HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-8-19, Page 6l
e--Thurs,lay. Angnst to. tow.
'anvas Shoes, Oxfords and Pumps
I 1 have decided to clear out all lines of
leatht oli 1 Canvas Shoes, am prepared to offer
you '. exceptional values at prices regardless of
cost. 1 tie following are a few of the many lines
on sale:
Women's White Canvas Ifigh-laced Shoes, high and $3.00
low heels. Sites 'S% to 7. Sale Price .....$2.75 to .00
Women's White Casvas Oxfords and Pumps, high and $
low heel. Sites 2!, to 7. Sale Price . $2.50 and
Misses' White Canvas Oxfords and Pumpl. Sixes 11
to 2 Sale Price
Children's White Canvas Pumps.
Sale Price \ r
Havti'ai�; .a
th it will be ou sale.
See our windo display of t
41.5. sad $1.75
frees 8 to 104. $1.50
limber of oth
lints _bzoken.in i;tics
above goods:
• •
Bring }sur
and tet us
get an extra
age orf of t
worthless. or
which will st
Tires repair
our process ill S!
Let us examine
camera save your buyt
will be a pretty bad on
Tires, Tubes. Acc
Clear et • lung ('areer in the !Vieth*.
dist Mial.etrl.
' From The l:zeior Timtes of last week
we take the tolltmfag re•fere•rre to HIM
lar R. J. (;. Yells rid, who war
known to many readers of The lIgtmal.
tour of his isst^_statlous in the retire
ministry was Itsniuillr•r, where he -1.
remembered and venerated as r Ane
Ckri'tla11 gentleman. •
The curtain clanged .hewn on tate Ilte
of ker. J, t.. Yellaiel nu Monday and
he passed from this earthly epilere
to enjoy the Fruth; of his tatters of
torte yeanr in the service of Hit
Meth.slist ministry. ' Mr. Ye11Aad
Will iakru 111 Iasi February with I>; -
!turned and he never fully recovered
1 from the effects. For over a moat!!
1 he has Leen under the doctor's tare
and. for abort two-wceke was con
1 fitful to his !sell, Meth' I.lwil trans-Jte-1
i angered gaits severe",
iitr everted and honored minister
Iwar, Iron' at Rrentnu, Devon.. Eugl'tnd.
1In 1`443om Itis father Wall • local
epreatiter of the dl:! 10 t'hrftin 11 church.
At the age of twenty -eve •Mr. Yelland
l rrreirel h'.+ credentials to, preach
from the Tavisto•k :Inuit In,l)eron-
j snore and , int., to (eaieide. Ih April.
i One menti; le'fnre willing fo: ('amide.
hie mw
-wau_nryll•tt. i,u-auarxLia,, La
bereaved widow. Mr. and Mrs: -Vele
Lind first Id4'1te11 iia l'.•111'011P. where
r.„ Yell:pet was re•ri'ed tutu the
11111111.1 II 4'uuf.•re11le of . the RIble
rlwtiau churl•+. He was first stent
'riuee Edward !Advil. where- he
stationed at Vernon .River, West
i 1'lira:te y Rivet% From
111111-+rrtie.teed ret .lat
1 lrmis•th with the It, t'.
At fire time o the union of
Christians and the Metho-
Yellen', wail reetioued to
Conference and remained
ifere•uie sine that. time.
Heel tire circuit* of Ilover.
g a new\ure,,tt ItHvMrld. at tf trdci�Jp. ('uttam, Ar -
oung Mrs. Beecroft Had
Miserable Time Until She
Took Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
Hamilton, Ont.- " 1 have suffered foe
three years from a femme trouble and
consequent weakness, pain �' irr-
"ty which ke me in heel
601 a ;r4.21: ,I nearly we
with pal nback, 11t1 toll
week at a time, c9A4 not do my work.
