HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-8-19, Page 44•-3hatNda , . August 10, 1940. THE SIGNAL OODERIOH, OMT. We were congratulated TMs week stningertr from the 1'. 0. were in our store and con gratulattd us ou the Goed Mer erandise we keep. They said "We were told to come here because you kept the best stock." The reason we are doing the business is becaltse people know from experience our goods give satisfaction, therefore they come back and send their friends also: It you have not tried Oda store for your Clothing or ilea's Furnishings -4"y us ease. }N will be pleased. --OLE 111o1T0-- QeeA Meehil di.e at Right N. C. Pridham \ Pro.. 17 emeseheeermiewowaemeweeteamosaw 1 . t \ New Feath� Hats Which the autullla hd0sad present the smart- est ideas for early season wear. Moderate Prices among the many at- tractive characteris- tics of these Hata. ALL SUMMER SHAPES ON SALE AT $1.00 Miss M. R. MacVicar KINGSTON ST. DUNGANNON. IMR. N. F. WH% -ARD is the agent Ifor THE SIGNAL. at Dungannon. Orders left with hist for subscrip- t ions, advertisemeuts or job print- ing will receive prompt attention. Telephone (Guderlch Buret) r39. GRAND TRUNK SYSTEM Tie .Double Track Route between •MONTREAL • TORONTO DETROIT and HICAGO V-,-s-Ued dining car service Steeple(cars on night trains, and parlor care on principal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent. or C. E. Horn- ing. District Passenger Agent. To- ronto. G.H. Lauder. Station Agent, phone29 P. F. LAWRRNCR a: SONS Town Agents Phone 8. Thursday, August 19. Rev Dr. Campbell and family and Rev. D. D. Douglas are camping at Port Albert. Miss Edith Stothers has returned from • visit to friends at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin, Messrs. Jos. Mallough, Wilbur and , Albert Brown left for the West Hies week. Rev. W. A Walden returned today from Bruce Beach. where he had been camping. Thomas Sandy is building a cement bridge at Saunders' Mill on the 9th concerslon of Ashfield. It 11 • county Joh- Mrs. Wm. Elliott and daughter, cf New Liskeard, •re visiting her mother, Mrs. Ryan. Mrs. Wm. Thompson and, family and others from Duagannoa •ttende.l the funeral of the kite W. H. Thompson at Goderich on Monday. Mrs. John Scrimgeour, of Gode-ich. is visiting her brother, Mr. Thos. Wiggins. Mrs. Golding and daughter, of Mount Forest are visiting her mother, Yrs. Wm. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Will Begley and chil- dren, of Hamilton, have been vialting Mrs. Begley's parents, Mr. and Mn. Meaary, of Crewe, and ietve on Sun- day on their return home. Will has a good position la the hardware bus- iness at Hamilton. His Dave neon friends are always glad to see him. The regular meeting of the \1'r- ads Institute will he hell in Allen's Il ou Thursday. August 26th, at o'clock. Everybody wele ome. uuucea. They0, were dug exactly two months from to day they were plant - ,til. Re -seeming Serviess.- St. Paul's church wan reopened on Sunday af- ter a (aurae of renovation and ha- psovemeut. The services of. the day were attended by large congre ations and were most tmpre ave. Rev. Wm. Lowe, L.Th., of London, was the preacher, and Rev. Thomas Hicks, of Paisley, a former rector, was present. On Monday evening Mr. Lowe gave an interesting address in the Agri- cultural Hall, his subject being, "Or- angelam." Rev. D. D. Douglas, the present rector of St. Paul's, is to be cougratulated on the great improve- ment that has been made in the church property. A. W. Clrvin, Y.D., Mrs. GI and two children of Pasmore, Alta. are here visiting Dr. Giryin's uncle aad aunt, Mr. and Mrs. David Carvin. Mrs. Williams of Calton, Ill., is vlodting her parents and slater, Mr. aad Mrs. David Girvia aad Hattie. Remember the salad tee and concert rat rhe l'rewbyterlan church on August 27th, under the •uapicea of the Mis- sion Rand. Admission 25 cents. This Beats H,t &IL -Win notice that Hensall Is hoarding 1 of'■ 1(I'4-112. Ixltato. but the Heusall people will have to get up a little earlier in the morning to heat Duugauuon. One of oar mer- chants the. other day dug up a hill In which were two extra big potatoes, one weighing 14 ounces, the otheF-12- l.lc�sl'xN. Tueeday, August 17, Ou Thursday evening 4ulte a num- ter Untrue(' with Interest to the llluue- trettd Iettura of Korea g►reu by Rev. W. H. Geddes, of Alia& l'ra►g. Mr. Ray Mason.