HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-9-9, Page 7♦F Witness Testifies' HE WAS WEAK AND NERVOUS Iraniptoa, Ont.:—"About five vaarr man rulerins with woman's trouble. breams all run-dowg weak and nervous. %l au au completalt down and out that j1 could o of do any- thing, could scarcelt drewmyself. 1 y the doctor and took other medicine bus• without gettaug bet- ter un1 begauntil taking Dr. Pterro e Favorite Prenrt tun and his Medical Diw?etl It wee only y for ms to take about three boo ttiss was completely restored ,oath and I havebeau in better heal in I ever was befogs. 1 have had no • medicine Sian, but should I need it I luno take these same remedies, k an to be excellent"—MItd itnR+ai \1l;tiT, Jesse St. OWES HER LIFE • Ft Saskatchewan, Alta.:—"it is vier rat pleasure that l.write the following e 4 Cups it soli help the many sufferers eke not know the goof In. Pitres'/ tong-, we would do them if they would try tient.; "In regard to my condition, i will ear at I suffered from childhood from • very wk back. 1 had the misfortune Of ha Mal meniagntr when I was one year ad until I was 13 I did not see a well it • very kind lady told soy mother • r. Pierce'► Favorite Prescription and it • bottle to try it. It did roe tri Ii,d that mother cwt nae 6 bot ti s. I happened with a car a,•I'..Jcot and hack badly. My doctor gave ma r ,-rid I would not live, but 1 still stied W r. 1t♦.nr's Favorite Prescription and 104,y au rine in three weeks I w.ts out of iii bet i owe my life to it and nothing s, and never be without M. "If any erre wishes to write I ismer with ' plessors."—MRS. NOM AilT$OLOM W. TEl SIGNAL — 110D11111011,110D11111110D11111011, OIL The Path to Health For many thousands of women the Path to Health has certainly been through Lydia E. Pinkham's Ve- ctable Compound. When this great remedy was first introduced, and for many years after, skeptics frowned upon its curative claims, but as year after year has rolled by and the little group of women who had been cured by it itas since grown into a vast army of hundreds of thousands—doubt and skepti- cism have been swept away as by a mighty tidal wave, until today this purely vegetable - medicine is recognized as the greatest i remedy for woman's special ills in the ' world. This is because it is a wonderful tonic 1 and reconstructor which acts directly and favorably upon the feminine organisation and is a specific for that purpose. Wsssia is All Countries Depend Upon HAIR IS TURNINC • GRAY, USE SAGE TEl :ere's Grandmother's Recipe W Darken and Beautify Faded Hair. 1 • C j mat beautiful, even shade of dart. May hair can only be had by brews g a mixture of Sage Tea and Ost- tur. Tour hair Is your charm. it aim or mars the face. When It des, turns gray or streaked. inat am ,plication or two of Base and Dal - fur enhances its appstt SS a bets •edfold. Don't bother to prepare the tots• ire; you can get thle famous 014 ripe improved by the addition d her ingredients at • small cost. all .ady for use. It is Balled Wrath', ore and Sulphur Compound. Thta eat ways be depended upon to Wring ick the natural color and lustre et our hair. • ]tiserybed7 mus "wyeth'a" Sag+ and Compound now because debar so naturally and evenly seedy can tell It has been applied. ma simply dampen • sponge or tush with It and draw tido th ,e hair. taking one small strand at me: by morning the, gray hair /appeared, and after another appli- stion it becomes.beautlfully dark and )pears glossy and lustrous. lady -to -use preparation Is a delights el toilet requisite for those who de - re dark hair and a youthful ap see. It la not intended for the dtlgatlon or prevention of dteease. Lydia E.Pinkh • ` 's Vegetable Compound. 