I saw Lydia E\\�P'tnkkm
a's Vegetable
Compound advertised in the jijmiltoa
I • tt. Now I have no
do qui regular unless 1 over-
work or ata A1a f tout le$�all
my own work without
Lay trouble. I have recommended the
Compound to several friends. "- Mrs.
Emmy Bgzcaorr, 269 Victoria Ave. h.,
Hamilton, Ontaris, •
For . foity yTars women have been
telling how Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vege-
table Compound has restored their
health when suffering with female ills.
Thin accounts for the enormous demand
for it from coast to coast. 1f you are
ith an ailment peculiar to
troubled w 7
The Kincardine Reporter last week
published the following verses. which had
been handed in by a bevy of ypung ladies
who had evidently been visiting Mr. Chas.
Stewart's farm in Ashfield. Twenty -lour
hours atter the verses bad been printed
the famous steer was so sick that it
almost died. There is a limit to even
what a big steer can stand. They say
that when the "poem" was first read in
the Reportee'office Editor Hunter and
his staff had a succession of fits.
With this warning, here goes for the
The coming ('bamploo Steer.
When your joints are stiff and rusty
And your feeling out of gear,
Take 1 tri? to Altkf1CIQ tOrpthie
And sed .:te molisster steer.
It will soften your calloused joint
The pain will disappear
When you feast your longrngSyIS
On this wonder of a steer. - -
He is like a well -grown elephant,
Well bull from tail to ear :
He'd mala a dandy fcr the beet•ring.
He'd serve us for ! >ear.
He carries no artiFcial flesh,
He's not bloated up With beer.
Though he's been a moderate drinker
Since he was a little steer.
He's as gentle as Mary's little lamb
I She loved so very dear : -
, You'd laugh to see him skip about
When the bad fly stings his ear.
women whyy dont you try Lydu E
kti V able Compound. It u
Pin ams ege
made from native roots and herbs and
tread -
tires to us �ly an ! L 2 contains no narcotics or harmful drugs.
t for youaand 1 mphiW For special advice women are asked to
toe, eaten mil y ford write the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine
es that I e eticalt , 1 1 L Co.. Lynn, Maas. The result of forty
church. years experience is at your service.
t Y, veli Your tire, the ltihl
re then it per mit- (lists• L
ed in flee pr r , the iAnel.,
biggest returns
in otitis l'. ,
y r tires. \ 1f we He iris tra
utile b , -- -
Attractions in
Inia. Wilkey le. ('ieeitton: Etlwl, fllh-
miller and At elide. it was while
47tio11nM at A Mattie -tit tire ('outer -
• carr It*'tI t aJ Mr. ielhnd super-
,inlimitwi .and ''ea a to Exeter to re-
the Candtn R
side. At ilia: 'ime Ile had completed I
forty years In toe active ieerrie of
the ministry.
1(Irsr catering to Exeter Mr. Yellend•
ha. 111P111 1111.I1 111uiseelf with the )fain
1 street )leth.'Th't .•hurt+ awl folluw.rl
with a ktwri Guere'st all brars•hes of
the work of the cl,ltn•1t. He wile reitsly
at all time- to reader whit st'rvkt
he mould and rap (811111 his (linens
fre riently-implied for other pintoes.
lksides hie Iwreaviel widow he is
eurviveil by two .+.est. 41111 twio daugh-
ters: John r:Ibla+. 1.1 ls.ndon,'and T.
$,imsen of Port ['errs: Mimeo Annie
41111 Bessie at home. He has one bro-
ther tieing in Hartley. Ohi}}e. The fun-
eral is lube held toela3 1 Weeelrte'tir-
day r. aervi.•e being eond(r'ted in the
Main street church. Determent in the
1:Neter cemetery.
I wish 1 could describe him,
ill do the beat l can :
His comrades look like chickens
d And teethe mother hen.
Although they Zook so very small.
Strange as it may appear.
He never seems to realize
He's such a monster steer.
iiis mother is just a common cow,
t two hundred (he'd be dear.
