HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-8-26, Page 5TEN RGHLL
Theersday, August 28th, 1921) iS
Snap -shote at the time—that's fun. And thea the pietnres,
themselves. Mary gathering courage to dive (.h. aever
did Pete, as amateur ehef at the shore dinner,-tk young-
sters building forts in the band—such pictures will always
make it seem as if all happened "just yesterday."
We have just the Kodak you .want sad then titre several
little photographic helps that *e would like to slew you as
wen—the Kodak Self -Timer, for example: 'that presses the
button for you and keeps the group complete.
Kod aks from $11.21 up
Tdsph.as N
Ilett Millar's Scotch Stern The Square
Portrait Frans
Oval (1111. ahu CIreassian
Weisel Frames. stud with Non
vee glans, ready fe bang. from
=Al up. The ee ='2 0 frames
are the very .came as the mu -
easier from door to door charges
$.,. end In ..cmc tease+ Mot,:
a Wiling Annie people that
owe couldn't get the cnevelt
glans herr We hair pleeaty of
murex ghee., and ceu tit your
picture more artistically than
the eauv ,.ir. and at fur less
cost to you itrlug your picture
i■ Intl be e , nciwed.
Me fertilizer for Fall Wbeat and
lower the high cost of living by
greater productive
If you can raise the aerie
amount of crops 00 one mere
as two screw nosily produce.
by fertilizing a little more
heavily. it will certainly pay,
for he rust of the extra fert-
llireet will. ordinarily, he more
than rountrrhalauerd by, the
ear% lug lir erred of preparing the
gr'mtl. seeding. cultivating
utsl harvesting fir crop ire
the extra acne. The sere
Raved can be used for paotiaee
or for some other crop, elle ,
eo Enoch clear profit.
—Farm and P 1reeside.
Reopratag of Schools.
The public and separate schools will
reopen for the tall term un Wednesday,
September 1st. The Collegiate institute
wilhreopen on Tuesday, September lth.
To Reorganise Golf ('It+.
A meeting with a clew of re -or-
ganizing the Ooeerteh Pelf flub will
be held In the (court house on Sat-
unlay, the Leith lust., at 4 o'clock
p.m. .t1I ladies and gentlemen in-
terested In "the game of game,'" are
cordially invited to attend.
The Ila Weekly Cooing.
At a meeting of the Huron and Perth
Press Assa•Iatlou, held at litratford
on Friday last, a resolution was
iwssd in favor of ralalug the subecrtp-
tion rate of weekly papers to $2.00 •
year. Other matters affecting the
uewsp[rr and printing Du:dams were
d iae'usael.
Health Inepeetsr Here.
Dr. It. I. Wodeliouee, of Toronto,
Provincial health Inataeetor, was la
town this week and conferred with the
Waal beard of health and medical
umeer of health. As the result of
au Inspw•tion at the water front, it
is probable that the arms that Wert
beenemptying sewage into the har-
bor will have to install a septic tank.
Bowlers at 8eafsr*L
Four teams from (:oderieh took
part in the tournanwwt at doubles
put on by Use lawn bowling Hob at
Seaforth on Wednesday. A Hensel
rink 1 Wbitesides and Meanie) took
gest prize, and ',coed prize was woe
by F. Hunt and C'. A. Nairn of fled-
erich, who brought home a wicker
"curate" each. The other Goderleh
players In the tournaiteat were C.
Chapman and Dr. MacDonell, F. H.
Martin and Dr. held, Chas. Black
and iteg. Wiseman.
A. Opportunity to Secure Industries.
At a specially -called meeting` at the
Board of Trade rooms on Tuesday
evening some information was given
regarding several industries" which are
ready to come to Godench if a small
amount of local capital can be obtained
to help in financing the propositions. After
hearing the explanations the meeting
psseed a resolution in favor of an effort
to raise the necessary' money by private
subscription. and within the next few
days the local business people will be
called upon in pursuance of this plan.
Ammo( the Teachers.
Mi.e Lose Curt, of town, w e .
taught the last school year In 8.8.
No. 10, ['shortie, has been engaged
as teacher In Y.N. No. 2. Colborne, the
Benmiller school.
A party of about 300 teachers
from Tartoos pouts of the Province
4 taklag. a week's trip by special
trate through Northern Ontario. Dr.
J. M. Field. Inspector for Mast Huron.
N amuatt the party. and another of
exenesiomists is ' Miss Augusta
]geIAMd. who tearbw In Toronto bnt
who. had been ,pendl.g a portba of
rho holidays with her mother here.
