HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-8-26, Page 3Rheumatism
and all
iTrkly satin$ entre
*eat, beonc.itis, neur-
Ara. aciet.a and any
Reid el pain.
An Old Reliable Remed3i .
M. T. F*.mel. Ham:hooe,t Colhwgwou4
oat.. erntes.-htmard. I .nTn.ent surely ie are
al rehab'. remedy 1 ale a). harp a loath
is t4 house and have recoeam.aded it to
Mite • aetmbrr d wy Ince& w *sena, is nave
Beet mid. In ,rat cane it en teed as •
eta for rh'a
L nfln int
1 n out's N WQ SOO't a..
PAIN. soca most or. al s eo'a and Chiari.
e easaen. mute. a bra r oc ►bd 1.41 ,1.41111 d,so.n, e y
we, now end throat. partial dedoee, lambs,
▪ rheumatic cond,t,00s. Adenoids remove
Without the knife (•11.ce at reesdence, sorts
halos• sad St. Andee.'ssIttete. At Lome of&c
Steeds e. Thor adays mod Satudays, arty eveeic
M went.
Rea 117, Goderich. All animations by ail oe
•btu Mania trace .,ll be pwmpny •flooded to
e ssedeaie lelepbun. 11v.
Tiff trapnotary.tt, noay pubis
l• - 0 YJap'
WW1. (,oderah, 'bad step hem
Tryst reed• to lima at lowest mars.
R. c•
Otis-Sserhnit: Banks bask, Hsmil4w Sheet
Qsdukek. Telephone en.
Rist Estate, Loans and lwerragalt
By Ian Donets'.
Ottawa. August -ant.--There have
hews big doings' in a political senile
during the last .even days, The Gov-
ernment to 110 longer golug to alt
hack and let the Farmers; and tether -
ale throw bricks without making
atone effort to return the blows. Thi1
Mee of turtling the other cheek may
lie a good tow, hub not when it Comex
to winning e4trtlonM ;h therefore the
new Natiolal Literal soul Conser-
vative party Is mauafMctllriug am-
mun itlou and big guns to throw it.
Al a result of a gutherlug of the
clan from 't)utariu here a mottos
organization Is being formed for pub-
licity *11.1 campaign purpose.. lir.
W. J. Black, who made a MU('l'eeta of
organizg the Soldier Settlement
Itoanl anti several other things. IM at
the Mad of the new organization. Mr.
John Icahn will direct the publicity
effort'sThe result, it is expected,
wHI be a Hood of propaganda.alwerl
to throw a 'are into all the opiate-tits
of the Mrlgiwn party, and Incidentally
to ,how the public mind the way 11
.honk! go. a
The Premier on the Platform/.The
l'n•wier Inn: already dune a
little platform wnrk, 4418(1 ht' ha. Igen
cheered wherever he appeared. His
appeal was for the people of l'anada
to keep cool and gel together. Hull.
Mackenzie Klug; in "till out stumping
Once on the Square. ..c0e.d Mama
se Straw, (audet.44.
Peewits limas to kiwi at lowest twee,
tg.PMmpu.,, N• .. Gooaa. J. L- Itmcaax
lbTrak, soiree/. salaam. etc.. (edema
loaa.d at truest ream
L/. 1CI�wTO Howe.Coi rKp-snd,weveysocer.
through the Ontario rWings. Ills
story of the wrongs of Iht present of
Uovt'rnmrnt la finding plenty
tentive audieuce•• He declares' that
the Government has no exeure for ex -
Whig in Its present condition and that
its first duty should be l0 go to the
people and hear their verdict.
That, however, Is one thing the
Government will not he anxious to do
uulU It las built up au orgaulxation
which eau put up a tight worthy of
the tame. The result to the by-elec•-
Gioia whirl) are to be held may have
stone great bearing on future devel-
opments along the line of elections.
The Government cannot afford to
lose the five seats which are vacant.
It Junks ay thouhave gat n
may horstrow to hoe
In Colchester, the county which re-
turned two farmers to the local Leg's.
However, the pin
10ares and timber (otherw'hw Public
SVOr►M1 Is expected to work wonders
down there, where they take pal
as seriously as their titbit -M. Hon. It.
