HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-9-2, Page 22 Thurwlay, SeptewI.•r _tat, 19:t. eh sig Surpassing 1'tlursda5, .Sei.i •wb,•r INFANT INDUSTRIES. The Loudon Free Press lauds the policy, adopted by the people of Can- ada "un the 17th day of September, 1871." of "nursing infant dndustrler." This hake us tack forty-two years, and yet The Free Press still wants the"Maur' industries to be .nursed by a protective tariff. Query -laid The Free Pero ever know or hear of an iudustry that, hating once tasted the sweets of protection, would admit that it had grown out of the "infant" class and could do without protec- tion? Although the protetive tariff is not worshipped in Canada today as it was twenty -fire years ago, there is still perhaps only • small proportion of the people who would refuse some special favors to a new industry struggling to establish itself in the country. The trouble is that the 'in- fant" industry grows up into a lusty, well -fief age, and the bigger and stronger it gets the more insistent be- come its demands for the special favors of the tariff until Be clamor drown out the voices of a dozen In- dustries of THE(SIGNAL all other in Delicacy and Fragrance 11 El AIL Scnd ass post card for • free semy 1st stating it s price you now py�ay and u you Ulla blacks Gress or Mimed Tea. Address Salads, Toronto. arts form of he word to be, used after a plural noun, Members bC the U..F. 0. Government have been criticised for cultivating the private car habit, and when Hon. Man- ning Doherty, Minister of Agriculture, travelled to the Pacific Coast in a Gov. ernment car a good deal was said about it. especially as Mr. Doherty was said th be going West to visit a brother who was ill. On his return, however, the Minister made a statement to the press to the effect that, although his brother's illness, which resulted in his death, was the immediate cause of his tel.ing tbe trip at this time, the greater tart of his.lime in the West was spent on Government business. and that: anyway, he had the geaulire Infant ►arlety, aonally paid the expenses of the trip. What has done a great deal to stake !This seems to put Mr. Doherty foursquare with the world, and when he com tbe people of Canada sick of protec- tion 1* the sight of industries paying visit Goderich next week there will be additional interest in the man who pays enormous dividends still putting on a poor face and declaring their in- ability to get along without the sheA- ter_ot._abe tariff. It is time they were loomed. EDITORIAL NOTES. Villa, Mexico's fatuous rebel chieftain, is turning to peaceful ways and announces that he will become a farmer. In other words, he will raise cane, instead of raising Cain. Can anyhody imagine that under home rule Ireland would be in any worse state than it is at present, or its condition any greater menace to the Security of the Empire ? - -- \ • in the referendum campaign a year ago the prohibitionists urged the People to vote "No." four times "No." For the corning campaign they will have to change the appeal, if a newspaper despatch from Ottawa gives the correct informatio. • This states that the question to be sub- mitted will be : "Shall the importation of intoxicating lipuors Into the Province k be fork dden ?" Prohibitionists will ask it 1 the p_.,ple to vote "Yes" to tiis question. a Il., and the -Noes"' will be in the wet column' Kiauls ve..twl while rot The announcement that after an Arab t Ir11e it soto yield. �Ye . uprising in Mesopotamia Great Britain is one haring at --to give the country a native Government, j of good old with an Arab pr.nce as Governor, is rather his own way. Proportional represent•tlon making headway. At Winnipeg is the system was employed In the haat Pro- vincial elections, and The Winnipeg Free Press pomments: Some of the Advautege•s of the new system are very apparent. In the first place. proportional representa- tion eliminated the excitement and bitterness. from the election cam- paign; the knowledge ,that each par- ty could get in fair proportion, and uo more. of the available seats made the oltl-time