-uf Serforth, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. (9uttou. The W.M.K. will hold this nwnth's meeting on Wednesday, August let, at the home of Mrs. Oliver ,(cook. Mrs. W. Rowe, of Toronto, is vis- iting with relatives Imre. Miss Jessie Llukkiter, who was v►s- iting with her sister, has returned to Gotk•rich. (T. l{E1.!) S. ' e" Tuesday, Augtiit 17. Mr. It. J. Woods lots some O.A.V. oats stalks disWayel iu the store measuring t; ArK 7 Itches. Who can hest tla:tt'' Mrs. H. Hiv'rostle tttahoine, looking murk Iwnetitt,d by her holiday in Mug - Mrs. Snell and Lorne attompanitrl Wer grandfather, Mr. Campbell. back to Kcrwhlu. Mr. Harvey . Webb was in Toronto over Sunday )lis Auule Durnln and Maw Mahe! 1V,1e114'art. holidaying in Stanley: 1l r. and Mrs. John ('lark, of Torou- tu. are rusticating at the old home. Mies Minnie Hebbick, of Toronto. is visiting her sister. Mrs. John Mc- Qiiilliu. Mr. John Thom, of Fordwieb, visit- ed his father during tlw week. Mrs. Tlgert and son Arthur. of Ham- iltou, who have been visitors with jje1eer ,slater, Mrs. taro. Webb., returned ;boos on Tueaby. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Stuart and daugh- ter Floretwe, who have been visitors with their cousin. Mr. J. B. Rutherford, are r•turuing home to Chicago on Friday. Mina Mary Durnin returned home ,•••••••ail••• 0 c� R 1 ES Always at your service with the best goods at most reasonable prices. - J.J.McEWEN South Side Square Tallinn 40 4100000000 enesososesosesswiessssoiessesiesweNesiwieteseissiosiesesehrowesesese 0•• Gray-DortlNotoX Cars Tires and accessories of act kinds. Prest-O-Lite Storage Batteries and Columbia Dry Cells. Oils and Greases We are installing an Oxy -Acetylene Welding Outfit in the near future. A demonstration of this work by an ex- pert will be given here. WATCH FOR LATER ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE DATE One Overland and one McLaugh- lin Car for sale. Both of these - cars are in first-class running order Let us remove the carbon from your car by •xygen. We are doing this work on some of America's best cars. Give It a trial. GENUINE FORD PARTS Lief week after speeding i month abroad. (Quite a number left Wednesday nn �(w hart•eat excursion to the West. ttle'hiding Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Levis, Harry Levis. for )(peers: boll Hyde for Rocanville, Roy ditch - • fur Saskatoon. McKenzie Webb for (hWary, Joe Anderson for (central Bute, Miss Ituth Phillipa for Yellow Grass, r. and Mrs. W. E. McPherson for (tap ('Ity and other poluta. MIs A a Ha111es, of Wingham, is r visitor a Mr. W. Mt'1Ju11Iiife. le the d crop eowpethion in ronnw•tnn th tlw Lucknow fair Mr. John Webster took first fur wheat sad ,ielroal for cat Mr. W. Weheter weer trot for larley\atd sixth fermata-ia the 1Vhighaw r1petition. Womee's Ind te.-The St. Helens Women's Institute will hold their meeting at the ho of Mrs. ('lark on Thursday, the 26th at 2.30 o'clock. Subject: "How are ire benefitted by meeting together?" 11 Call -"sum- mer Thebes." music, It is hoped that if pselble all the niensbers will be present, as arrangements must be made regarding the giv ig of lunch at the school fair to he Id in Sep- tember. Visitors are ■1wa, welcome. Won Many Prizes. -The lbw Club representnt1tea' came ho from hong Branch feellag pretty en sl after their short holiday. six weir down. fife of whom stayed Only tw days. 11101 they sulteedw) In taking 1*enty- three prize s in a11. They taskand prize for their team. having to,•om to against the regimentals in the tyro class. They received altogether alsitit ilii. Call Sustained. -Tire