HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-8-26, Page 1SUBSCRIPTION RA $1,50 A YEAR (payable in advan $2.00A Y to United States addresses ADDRESS : The Signal Printing Co„ Limited, Goderich, Ontario. BRVENTY-THIRD YEAR -NO. 34. FIFTY CENTS Any hew subscriber in Canada may obtain The Sigual for the remainder of this year for 50c. Subscribe now and get the full benefit of Otis SPECIAL OFFER FARMERS Do not let the question of capital hinder you from taking advantage of any oppor- tunity which will lead to greater progress. The Sterling Bank will willingly consider any application for credit based on a sound proposition for increased produc- tion. Our local Manager will discuss your plans with you and tell you some of the unusual features of Sterling Bank Service at the same time. liiE STERLINGBANK OP CANADA WHEA PARTICIPATION CER' i CATES Bring your certificates to this Beak and we will collect for you the initial payment of 30 CENTS PER BUSHEL authorized by the Wheat Board. sad THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE FUND - '115.000,000 GODERICH BRANCH, 6. William. Master. r WANTED PLUMS in any quantities de- livered at the factory. e B+r Cliin4 trio. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, August 26, 1920 FOR SALE OR RENT. WOR SALE. -RESIDENCE CORNER W Cambria and Nelson streets. AU soder• conveniences. Price $1500. Could not be built for more tbandouble thraldom. Apply GLOVER, (Miner. I 1OOD OPENING VOR BUSINESS. - IT Store wrtb residence; also barn and two lots. This store is on one of the leading streets of Goderich. The budding ha. been newly painted and everything is in brat -class shape. A hrsttlew opening for ■ live von and noney.maker. A bargain for quick sale. Speak quick. P. J. RYAN. Real Estate. 2t TO RENT. Building and part of . property known as COLBORNE HOTEL PROPERTY. Necessary alterations *ill be made to meet the requiresnents of any use the building may be wanted for. THE GODERICH AMUSEMENT CO., Ltd. Phone 47. Box 18. 1'OR SALE --SEVEN-ROOM RED A. brick cottage. loudern conveniences, lawn. garden, barn Apply CHARLES GARROW. tl L'OR SALE, -TWO AND A -HALM' r acres of excellent garden `round, well drained. Hes comfortable house with good cellar. Mao number of fruit trees and stable. Will he sold very rr.eoably and on cam terms. Also 17 1.2 acres on Huron road. kaolin as the brickyard property. There is a goad brick house stn the place and several acres of bush. The land is good. most of it could be cultivated, but et present le in pastae. Thele is an abundance of water. Will be priced very reasonably. T. GUN DR Y. Auctioneer FORSALE-NINETY ACRD. let a.- meeesgaw. Goderich township, four miles .ouch of Godheads. well fenced. a spell creek and schen .ad church. Posesron at /1st April. Appy to ROBT. McALLISTER. on the prem- iww or WILLIAM McALLISTER. Godericb, Administrator of the Estate. t1 WAITED. WANTED. -GIRL TO HELP WITH _/a1Mra1_ lMlrewoo k. Apply at once to MRS. ALE tD Dt?:RS, Nelson street. IA; ANTED. -K1 I CHEN R A NG E. Must be in good cord,ttun, Apply BOX 47s, Goderich. II ORKING HOUSEKEEPER WANTED. -Family of two. for 'merlings only. to live at home. Apply to J ADES FOWLER, Albeit street. .t TrEACHER WANTED FOR S.S. NO. 5, Colheene; aseard.cla,s Professional. with experience preferred Deities to commence alter summer hoff Apply, stating salary, to D.C. H(X;IE. Secretary. aheppardton. f I IRLS WANTED, -APPLY GODE- ts RICH KNITTING COMPANY. tf TENDERS WANTED. THE SIGNAL PRINTING ('0., LIMITED, Publishers. PUBLIC NOTICE. Application for the Position K Police Sergeant and Nightwatchman OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH, addressed to the undersigned, will received up to 8 o'clock p ip., on Thum - day, day, September 2nd. 19'20. For further particulars apply to C. H. HUMBER, L. L. KNOX. Ch. Special Committee, Town Clerk, Goderich. Goderich. MAIL CONTRACT: EALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at tawa until NOON. on FRIDAY. the 17th DAY of SEP. TEMBER, 1t40, for the conveyance of His Ma)esty'. Mails. on a pro Cataract for four years. sin times per week. aver Goderich No 5 Rural Route, from the L,rat taster General's pleasure. Printed notices cont.inns farther i nfor mat on as to co.ditiousof proposed Contract may he seen and Wank an N Teodee may be obtained et the peat amerle` tiht the otos, of the poi Sloe. Lo don at the oaks of [h. Float letpeetor, London. CHAS. E. H. FISHER. Post Moe inpctor. Post elan Ieste.eter's Orrice, Lo on. see August. tyle u moa. new horn and lair Moose; one -hal mite from AUCTION SALES. NOTICE. 