1 sad MinSloeWood left last week fur t'ancouver. '' The l':xrler watei'w•ork" departmenttu is Installing an autoathsup- ply water su I y sy»tem til the pumping Mauna su flapplt w ill ensure' a eontluneua water y. The northern end of Main t*1/ret has been Opened to truffle, amt Ex- eter now• las a cement;purewrut from the south boundary of the tillage • to the Timmer road. Mrs. E. Wright, choir leader, and Harold Wright, urge lard In James street Methodist church. lave resign- ed their positions lid are removing to Winnipeg. • After au Illness of several mouths Nine. Frsl,rlck Luxton. of town, pas- sd du away oil August 37th at the hoe of her daughter. Mrs. l'larlea Mc - Palls. Rlddtelph. in her sixty-seventh bereavedyear. Resides the bereaved husband, five sons and five daughters survive. WINI;HAM. Mea Marjurle Fisher has beenem- gagwl to teat'li on the staff of the 14tris Collegiate lustitute. I'. Shirk, accompanied by hos dau- ghter. Mrs. JoAnn, has gone to Al- berta, having pur•hassl a harm near Ikxauwon, on which lie will reside in future. Mr. liherk had been a resident of %%Ingh,tui for some forty years. re Andrew ('osaar. lilt'\\' of itigh,tm's first settlers. Is visiting a: the 'dome of his ides, Mrs. 1•. ,1. !!leading. lie reuwtuls•rs when there wee• only ,two us small hoes in %%Ingham. it Is now- • -r fifty yearn since he left here COUNTY AND DlSTR1Cr l Mr. noel Mrs. Peter W. helot. of East Was:swish. left lint week on it w trip to the Western Provinces. ][tow Glary Ituchnn;nnT. of innsell. bag gone• to Klndcr-l" . $al. . to take a grist i osition in the hospital there. The Exeter Advocate reports that Frank C who Jive's a little /.olein of f'entrtile. threshed twelve acres cif oats s% Welt yielded slurry hush,•ha to the .''r•. The d•Orh ,secured at Wroxeter ole Angtest = eth of Mt.• I.c,rt a K,»•hlrr. In her f..rty-thir,l year. The. remains were taken to \lo' lion' of her father. Pryer Koehler./Zurich. is Sem, the fooeral : •..k pyre.•. w II .1. -I'm. for ficin' c.•irs teacher set KiIgs•a. Iris been e11ZYgeel to teacI. doe Se‘-tuith school. when• he I .,ilea twfnre• ¢otmc iu Klpp ell. He ILI. .•ut.•.i , dwelling at Exeter. at large in these parte. where hr will Weide. Mr. ]ohlnstur.I p, se,-r•tary-treasurer of rite i Intron l'eaeln•r+ Acro»lotion. The N1•Il known) {mirk -packing buts - 11 h Iwen weld by • SE• F(uItTH. ahem .lamer Hays left last week for Tur,into to take a position with the Ines/ at Kinc.tn fie r» MilewH I'ublisllirig Company. the proprietor. Henry 1'oleman, to' The Anglican. Presbyterian and Iratdel Itlewatul. of Hanover, who will Methoilist churches are making en- runduct it in future. %1 r. Coleman hiss (pities a•Ittn reference to organists, heel, sofering from ill -health. f les than• holding these positions in all three churches have resigned. e of(Kt r ' elantem-Ilene in M sotIli s E. al.There are three Ilea tea daugf.t %Is vi.fIn tooth rl!-MMt step daughter I. cisitlnR Hobert anal-jlbn-&-tint stag of the ile•Nfortsl Collegiate ,ilii M.•Ftrbule. of McKillop township.I IInruwaeL tstitute his ell:r in Miss English: loss t o visitors trade Ili,• trip of mover d M Lein., of ittreetsvllle. who woodier' two thousand th mina by auto t modern lenguage's• anti alts- Leila throughout dint tip trip limo but one pone'- heed of town. rursl dire. VonsI was received last eek o While J. It. 1\•ightmun was craw' tier suckle• death of Mr. Jo*. a:nN'P''• lug in oat, on his farm oiler ltelgreve of "tokrted'"ith formerly of this t our ,Ire• hu ...4,1y. lip %, as „rumkhed sof Itty. She Is survived by her hos- t„ ,,.,, a 110»• suet tau felt -Brown fawn hand unit four children. also by n by enol of wm- come oft of !lie bush near 1 . sister. Mrs. James Hughes. walk leisurely into 1a1- novo fie•Id, whe'r'e' forth. and flee brothers. John. .bones. they h•i-final)• ah• in the stubble about William. l'atrick usml Terry Flan- tw1•11ry yards from . his wagon. They I ty. vlrtnl s 111.1 cot remain long. lint soon *rrsle n1•ry,EXETER. all o[ thivicinity. uff Into the bosh on an adjoining farm. It Is very unusual to sic deer Mr. nod Mrs. ]. T. s11'oO&.,P'etcy "ise're right' In the busy season when a trip to town necemary, you need a car that is ready ittge sad And the he beat car le co good without proper gasoline. Imperial Polarine and Imperial Premier Gawked have kept myrunning'slick as *whistle' every minute car all seaaoa.' 