Presbytery o Maitland met on Friday in Huron church. ltipley, to deal with a call from South Mountains and I'leawtnt Valley, in the Presbytery of Brockville, to (ter: Peter Jawletaon, of St. Melees and resat Ashfield. The call was ae- ca•pted_tn take effect on the last bath of Mopttmiser. This defer date Is tine ho illness In Mr. Jamieson's family. Rev. K. A. liollan of Month Klulota was appointed moderator for the vacancy. all IIEN.1111.1.t1t. 1Veluecslay, August IN. iter. and Urs. H. F. Kegnetly lett oe Tlutruday moruing for a two weaker' holiday at Hamilton and Toronto. There will be no service nest Sunday in any of the churches ou Benntiller cirl•ult. On Sunday, August Mr. A. T. Cooper, of ('Ilntuu, wW.Wive charge• of the servte es. Feagale-Raltemk-A quiet through pretty wedding wax solemnize at "The Poplars," ik-iuniller. ou Wednes- day, August ltttl,. when Lottie Grape, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence .1. Walters, became the bride of ,Mr. Wm. L. li'eagen. sou of Mr. Jno. Feagan. of ('olburne. At high noon the bride entered the room ou the arm of her father. and took her place !waren' as arch of myrtle. inter- woven with golden glow, while an embankment of Morin foliated a beauti- ful background. The bride was attired in area blue silk. with draped over- skirt of georgette and bead trimming.' and wore a corsage bouquet of sweet peas. After the errenwuy. which was performed by Iter. H. F. Keunedy. the guests, wbo were the immediate rel- ativee of the bride and groom. sat down to a dainty luncheon. Ttw bride and gram were the recipients of many lw•utltal gifts. among them being au oak mantle clock. from the Benmfller community and a reading lamp from the employes of tlw Stnt- ford')lotor Machine Co.. The youug couple left amid showers of (slttettl on the 2.211 (:. '1'. It. train for Stratford, where they will reside. the bride travelling in. it navy blue suit with hat to match. The good wlabee of their many friends follow them to their new home. He who only hope., is hopeless. Life isn't in holding a good hand. but in playing a poor hand well. Hard luck is a polite name for lithe sleeping sickness. EAST STREET(3ARAO E • T. F. HOLLAND f . p.MILLARuSON 4 "The Scotch Store" STORE HOURS: b A. M. TO 6 P. M. t SATURDAYS 10 P. M. .LOYAL Wednesday. August 10. The farmers are busy with the bar - vest end mattes is nearly completed. The crops in We locality are the best for many years. Mn. Rogers and Miss Helen Rogers, of Detroit, lett on Saturday for their home after a week's visit at the Tretn House. the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Toung. Mn. Townsend and daughter. al Va.couver, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Young. Rev. R. C. McDermid. of Goderich, is to preach In Smith's Hill church next Sunday. Rev. R. J. Rose wile be in Goderich) We are sorry, to report that Yr. Georgy (:len is in poor health. We hope to be able to report his complete recovery soon. Messrs. W. F. Young k Sons start cutting tomorreW' in their sweet clover field. They have already harvested twenty acres of ahsike. ' Mr. Owen Moore, on the W. McPhee farm, last week threshed $% acres of tall wheat which yielded 500 bushels. The grain is a fine sample. Mr. A. W. Young lett for Saskatche- wan today to look after a farm there In which he is Interested_ COLBORNE. Birthday Celebratied-Tbe eighty - lid birthday of Mrs. (Capt.) Andrew e on Sunday last was celebrated a family gathering at her home the Lake Shore road. Children, Wickes and great-grandchildren, to `the number of about sixty, Witre• present to honor the occasion. Mrs. Bogie looks hale and hearty, and good for "many happy returns." A 0001) WORD FOR MRS. N. G. Mae1KENZIE, To the Editor of The Signal Sir, -1 am not a critic and am in- disposed to criticise; but I may be par- doned if 1 venture to any that many who chronicle the happenings in their at seetlons from Hoe to time either Inteutionally or unintentionally pAsa over trail.pirings whkh merit a