Maas Merry waders,
The iaacy drew ball, in aid of Alexandra
hospital, Held at the Sunset hotel on
Thursday evening was well attended. The
Blackstone -Buckley orchestra pro-
vided excellent music. and. although
the floor Wes somewhat too small
to accommodate the targe crowd,
everyone enjoyed the dancing. There
were many pictureessqque and strikingly
original costumes. `,His Satanic Majesty,
Puss -in -boots, Spanish ladie& gypsies,
and many outer! all .iingled together in
the gaiety. The prizes were awarded to
the following masqueraders : 1st lady's,
Mea D. Dancey : 2nd A lady's, Mrs.
Wurtele: 1st gentleman's, Mf. R. Hutch-
inson : 2nd gentleman's. Miss Thelma
• special lady'a. Miss ()live All
special geetkman's, Mr. Harold ' ifliatns.
Public Library Hoard.
The public library bard met\on
Saturday. Atelier 14111. the memheta
present tieing Messrs. long. Ter.W,
•(toetthur.t and R.•v. J. E. Ford. In
the_-ahieene•e of the ch•irnte, Mr.
Raid. Mr. Lost 'was appointer) chair -
ma■ pm tem. • 00 motion of Messrs.
loafbnrmt and Tom. Mr. Ford and
tlw secretary were i%ppointeil to se-
cure Information regarding the "Story
Moue" for children and to report at
rhe nett niuetion Thelihrart+(
reports. for May, June and July were
received. Theo: showed receipts of
lelet7R for game and carts, and a cir-
culation of 4.10;7 book. and nmgn-
rimes. The July circulation was un
it:crease of 710* over- July of last
rear. The juvedie circulation was
almost doubled and is the largeeet on
Theatre Projram
Aag.st 30th to September 4th
"Speedy Meade"
The Bull Thrower
BIg Special Program at Regular
Witness For
Flare your onkwa- now for .rat
Wheat fertilizer.
'Signal' Fifty Gats to Jswaary 1, 1921
The Defence
Obs sI the best we bents rest Shwa
illaAkic Stefan !lying la Aerapisab
Clara Kimball Young
I he
bE : Road Thru The Dark
Mils eYLnVD/t P A1lleUP4
r. s
The Trouble Man
k's a comfort to know there's
a man on whom you may call
in your troubles—the Plumber.
We know eur business and
are here to serve you.
pa"' ` r •fie mt
l9nr iWrig kleadn `
asvioiroughina -, AMS WArk
Appointment for D. J. Matheson.
The toilowi.g from The Premiere'
Nun refers to as Ashfield boy. his
iareninni hesue being at Lochalsh:
Mr. D. J. Matheson. i1.8.A.. wl(p
has been -owl -.ting feen•relary Morrl-
seai, of the t'.F.O., in the central of -
Me, 1:10 tang stmt rest. Toronto, IS
leaving to take over the work of ag-
rie•ultural representative in Carleton
county. Mr. Matheson Inas Nast with
the United Fernierri organization for
nearly a year, and Is eodated a very
efficient and tamable young men. He
will be situated ■t Carp, and Mr. R.
S. Duncan, director of agriculture'
represeata t lege. and the farmers of
t'arletyn county are gaining what the
sensed omee has lost. Mrs. Mathe-
sen's health was such that It was not
advisable for her to roman to the
•Ity. lith. Ihrw'pn heti been trying fon
some time to add Mr. Matheson to
NOW staff, am be Is a prietlral termer
and an exceptionally goer' Judge of
Ore stack, leaving been on tho win-
ning tsnti at she Chimp) Internation-
a1 Exbihiklon lir the fall of I81R,
Apleasibl deo of a Gond Came.
As the raselr ors to and ale of work
held last week at the home of Mrs. W. H.
Hutchinson and the fancy dress ball at
Hotel Sunset on TMrreday evening, for
whidt Mrs. Hutchinson made the ar-
owgementes a sant of over 8400 hat been
ratted Inc the iocal hospital. Of this
amount $200 has been handed o the
treasurer et The X-ray fund, •
Inas been cootributed to.the iI
fund, read Mfs. ilutdtinen
a further sum of Qedipps .111 e) be
re Mead, . sus" -vitt be dite
the oostributione already made to
"Paul's Most
Personal Letter
11.00 A.M.
'Holding Their Coats'
7.0Q P.M.
Will bo t18 Sow at the
Baptist Church
Mbatreal Street
Neat Numbs,, August 29th.
the hospital funds. The members of
the hospital board and the community
generally are assuredly grateful to Mrs.
