HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-9-2, Page 1SUBSCRIPTION RATES $ I.50 A YEAR (payable in advance) $2.00 A YEAR to United States addresses Auuar:ws : The Nlgnal Piloting co., 7r Limited, Goderich, Ontario. SEVENTY-THIRD YEAR -NO. 35. u at Dorton 1 *mg 1f 96 Horton Boulevard w FARMERS Farmers will find Sterling Bank Service of value in obtaining speedycollection of their Sale Notes. A real llection Ser- vice is guaranteed, with efficient *methods of obtaining payment when due. And if you r.Qoiire additional capital in the asesntim., our local Manatee will be glad to discuss matters of credit with these Sales Notes as security. Talk things overwith him when you ars in town. !11IE SI!RLINGBANII or CANADA WHEAT PARTICIPATION CERTIFICATES Bring your certificates to this Bank and we will collect for you the initial payment of 30 CENTS PER BUSHEL \ authorized by the Wheat Board. aa. Ply CANADIAN BANK OF comma SR CAPITAL 15,100,000PMD-UP _ 115,100,000 C.ODERICf\i BRANCH, G. Williams, Manager. in any quantities de- livered at the factory. The Heron Canning & Evap. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, September 2, 1920 Mit SALE Oa RENT. I AUCTION SALES. rj OR SALE. -RESIDENCE CORNER Cambria and Nelson streets. All modern convenience.. Price $4.5111. Could not be built for more than double this beure. Apply GLOVER. Owner. FOR SALE BY AUCTION. A comparatively new Krick house, with frame kitchen. on Gloucester Terrace. on SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER ith. t ) R SALE. -SEVEN -ROOM RED sale to commence at av o'clock. bnca cottage. modern conveniences. lawn Good garden and Iruit trees. Terms to suit garden. her n Apple CHARLES GARROW. tl purchaser. W. J -MAI R, THOS. GUNDRY, FOR SALE. -TWO AND A -HALL Proprietor. Auctioneer, acres of racellent tardro `round. well drained Has comfortable house with good cellar. Mw number W fruit uses and stable. Will be sold 1 veg.reasonably and on cut terms. d7 1.1 acres on Huron rood, known as the brick yet d property. There i► a' good brick house on the place and several acres of bush. The land is good. most of it could be cultivated, bat st present n ,n pasture. There is an abundance cl nater. Will be posed very reasonably. T. GUNDRY, Auctioneer NOTICE. If sou are fork tog for a n,u house to buy. 'have them of all kinds, red brick, white back and frame. at very reawnabte prices.. My past es - presence in building and valuation places rot in a position to be yo r guide .n the selection of a nice home at a right price. I have pleased others; 1 ran pease yuu. - P. J RYAN. Real Estate and Insurance tf Phone So FOR SALE VOR SALE.-sTUDEBAKER TOUR- "! 'NG CAR. in good running order, cheap for cash. BOX en. Goderich 'tt {) OR SALE.-S1LK,UPHOLSTERED l" mahogany parlor tune . also Newcombe piano. ennui age. Apply Nelson street. W. J. POWELL. � WR SALE. -A SQUARE PiANO. IN good cUnd,tion. Sold rosewood case, ata,. Bros.. New York make. Apply at WALK$R'S FURNITURE STORE. ATTENTION ! The Mercantile Salvage Co. will vacate the Point Farm premises within two or three weeks. Persons who are in need of any sort.of lumber will find 1t to their benefit to get their requirements right away. . We have to otter a million fat of the finest secondhand lumber. doors, windows, lath, baseboard Wed wainscot- ing, also some very fine cedar anchor posts, Alf at very reaw.nable prices. Apply POINT FARM. WHiTESEWINGMACHINES T. R. TN British Excha Agent. Supply of Nee4lles oil Nand. SAuL ONE IANO'ZAS$ OR- GAN, atlatave, redid walnut at a amp. ApMy at WALKER'S STORE PSON, e Rohl:_ B, C. SHINGLES ALWAYS ON HAND at McGA W STATION. Call C. A. fir bert.on or John Treble Telephone Dungannon ars. or John Treble. MI. Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE at 13 per Bangle cord. delivered. THEGODERICH MANUFACTURING CO.. LIMITED. of Angleton St.) Phone 61. SHINGLES -- ONE CAR 5z B. C. RED CEDAR ONE CAR 33c B. C. RED CEDAR Both cars arrived this week. Many have already been spoken for. Place your order at once. =The Goderich Planing Mills, Ltd. P. O. Box 18 GODERICH, OMTARIO Phone 47 K• •11111 wisest W . s. you c, ds for yews bray ie se teach hist to arm. Opts a savings *easiest for Mai is this Beak to -day, sed let hiss prepare to ascot his collage meson. The ownwe camesendpemew oboe ba knees he is swabs kse ebb • chairs sblase ▪ ve /1.M ggmly easy well M 11 Paseo, w1e111 Winne*4a ! W NM.71. .why aswanawidal UNION BANK OF CANADA Goderich Branch F. Woolcomb, Manager • WAITED. WANTED'. -LARGE QUANTITIES'. of cordwdpd tequ,red, alt kinds. State what you have Id niter and price laid clown in Goderich. Give fullest particulars, BOX tI4. Goderich. WSANTED.-A ONCE, A COMPET- I ENT girl lar al buw•swurk. Appy . R. 1. ACHE. N, Nelson street. ALE HELP WANTED; DISTRICT manager with organitF,ne ability. capable of ma Int eariee and eateslPen mall security require eettuaeveypreotection. hie profits. Con - Mental. WONDER OIL GAS BURNER CO.. I119s, St. Was St., Montreal. TANTE I -GIRL TO HELP WITH Ate S.►U ggee�ntrralND S. Nekton street. work Apply at once to MRS. /1IRLS WAN'T'ED,-APPL'i GODE- Vi RICH KNITTIM COMPANY. tl PUBLIC NOTICE. DR. F. 1. R. FORSTER. • EYE, EAR. NOSE, THROAT. Late Howe Srwgeon New York Obhthalmic and Aural Hospital awstant at Moorefield'. Eye Hospital and Goldin Square Throat Hoe - petal London, Ea`. 69 Waterloo St. S.. Stratford. Telephone 25t, At Bedford Hotel, Goderith, from Widnes\' day. September lath,* 7.30 p. m., to Thursday. the lith. at l p. In. VOTERS' LiST NOTICE. MUNICIPALITY TOWN OF GODERIcH, COUNTY OF :HURON. Notice is herebygiven That I have transmitted or delivered to tperaem. mentioned .n section f of the Ontario Voters' L,.1. Act the copes res qquu,rid by said ercum, to hew transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to ead Act. of all persons appearing by the last reamed ins tamvtnt roll of the said mumcipshty to ba entitled to vote 'w the Iald munictpabty et elections for member. M the Legislative Aatwm- bly and at mooniest elections, and that the acid list was nest posted up al on ante 1• the Tows Hall. Gnderirk on the Ruh day of Augw.t, IY-o, and remains there f , ih•p,cl,om. And 1 hereby call upon all votes to take imme- diate proceedings to have any neon er onum,osn corrected aee•rdthe to law. tasted at (:oder.ch t►r rt* day of Anton. 1945. 