W. Wlgwore Is expected to bring home
the bacon iu St. John without a great
deal of dllleulty.
U.F.O. May Win East Elgin.
The chief interest In the by-elction.m
(entreat In that to be held on Nove-
lwr ."l In East Elgin, the seat formerly
held- by the pate Daeld Marshall. The
!Attends and 1,F.O. are trying to get
together on a caudWate, and if the nt
former earl .we the proper au Iturd
up as a candidate for the Ferment,
and a good dinner of his
winning, they will probably keep men en uu1 of -thin field altogether.
The talk of ■ three-cornereel fight up
there Is not very likely to materialize,•w
from pneut indications. It will more
likely be a straight battle between the
r wuetnt candidate and the
araadmother's Recipe to
keep Ler Locks Dark,
y, BeautifuL
THs $ &L
' '-'1
Had Spent Hundrethi'of Dollars With-
out Repeat -Like New Woman„ Now.
Tanlac has brought me health and
strength and happmees, and 1 am glad'of
oonmacm, ore:
Thursday, August 26th, Itlse-4
sorpendd from his °Mee."
Now even if the above ie not In Mr.
Long'm P. S. History do not let him
deny Its truth. He will find the aogrc
of the quotation lin ver). tt, page 793,d!
the -Catholic Encyclopedia..'
This letter las already truusgrensed
the bounds in regard to splice, nu I
will draw attention to only nue more
thing. Every day the Caladlau papers
the opportunity to give my eesuluuulr{
which 1 sln.erety hope will be of beaeh1 recurd the murder ot soldier., polk�-
40 oti.ers."said Mrs. PhleadCoude,resid- wen and others in 1relalel. Mr.
ing at 72 Naasue street, one of the most JAong'a e'xplauatlun of this state of
highly esteemed women of Qutoec, 1n an affairs is on a par with the rest of his
interview, a few days ago. letter, (here are his words: "1 don't
Mrs. Coude in relating her experience tlituk I need say .uything about the
also reported a gain of twenty pounds In so-ta11ed murder of British intruders
til Ireland, as tiny sensible p.-rsou will
know, that it is untrue." The Irish
policemanwho a few 1401111117. ago w'a.
'Mot Ip avoid Memel whilst uakiug the
81gn a the Cross at the holy water
tout Is ',n tie- eyes of Mr. tesla a Brit-
ish intruder and his killing Jet wunler.
I remain,
\ Yours sincerely,
S. E. McKE(;NEY.
Clinton, Ott., 21st Aug , U1 -U.
weight and her statement, while indeed
remarkable. is by no means unusual. as
many thousands have testihed to having
used Tanlac with the same wonderful
Captain Phileas Coude, Mrs. Coude's
husband, has been a navigator fur forty
years, and is widely known, especially in
maritime circles.
"11 just seems like 1 am starting life all
anew," explained Mrs. Coude, "for 1 no
longer feel like the same person. My
stomach has been in such a bad fix for
the past forty years, that is until 1 took
Tanlac. that I was always sick. 1 was
troubled so bad with metier/loon that I
had ceased eating any kind of substantial
food. In fact. nothing agreed with me.
and 1 had pains all over my body. My -
arms and legs. especially, hurt me dread -
white part of eggs caused
ad gotten where the
could take was milk
hree months ago 1
from Montreal lying
on bed and Just suffering agony I had ceuuty liventy•
become sonervousthat even lhecrumpling graduated from
of a newspaper annoyed me and 1 have ary College and t
gone through many a eight unable to ►n 1'ieton, Prim.;
close my eyes in sleep. Ail energy and remained ill Pico
.ner sirengill left me and 1 felt many limes years, routing to Ti
anal the olds appear to favor tope that 1 had come to the end of my way.
latter. 14o far the Government do- I My heart would often beat so hard and
dithli. itis 1801 leen nominated, but it 1 fast from the gas on my ata mach that 1
b. expected that a lural man will be thought I could not live.
