HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-8-19, Page 8E --Thursday. .olein 1!1, Hen.
Playing f lids and Prizes
Conti Playing Cards
er pack, pies
war tax
Other line cards from 35c op
\fir i have a large assortment of
goods suitable for i'rizes
for Card Parties
Books, Genuine English China
Ivory Goods, Boxed
Stationery, etc.
I'reserve Photos of your
summer \..cation inea good
Snapshot Album
We have them 50c to =2.00
B.tSFSi:\Lt. G4/14S1P.
t,udrrfch Blanked.
On Thursday, August 1lth,4thr local
team went to Zurich to day their last
scheduled game in that burg and were
defeated by 7 to U. The Guderech team
excelled in making errors. having no
fewer than eight chalked up against
them. Ray Miller started In the box,
• but retired ip tavcr of Barlow in the
second. Barlow went along fine alter the
thud, which was his one bad moms,
Zurich scoring three runt; on him in that
frame, on a walk. three hits and an error.
In the last three trames he had six stake-
outs. Kekoa, pitching for Zurich, was
at his best• allowing only three hits. Nc.
a Godench man reached third hale. The
game was rtally too one-sided to be
Score by inningS-
Goderich._....... 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Zurich 2 0 2 3 0 0 x-7
Batteries -F, r Goderich. Miller. Bar-
low and • Bis t : for Zurich, Kekoa and
Goderic Pridham If. Foley es. W.
Bisset c, Barlow lb and p. Anderson
2b, Web cf, Johnston rl, Miller p and lb,
R. Bi t 3b.
Zur. hh-Kekoa p. C A. Hoffman lb,
C. Hdtfman3b. T. Hoffman m. Braun c.
Wurm :b, Seibert If, Collin cf. ('Dwyer
Canadian Government and
Municipal Bonds
Interest returns are high
todaynd the shrewd invest-
or would not be well advised
to spec' to upon the future
by poatpe fug iuvesthtents in
tbe hope o ower prices.
Tile wise olicy is to pur-
chase now au make sure of
substantial yfe s at today's
The most complete list of a
doze' bond houses s at your
Yon g but tou
safe a d sound invnvesttnentnts
reco ended.
Goderfeb 14-Creditoo b.
This (Thursday) evening at .Agricul-
tural Park the last League game o( the
,1 season on the home grounds was pilled
lots. the vissun, team being e:red►ton.
+T -here was a lair attendance of specia-
1 tors and the way Goderich played
ball kept them in good humor. The
Creiitonaggregrtioncame here bent upon
winning the carne. and had President
Horning of the Huron Baseball League
send up two umpires from Stratford to
;see that '.hey did it properly. Only six
' innings were played when the game was
called on account of darkness. the score
then being 14 to 5 in the home team's
favor. Hai Crediton won this game they
would have tied with Zurich for first
place Four pitchers were given a tryout
by Crediton. but they all looked alike to
the Godench players. After the first
innings Wiggins had the Crediton sluggers
at his mercy. The Signal will have more
to say about this game next week.
Beat the Milers.
vn Tuesday evening a game was played
between the 131 Mill and a team from the
Square. which resulted in the Big Mill's
first defeat of the season bV 5 to 4.
Batteries -Squares. Nlurney and Foley;
Millers, .Webb and Kneeshaa.
¶ -a-rhes"
&.. BL Josie, N. B.
'7t 1r era& firm that 1 write is
tail rinstillanersoltihenefit I remised
few lir its el per medicine
•RAii+wied•, mist frogs %way
fins. 1 ass es sstarer for
arDsrpmaa beim Xaaafac4ers
ealebaxgpalin'a glWj.ererything,
eo■sii aset..g but ..tml.g
assess& to — me snail I triad
N0.J. _um0.
sAfber�tssih ai saeaad boxes, I p
sompirely refuel of these troubles
and bare lees unusually well ever
sire". Kim ANNIE WARD.
60c. a box, a for V".80, trial We, 21s.
At all dealers or lent postpaid by
Yreit•a-tave.limited, Ottawa
Special Values for Avgvst
Venus Silk Hose in white only. in all sizes from OW to 10.
