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The death occurred in Hullett on the
5th inst. of Stephen Brickendsn, eldest
oonof the late Edward Brickenden, atter a
prolonged illness.
Mrs. John Ballantyne. a former resident
of Cranbrwk. died recently at the home
of her eon. Wm. J., at Slug, Mtch., in
her seventy-third year.
James Hall, an old resident of the
township of Morris, died August 9th ,in
his eighty-sixth year. He had resided in
Morris over sixty years.
from that Jocal;ty Who served in the
Great War.
Janet McArthur. widow of the late
George Fortune, d rd to Turnberry on
the 9th inst., in her eighty-fourth year.
Sbe had resided in Turnberry over fifty
Mrs. John Broadfoot, of Grey town•
ship. is dead at the age of eighty-five
years.' Her husband and one son survive.
John D. Ronald, a brother of the deceased,
is eighty -Dine years of age.
The winners in the field crop competi-
tion in oats under the auspices of the
Zurich Agricultural Society were: 1 John
A. Manion, 2 Elmer Krueger, 3 Oscar
Klopp. 4 Samuel Schoch, 5 Alex. Rannie.
6 E. F. Klopp• 7 Herman Walters.
Mr. and Mrs Geo. Reith, ot Virginia.
Miss Katharine McDermhd, 01 Stanley, have been vesting their relatives at
was married at Toronto on the 4th inst.
to Duncan Aikenhead, a war veteran.
They willresicte on their farm in Stanley.
William Hart and Miss Rachel Mc-
Clinche both of Stanley. were married
at the Bsyfield rectory on the 7th inst.
Tbey will reside on the groom's tum in
On Thursday. August 5th, a park of
hree acres at Moncrieff was formally
tpened as a memorial of the soldier boys
liensall and other points in the county.
They came all the way from Virgipia in
their motor car and had a very enjoyyable
trap. Mr. Reith started in railway life
at Hen,all when a ad and is now general
manager of a railway inVirginia.
Mrs Edmund Manning, an old resident
of Hullett township, passed away August,
5th at the hoax of her son, Jos. Manning,
in her seventy fourth year. Mr. Manning
died ten years ago, and two sons and two
daughters survive' Joseph Manniog,of
Hullett; Charles, of Londesboro ; Mrs.
Ben. Mason, of Blyth. and Mrs. Gray. of
Janet McDairmid, widow of the late
John Cameron, died at the home of her
daughter. Mrs. W. H. Henry, Henaall, on
the nth inst., aged aeventy•four years.
The deceased was for many years a resi-
dent of the township of Stanley. She
leaves a family of six: Hugh Cameron.
of Brucefield; Peter and John, in the
West, Mrs. Hugh Aikenhead, of Bruce -
field: Mrs. Henry, of Heasalt, and Mrs.
Forrest. of British Columbia.
The council of the township of Hay has
established asa memorial of the war three
annual scholarships to be awarded to the
three pupils from the township taking the
highest marks at the high school entrance
examination. The scholarships this year
have been won by Murdoch Stewart, S.S.
No. 14; Grace Chapman, S.S. No.10, and
Grace Turnbull, S. S. Alo. 15. The
scholarships will be presented at the next
meeting of the township council on Sep-
tember 4th.
A senous accident occurred one night
recently about hal(-a-mile south of Ford-
ach. Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Johnson were
riving into town in their dairy wagon
Need Ne
This year we are spending ab I�Qsmillion dollars to extend o—
systern to accommodate new bers-
J Year bywe must spend millions so that people requiring
telephone may be accommodated!
Such huge sit. ;it' course cannot be provided out of our revenue.
The only way bf obtaining money in such amounts is from in-
vestors gangproi
b1e employment for idle funds.
inve$tOe$ n t a 't put their money into any enterprise
that does not promise absolute security *sure return. Now•
adays security and a handsome feturn on estments are not
difficult to find!
Our problem then is, in spite of the high ooa everything we
buy in both labor and material, to pay such a re rn to present
investors --our shareholders—as will attract nen, money. This
must be accomplished while, tbs same tient', keeping btu
service up to the highest st the rote of return is not
attractive, then the supply of money ceases.