11 you are locking foe a nice house to buy. I hen them of all kiada. red brick. white bnci and frame. at very reasonable prices. My at es perience in building and valuaton places a a poeitton to be yo.r guide in the selection of a e home at a r.ght price. 1 have pleased others. I an pleas you. P. J RYAN. Real Estate aad Insurance *1 Phone S0. i F01 LALIt VOR SALE --ST U D E B A K E R TOUR- !: ING CAR. in good rousing order, cheap far cash. BOX elk Goderich. 25 WOR SAL& -SILK -UPHOLSTERED ambeaany pelts some .ho Newcombe Mink.wiroli elan. Apply Nelson street, W. J. LL. Sydney Basic Slag Fertilizer. Wail have a car of Sydney Basic Slag Fertiliser latter part a this month at McGaw Station, is time for fall w seeding. Top dress your lead Hue fall for next year's hay sad root soca Farmers wanting this ertitizer will kindly leave their ick N C. DURST, Clinton R. R. 2. (' 19. Colborne Municipal), • ' SALE. --A SQUARE PIANO, IN York ALR11R'S - NNITtienSTORE.Appy at ATTENTION! EOR SALE BY AUCTION. A comparatively new brick heels. with frame kitchen. on Gloucester Terrace. on SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 4th. Sale to commence at 2.10 o'clock. Good garden and Trait trees. Terms to suit purchar. r, W. J.MAiR, THOS. GUNDR Y. Proprietor. Auctioneer. FOR SALE DEPARTMENT OF MILITIA AND DEFENCE. Notice to ex -members of the Canadian Expeditionary Force. OTiCE is hereby given to all con- cerned that es -members of the Canadian Yaped,ttonary Force who are entitled to and who regusie post -discharge dental treatment must submit their applications to the District Dental (Slicer at the Headq of the Di. ince in which they reside on or before 1st September. 19620. Applrcatons for dental treat ment received alter 1st September. 16.0, will not be considered. (Sgd.) EUGENE FISET, a. Major G 1. Deputy Minister. Militia and Defence. Ottawa. August 1, 1441. Nore.- Newspapers will a.1 bane/ est the ad- vertisement d they insert it tela Ratlt 50th ray from the Department. I H Q. 471: 1.22) 21 TENDERS WANTE 1. GODERICH INDUSTRIAL £XH1a1TION. Tender will be received by the tletderer In a oclnck p. m on Tuesday, Augin u udacton of the committee. Also applications will be receivedre1 front booth privileges on the and one inside the track), and 1 far the supply of meals. A 'cations to be m separately for each accompanied by a de rantee. DR. W. F. CLARK. Secretary Treasurer. t 11! sstt.. � the supply of straw for .calla and pens for the coming BsMMtion, to be tleliv. red u s me tot ehreah grounds dining hall lege, and each t torS5onas■ T`s !Coderic6 Organ Co., Limited Bedsrich Oatarie. Finery Opening FRIDAY and SATURDAY - September 3 and 4 You are invited to come and see the new season's styles MISS CAMERON The Mercantile Salvage Co. will vacate the Point Farm premiers within two or three weeks. Persons who are in need of any sort of lumber will had it to their benefit to get their requirements right away. We have to offer a half -million feet of the finest secondhand limber, doors. windows, lath, baseboard and wainscot- ing. also some very fine cedar atlor pasts. All at very reasonable ptues. Apply POINT FARM. SHINGLE ONE e -5X B. C. RED CEDAR - a 31 B..C..RED CEDAR Both cars arrived this week. Many have already n spoken for. Place your order at once. (AK SIDEBOARD FOR S ALE.- . ij Apply et SIGNAL OFFICE. If WHITESEWiNGMACHINES P. O. UM 18 GODERICH, ONTARIO • T. R. THOMPSON, British Exchange Hotel. Agent. Supply of Needles on Hand. rR SALGAN, PIANO CASE OR- GAN, siaoctave, slid walnut, y et WALKER'S STORE. B C. SHINGLES Phone 47 IT is daap•rativs that twist feria a sound a�eoa� a protr.erv'a Baaklnn IneeH. This ettmnlatitnB a broad r the r�a= �s�ar �ta Yes its r 11111111- 11.0• 11.16 meas' .174.1•0 0101. es UNION BANK OF CANADA Goderich Branch F. Woolcomb, Manager ALWAYS ON HAND at McGAW STATION, Cast C. A. Robertson or Reba Trails. Telephone Dungannon Me: or John Treble. Ma Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MiXED WOOD FOR SALE at 93 per single cord, delivered, THE GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO.. LIMITED. (Foot of Anglama St.) Phone e1. PUBLIC NOTICE. ----'sem DR. F. J. R. FORSTER. EYE, EAR. NOSE. THROAT. Lett Hems* Seaman New Yee! Ophthalmic red HMoat sptset 2 Oetb�tent T5, Bush. Ie. bsteellos Ott f lineder< ?does fR. M asd1sa alas- O.amar0. Meet Weds - at 1 w t\11a, M y N R a. a Thurray, a GODERICH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION Wednesday, Thursday, Friday September 8, 9, 10, 1920 The Best District Fair in Western Ontario tensive Exhibits in all lines of Live Stock, Farm and Garden Products, Poultry, Fruit, Flowers Domestic Manufactures, Etc., Etc. SPLENDID PROGRAM OF SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS EACH DAY. FOUR SPEED TESTS FOR LARGE PURSES - Farmer's' Trot or Pair -- Purse 4100. 