Hit little yearling sister is a dapdy.
she's nothing to the steer.
Stwutd tho,e,pains return again
You have no cause to (ear,
Just take a• other treatmeat,
There's virtue in the steer.
Keep you' money in ycur pocket.
No fer.t.t.aken at the gate.
Come and take another treatment. .
Tomartow may be too late.
We tender Mr. Stewart our hearty thanks
And hope in the comirg year
He may become the proud owner
Of the world's champion steer.
our Dainty Silks, Georgette or Crepe
always give an idea of quality, but—
haw\o keep them dainty. That problem
is solved. Your daintiest garments can
always be kept beautiful and fresh by
washing with Lux.
The pure L x Rakes will not hurt anything that
pure water itself will not hurt.
A Cob) of "The Carr of Dainty Clothes" with redoes
for wasting Silks and other choice articles sent fru sn
receiet of name and address to
Nis Problem.
Uncle Ike, back on t he farm, writes
that the wimmen tr• k. havin' concluded
spring housecleatmn' tart week, will start
the fall houseclranin' airly next week, and
Ike is tigurin' the c+emparative expense of
hirin' a man to beat the old rugs or buyie'
new rugs entire.
mace Mrnnewanka, near Banff, Al.ilbelta. attracts many motorists during
lthe entire summer (the winter sees
the ice -boats gliding across Its
surface). It 1n an Ideal even-
; drive from Banff to this lake, and
the way it is interesting to op
at the animal enclosures where the
.1Covernment has establlabed the wild
nimals of the country. As the ear
ads along on the trip, the sight of
e browsing elk is specially attrac-
Itave. In the spring the stately me-
tier elk stalks proudly about with
far young, in the fall the mating note
Of the ball re-echoes down the open
valley. Many a battle -royal L fought
by the males at mating this.
The Bow River fa the headquarters
set the lover of water sports. Ceases,
lbw -boats and launches are to be had
a of day. Pled oZ---jMd
1 baking 111 to be found a short die -
titmice up the river. For an (deal
evade trip there la netking more pia
llaresaue than paddling up the Bow
Steer to Shadow Creek. whir* dratsm
f*e Vermillion LaRosa. As the canoe
ea tato the mirrored water:, the
p willows meet above the heads
Ube paddlers; ma occasional trout
rta trim one ttiiadow tc matt= Irl
depths below. Little borate of
toe brighten the wlndtng water -
till the caaroe glides out ala
We unbroken sneakta. and We wide
arweep of the fist Vermillion Lake.
The Bow River la a typical mous-
Mata stream and hes its alae Arty -dee
Eas west of %miff and norof
pe Louise. L. head waters, the
north and Hector .ekes. are fed frons
meat Ice -field.. tick, In the tint
days of warm a, tg, cant their tri-
bute Into the rev , and the turbid
e nders gathering strength with sack
ladle, tear madly down the narrow
bmfln.s bringing with them uproot-
ed trees said all the debris lying
w ithin their reach. The lover of the
Eeeeerrr� may obtain valuable inforss-
of several beaatfful and .nett -
canoe tripe r the boat -house.
The old tot.-' of 000eernetion
west of L ' te almostobilt-
atad, and In '' dace the Govern -
pest 1a rapidt. spirting a high -
Way Which will tae meters Dro-
llness with Brit.. b Columbia. If
be trip be made la early spring er
bits August it 1. scarcely possible to
hell M see the wild ckeep wife*
ir*Msd in targe flacks on the sunny
dspee on the nett* std. se ta...1-
brr. Darted the Ammer they wan -
ler beak la las Pills, those' ee
asoad.nal few ma be area may time
et tae year. In tie early somas the
baby Ws trot . sag halts their
heelers; to eke fat, the grout berw-
a rens jou the maims grouts. ail.
se among tie elk. terrine Weft
Ike place mess the mala - the
Mem easddng sad baagtae legerer,
mating • teasbt watch est he oiled
In e otherwise id-
iot 5111a. •
_- --_u .M areas
To Amor Before the CeaamimMa,
Investigating Radtab.