foremost place in their "notes." I have laked in rain for some words of praise re Mrs. N. G. Haesaeale's efficient serrite dyeing the haying and harvest season. Her work Is eq(tal to the beat farm help we could obtain. But this is not only true le '-special" seasons, but wbeueyer helpis needed. In these days of great s(ycity of farm help tole is all to Iyrrs. MacKenzie's credit. From a IMebelor'a rtaadpdnt we dodee why may of our lady (Heinle do mayo not follow her example ani) do Ilkewh,e. We do not envy Neil ills worthy partner. but cannot refrain from expressing the regret that it wax not our j.1od fortune to form her acquaintance prior to Neil. "BACHELOR." Kintall, August 18. 1920. Worn - Out, Weak Mtn and Women Testify Cf•t�.s, Oct.: --"Por Mai 1 sss.d with esoeaeh tr•aba• a�I tried l • maenaob aeenaddmay resedias but they he be - w.tt iaI ss..d or bows Oo. dap es.. is p.me-Ma d a bouts of Dr. Msoe'.Gold. sa (lathe.( nt.....rt and teak M. My .J •s...•ea.a aearoared. I have hope or Mier Mu wad this wail d Vie- sower' Die- sower' a trial. 0... tried. yea wW a.►.e t1. *Shout K" -C. Ti7T111.7r" 211 Deka St Kew Wst tkiaw 1'- It Li -`1 Brew raw (WM bseo.Mal stAhma: 1 w.. r work [ ..dlwaft foul. este.St • t i }.i .1 has .s would �.s ea sae sussa eandshe t.0aedasanions sea me . Plersee Goldoni say ics mai 1151sad sirs I 1: eM abnadalied beam Whoa i.. atlars boatel asst.asly eared. ' 1t 1s saws awl 1 Me seek i r. Farb. Garden 1�dbte••eet�.al`l Moss .ad I hove '~-�I •Xdoz I wish asthma d ani.Hasrssal amt: -"1 ham Min far the I.st ace yeses have awe bun. er Dv. • haims ( ) Tablets sad Meths of Delete Medi..) Dasa..? .ad �e •stead. i ens had dim dread ■..aa► laA.ya Maytham ohs Imes 1s •s crews Maw Aim as metal .esallean N 1 ass me. Y k hid on hose w r swiss • Ates .r FALL FAIRS -1000. Toronto (Canadian National) -Aug. 24 -Kept. 11. (iedwieb-$e$. t, 9, 16. Ixondetn (Western Falrl-Kept. 11-114. Rrusaels'--8ept. 14, 1K. Listowel -Kept. 15, 10. Iilfc.rdhne- - . 16, 17. Exeter -Kept. 26, 21. Atwood --Sept. 20, 21. Myth -Kept. 21. 22. Zurich -Sept. 21, 2a. ttertfnrth-Kept. 21, 24. iwic k.pw -Sept. 23. 24. Harrlaton -Kept. 2g. 94. Kt. Marys -Kept. 2a, set. Milrertno-Sept. 24. !Sr Mitchell -Kept. 2A, 29. Ripley -Kept. tel W. Rayfield -Kett. 2e 30. W lagham--4lept.NI1, ort. 1. Fnadwleb--Oet. Tvoswatike-o t.1 e. Dungannon-4ct.{Z1 s. • There Ione job io "Irelit.i •p BEAUTIFUL COLORINGS IN All Wool Mover and Sweater Coats For the cooler evenings, hether sitting on the ver- andah, for playing tennis, for, boating, motoring or general wear, a knitted pullover or sweater coat is the ideal garment. FINNAN'S ALL -WOOL PIILLOVER $6.76 Made from an extra quality Pure Wool, fancy weave, Sailor Collar in colors of rose, copen, carnation, torquoise, peacock, coral, canary, Paddy. Special f 6.76 1KONARCH-EMIT SWEATS& 00AT \Ladies' all -wool Sweater Coat, Tuxedo sash and tassel. This is oae of our newest styles in all popular shades. Spec- 1al • ... .... ......... . WOO each BALLANTYNE'S ALL -WOOL PULL. O V=R $7.50. This is a most attractive garment, med- ium weight, Novelty stitch, Dutch cellar, in colors of coral, Oriental, jade, Paddy, rose, strawberry, borquoise, American Beauty. Special .... A SPROIAL SPORT SWEATER 111.60 This is a Ballantyne make, (rade from all pure wool, in a heavy rib -stitch, Dutch collar, slashed belt, in rose, Paddy, torquoiae, plum. Special .. . ... ...........=11.60 BOYS' ALL -WOOL, TINE KNIT MSS YS, HIGH NECK, SUTTOXSD AT SHOUL- DER. COLORS NAVY, MAROON, BROWN, WHITE, ALL SIZER, MM 12.25 to 13.00 Hive Sootoh Fingering, Monarch Knitting Yarns. For thoee s pie)fer to do their own knitting we have the correct yarns for sweatera, pullovers, salsa's` briery, and children's wear. -lizamirs. ars wv -- mtGERINa This well-known yarn has no opal tat knitting sweaters and hosiery. Cesss All black, whitg end colors, also the most ehan& ing of H Mixtures, at ...30e per skid* MONARCH !LOOS AND DOWN These two well-known yarns need ao introduction. They eome in an aaao n of 25 beautiful shades and are done hand balls ready to knit. Mona 35c ball, Monarch Dews 000 Coat's Mercerised Crochet Cotton, white and ears, an numbers, 17 Per Ivorine Wool, Andalusian Wool, Saxony Wool, Angora Wool Our alterations are now under way when corn -e will be, e most attractive and up-to-date Ready-to-wear . " Have you seen our I Coats? McCall's Patterns for September note► in oc . McCall's Quarterly McCall's Patterns Nemo .i PHONE Ss D.