HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-8-26, Page 4-• ridgy, August 29th, 1970. THE SIGNAL OODIIHIC% OINT.., 4 We were congratulated This week strangers from the C. S. were in our atore,aud con- gratulated us on the Geed pleas• etfnodlae we keep They said "We were told to come here because you kept the best stock." The reason we are doing the business is because people know Dian eesperience• our goods) give sattsfikion, therefore they come back and send their friends also. If you have not tried this store for your Clothing or Men's Furnishings --try us once, you - . -- Sri/Life pleased. -OUR MOTTO - Good 9lerehaadlM al Right Protea. We• Pndiam ruse A New! Feather Hats Which sound autumn note and pweent the smart - sot ideas for early Mniaeon wear. Moderate Prices are anion( the many at- tractive characteris- tics et'. taupe Hata. DUNGANNON. MR, N. P. WH1iARD is the agent for THE SIGNAL at Dunganuon. Orders left with him for autaKrip- tloma. advertisements or job print- ing will receive prompt attention. Telephone (Goderich Rural) r39. Thursday. August 28. , Mr. and Mrs. Barney Beniuger, of Wiughaw. were here on Sunday, to see some old acquaintances. j¥r. T. G. Alleu 1s bogy securing equipment and getting gm new post office ready for September lat. Mr. Lorne McKenzie took a trip to Toronto on Monday and returned on Tuesday with a new Overland four. Mr. Thos. Parks has moved from Mr. Smylie: s house to Mrs. J. Ora - ham's' house. formerly owned by the late James Rose. School re -opens on Wednesday. September 1st. Principal Roes will be in charge and Miss Tlchhorne, of Goderich. will have the Junior room. The Allen family are moving this week to the new block, and their va- cated house and bake shop is rested by Mra. Goo. MaelMyre, who will occupy it immediately. Mr. K. E. Brooks, manager of the Sterling hank. returned this week af- ter relieving 'the manager at Goder- 7c•h, and Mr. W. Maize, who was re- lieving here, has returned to Coder- leh. Mr. J. R. McNabb motored to Rom- eo and other points In Michigan on Thursday. He will return the first of the week. aocompanited by Mn. McNabb, Margaret and Jack. who bars been visiting across the line fbr some time. The remains of Mrs. S. Philips, of the 9th maces/don of Ashfield, were brought home on Wednesday from Toronto, where she had bees resid- ing. The. deceased had Oaken i par- alytic stroke three week, ago •nd passed away on Tuesday last. The faneral tool place on Thursday atter- aeon to ihsngannon cemetery. Rev. I)r. Campbell of the Presbyterian church had charge of the services. BLYTH. Wednesday, August Mr. Robt. Collinson. wife and two grandchildren. of White Fle•r. Milia.. are visiting Mr. Collioaott's mother, Mn. Geo. Collinson. It is thirty-aev- years slate Mr. Collinso■ left is section. For the last twenty y. ra he has beau a comdnMor on ALL alma SHAPES ON :ALM AT $1.00 G G Miss M. R. MacViar COc R 1E The Double Track Route bet ween MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled attains car service Sleopiag cars oa might trains, and parlor cars on principal day trains. Full information from any Greed Trunk Ticket Agent. or C. E. Here - tag. District Passenger Ageat, To- ronto. Always at\your service with the beat-: • . •sat most reasonable he Northern Pacific. Miss Fern Johnston. who has been junior clerk at the Batik of Hamll• ..0 the last tw•u years, leaves In • few drys for Toronto to ester Welles- ey hospital as a nurse in training. Alae Lily M. Carr lett this week for Toronto and in a few days will go on to Montreal to engage in mis- alou work In that city. CREWE. Monday. August 'Wird. MiGs Alma Intake is 'spending a few days with friends at Stratford. Mr. autl Mr*. Tom Glazier, of Tor- onto, spent a few days at the home of Mr. Matthew Shackleton. )list Violet Kllpatrk'k I. spending a few weeka with frieudx in Godericb. Mr. Russel itltehie. of banes, spent Sunday at rhe home of Mr. Woe. 