HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-9-2, Page 44 ---Thursday. September 2nd. 1920 THE SIGNAL OODERI Ready for Fall Business New Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, Sweater Coats, Underwear, etc., are now ready for your inspection As in the past we are keeping up the standard for good reliable goods -the kind that gives satis- faction. Our object is to satisfy our customers in quality, style and price. MADE TO MEASURE CLOTHING_ Oursamples are now in—(20th Century and Art Clothing)- —the finest imported and domestic ~liens, tailored in city style by high-class tailors. BIG LCTIQN OF SAMPLES TO 0400SE FROM WALTER , RIDHAM PHO e WA RO �I ) Doubly Beautiful err the„ Lavalljeres and Jewelled Lockets in our exhibit of high-class Jewellery. There is the beauty of design and (Nish, and the beauty of quality that ensures lesbian eat• isfaction. Yet oar Jewellery is not expensive. Prier moderation ix as much a feature of our bu si- IWO as the character of our mer- t•thl ndist•. ERT[ SO V HMAKER AND JEWET.I.ER f Order East St. and &Ina Aoderich. Ga:. DUNGANNON. 1 for 'l'oruutu on Saturday to take In IIthe tgwulug of the Exhibition. Miss. M. C Rutherford and Slimmed Helen pout Isalwl Miller spent the KI-- • with their THURSDAY, Sept. 2. The Misses Frank and Liiy McLean have removed to Lucknow, where the termer is engaged as teacher in the con- tinuation school. Mrs. R. A. McKenzie is visiting at W Ingham. A number of Dungannonites are at Toronto Exhibition this week, including \\'. H. McClure. N. J. Treleaven, F. Fowler. Lorne McKenzie; Thos. Stothers and S. E. Sanderson. Rev. Dr. Campbell, Mrs Campbell and Rev. D. D. Douglas h:ve returned Irom Port Albert, where they have been camp- ing by the lake. The public school reopened for the tall term on Wednesday. Mr. Fred -Rosa (principal) and Miss Tichborne are the teachers. The teachers who spent the vacation in Dungannon bave dispersed to resume their work for the fall term—Misses Ethel Case. Pearl McKenzie and Jean Stothers to Toronto, Daisy Ryan to Port Credit, L. Pentland to Essex county. Edna Pent- land to R,ckwood Falls, in Northern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. James McNain and daughter Tena. of Laurier, visited Mr. and Mrs. F. Ross this week. The Dungannon postoflice is now situ- ated in the Allen block, the removal taking place on Tuesday. Mrs. J. R. McNabb. Miss Margaret and Master Jack returned the first of the week from Michigan. where they had been visiting. J. R. event over ter them with his motor car. . The Dungannon bakeshop is now in charge of Mrs. George McIntyre. who has moved to the village from near Nile. ARE THREE VER1 IMPORTANT F'EA l'RES IN FOOTWEAR. They are qualities that every Sh . in our imuleeme itIM'k 0111.1 and .bees possess. Every line s seleted with these ends in view and before being_offered • sale is care- fully examined. thus ensuring perfect qualit. Now is gm time to get your keys and Girls dy for the fall tern) at school. Buy their Shows from ua a d feel satisfied they are well shot. Prices are most reaso•able and quality the last. Let as do your shoerepairing It will be done right. ACBURN. WEDNESDAY, Sept. 1. Mr. John Mole returned to the village last week to occupy his residence. Miss Alma Yungblut is visiting friends at Clinton and Zurich this week. Mr. G. H. Ball left oqrsn Tuesday for a two months' trip to thePrairte Provinces. There was a large congregation at the Baptist church Sunday afternoon. when Rev. E. O. Forde conducted his last ser- vice here as pastor. His congregation arejsorry- to lose him. He goes to Toronto to take a charge there. Miss Margaret Jackson has returned to Toronto to tale up her duties as teacher. Chas. Asquith and Robert Stalker are at Alvinston fitting up the evaporator there in preparation for the fall season. Mr. R'm. Dobie. sr.. does not improve in health as his many friends would like. Mr. McDonagh. of Toronto, called on his friends this week. Dr. r. John Young. of Pittsbur•e. preached in Knox church Sunday morning. His many friends here are always pleased to listen to him - Miss McPherson. of Wingham, a former teacher, spent the week -end visiting friends here. LOYAL. WEDNESDAY, Sept. 1. Rev- John Young. D. D.. of Pittsburg. Pa.. preached in Smith's Hill church on Sunday last. He has since returned to hia home after a visit with relatives in the township. Mr. Jacob Young and