This is the problem of telephone ies everyw
of them has found any other solution than to charge a
adequate rate to subscribers.
and Mr. and Mrs. George Hargrave were
driving south in thea auto, and the two
rigs collided, the wagon being cut right in
two. Mr. Johnson was badly cut by
glass, twelve stitches being required to
close the wounds. Mrs. Johnson was
pinned down in the wrecked vehicle and
was severely bruised. The horse and the
occupants ot the car were unhurt, attd
the car was only slightly damaged. vont it from spreading and healing
.4 pretty marriage ceremony was per- soon follows.
formed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.G. Careful mothers always keep
Macmtyre, Kincardine, on August Lith, Tam -Hut on hand for thole ehll-
when their second daughter. Hilda Ver drab's tnjurtes—lt ends sats se
bene, was united -in marriage to J.:mes quickly and prevents any p.wlbll-
Mackenzie, B. A.. fourth son of Mr. and it" of tettering teat for cuts.
burns, scalds, bruises, ringworm.
&alp sores. eczema and teething
rash. All dealers ifec box.
Watch your chf dreah skins. As
Mos a: you sw the slightest trace
ell a rash or sore. apply 7am-Buk.
This antiseptic balm wilt protect
Me sere place hors Infection. pro
Mre. J. A. Mackenzie. Kincardine. The
officiating clergyman was Rev. F C'S'
Overend, pastor of Knox church. assisted
by Rev. M. McArthur. a former pastor.
Attar the ceremony and festivities. Mr.
and Mrs. Mackenzie left for Sarnia to
take the boat trip up the lakes on the
way to Ogema. Sask.. where the groom
will enter upon the duties of public school
• Tom Sills is suffering from a broken
leg, having been knocked down and run
over by another boy on a bicycle.
The death occurred on Friday. the 6th
inst., of William Turney. in his sixty•
seventh year. ' Mr. Turney had not been
in good health for some time. but his
death came quite ruddenly. His wife
Mrs. Henry Brennan, of Toronto, died
at the home of her sister, Mrs. John
Brunner. in Egmondvtlle, on the 5th inst.,
at the age of fifty-five years The de-
ceased, whose maiden name was Kather-
ine Bunch. lived in Seatorth Inc many
years before removing to Toronto.
Mrs. W. R. MacDonald of town, and
Miss Annie MacKay. of ((intoes. left last
week on a trip through the Western
Marion Reta Gray. daughter of Mr,,
and Mrs. Allan MacLeod, of Lucknow.
was married at Toronto on July 31st to
J. Willis Swift, ot that city.
One of the .oldest inhabitants of -this
section is dead, in the person of Mrs.
Donald Murchison, who had reached the
great age of ninety-five years.
The following pupils of the Lucknc w
continuation classes were successful in the
Departmental examinations . Middle
School—Clarence , McMillan (honors).
Ruth Mitchell. Graham McNay. Bertha
Clarkson. Phoebe Congram. Jennie Mc-
Donald. Versa Woods. Lower School—
Austin Reid (honors), Stewart Burns,
Bessie Murdie. John Row:, Geo. Iloualas.
Harvey McDougall. Dora itchelt Grace
Lockhart, Ada Heim.
A bad accident occurred 4li/1tt last
week on Victoria street. when William
Naylor's auto and Robert Bea tie's buggy
collided. The buggy was tug over and
Jack Beattie. who was dnvin , had his
leg hurt. The pony broke awa and ran
into another auto. being iniu so badly I
that it died a couple of hours tat .
While Mrs. Dudley Holmes, rner of
Patrick and Francis streets. !It at-
tempting to light a gasoline sit a the
flames dashisl out.. Jolting the gaso-
line rain lu her hand. 3fix lines-
-burled the can from her and at once
pre the alarm to neighbors, who ash-
ecl.in. and with the assistance of rs.
Holmes. wad rugs to Beat out the Are.
When the Are department arrived
flames had taken hold of the floor
painted walls and some of: the fu
ture. A considerable amount of pal
n the kitchen was blistered and peel
ff, but several hundred dollars w
ver all the less. John Porter is th
opr nor of the house. Insurance corer
lath Icreerrs.
the former's mother and sister. Mr.
Ramsay was born in Exeter, but lett here
over thirty-seven years ago.
Fred Oke, youngest son of Mr. and
:Ars. Frank Okr, died at Toronto on
August 7th after an operation for appen-
dicitis. He was only eighteen years of
age -
Rev. M. J. Wilaott-has returned to town
after taking a two weeks' course in rural
leadership at the Ontario Agricultural
Thos. Ballantyne, 4j d(herr Plains
Man., is here visiting inertiasatter an
absence of many years. He was formerly
a we 11•known cattle buyer here.
Thursday, August 10, 10211- T
• ••
• Summer Hats
At Bargain Prices
• - •
_ •
Semi -handy Tailors and pmts' Forsakers
All Panamas in stock $1.98
All Other Straw Hats at About Half-price
Come and Get Yours While They Last
We do not sell cheap goods We sell
Eve eine -1 or`talized K in
!'(1) At the unveiling of the
toe of Evangeline by Lady
Burnham, when the Imperial.