T' n. Angiet 14. -.in Important
atldltlon Imo been made to the e.,marl
retained to appear before the Royal
Commission investigatlilg the Ontario
!"hydro radial proposals{ R. S. Bol -
er'tson las been appointed by the 4 tnt-
ario t:overIrue nr M retore ent the
interests act untario mitufciprlttles
which do wd ativai to benefit by any of
the pre/posed radial eleetHe lines: but
are, tenserneel to rite effect of Prorlii-
clal guarantee's on the notate credit.
and esti., to represent the mnptipali•
tk'+ in which. though bylaws hate iern
voted for the ,a,netruetlon of res
within them, have shown retorts
boor ii.is.ititres Iefore the gtls�t>�IIIU•
of the (+overnmept is issued. I \
Mr. Roleert ton Is a member o
Toronto legal drm of Fasken. 1
.,on, Chadwick and Sedgwick.
.,cmc to Toronto about there yea
ago from Stratford. where he wa
city snlicltor and was aloe a partner
of, the pre's•nt Jnstlre Idingtnn of the
Unpretty. Court td f'aitrita.
1t is not expected that 4110 extensive
a eM e+
mission by the Radial Commission ren
be pr.•pareil and analysed by other
counsel in readiness for regular public
twitting* bet.re September'.
Western University
London, Ontario
eArts and Sciences
Fall Term Opens October 4th
K. P. R. NEVILLE, Regrutrar
Mr. Robertson Is a (:,alerb•l. "old
Isis" a brattier of A. )1. and 1V. H.
Robertsuu of town.
Don't be afraid of new ideas. They are
great lite things to keep you out of a
tracks et 0* Det railway meas.
the ear trawl& weetwaad passing •
elate oe lakes (three in aumlber)
knows as the VermlplRi takes.
About five miles dtataat a dzaw may
be Been wench marks the pathway of
Healey (7reek : the Bow Blew Midas
in and out of view, omit/11=01y a
glimpse of the steal rails •Mews op:
a bar, a coyote. or a dear, may ap-
pear. A plcoareense range dt moun-
tains aptly called -Sawtooth,- are
molly reebgnified on the right of Use
read and In an open streteh the first
glimpse of Cantle Mountain east the
souataita shed Imafae are raampls-
able. ragging • sasrwarben's
house, the road loads up, egwwad gad
over the Rlllgd•le HfiLgr-• group of
mnL beantlhaity wooded sad a sin-
artural park in Ckoessalva.
O.m*ag down the wae,dtng mod
attoag f*es. 1ri:L a abort rue below
be ear to a small bridge tsar wife!
rams a emelt momtaln stra•ea. iyairt
east of the Wigs le a welt -kept
somptag ground. the day reetraniem
to eke user et N beim: Map yam
minae -Ore la or 'trot'. A Me wpm
fare -ala a leaves se wean for Maas
etberwlee. Oa the wed dM of fie
Ledge is a flay tea -loom nestled se -
manly nadir the shadow at the ping.
What sit 1amM. its rustle style r in
,,...$01. scrod wltl ttte eurreand-
7 man's d•Wwa te well worth t1e
three -matters ed a mile Owen up it
easy troll. sere* rustle bridesa,
�4*15 the turbulent tittle dream
�teh gives tori ea atte•ettfvs pic-
ture at every bead et the path. La•v-
1a M wawa. • tiler -mise res
braise yes is the ON et the ems -
thee rimes of needs enrntsd s,t the
trams 1l sprang as a mardarooa• 1M
the night to the rid oonrtructlea days
of the °madam Pselfic listlw•y.
