HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-9-2, Page 8.1 iI Thursday, September Sad, 1110. ' G.C.I. SCHOOL OPENING Tuesday, September 7th 11'c• liate it II the authorized test cowls and a large attar of sc 'Adders, exercise books, pone, inks, erasers, etc. int -Imhof the (lutario StHncl.ud Llosa-L of \ote Book st cake and rails for ...,me at 1t1., Lest value un the one riser lista). WATERMAN'S IDEAL FOUN:fAIN PEN til prime 11lasting t•onvealence uougholt the entire term. $250 UP TIHE-- `REIN SUPPLIES OF GROC- 1E T "R .1XU FANCY BIS - ell '$ J I':iT IN, ALL THE BKS ' QUALITY AND AT THE A►WEST PRI(•PH1.. -. RIG ME.(1T1'RE SHOWN AT GOUERI('II FAIR TMs Faateus Mama a Dyer Shows With Their Nttaserao Attractisen. T1114 week the directors, of the (toil ericb Industrial Exhibition are able to annunne• the securing of N mon- ster Midway feature, to the Brown & Dyer Shows. which usually •re to be seen only ler the cities. This will be the greatest attraction at the (3ederieh fats, for matt, year*. The Brown & Dyer Shows are well lnowu la some of the Ontario cities and (come unusually well re- commended for the quality and cleanliness of their attraetions. All question:4blc features are absolutely prohibited by this organization and the shows and attractions are of a class that can he visited by the whole family without their seeing anything that would ler the least offend. The big feature attraction is Da- kota Max Rig Wild West Exhibition. This is the show that was the feature at the Toronto Exhibition in 1919 awl was especially appreciate) to the Prince of %Vales. There are many exciting moments while the various rklers. both male and female. do brouoo busting. fancy riding. 1.0p splinting. lessoning. and other re mark dile feats of the western plains- men. Another big sensation M the Motor- drome. where Margaret Gast. "Tie Mile t Minute (lira," flirts with death at each and every performance while whirling around the big saner trn(-A S►Jittr tidera.tlaa eve won- derfaI A.ablbll ions of Detre—irad dar- ing. A unique novelty Is the Monkey Speedway.' 111 this 11 511.111 the hu maul intelligence of the simiN■ fam- ily.' Here are seen monkeys guiding PIL 1)o sot valor wolfram da&iiota tivh1*g leg, or Marvel- ingPiles. No vurgtcal oper- ation resale,, 11Ar. 01111.14O1 Otnto.rnt will relieve you at owe OM alert lasting beoeax sae. • bot ; an leder; or a0manwa, Bates a Co., Llarltea, Tomato. Sam le tb: boo it you vaeoUou Slats paw sad enclose Sc. sump to pay restage, tabor Day at Zurich THE REIT. i 'TTER MONI:T ('.AX 'BIR, IIti $H BREAD DA T. 13r A LOAF. H.-MCFADYEN BASEBALL TOURNAMENT AND OTHER SPORTS Morning Program'. 10.39 a.m. I:ODERI('H vs. ZURICH Afternoon Programa CLINTON v,.. ('KEIIITON p.m. Winners will plc) off at 4 pat. 11111 -yard Dash, open Belay Rare. between four baseball tams THE SIGNAL I[RY(S, ALL — - GODERIOR, ONT. • TPIECES ini144ker Complied Ma MOM R. R. P..4,ammrrPumsokfas. "hs thea >•r URI I had Jtle•sums AwaAratiwn ` Oa wast forma; dropplag Boma Tlliiwada. • Dar tardina d.t me he& ot may •Nlnaaerx awl alralrmaaisine I tried proves wadhawmattlasiblead Messed sae Is lake "AlsrI -thea". I haps ta.armant almostsuss, soma- and mewh— g--od beta me I have enjgsd tato past eight years. leas saw nriwf "Fesiks-fives" is The Mase. JAS. S. DEL(3ATY. 50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trialpe s� 25e. At all dealers or sent postspid b® Fraila-tires Limited, Ottawa • • automobiles around a rlrrplar track, speeding against one ntarther in a Dan+, also here Is ahowu the monkey loop -the -loop. "The big circus side show is full of interesting exhibitions, ouch as glass- blowers, knife -throwing, Ind many other novelties of a unique and dis- the•t character. Tax• ltarr Sisters, two human le•togs weighing nearly n111• thou*and pmts or nes-h. r ill be sees] in