The Signal, 1920-8-19, Page 5ac„* KODAK -shuts at the time—that's fust. And then the picture, Ives. Mary gathering courage to dive (she never ). Pete, ah amateur chef at the \shore dinner, the young- rs building forts in the sand --such pictures will always e it seem as if all happened "just yesterday." ave just the Kodak you want and there are several llttl wel button otographic helps that w would like to show you as e Kodak Self-T1jaar, for zample• that presses the or you and keeps the group complete. k'�daksfrom>.$t.21 up CAMP: LL'S DRUG TORE Telephone $ • THE PENSLAR STORE" Next Killer's Scotch SMtre no Spore LOCAL TOPICS. Returning °Geer Ior Refernndaat. 'Mr .Peter W. Scott. of East Wawanosh, [tail [inch appotntett as returning officer for North Huron fec the taking of the referendum vote in April next. Cadet Instructor. Mr. A. M. Robertson, of the (lodes- ich l'ollegtat'e:1ustitute staff. obtained the cadet instructor's tertit%eute as well as the elementary physical cul- ture certificate for Ills course at Tor- onto durin4 the summer holidays. Huron Old Boys' Pirate. The adjourned picnic of the Huron Old Boys' Association of Toronto will be held in High Park, near Blom street entrance. on Wednesday afternoon, August 25th, beginning at 3 o'clock, when the games and events as formerly arranged wit be run off. Barn Busted. About 7:40 o'clock this (Thursday) evening the barn at the rear of Mr. John McDonald's home. corner Regent and Oxford streets. was discovered to be ono fire. The fire brigade was called out and soon had two streams working. but the frame building by this time was pretty badly gutted. 1t is r.ot known how the fire started. Some Nerve. A Gorrie young girl hired a Detroit tall driver to bring herr from the city to her borne on Ininday. Arriving in t;orr(e on Sunday evening he ex- pected to receive his pay. but was coolly told by the young lady that she lad uo funds. It is doubtful if be will he able to collect any. He claps that he is through with taking Cao• 'Wien girls home.—WIngbam Advancer. More Moaj for Puritans. A special meeting of the county council was Mild in the Clinton town hall yester- day for the purpose of making appro. prations for county road work and the general expenditures of the county. it having been found necessary to supple- ment the grants made at the June session of the council. Nearly all the members of the council were present and the necessary bylaw was put tttrOt4h. Gds t Jail Seete.ms. �� � A charge against John Martin,`p1 the Queen's hotel, Wingham, of keeping bquor foe ale was heard by Magistrate Red at Blyth on Monday. Martin was convicted and it being a second offence he was sentenced to twenty days in jail. County Crown Attorney Seager prose- cuted and R. Vanatone of Wingham acted for the defence. It is only a few weeks (ince Martin was fined $50 for a violation of the liquor law. He says he will go out of 5lie hotel business. 1 A NEW SHIPMENT 01 TURES NOW IN Wallace Mitting's style of quaint colonial Interiors and figures. Etsgllsh Landaeapee, F.ogiisb Hunting and Coaching Pictures Japsawrie sees es and figures lhP•ee are -beautifully bunt) eat - ored FOR LANDS' SAKE we fertiliser for Fall Wheat and lower the high net of thing by —iredier eraertiot. Most artistic and very reason- able in price. -----1117111111 see theta S th's Art Store If you can raise the came aasunt of cruse un nue acre es two acres usually prsluee. by fertilising a little more heavily. it will certainly pay, for the cost of the extra fert- iliser will. ordinarily. be more thau coouterlalatxed by the saving in rust of preparing the Rewind. seeding. cultivating and harvesMout the crop on the extra acre. The acre saved (,tn lie used for pasture or for w,me other crop, and is so much clear profit. —}'arm and t're,eide. East St. Phone 198 4 —THE— Model Theatre Program OR WEEK AUGUST 23 to 28 MONDAY and TUi SD.4h A PARAMOUNT PICTURE ROBERT WILSON HAMILTON STREET The Big Stolt Nit Ds. A repoct was current in