HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-9-9, Page 4ueptemlKlr-a(h, New Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, Sivealt --. Coats, Underwear, etc., are now ready for your inspection As in the past we are keeping up the standard for good reliable goods -the kind that gives satis- faction. Our object is to satisfy our customers in quality, style and price. MADE ITO :MEASURE CLOTHING Our 'apples are now in -(20th Century and Art Clothing)- -the finest imported and domestic wo3llens, tailored in city style by high-class tailors. BIG SELECTION OF SAMPLES TO CHOOSE FROM WALTER C. PRIDHAM 116- PHONE 57 D oubly Beautiful are t Lavalliere' and Jewelled Lockets our exhibit of high-class Jewellery. There is the beauty of design and ish, and the beauty of quality Cha ensures tasting sat- isfaction. Tet ur Jewellery is not expeusive. rice moderation is as much a featu of Dire busi- nese as the c•haracte of our mer- c•ha ndise. ERTSON WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER Curuer East St. and Square Goderich. Ont.' DUNGANNON. I ML N. F. WHYARD b the agent for THE SIGNAL at Dungannon. Orders lett w•Ith him for sUbscrip. Ilona, advertisemeuts or job print - II lag will ,reeelve prompt attention. F Telephone (Ooderlcb Rural, r30. WEDNESDAY. Sept. S. Mr. and Mrs. J. Young. of Ridgeway. are visiting this week at the nomtot Mr. and Mrs. Ad Risher. Mrs. Young and Mn. Disher are asters. Mr. R. A. McKenzie and Lorne spent Sunday and Labor Day at Wingham and on their return were accompanied by Mrs. M_Kenzie, who had been spending a week at Vi Ingham. hle,srs. K. E. Brooks and Charlet Fowler motored to Ingersoll and Strath- roy for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cockburn, of Woodstock. spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Sanderson. The Toronto Exhibition visitors have returned safely and report a good exhibi- tion this year at the Queen City. Messrs. B. J. Crawford and J. R. Mc- Nabb motored to London to attend the funeral o(- Mrs. O'Neil. mother of Mrs. Will Crawford. The funeral took place one Tuesday and they returned home the same day. Mr. Delos Disher was home from Clinton for Sunday and Monday. and on his return was accompanied by his sister Jean, who is attending the Clinton Col- legiate Institute. It is time to talk about the Dungannon fall (air. which will be held this year on Thursday and Friday. October 7th and Sth. The directors are planning to make it 'larger and better than ever." Rev. D. D. Douglas is visiting friends at St. Johns. near London. this week. A number of Dungannonites went to Lucknnw for the sports on Labor Day. Mr. D. H. Ross, of Port Huron. visited his brother, Principal Ross, on Saturday, and is spending this week at his old home in northern Ashfield. Mr. ani Mn. Roy Hams. of Stratford. spent Labor Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Allen. Mrs. Harris is remaining with her parents for a week. The members of the Women's Institute are planning to have a rest room and lunch counter in the Allen block on Dun- gannon (air die'. LFERE'RN. Tuesday, September 7. The Rer. Dr. Aitken, of Kippen. will oecupv the pulpit of the Leehnrn ehureh nn Sunday. September 12th. Mr. Hamilton exchanging with him. The semiannual evonference of the Huron Presbytery will he held at Hayfield on September 14th. at 10 o'cloek. The members of the Leeburn uxitbary are expected to be present. r Style, Fit and Durability ARE THREE VER% LMPOWI %NT FEATURES LN FOOTWEAR. They are qualities that every Show in our immense stack must and does possess. Every Zine is selected with these nub; in view and/before being offered for sale Is care- fully examined, time ensuring perfect quality. IIIIL. Now is the time to get your Boys and GINS ready for the fall term at school. Buy their Shoes from us and feel satisfied they are well shot. l'rlces are most reasonable and quality thy/ test Let 1u do SAarshoe remitting. It will I. done right. NORTH EO. MacVICA R DE OF SQVARE saffilamersis GODERICH FINE REPAIRING Bring your tread -worn tires to us and let us retread them for you and get an extra 2,000 to 3,000 extra mile- age out of tires that are practically worthless. or let us reline your tire, which will