found brave enrmgh to take taw that. "Many hu. dreds of dollars have been
So far the Government has held spent on my case, but nothing
►.off the Yaka'aribou anti West Peter- ever teemed to give me a particle
�roro by-elections. In regard to the of relief until I began taking
former there is little information
Tanlac. I am the mother of twenty
children and have had much experience
drifting to the capital, but me report mel cines having taken most every
from 1'rtrrlmtru Is to the effect flat kind mysel(,but l owe all the praise,thanks
J. H. 14Ut'nhttw will again be a condi-wad gratitude for my wocderlul recovs
The old -tomo or darkening
of Mage Tr c tr. That also will be an iuteresting
and Sulphur for darkening gran t'OUtrrt `\w'hru it takes plats. ie From- cry to nothing but Tanlac. The very first
streaked and faded hair Y grand- bottle of Tanlac made a Qecided change
mother's recipe, and folks are &gala teras tw'p or three mein have stepper) in me and since I have finished my fourth
using It to keep their hair a good, out amt a needF.O. their readiness to bottle 1 am feeling just like a new
eves color, which is gaits sensible, ala I run under C.F.O, 'umpteen and at- woma4 1 have an appetite like 1 hive
we are even In .n kgs when ► youth- I.tewpt to the quietus on the pont- never had before and meats nor anything
ful appearance V of the greatest ad- ' peat career of Dr, J. W. Edwards. and flee 1 tat hurts me in the least. Since 1
~Nowadays, though, we don't bate It i. Bald Iwai that the l', F. 1). is began taking Tanlac my weight has in -
the troublesome task of gathering the Memos enough 1 the riding to pert creased twenty pounds and my strength
sage and the mussy waxing at home. I, get('"' a victory. \Whenever a general has returned so that I can now do all my
All drug stores sell the ready -to -um I election doe« come. there will be many
product. Unproved by the addition of I strange faces in 142*, Commune dam -
other Ingredients, called '•W1sth's Sags !her. y, [tome of the ottt'ones will hardly
and Sulphur Compound." It 1a veer ; be wept •,n•l.r, at that. '
popular beeluae nobody can discover epoat Leader's Phos
It hbeen applied. Simply moisten The West i. tohave`r (ttMte of Mac -
drawcomb or a soft brush with It and
draw this through your hair, taking keuzle Kinds oratory in another mouth
one small strand at a time; by morning or ten now. Mr. King plata' taking
the gray hair dLappears, but what de- along ,t small retinue of Liberal
fully. Eve
me trouble and
only nourishment
and vichy water.
WAS brought ho
_ A', thrive OE Huron.
Toronto, tag: tag: 21. -Dr. 1t. 11. Me -
Kenna, one f the lest -known niter -
hoary surge° M in the Province, died
at his home, • 1t) ltolwrt street, yester-
day. lie had Been in poor health for
nearly a year end for the past two or
three month" had lleeh confined tot
Ind. •
Dr. McKenna
was born in Huron
Slur years ago. He
�he Ontario ve•teriu-
1111me•uccd practising
tweed county. Hr
1 for thirty-five
runto in 1997. 1)t.
atcKeuun nut Duly lnalutahied a large
int as a specialist
wits (14114,1 to
watt. an ardent
'11ow, and the
A.M. In poi -
ANCE CO. -Film .ad .orales tows prop.
-.4 lasered.
Oa ...-J.•• Costilla, Pea.., Goderieb P -O:
alp -Pres. beechwP.d P. 0.. ream..
S. isms'. `Sec --Tsps. Seasons P. O-
Dimmers- D. F. McGresoe, R, R. No. m. Ses-
ame; Joao G. Grwvs. No. 4, Walton; wahan
R. R. Gee. 7. casSesttney. Jobs Bao. $.me.
RrwdhoaMs r(1 R o- a les.
Gp. es, Harl R. Manor= Mc-
are.s, C1Mtos; J. Evans, B..ckwo.d; J•mc•
IC.mee nJ : Goderich.
AsYeo &.dea. Ales. Leitch.
a. a.. NNo t. Cl+aaon: Yee, C4pey. 5•dpib
R. Hinckley. SeNsth. Policy -holders cam pay .11
ymuts and get lieu cards remixed at R. J.
ime deb's Cbtbtni .Store. Gismos; R. H. Cuts s
gassy, Km`` Ston strut. Cwdwich, r J. H.