Regular $2.59, for $i.9t1. ----
These stocking are of the best manufacture and made
• from pure thread 'silk. There are no seconds. Ds Raft albd
see these, values before they are all gene. $1.911 • pair.
Silk Lace Hose in purple, tan and black. regular $2.75, for
$1.98 a pair.
R. H • •son
i JIVE ) if
West w. - 6etiwlah
tIr .,n.l \Ir- I.. G. .it,•wart. of
Itrautt,nl. ce r. rip for the ww•l.-col
on a 11-1t r., \Ir Stewart.* ofd tutu.•,
the 11,•nu,al•.r \,tr-crier.
Mr. .1. 1: .\ml r. w. and Mina Grace
Stewart h.,' retlrtieed to their home
at Cleveland :,ft.•r a ten days visit
'Iib their mother. Mrs.' Stewart,
• imlller
" The Child s-Photogra'/ . t
9�rcADlN' crw� WRITIN' an. !THM8TIC—
Will soon fill your youngsters h • rs.
Before school opens bring your little Co e in to have a
photograph taken- a natur 1 liketaene at will be
your most treasured possession in after y rs.
i'SINFSS barometers seen[ to
indicate that the period of
Clay money and high prices is near -
A dollar saved now in the form
of a Savings Bank Deposit will be
_ worth much more in the next couple
of years, after the reaction has set
Ciatheelt Blanch -A. J. MacKay, Manager
Vie. -President of O. V. A.
_-At- sew- YOUVOwtiene of- the 4+.411no
\'eterinsry .\rwe•lation at Toronto taxi
week, Dr. W. F. Clark, of dsasricb,
was elYetel View-pr•sideut of the .te-
sociation. The convention was well
att,ii,I,tl. about mat mewlnera helot
present. and 1►r. Clark wan ionslder-
ably .surprised when he was cboaen
(nom the large gatlienng for the clue -
to re-.alen ttuI Minor... (►ur townsman
was also elected as the repre•seatattve
err the Association on the limed of the
Western Fair.
Cenanaitted he Trial.
Polite Magistrate Reid held e•onrt
this 1 Thursday I afternoon at hayfield
to hear chargees against John ('nekerell
nod W. A. Miller of operating gambling
devices „t errand (tend. ('ounty
Crown .tttorney Wager pnnwr'uted sad
Mr. Spn•ne+er. it lawyer from London.
al.lx•ured for the defence. The mat -
1.0 rate committed the atxueed. for
trial. These. ,-,ries are in Ilse with
the anuouta•ctree•ut made haat week
that the eounty authorities intend to
make it definite, eiimpalgn against
gambling at horse mare, all shown,
and wt other public gatherings where
in the past there has been a certain
amount of laxity. The wen at Growl-
Iteeml sere running a "wheel of
fortune" which was patronized by the
youthful element at The summer
Lorne Mael/onald Badly Injured.
Mrs. .i. T. M i. 1iun:el.l. who return-
ed last week from x month's visit at
Wingham, bad sad news awaiting
tier. x letter laving come from be'r
e ugliter-in-hew, Mrs. Lorre A. Mae -
Mould, at Swift Current. Sask., tell-
ing of a serious accident to the latter's-
liush,uid. He was coming away from
the fair grounds at Swift Current
when he w•as run into by a motor aur.
knocked. down. and then, a" the in-
tuxi.•atel driver of the .-err hacked up.
W:11. tui over a asowl time. He wax
taken to the Sw•Ift Current lssepital.
when It was fnusit be had l broken
shoulder bae, x dirla•ate,l hip aril
tau fractured riles. His wife Is *taring
With him at the hospital, and -reports
that he is doing as well as could he
expected. The authorities are taking
action against the driver of the ear.
Stationery Engineers' Existentbea.
On Nedncsday, Augnst Ilth. Mr. W.