Word west forth that lead, sneer and
Nipper were to be found to the old
ghat of the Rockies in paying quan-
tities. earl prospectors poured in. Aa
they *zee, so they west: the moun-
tain rehired 1r give up treasure; the
deserted hones fall to decay.
A rails hemmed the site of tits
*loge the read forts. the right-hand
tart leading ke late Louise sad the
ia[t-hamd turn to time summit of Ver-
million Paas -gym Lilt link of flea
trenecottfsental motor -road. Nee'
then road should be missed though
neither 1e yet absolutely ttniebed.l
The leg -hand rend leads is )ladle
Cayes. at the Lep of Use Paso. The
dram and the canyon are well trot*
UN UMW sill to seeing Mom •
As ter as ibe road to ?Welted. us.
see mad Most the bedews at Owl
!!scalar. It is a glorious drive. This
tare ere Um *tenement eaten. need
dada( Om war i• 0411 vidkio.
k wieder tt 1. no (elder M sea b
the dry ctimate et Banff bile at
ttaearty-awe Move on the ars•sr•ard.
la fact. sat L far more veoela lace•
obis whose Magness prevails 'Ifs
vitOMMIS, maw" etiolate of
]retia la
lama far
be the people et a warmer
firm tib orleat. Mem trent IM.
egt met -level. Whmlry assorts
unlet ems Wag wefts.
perfeethl d .vary
Maims OR all wept* sports are cum-
ber tssve sad mere ter the assns!
eaatomb L Wing, *Ming ►ewLes
tilt Ia' the wars uslpbar pools, Mr
Myosin& marline and Mrak
1- dill
rfeASISet toss asBa►ts « Holli&
If you are .g
West do not fail t
get outfitted be-
fore leaving
Special prices in
Overalls, Smocks,
Pants, Shoes, Suit
Cases, etc.
You -an save
$$ when you
buy here
M. Ro
South Side Square -- Gatlarieh
Much Sickness Due to
Lack of Work
The healthy body produces more
energy than it. needs to keep the
Heart, Lungs and Bowels working.
This surplus energy moat be spent-'
In tnental or physical wort. On the
other band, people who work tee
hard use their reserve strength andh\
\\wear out the aystemn.
1' People who are inclined to Ner►-
veusnsss, Constipation, or have say
of tee Troubles of the Heart. Liver.
NerJee, Kidneys Stomach or Bowels
can gtreatly improve the condition of
their health if they eo desire.
It you work too hard, take more
reef. If ybu work too little, take
more exercise, you will need med-
icine to correct the troubles caused
by your indlsr'r'et)orts and to assist
asters to restote health. Then take
Heart and Nerve Remedy
and It you reunite a insanes take
Kidney and Liver Pills—
These two preparations Wtll ware
wonders and we will guarantee
beneficial rennet, because we knew
they will de se.
Mr. Wiliam E. Eseirmon, of bay
tired, wrtt.a M folkrwe: '1 bale
mutt pleasure In erklrnetlnS you 111
retards to Hrick ing's won 4.401
Heart and Nerve Remedy. L M.w
meet vuttr a few bozos and 1 must
ay tbery have .fano mo a world of
gond. Prase Betel as. 6 more bowie
at Haridnele Heart and Nerve Rern-
ed7 and 2 bnma of Harking% Kid-
ney sod Liver
if you toe watt to rowels yew bet
health, then gra to year nearest Drag
atone anti ask for Heeking'a
Haektllg's Remedies are mid In (:eb
rich by J. A. Campbell. Druggist.
* SERVICE , , . • ,
The New Decorating Store
West Street
In addition to our lines of Wall Paper, Paints,
etc., we handle all kinds of
lin GLASS -
If you are thinking of doing any decorating this
year, call on us and let us give you an estimate.
f. Cuthbertson
No' th SIds: West Street Ooderich, Ont.
t _
5tIt in,
eonol t
prolot I
of Crar
of her
her rev
tow nah
fits eigt
wap m
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They I
at tlr
They I
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