_Press Conference party visited
-Grand Pre, N.S.
i'(2) Some members of the party
Assembled around Evange
, rive oontlnenta were represented
at the unveiling f the 'tenses11a.. Gntedostatue
he, Nova Scotia.
Hearty all these overeat belonged
'e th.11mpertal Pro.a Conference
Party,. and the unwilling ceremony.
1.Wed performed by l.afi
,who isaid : • -
1 •yv$agellae Is the beautiful eon-
eBwiPtlea of as Americas poet whose
posses w• leant to read of both
'Miss et tie Atlantic when we were
lMi', - Rlstery has .11.d another
VIM cafe Acadian 11 story. We e
that Prttleh peyas get as
de It was palatal,
the f�u
:11Zma, 'sag an d this
b 1
ellsepe re/rd 1t r cmc d Jre
odes r see tasnIa
behind uta forever, and from the fate
of Evangeline has sprung a great
wave of sympathy which bas Mee
carried os the healing hand et thee.
It la a need owes that tke beautiful
ma. pod'. loathe Val. ebeuld bo
sig& yon a. a1i WM?, alae an
bsre tido
loam to that sweet
wuaasla. 11M•r those rays le year
weadertal lead es tell Of boyar gad
uta old 100ed 1p dead. 1
Welles* et sayslllag the afatoe..i
The MMus, white • et firms.. t•
tire' work of Maori Robert, firm a
mobil by hi. father the late Pb1l1//e
Robert. a M.eeadant of .lbs Amp
dicta eft whew Rveag.lam seal say
tt Is a magwVHeeat work .t art, sae/
lithe promoted to t1.. Park at Osead
Pc. by the Doodahs Atlantic JJldb•
way. which V sew pr1Olio GAL
r Canadian and English Hot Springs
Linton Model School opened Wednei-
daY\morning of this week. -
Miss Doreen Stepheoson has been en-
gaged by the Model School board to
teacff�t during the fall term.
Ruby E.. younger daughter of the late
H. W. Cook of Clinton. was married at
Tom to on the 5th inst. to Roy Dickson.
of tha city, where the young couple will
On nday. August 8th, Mrs: David
Stephenson passed away at the home of
her son. Arthur B. Siephenon, in her
eighty -41'h year, The deceased was born'
in England, hut came to this country
when a young girl and lived in Stanley
town•hin the greater part of her life. Her
hueband'died thirty-six years ago, and of
recent years she had lived with her son in
Clinton.' Mrs. Alex. Welsh and Arthur
B. Stephenson. both of Clinton. are the 1
sulviving daughter and son of the de-
cea?ed. Another daughter. Mrs. Joseph
Robi son, of London. died ab wt two
moot a o. Thomes Boyce, of Goderich,
iia ..of the deceased.
EXETER.-:- .•- ._-.,_
The Toad on Main street is now
open to th public.
Mr. ands*IrS Thomas Ramsay. of San
Francisco, I California. are here visiting
swmoMu use SAGE
ICIE1 TO awrEN'wuA
Sbe mixed Sulphur with it to
Restore Color, Gloss,
Common garden sags brewed into a
heavy tea with sulphur added. will
turn gra,. streaked and faded hair
beautifully dark and luxuriant. Just
a few applications will prove a revela-
tion It lour hair is fading, streaked or
gray. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sul-
phur recipe at home. ithough, is trou-
blesome. An easier way Is to get •
bottle of Wyeth's Rage and Sulphur
Compound at any drug where all ready
for uas.• Thla 1. the old-Ums recipe
improved by the addition of other In-
g redients.
While wispy. gray. faded hair is slot
sinful. we all desire to retain our
youthful appearane• and attractive-
ness. By darkening your hair with
Wyeth's (wage and 'Sulphur Oetnpoand,
no one ran tell, because ft Horse It so
naturally, so evenly. You fast dampen
a sponge or soft brush with It and
draw this through your hair. taking
o ne email stra.d at a time, by morning
all gray halve have disappeared, and.
atter another application or two, your
half becomes beautifully darts, glossy.
soft and Iu:orient. ..
Titiagroottratten 1e a delighttbl Willi
rerai.lslee and to not [.tended for the
erre, mitigation er prevention of dls-
saga. -
Y '
Recently the Canadian Paella
Railway elm of the tour of thePilate
et wawa 1s. Canada woo sbowa it
tames a day for three days at Ilath
lead. The mayor of the town and
usands of the reetdants of the
and district were exc.edtngiy
to those pictures, which
way showed the doings of hta
gal Highness 1n t11. Dominion but
gave vivid details et mann of
beautiful treses of our country.