Brown, of the Provincial Board of Sta-
tionary Engineers, paid his first otheta!
visit to this town and examined a large
ss of candidates for fourth, third and
e. iii -grade cerufkates. In addition to
engineers from Goderich that wrote
- •ort-ts at+e,m,netnnt. there-
from Blyth, Seaforth and other points in
the couinty. Miss I. Thompson of town
Acted $e stenographer and took
down the oral examinations of
the candidgtes who were not pro-
ficient in the use of pen and ink.
it is the intention of the Stationary
Engineers' Board that an official shall
regularly visit Goderich and similar
centres in connection with the enforce-
ment of the Act, at Which times examin-
ations will be held. The present Act.
which came into force on January 1st,
i112W, requires that all firemen and watch-
rnen having in their care boilers of from
50 to 150 horsepower mustpanne a
fourth grade certiFcate, and. for boilers
over 150 horsepower, at least a third-
grade certificate.
i what you are looking for, and this is the store
where you will get it.
We do not pretend to give you $5.00 for $1.00,
and the sensible buyer does not look for some-
thing for nothing, but our numerous patrons,
both old and new, know full well that we do
-e sound, dependable values for every cent
-nt here.
Repairing by first-class methods
by an efficient mechanic
Sharman's Shoe Store
As these examinations are Wittig the
lines of the proper care and the safe
operation of steam boilers, together With
5 higher knowledge of cnmbustan and
fuel economy. the etandards now set for
stationary engineers of all grades are
w bound to be in the public interest. and
all intending candidates for examination
will do well to study thoroughly these
= subjec:a, and especially fuel economy.
THOMPSON.-A well-known• reel -
dent of Ood.rk-b. Mr. William Ft
Thompson, (Hid on Friday sight let
Alexandra hospital atter an Meese of
lonly a new dark An operation was
performed on Tuesday for appendic-
1tis, but complieatioas set Is which
proved fatal. Mr. Thompson was the
second ,on of the late Robert Thomp-
son, a former Mayor pf Oodarield
He was flftyonc yearn of age arse had
Heed all his life In Ooderials He
had been for sany years chief of the
are htigade and being a big, staPwart
man he was • "Stikine Seem at the
firemen's tonreemenet wkicb he attwed-
el. Me was a blackmada by buds.
Ile leaven a widow sad • lastly of
two Imre and one daughter: Wean
and Frank, of Detroit, ane Irene
/Mr". Frusat MtGtratte.l. d Port
Colborne, an of wbom were bean tor
the funeral. UM mother. Mea. Robert
Thompenn, aervlve•s, also two bro-
thers and tem slaters : Adam, David.
and Mr). tae. Thor/tam. of town. and
Mrs J Snell, of Brbti•.e, Au4Bs.
The firmer*, took plan on Monday
afternoon to Mattland emergery and
was very largely attended The nes-
vlesa were conducted by Rev. E. ii.
We Stilt have a number of White Skirts left to be sold
and they are all on sale at 25 per cent. less than regular
price. Every size is here and in several different styles..
A number of colored Smocks in all sizes still to sell at
$3.924 each. These garments are ranged as high as $6.00.
This is an opportunity to buy a smock at very little money.
$3.98 each.
A number, of ladies' Voile Dresses -in -the season's best
colorings and designs at 25 per oelft. leas than regular price.
This gives you an opportunity to -buy real merdiandise at
little money. 25 per cent. less than regular price.
Every Summer Vest ilk >' e store OR sale at 25 per cent.
less than regular price. Every style of garment is repro-
sented both in short and no sleeves. Ladies' and child-
ren's Drawers all reduced 25 per cent. Children's no -sleeve
Vests at 25 per cent. less than regular price.
Starting to clear out i'hff. t#mshame at greatly reduced
prices. Every 65e, 60e, and 50e Gingham on sale at 39c.
This means we are clearing out all this season's Ginghamx
and to do so have reduced them greatly so they will sell
very quickly. Every piece 27 in. wide end the checks are
the newest. Remember the price-- 39c a yard.
We have gathered together several special lines of Blouses
which range in size from 36 to 4-4 and have put them on
sale at $1.98. E%•ery blouse is this season's make, as we do
not make it a practice of carrying goods over from one sea-
son to another.
. es
Be sure and see these Blouses at
*1.98. Every one a
Tbornloe, of St. Thomas, in the ab-'
since of the pastor of SUCK church,'
and the pallbearers 'were represents -
tires of Huron Lodge, I.O.(i.F., and
the fire brigade: Wm. Tait, George'I
Beacom, Robt. King (Toronto), W.