strategy and electioneer- ing uetess: it also saved thoosaods of.dollars which would have been spent in pushing Slie individual candidates: and It euabled the electors to ap- proach the ballots with a calmness of mind which gave them an opportun• its to cast their votes with the great -1 est possible understanding and In- telligente-. The trifling number of spoiled ballots is an eloquent trete wunlal to the fret (hat the electors Y.dueatiuusl 1ae•pa rr tueut iu the Mat- ter of thin! -e Liss teachers Notwltb• standing the shortage of teacher+ and the necessity of employing all in sight trustee hoards are held up by 'he regulation forbidding the engage- ment of the tlutrd.'Moo. alisny of 111inlater excellent of Edu awtls should cnt out the rule or else cut off the granting of a useless privilege that is demean% ing to isith teachers mud trustees. "Thee 'for a-- enange4we would say, for surely the absurdity of the situation should he patent to all by tide time. BLYTH. WEDNESDAY, Sept. 1. Miss Maude A. King. of Des Moines, Iowa, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Ms. Geo. King. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Little and daughter Dorothy have gone ou a trip to Mani- toba. Mn. J. H. Chellew, of Santa Barbara. Cal., is visiting at the home of her son, J. S. Chellew.eiShe will remain here until ober, alter which she will make her at Toronto. ins Annie Taylor has returned from a Motor trip through eastern Ontario as far *Kingston. Mrsl�Minnie E. Lyon, who had been visiting • her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Lear, an others relatives, left last week for her at Brandon. Man, Mr. and rs. Nathaniel Johnston, who have been h ing at Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., have re rned and are at present making their h with their son in East W awanoshe The Ladies' Guild of Trinity church held a successful garden party on Mrs, Spofford's lawn last thursday evening. Mr. Ed. McMillan its here from North- ! ern Ontario, where lc' several years he sabering oper- has been conducting ations. The Huron Flax Co. wi this week complete the pu ling of over 4,000 acres of flax. The crop is the best for some time. The milhcommenced ions net week. Mr Geo. Powel'. who ha- been `essist- ing his son, Mr. R.J. Powell, in his More, intends returning td the West. The McNall family. who reside on t Auburn road, have been running in i1 luck lately. A couple of weeks ago a horse tan away, throwing Mrs. McNeil from were cowl and clear-headed when they the rig and quite severely injuring her. went to the polls. One day last week Mr. Thomas McNeil fell, fracturing oee of his ribs: and on Friday, Mr. Geo. McNeil. while operating The Cordes of Caanda the slings in the barn. had the misfortune Exeter Advoete, to have his hand caught in the ropes. Huron coin has always been severing one finger and badly lacerating sun as (he home of good crops, but another. doul,ful if she has ever produced er crop than this year. The t•se your mind as a store house, but that have already been hard not as u junk house.lace. :spinout been beaten, ,. S, earn, potatoes. and• all give promise of a record ammo undersMud airy- A desire to live outside eon Bating. +thy souls not the y correct thing have been done! or native feeling was roused against the Sri sh, to break forth in insurrec- tion ? matter what the British may do now,hill be a feeling among the natives tain had to be forced in grantingt t fights of self government. Nut Waiter Wanted. old lady. after` waiting in a loners store for about ten min - w groinly impatient at the lack oT' ri rte. Finally be rapped slier cronntrr. Ed tied Taps.ply on the llrussels use she fatly:' she. (Ailed.- ho clue more tbe e• ntry is 1p waltw on th nuts etywb0-dy'ui against the nonsensical uling of. the-liiiagazine. �\ Our correspondents, 11. Long and Rev. S. E.