)wTg'emerat-Store. ila,a.w.
Brophe) Bros.
ise Leading
id Embalmers
Orden safefully &thole& to
as all lura,, night or slay.
lights the ladles with W1etbis Sage wakers, and, starting at \'icwriel
and Sulphur Compound. is that. be- DC.,, about tile anti "f `(•ptceulwr,
sides beautifully darkening the hair
after a few appllcetfona, It also pro- talking his way through to Manitoba.
dace that Raft .astre and appearance The Liberal leader I. pretty much of
an nnkDo*D quantity on the prairlea
and In the Pacifil' ('east I'rovince. in
tow latter be is soured of a good re-
ception, but when be gets (seek among
the wheat -growers of the prairie's hility of the Polw' and the "immacu-
there are liable to be into-nettirig 1 late l'oweepti oo" became doctrines of
moments during him .padres. Surae tit ROMA 11 Church. From the time of
of the farmers have a Int of gIesttont
they want to ask the Littered chief.
and there is liable at times to he some
warm heckling.
Mare for Railways and Telephones.
This week the capital ia full of
lawyers and nlllway nets. The rall-
ways want au 11111140W lin rates which
nobody cow wants. to see them get.
lhbeatagarraalb07 .Z costs,
Bark Their however, have Incrt-ased,
se l mil
bothers yea -irk along with everything e•I.e, so it i' pro -
e tutor. laably only a matter of how much hi -
en -tow the Railway Commie/don will
anther. The West has put up a strong
msec Inca ytynr met Sviry g tight agai. .t further boosts w'hh h go to
manuflactt.re surpluses for the Mhare-
holde rs, and the true importation co
will nut likely get the thirty
per cent. they an' ,eking.
/-ftr-ttp er--hr-reeitwe►y-mucin • • '
tion (comes one from the Bell Tele-
phone 1'0. which, If granted, would
place business phoney, on a "pay-as-you-
uMe-It" system. There Is also to he
hard fight against this and It remains
to lie seen whether or not the Railway
('ommisslon will allow the proposed
Iwtost..h).t when the co.t of living be-
gin. to *how a tendency of sliding
of abundance which Is so attractive.
Tready-to-use preparation Is a de-
lightful toilet requisite for those who
desire a more youthful appearance. It
1a not intended for the cure, mitiga-
tion or prevention of disease
Bis -That's the fourth umbrella I've
lost this year.
Dix -Your overhead expenses must be
gonsiderable.-+Boston Transcript.
prattler of his own,
iu surgical troubles
wavy parts of the P1
While in Piston, h
tuenils•r of the /loldf
1'ictou Lodge, A.F.ides he was a Lits•nll\
He Is survived by hi Wife and one
daughter. Mr.. W. E. \ Taggart ,uf
London, Ont.. Sept. lith to 18th.
If the !leather conditions are favorable
this year the success of London's exhibi-
tion is assured. There has been a
great demand for space of all kinds.
and the management are at their wits' end
to know what to du to accommodate all
housework without feeling tired except who wish to exhibit.
in the natural way. My pains have all The pure food 'show will again be held
disappeared. i sleep soundly all night in the process buildirg. The dog show
long and get up mornings thoroughly
rested and feeling fine. My nerves are
agaia normal and I have regained all
my energy. Words cannot fully express
the gratitude i really feel and i want to
recommend Tanlac to all ors ers who may
be suffering from stomach trouble and a
will commence on Tuesday noon, Septem-
ber 14th, and continue omit Friday.
There will be tractor exhibits and
demonstrations of all kinds. The interior
of the machinery bulletin will be very
much improved this year, a d very many
more exhibits placed than be re.
rundown condition like I was before Many firms are taking oilt�,ode space
taking this grandest of all medicines." and will display their goods urndkf canvas.
Tntlla,• is sold In G,.lench by E. It. The prospects never werebrighter,than at
Wigle and the leading drupgirt In Present for a very successful exhibition.
ever• town. Any information required will 1:4 fur-
nished on application to the secretary,
A. M. Hunt. General Offices, London,
Mar at dash your kidneys
-.- - j says • mead authority wee
balls a that mist forms aria sod whine
Neo* pugs tie the kidneys is their ef-
1wW' 41 tram the blood nes
Meer sftaaine wad weaken, thmefrtm
miser with a dull misery is the
sharp pales is the bask o'er -11
dIdaaas. your stemma sours.
