HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-9-9, Page 144 fi •••, ey F:4 • • rot e,M1111. 44 SUBSCRIPTION RATES $130 A YEAR (payable in advance) $2•00 A YEAR to United States /addresses AD: The.Signal Printing Co., ,Cluiltott Goderleh, Ontario. eiteeva^^"e",,,,,,,,404.0v...wwwwww.% ORVISN'h-THIRD 1 EAR -NO. M. FARisiniats, Farmers who find it difficult to purchase locally the varieties of seed grain or fruit trees they desire for fall planting, or vari- ous kindsof livestock, will Ind the local Manager of the S ling Bank willing to obtain this informa ion for thein if pos- sible, without obligation. In addition to this, Sterling Bank Service to cUents includes Banking by Mail /*Wines, sell- ing of Money Orders, rentingSafety Deposit BORON and aft psycho* and IOW Otionrities through our Bond Departments txtt nmettrittomttne>taifitittAttaintipe,,, ciet;42403'! ThE SMIU1‘61)A1Vh OP CANADA .4 144 4* Otikeree 7„..oe agagRINI 44 " gCt , WHEAT PARTICIPATION --- CERTIFICATES 4.. A 14 Brian your certificates to this Beak i and we will collect for you the initial 1 payment of 30 CENTS PER BUSHEL authorised by the Wheat Board. sae THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE w&FUND CAprrAL 4. 4. Et.= GODERICH BRANCH, G. Williams, Man.sger. 11111Lasseer v ' w1"1"..".....#1.4.delselePrietteRe*WeeMen The Pavilion NOW OPEN (near Horn Sweat, Gotheich) DANCING EVERY NIGHT 5.30 to 12 o'clock • s FOR SALE WHITE PINE 2in. x 4 in. 2in. x Sin., 8in., 10in., 12in. lin. x 4in. and up. ALL LIINGTRII -4-- The CotIerich Orgaa Co, 4- ,,, • . . INGLES-- PWROMMeialiMe•WWNWMAMM.FIMINri*Mi •04,.. MM. •••••%.51, Ix,. 4,4 gee. ON .CA :-- )4E sx B. C. RED CEDAR *24 Both ears arri beers spoken fot ' I , vnlOrt- able. wen built. send repair, sight Nome both and W. C.,presture water system and hot miter toeery Col hestiam Good barn. 1.050 ft.. meat sides and • roof, concrete stables below. jiloving ehed, ben howls. frame b,rn and shed, Thai is a good die 1 rertunity for jetties a 1,004 1pens oak • late k R. te.t.Pti:11:t..,c11.1;;;VERMOT.S4cEVOY, on4 14 OR SALE. -TWO AND A.R. a- acres et excellent garden sound. well drained. Has comfortable housewith good number of Iron trees and stable. Will In so: vex.ealirifetty and on easkyktzross.rend. k n in the brickyard property. There to • good brick home on the PImid *event acres of beak. Thelmed is good: most of it couldhe netivated. but at preeetit n in pasture. There is an *boudoir:* GI 'rater. Will 1, Mired very reasonably. T.GUNDRY. 'Auctioned, NOTICE. I• If sou an lot king forearm hone to bay. I hove these el all RIMS. red bnck. woke Meek and fraismt. at very reasonable pnces. My inn ee• eenence in building and valuation places ate in a pontoon to be yo epode in the oilecteen et • nire bome at a rutin mks. I have Pleased saws: 1 coo phase you.. 4. f • r 44 .11 ' 4 44 /01 4 ' • .4.111.- • 441 Ake GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, September 9, 1920 FOR SALE OR RENT. FOBLJC ROME. rRhouse.T moron West end Waterloo streets, REN. -SEVEN-R 00 M E D Application eeer the Nemo° furnished or unfurnished. Also two cook stoves for one. APPI) at Premises to MRS. FINN. it • . P0 RENT. --PART OF MY BRI D.1... Sergeant 1 hone. cornet South and Elgin street ; live rooms: furnace. I t water hooting; modern con - maroons, elsectrio light. etc- Splendid 'marline- ; eluded. Geed bonne for a yawn couple. For further part Kuhns apply te MRS. jAS. STEW. ; ART,South street. 