-McKegney; have wandered _ rather far from the question of Irish Ic Religious controversies in the press do not do .tnybody very much good and they have a tendency to create an uncomfort- able heat. We du not like to clone our columns arbitrarily against such ditcus- aions, hut we are pleased to observe that Miss Long states she has written her fins letter, and we are in hopes that Mr. McKegney will take the same stand. TO THE CITIZENS OF HURON CO., Ori behalf of the Executive • the Huron ('aunty Tenipernhce• 'Aron- elation Attarelation we wish to make an explain ion as to why we are asking for the suspen.tnn of the (Canada Temperance et, Reliable information from a keen ob- server in the United States, who is closely watching the Presidential campaign, and who perhaps has as good an opportunity as the average person of sizing up the situation and weighing the chances of the contending parties, is to the effect that the res'rlt is extremely doubtful. And perhaps this is the best information any- body can give on the subject until the night of the election --or the morning after ; for in 1916 millions of people went to bed with Hughes elected and got up in the morning to find Mr. Wilson at the bead of the poll. The Torooto'Star calls attention to a •olecitrn that we fear is being perpetrated in many instances in connection with the erection of war memorials. Some stone- cutter who did not know any better Chiselled the words : "Their names liveth forevermore." and the words have been copied by others all too faithfully. At any rate. we have seen in this county tbe stens error as The Star has noticed in • city church, and it is likely enough it has been repeated, elsewhere. In an important matter like a public raearorial, the word- ia$ to be mod should be paired upon by men oampstent perms or Demons. who would Mem fiat "live" 1e, the proper - GODEIIICH, OJT. A GOUEBICH FATHER WRITES j TO HIS SON IN THE WEST. Goderich. September 2, 1920 Dear Sou, -Just a few linea, sun to let you know that the old town to getting along nhrly and I believe that there'll be a thorough reorganization here before long. At least Juw Kidd and Jack Kelly, together with Wes Walker and Liu Kuux, are talking eloug there liars at present. The high rust of living fa affecting us to same extent yet, but we hope for a drop in prices before many too ous. Fred I'rldham was Just telling we yester- day that the only thing tlutt lilts pre- vented him from wearing uversiis this •unmet Is the tact that he had some snrpitui • c'Iotb on hand. and, as he acid, "between suites' he Axed 1t up for personal use. Fred was glad when the war etsded, son, and he got off the porridge diet. 1 _ The proposed Godertek' Old Hoye RtwnIoa did a.k come to a head tide rummer. :bit It Is known -Skit there e a movement on foot to try and spring the trap in perhaps July of 1921. The "old boys" -or some of them moat interested in Goderich - rr'e working quietly on the 'scheme in their respective towns elsewhere. We have • pretty fair council title year and the municipal machlnery has nen along pretty smoothly. The "third -term mayor" Naas given Rhe folks very gad satisfaction, indeed. Not a had chap at all. is Mayor Wigle. Ile's a broadminded sort of chap. He doesn't Jump at eouclu- sione too quickly. He's a good titian - der. Someone" once augge+ted to me that be might be endorsed for a "higher" council at the next etectkua. Then somebody else told me that It was too bad that he isn't a (}ret. as it tw was be would get to trtawa sure. however, somebody is always joking around here, you know. It wasn't Billy line that craeked this one; 'twits a friend of Itilly'a though. at that Incidentally, there Is likely to be some fun around next election time here. The chances are tint the farmers and the other two parties will all have candidates in the field. There s no telling. Boy+, if they do, there'll he some race ' Meanwhile. Premier Meighen l+ likely to hang oo as long as possible before he goes is the people for a five-year eralorsation d all the while MacKenzie King Is going about warning the farmers tliat theyneed not exiart the same vic- tory t the Dominion "go" that they experts ed In t lntarto, its "Grits will vote Grit" this trip to a man. Shortly ■tt r the Aye-eler-tions, we will know tet r if there's to be a nice this winter