'Pvamley. Mrs. ('. A. Biggins returned to De- troit Saturday after spending a couple of mouths with her mother. Mrs. John Mena ry. 'Mr. Hugh Einnitti;an visited friend, at Myth a few days last week. Mhos Mae Menary visited friends in Goderieh one day last week. Jar. and Mrs. Begley and family motored home to Hamilton. after ',pending two weeks' vacation with Mrs. ltegiey's mother, Mrs. .1 obi) Mena ry. ST. HELENS. Tuesday, August 24. Minot Gwen Reid, of Windsor. Is holidaying at her aunt's. Mrs. It. J. Woods'. Miss ('olena ('lark has returned from Chicago. • Mr. and Mrs. Marvin McDowell and children. of Westfield, spent Sunday at Wr.7�fi ekes Dr. Will McGregor, of ('hicago, is reoewlag old acquaintances around here. Mrs. Joseph Stalker. of Ingersoll, was a visitor with her brother, Mr. Will Taylor. Missies Aanie and Jennie Romuth. of Winglam. who have been holiday- ing with their aunt. Mrs. H. Ruther- ford. and bther friends, returned home on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Dell and Mr. •nd Mrs. McAllister and children, of Wingtam. spent Wednesday with their sister. Mrs. Colin McDonald. Rev. W. Lase and Mrs. lane. of Mgrnington, Mrs. (Rev.' W. McDon- 418 of Atwood, Mrs. John Lane and Miss T. Rutherford, of Kinlough, called oa their friends last week. BF,NMILL ER. Tuesday. August 24. For a Consolidated SehooL-There wa.s a (air attendance iu the Iten- miller rah on Friday eteuiug. re- praeeutative ofschool ses.tiuut 2, 4 Gad 7. ('M township. for the discussion of t question of consol- idating the three whales. Mr. Huth 1fi11 was chairman: InspwTor Jor- dan of East York And Iu.peeror Tum of West Huron gave the prin- cipal addresses, esplainioa the bent - tits of consolidation and the methods by which it may be carried out. Al- lier these rddrewe•s it resolution was pease! approving qf the principle of consolidation, and a eommltt a of the three trustee board was appoint- ed to draft the agreement for the consolidating of the three sections and to arrange for a vote of the rate- payers in fawn section during the first sew l of Septeuuher. It is proposed for use thts,present swbcad at lteumiller for the emtsilidated school, putting In a genal basement which will in- clude cloak rooms and sanitary clos- ets. and otherwise fitting It up to (simply with the- regulations Our a two-r,snu consolidated school. Ai lWRN. W..(o,...ry tugu-t 2. We ere. sorry to report the Iliaetu 01 Mir. J. J. Robertson. who underwent G.H. Lauder: Station Agent, phone 71 F. P. LAWRENCR & SONS Town Agents Phone 8. McE IUsti Side Sgsare Tolephsee w, Tires and accessories of all kinds. Prest-O-Lite Storage Batteries and Columbia Dry Cells. Oils and Greases fee-- .41Ilel.'"" CANADIAN NATIONAL E�H�ITION _TORONTO \Aos ? qa.11 We are Installing an Oxy -Acetylene Welding Outfit in the near future. A demonstration of this work by an ex- pert will be given here. WATCH FOR LATER ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE DATE One Overland aad one McLaugh- lin Car for sale. Both of these cars are in first-class running order s Let us remove the carbon from your car by oxygen. We are doing this work on some of America's best cars. Give it a trial. GENUINE FORD PARTS 15 e e'. an operation at Goderich hospital on Tuesday. We hope for his speedy recovery. The threshing waehlnes are again at work. Those who have threshed report a good yield. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Watson. Thos. Shields, Mia*ces May and Blanch }'er- gusou left for the West last week. Wm. Stewart lois Sought J. Johnston's farm In West Wawanosh, formerly the Knight farm. Mr. Wel- lington Good has bought Mr. Jon l'inker's farm. Nelson Mcl.trty has bought .Mr. Robert Scott's farm in Colborne. Mrs. Thos. McLaughlin, of Edmon- ton. is visiting her brother. Mr. R. J. McGee, after an absence of eleven year.. Her many friends are glad to see her again. Mrs. Arthur Sims and sou Willie, of Torouto, have gone to Myth after a two weeks' visit with her uncle, 11r. J. Arthur. Mr. James Laidlaw has bought Geo. F. Yuugblut'a property in the village and intends residing is our village. Mr. Noah Plretaer has bought the property of Harold' Sprung, recently owned by R. J. Asquith. Mr. James Carter la spending a holiday with Mi son Joseph, at Port Elgin. WHY BEAUTY FADES. A Condition Due Entirely to Poor, Watery Blood. The girl who returns home from school or from work thoroughly tired out will be fortunate if she escapes a physical break- down. because this getting tired so dimly is probably the first warning symptom of a thinning blood that must not be disre- garded if her health is to be preserved. When the blood becomes thin and impure the patient becomes pale. haggard and angular. Sbe net only tires out email), but sutlers from headaches, palpit- ation of the heart, dizzy spells and a less of aapetite. This condition will go from oaato worse. if prompt steps are pot taken to increase and enrich the blood supply. To make the rich, red blood that brings the glow of health. no other medicine can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. If given a fair trial their we brings rely cheeks. bright eyes, a good appetite aad good spirits. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have made thousands of pale. languid girls active and strong. On the fent sign of poor, thin blood mothers should insist upas their daughters takiag a fair course of these 'pills. They will net only restore health, but will save further doctor bills. Dr. William.'Pink Pills can be obtained from any dealer in medicine or by mail et 50 cents a box or six boxes for 12.50 from the Dr. WiHiams Medicine Co., Brockvi'Ic, Ont. tiww� Phone 56 ii""WVV a:. D. M I LLAR u SON Phone 56 0 "The Scotch Store" STORE HOURS u 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. r SATURDAYS 10 P. M. School Re -opening On Wednesday, September i st, the Goderich Public Schools reopen and there is always a lot of extra shopping to , be done to get the kiddies _Wady for school. _--- Mother . _Mother will find the "Scotch Store" an ideal place to buy Children's School Outfits. We carry the largest Wearables, all at ceptionally reasons Children 'a Bingham From stock of Children 's prices that ars ex- ble. Dresses. All sizes $1.00 $o 86.00 each Children's Middies, White Jena, ages 6 to 14, each $1.26 Children's School Hone, Rib, Lisle Thread, Blaek. Brown ami White. From 9$e pair Boys' Extra Heavy Rock Rib one, Blaek, 6!h to 10'4. From .. , .... r • Boys' and (fids' Combinations, Ve and Drawers, all weights, White and 'atm.. al, at keenest prices. pah GIRLS' AND BOYS' SWEATER COAT