Magas le coated sad when the weather
✓ bed yea base rbeumatfe twhtge. The
.rite guts not*, full of sediment, the
eisaesL *yoften get sore wad irritated.
y�''O°a� to seek relief txro or three
►the eight.
ih IrrllatJ age*1 downward 'a little, the companies op-
era tine public utilities comp wind& with
proposals to send everything Roaring
It's a great life, if you don't
d isarm rho kidneys and Sr et the
holy s orisons waste gee four omens .d
JaL Baits tram aa7 pkarmeey barna
Mb a WIeRtMfal in a gime of
water Were brestdast for a few de
sad your kidneys will then est Sea 1
famous assts le wade from the and u1
'. and lemonbi
Jules, eomaad with
CZ sad has been used for geeration@
b Sack and stlaeuLM sluggish kideeye,
aim M neutralise the ands is arias.
es it ao longer Jrtitah n thus eadlel
Madder wysltaeea
Jed Salts is hstpsadv. t ssaad M-
end ashen s delightful slenweet
To the Editor of The Signal.
Sir. -As your readers have the op-
portunity of reading Canadian papers
1 do not think k. necrswary to make
any answer tai Mr, i.ong'e explanation
of the „arah-enlistment of the Frencb-
igNURll1nuuuunI1IHUIIIRuuuIuIIuIIuI1nIauIuuauUIIuIUuuo11nnuuuI L. (snxdfan11. in regrnl to 1re1•nl1 its
lnfunnxttnn iM slaw, lncorrf'.•t
e - \
l When he eomes to history he show'
a great interest in henry VIIi. We
nrw well aware that there was nothing
beautiful about the character of this
monarch, even if he did receive the
title of "Defender of the Faith" from
the Pope. We must add, however,
that Henry was not am liwky in Ma
matrimonial troublew as some modern
men in the 1'rovince of Quebec who
am soon as they tore of their wives can
get their marriages •nnnll.d in the
H. 1'- diocesan courts tinder the pro-
visions of the Ne Teenier, decree. Mr.
Long muds have read wy article in a
hurry when he tbinke i mid that the
founding of the ('h rt'h of England
had anything to do with the Magna
('harts. The ('hunch of England was
there a good many centuries before
that date. A Roman Catholic prieat
once asked a Church boy: -Where
wall your ('hunch before HenryViILP'
The boy stamens!, "'Where war, ynnr
face before It was washed?" At the
Reformation the Church of England
reformed and cleansed itself, but it
remein.d the mime old church. i1 mak-
ing chancre in Nome points of doctrine
'end disr'Ipllne deetroym the continuity
of • chta ch, then the prevent R -C.
Church In only fifty mire old, became
Magna ('harts to the Reformation we
Wive Iep111y outward and visible signs
of the opposition of the people of Eng-
land to the claims of the Bishop of
Rome Dee of the iniquitous demands
of the I'apA on for ('hutch of i:ng. crushed while working in Tlphng & Mdls
laud *'8411 t of "annatee" "r flax mill on Monday. He will be laid up
'•drat-frultli' t Is, the tires y'••M for a considerable time.
ineeome of an 1 mlwnt. In the reign
.rt Edscanl I. hope Clement V. sent A pretty ceremony took place on
an euvoy to England to claim the August ix at the home of Mr. and
",mates" from Fngltsh lenefk'cw. The Mrs. it. J. M.Kague. Winglulm, their
Parliament sitting at Carlisle protested 'laughter, Elixalreth May, being unit-
agaiust the multiplied .forms of Papal .91 in marriage to Hugh Whitten
exactions and refused the Papal leg- Klinger, Toronto, by the Rey. i)- Per -
the moneys rte. only the immediate friends of
the families' were present, and later
the happy couple left for it short trip
through the !':astern 14txtes. They
will make their home at Toronto.