Those who have vtafted the hot
r wings at Heaff f�the Cau-
Pactflc Rockfeie or the fatcyon
on the Arrom Lakes and de-
IsealliMik bandit from them
be 510�t0 learn so .thlae about
strings at Bath het springs n the 'bleb else
Abaft the middle of 1766 the old
or mediaeval Abbey, which
at ths path -western corner of
ea oliag Abby at Math. was pull-
down to airs place to a suite of
for tie Duke « Kingsto$. In
the fouadalisns, a number
Mono °Maas were found, and, on
farther. the bet mineral wa-
- filth and interrupted the
Ilse site being drafted. Rol
wasaary wase .caecal, and sub-
s numb r et MOM and mi -
on. That there lay buried still
remsNas ot what mast have
as •at•astve Roman batting
ladloaafoaa w.r, unmtatak-
Tb• rectangular bath, now
Lanai bath
:amsaaaly lemee a as the
was Iweover.d. gad at either rad N
IR a aeml•atresdae don bath. ealersd
lay Wen .taps. The oulaterlea Jap
Iso tit aster gib, together ether•
imiabei 0l maw* b s
Nertmeata which at)AareraUy bath-
ers teed preparatory teresttrtng the
hot ("Members. 80414 Of these rooms
mere paved with flag stases, others
more belslanobally treated with vedette
gyaciwateicag were nae ran bur -
ogled; other ,buildla[s wen. 01 611117
erwatedlever the .tl., and during the
WE Wars! years no att.ttlre was
Aetna the tat 1178 that vomited
tortezft, 1111101thelt epoch in the rr
war batba. glsgt5•eresig
wan 11t Olt » a Wrap from the *
am& It was eticamovel
leablea the amu o
lit llva8s gab, derived
gf thWrr+t !eternuer
tw Pejruuoe oa-
�•=NNW d i
(I) Psnff Springs Hotel.—Guests watching the-iistiiers is
the sulphur bath outside the Letel.
(2) '. tie Kazis Spring,at Balkh. England; the only Hot Sprin,
in Br tai. .
(E) Roman Baths, at Bath, known as Aquae lis. •
and othe. ueeeseary works proceed-
ed. It eft that. perceived that the
f undsteone of a Dumber of the mod-
em to res rioted upon what was
little 1„ /ter tbcn a morass, and Ma-
jor Data, to hose unwearied seal
gad skll:ul exaaratlo. the city le so
comb indebted. found, alter farther
.xpleratiot and careful tunnelling,
that he end at last alighted upon the
hidden _lemon,. Dlffloult gad cost-
ly as was the wbss0eeat work of us-
e veriag tiem reeal&, the late Ms-
jahDavta sect ilmesif with ladusltt-
able per..vers'taoe to pooh 1t forward.
The facts el M the batt ware Busse
1N feet be' w the guest Met sad
Nat oo•.o-%aaee c • tae tsoasidlthwe
..e...ate bivalved the d.i/aflll11
et yewr% en . Ke dregwsgw sage.
sus a 'sle.. -►J00a wate 104
liver e • -• M `e•ai.rs pse/fwilk
lata • pa ,Ac theorist herogmil
and t' l ,a:, o tris retia east tt
Wiser •pa► r of other ages dart-
ed as..) end t1 • tare area of IboN-
ea sit ',care ewer :1 iheat 1171
esker %GA wbea ,ae gte. 1 , - .t
ghleted tail De41IplN 4 the watvert el
the outfall hall were dieoovsre4. H
1883 the tt pocaust ow tis wieder
side et the ctreulai Data •+o d1.-
oeversd, In 1156 the ctrcq bath
iteelf; to 118e the latrines It . etre,
lar hypo:suet; is 1117 the hath r
Reath the basement a th. •"M
baths. and in 1888 heather se .nag
ler bath was ercavatM.
That the MWMro of slate bathe
were attracted fete the valley by tha
bot o,rtap about the middle of the
first eeratury, ov'rlatnb got lot/
atter the Regalia ft set Brit.
aln++we haw" thirty modellers wet-
daada A ossa es! CledNa woe found
ta wet a psi lliea M b wl •est tsi
sense sathorttla the theory that M
salgh1 have bees a/.delly placed b ,
soormewjrate fife tsipdatl-ep eft re
buchu. At gay este from 4s .1101/
altars gila tip Mee tamtela
tertavn et a few of the
rolerl•a, sowae�'bre�MSae eat VA wtt1
a -w, tv T1r 1� fai POP'
•. mow.,......