town week that Chas. Stewart's famous big steer m Ashfield was dead. Fortun- ately the report was not correct, but the big fellow has been very sick. having got at some green apples and eaten them. Four or five vetennanes have been working on him. 11is death would be a considerable lens, as Mr. Stewart has been offered 82.E for him. The steer is estimated to weigh about 3.500 lbs. Must Support the Regd. The adjourned meeting on MondaY rvegtng piled by the officers of the 33rd spent Band Association again failed to dr$ more than a few members of the Association and of the band. and a worth- while discussion was impossible. Band- master Scott has received several often of positions in other towns. and unless action is taken gt$ckly Goderich will lose him. The public Must rally to the snpport of the band if it is to be retained in any- thing like efficient condition. ISCritiLt 'A CAD to Worship 11.00 A.M. The Path to Learning OR The Yoke that Teaches 7.00 P.M. Next Sunday, Awed nod. SHORT SERVICES eeseensessesoasisieennawallanelhaiMre YOU WILL BE WELCOME Gonad= oIT. Thiir'.Iuv August 19. 1920 15 Carter scholarship for Huron county. value 111015, though the award 11 not yet auootuawf. We congratulate Miss MacEwen upon her suisees. Other students la the county of Huron won srholarahiir as follows: W. Wallae,'. of Win$heel High School. is the winner of the s•holarsbip of Queer $ 1'niversitc. Kingston. in L►t- tu. English, history, mathematics and 40e ill Greek. German. • French and experimental science. value $200. J. It. Townsend, of Clinton Collegiate Institute. is winner of another Quern's arholarship, awarded for the highest standing in any tour subject') of the examine value $130. Mr. DsYe te Be Berg. liras at Toronto last week attending (tie Veterinary con- vention. he saw Hou. Maiming Duller- ty, Minietar of Agriculture. who as- sured him that be Would come to Nvslerich tor the Exhibition next it to llod• iUi he an nd will uding ETHEL CLAYTON "Men, Women and Money -'- Also CENTURi COMEDY Good Little Brownie WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY A OOLDWYN Pi(TURE auline Frederick Th Woman in Room 13 J Also GODLRiCH Smiling Bill Parsons in DAD'S KNOCK -OUT FRIDAY and SATURDAY A BRIJ-Ni K PiCTUU .OLIVE THOMAS The Spite Bride a$?t The Trouble Mae It's • comfort to know there's a man on whom you may tall in your troubles—the Plumber. We know our bttsinda and are here to serve you. smiteimmegimma FRED. HUNT - TW L PLUMBER ^ )mosso Meow ImbiaS vestroughintt Pains all Hisati Metalwork The Victoria Sehsol Grounds. Visitors to tiodericb sometimes say that the beauty of the town is not fully appreciated by the r* vas." Some pinch remark was made to The Signal by a visitor a new days ago and be mentioned as ooe of the great attractions of the town the grounds of Victoria aehooL He said one could hardly find in any other town a spot to equal it. The praise was well de- served, though it Is probably true that the people of Ooderkh, accustomed to seeing 1t, do not realize how etrongly the beauty of the place strikes the visitor. (].retaker lbrrison takes great pride in keeping the grounds in the finest condition. and his time and skill are employed to very good purpose. month. Mr. Ijoherty's y erich and to the fall show event of considerable interrat no eknibt he one of the t features of Fxhlhition week. lir.1 ('lark also saw 1)r. F. S. '1'oitale, Dominion Mfinlster of Agriculture. w I C expressed a desire to visit L s -rich ` fair bat is prevented from doing eco t To the Citizens of Godrich and Vicinity We appreciate the wonderful: n-. dance at our grand opening, Satur- day, August 7th, 1920 —and will reciprocate by giving SERVICE, COURTESY and QUALITY MER- CHANDISE. MAKE YOUR HEADQUARTERS HERE R STEEL CO. this year at least by a' wedding to I very setisfaetory during its matinee- . Motor Vehicle Art. According to the new legislation as passed by the last session of the Ontario Legislature. the penalties for violating