a box• trig contest. tither shoat. will include The Vampire." '•Ilu-Lar," the man mon- key) "Athletic Show," -Creation,' the show beautiful. The rides will include the big gen. .41- "The 1Vbip." Tido Is the ride that is causing more seas:oleo to the nua,sement world than auytping that has been iutnwlucel iu years. and It w Ili be the tlrst ela• ever shown to Oa) Crich. tither ride, last will also be sin hand will 14 a Iris I;li Fortis wisest anal it giant 'wIjd1ne swtng. This last feature M tnrw !wing sr'ea- in Canada for the first time. THE COLBORNE STORE FALL OPENING OUR FALL OPENING WILL BE FOR THREE DAYS Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of Next Week The same days as the Goderich Fair. On these days will be shown the newest merchandise made for the fall season. Now is the time to reserve your fall garments: �-, WINTER COATS in the newest designs that can be bought. We are featuring Northway garments and everyone knows that a Northway gar- ment means the beat material, a perfect fit and a correct style. Be sure to see these garments when at the Fair in ' 1 DRESSES FOR FALL WEAR are being shown on these _d1tYa. Great care has __. taken • . selecting theFall Dresses anti we heel that we have gat ered to- gether a wonderful collection.. They come in silk and wool material. • It is impossible to describe the styles ; you must be here to see them for yourself. Blouses in any material that is wanted. Everyone knows what a wonderful range of blouses we carry and this season our lines are ore beautiful than ever. The greatest blouse display we have .ever shown. You must see these wonderful creations. Be sure to make arrangements to inspect our stock of fallgar- ments. There are dozens of every line to choose from. For those that have not been in this new department we wish to extend a special invitation and we must say you will have an agreeable surprise, for our department is bright and cheerful and brimfull of merchandise that is of the best in style, fit and finish. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, September 8, 9 and q, are the fall opening dates LOCAL TOPICS. -._ $22:1.1+0 IN PRIZES _ _ Ganite will be plated on one of the fastest diamonds in N'n.lcrn Ontario. \('on(•ert in Tower Hall in evening under auspices el' the Zurieti taashall Club. LINENS At the sew priels Vietory Hoods rale urlquestienably the premier aerurit) offered today. ' NON-TAXABLE 19 (is, P6 and Int. yield 6.37 p.c. 19_e.: or 118 and Int. yield 6.1; p.c. 1927 Or 97 and lot. yield 6.00 p.c. 303:: Or 96% and int. •' 51*1 p..0. 1937 (z-1►Yia1 tat. -yield 5.08 we 1921 tit 97 and lat. yield 6.27 p.c. 1031 0-11If itiii73uf. yield 6.26 p.c. Mnnielpel offerings yielding up to 7 per cost. ` T. R. Harrison White and Tan Linens by the yard, in single and double width. Insurance and Rood Broker, PM•rae 316 Godes-kb Office adjoining tteitlsh M;crhange Hotel Miss test • i TO THE BOYS/ AND GIRLS of Ooderich and surrounding country, a word about your SCHOOL EQUIPMENT . You -will n01 f scribblers, gramm another item w err Girl wants out" your of matter how will give get, of course, your pens and pencils. r and arithmetic books, but there is eh must not be overlooked. What ftov Abby shoes t Most of you have "finished ones during the summer holidays, and no ice!, ;ton are dressed. a pair of shabby shoes u an untidy appearance. Just pets', the ward along to Mother or Father that the beat ee t• go for n good new pair is "the shop on the eons " where We ran give you good SOLID -LEATHER L SHONE that will stand up and wear well under th rough image you are bound to give them in your school a, at very reasonable prices._ We wish you every success in your renewed studies. YOURS VERY TRULY, Sharman's Shoe Store W. REG. HUMAN • Seven leer,. asd 7irettty lashes. William Marsh, of Wroxeter, was before