HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-8-19, Page 3TBZ SIGNAL GODIRRIGE, ONT. Rheumatism Stiffness arid all Pain Missed'. Liniment has ►u liven s.atisfact ion tor three ItIt q.kkly relieves sore that. bru.rhatr, ran Asia. shacks and say kid of pain. An Old Reliable Remedy. Mn. S. Fawcett. Hamilton St.. Colhngwood.! Oes , writ.—Ui,ard's Len,me■t surely ,s as old r.Iabk remedy 1 allaya keep a bottle it the boom and have recommended it b ante a •saber ul ny Tried. to wham it gave peat relief. In most Car it wad rad r a ewe for rheumatism. Minbfrd'S Kin eoi Poiln Liniment Yarmouth Nova&&WWia., MEDICAL. BR. GEO. HEILEMANN, OS1EO PA) 14.. peuai nt ,n at aims and children obe Saes. acute. c hr c n,c ■ e d net s nus dtaee.e., e y aur se and throat, partial deafness, lambed sad rheumatic conditions. Adel ods remove 'richest the knife. gigue at resider/re. comet Si Andrew's streets. t YuW�q7s. Thursdays and Satudaye, any seams y erg+yNotasral. 1111 KIIN(F8 BIRTHDAY I not in the least formal. The Governor's IN CHINA. band had been loaned for the occasion. a brass band, foreign -trained and playins 13rltlsbera Fax !oretgn music ! You haven't any idea "Flu" Pulled 14111sita Down to 140 Loyally Celebrated by how good it sounded. We seemed to De DIDN'T EXPECT HIM I CAPTAINS LOSE LICENSEE. e TO RECOVER. Fur Failure to Render Ald to Steamer M)ron Last tall. Marquette. Mich., Aug. U.—The h- p stunts vi Captions Lawlwise J. trauus ut "For the benefit of others who are the steamer H. V. Mctutuen, anuKenneth McRae of the AM tam, nave Detu revoke° suffering from he after-effects of influenza Uy Steamboat Inspectors toxemia and' and are in a rundown condition, 1 want wanton, on the ground that the two nett to tell of the wonderful results 1 have ! guilty 01 negligence, misconduct and ,nat- gotten from Tanlac." said George Gillette. Lennon to duty in the wnku,g ul ter 448 Logan avenue, Winnipeg, Man., a steamer Myron od Whitefish Point, No - few days ago. Mr. Gillette is a motorman vrmLrr 21, 1919. on the Winnipeg Street Railway and is I F'dlure to Render .lid. well known theredhavmg lived in Winni peg many years. Failure to rimier aid to the sinking "Ab.•ut a year ago." said Mr. Gillette, ateamei when I.aalstat .e Would ndvt savto in explaining his case, "1 had an attack the outs W noire ul tut: sixteen pet - out of cnaaniasion. Fur six weeks 1 was against Fratuu atw dicl.ar. down in bed propped up with pillows. and 1 tie Jecis.uu wde react -mu alter hearing for eight weeks after 1 did get up I was unable to work a lick. 1 frame out of the hospital weighing less than a hundred pounds. My wife could have easily car- ried me around in her arms, and since I have taken •lanlac and gotten well our neighbors have told us they had no idea (would recover. The 'flu' left me without any appeti.e and 1 ate so little that it was The local inspectors charged that Capt. hardly any uth i.,r me to go so the table. Francis "tails to even uy to attract My circulation was so poor and 1 was so the attention u[ the cuastguarus by weak that 1 really thought my l eart was sounding his steamer's whistle. affected. I had terrible headaches nearly Capt. ,vicRae ".ai.ed to manoeuvre and all the time. and thought my back would stop the headway of uta :teenier su that break, it hurt so. Nothing helped me Inc crew of a Itir0oat from lair sinking steamer could reach the Adriatic and be rescued.' the decision says. In his testimony Capt. McRae *aid he thought the Myron would go up on the beach. He testified, boa ever, that at Sault Ste. Marie. lofty -miles away, he asked for help for the su.k,ng vessel. from