certain 'calors of the Motor Vehicle Act have been made more severe. epecially section 14, which reads as follows: "No intoxicated persons shall drive a motor vehicle." The penalty for violating this section is provided by section 24a, which in part reads as follows: "Every person who violates the provision of section 14 of this Act shall for the first offence be imprisoned for a period not exceeding thirty days and not less than seven days. For a Second offence for a period not exceeding three months and not less than one month.'' The magistrates have now no option in the matter. They must send the person convicted to jail. whereas formerly a fine of 150 or leas might be imposed. k Olio. in his family at that [lair inestttbe last six plies. but it will re- title Minister of Agriculture at a neve the county eouneil of some fin- ancial teeponsihility, and the License Huard of\t'ommisionPrs of the I'ro- rimte art. 'fling to assume this res- ponsibility s- ponttiMlity i the O.T.A. is accepted. The ()starlit 'mpseranee Act is a. splendid piece o legislation and in\ ninny respects Is Ire restrictel than splits t the the ('.T.A. and the nes much more Orange lodges of North Hilton as to w•vrrr. The t'.T.A. w 1101. how'e'ver, where they shall cell[ rate July 12th I be repesiledh but nk'n'ly tt IWsdel, ear rash year. and also the fact that some halt' option ea,w is in m`ny plaeeal. lodges close to R'ingham seem to prefer ,end should the Provincial etw• be ere aside at any f*tn P time' Hnrllll moody would again under he C. T.A. To seltre this n'ioil be uerssary 10 gel a titian Mid twenty-lfe {i0 Milt of th tors anr4 the kwal Workers?, will orgnln- tae at once for this lamps ign. Preen et --Throw. An interesting event took plate early Wednesday morning at St. George's church, when Miss Clara Tremenneer, elder daughter of Mrs. Annie Thomas., Elgin avenue, became the bride of , Mr. Joha Proudfoot, of Chicago. The ceremony was performed by the rector, Rev. S. S. hardy, at 5. 30 a.m. The bride, who was given away by her brother Charles, wore a suit of brown stivertone v.'lours and hat to match, and a corsage bouquet of rose!. Mr. rind )Kra. I'roudfoot lett en the 6 o'clock train on a wedding trip to Toronto, Niagara falls, and Muskoka, and will•be et home at oak Park, 111., atter September 10th. The good wishes of many friends attend the young couple. The bride was for some years on the office staff of Meters. Proud - foot, Killoran & Cooke, and the groom Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. I'roadfoot, former residents of Ooder- t•b, now ..1 Detroit. time. anyway. Ice pretty good fishing. Wingbaa Scents to Be Sore. The Wingham Advance this weed: IMP the following paragniph. which seems to indicate a certain degree of peevishness: Because of continuedsp is n a' to celebrate with any other county but their own, the member's of Winghom I..O.L. have sent a eommunlatlon to the countLmaster, requcstliag to allow them to withdraw,in.m the county yy of North Huron. Winona' is se- situ- ate' that they are possibly pore con- venient to (truce county, and if they should d.w-ide to unite 'with Bruce Orangemen it would only be natural, as at the present time there are more of thews brethren who celebrate with 1Vtngham comb year than there Ler fuom 1luron. e,,sleriel1 would no doubt take the pimp of WIngtenm. as It 14 such a splcndtd orange town. f '' e Fingland—McDlarald. The home of Mrs. M. J. McDiarmid. 