2.21 Trot or Pace - Purse 4250. 2.341 Trot .T Face -- Purse *000, 2.12 Trot or Pace -- Purse 4250. Woadsrfnl and daring exhibitions by BLONDIN, high -wire performer. JOHN A. KELLY, Ventriloquist, Comedian, 'Entertainer. "Something new, something funny, Something really worth the money." THE FORMAL OPENING will take place on Thursday, at 2.30 p.m., when an address will be given by HON. NANKING DOHERTY, Minister of Agricultnre in the Provincial Government. Rithibit from the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa. Midway Attractions Merry-go-round for the Kiddies 33rd Regiment Band in Attendance Prise Lists, entry forma, and all information on application to DR. W. F. CLARK, fit errto ry-Q'reain i re r, Goderich. What a Good Band Means to a Town. In speaking about bands, and [own bands in particular, we sometimes hear people carelessly say, "iVhat good is a band in a town, anyway ?'' Well, first take inventory of the fellow who makes the remark. You may have reason o allow the sully question to go answered. But regarding the mark more seriously, let us say that a good band is one of the moat useful things a town or a commun- ity can possess. It is one of the -best advertisements a town Baa have. Emerson says something about the world making a beaten path. Well, a good band will make all roads leading to the town beaten paths: even though the town's other attractions be not en- ormous, every merchant is bene- fitted by a good band. Many people come to town to attend the delightful entertainments, and they combine shopping with this pleasure. The promoters of busi- ness and musical enterprises always have the satisfaction of knowing that their civic demonstrations from time to time will be success- ful, because they have a first-class b nd to lead the parade and at tract the crowd. A band composed of able players is a tower of strength to any town or aectioe of pu1itry. It cultivates the pub ear to a high class of music, and does it right at yo door, too. Every tante citizen will boost the ba herever he goes. WATER GLAs6.-Soda Silicate/Oka pre- serving eggs, one pound makes a gallon of preserving fluid. To make solution, use one part of water glass to ten parts of water, which should be thoroughly mixed. The water glass will dissolve m. re readily if warm water be used, but must be thoroughly cooled before placing the eggs therein. Eggs omd alter being preserved for two yeast in this fluid have been found to be perfectly fresh. Twenty cents for a full pound tin. Sold by E. R. Wigle. druggist, Goderich. City Dalry k -e cream bricks always on hand at H. T. FAwards'. Through Coach t. Toronto. The Grand Trunk Railway is making special provision for travel to Toronto 1 during Exhibition time, and commencing Saturday, Angust 28. will have a through first-class coach on the train leaving at 6.05 each morning during the period of the Exhibition. No change from Gode• rich to Toronto. Travellers should pur- chase their tickets from F. F. Lawrence & Sons at the downtown office and save delay and inconvenience at the station. The Pavilion NOW OPEN (near HOTEL SUN>ET. Godertch) • DANCING EVERY NIGHT 8.30 to 12 o'clock Leta Satiety Orchestra CRAIGIE'S Assurance..a Real Estate FOB SALE "Villa Plcton," 2 story hriek, fully modern, with fireplace, 7 norms, large Int. situated on the south Ride of Pluton start. This 1a one of the most modern horde to town. Immediate poseettitlon. 2 story, red brick Manse. fully modern. 7 rooms, hull basement, south side of Emit strew. 