AND PULLOVERS NAVY SIMS, FROM $1.75 TO $7.50 TD. Navy Sei'ges are going to he Fall favorites this seamed. We are showirag a splendid range in nation, and all pure wool, beat E;aOki, stakes. from. 8135 to $1.60 yd. KINTAIL, The Kintail bean* of The Wows Institute will hold ire monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Reorbmin ns) Thursday. September AIL . Xvary. body welcome. The amount given in prime the first year of the Canadian Satibmed Ex- hihittom was $17.000. -Thin year 17:.,000 will be distribnt4 , There •are _nearer 'Maples: large and Small. need for play pur- poses at the Canadian National. ,OODERiCH TOWNSHiP. Meds Nina Hick and bliss Stella Thompsra. of Toronto, spent last week visiting their cousins. Mrs. Chas. Edward Gad May. Albert Oke. A meeting of the Ladies' Aid Soc- iety of Taylor's ('osier will be held at the home of Mrs. Wm. McCabe o■ Wednesday, September 1st. at 2 o'clock p.* Per Falb Amulets. -The3uett9Impttnad iFive-yearAccount- ing System is said to be the most concise and complete and the most convenient system for the keeping of farm accounts: Every up-to-date farmer should see it. Tte Signal is agent for this system, which is recommended by many of the leading farmers of Canada It will save its Goat many tiro -s over. Farmers are invited to call and see it when in town. FALL FAIRS --1125. Toronto (Canadian National' Aug. 2s -Sept. 11. Goder ek-Plot. 9, 9, 115. i,oudon (Wt -stern Fairt--Sept. 11-1s. Brussels -Sept. 14, 15. l.istoetel-Sept. 15, It ' Kineardine=Sept. 18, 17. Hseeter-Sept. :X), 21. Atwood -inept. 20. 21. 'Myth Rept. 21. 22. Zurich -Sept. 22 23. Sevforth-Sept. 23. 24. i.trt'know-Sept. 23, 24. Harrlstnn-Wept. 23, 24. St. MR ryx-Sept. 23. 24. Mllverten-Sept. 24, 25. Mitchell -Sept. 2)5, 29. itipley -Sept. 2e(. 29. Rn y field -Sept. 29, 30. R'Ingham-Sept. 30, (let. 1.' 'ordw IMt-( Wt. 2. eswater-45't. 5, 0. Duoganaon-Oct. 7, R. COLBORNE TOWNSHIP. The munielpai eonnell met in the township hall, Cafforne• on August 10th. All member,' prevent. Mls- olee of last meeting reed and ■p- prored, on motion of Robertson and McNeil. The following communica- tion we. reel: Judgment re the Fleming appeal• sustaining the as- sesament placed by the eonrt of revision. R deputation waited os) the council from the Municipal Tel- epilome System regarding the use of the township hall as a telephone "cemtral," the system being willing to pay a fair rental. The matter was laid over till September meetlig. A bylaw wax pasted fflleg rho dllefellet rate's as follows: t'onnt rate, (i 3-10 rMlls; township rate, 9 lb 10 mala; aQst•lal echoed tate, 4 2-10 mills; (.P.R. debsntalee. 4.10 milky and the ratio for tie different *bodl re(f jai per f6 ul.Itloo of the int Mos 1o1 +slag setr►fate Ayres N. ' . 1(illirtei, .' th,i!lib' colleen's' aid -nal,: 71 /roman cul[ °`_ � mewls. gravel, sett, or' tete-. IM w, 11111.01: kick_ Colptlna, (tomtw�ea EXTRA QUALITY WASH SATS ' White Wash Satin i. much in demand fot Waists. Dresses and Trimmbtge, lovely Satin finish, 336 inches wide, Special A better quality at ale � NZW PALL AND WINT* OO&1$ 11 SILVI&TONZB, VELOURS, PORI PO1tS, kiln S&LTS' !LUSHES. Te Advance showing of F 1 and Winter Purs Wench Industrial Exhibition, September 8, 9 and 10 Take a holiday and come to the Exhibition . Col's "Patterns Nemo Corsets P..C. Corsets PHONE .S4 Millar's Sc�icIiSkire The leading Pone Gad Mail Oriel Stere. Satisfaction guara*teed. PHONE 54 1 bridge at Varves, $1'0.40, All oa side 01 road and gravel. 