or The winter time is a good ttwe fur an election. Lots of cold weather h pa to keep the politic'ian's blood coot,And when he has to unhitch the nag every few miles out In a snowdrlht in order to let a clergyman or a wo h have the raid, well, it alt bp* to p him goal -natured. The simmer tme is -toad time, beratise IIP fa Dia a to get excited and become a law -Ur ker by overrunning the speed rules In s car There's s lot of talk about the proposed lakes -to -the -ocean water- way. It would be a great thing for Goderich all right. I think erery lo- cal citizen agrees on Ibis point, wheth- er he he Grit. Tory or Independent. 1,311 it would eenalaly be a big boost for the old 'town to be a111P to ship our kuron county produce right from our dock to the ports afar, even on the salt waters. That together with a water passenger merely/• and a few more Industries and we would hare a bumper "city." Whenever there's anything of a startling nature to telt yon, son, I'll write. Your monies. is well, only very cranky this last while Abe mays all women get cross when they get old. I'm glad I was married young, mon, anyway, because i have really had a few years of peace. Mr. Polley has passed another milestone, le hale and rty, and is still a great politielan, not a Unionist, no, not by a long right. HP liken The Globe a little better now, however, than he did for s Mar atfeg eke tart election \\ TOUR iDAD. the people of Huron aitd we had the adva+cages of more than two years of prohibition before the Ontario Temperance Act was put into operation. The law has been well administered and splendid results have been secured as a result of its strict enforcement ani (he only reason for asking for its suspension is lercau-e the new Provinetsl I' w is the superior In many ways, embodying as 1t. does many restrirtion/I not co'Cered by the C. T. A. The Ontario Temps'ranee Act can now be considered a permanent ohllrltion act. as it was adopted by the people last ti`tolier by a majority of ret 2110,000 after being on trial for threw years. n order that a .change could he made from one Act Government passed legislation to Septembers- he eptember -he Governor -In -Council to suspend the operation o I tonin power to in any 00 t in response to a petition of twenty -Ave per cent. of the electors. it Is now prop -wed that such a petition shall be prepared and the local orgnnlzationu are (wing supplied with the necessary forms to be sainted In their eaei mitnidpallty. There will be no voting on the question, as only the petition la required. Among the many resinous that could bre given tor thin chafes the following may Ia0 mentioned : 1 --The entire expense of enforcing the 0. T. A, is paid by tee Province, wls•rmas at present the County i'ounefl 11 called upon to bear a share of the expellant of the C. T. A. 2 -The fines are much more severe under the 0. T. A„ some going as high as 112,00, while $100 la the be.rkst line that can be Im- posed under the 1'. T. A. 3 -The provislonn for enforeing the Provincial Act ate better, eapeclally in the matter of reuring evidence by searches and seising of liquor In transit, etc. 4 -it Is also illegal under the 0. T. A. tors person to have liquor in any place exrnpt a private dwelling, Tour County Omeeru bare consulted with the Government and License Board of Commlaslones•s and err. thoroughly Pnnvinced that It la wise to make this change. We ask for the rn-operstloa of the churches, Miaisteri, Church mem- bers and local organisations to assist in securing signatures to the petition fonbiltitich will be circulated mire time during the early part of Reptembsr. 1s destine] that *11 petitioe forma he returned to the rifle Secretary sot haat than September 20th. J. A. IRWiN, President - A. T. COOPER, Field Secretary. 