strengthen it 50 per cent. Tires repaired in the proper time by our process will pay biggest returns. Let us examine your tires. If we cannot save your buying a new tire, it will be a pretty bad one. Tires, Tubes. Accessories. H. ,Z FISHER, Hematites 81, Mr.a irura. t mei with AU'RI'RN, Wednesday. September A- d lar.. John Pfeffer and MIAs Kitchener. spent the week - r. Wm. Weber and nailed on their m nv friends, who are all pleated to .e in health after Mr. :and Mrs. family, of Seafort visiting relatives Mr. Geo. Phierzer a two weeks visit at Detroit. Mr. Botthhs,n, of Toroil'(,, 1s acting manager at the Sterling Rank at present. Mr. .las. ('ort -r is having a new roof put on his blacksmith she . Mrs. Walter Moore and chi • ren Ware today for their home In No Porenpine, after a two week- vis here with her father. Mr. Pfeffer improving is strident. Wm. Ferguson and . spent the holiday e. ' • • returucd from wi his daughter H. Mee. of ('ampbelh'ille (formerly ut lteuutlller1. intimates that he is away o11 a trip to Toronto to visit the Exhibition and hake in other sights oL_the city. He will visit Mr. Charles Pitman and other friends there. ..The Late WWlam Rgblason- An old resldeut of Colborne towuelap. Mr. William Hoblusou. passel to the world beyond on Friday, August 27th. his deutb following it stroke. The funeral took place ou the following Sunday and was h1 clearer of the !)range order. of whieh the deceased was a metubcr. Rev. W. H. Camp- bell was the utfleiatiug clergyntuo The pallbearers were four nephews of -taw decewstd : Thomas Fleury. Case McAllister, Fred McAllister and George Meliw•aLu. Mr. ltobiiis,u was unmarried. He leev.•s three sis ten.: Mrs. Ed. Jenkins. Griswold. Iowa : Mrs. 'hold Campbell, !Detroit, Mkt.. and Mrs. John retail. lieu- niftier. ieu- niiller. Vote Favors C.oaolidatloa-The vote in school sections 2. 4 and 7 ou the queetlon of consolidation result- ed favorably to the proposition. In No. 4 and No. 7, the vote was unan- imously in favor. In No. 2 there wan some different* of opinion. A well - attended meeting was held is the school bowie on Friday' evening last and there was icounidexxble dlacus- slots a number toeing present who did ret attend the previous meeting at which the proposal was explaimd ■ nd dls•us..ed. The vote which was taken at the conclusion of the lengthy diacna-slou showed twenty-four lu fav- or and seen against It is aald that none of these seven have children attending ecbooL eases ST. HEL NS, `Tuesday, September 7. On Sunday, September 5th, a 8011 was born to Mr. and Mia. Herman Phillips. l'ongrs tulationa' Mr. W. G. McCrostle is la Toronto this week. Mrs. (Rev.) Maeklntose and boys. Douglas and Donald. left for Napier atter spending a few we+l-e at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter ('lark. Mrs. Ramage, sr., is very low at time of writing. lir. and Mrs. Mudge. of Gilt, were visitors at W. G. McCrosfier titer Sunday. Mrs. G. ('ranston le In Guelph. She will visit friends at Georgetown and Turouto. Mr. and Mrs. W. Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Rowles, sr.. of Guelph. .spent the weekend with tbeir friends here. School Re -opens. -St. Helens public aclwol opened on Septrmlwr 1st. with Mi... Dorothy Douglas as principal and Mie+ Mary Dernin in charge of the lower room. Mix+ W. D. Ruth- erford left on Monday tor Mitchell. where she wilt teach in the High School. Miss Brooks, of C'entralhi. has charge of Fordyce school. Mk - G. McDowell has resumed her duties at No. 3. Miss May Cameron has returned to her school near Mitchell and Miss Pearl Webster has returned to take charge of her memo' near Toronto. Mks. Nius Womb, takes charge of her rams in l.ueknow and MIss Clara Wasts re- sumes her entire In Guelph. Miss Muni( red Woods tithes charge of a '•fool near Drayton. ASHFIELD. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ANNIVERe1ARY. -The anniversary and reopening ser- vices of Ashfield Presbyterian church will be held on Sunday next. September 12th. when Rev. Finlay Matheson, of St. And- rew's church, Stratford, will occupy the pulpit morning and evening. D.MILLAR&SON WWww Phone ew Fall Coats, Skirts and Dresses P tI Holidays and E)ii itions now over, we have all settled down to Fall business and of first im- portance is the New Coat. This week we have received a shipment of the most up-to-the-minute styles with the large cape collar effects, in Velours, Sifkertones, etc., eta /Priced from $25.00 to $85.00 Spatial showing of the w41 -known Salts Plush Fabric Coats. Some are plain, others fur -trim- med. Exceptionally smart and dressy Coats. Marked at popular prices, from $60.00 to $85.00 The Newest is Dresses We are showing an exceptionally fine selection of Silk and Serge Dresses just received from the makers. Priced from $15.00 to $50.N each McLintock's Down Quilts McLintock's Down Quilts are the best in the world. They never make any- thing but one quality and that the best. They come in beautiful colorings and priced from $1$.50 to $30.00. The New Skirts The most popular Skirt for smart wear is the accordion or box -pleated Skirt- We are showing them in an extra quality of Sergea with fancy col- ored stitching. Paced Iran $9.00. Fall Showing of douse Furnishings Our stock of House Furnishings is much larger than in former seasons and everything for the House Beautiful and Comfortable will be found here at ex- tremely moderate prices. NEW CAR- PETS. NEW CURTAINS. P(11tT AI.IBEiRT. Wednesday. September S. Mrs. Nelson, of this plater, 1s visit- ' hie ,itrtong her children at Blyth. Turouto. and Buffalo. _ Miss .Jessie Logan. o agnra a s, retprnecl to her Home after a pleas- ant visit with her friends, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Ball. Mr. Johns, of Detroit, Is the guest of Mr. and alms. Dave Martin. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sylvester and family, of Stratford, spent the week- end In their summer. cottage, Mr. Victor Green, of I►etrolt is re- newing old' friendships to the village. Harvest home servi es well be con - dueled in flirter ehareh, Part At- tart on September 12th,- at •11 a.m. nod 7 p.m. School re -opened on Wednesday or bast week., although many of the town and city schools remained elm - ell dntli after (abut ihay. Miss Nott will su((srd Miss Hartwell as teach- er. The latter, having taught here for three years, has taken a school at Port Stanley. ltev. W. B. Hawkins, wife and film• Ily, of Myth, spent (arbor Day here with his slater, Mrs. W. 0..Gray. iridif Yourhait needs a little "Danderine"-that's a111 when *becomes lifeless, thin or loses its lustre; when ugly dandruff wears, or your hair falls out, a 3S -cent bottle of delightful, ypeadable "Dandertne" from any store, will save your hair, dIs double it's beauty. You can have nice, thick hair, too CREWE. IKooday, :keabet sr -" Net. Wm. Crorie•r spenetpta ds as last week visiting her mother, Mrs. t'amphell, of Westfield. School reopened here ISet Wrdt ea - day. with Miss Jessie Stothers, of Mafeking. la charge. Miss Maude Howell. of Goderieli, spent a few dere lest week with Miss Lila Multuokl. Miss Ruby Kilpatrick has returned to solos)] in (kxlerich after spending the holidnas at her home here. Mr. Matthew Shackleton visited friends at Stratford for et few days Inst week. Mr. and Mrs. Wallet* Twamley and Mr. and Arra. John Make. of MafeLing. spent Sunday with Crewe friends. Mrs. C. Webb, of Gnderlch, spent n few dap' Inst week with her sister. Mina. Matthew Shackleton. Mr. Sid Gibson, of Stratford, re- turned home atter spending the boll- tleym with his aunt, Mrs. H. J. Rieke. Miss Myrtle ((hake has returned to Sarnia after spendlug a few weeks at her home here. Mr. mei Mrs. It. Treleaven Tialtwl the letter's mother. Mrs, Hackett, Sunday la.t. (i(►DERi('H TOWNSHIP. R . Dr. Aitken. of Kippen, will neon t, the pulpit of Union church on, btu . y. September 12th- Mr. Hamitto, will preach at Ktppen. Mr. and M Heubeo Grigg, 9th (von- (esidon, bas n bereaved by the death of their ftesmyearold daugh- ter, Ila Idrytle. which occurred at the Clinton hospit on Sunday. Aug - mit 2fth. The lits girl had peen taken to the hospital he Werk before ler nndergo an opera( n for appen- dicitis. The funeral t place on Wednesday from the faro v home to the Goderieh Cemetery. ST. AUGUSTINE. ' - Tiwhle-Watetia,-A very inte t- ing event hook place at the Wingha parsonage at high noon on Wanes day, September 1st. when Gladys Viola