Hutchinson for her splendid assistance
towards the securing of modern hospital
equipment for Gedench. We understad
that the large amount realized from Wt
week's efforts is partly accounted for M
the fact that Mrs. Hutctiinsos generously
pays an the expenses. so that the entire
proceeds go into the .ontributions.
Hikers from Ckvotaed.
Goderich hes within its borders tonight
a happy-Iookiog bunch of boys from
Cleveland, Ohio. who have walked here
from London on the annual "hike" under i
;lag auspices of the Cleveland Y. M. C. A.
There are forty-three in the party, which
is under the direction of M'ersrs. J. E.
Bethune. H. Rodway. K. Kist and L.
Hawkes. Mr. Hawkes, by the wary, is a
Canadian war veteran. The boys ctoeMd'`
Lake Erie by boat, mode the trip to •
London by rail. and from there are walk-
ing to preen Sound and back toHamilton,
and will reLrn to Cleveland by boat •
from Buffalo. They started on the "hike" 1
from London Tuesday morning and
reached Godench about the middle of the
afternoon today (Thursday). On arriving
here they asked for and iretlediatety're )
ceived permission to camp in the fair
grounds, and in the morning they will
resume their walk to Owen Sound. Owing
to the fact that no notice had been ,
received of their intention to visit Gode-
rich, there was not time to do anything
much in the way of entertaining the boys.
Mayor Witte gave the party such atter
tion as he could on short notice : but the
townspeople would have liked to give the
boys more of a reception if it had been
Mr. Arden Aitken end his bride,
whose marriage took place at Sher-
brooke. Que., on the 17th inst., have
Nie visiting at the home of the
-Me. — e :--M s. J. 4sr
Aitken, of town, this week. The fol-
lowing eremite of the wedding. which
Is from The Sherbrooke Mie•ont will
he Interesting to the many (rice&
of the groom among the readers of
The Sigma':
A very pretty wedding was sol-
e aired last evening at arveee
ere sok at the home cot Mr. and Mrs.
D. W. llyndman. Montreal street,
when heir daughter, Resale May, be-
came t bride of Mr. A. II. Aitken.
of Lon n, Ont., second Boa of Mr.
and Mrs. 1. L. Aitken, of (ioderivh.
. h. l't.` lantern. p ratter—of--the
Sherbrooke Methndhrt ehnreh, oRt-
elated. and fife c•eremouy was Per:
formedin the pees'ence of about forty
of the near reletires. - The house
throughout was decorated with hyd-
rangeas, fragrant ,tweet peas. ferns
and pink phlox. The Inside was given
nww,v la marriage by her father and
wore a gewti of ivory eharmeuse, hav-
ing embroidered paniers, and bodice
with insets of (itrrickmaeruss Iaee.
.\u embroidered Imre wart worn by
the brides mother and great-grand-
mother completed the costume. 11er.
honquet w•as of ophetla roses. with
Win screamers. Miss Kathleen
Hynelman, youngest sister of the
bride, pleyed the "Bridal ('hnnis"
from leohengrin. At the close of the
errwmoopy, Mrs. F. H. Bradley sang
d'Ifarileot'a "1Jeearrse." After con-
gratulations ht(d been extended, a
buffet sapper ass served, the wed-
ding cake in the centre of the table,
artlstkally decorated with white
sweet peas and gypsophilps. Among
the out-of-town guests was Mrs. J. 1..
Aitken, mother of the groom. Mr.
and Mrs. Aitken motored to Newport,
where they took the train for Mon-
treal, and later the boat to Toronto.
The Irkle travelled In • navy blue
trlcothne suit, with taffeta hat to
match. After the honeymoon, Mr.
and Mrs. Aitken will make their home
in Loudon, Ont.
An expenditure of over 83116,000 is
remelted to stage end n-evsre t11y
Cenedi•n Notional Exhibition tech
year, winch of which goes tor epeeist
a It rarHens.
EnnA4'r=Qra tAtr
Oa1Wa d "lfcm M ,sa� stairat sofa ant WY
Eseibead semi 1s. .la.n forses.easse, Lam a •7•4
WI =et
The L. R. Steel Co. Limited
5c to $I.00 Store
Granulated Sugar, 31bs. for ... ......890
Yellow Sugar, Ms. for 8bo
Sunlight Soap, bar 10c
Lux Flakes, 2 for 25e
MONARCH Blend Tia\black)
reg. 85e lb, NO b.