&A. The leadi.g name and Mail Order Stere. Satiafaetigs gvaraatsed. P. C Corsets --non 56 • s , • • wk. " ,A es. M vette r . • f' First Lessen a �ocess. "Where's Jackie 7 -risked Mr. Brown upon his return Crom business one evening. "Gone to bed," was hit wife's reply. "Not ill. J hope ?"-- - "No, I sent him to bed as a punishment for swearing." "Blearing ? I'll teach the young rascai to Swear 1" Without waiting to switch on the light, the angry father dashed up the stairs to interview the culprit, only to fall over a loose stair rod and bump his chin against the edge of a step. Instantly Mr. Brown became very fluent, and when the air had cleared sufficiently Mr his wife's voice to be heard from the hall she called to him. "Better come down now ; I'm sure Jackie has heard enough for ids first lesson ' A Cooeession le Booksellers. Hon. R. H. Grant, Minister of Educa- tion, has taken a step by which he hopes to stop the complaint of booksellers that they cannot sell authorized school text books without a Ings. 'l he Province pays a portion of the cost of these school books. Mr. Grant has notified the pub- lishers of certain text books to allow a larger trade discount to purchasers, whether individuals or booksellers. The cost of such discount is to be added to that portion of the cost borne by the Prosaic. The action follows the com- plaint of a deputation some time ago handed by Mr. Ne les, of Guelph. The books particularly specified are: School Renders, Public School Compositions. Public School Arithmetic. and Grammars and Public School History of Britain and Canada. Thi discount is to be according to a graduated sale laid down. Kincardine Reporter: Last Friday Mr. Chas. E Mallon•gh. lot a. non - combos It MllfsIl at1Q Ms brothan, nw►i.n 12, Amnfleld sal bit brothers, William, Vancouver, it.(:, Alevajrdeet Russell, May.. and his stater*. Mrs. J. Conk. MhSeld, and Hrs. F. n. 7bpp, Toronto, were vlad ora in KIS, tame.11000. are tot reisald tamenhe.. of ` fa the la Jon Me1pnaga. ate normal school here In the early eighties add was a school -mate with Mrt Hugh Clerk. M.I'. He went to Vancouver about thirty years ago. Alexander went to Russell, Man.. about thirty-seven years ago -and pest.- parity has been his. Charles remain- ed on the old ltotoestead. The family iriioTen was ha. ppy one and the brothers and sisters are visiting the scene's of days gone ly before Father Time sprinkled their hair with gray. R. Tait Electrical Contractor Wiring M all kinds up to -date for Telephones, Burglar Alarms, Pollee Patrol and Fire Alarm Systems. *Private Residences and Business Places -a specialty. Ml Work Guaranteed. fllectric irons. Toaaiers. Grills. Fans. Vacuum Cle.asrs, Woollies Machines, F1aahMghts oar♦ Batteries of all kinds always oh hand. ' Ring up 54 or 195 and have 1111 give you an estimase on your wiring. It will be done get. Robt. Tait Wnt Strom Nest P.. offie. Maim 11. Kano 191 Fall Term Opens August 30. ELLIOTT/��� Yonge and Charles Sm. Tomos. The salaries offered our graduates tltlltt[ the last twoars have been greater fotai ever before. It no trouble for our p.da- slim to get positions, because ewer age PIMP - telt raatwso. Write for Catalog'.. W. J. ILL LIOTT. Principal'. Hydro Store OODERIC1I The heat of summer makes all household tasks more difficult. Buy as Electric Wash- ing Machine We have three makes and at different prices The "Tout' ��JTbs "Trejaa" and the "[rile CALL AND SEX WASHERS IN STOCK LAMPS, IRONS, BTC., ALWAYS ON HAND •star Nati* 4ittlriilliso s