daughter. of Minneapolis. are visiting his brother, Mr. John Young. of the Loyal store. The visiting brother has recently been be - reeved by the death of his wife. and; Loyal friends sympathize with him in hit! loss. Harvesting is about wound up and the folks are gettidg ready to attend the Goderich fair next week. Miss Rose Merritt. of London, was the guest of her friend Miss Nellie Clark the pest week. a No. 1 school has re -opened with Mi McArthur again in charge. W. F. Young's big field of clover has been cut and stocked. Photographer Saliows has taken several pictures of this apl nlid field. Rev..lohn Young. n; London, is vikiting his parents. Mr and Mrs. W. F. Young. Mrs. E. Bartke and daughter, of De- ir, are visiting friendslRre wrek-end ut- titan ike aunt. Mrs. Joint Courtney. Mr. John Rutherford. his sin Mr. (leo. Rutherford. and Mr. and Mra. Thupheu, of North Branch, Michlgau, motored over un Wesinewlay and are speeding a week i lalting relatives. Mr. Rutherford is a brother of Mrs. John Gamut, and kept the blacksmith shop here over forty years ago. He looks halo and hearty. Mrs. W. Taylor anti daughter Dor- othy and her little friend !squire Burley, of Guelph, are visitors with Moa. Taylor's brother. Mr. Mel. Hum- plm•y. Mrs. .1. T. Salkeld and daughters, Misses Irene and Mamie, of Goderich. Culled on friends here on Friday. Miss Elizabeth Wellwood. of New York. ix a visitor with her sister, Mrs. Geo. We are glad to see Mr. John Miller and Mr. Coe. F'orrhan out .grin, although they still have a limp. Mr. and )1rs. Will Slelkonatd and Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McDonald and daughter Donal& motored over from Jamestown and spent ttuuday with friends here. GEO. Mac V/CA R NORTH SIDE Of SQUARE : GODERICH KIN(:MRRIIN:E. Tuesday. August :11. Fathers McRae of (tslerich. Murray. C.S.M. of Toronto. Hogan of ('Tin- ton, Mural' of St. Augustine. O'Reilly of Sou4h Dakota, and 1'Nelll of Park- hill. all attended the gardeu (arty here last week. Mr.Wilfrel Garvey Ira: returned to Assumption College. Sandwich. to take up the duties of a master. Father John O'Reilly: of South Dak- ota. is spending hie vacation at his old home here after eine years' tab - eructs He is heartily wetcumed back by his old friends. The dance held in the parish hall on Friday night in order to dispose of cakes. soft drinks. etc., lett over from the garden party was attended by the homy c•irele of Kingsbridge young people. all of whom eujeytd a very good time.. After songs render- ed by the local talent all left for home. The proceeds for the night amounted to over $.30. Mrs. T. F. Fahey and children. Mary June and Bob. of ('bitmgo. re- turned home after spending it pleas- ant four weeks' vacation at the hose of her e.xtsin. Miss K. Long. here. Mrs. ('e•il (rrifllu and little son Teddy returned to Detroit after spending a pleasant vscation here at the home of her mother. Mrs. T. Joy. Mr. Walter 'Dalton has returned to i►etroit after spending harvest time at his hoose here. W. Je.ep '. Cburet Garden Party. —One of the most successful and pleasant garden parties held la Ash- field took platy on St. Joseph's church grounds on August 25. The day. one of the finest of the past week. favored tlw tx•casion and a very large crowd attended. Tbe grounds were Targe and tastefully detonated and afforded ample room for the pleasure-wykt•rs. The bountiful sapper served in open air was voted an entire sues..+ by all who partook of ir. Tbe booths were well patronized and Ice-cream. soft drinks end homemade candy .were in ('onstant demand. When 'Evening set inthe grounds anti hall were bright- ly lighted by the "Alamo lighting sys- tem in chai' a le Sir. 14w.-ltzer, of i neknow. The dancing was heli in the roomy parish hall. The excel- lent music furnished by the Redmond orchestra from fit. Augnstlne and the arst-elaso eonditk,e of the floor attract el a large crowd. _The dative was i ermltte•d he several step- datieee h, Messrs. Je.e Kinahan. of St. Augustine. and Walter Dalton. Mr. Meiree, of Vawano.h. sang several t..mjc songs which were much tip- pres-lated. All muts•rnetets tetoppe.l at 2 a.m., and of r ° partaking of a limela tl very sa sfled crowd left for charge or the garden party errta for the 5U('eemi 0 ST. HELENS. The lucky winners Tuesday. August 31. were annonneetl as Slips Altai!.