41 QILVERBARN FARM FOR SALE. - Eight a -halt ciay ad. Ex end miles from Godericktmt W . on good county rood. Two-stor d P. J RYAN. Real Estate audio/saran:* Praise ao. FOR RALE rillabegief Wader suite ; also Newcomer Mardi. cow. APS, Nelms street. W. ragoodps arnrodaz h ..ha. rosewood une SALE. -A SQUARE PIANO, .I WALKER'S if UR N I TU ST"1.0/4. Amy R SALE.-SILK-UPHOLSTERE D be :1:1,611,4seecteAtcatt a all voters to take imams 1. diate ea any errors or emisaioge te anitightwatchmai OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH. addressed to the undertigned will Fecetvedup to oklock p. m., On Th day, September SOM, 1920. For further particulars apply to C. H. HUM L. L. KNO Ch. SpecialltAmittee. Town Ckr Godericb. GOderich. IDR. F. J. PgILFTER. THE TOWN COUR 1. • 2 44, aL. paid; that the of *4 for prosecuting In the ease u lb Bell Telephone Applieation- . pox Rigg Treasurership. The regular ineetiug of the tow eu,swell Was held oil Friday ermine. Councillor /lumber was again in his seat: having pretty well recovered from the revere injuries whIvh-he be feeiewvedweekin. rabego, Are at his garage it A request by, permit for altered 445 4. 4. 444 144 tt rot, s FORTY CENTS Any new subscriber in outside may obtain The Signal for the remainder of this year fOr,40e. Subscribe now and get the full benefit of this SPECIAL OFFER THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers. tfa Once nt of Mr. Sedge Pueitlethwalte v. 'Kay be paid, Ini tv-dent, tot the tols'n has Its bitwis sot leitor. The public workia committee report- ed that the buildings arid grounds at Agricultural l'ark were In very fair contlition, and rP1"01112110/Died that they be turned over to the Agricul- tural ltoriety, fOr the fall fob', as they now tire. The etonnufttw recommend- ed also that the sewers tin 11.-Ihuut1.1 street fron3 Itri(anuitt road ti) Raglan at reel 111444 till Cambria 'road from iVolfe $tb to Nelson street IIP C011- strIttler that another tor of sew- er pipe be orderwl. • The parks connuittee wast asked to bete the bilking drinking %militating repaired'. Councillor Mitchell 'suggested that au order to be made forbidding sato- whiles in the cemetery on Dee.)ra- tion pity. T111/4 WW1 left to Mr. Wr- ithe!). _as cludrutsia of the parker rem- niittee. The 4 adjourned tit 9.20 ll'elOck. 1 bk. Hilo *et ion not to be takP ors. X. k, EYE, EAR. NOSE. THROAT. Late Horne liarsent New wet. Ophthalmic TTat..,112 es Wateriee St- .t/ord. Telephone M. At lionlord Hotel, Goderith. from Wedass- day, September Ikh. as 7.)/ p.a.. to Tharadar, the irta. at a as VOTERS' LISTL'WE. MUNICIPALITY w$ OF GODCIRICK 1..._ COUNT OFMURON. • Notice is hereby or delivered se ore 004 the Oaten° VI) quint be said sect delivered ol 41. 