1Vestern Empire Kr Rheumatism Now is the time to get rid of it I Nature is pulling for you— The warns weather's here— ' This is your chsAce-- grasp it—take Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules Get it out of your system the easiest way! Sold by reliable druggists for a dollar. Ask our agent or write us for a free sample. Temple - ton's, 142 King St. W., Toronto. es Loral Agents—Dunlop's Drug Store. PEBSONAL MiENT1ON. Mrs. C. A. Nairn and two sons, Charlie and Douglas, have returned home from Toronto. Mr Allan McPhee, of Detroit, has been visiting Ids muthr'n, Mrs. Hugh Mcl'li a eif loan. Mn. Arthur Coulthurst and two chil- dren, of Buffalo, are visit ins at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Coulthurst. Right Rev. M. F. Fallon, Bishop of London, has left on a journey to Rome, He will be absent about four months. u for Southern Manitoba. Mr. and Mrs. James Souter, their Bingham ratepayers are to vote daughter Gwendolyn and son Glenwood, September 27th on a bylaw to midst of Axe Lake. Mu<-'knka, motored down the Exevlsior Knitting Co. to estab- Iasi week and visited at the home of Mr. fish as talent in this town. The by- laN' provides for exemption from taxes for ten years and afterwards n fixed ass•ssuteut of $10,000. What might have proved a merlons fire was nipped lit time Monday af- ternoon at the photograph gallery in the Tenthly,' block. ito,nwt above an' towel by Ihwtrge ('hampl(ra__ _ lint• I'hampion's attention was drawn by their little child to curtains ablaze in the gallery. and she gave the alarm. Sten with. buckets extingulsitaL the ore before the fir'm,' da maged, Ivbut. The the room was slightly a lips„ will probably not exerts' $101. I'i.INTSIN. of the ,svlresl w Ru has been r death at Regina of I;,rorge Johnson, a former resident of Clinton. He was seventy-five years of age. Owing to the pon-t'omplctlou of re- pairs to the %toilet School building. the school has not yet been re -opened, for the fall term. it aid take ii week or two to finish the work. '. Thursday ileptcniber 5th, lP. - 1' •m••1••••••e••••••••••••• Clearing•• • • • • Summer Hats • •• • '•Bargain Prices • At •• • •• •a • All Panamas in stock $1.98 • All Other Straw Hats at About Half-price • • Come and Get Yours While They Last • • We do not sell cheap goods --We sell • GOOD GOODS CHEAP •• • McLEAN BROS. •• • Semi -heady Tailors and Gents' Farnishers • 1HE SQUARE • • •• •• • • GODERiCH • •••••••••••••.•••••••••••. and Mrs. William Bogie, Lake Shore road, Colborne. The engagement is announced of Mar- garet Brown, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Johnston, Blyth, Ont., to Oliver M. Johnston, Toronto, son of Mr. Oliver Johnston. Goderich: the marriage to take place the middle of September. lir F.. I'Ioouly, of Tomtits), was 1a. town last it eek and gate 'rime Signal n friendly ,'all. Mr. Flood! is a former mea -paper mat, Hitt although lo• has now been for tummy years a tiocermment officer he has trot for- gotten him pen laid scissors days. Mn,. M. K. Ma,(ptarrie and two isms, of Kents-ille•, N. S., are visiting I ear Nw'O br)th , Mr. M. h►d1' h the Dunlop. Mr. Maetjnarrie Is on hbi way to Itect•Ist 1jtce. B. I'., where Mrs. Mae-, ehnarrie wlfl rejoin him and where they will again make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Thos, M,{'artuey twttia•e tie• ' rngagetncnt of their niece, Henrietta Makin.. to James Alt en 1.. W. Fletcher, stn of air. and Yrs. Edward Fletcher of Seaforth, the marriage to take place this month. Her. E. O. Fords, who after nearly three years us pastor of the I'lintou Baptist church is leaving to take• a charge• at Toronto. acme Initw,rd by the ,vnlgr•gaIlove by the pn's•ntwtion of an address of appreciation, at- eorupeinied by u handsome sllk#u•wn Bible. As Toronto Is the home of both Mr. tool airs. Fordo, they are