1'/ story, tome !mune with 7 rooms, full hit with orchard, situated on file west side of Cam- eron street. With a little re- modelling this can be made • deeirable property •nd will tie sold cheap. investment Suggestion, Victory Ades bought and mold. Province of Ontario Honda, 4n June 16, 1930, prim 4140, to yield (t pet cent. J. W. CRAIGIE AIL F.'ILL FAIR NOTES. • Remember that the Goderich Indus- trial Exhibition 11 earlier than mina' this year, the dates being Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Heptember, 8, 9, and 10. It 1. hopietl the change of dates may give the Exhibition good weather and prove acceptable In other ways. The prize lists Imre been issued and copies may be had on application to the secretary, 1)r. W. F. Clark. En- tries should be made as early as possible In order to avoid confusion. I;oxderich Exhibition has the reputa- tion of being one of the hest district fairs lu the 1'rovfia•p, and with the combined interest and efforts of the people of town and country it can be kept Well lu the front rank. Everybody, Is Invited to give a helping hand lam every way possible. • This year there will be a formal opening, to take place on Thuratby at - terunou, when the Hon. Manning 1Arherty, Minister of ).grirulture its the l'n,vineial Government, will be present to give 511 address. It is expected a large crowd will he out to hear the Minister., The speed tests will, as umuttl, he a great attraction on the second and third days of the Exhibition. There w111 ise hone events: Farmers' trot or piker. purse 4111); 2.20 class, purse $'i0; 2.311 taus, puree 4200, and 2.12 cites, purse $250. pe•lal attractions Include Rlontiitai wire performer: John A. Keily. re triloquist and comedian; seyet'al MI' way features, and the merry-go- round will be on hand as usual. Ata exhibit from the Central Exper- imedtal Farm at Ottawa, under the direction of the Federal llepartment of Agriculture. will be a feature of inter- est d value. 10 33rd Itegimeut band will pro- vide music throughout the Exhibition. Attention, Boys and Girls ! Hcnienilw•r a slaw,- is being mien - .41 for your work 10 the main build- ing of the Goderich industrial Ex- hibition, to ie.• lucid September, S. Y and 10. .11 boys making hird-hooses mud all girls making smocks or dress- ing dolls are asked to leave -their names at the home of Mrs. Swanson on Saturday. .tugust :Nth, or MOD - tin 3*. .tligust The Best Is None Too Good for the people of Goderich. ('ollsorne's pure homemade candles are th' beat to he hail. Take a pound home with you. Our fall sample's are In. Make your selection early before the heat patterns are picked up. We will re- serve goods until waived. Have from 410.00 to 415.00 by walking ernnnd the corner.-Prldham the Tailor. Your favi rite ice cream soda i- here None but the purest flavors used., H. T. Edwards. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. The next public holiday will he Leb,r Dry, Monday, September eth. John Weiss pleaded guilty before Police Magistrate Reid on Tuesday of I.croing liquor for salviolation of the Canada Tem fined S100 acid anc Mr. Roy Stonehouse, principal of Victoria ;school, who has been spending the holidays st Westfield, has returned to town, accompanied by Mrs. Stonebous.. They have taken Miss Porter's residence on the Bayfield road. Mr. R. J. Megan Me sold his resi- dence, corner Waterloo sad Lighthouse streets, to Mr. H. H. Taylor, of East Wawanosh, who will remove to town shortly. Mr. Ml'gaw and his fatly are leaving to make their home at Vsnem' ver, 11 r. Mr. T. R. Harrison, the insurance man, has removed his business quarters from West street to a commodious office in the British Exchange hotel building. The new office is very convenient to the public and will facilitate the transaction of Mr. Harrison's growing buiinees. - -- - • Blackstone's is the place to get that gift box of chocolates. OCNDRi'S SALE REGISTER. Savl,anar,Sept, t -Sale M new brick house, with frame korner.. on Gloucester Terrace. prop- erty of W J. Mair. at 2.4np. m. BORN. UAVN.-In Goderich, nn Thursday August N. to Mr. and Mrs. 1 . AI Davis, adaughter. DIED. W YLIE.- At Toronto. on Sunday, August W. Ellen Rotertenn, widow of the late Captain Peter Wylie of G.r!enc h. aged 71 years. HARRI;ON. -At Luckno.. on Monday. August 3 ' . William A. Harrison. aged e.6 years, IN MRMORL4M. REWICK. -In ever loving memory"ol Alfred Bewn4. who died suddenly in Goderich ea the lath day of August. 1919 ..Until the day dawn." NEW ADVR risme NTS. Tenders Wanted- stench industrial gia bd ion 1 Csned an National Eshihinon. • Harsh -Davies Fertiliser. a atudebaher Touring Car fee Silk -Boa IN, Genet ich ........... 1 Auction .Ile -W, 1. Mart. .. .., Millinery Opening -Mini Camerae.. I Application for Polite Saaaant-Teel) N On4rich ... .... .... 1 Goderich I ndustnat Rthlbttia...... ...... ,1 Girl Wanted -Mrs. 111e1. MMwe..... AN.. 1 Cities Range Wa.tid-Apply Ret ttA Oetr rich wee 1 9•