Judge Dickson todayon a charge of incest! and pleading guilty' was sentenced to *even years in Kingston penitentiary aryl to receive twenty lashes. The little girl against whom the crime was vitt/tutted in only nine years of age. Offered College Principalship. The :Signal was ler error last week In stating that Dr. J. M. Field waw with the party of teachers ttiutfig Northern Ontario. -Fleid wtw�at— with the teachers. He wan un a trip to Monteith, where the Department of Fehxwtion Ic establishing a renege of which Dr. Field has i.r•u aslt'd to tike "the principalship. The Doctor haw the offer under -.n.ideratinn. A Hefty rotate. Talking eholm big pets toes, firs. J. Lynn brought one Into the ,SIgna1 office t1w other (My which holes* the ✓ econ; is, far this season. It weights! 1s ounce«. and the largest chr'nmfer- esr sac' 14 Inches. It Is of the Peach Blow 'variety and Mrs. i.ynn s:vmon- there an teeter or to ■ hIl. sat Idg fellows"- Now. if Dun - mein or any other place in the tsty bas ouything to beat this. let u s lever about It. les a Lary, T1rs* $s callf.rsia Alone. noon on Friday lent air. A. 11. (:lover and his family left on a trip acmes the contiientbz auto - middle. TI'Iwy travelled In two cars, the en which was bitched behind the other as a trailer. They carried a teat, prnitsk no. (yoking nteaalls, etc.. In- tending to do their own cooking as they ramped along the way. The caravan excited a good deal of in- terest Hs it kelt on Its long Journey of •everul IhAurnand miler The party (•eusistlrl of lir, and Mrs. Glover. their danglter ,lawn and son Chester, ..end Miss Elsie ttan•omite. Their destination Is Lon Angrier 11041 they plan to spend the winter In ('all - is Hnot possibly ,remain there. G .I.A. Notes. — ThP (i.W.1',A. respectfully relueeta :111 retnruel meen. Irrespective of whether they ars memher, of the Association or nett, to turn out on muds). :September Ptah, for the pur- pose of pn•NdIlg to Maitland eemet• try to lsv re.IHrt to 1110w• who have passel navy whew returning from oterseas. S4•pt•mM•r 12 is to lee a Hpecln1 "Desoratlets Day," the ildd• felk.ws. Foresters and .tinangerueh also taking part. The men arc• request- ed to wear uniforms if possible. but to come enylertt, meting at the (1.W.V. 1. r.•oms at l.30 p.m. sharp. The eomtailter in charge of nr- 4rng.ns I,t. for the rifle dub is' Den hephrrd. Fred Sturdy. and J. Mur - r. y. Hear Hunt in (,odMtk. A young iear which was kept ae pet 1.7 the men nn the Opener I A a ( 'lenlyun eeH•aped from t��4iS ioat while It was in pert here la''st week and 1s sow is resident of (laderich. t•or several days wandered atr0nd IIt waterfront. ring seismal par - 4 kr a hit of a a 491.1. e•, not 10 soy aware. is they cava' 5(•4)55 It tines- prtelly. On• Monday evening Mr. J. (1. M,Orw and Mr. Alex Powell 'Hos it while they were delete* an automobile on ('..1t•doela Terraee gni alter winning It for a .h rt, distanee the) raptor'1 11 ■n1 took it up to Nr. McGee's praiv. on Vietorla streetit Is about the gaze of a ensue drat and while net riel(atw It 1s not exert!, es tame 00 a kitten, :end several of the boys who got too familiar with It are carrying marks ( of teem h or els los. knot l'b,wvh !tests. u The annual picnic of Knot church Sabbath school was held at Harbor 1' w tat Tutsdnc and was much enjoyed by i •1 OLBORNE & CO. USE OF-RRtTXB1LIITY J. X. L. Battery A Canadian Product RF,ADIN' and WTITIN' and 'RITNMSTIC— . Will soon fill your youngster's hours. Before school opens bring your little one in to have a photograph taken --a natural likeness, that will be your most treasured possession in after years. The only Battery amnafactured entirely 10 Canada. Suitable for all makes of ears sad guars merit to give entire satisfaction. We have opened In Godcrkb a Battery Service and Maks .Biatioa -• in charge of The People's