The Wingham Citizens' band has
purchased new blue Hussar uniforms,
with brass button! and gold braid trim.
Roy Barrett had his finger severely
ate to leave Englatsl with
helad cnllected.ThIM was
1307. You do not have to
the reign of Henry ViiI t
iut1-papal Act of k'grtlament.
there was passed a law known
first .,tatnte of Proviso!. (''l► Edw. 1I .,
c. 4I. that ordered that "kings and all
other lords are to prevent unto be
fires of their own or ancestor
foundations, and not the I'ope Of
Rote." Thin was followed In 1353
by the first statute of 1'r*emunlre,
which declared that all who should
sue for entree's In the papal courts'
should be put out of the protection
of the law of England, and forfeit I1
their golds to the state. Theme a
many otlwr laws were palmed to
before Henry V1ll. WAS burnIf Mr
Long is still of the opinion that the
Church of England dates from Henri
VIII . let -him read the firms sentence
In Magna (harts. Translated into
English the provtson runs: "That the
Church of t':ngland shall he free, and
hold her rights entire, and her lib-
ertles incinlate."
NOW we come to thin Important
document. Mr. Long tells us that
King John was exeommunic•st.d by
the l'op•. Why does\7our corr.spond-
e nt atop the story in\ the middle?
Why down he not tell tli" t just before
the ,'rents of Magna Chart. John
humbled himself to Pope Innocent,
consented to hold the English realm
as feudatory vassal of the papal sec
and pry a large• annual tribute of
I'eter's-palm'. Then carne the signing
of Magna ('harts, the chief Mercer in
this iw•Ing Stephen iangton, Archbish-
op of 4',,nterbury. Mr. 'Aug ways that
history does not recon) 11e fact that
Langton wait estranged from the Pope
on this amount. Lot him read the
following: "'fete Pope, naturally more
In sympathy with anthorlty than with
those In apparent rebellion against It.
bound moreover by deity and interest
to care for the rights of his vassal
(I -e. John). and •MMalt•d with reports
from the King's Ride. and miarepre'-
errtallons of Ithe Archbishop, might
clearly l* expected to take a different
course from Langton. Thum we find
him remonrtretlog with the Primate
and the baron, declaring the confed-
eracy void, annulling the (beat Chart-
er and IMdding the Arehblehop exeom-
mnnlest. the (littrtoere of the king -
110123 When Langton, though ennteent-
Ing to eine general inane of the Mentenee,
refuted to repeat the excommunication
---partly on the gmund that It was W-
arted under a minapprwhen.ton and
partly because he wished fins to mea
the year
It until
d an
The following is the standing to the
field Crop competitions conducted under
the auspices of theT'rrnterry Agricultural
Society : Barley -Wm. Webster, Wawa -
nosh. 93 points: R. Wilton, Turnberry.
1: Chas. Carter, Wawanosh, 89: J. J.
right, Turnberry. 88. Oats -R. Wilton,
urnberry, 94t points: H. T. Perdue,
Wawanoah, 90tH; W. J. Currie, Wawa.
What( Prominent
Ontario Women Say
Tillsonburl,Oat. :-" L found Dr. Plerea'a
Favorite Prescription very beneficial during
expectancy. I felt
quit. poorly, was
nauseated and sick,
could not eat any-
thing and I was
estreenely nervous
and weak. i took
'Favorite Prescrip-
tion' and it soon
stopped the nausea,
my appetite return-
ed, also my
strength and I w.a
soon feeling ase
and strong. My
baby was strop
and healthy and
has always bean an. f ronsider Favorite
Prescription' • greet help to the expectant
mother wad am glad to rseommead
Aasihon. Ont.: -"A few months .go
1 wto etriekan down and wp,onfne.i to bed
about ten days. My strength all left me. It
win ow and inner sines • child. I lost Ave
peva& and felt awfully weak afterward. I
could hardly do my work. i was advised to
Iry Drs herein Favorite Prescription in
tablet ftrrm. I tried • couple of bottles and
Ddoee 1 knew It, I was tall and strong and
had gained 9 )4 pounds. i ... rrmemmend
Dr. Pigmies T.v,wite Pnsriptba to Moi1d
one ' up." --MRM. E. MARTIN• 397
Dw.*uzs fit.