41.4. of all penmen bpp.srt sesemeat of the *SigJeet to vote in enctions for My mod et list woe tint gelded and that 1 have transmitted otentioned in section Lem Act the copses ,s. 4. be so transmitted or 1. pursuant to said Act. b the last revised as. municipidity to be s said municipality et the Legislative Amour- • and that the mid trace in the Toon h Of Amory h'* ism N impasse. at Goderiels no day of Amami. • I L. L. KNOX, at 2eatlamermerctelk the ammo! Godericb. ATTENTION! ammo, SALES. .1••=••••••., The Mercantile Salvage Co. will vacate the Point Farm premises within two or three weeks. CI,EARING A ION SALE OF ROUSILieftbF PUTL1111.. Persons who are in need o.f any tort of . win .015 by ,..biac sect., at bei rcsidence. East law 1104,31ARB, JR. lumber *ill find it to their oentht to get street. coeteennome their requirements right away. We have to offer a half -million feet of the finest secondhand /umber. dome, windows, lath, baseboard and waiwerot- ing. also some very fine cedar anchor Poets. All at very rea.3.-nable prices. AelPiY POINT FARM. WHITESEWING MACHINES! T. R. THOMPSON, British Exchange Hotel. Agent. Supply olNeedlea on Hand. yoR SALE. -ONE PIANO CASE OR - a• GAN, six -octave. iobd walnut. at • wren. Apply at WALKER'S STORE R C. SHINGLES LP. ALWAYS ON HAND. at kteGAPI STAT ION, Call C. A. Robertson or John Treble Telephorti Dungannon *4 orlon. Treble, an - Unlimited Qusntity GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE A yeshieterheifera, rarer 2r/careen. and OM dray- SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 18th coormegillog *15 44,, bonlidele of. Two parlor tab2416"arle large lanrOrS. Sisk chows. coons. 2 Woolens,. • vetoers. dense and aatpi tableo and elate% beater. ice Lima. tuba. nada. and ot her artk Everything now be at CPI m. sharp.• • em toinnting in port Mr suites, toast sorter „ rise, mu-sC rack. tact Krim boned. eluenlion table and hoops. rugs, carpetsISp, sr shade, aod screens. • titres range. krtebtra sootzerboonamon. 41•01star, . garde", kn. "pad, ashes*. Babb is 'eau. T. G UNDR Y. Auctisneer. A UCTION SALE OF DWELLING, ex LIVE STOCKATC. MR "OSEPH C. GRIFFIN will offer for sale on the premien on SATURDAY. OCTOBER 2nd. Mill modern red brick booscon Napier street. seta 10 feet frontag,. un ieasonable terms: Teti per cent . of purchase gooney to be Paid OD day of eale. Palmer can be earamed to suit purchaser. Tan bane is heated tialeugleout Irish bot twooster omen and (replete; addandid belemest under who.e bone toree apartments leuesdry There is a cement stable°, Inns Med home a goad 1114t. nose Well Wile iron mice pump. and a member of liort-bearireg trees on the sarneday there wig besoid tee teen bred at a ier single cora, delivered ley'e thorati7:sitaidei:enmtLattr THE GoDEHicH iviAN.vrAcTITELNG beess: • Nes 41 Revolt:nem crane kiln with wog. eel outfit. ar and other useful ticles. LIMITEU. ' J. G. GRIFFIN (Gaoler). T GUNDRY, (Foot of Anglesee St.) Phone 61. Priv"' Auctioneer. WARTED. fILEARING A poem UCTION SALE OF sreCK. WANTED. -GIRL FOR GENERAL MR. ALBERT GOOD Georat•Crawast. housework. Apply to Mrs. WL. HORTON. "n aell at his premien en the Division Lim. St. 11 16611111141*, On FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER lith, 1040 1,11/ A SMALL ANTED. -WHO HAS 3z B. C. RED CEDAR • ye house with garden* ad aome fruit trees for erne that is a banana, in Go-ertch or suburbs? is GOV fun porticulars an first Intel. Address' HOUSE BUYER. Signal Oace. week. Many have already our order at once. 44°* The Goderich Planing Mills, Ltd. P. 0. Box 18 s:r. GOBERlak OMAR* ,16. Phone 47 www,w,wwwwwwwwi„otwv40,,,tokioiovvv‘ovw 4,,••• 1'01' P. MON BANK OF CANAD Goderich Branch F. Woolcomb, Manager romisommodie '4 41, ••. 