Garage MR. J. G. McGEE Victoria street. The people of Goderieb and vic- inity are requested to investigate the merits of the IX1. Batter). J. T. FELL The 1. X. L. Manufacturing Co. Limited PALMERSTON, ONT. _ those present, in spite of rather unfavor- licher wag a dental wtudeat and ar- able weather. A program of sports was ter succea.fully con ludlne big arse part of the program, the events being year at the trental College at Tor - won a' follows: onto was spending the vacation aft a sailor on the steamer (ifenorchy. The boat loam unloading Boal at Key Har- bor when the accident occurred. Heber falling tato the water end evidently striking something la the fall and toeing stunned. We was • 'strong boy and a good swimmer, but he Rank without making an effort to sate hinted?. The body was recov- Jes. .1II.tey and Robert McDermid. crest in 'front forty minutest and was Buys' wbeelharrnw nee --1st Annuls brought to Goderieh for burial. The Slather ,and Morris Hillier, end ROMA wd1 event was the cause of the keen- Mathesn and Frank Warnock, 3M est sorrow to Heber's many frieeds, Boys. 9 year, and under--Ist Ciro - Welker. 22nd Victor Elliott, Sed Robert Campbell. Boys. 11) year, and over—lst R1 - %nod Niven. 2nd Dennis Hillier, Erd Morris 111111er. Huy.' three-legged mee,-1st DennlJ Miller and Iti111e Webster, 2nd Rosa Matbesnn and Frank Warnock, 3rd ).iwr,uI \Ivens and Merril hakes, as he was n great favorite and was at lays' blindfold race -1st Elwood that tint, of lift. when strong friend- Nivens, 2nd Ross Matheson. t ships ate made. MP and Mr.. Powell Girls 7 to 11 years- - 1st Evelyn Me- have the heartfelt nytepathy of all lhmald. 2nd Irene Abel. :ted Marie Hell. naris A to 11 years -1x1 Helen Mc lb•rmid..2wei Winifred Sheppard. :tri Irene Stowe: Alrls 12 years and over -1st Agnew Fraser. 2nd Rhoda M,Vevin. 3rd Flor- .0.,. t:rinlreal. Olrls' three-legged rwn`1.t Winnl- ftrd Sheppard and Irene Stowe. 2»d Ague.. Fraser and Rhoda MsNevin, 3rd Irene Abel and Jean Matheson. O1rii bltadfold rare— 1st Rhoda ilkNevta, 2nd Elcte t'o k5Md, :Mf le. 'settle. Oltis' ronenlatinn race -1st Adeline Sirens. 271d Naomi Mcilrrmid. 3rd Alk•r Keating :ederldl Roams Rim. one tit the aaddeat tragedies was le death of Heber Powell, only son of Yr. and Mem. W. J. Powell, of town. hatch occurred at Rey Harbor. near 'arty $Duna. Is1f M.tnnlsy morning 111 their great trial in the loos of their only child. Heber was horn at Clin- ton twenty-one years age and came to (',oderich with h1■ parents about nine years ago. He attended (lod- eri. h Collegiate inetiturte. and during the war spent three years in Renee N i I h the Army Meal icer 1 ('orpr. Tle• funeral on AeQ nada, after - nth /II to Maitland cetnatcry was one e largest seen Doderirb for atime.. Il lee funeral some time. 'services wets, conducted by Rev. J. E. Ford and Rev. J. F. Reycraft and the pall- Ieerers were harry, Buchanan, Percy Beattie, Alvin (.meroa, Gets. Mac - Ewan, Harold Cnrrie and Harold MOP. nc,, A groat number of Hotel of- fering* were mute testimony of the sorrow and sympathy whkb is felt by all the people of Ooderich M the loot of a Ane young man just enfee- ble upon the Iwslnem of a life d *rear promise. SIAM 1lTQ ESTA3U$ ' 1•7a THE money in your pocket is much more easily spent than the stoney you have in the bank. A dollar here and a dollar there, • it is soon gone and nothing to for it, The mere fact that you ve to write a cheque to witfid your savings froth-IS-- Bank rom"aBank of 1 awilton account is suffi- cient to prevent nieless expendi- tures. BANK OF HAMILTON Goderich Branch—A. J. MacKay, Manager Read the Advertisements in this Iune. It Pays.. The Satisfaction of Perfect Tailoring When you know that your clothes are tailored correctly, and that they fit perfectly. Then you enjoy genuine satisfaction MARTIN the Tailor •