pleased wit the opportunity of Picot - nig there'. I'ltaton and Althorn Bap- tist churches will be supplied until tlwy decide upon a successor to Mr. Fords. The 1'easilt). He—Iffy dear..l'ie warmsl you be- fore acrd mow I nnnst insist that we try to lite within onr measle, Sint -till: veil' well, if yon aunt to lee considered eccentric by evtvyboly in our se1.7 Ite,'tou Ti•muscript. LUCKNOW. A number of Indians from the re- serve at Southampton are helping in the flax harvest here. The Misses Burgess of town have received word of the death of their brother. Mark Burgess. who lived iu time State of Indiana, Although Lucknow is soon to have Hydro power. there is ter rush among the prospective consumers to get 'a•irel up. -Only ort• business plate --- T. Reid's bakery—is so far wired to Hydro stunlsrd. The ib•tntinel nays Everybody Is delighted with the idea of laving Hydro -electric current for Iiglatitia--rluL_Deriei'r lis town within a few months'. But them is morn Steady Dependable Service IMPERIAL. Polarine assures a motorist steady, dependable service from his car. It gives correct lubrication to every type of motor and every moving part. It keeps your motor running smoothly and real Polarine maintains, under all operating conditions, exactly ht body tin compression and reduce wear—it burns dean. Imperial Polarineestabliishtaand maint ins atight hige heats and between piston and cylinder walls. It.. body Pagainst the gruelling friction of engaging parts. Look for the Imperial Polarine Chart of Recommendations when you buy oil. It shows which of the three grades described below is best suited to your car. Six sizes --gallon and four -gallon sealed cans, steel kegs, half -barrels bas—g oug enn d / barrels Buy by the barrel or half -barrel and save money. Sold by good dealers everywhere in Canada. Children of All Ages. -- Children ill all ages—whether it be the new-born babe or the growing child— have to be constantly guarded as to their health. Upon the good health of the little one largely depends his strength and usefulness in after years. Baby's Own Tablets are the ideal home medicine for children of all ages. They are a gentle but thorough laxative which are absolutely guaranteed to be free from opiates or other harmful drugs and which may be given to the youngest child with perfect safety and beneficial results Through their action on the bowels and stomach they banish constipation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and Make teethiflg easy. you can make your little ones wetland keep them well by ju'ut keeping box the Tablets at hand and by giving an occasional dose to the baby to keep his little bowels regular and this stomach sweet. The Tablets are sold by medicare Thers or by mail at 25 cents a Dr. Williams Medic Medicine CO.. lx f ir Therom ock ville.Ont, • iii2_.__=__ ._=__::____,_. . ...„.___, __ .: BROWN AND OX -BLOOD SHOE POLISHES THE GREAT HOME SHiNE ALSO FOR BLACK, TAN AND WHITE SHOES TNI! P. P. PALI-IT OOR?ORATlON$ LTA. HA1nr.T'ON. CAN, -Dort Moto Cm /1 • hesitation about wiring up to take pdvenrage of the current nitthe rlcallable. Everybody thought w'nn Id have the lights in, but when they got figures on the chest of wir- ing x1111 fixtures they are somewhat .taggereft, and there be a tendency to hesitate Complete wiring of ordin- ary holt fie tuns all the way from $101i to. •'VI. NMI another hundred usthedollars r, • added for 8 d fix - tunes. Tills disappointment he tut- forhnlah', but t is not likely that con- ditions will much Mer for n year or two, ant it would gw,/11 for those a'ho Int fid tslng the lig}ts to get busy and lute the wiring it {{{jjjja„nt• a lull.' the men are offering to do it. And This Time ltWas. During her vacation girl n as, cot fishing whetir iu ,uw,thec boat sang out "Ilello. .Inst then she got a bite. "Line's busy." site called back. - Boston 'Fr iiscript. Tires and accessories.' all kinds. Prest-O-Lite Stor Batteries and Columbia g Cells. Oils and Greases . We