1, Tan s'orlhs - r Hoar; li:tter.•1. in It*) --las A4 �r tt .111Prr.1 i41 19KQ•--.1a4_ \Icon. ---Improved' W►rk.bire -trr-rr <r4e1- ' t y. littRA Niton. • ihrsr- st�"r �:t--ia_:.11r10rJ>3 1.y. . t I ►law•.'1ae- year , old snot ever. 'metro I ffertvl Ir. fli'y3'.,nlrn. Attest. 0 Sows, littered in 11>N►-Jn,nes Alton. 1.1 :till •'ml. •e Seidl Stile -s re - - G•iterieh L en • . a. i NM- a \..•u. /.. i 4`11,1, •)ozl`R hrt4'IPAt mingle yoke hen'M '.. I. Mit. Y. tit1ward..♦ibort .!' t lf,etiuli pT rabbits ---folia unter. yanduttilt;-ptrtrittne,�']. cork -W4.1 their emelt 4 r rosy - elwardetwn. Wran.oUe*, partri. Shea rdnw n. Bantams, light• Bran v, 4:. 1n }tinter. hofs- ltrtkr_\�`At: Aarter. rook-- AI:RICI'�. 1'R.%L PI1001 f.Tt+' Fk� Grains. ole. 1 !,, 11. •1K ... FINE REPAIRING Bring your tread -wan tires to us r you and - get +them fo retread and s a lei get an ext a 2.000 to 3,000 extra min -- age out o tires that are practically worthless. r let us reline yetis tire, whi• h will rengthen it ilp per ent. Tires repave • in the propel 'twee by' biggest returns. our rtxess wgR pay P Let us elami yo tires. 1f we cannot save you buying a new tire. it will be a pretty • . • one. 14 a' f 'e 1, iT •a: Tires, Tubes, Accessories•..... -- Hasdlton a al+saaaaal GOQERICH • ConTipirac n w t • t 4 onfession rsralar• •, _.,era...- • ;_ 4 ;r. b -`4 - .1- 1 `r r 1 • c 4. ti i.. en a tax was promulgated n the tter tial- y df clothes worn by Men of Thrift, e fre \from -tax line las placed at $45. Shi.ardnw'n. ' ,•wR �p,l nl� :ant ons, light ,Brah.tas, hen --1! one bush. 1 fall's heat. .t hit.•, •srdo vn. •••elf .:t-sj.. Alba), ? t ntnir.v. lroebimvar i, any a• •ige beret b:irl ..WY Seri -•t!•, ne' 11. Lnsk W. +lastest AN ai ..i • `e 1-Jae..\Ilou. ' . ` , Rr.n 4.n14, , ha any t. T. ' •; 1 ;, .�g�s=.L- Allan.' • - - t . v n v I n \. . h vi I v o H ♦ B6111.1 11.4. Any other %1, ...te. .,rkr- /iter' 1444.4144-•.Hr+11 less., i4t- a t' #1ri•1.l Kaittine, Ise Ah•i_ hof: • f34nt'l--J .s. 1J,lxl Rant:ons..- any •ntlier{ sariete. "oe!-'I ,rues f,n+hrl Whet.. •.rl any • •Harr.11 Naltting. 1st and !nil. , ' 411111. 1-114 AIIh n -4,' !f. .1L t•4 leis' Lel ka•, Pekin. drak.•-cilia. Rat'. r, ]C. hn•h.•4 h4 k ,•?-• an? 1 • 41u1_.R,� t1p t:krh. ur)1_ tae • ittt'ty s Docks, Petiin. •link-E..Inr1 A 2nniS •--7-t n'fittiahr•-IH►'r'"`*i4 .-ilaulr• 'Ducks. ahy- 41t1v.-r •variety, .fur "•-J, S.. }Lowrie. (l•'•'o , Totil ren.-.Rsthlnr-3 n1'- Al-' w.' 1 y.'ar 11,1.1 .ond noir, •ha.inq Int' r..I m ,t:i _Joliv4-rbc, \.. 41h•r.'.1 in 1142h--Jrhm iowpr- B11u1u1111uuumn111nu111uuul 11n111u11111n1u1uu1111111 110111111111111111E t. LET -VS- -S-U,gg Y School Shoes for ri Boys E 111111111u111111u1111111111mn111111hhhnu11111111n11mm�11nnunuluiauullmlh. 11.1': 11IL6 MAKE IT WORTH i It Ellis: TO BINTOUR .( 11001,SHOES• HERE. . OUR AIM IR TO St I'I'I.1 Ol R CIUNI01111111111 WITHBOOTS THAT. lint S ATISFAi TAWY- F:.$R.' LET r'e1.a'ri,t S�.H�OWa� .„10117 REPAIRING School Shoes for Girls HERN'S BOOT SHOP 44.1.1 dra,101,1,t,tn.i.: mom ft • edit. hen -Tho• flossier. qr Ism.. , (I rest •. Tntilon•nt Rono,Mlii' t ton. a!id H �n•,\t'10i- 11iLSl.-a.11t_�llfiri t iilttyt g1,- Turkeys any , ptlerr var'el' it- 1 .an.1 R: !;lie t.elnn. . • 4 . %Turkey. any. other variate ' • ri-F.. and H. rn,.w•1.'n. • • f1Jrin4 Media _ler roar. any Tito • 111 if.er••;,i E,tttlner.. other -Ayr-lety...4...u, eLr ftlirnt. K.,ittln. - Aal glue:alt• • cn(k r=t: tr ll lallt•lalk. p{Ilial•-J. •_ N 't __ I. Minor. let and Dol. wi- w. .a few minutes CM It .•� .iv!ii•li Merchant tailors went to Ottawa an ; wire Iled an advantage to $60 ; They Riad the I•inan.e a In ter r persuaded to exclude Semi -ready Tailote • C' lt' - =ail, '• from that new mark. Wirepulling is cons •'ru,g secure something. This conspire y was-succe. fol= i h • , 44 ,,t,•':Itt,ol •141 . page e . • • 4. -tat• • ', s", 1: LUX a° Helps Eusiness.Gitl •. rohearte -.II .1111.1141W 504CE #11170 flame. any tether variety, ' W. fttrultut - -11embrirot. Inert. tonitet--S .. nelelftwisite„ 1st end And. • Itedttft. 'f et i work in you-r-Tcorn 'lard stocking bathed urid rnaa. lie new. aisineirOF d pleasant 4 Lever Brothers Toronto 214 14 • But it is c7infession that $45 Semi -ready suit: are equal in valu,' to $60 retail tailor suits ; otherwise,. how could the Government be ` persuaded? They would not consent -to au-uniust tle� sure not ! Thee are Ready to try -on --reP and finish to fit -two- wily-y;TnL_Apti'ying Custom-nAde to Special Ordei ;30) cloth pattrttivei#1 days at factrify krt.:1;:ery is tunde fetus • thy time cilfd • Nations y• Inc t pt. rolt be correctly flited-r;. ' • The'se can be. fitted 'UM ftlftMiTtill'irlawin The ice label i; in the Sgits,atii ceist is, r • • emrready Tailonng CLEAN BR S. 4 • 4,4