Home. ; all exhilirated by the music. and it was Pounds-41Mb* Pulled Him Alias Elisabeth Wilson in one of her easy to believe what one man said, "This • I btu[ British soil. mg descnp(iou ut the hires Birthday I Between the band's *elections we strol- celebration 10 which she partcipated at led about and chatted or were amused by Chengtu: I the tricks of a Chinese conjuror •nd his Thursday was the King's Birthday. In I amistant. He produced huge dishes of the morning all the men of tintish birth fruit, Chinese lanterns and other large and reprtstitatives 01 all the nationalities I things apparently from nowhere. and in the city Glade their bow to the Consul. I things disappeared under his hands qui'. Even the Chinese Governor called. '1 his I as readily. He ate pieces of burning of course was a lormel courtesy : but in Doper and then the aswstant pulled yard, and yards of red paper out of his mouth. the 01 the all sur of lig hu th were Muriel Kern was heard to enquire. guests of the Conoid. "Mamma. is that the way they make red We served about b o'clock in our per ?" chain. There was no mistaking the core Ml had an interesting talk with Mr. solace, for the decorations extends away Smith, who is head of the postoffice here. out on either side of the street at thelHe aye that in all his twenty yeah' entrance breathte A perp lode fairly aook service in China in various provinces he your away. It looked like tarryhas never had such a time to get mail land. There were dozens and dozens of through. He has had tourers beaten. Chins. ld rte ens, pre thehis rr Nanous kidrapped. mutilated and even murdered. coleys, and open oath British fife- He is nut trying at present to get any Oris of t e open coats had been rated but letter mail through. The Chinese over fur the occasion with Chinese grass general (Szechwaneset is $ perss((final friend mats and under the light of the lanterns of his and so assists. Hesays ttilreare over we found comfortable chairs on the green a thousand bars of parcel mail at present gram. The Consul was in a "tropical. piled ap lin Chungking waiting for the evening drew which, was quite new to me road to be sate.So you see where my —black trousers and a shirt low -cu[ parcels likely are! white coat. He is a very genial. courteous We cheered lorre! the King and cheered man and we telt atysolutrly at. borne and for the Consul and the band played -Clod and 1 was just about ready to give up the A Save the King." You need to be about fib ht. with - twelve thousand miles away (rem home My wife had been keeping up t N log letters from West L tuna gives the to:low- ion't China This is a little 1 ' Thurwlay, Monona 10. 1D2A--4 the testint try ut 11,e WLte.smau u1 the AUrtat1C 400 the cliel engltitcr ul 111. siclntush, whicu ttliGco w support the statements ol.Capt.. Newt ul the Myron. that oswstance stead have waved savetal lives. Didn't Whistle or Cheek Speed. ILSEXTEYOOR Mian. andi A home sic 5, 1 Lv TS WL. SALTS AUCTIONEER. THOMAS GUNDRY, AUCTIONEER. Bee 157, Codericb. Alt Insttuctoaa by mail or ell at signal (Jere .,q be promptly aueoded to readeace takphcme 115. LEGAL. M. G. CAMERON. K. C., BARRIS- That, aw.utur, notary petali,. Utica ellmultee Suet. t.edench, thud door trots senors. 1 owl rinds to loan at lowest rata. RC. HAYS, . BAKRuTEtt s Ct-I J'IOI.HOTARY VicO6ce—Sterhns. Bank/ Block. 1iamilten Street Geraarirl Telephone M.\ ---.-isaFiwte.1.5.5.