Patton, Reeve T. R. Wallis and Wes-
ley Mcitean. The OddIellows paraded
In • tally and others in the funeral'
prnerwlon were members of the town I
council, civic officials and members
of the fire brigade. The floral tri-
butes were eemerous and beautiful.
PROU815-An old resident of God=
erich township in the ',Orson of David
Prone passed away on August 4th. at
the home of his eldest daughter, Mrs.
Jonathan Thompaos, of Raglen, Ont.,
with whom he bad made his home for
Teat t Was
born In Devonshire, England, slaty -
seven years ago, coming to Canada
when a young man. His wife, form-
erly Mary Jane Grigg, of Goderich
township, predeceased him about two
years ago. He leaves a family of
seven : Mrs. Jonathan Thompson, of
Raglan : Mrs. Sturdy. Mrs. Wallace
and Oliver Pronse, all of Compere,
Alta.: Mrs. Nellands, of Stetler, Alta.,
lid Charles and Wilbert, of °oder-
ich township. There are also twenty
grandchildren. The funeral took
place from the homestead, now the
residence of their son, Chartist, on
Saturday, Aegean 7th, to Kilt/and
cemetery. Orange Lodge No. 189. of
which deceased was a member, attend-!
ed In a body.
Mins C. M. Campbell is visiting at
teat Elia like 1s speeding her boli -
at Henmiller.
fl attending a dental con -
rent at Ottawa this week.
MIse n►os% of Washington. P.C.,
Is in town n her annual holiday 'bait.
Mins lad Stoddart. of Ihetrnk, is
visiting her "fetter, Mise Orel Stoddart.
Mrs. 0. W. Itusssrt, of Washington.
visiting her neither, Mrs. Jas.
Min" Gertrude Whitehead. of Tor-
onto. is the guest of her cousin, Miss
Itolsertson, Victoria street.
City Dairy ice cream bricks always
nn band at 11. T. asIwerda'.
Master Harold D. McKenzie has re
turned from a trip of *veered days
with kis father ft the eraser River-
tit"" Empty Lender. of Triennia. is
a guest at the home ray Mrs. J. H.
bibs F.fie Motherland. of Detroit.
Is vatting to town, the guest of Mrs.
Alecto Stewart.
Mr. Fred F'ergnean. of Cleveland,
v0HM hie sister, Miss Mary Teegaenn,
Hayfield road, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Walmaley and two
children, of Sarnia, have been spend -
Intl a few days da town this week.
Mrs. 1. C. caroms and daughters
Mabel and Jesn and Mrs, Lorre
Smith and liehy Eleanor. of
Niagara Falls. retnrnel to their home•l
there on Tuesday after a week's visit
with friends in town.
Mr. I4ugeuee [lean. of Buffalo, hp hol-
idaying in town.
Mics Nina Graham is home from
New York un a holiday Arlt.
Mrs. le. Wright, of Brantford, i
visiting her mother, Meer& W. Thom -
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. ('tam, nt
lirs•kville, are in town on a holiday
Mr. Albert Mugford, of Colborne,
hat gone to Saskatoon for the hereon
Miss Jean McKenzie has been visit-
ing friends at Port Colborne the last
two weeks.
Mr. WW Knox has gone to help kis
brother John, at Waldville, Sask., In
the harvest.
miss Gwendolyn Colborne. of Tor-
onto, is spending holiday,' with her
mother, Mrs. J. II. Colborne.
Mr. Waiter .1. atrlaoh•ewlw, of Ila-
trolt, has been spending holidays nt
the parental home on the take shore.
Mayor Male returned yesterday
from a holiday trip .hiring which he
visited Wfarton, Owen Sound, and
otlwr points.
Mr. `and Mrs. J. .1, omeroy, of
Thk1geport, were to town for a few
days last week, visiting at tbe home of
Mr..tt,me•t F. Thomson.
Miss Stella V. Morrish, Mrs. Wes.