4*'** 'W Se' " • 54 144742 • el, 74. c.. * 9. WANTED -LARGE QUANTITIES sr a cordwood eequired, all kinds state whin you have to offer and price laid down in Coders's. Give fullest porticultare. BOX 254, Godench. • commencing 1( 4.14 o'clock p. the felketrtne: One general purp.ore mare. years old 1 gees eral OKIt pew Mare old; !driving mare. le Yeats old. quiet lor wanes to drve:1 Perceteron clt. 1 year old; 1 Durham cow. 8 years old. due January 1s1; 1 Durban cow, 7 years old. due April let a Durban cow 8 year* old. due in No- vember; 1 Durham cow. 7 aaaaa erid. due April 5th; 1 Durham cow, 7y,., Md. due March 15441; I brindle cow, 7 75.11 old. du* Pebruar 1414,' • 7 COW, due arch 151Iva Mee, 4 yearen. due aeon: I 'nod Hereford brill, 2: yang red: one Mt WRLS WANTED, -APPLY GODE- caste oia: $ *1t,MIMI 2 mars aid: I stem ‘.11 RICH KNITTING COMPANY cow: I cow. wonting 6 Years old; 4 hrfere. retinal et rising f year oid; 2 bailr'. rising 1 year 014; 4 spring calves. ',Joan cm doe time of nit 15 I pis, chinks:12 1., i* ewes, I erns boge. I rep bel- te Theses. Si. 010,4)04'credit-40 he allowed oa approved joint notes. A discount kw cash at the rs te 01 14! per cent. p51110001, ALBERT GOOD. ' THOLGUNDRY, Proorietor. A actieneer. LOST OR FOUND. LOST. -ON THE BAYFIELD ROAD. 11J between Getkrich and Hayfield. an *we 1110%fe license ',gab., " Finder please leave at 212GNAtL OPTICS. _____. __,_ . TUX CIODIERICII MUMS CRAIGIE'S Assuraace and Real Estate FOR MLI "Villa Pieton." 2 Rtory brick, fully moder, with fireplce, 7 room, large lot, ',Rusted on. tirso south mide of Pieton street. This la one of the moot modern bones la town. Immediate possession. 2 story, red brick house, tulle modern. 7 come, full basement, eonth side ef East stre. 1% Story, frame bonae with 7 molaa, tell lat Vele 011eRENT, eltotibed pm the west side of Cam- eron weeet. With a little rs. ling this cab be made a Mite property and will be cheap. Victory Bends bought and sold. \gzlace 6/11;ntaelo Beads, due 15, 1 , price 1100, to el.id Pee 3. W. CRAIGIE 4 , .". "ekr;i„ • 1 . tromo.ox TOOlIODIKOr Sellit.het 9, Wheat, pee b* 41141 to SO Pet vetrii btLai to 550_ tis,, Pee \...,. Lanta Li. per bush \, /au se a.0. pee, aarts....e.. lie 50 1.01 isr. . warms47141. 7.10 r. Prom meows meten 7.411 Se 11.0 Es.se to aost• par tan . • • es so w ma sew ten *0 a we• • is, partner tase ae me rs lbollg. Dora l".*ilbwe. pteseaSO. to .0e01 e= ..oes.pw 4.11. 440 irstrealell.00 to ILO eget 1&71. la IL. live rid* evet• eellehe 20,111 .19 if/ .19 .I9 141 .1* 0111wwwpaa99•Wmall••••••.11MIINIMInwnama. That delicious sooderiaode44 ice Olimigpiodsionoto. swim new hissit oven As, t- t,ttryttrlir",' ern/34P es, (4444 • N'toe'Irt 4 .114)144' 01 'A • 441KODK i. .e \I." • 4-• . ..„„„ `.tettt ',A • • • • I King for a Suiltb"r Art Store was sent to committee. risinest from the societies which are to take part In the parade to Maitland cemetery on 1)w -oration Day fSepteuttwr 'that the Huron rued be weterteL was gran1s/1, the publie workr committee to Often.' to the nutter. The treasurer for the First of July Citand suggested that the mune!! irntitril reported a POI1P111Pra hie look after the amounts Km „unpaid. The matter wan referred to the fin- ance committee. Mayor Wigle took the occasion to, point tun that the t-ummittee had undertaken to give too much free entertainment. without sufficient regard for the