2t Clerk et tL orr Towne/OGodericb. The following demotions to Alexan- dre boapital daring the month of Aig- n.t were Very gratefii ly reepved: Your )stn, of fruit, front the Waslh'a )natItnte, Rt. Angopt•tte ; Moo how. of d rasspl:ifs tem as nun ]ifllass FOR SALE WHITE PINE x 4 M. -2m. x 6in., 811,, 10131., 12in. lin. 1 4in. and up. ALL LENGTHS - FORTY CENTS Any new subscriber in Can.,(1:1 may obtain The Signal for the remainder of this year for 40. Subscribe now and get the furl benefit of this SPECIAL OFFER THE SIGNAI. I'KINTINl: CO., LIMITED, rut,li.hers. BASEBALL. SIMCOES (OF TORONTO) V. GODERICH AT AGRICULTURAL PARK . . • • • • • • THE GODERICH PAVILION •• • Vlrltora to the Galerich Eshite • inion nest a eek w111 laud the • Pavilion -at the Lillie hank --ii • delightful platy to spend all • evening. Splendid dancing flair. • First-class orchestra. • The Patiliuu will be open all • through September at least, and uuttl later ill the SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 •r a''t;�„'S • 3.15 p.m. • • The Goderkh .Amusement Limited The simeo•M, who are one of the • IM•s: amateur Iwseball teams in the city of Toronto. played a tie game with Galerich on Angled 2111, and on Sat- urday an effort will 1s• made to break tie. Galerich will have the same line-up aM in the la -t game. Every- body ahoutld nee 11.I. guise. The Goduieh Organ Co , Limited Goderich Ontario, Admission 25c. FALL OPENING Tuesday and Wednesday, September 7th and 8th A cordial invitation is extended to all to visit our show -rooms, to inspect the latest Millinery Creations MISS M. R. MacVICAR . KINGSTON STREET Co., • • s .5 a • e • • • That delicious made -In -Godes, h ice • cream of Blackstone'; makes nei !t:tads every day. . Through l'uarh to Toronto. The Grand• Trunk Railwaysy teal Is lucking special provision for travel to Toronto during Exhibition time, and commencing Saturday. august 28. will have a through tiro -chow coach on the train leaving at 0.05 each morning during the period or the J.:\ Whitton, and tut the train lea%hig Toronto at (3.811 p.15. for God- erich. No change !between lioder- Iclf 1313.1 Toronto. Travellers should purchase their tickets from F'. F. t.awreuee A Sons at the don11towo office and save delay 013.1 iw'oaven- Itute at the station. • Learn the lSecret of R.althy. Lux- * uriant Hah.-TIa• witchery time lies in a women's charming appearance may oltcu 1s• atttibntt•d 31) h.•r h•r,u- qttil hair. Itegulur carr of the hair with the right sort of agent+ will kesiy It fast•inatingly heath! Mil. Hair Wait maa•• prep tailMils. soapet, d:ui.3r tff ssrovuevlies. -!lyes, la'a•h••a, este.- if Ihrre• 1s anything T 71 you se.. adva•rti.erl you c la• sur we have it, --1s, H. \YIt;Lk girt -t, .l; n lerlch. NOW OPEN (near HOTEL SUNSET. Goderich) DANCING EVERY 141GHT - 8.30 to 12 o'clock Belt . None Too Good for the ple of 'iwlerleli, t'oit,.rhe'd pure horn, Mite ca lie. are t 1 • first to two had. . oke a 11111! home with you. Lutz Society Orchestra •t'Imhes do not make the man, ob- served the speaker. Maybe Det, Atm-- Enented his friend, but you will notice how other men dodge you when you are hooking seedy. One of 1'ridhum. rhe Tit three suits will take the!, wady look off you. city Thilry der cream bricks always on hand at H. T. Rdwtrdii. CODERJCII INDUSTRJAL EXUBITION WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 8, 9 and 10, 1920 Bigger, Better, Brighter' than Ever Greatest List of Attractions Ever Presented at any District Fair in Western Ontario THE FORMAL OPENING will take place on Thursday, the 9th, at 2.30 o'clock p.m., when the HON. MANNING DOHERTY, Minister of Agricu;ture in the Ontario Government, will give an address. GIJND11111 Set TER, SATI RDAo,Sept. I. -Salto! cared b., house. with name kith, en. on Glow Tense prop- erty ul W. J. Man. at 7.3,p, m. ,ATU•DAT, Oct... -•.ale Lt mode , hr.:k hods* on Manor street, also some live et. , lop bu- ■rd .other articles. Jo -sr.. C. Gait , plopr BORN. SHEARDOWN,-In t;odertch, on August .s, e, -Mts. Samuel Shd eatowyt, .1 urn\ (Walter Row). M 111ARRIZD. • TICIIIOUHNE-KNIGHT. - At Vi tilt -infect Methodist personage, on Wednesday, '•ug et luau, by Rev J. F. Reycralt, M�+• 1nnie Knight. elde.l.,'aughter of her. and Mrs. w M. night. tor. Wd1.aID Tichbone. a ad of Goderich. ROHINSON --In Col tie town. hip, oq Prsday, Almost n. William Robins*,. FISHE1l:7Tn-trodenih.. 