252 Grace street, Toronto was the scene of a quiet ceremony on Weednetday. Au- gust 18, when her daughter, Jeaneta, became the bride of Mr. Wm. Fingland, Rev. G. Easton of Dovercourt Presby- terian church officiating. The bride wore a gown of white crepe de chine trimmed with satin, and carried a bouquet of sweetheart roses. Miss Bessie Stewart played the wedding march. and Mines Ruth McLaren and Miss Hazel Stewart arranged the de(ciratinnt. After the eareennny a luncheon was served and covers werre laid for tweety-sit. Mr. and Mrs. Fingland left later for Algonquin Park. where the honeymoon will be spent, The bride travelled in a suit of French blue. The groom is the eldest Ire► of Mr. and Mrs. John Fingland, of Londesboro'. Vtiverdty Behsh..h+ra• We err pleated to note that Mesa M. J. Maclewan etend fifth to general prnncleney in the Toronto Y.Ivrrwky h lsrship 11.1, and was awarded the 1fit. Ettspird Blake allapytrwbip In and Felipe e. rat tlbe. value Of ) ba■n ,alls,.ltn- bta fly 'the* *Irwin oor the flat Rebekah Picnic. The annual picnic of Rebekah Lodge, No. 89, Was held in Harbor Park on Wednesday of this week, There was a large attendance. numbering about 100. A series of races and other contests pro- vided sport for the crowd. the winners being: Girls six years and under—Jean Abell, Mabel Edwards. . Boys tan years and under—Gordon Eagle, Jack Abell. Boys sixteen years and' ender—Jack Woods. 'Dennis Hillier. Girls sixteen years and under—Violet Thompson. Jean Pinder. Single ladies' race—Miss Maskell, Miss Campbell. Married ladies' race— Mrs. Lawrence. Mrs. Thompson. Eating the biscuit -Mrs. Lawrence. Eating the raisin—Master Thompson. Pinning tail on donkey—Miss Maskell. Marritd men's race—Mr. J.J. McEwen. Maltingthe best animal of gum—Mr. J.J� Mcwen. the Seaforth Rebekaht were ecpected to join in the picnic, but through some misunderstanding did not come. 0 $CIIOOL DAYS WILL SOON BE HERE ! See that none of your children return to at eesexd..by any lack of atter tion to their SEE A. L. COLE Wad C.T.A. Suspended. At a meeting of the Unroll county temperance execiitive held at Clinton on Friday Inst It wes.de•irh,l to cir- culate petitions asking for the sutps'n- eton of the 1'enude Temperance Act In this musty, la order that the tint - mein Temperaaee Act may be, the law of the county. 'isle following statement on the matter has tees listed by the secretary of the temperance workers Thr C.T.A. ler Neott Act had Men Cbildreu's Aid Society Notes. Fifteen children have been received .ince the last meeting of the Society, held in June, and the same number placed in homed. At present there are five children in the home. The Society is anxious to know of homes open for small boys from one to 'even years of age. Write or phone the county secretary, Mr. G. M. Elliott. The interest taken in the children still keeps up, as shown by the contributions, which are greatly appreciated. as at present the funds in the treasurer's hands are low. The following are wore of the con- tributions received since last month's report: SUnity Sunday school class, West- field, 85: Cranbrook Red Cross Workers, 820: Mise Lottie Bentley. Sb: the Nile Patriotic League, 840.18: A Friend. 11; received on maintenance account. 867.70 Wm. Sharman, fresh eggs. butter and two jars of fruit: Mrs. Glover. clothing. jam, and toys; Miss M. Salkeld, pail of honey: Mr. Lamb.- apples; Mrs. Chas. Saunders, clothing; Mr. Lloyd. bananas: Miss Edna Musgrove, ten books. Others contributed such articles as fresh fruit, cream, milk, veeetables. and cads to buy treats for the children. Soto of the names are: Miss Muriel Chillin, Mrs. Jac Salkeld. Mr. M. W. Howell. Mrs. Little. Me. George Porta •i�t-a:'A.H>fillidsy, MH-greeenhlay. meeprik,Qdol be id Feffet$tbK 14111. in the house. De ae aws. tsar r... o sar leadM-- .ieltges.rall � anis aaaeaa s.: lies Ica rosiiw- MAneM iMMeM CORRECT `neat, well -fitting, with ful wearing (dualities. We - - ybelieve our cloth- es arc the biggest value you can huy acid will give you the longest satisfaction. MARTIN the Tailor Phone 31 co • ISO 11 Make the gift Jewel** and S'o will have a llfetong evident., C(f you Ihough' ful generosity. IF .wt t) gift here and 11 will assure ladle nality as well woman likesto own entneMting her own. Yon will find here id gift suggestions a great number of exelusite Ideas et prices which make their values anulus Ale. ER (/ SOI V W A'P4 l t tt .\ r: l•:It t \Js. .tt; s t I.i.1lt o brace E' vt MI. and Milan n •o lch, Ont ,t 1,0 •-• a. A-..,,..,...