finaneial end of the eelebration. Tho Toronto city council forward- ed fur Approval awl co-operation a resolutiott In couneetion with the ap- plleation of the Bell Telephone ro, for permiesion to Increase its retest. It \propoeed that the Provincial Gov. ernment, acting for the nrosileiptilitlev, apply ta-; the Dominion Railway B0111'd f Or• a poiftponement of the hearing of the matter, in order to give the municipalities and the t;overnment an opportunity to arrange fur the expropriation of the Bell sYnern in Ontario. This wax referred to the imeelati emuntittee. The L'nion of Canadian Municipal. Hien, Which is Ferrying on ts: !pinto the increare in teleplio rates, assessed the town, tt:VI as ahare towards supplying the "sine 01 war. Thin was referred to the ethane. committee., The Hydro-igeorrio Hannay Aa- Nociation sent out an urgent twil for the annual meeting at Hamilton September leth, it being represent In the circular signed by _rlecreta Hannigan that the object,. of the moelatiOn were In danger from t popsy of the lerovincial Goverumen The eounell, however, was not greet Interested and ordered that the eon) munication be tiled. Mr. L 1.. Knox, town' clerk. wh ilds the position of town treat.- rer, submitted his resignation of he latter office, at the same time isicollouing some mature iu eonnee- Hon with the munitipal bookkeeping which had not been made right when he undertook to look after It and which render the further' holding of the position undesirable. phis was referred to the fimince committee. 'j Committee Reports. The water, light and harbor eom- mince recommended that the water and light commission be requested to place a_ street light it the eorner• of Cypress and Walnut streets and 004- 00 Eklon street at the corner 1.1 Thomait soreet. The fire committee reconimended the brotatal. of bulkliust permit. 40 F. H. Wood and 1). Munro. The appeial 1.0021211f tfe• reconitne1141- ed that two extra policemen he en- gaged. for the Exhibition time: that a bylaw authorizing the establishing of a onniriped fuel yard he prepared; that the time for receiving applieit- don* for the prieltion of police leer - /emit be extended to September 30th. In the meantime, Mr. W. .1. Ititchlock had been engaged as .fteting police sergeant, to he poi./ at the rate of ABM per anima. In the matter of the application of the Bell Telephone Co. to the lambs - ion Railway Rotted for Permission to ineredee its ratew the special com- mittee reported that its opinion was that the application should he oppow ed sad recommeaded that the ROI - way Bated be' reemerged to postpone the hearing, mid that e. copy of this report he forwarded to the Toronto city council, to the Union of Can- adian Musielpantlee, and to the Duto- !Mon Railway Board. The finance committee recommeed- ed that • grant of $500 be made te the lard Regiment Band Association; that the 2,10 emits tete with inter- est 'wlilac flint tbe• oilaklatt fund anetignietke fer tie 1110 los r The Exhibits. t arranged In pretty much the . .'r 11s ill previous years. The furor 11611161y of fruit, part of' apples, but the floral die away behind last ycar's. Th, la( exhibit frotu the Central mental Farm, Ottawa, take* large spare in the north wing main. hell. A number of merchants ha tractive exhibit*. Them inclut & Mit and, Weak,. M who hare a