REGeAL Tia: (black) .
Clark's Pork and Beaas, 21b. sire
reg. 19e, 2 for 35e
Eagle Brand Condensed Milk,
reg 4Uc tin 30e
Bon -Ami Soap, 2 for 25c
Dove Bread Cern,
reg. 19e tin, 2 for 31x
Aylmer itandasd Peas,
res. 19e tie, 2 for a6e
MONARCH Brand Coffee, lib. Lina
reit 75e ib .... ........... ..59c lb.
Palm Olivep, : for lbs
6c -to $LOO STO4IES
The Collegiate Institute will reopen on
Tuesday, September 7th, at 9 a. m. All
intending students should be present
from the beginning of the term to get a
proper start in the new wok. The same
sniff will be in charge as Iaseyear.
According to the Adolescent School Act
the compulsory school age will be raised
from fourteen to sixteen years, beginning
September, 1921. This year students
who will not be sixteen until that' date
should continue at school.
The Collegiate board has very thor-
ty rtiWtiared the school building
iaids, making it bright, clean and attrac-
Three additional junior matriculation
certificates have ben received, completing
subiects carried from last year—M. 11.
Baker, John A. Marshall and J. F. Wash-
ington. This makes sixty-two complete
and seven partial certificates obtained by
the G. C. 1. students this year from sixty-
eight writing ; and in addition two
scholarships have been won by Mise M.J.
MacEwan, of value 88320. This is
perhaps the best record of the school in
the past ten years at least.
The tennis courts have been put in
splendid shape and are said to be, by
those who know, "very fine." One court
ir already laid and the secondeourt will be
ready by the opening day. With tennis,
basketball baseball and the new features
of physical training learned by Miss
Bodes and Mr. Robertson this summer,
the physical side of the student's life will
be well provided for.
That delicious made-in-Goderich ice
cream of Btackstone's makes new friends
every day.
Divine worship will be conducted in
Knox church neat Sabbath. morning and
evening, by the minister. Subject of
sermons : 11 'a. m.. "Many Voices;" 7
p. m., "Truth and Life." Sabbath school
and Bible classes at 3 o'clock.
At the Raptiet thprrb next Suaday
the suhjei to will le, at 11 a.m..
'font's Moat Personal Littler," and,
7 p.m.: "Hnldiet Their (bots."
Bort services.
Wedding Stationery.
The Sienal has Just received some
very nobly wrddlog stationery, and
the bride to -be who wishes to issue
Imitations and aanouneeme•nta for the
groat evevit in the most elegant style
Is Incited to esti and ser the new
stat lottery.
There sirs an evea hundred affer-
ent chine* of (like.... provided Inc
to the 1'arsdtan Natioeal m:kiblrtoa
prise (Ist.
T tis Is tae forty-ssenend year of
the CwnnudMa NatWest Its
it lime tete lxisfeace lo falt
[tie been 'run "eeetibuowb oveB
114cfu a of Iii, ..fork •sd
dew deexb Dhs there is an e:MWt
speer at tete cassabas National Pi-
hlbltloa of over 000,15011 quo teal
The Child's Photographer "
4A'DIN' and W'I ITIN' ofd 'RITHM6 e7C--
n soon fill your youngster's hours.
fore school opens bring your little one in to have a
ograph taken a natural likeness thet will ince
most treasured possession in after years.
J. T. _-FELL
The Signal to January Ist,1921, for Fif' y Cel, s
jtwaRi, Buy Me a Bracelet Wa'
oo.It1U ' o Co RO
Corner Mad st and *pions
ICs what 1've wasted for r ng
time, and that's the very 'tyle es
always hoped to wear. An .e
ought to buy a bracelet watt' w
sister, too. Bracelet atchts 'd
pew:Heal Jewellery of 111 kfe. et
display herr,
OSA)-- JRR#tst.}Y
( *rich, Ont.
The Satisfaction of
Perfect Tailoring
When you know that your
clothes are tailored correctly,
and that they fit perfectly.
Then you enjoy genuine
MARTIN the Tailor
jtwaRi, Buy Me a Bracelet Wa'
oo.It1U ' o Co RO
Corner Mad st and *pions
ICs what 1've wasted for r ng
time, and that's the very 'tyle es
always hoped to wear. An .e
ought to buy a bracelet watt' w
sister, too. Bracelet atchts 'd
pew:Heal Jewellery of 111 kfe. et
display herr,
OSA)-- JRR#tst.}Y
( *rich, Ont.