-lewereasb' , PROUDFOtaT, KILLORAN & C Ia&itnisysaS, sot IC/TOks. NOT PUBLIC. ETC. O(iee OD the Square. •etcnd,door Iron Hemi) a Stent. ( vdereb. • Prorate lards w ware at beset rata --t: PsouD,o n. K. C.r- J. L CI i.ceir t H. J D. Coons. =+RARLES GARAOW, LL B., BAR- (/ RISTER, attorney, solicitor. etc., l.odertcb. Waef Waned at lowest rates. ,, STAGER. BARRISTER. SOL \Jr ICITUR, voter y,&std conveyancer. mut Howe, teederich ncb- 110-12s 1 111SUftA ICE. LOANS ETC. lUICKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE 1NSUR- fil ANG CO.—Far as and mutated tows prop. .711-Isa. . Ceaaolly. Pre., Godericb P. O.: kr, Strews. Vice -Prim, O.: Thomas L HaywSicueteaiuetb P.O. DirectorrD. F. ltd.enor. R. R. No. 3, Sea - "Ohl John Grieve, No. 4. Melon; William � .�. •! McCartney. . R. Bao3, Se. Geo res Berle b.RR No. L. Me - rt FKry Barlett. Malcdm Mc - lees, Clinton: James Evans, Beechwood: June, Cn•aolly. Godericb. %tc0.� Agents. J. W. Yet Goderici Alex. R. R. No. 1, Clinton: William Clre.ney. Sealorrtb- t. Himenuis and d he S get then tarda reecce,mpted ss can I .11. ay all , eenah's Clothing .Stat. Clinton. R. H. ry, Kingston street. h. or Lr id's (Antral Store. Bayfield. 111111\—_ • winassiniossannewviwkoskoldloodfts Brophe3 Bros. lac Leading Funeral Directors aid Embalmers year dine WWI yam hurt and your baell {sats sore. dea't seared and proved b load your stomach with • lot of that waits the kidneys and irritate t satin urinary trot. Keep your kidney. slim like you keep your bowels duos, hy finahing them with a mild, harmless saltswkiob removes tits body's aiinoos waste and stimulates them to their nor- ms/ astivity. Tie mastics of the kid - stye L to Altaar the blood In 24 hours Nq Weida' from it 600 grains of acid la aching sr Eladdar itlak lots of water lar mai to fully appreciate your national ar.them the 1 anlac testimonials and brought me CLASPS FOR VETERANS. Detail of .'sward to Be Made Know Shortly. London AdvertiNr: J. W. Cunliffe. secretary of the local branch of the G. W. V. A., informed 1'he Adveiuser today that details of the award of clasps for war metals issued to Canadian soldiers are practically completed. arid while no definite announcement has been officially made, in all probability those Who parti- cipated in the following et,gagementswill be entitled to a clasp for each, second battle o1•Ypres• Festubert, Givetichy, the Somme Lens Passchendaele and Amiens. a bo hopes ccmple me up u our neigh 'Live come i A ('oneeeelon to Bookaellera. int Tanlac. \ My appetite is fine, 1 eat Hun. K. H. Grant, Minister of Educe - gotten n of 'tet ebature me and have 11i0n, has taken a step by watch he topes back a rid It t e headaches, pains an the to stop the complaint 01 b,,okselkrs that back and all t other miserable feelings the 'flu' left ale 'th. 1 Teel so strong and well now that aft r awing home Gam my run in the eve 'nes 1 help my wife with her work and p up the repairs about the house. Be re taking Tan'ac I could hardly sleep an always felt dead tired, but now 1 sleep I e a lug and get up in the morning feeling ne and dandy After getting such wand lul results i cannot help priming Tanlac nd 1 recom- in addition. it is probable those diking mend it every chante I have. part in other outstanding battles wherein Tanlac ix .old In Gotlern•h by E. R. Canadians distinguished themselves will Male and the leading d:u tat in Ie of that medicine. I had little fit doing me any good. but it has ly overhauled me. It has built ill now weigh 148 pounds. and ra who thought 1 could not to see us and go away prais- Imitated—never equalled There is as much difference be- tween Sunlight Soap and its imitators as then is between sunlight •nd artificial light. Why 7 Absolute purity with superior cleansing powers—sore reef so•ey—you get them in Sunlight Soap be eligible for clasps. every town. To the General Service Medal. which \ sail wale, so w• etas rwadil7 °°derst.