combined tlispla itulta, turpete, furniture including some of the liner factUre41 by the Goderich Mew Co.; Fred Hunt, plumbing gootl ponces; F.ast Street Games% the Dort earl P. J. MacEwan, Ford Jas. F. Thommon, pianos and noiah. goods; Western Canada Purity flour: (leo. Mich* pianos and victrolam; ChatR. and '. J. Harper, stoves, el fixtures. etc. l'petelett J liNeVIcar. returned and dim Pearlier, has an attractive dimple ils on ork, the articles befog sate at reasonable price, The' Jive stock is not yet eh rounds at time of writing. en. Manning Roberti Here T Today 4 Thursday) there rfernutneee 11(101710011 14011 etc qirre .1 lie grandstaud, and trill 14 %eta, on the raec track. The for wning will take place at 2.1:1 Web hen Hon. Manning Doherty, ter of Agriculture in the tint' over:norm, will give an adolre. (4), Friday afternoon the Ex h on will conclude,. the groin -alit for e afternoon 'nettle/Big the foil4 per - Faience lwfore the grantletand and. o Nerve raven. The epeeist at - mime, will he In loll 'Awing until clogs of the Exhibition. f The es b Brits 111 the MAIO 10111 are • ; WIMP 07. re ie a ionisrly piny is • NWT- E.ss5. 1..s.ss:t. .701 ,ttp 0 he • 444 EXHIBMON IS OPEN. Looks Like a Reverd-Beeake-ireat 1* wl 44 Array of Special Attratiene. This Is Exhibition week in loderleh, "I and although wben thiei written the event Is hardly yet in full swing there I s every prospect that the telerit.h 9 industrial Exhibition of 111"511 will he a reeord-breaker. f 1. The Ng attraction 15 the Brown &. th Flyer shows whieh opened on Tues.' to day night, thongli the Exhibition tw proper Ohl not open uutil Wednes-, tra Ilay evning. The Drown & Dyer out- the tit inelthteR greet variety of rhows tha -51 ' Wald :telt iTiewidnPIr1;11:f, attract/Ye and well eon- j WI nhd on the whole . le ducted. There, ie a loig Ferris wheel; 15 w.' a riding derioe called "The Whip" eat which the young people WOO TO PD- : feet Jo; Me gis* seaplane ' swi. a ; new amusement feature which hp be- Tr. fug seen for the first titne in vanada; i and a Wild West allo. In whieh exert R riding tales/ming and shooin.are to "4 I be seu; a motordrome. where dared 17! devil rider.' do really wonderful Orit- fur 4- Jug of motoreyete* around a "winter" I pin* ke I tea.* whit:h Is really wore like: a i 10 6. I ea number of free* animate, i ) mention." Theme featnn. take up a Irnecourny Y sima.o. coaritier. ail exhibition of livd M - Mg ph.turestglass idowere, a merry- j max 1 ROvvotind with sll' the lateat mush% j and o and other flange "too iiiiMerentit t M r. juries 'June in col lady dette and i know Be finneasee le Tsar Thaws' Fly and Insect Devtroyer • guaranteed to protect bor• ts and tie front fly and insect p. -r.' rid • destroy vermin. While beli.s; pet- ty Ninnies.* It 1114• DPI et RIM 0 I dip- intinlant and ie easily apikslThis ehe nee. es the sew' that Oh, owed vielotts Dr. WillMnee Fly Insert' Destroyer l'j W *rich. The Best Is None Tee Good the people of tioderich. C'elisrnta homemade candies are th • belt be had. Take a pound home with • r. and Mr. F. E. Burdette and Mimi Inc. of Detroit we visiting in town renewing acquaintances for no d while was in business hei, for • her of years. Miss Maxint is just ering from the effects of ser us in- recei ved in an automet); le accident in last. The automobile. Rho