('lark rehirutd to S,tsk- leather -upholstered oak Sask- .. .0 on Monday. by Sirs. Michael Tobin. o . lett. of Itrn.st•Is is visiting lies jatiugjoier.'Mr'. U. Ferrier. air. and Mrs. Wall:ne Miller left deserve credit affair. e the prizes lows: The ker. won Gtxlerich : the half-dozen silver deems spoons. won by Mr. F. C(NdelE --of ('p ref II : the ten -dollar gold piey , won 15y Etl. Si -noir. Kingslrridge: the (nsleted pillowcases, woe by J. C. Ktatn Kingsbridge; the camisole. Mrs. T. ('Reilly, King bridge•. ' The lin (yetis atnuunteJ to $1170 •t Tires and accessories of all kinds. Prest-O-Lite Storage Batteries and Columbia Dry Cells. Oils and Greases We are installing an Oxy -Acetylene Welding Outfit in the near future. A demonstration of this work by an ex- pert will be given here. WATCH FOR LATER ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE DATE McLaughlin Car for sale. In first- class running order Let us remove the carbon from your car by oxygen. We are doing this work on some of America's best cars. Give it a trial. GENUINE FORD PARTS EASTSTREETOARAGE T. F. HOLLAND Constipation Cured By Christian Science haedred era be cured by °bristlaa Roleooa methods, which proves tae (treat power of Nie Mind over the Direwt.ive Asnagetus and the ft► gtsnmm of Nervousness ae s suss of Co..nialprtlla Whoa time methods MI Hacking's — HackMq'. Kidney and Liver Pitts are recommences. They mea or vegetable and do mot Ono* tr. rota t& noon pearl* bays thea theta exrelfeet for Headache, Dizziness, ted Breath. Coated Tongue, Loy err Appetite, lnd1 .shoe, Oaii eel the atee.ao(, and may other ger` amt are dos to Ooasehatloa. Where there is Nsrveum nese sad yea ase '1x11 mallows" sad "tare sear It t a dd toe Jtaet • wen to tete Haekleg'. Hent and Nerve Remedy along wan ttsoe P'11a. nits cam - Ninths !pose w11 blather sad re - g ems - ge s the good heath at yber •younger dlare. The Heart adios bw eels wawa Oe Nerves mals oe ase L. Parer sad vigor mod the Imams frtsirgf boomtas@ ed1 of `gip'" W vanity. ' r yen am tired ef anions* and trim Int On Power, AhARy ani Nerve /pram Jae year hilly wart w veer Nerves are all Slwttere4 hats glee thane ewe Reandlin a Weld and w w! Mdinety mese see haidetnl rearms. as es year Iona ab sad set lbs Raetkt.a ton do ase hie ray eller tied her N yea de yea wilt be toiled Heft at toe (scat asst yen wO mat lot the mienata ret we pelmet**. tamtiagre Unit - al. Unmet Harking s Remedies are sold In Ged- rich by J. A. ('antsb.lL Dmksggld. 0 H OTS. The sermon subjects at the Baptist church peat Sunday will he: 11 a. m., A More Serious Letter.•' 7 p. m., "Sur- prised and Overcome." Bible school at 0 55 a. m. B. Y. P. U. meeting at 8 o'clock. At Knox thumb divine worship Sun- day morning and evening, will 1w con- dheted by the minister. SubJe•t of ser- mons -11 a.m., "A Living Church :" 7 p.m., "The Reflex of immortality." Monday .school and Bible classes at 8 ri clock. The Nervier.' next Sunday In Victor - Is street Methodist church will be enn- ductel by the pastor, Rev. J. F. Rey - craft. Morning subject : "The True Way." F:venlog subject : "God's Pov- erty." Sunday retool at 10 oclock, and also nn the following Sunday. PRESONAL 10ENTION. Mr. Hector Hays is taking in the Toronto Exhibition this week. Miss Ethel Nairn has returned to Galt to resume her teaching duties. Nr. ('lir. Mc('artney, e.f iDetroit, was a visitor In town this week. Mr. and Mrs H. Martin left Wednes- day morning to visit relative. at Toronto. Miss Florence hates, of Toronto, .1: 0n%, r eb Phone 56 D 1 MILLARiSON "The Scotch Store" Dr4 STORE HOURS : A A. M. TO b P. M, r SATURDAYS 10 P. M. Phone 56 +/IMAM On Exhibition Days Grand. Showing of Fall and Winter Styles in Wearing Apparel for Women, Misses and Children Specially Featuring Garments at Popular Prices WOMEN'S AND MISSES' COATS WOMEN'S AND MISSES' SERGE The new Coats are most attractive. Many bare Fur Collars, others have Targe ('ape COollara, Kimono and Fitted Sleeves, mostly bettedeff eW1n Silvertones, Velours. Duvetines are the featured materials. Priced from $45.00 tip THE NEW FURS The Fun on exhibition are the nicest we have ever shown and are extremely moderate in price. Beautiful Sets for Women, Misses and Children in Hudson Seal, Australian Opossum: Sable, Wolf, Red Fox, Badger, Thibet. Be sure to see our Furs before buying elsewhere. QUEEN QUALITY FALL SILK GLOVES The new Silk Gloves for Fall are now in j stock. Queen Quality with Gauntlet Cully very smart for dressy wear. in