°d is for a:I troops of the Brills Empire who W vital importsam et tnspsq !rd went overseas. the clasps will be attached. _Angers. "Let mewrite the songs ofana on a*�a aativa This medal is granted to members of the and 1 care not who writes its hooks," i. a beak lots of et-7oa dnnlr Canadian forces who went to England true saying, and tote songs of a generate: Iso match: also get ^abfrom •n7 Sp►armsoist only as well as those who served under ' reflect the life of the people. tote the shoos bar nouns of Jad alts; take a tablespoonful is • gins of water before breakfast each morning for a few days and your kidneys will act tine. This famous salts is made from the add of grapes and lemon juies, eombioed with Lithia, sad has bees used for genera. Boas to clean and stimulate clogged kid - wig; also to neutralise the acids la arise so it so longer is a source of irri- tation', thus ending bladder weakness. •Jed Salts is inexpensive; cannot Ise Dare makes a delightful tderveseat Utbia-water driak whish everyone shoal: take now sad them to keep their kid• asps clean and active. Try this, alas keep up the water drinking. and as doubtsour k yid wi •atroadmaild backach bemuse s - "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poi- sons from little stomach, liver and bowels • fire• The allied medal is awarded only to those who saw active service on a fighting front._ The 1914-15 medal was given to thole who arnit- iii—WNW prior to December 31, 1915, whtle the i thinking men and women. Then came Mons Star of the imperial army was the war songs and took precedence over awarded to only ofhcers ard men who everything else. In them was yearning served in France during the autumn 01 . ane sorrow, and bravery and love, passion 1914. Only one Canadian unit, No. 3' Stationary Hospital, commenced by I and pathos. They reflected a people subdued by sorrow and by suffering and Lieut. •Col. Casgrain_of Ottawa: reached by threatened calamity. Butathe war is France in timet As the Canadian corps o rated Tor th, I Golly," and is host of others equally looting. demoralizing and reflecuog a most part as a unit in the great war, it is spirit of which we shculd be ashamed. probable that there will be many who � Compare the naturalness. simplicity and will be entitled to all clasps awarded. purity of the Ale ut a generation which sang "Nancy Lee" and "Grandfather's A Sign of Deeatietiee j Clock," with the jazz lovers who sing the songs of today. Surely there is something The Parkhill Gazette says: -1 he beauty • nohler and better in life today about of the old-time songs was demonstrated which our song -makers might weave their during Chautauqua week by the Uld Song thread of melody. to entitled war we sang "!n My Harem, ' Every- body's Doing lt," and other songs show- ing a recklestntsit and a desire to stand close to the edge of daagt r, which alarmed to this over :and we sing "O, Helen," "O By award. they cannot sell authorized school text books without a Toss. 1 he Province pays a portion of the cost u1 these tchuot books. Mr. Grant -hasnotifier the pub- lishers of certain text books to allow a larger trade discount to purchasers. whether individuals or booksellers. 1'he cost of such discount is to be added to that portion of the cost borne by the Province. The action follows the com- plaint of a deputation some ,lime ago headed by Mr. Nelles. of Guelph. The books particularly specified are: School Readers, Public School Compositions, Public Schn.ol Arithmetics and Grammars and Public School History of Britain and Canada. The discount is to be according to a graduated scale laid down.