115.00. re- pairing culvert andravelliag on Mc- . came* side road, $10.05: Wats Rogie. repairing culveras-__/a_ Loyal road, 11.00; J. Alto*. 14% dans as road - master, 172210, greased and oil for grader. $1.40-4173.00 W. Alton. 1 1.10 days with team. ;7.15, 6-10 days for man, $2.10-10.25: R. iogie 7% days. team on road. $44.75. 2 days for mos. $7.00; J. Hunter, 4 days, team os road, $158.05; Oirvin Young, 2 dal& tnrcter en grader, $40.00, 21(i 3114's with tram. $16.25; A, Mc- Phee. 1 day. team am read, $0.:.0: S. Currey. 3 days, team on road, 119.50, 311 days for man. $12.25-431.75: G. Glen, 7% days, team on road. $4)5.75, 1 day for moa. 1tt.50-452.25 ; R. (filen. 8 bays, team on road, $39.00, 1 day for man. $350--442.50: J. Gamble, 3 days, teats on road. $11.50; H. Kerr, 4 days, team on road. *24.00: H. Watson, 2 days. team on road, $13.40: Aldt'n AIIIn. 1 sheep (killed by dogs), 111.00: .lush. Albin. t< days. team on road. $•32.50. 4 days for man. $14.00-446.50: E. Allln, 7 days, team drawing gravel. 145.50; C. ltraokow. 4,2 dry shovelling gravel. 11.7.5; A. 1•anstone, 1 day abovelliag gravel. $3.50; R. M.Cabe, 3 days drawing gravel, 310.:0' 3% days shovelling gravel. a12.25-131.75; Wm. Snyder, 1 day drawing plank, 18.110, 1 day dm wing grader, $..40-$1&.00; A. Alibi. 4 days. team on Walters' Hill. $28.00; e. Hnllfshausen. 10% days drawing gravel, 00.50, breaking roads. 0 hrs.. 14.80; L. Baxter. 8 ys. team on road. 132.00; H. Far- , ft days shovelling gravel, 1199.00: ('. Kerr. 14 days slnvcltlag gravel. 149.00: Wm!' Whedey, 4 nutty. ahovel- nng ;motet, $14.00; Reg. Jewel. 1 day aboveiling grave , 19.80: Municipal World. 'supplies, $8.00: W. W. Pleher, 34 coeds of aalwwel, @ web. 171.20, 14 curds sprawl, 40 AMP, $41.90; 200 yds. gravel, 4 15c, $e'19,00 ; W. -W. limber, 11 sertla navel. kr PA 60, 124.110. M *Qs). f. vet, O 1 *6..n, A day aPrim on -load, 115.8 0 i sticks Weineris 1/eMlt1 I •sr �eda�le t' jfRt.' 10pairs to steel c+ ' • •!t• - raper. POO. 12 days as roadmaster. $9o.on.-01.1.00; ; (it cf. ba w u. 18 I fordo gravel. N 47.00. on Ashfield boundary, 1112.00; P. Fisher. cleans- ing out ditch on M.('.. 1(5.00; Elgin Fisher. drawing gravel and repairing culvert. 14.00; ('an. Ingot Iron l'o.. 1 Road Boss grader. 1178.05. Total expenditure for August. $1788.96. The council adjourned to September 14th, at 2 p.m. ISAAC HETHERiNGTON, Clerk. R. Tait �. Electrical Csetractor Wiring of all kinds up-to•dete for Telephone[', Burglar Alarms, Police Patrol and Fire Alarm Systems. .Private Residences and Business Places -a specialty. All Work Guarantees'. Electric trona, Toaster.. Geula. Pas, l,'aonnm Cleaners, Waabiag ',,chines, ElaehMghta n n d Setts/lee of all kinds alwaya en hand. Ring opal or 194 and have us give you an estimate on year wiring. it will be done ght. Robt. Tait Mhos Sweet i , ,NIt1ll,re soffse• Fall Term Opens August 30. ELLIOTT Yonne and Charter Sur., Teton's The salaries offered our graduates during the last two years have been greater than ever before. it an trouble tea our pada. ates to get pe",leons, pause Taft ARE eRtM- • Lr tRAlato. wrote leaC�aa{{ay� �,r� lr. J. ELLIO?T, Prtndpl. ilydro St�re GODERICH The heat of summer makes all household tasks more difficult, Bay an Electric Wash- ing ashlng Machin. We have three makes and at different prices; Tba 'Thee The "Trojan" ani the ":rib." CALL AND SE)! WASHERS IN STOCK LAMPS, IRONS, RTC., ALWAYS ON HAND Water ama ij jiN' Cinneisaiw 4• Ov Walt yK are 1 Thorne • one glare Mort pictu the (9Mt la r' sees" II Aug 1 M