0 6.Aug.. 1996, to the other the giving the the C. T. A. If you convince a man against his will you may have to do it over again next day. SCHOOL FAIRS IN HURON. Following is a list of the school fairs to be held this year in Huron county, with the date of each : Dashwood -Thursday, Sept- 9- Crediton. -Friday, 10. Gerrit -Thursday, 16. Ethel -Friday, Sept. 1. Porter's Hill -Saturday,. IS. Calbtwtte---Monda,, Sept, McKillop -Tuesday, Sept. 21. Clinton -Wednesday. Sept. 22. St. Neem -Wednesday, Sept. 29. Walton -Thursday, Sept. 30. Wroreter-Monday.Oct 4. a�rs.le-Pridayt If You Have High Blood Pressure You Must Be Careful -0-- Whin the Blood Premium is mock above normal there Is always tis danger of rupture of a blood esaesl. most frpusntly let the Resin and producing a stroke, or in the Kid- neys, t♦neyss producing Bright's Dla a.. - Goo abound guard against 0,*r easar- Don or astltamant and cafes HACKING'S HEART AND NERVE REMEDY to dimsolva the Uric Acid deyosib Shat harm to itse Veins sad Aaeeries, soaking them hard and brittle. This remedy Y a wonder; k bads up the' entire system by Pulitytog tis Blood, Streogthealtag the Heart and by producing a normal and Meettthy oordlaloa of tie Nerve.. Mrs. Wm. bindery, d Palmerston, used maks a •umber d boxes et- HaokIng's Heart and Nerve Remedy .tad theyOlted her so much and sibs was M Owed with them Nuit Olio reewr_.Me them to all her tt'ieads who ban this trouble or who are aft ran down and Nervosa. She nays "you trust M sura to est Hack - 11400 Coastiptlen b one d tis airway - Intim canes of High Bleed Pressure .- and kis advising*, to use Hacking'% Kidney and Liver Pills to delve oat - M Pokrons tiers generate to eke erre am. Them two prepuretteae tie wail togesbee and you should bay a tow boxes Dun your dealer today. Bealnee UMW& LAM. O. Harking's Rowdies are sold in God, rich by J. A. Campbell, Druggist, 'Bo,"said a spectator, looking out to sea "Shat kind of a ship is that out there ?" "A Cruiser," was the answer, "And who are on b.,ard ?1' "Her crew. sir." "And by what means does she travel?" asked the interested man, "Oh, its strew, sir !" came the smart reply. 'You are a very smart lad. and where do you come from ?" "Crew, sir And he asked no more questions. EAST WAWANOSH. Minutes of `, the council meeting held on Angina 2trd. All the meas- lier* present Simnel' of previous meeting were need and confirmed. The engloeer'a report on the Sturdy drain was read to several of the panties linen -Ines, and was referred to the engineer for further consider- ation. A pylaw was read and passed fixing elm r.teseof taxation for the year as follows: County rate, 0 mills: townublp rate. :1 mills : special a los,1 rate. 2 1-10 millru: ortliratry ia'heu.l testes rrflwey and bridge debentures► corer and rliove thew amounts. Bylaw No, 7. 1920. authorizing the collection of 3 Per cent. extra on all taxes re- maining unpaid after December 15th. wits alar read amid pissed. Dirvet- ors on behalf of the Turnberry Agri- cultural Society were present asking for a grant in aid of Wingham fall fair. 510.(10 was voted for that pur- pose. The following mcoeunts were paid: (;e,. herr, cons. statute labor tax. $7.00. grading, Zi),00; W. Ar- buckle. grading. Li.20; W. Anderson. raking sti,nes, *6.00; Jets. Young, gra- velling on coneeslon>, 10 and 11, x:11.0i: J. Scott, putting in culvert. 32.:10: J. A. Brandon, grant to R'ing- ham fall fair, 1110.00: W. Fitzpatrick, gravel, $2.55: R. Scott. gravel. $4.40: R. J. Hellos, gra el, *4.15; 1'. W. Scott, grsrel, MAO; Thos. 13ndoock, gravel. $5.6S. Next meeting will be held on L^"'•?, stopt.•mher 27th - A. PORTERFiELD, Clerk. Fall Term from August 31st. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. The leading Commercial School of We,tet•n untario. We bare competent. experienced instructors. We give thorough courses In COm- men•IaI, Shorthand and Telegraphy departments and we assist grad- uates to positions. Write now for ottr free catalogue. D. A. McLACHLAW, Principal. ISIGE TEA OHM OAOITOAJIYSIIAOE SHADE Don't Stay Gray! Here's tie Old-time RecipePLY. AnT- '^ ar_"7 CarlnAP The t,s. M Rap ant Sntpkur for re - storms faded, gray hair to Its aatural eater dates book to gra*dosothoes Mme. Sao steed It to hoes Dior hair beaaUfulty dark. glossy and attr$e- er.. Wboaaver bar hair took en that dull. faded of streak.d aspoamate, this rnl Arnow relator. was appuad with weat Root brewtat home 