Alter suffering pal.. Iodise nervous.
diaa,, weak and dragged down by weak -
Deers d her amt -with rye' soak.., bink
Metes mod pal* eheeka•iueh a woman is
quickly ,..toed to hilts by the Favorite
Prosertpaiew at Dr. Pines. Clamped. tee.
V lades. fur afar taking De. Three's Favor-
Pressipthoe the nen Weenies areas, tba
eyes b4Sar. tr. sheets plump. It Is
Pink *418 1/1414/. measles as abdeL
It to within that time that the "Infant. the Pope himself -he was rebuked and
Lovely as when new
Those delicately tinted, filmy Georgette and Crepe
blouse. -those sheer and gossamer under things, laces.
etc., are really benefitted by being cleansed with LUX.
LUX takes out any perspiration stains --leaves every-
thing fresh and NEW. You see, there: is no Tubbing
with LUX and it is so pure that it will harm nothing
at all -.that purswato its_olf_miy touch.
LUX is -retchless in purity-rnatchlsrs >ii(rasults.
Liu is sold at all Grocers, Departmental $trims. Me. -
A handy recipe book, " J'rm C re a/ Dainty , Clothes" gladly sent free on request. - -
nosh, 90: A.M. Perdue, Wawanosh8934;
Chas. Carter, Wawanosh, 891,2: William
Webster, Wawanosh, 88; Thos. Fortune,
Turnberry, 88i•
Monday, August 2.1.
M es. McIle•atli bad a clime call
durin t recent .mere thnlxler-
mtuem, kits wna5 going out to the
cellar dor from the kitchen when she
suatalne.l a lightning shock that threw
er to the ground. She mum able to
without aid, tout felt a peculiar
tion f>>r ,Mtaim time and suffered
q ser re headache for ■ few
after filch ail ill-effects passed
. e
Three'1,ing is \ in full swing now.
Fall wheat is y -ling from thirty to
forty hush s per dere. Alslke clover
is yielding m t res to flue bushels
to the acre. The is a little a(•trc
age of kith t eserops, Hata will
yield well, as we I ali\barley anr( peas.
Beaux promise .w I, though the acre'
age sown Is eremite than other ;ynors.
In the threshing ne complaint hi
made of the scarcity t, machines. In
Stanley this Is sin scut \that a delega-
tion of farmers ovtnsimtl of Messrs.
Tames Grogatrk, Wesley array, Jos-
eph Hoot, and Charles ` I'enfount
went to *arn1a and tort firtrort ,,.m
day recently and pur.•hawed a\\tractor
1ua1 a separator to be used aR\ a co-
operative threshing outfit for a lthilted
number of farmers, \
Look -at tongue! Remove poi-
sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
Accept "California" Syrup of Vtgs
only -look for the name California ow
the package, then you are sure your
ekUd Is having the best and moat harm-
less Laxative or physic for the tittle
eteleaele, liver and bowels. children
love its delicious fruity taste. Full
Jfreev.ons for child's dose on each beta
t1e. Give it without fear.
Mother! You suet say "Callforale!
BEAvc1b3 O
i i s\ 77",
Why Live with Cracked Walla and Chep
When They're Easily Covered Up
Bose.' Board will cover them up for all time and you'll never ►cn tl)`
of Whig plaster 1*scov`up old
d�wan paper on wallsitsh to de again. �r ard m
oldies toad giving you aa idol surface for painting and deooeatias.
)41/44 a OM homestead hes been valved dime of the spew ere.. lath peal*
()1li Ws hasdesa, crackles, w.ssdaeesd bam,d wink eke pates•! s..ay.Ow
ass which preemies werpiag• a li plop
rood to broad ra sr►ya/. .waw
eineeek a low pot tollpwia
wisp llo.wr Boar&
(yts►r. Reap char mom bee bees made
oreersae es a elms M yea pisese-'win-
rmye .w (leer.
•m Dowd Is real laver. it 1 Wet
op y. WOO panels hers the .creep. pee
The Goderic h Planing Mills,Ltde
P. 0. Box 18 Goderich, Ontario Phone 47