are installing an Oxy -Acetylene Welding Outfit/ in the near future. A demonstration of this work by an ex- pert will be given here. WATCH FOR - LATER ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE DATE . SALTS if KIDNEYS OR BLADDER BOThER Rarmlam to Soak Ldieys sad festal las irritating fre system McLaughlin Car for sale. In first- class running order Let us remove the carbon from your car by oxygen. We are doing this work on some of America's best cars. Give it a trial. GENUINE FORD PARTS EASTSTREETGARAOE T. F. HOLLAND :AR. AQO bona which can only be asst tlscharged by Inereasfs r her nation and developing her nature! resources which, imple security foe many times war debt, meet be made If wealth through development Between 11(11 and 1914 1600,000 people settled la the largest proporflon to the Irwstern prosiness. They nolo Britain. the Mated States aad !metre., for Mat? new home, ".ol. Dennis • behoves that $00 tach year may hallow them has. provtnewi have a total Sties of 10,00o•soo. Canada, he her bellerea, is demised to ise keystone to the are% of the ilaryl's.* IMPERIAL E RIAL OIL LIMITEI) 1'. 1'P • 11^,})j • I iIl'brif citjOn 11 ,i lit `lt'» 1I1 '111 L 1+ e Vrairtfaissiscor 1. A LONG DISTANCE LA gig• at=sad Bladder wee MAR add, says a sated authority. Tim kidneys altar this acid from the blood and peas it on to the bladder, mbar. K often remains to irritate and laden" musing a burning, scalding sesset+a. Cr setting too an irritation at the seek of the bladder, obliging to seek relief times ing the w two or three sufferer L in constant water paws sometimes with a saddisg ceasation and is wry profuse; spin. there is difficulty in avoiding it Bladder weakness, most fake esil it, because they can't control urinate.. While it la extremely annoying and Wes times eery painful. this is really ties al the most simple ailments to memos. O'1 your fourMimes es of Jail halts from orpal tis argllassb and take waters table before spo h,eaklaet, cestitrtas this for two or thtes days. T►is will neutralise the acids it Elbe wine • It so lodger I. a scarce sd Irritation to thetiderisary e' py eggai pro whleh then •iv b• nlia JV Nana is Mexpea e y sad is glade frim' the arid of RraNs lemon juke, eoabined with th is used by theesaads of %ids who are 1 subject to urinary disorders caused by urf Jowl Balls is splase didaokidirrieye sad causes M bad did for kidneys 'fleets whatever. eg.rweaarst Ade yes have • ptse••at• litbia'watsr drink. whish 1s y rslieas bladder tremble. (Experimental Farm's Note.I As a rule, hens lay two or three eggs wan then miss it ahoy. Se ' good lens will lay more before they take a day off and we have known individual hens 4o lay five and ids dozen eggs and not miss a day, but a rev owl in long distance haying without ■ mIss has, as far ate we know, been establlshest by the Experimental Farm poultry division at their Kent - stile, N it., station, where a barrel Plymouth Hock pullet kill UM eggs in 1114 days. This fardel Hock, whose leg bunt number Is Kt, did not start to lac laid ery early. in fact her Arst egg was on the '25th of January. She laid stn eggs ami misssl a day. five eggs Hurl missed a day, laid five' missed a day, one egg and a miss, then two eggs, lout on the 13th of MWimary she got dole n to business and laid every day for the rest of tlw month, every day In reeru'h, ever day In April, and every day in May up to the 27th, when she look two days off. After this time Ale took an oevaslonal day off until the 211th o June, when she here me' bressly. When she went broody her total re Mrd was 138 eggs In 147 days.—F'. 1 Milord, t onelnion Poultry Il4sdinnd Haas, Ottawa. TheNew Decorating Store West Street In addition to our lines of Wall Paper, Paints, etc., we handle all kinds of fi ASS WINDOW GLASS - - PLATE GLASS BEVELLED G MIRRORS, etc. If you are thinking doing any decorating this year, call on us and let us flilie you an estimate. J. CuthbertSofl North Side West Street Ooderich, Ont. •