3, & un•'at tf guat 116 r Eben. set I• i.M% Mary F. Fishier. wile 01 in he. nod year. POWELL.--At Key Harbor. gust CA num. only son . I _�,� Powell. of G. -derail, , are,rti y and W. days. An- apI'-,is. W J die. , , .ont/a ewe• NEW AIIVERTit9EMEN Notice to E:Mbtors-Dr. W F. Cleft Suwon v. Godeneh- Goderich Raaelwn Cis Special Not ice -Coder wIt Memel* ro Cu., Limned........ ' IXL Benny -The IXI. Manulaelui,u4Co.. Palmerston. Ont.... .... :.. To the People of Canada -Shoe Manors, lutes Associaoom of Canada , e To the Citizens of Ilium County Kwon County'remperano- Association 2 G,nI Wanted -Mrs. R. J.Acbeson 1. Cordwood Wanted Bog 2iT,T.atn,ch 1 Voters' List Not,ce-L.1.. Krog:...... T.ar,er trey at Lune , Male Help Wanted -Wonder (hl -Gas Burner Co.. Nlontreal. .... 1 FamAm Brown 6 Dyer Shows a IP NOTICE TO EXHIBITORS. GODERICH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. Peforrnances Before the Grandstand each Afternoon and Evening BLONDIN FOUR TRACK EVENTS Wonderful High -Wire Pei'formir JOHN A. KELL Ventriloquist, Comedian and a1l- tertainer HIGHLAND DANCING THURSDAY Farmers' Trot or Pace 2.20 Trot or Pace FRIDAY 2.30 Trot or Pace 2.12 Trot or 'Pace louse 1100 Purse $210 Purse $200 Purse 1250 GE SPECIAL EXHIBIT FROM CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM, OTTAWA BITS OF ALL THE AGRICULTTIRAL AND HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS OF THE DISTRICT, DOMES MANUFACTURES, ETC. MUSIC EACH DAY BY THE B OF THE 33rd REGIMENT GRAND MIDWAY FEATURES These will include the Brown & Dyer Attractions, which are a whole show in them,. dee special advertisement on page 5 of this paper. Come to the Goderi Not a dull minute from parking accommodation for inhibition nett week and enjoy the best holiday of the year. 3f�to finish. Ample provision for meals on the grounds and Pais. Lista, entry fila, and all information on application to DR. W. F. CLARK, Secretary -Treasurer, Goderich 0 a Wl P. 11 .an o ties t1t Ilie 1' WII 'MITT on Friday, September 3rtI, for the convenience of intending ex- hibitors. This will be open each Clay ansa evening up to Tuesday evening, September 7th, after whi.41..f.h.e Seeretary'a Diner will be at the Exhibition ground,. DR. W. F. ('LARE, Secy -Teats. CRAIGIE'S Assurance's(' Real Estate F4)R SALE \'filo t•L9ws." -tory brick, holly modern. witli fireplace, 7 room.. lnrge lot, .ittiatrvl on the Routh Made ..f l'Ict.tn et met ThIn IM nue of the most modern homes in low n. I ntm•dlate tal.ae151.114. 2 story. red brick Ia,u•e, fail. :modern. 7 rttorn.. foil h1w•nient, •nnth Mlde of F:ast curet. l ilj *tory, frame 3,011.1• w ith 7 giallo s, fall Int with ornhelnl, ',Hunted on the west •ids of eas1- emn siert. With it ilttle re- modelling thl. eon he made s desirable property and will be Rotel ehrnp, invelotteent Suggestions Victory Hoods bought 111.3 sold. 'rorince of Ontario Kiln's, due an 15. titan. price smut, 10 e Per .,•tit. yl• . CRAIGIE IinallityouwwwwwwwwwwWwwwwwwwwwatiumm