tided with a street car and tit r young companion was lolled. Miss Bur - suffered severely from the shock njurief, but is now, we are glad to almost recovtred. YONO•K O444•44 •4 .,..17? • 44, rt, '4*** 4444444 44*4 .4194 .111Q,A4 44. •04.f4 a." LESLIE EVANS the juvenile Harry Lauder of Goder- whe ls taking part la the Warm at the (ieekelte Indutrie/ Exhibitlea thie week. larite area in the venire of t4* rice dick rod elateinn/ Midway ever mma in Godrich, la fact, on stepping Into it one might eabily itnatine bet was on the Midway" at . the Tomato Exhibitin. • The program before the grind. "1104 last idght includd a perform- ance 67 John A. Klly, the rentril. armlet, a 'wild Weist performance. Hinkland danelnR, and mode by the hand of the 33rd Resirest The atteidasopossoornioch - i.iWP than amie- I for tbe end Wald. 4*5 .4t1, , • 1,77 4 - f' SOMA 1,...gwewv WPM ,? t ScrultDAY. Sept.- .01; •uettori 4 • It OY -a...;437"91"47::: 0,--...-...4,_,_tien, ,samoNsttr:**, ._._ _ .___ _ GUNTON I It sus aimsvaa. • household furniture_proprty to Mrs. a no Ben", ".17. "-t..71‘11.:11,i J4 . et her renitence East o'clock p. m shar p .Goderirb at 1.110 51713.,,,. lAllgantr"- inest., Sept 2 I Clearing auction silent farm rustle, property ,l Albert riCood, at h. prowess on the I/Innen Lon. Benmdlet. TO 1.30, &eel* 9. m. . .'. 1,!" SATURDY, Oct. 2.- Author sale of ditlhnt. , hre stock etc. property of Joseph C. Grin* es ,,, Ne,',,, Nae.. street Generic h BORN. smITH --At Daliae 7 4115. on August .inth. to Mr. and Mrs. It. B. Smith,. daulthler TREMBLAY.- To Mr. end Mrs. W. H. TtltITI hley.in Alesandra Marine and General hos- .1.1 Elaine). pital. Nightingale ro)tn 1 dailefilet 'Moodie ve 3IARRIF.. •- PATEogom - TAYLOR. - On Medoesder September 1.14*, Irene Taylor, only dough. ter Of Mr•Iftd Miv Wm, Taloe,„ 4111 'canal* sion of Kinlovi to Mr. Arch,. Patterns n Whitecburch . WINDSOR-CARRICK, On Wednesday, ep. • reicher I, Mies Ida Carrera. eldest dettehter or Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carrick, 0 white* chrch to Mr. Wm. Windsor of Detroit. WOODS- TISDALE., .On Wedpesday. Septear her .1. Min Aloud, Tsdale, daughter of Mr and Mrs Tisdale, of Donnybrook to Mrs.,,. Harry Woods, ol St. Mel. ns. R A DFORD-JOHNSTON.- la goal W•wandibi on Wedneaday. Sefiteflibet 1 M. Aft, biblaki Radford to Miss Annie lotineten, both oe Wawanosh. D/1111. E F PR. -In Goderih. on Mondale csproseige it, Ann Consols. endow of the late Millie. Keifer• in her nth year. THOMPSON.- In Goderech on Ttveirday. Sap. nattier 7.Adam Thompson eldest son M Mrs. RnTert Thompson seed 24 sea.. 1 IRMO a days ?dittIOOLLNL- CA MERON. - n loving reemoryof Our deer bur band eied father =can Canart.n. *be IMP (.red into not et ea Septemr.er 7. 11115. --Wile sod Doughtier% .„ . . I' -41W ADVIGITISEXINITS. PROS Part of Hone to Rent- hen. Jet. Steuart 1 GNI WOOted- hlt14 W L Hewes Aintree Safe - A Men Can • 't4 it Lieenee Naitebter Loa I. tSignal • k ' fiffverbarn Fenn for Side -Dermot Menem Howie to lispy- Mrs. itiebe..............esentheene '' i Aimee * %-j. C. GOalle.. 1 Awoke Stme-Mrs. Ws Ballesh Hoar Wow -Mom Ism. .. 44 •4041**, ;' 2 eso t..1;1." WO. 01.'4 vurtrs. ,itsts74; okflitt, S44,3#4,w 11".W',4•'',it1741". :t''4It410‘k„t',,;:, - -=' rt The'r reo",r," Ti,ttv flottv,sto tv.t $ • - • *1$141,417 44; vts., •.+•'• it#1 4- • 44