1. mussy and cut -o1 -date, ftwwagsgs, by asking at any drag atom for a b.ttlo of -Wy tl'. S ages sad lial))bet Compound es will get this 1*... a std preparation, tnpesved by tie Manisa et ether la- pradlaats, whleb sea be dominion up- on to motors natural soler sad beset, Ito Um hair. ss R 4 wan-kaawn downtown druggist mos It dartos@ the UM se naturally W Mealy that ashoft sea tell 1t las It... applied. Tea alma y dayeea a �.ag et soft brash with 1s gad draw kl. ttbre gb yyeeut }�or 1r, taking e gttaad at a tf.se Sy s.ralar do Uraj hale 4$ne Beata sad attar so- w dad gefegea'1��. ttsee• s. /▪ labaa ?wink* 1a�g mal MINI` ?stint* Com- wb..e.Q. s snore I'eatWhl a to p1. that Meade' ter ttss1aS11sa N Ipl& Mea .t 1111111111 ■ 11111111111111♦ 111111111111**11M111K 11 It Bargains in Floor Covering r 11 CONGOLEUM RUGSry�yyy 1I II Beat Quality in select Patterns, sine 2x2 $5.W ■ 11 yards. Regular $8.00 for T x 11 BRITISH LINOLEUM SQUARES )11 11 Extra Qualty, select I'atterna suitable for Dining x . Rootus, Halls, Kitchens, etc. Special price. 3i3J . yards $14.60, 3x4 yards $16.60. • 11 JUTE BRUSSELS ZOOS 1A ` IN Seamless, reversible, neat Patterua 2x3 yards, $12 for $9.75. x 11 3x31 yards, $22 for $19.00 111 M 3x4 yards, $25 for $20.00 M 1 WOMEN'S DRESSES. -READY TO WEAR x In Duchess, Taffetas, tieorgettes, Foulard., Trico - Or tine. Some very late arrivals and now all on Summer Bargain Sale, clearing at from 25 per cent. 11 to 50 per cent. under present value. x M MR GLOVES 11 $ 16 button lirtgth, extra heavy pure silk, $2.50 II in Black, White, Pink, Sky and Grey. SpecialT II II BILE HOSE r II Ladies' Silk Hose in all best colors and white. . It 1t 111 14 ■>•■lt/11111111N111111$111•)•11111111111111K■ 1/ W. ACHESON & SON 1 Western University London, Ontario c4rts and Sciences Medicine Fall Term Opens October 4th FOR INFORMATION AND CALENDAR WRITE K. P. R. NEVILLE, Prgritfrar 2 Machine Repair Work--- We are prepared to do machine repair work of all kinds p u pay and at reasonable prices. We have installed an ACETTLENE WELDING OUTFIT, and farmers and others having broken castings can bring then to us and have them made as good as new by this process. WORKS AT GODLRICH HARBOR DOTY ENGINEERING COMPANY Ph". 25. s School of Commerce- 1 Clinton and Goderich, Ont. OFFERS THE FOLLOWING COURSES • Business Stenographic Secretarial Civil Service Teachers' Training Course and arranges Special Coarses for students. Tan Po1.LOwfxo ADVANTAORs : nighty Qualified Teacbiag Seal Actual Rusisass System of esokbeepiog Credertid Typawritiag Tests Positions Guaranteed Vocational Training School for this distrkt, by Government appointment. and usage is- speetien by Soldiers' Civil Raestabliabtneat Deppartaent, Por Terms, etc., write B. F. WARD, M. A. STOIVR, B. A. M. Amts.. Clea fipa'igiaf, Principal vuoitftiodr retro 1N, Ctlnten DEVELOPING e AND .. , PRINTING BRING YOUR FILMS TO US FOR DE- VELOPING AND PRINTING -ONE DAY SERVICE. ' ' ' ' •• : : : • FILMS TO FIT ALL CAMERAS. H. C. DUNLOP. Western University London, Ontario c4rts and Sciences Medicine Fall Term Opens October 4th FOR INFORMATION AND CALENDAR WRITE K. P. R. NEVILLE, Prgritfrar 2 Machine Repair Work--- We are prepared to do machine repair work of all kinds p u pay and at reasonable prices. We have installed an ACETTLENE WELDING OUTFIT, and farmers and others having broken castings can bring then to us and have them made as good as new by this process. WORKS AT GODLRICH HARBOR DOTY ENGINEERING COMPANY Ph". 25. s School of Commerce- 1 Clinton and Goderich, Ont. OFFERS THE FOLLOWING COURSES • Business Stenographic Secretarial Civil Service Teachers' Training Course and arranges Special Coarses for students. Tan Po1.LOwfxo ADVANTAORs : nighty Qualified Teacbiag Seal Actual Rusisass System of esokbeepiog Credertid Typawritiag Tests Positions Guaranteed Vocational Training School for this distrkt, by Government appointment. and usage is- speetien by Soldiers' Civil Raestabliabtneat Deppartaent, Por Terms, etc., write B. F. WARD, M. A. STOIVR, B. A. M. Amts.. Clea fipa'igiaf, Principal vuoitftiodr retro 1N, Ctlnten