Maude, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tisdale of West Watoinosli, was united In the holy borate of matrimony to William Henry (Harry I Wools, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Woods, St. Helens. (►nt., by Her. E. F. -Arm- strong. The bride. who was unat- tenderl, was married In her tailored travelling suit of navy EngUsh barge with black plush het to matte, and earrled ■ bridal bouquet of white asters and maiden -hair fern. The groom's gift to the bride was a hand- some chain end pendant set with pear's. The happy couple left on the afternoon/ train for a short honey- moon, algid the best wishes of a host of tHeude. On their return they will take up their residence on the bride's home farm. which the groom reeantly bought. The bride formerly taught at %etlnod school, near WIngham. Liquor ('ase at Blyth. Blyth. Sept 7. -The charge against James Hawthorne, of Morris town- ship, of having in his possession beer or mash for the purpose of man- ufacturing spirituous liquor was heard before Miglstrate Reid, of God- erieh. In the Industruial Hall, Blyth, today. i►ndley Holmes, of Wingham, appeared for the prosecution, and A. H. Murphy. K.('., M.P., of ilMowel, fur the defence. The charge was laid by Inland Revenue officer FA. 1'I (soda of Toronto. The beer or mash • dtF;N]Iif.I.t'it. was commove(' of Maekstrap rsnlaasew, Wedne.day, September A gmmncl barley and hops, and on an - from soy -Aad frleeil Mr- alyiils, showed 24.3ti per twit. prof 111 McCall's Patterns Nemo Corsets D. & A. Corsets P. C. Corsets Miilar's Scotch' Store The leading Phew and Mail Order Stere. SatWactisO tsstuus.d. PHONE Si PHONE Si DaolaM. Railway Board Permits Law Advances for Freight and Passengers, Ottawa, Sept. 7. -Ry virtne..., of a jSdgment wfileh will be issued from th oro es of the Board of Railway (bm Isslooer., probably tomorrow, rallwase companies in Canada are grnuterl an increase of 40 per cent. in Eastern rg nadian freight rates and 35 per cents In Western freight rates, effective on onlay, September 13, and to continue I force 'until December 31. After Deem 111 the increase to freight rates in tern Canada le se- duced from 40 per t. to 311 per cent. and In Western Ca from 36 per tent. to 30 per cent. Passenger Rates Simultane,onsly with the ase in freight rates, passenger rates ail o•er the country are advanced 20 per cent. so long as they do not exrrrst 4 cents a mile. This increase Is effective only to December 31. After that date, and for the six months' period from Jan- uary 1, 1921. to July 1. 1921. a 10 per rent .Increase is awthorized. Following July 1. passenger rates re- turn to those in force at the present time. The judgment will authorize in- creasee of fifty per cent. In sleeping and parlor ear rates. sod ■n 'scream' of 20 per east. In the rate on excess baggage. No increase 1s authorized In the Wes on milk. Authorisation In given for an In- crease of freight on coal from 10 creta to 20 eents a ton. Ts. Law. "Waan't 1t Barnum who said that then 1. a fool horn every manta!" '.Whoever tt wise. he figured the birthrate too low." --Isom Twee- .eelpt. FANNING MILL SIEVES AND SCREENS manufactured to order for any make of mill for cleaning any kind. of grain or acrd. With suitable sieving and ac•reeulug properly/ arranged in nearly any ordinary fanning mIll, seeds and grain of any kind can be as thoroughly chinned as is possible to clean them, When ordering sieves or screens be ver; careful to give the exaet raze needed, and what they are required to do. Sieving and sereening sold by the square foot It desired. Old fanning mill frames rewired. ('omplete new sieves and sereens made to order. • )full orders carefully attended to. THE GODERICH MERCANTILE CO LIMITED, GODERI('H, .t Asetstohre n and faellitfor rnannfactnring, 1 have transferred__Owing Mr Visaing mill supply business to the above flrm. J. W. ARMSTRONG, 40C -U Jut Try "The Spar to January Id, 1921-40C rI 1IflF+ ' au,. Wag let t. 'W.'ri 113th-CII.kvffi.AND ?.*e.►a ..Mas 1Anus CUMIANII . MI A. ,,.a.,. 1L l e.a/..Y,ra. t a.rr C imi aa1. Deaditr4teslwair-Osre>r k. liras i'i o aa... swew , a s ...».aar..,..iya iir _laws tAii i..:..e: • Adv A ►s w-saw w w...yw + wsiA Mw ' a'rF wse rl i a.' t sa a _w 1