%iel.ean and MIss Elsa M. Oke at-
tendee) the Fae•gan-Walters welding
at Ben -miller yesterday.
Mr. John E. C. Elliott, of Hull, Que.,
is In town visiting his mother, Mrs.
June. Elliott, who has just returned
from a trip to England.
Miss Gladys and Mr. Sword Hog-
carth, of Detroit, are visiting with
their parents, sltlr. and Mrs. James
Hoggarth, Huron rad.
L. Aitken left last week
for Shetbrooke. flue., to attend the
aediling'nf her son, Mr. Arden Aitken.
of London, which took place on TIM. -
flay of this week, the bride being a
young lady of Sherbrooke.
Klneardtne• lieporter: Mr. and Mr".
Chis. King, who were visiting their
Inir•nts, returned to Detroit op Monday
last. They were ueeompanisl as tar
a re. Gode'rich by Mine Mora King, who
is flatting her winter, Mimi F. F:. King.
matron of the (i ,lerich hospituh
Thele are two aides to every queklsll•.
your tide and a wrong aide.
He is a• prior leader who will nS
Anyone clothed with authority can fire
a Man, but it takes a real executive to
develop one.
Cool judgment mixed with enthusiasm
is a good recipe to sutlers.
if people were given all they pray for,
the world would have to be enlarged.
The unfortunate thing about good
resolution. is that they are often made
too late.
Music is the language of the soul - jaxr
is its profanity.- Providence Tribune.
White and Tan Linens
by the yard, in single
and double width.
Arm a line of Scarfs
and�Centres, 'beat
quality linen.
Miss S. Noble
Send Side Square - Ged•rich
a• HAVE 4
Zama tavaluukb tsr ' oaem�
both In the ear et my baby and
myself,- says Mrs. L Beath of
West /What, NJl. Ste adds:
`Baby's skin was badly broker
oat. but repeated applications at
Nana -idol entirely oared 11.
'Ia my own Pass, I bad nes ma.
-wow heads, wkfes-made It very
rNnvaafent tor we to do w-
ort Partieslary was this
as, r It aggravated the trouble so
myhear i6t1ItiliE>!luras
-11ana-itak, however, I DON gut re-
lief. and It was sot vary long honoree
every trees of the trotbls had dis-
appeared. I really think ae kasha
should ba without ZaaBat-
Zam-Bak Na equally used or all
arta injuries. All dealers re bol
`Signal' F fty Cent. to Jasaary 1, 1921 I HEAVY MEAT EATERS
We have just rn,vived fresh sup-
plies' of all khats of groceries,
and thew. will he sold ,o yon at
CAN 1i1'Y
F1tFSli FRurrs iN REASON
?shames. Cigars and Cigarettes
asst yen het laskathy
alfttls aloake aeslio-- air
gl000 of Salta
Ito moa er wore who eaif nasi moo
illy esu make a mistake by Marina tie
kM.sye oemeo.slly, says a well-luewn
authority. Meat form. arts saki whish
Ire rked he kidneys,berm b.ora-
tio stria, get alagaish sail
fall t.• alter the wants sad poker from
the blood, than we get Wk. N
rheumatism, beedoehas, Mow
ne^ouamea., ese
urinary disorders erect from altaggials
The moment you fesi a dad sobs in the
Reye or your Irak hurts or if the
seine L eloedy, oeeaave, full .4 .s .
anis.' tIenn of ofolar orpt•Nedse br
ago clop r moa
and lis about four onset. el Jed
Batts from any pharmsey: take •
tablempoonful in • giair of water before
breakfast and in a few days year Maim
will set Ana Tile famous sake 1,
tram the cold of grapes and lemon )a1aA,
'combined with Iltbia, sod has blas mad
for geseratb.a to lush sad eamalais
the Miner, she. es .,.trona tela sada
in urine .o it ao longer mow irritation,.
time e.dlag bladder weakness.
Jed Salta is i r. sip mama
Injury: makes a delightful effelo
Lithia -wake dHnk wheal weeryaese
bould take Dow .ad thee M !� rya,
kidneys inion and sett.. sad the liaaal
pure, tinny ayoldini shams Misty
ami phi natlo.a