Navy, Whi Grey. Sand. At $2.so add $2.25, pr. AND SILK DRESSES The Serge anti Silk Dresses for FaIL and Winter are most becoming, made -)pias the newest styles that are not extreme for. town wear. in a great variety of styles. Priced from $15.00 up THE NEWEST IN SEPARATE SKIRTS Never has the choice of the practical separate Skirt been better than this season, the accordion and box pleated being toe favorites, with Plaids and Tweeds 1e place. Women's Accordion Pleated Skirts in Navy Serge $10.00 and $15.00 Women 's ('laid and Tweed Skirts from $8.50 to $14.50 THE NEW FALL SWEATERS The new fall hweaters and Pullovers art most attractive in their beautiful ct,lor- Ings in many new styles. some havin;r the new pleated frills.. They are pricedfrnm $7.50 to $15.00 Our New lea -to-W ea, Deparmen�t which occupies an entire floor will really ad to the pleasure of shopping at 4 the Scotch Stor . Make our --store your headquarters while visiting the ihition. Meet you friends in our Rest Room. You wa find us at our usual stand at the Exhibition McCal's Patterns Nemo Corsets D. & A. Collets P. C. Corsets f Milia rs-tch St e- 54 The lead r Mae and Mail Oldee Stare. Salalactisa guarantied. i is visiting her father. Sir. Chas, Basten. Blackstone's is the place to get that gift box of chocolates. .Dr. J. R. Le Touzel, of London, has been visiting in town this week. Miss Le Touzel has retnrned from a ree weeks' visit to Gaspe, Quebec. r. Arthur R. Ford, of Ottawa. is visieing his parents, Rev. J. E. and Mrs. Ford. Mrs. . MacVicar and son Alex. have returned om a visit to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. 'etrich. Fioradale. . Mia Mac 'car has returned from at- tending out theISL storage battery. with 7► 'filch he is having considerable suc- cess. Miss Gwendolyn Ware, accompanied by Mn. Bert. Summer. and her little daughter Bethel. motored up from London Saturday ani visited Mrs. Byron Wilson. On their return they were accompaned by Miss Jeanie Wilson. to spend a few days at London before returning to her, work at Toronto after a month's vi+jt at home. tending the millinery openings at Toronto. Mr. A. A. Williams has returned to Toronto after a tetsdays' visit wish his family here. Your favorite icem soda is here None but the purest flaks used. H. T. Edwards. Mrs. H. V. Nicholl, of ndon, has been visiting her parents. MI, and Mrs. E. J. Rumball, East street. s Wingham Advance: Mrs. Noble Young and children. of Goderich, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Young. Dr. W. Y. Hayden, of London, hes been in town this week making arranges ments for the removal of some effects to London, where he is opening a dental Office for private practice after several years in military work. Mia Marjorie Andrews. after spending a month with her aunts. the Misses Driver, Bruce street, has gone to Toronto to visit befored resuming her duties as art supervisor of the Cobalt public school. Mr. and Mn. H. McLean, of Detroit. arrived in town on Saturday, on a motor trip to Toronto. Buffalo and Cleveland, and spent a few days here the guests of Mr. and Mn. Hector McFadyen. North street. Mr. McLean is a native of Gode- rich. being the eldest .nn of the late Tito°. Mclean, of Goderieh and Lucknow. Mr. and Mn. John Youngsem and lir. Howard Yoneyama. of Palm- 'retoa. were la Mwa ever Sunday vie - Ring friesnrls. Yr. Toumgeon Ms Ba- ta Misted sad 1. nkaaagtwg a am company—the TX isaanf.dnHng Co. —at Palmerates. toad U tbraing M. ROBINS , • ' MEN'S TROUSERS at low prices, good materials in plain shades and patterns, all sizes, with 5 pockets $3.75 MEN'S TWEED TROUSERS, as- sorted patterns, plain oollars, finished with 5 pockets, loops for belts, and cuff bottoms. Sizes 34 to 42 $a,T BLUE SEROES and neat grey patterned tweed, serviceable, dressy, ►nd remarkable val- ne..: UI sisal at ... $8.95 M. ROBINS Yong, sad Charts+ St.. Tero„ro, enjoys an eirellent reputation for high-grade work. It is no wonder the demand for our graduates ,. free tune, osrnappy, Enter ear time. Catalogue tree. -------._._—. - In if W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. —TH l;. - Hydro Store GODERICri The heat of summer makes all household tasks more difficult. Buy am Electric T1s& ing Machine We have three makes and at different prices n. "Thee' s The"Trojan" aid the "Lribs" CALL AND SEK WASHERS IN STOCK LAMPS, IRONS, RTC., ALVI'AVS ON HAND Water and Light Ca111■'-ei-a 4 :•t