* See Our 'The moat perilous part of a man's life when he fancies there is an easier -way o making a dollar than by earning tt W' Y. e aasime Them Growingl Childrep who are over -thin, listless of delicate, should take Scott's, Emulsion regularly every day as an aid to growth and sturdiness. Nothing surpasses Scott'a i Emulsion as a tonic -nutri- ent for a child of any age. Lira a loose Toronto. cant 20.05 011.9111111 GRASSES OF CANADIAN PRAIRIES •. _ _ _ MAKE MOUNTAINS OF BUTTER STACKN°/G AL tAL rr47 A t:105!� Li. esu Wedding invitation Stock --Just Arrived BROWN .AND OX- BLOOD SHOE POLISHES THE BIG VALUE BOX Also for Black, Tan and Whin Mew "THE P. P. °ALLEY CORPORATIONS LTD., /HAMILTON. CAW FANNING MILL SIEVES AND SCREENS manufactured to order for any make of mill for cleaning any kind of grain or seed. With suitable sieving and screening properly arranged in nearly any ordinary fanning mill, seeds and grain of any kind tail be as thoroughly cleaned as ix possible to clean them. When ordering sieves or screens be very careful to glee the exact size needed, and what they are required to do. Sieving- and screening sold by Lae..square. ft* If desired. 014 fanning mill frames rewired. Complete new sieves and sereess made to order. Mali orders carefully attended to. THE GODERICH MERCANTILE CO LIMITED, GODF:KI(11. Owing 10 location anil facilities for mnnufarttrriog, 1 11110,• transferred my fanning mill supply business to the nbuce titin. J. W. AKMIIITIti,\O. I CI N iBI DAILY BETWEEN BUFFALO & CLEVELAN s / 3�'MAGr7IFIGENT STEAMERS 3 Tb: G•ti•e skip "S ZANDBEE" --**CITY OF F tIE — Carr OF BUFFALO" IF BUPA.OA.�-.Daily. May l.1 N Nov. 15th--CLEV1sLAND atne Lamm rwto • 9.00 P. M. w tsarearr {Lamm Ct.eeat ora - POP N Antra Ciamu.e Weirs 7,a0 A. N. sraoaao TOR l Arno. at•r►.uo . 790 A. IL CO3r.tlem at el..elead f Cedar PINK. Pablo -say, T.155.. Nina Ned meow s �.�d beasts r.•Nng between $drab sad d:lm.l..d are weed ter t^rem: Rewe New Towut A .to- y.w NOW .fent w /unwires La Aimee far tweet. v,a C a 1!110. west Auto m.b,b Rat.^ tl n E0 Pawed Trio. with i d. re retwn bm,t, fid .se. art r.aa�g B eautifully • .m fit. r A en ask twin nor to -pate west sad det The m -stint~ •'a otrae$u•• mat a. e+...pt .l The CI...lmol a: 6.11.1. Transit Company vectored- oh', the emat 055p •aLLDaLE - mow seedy on Islas/ sle.pl.. w. FARE 4463 Ile .aiefulty attended boars, aigbt or day. OODBRIOH u RJ3 OAFD iR. WALLA O 'CEILINGS Aim at a high mark, but don't forglt to shoot. Merit begets confidence ; confidence begets enthusiasm, and enthusiasm Con- quers the world. ,Accept "California" 8yrnp of Figs only --look for the name Cal'fornla on the package, then you are sure your child is having the hest and moot harm- less laxative or physic for the little -tomarh, liver and bowels. Children love its delicious fruity tasteFull direction,' for child's dole on each bot- tle. Give It without fear. Mother! You must say "California" iJU1IIIN111pu1umu1lJlnn1Htuuumm11untum1ll1muuuluun1u1u1u11u1u1u STYLE QUALITY PRiCE It i` our endeavor to make each of these fea- tures consistent with the others in all Footwear and to - give YOU entire satisfaction. Try Hers's Beet Sbp for Service. !OP 1:4 rlaii r•'w� . tit A'. It UA 1•.'‘ 11 ti .yt. lit 11 i, t I. . ,Ji'Sn• - r..1 We are prepared for the holiday season with a full line of Travelling Goods: Trunks. Club Bags, Suit Cases, etc. REPAIR DEPARTMENT In order to give betterwservice in Shoe Repair- ing we have installed a Finishing Machine. The best guaranteed in Repaising.'J 4 ISIS iIERN'S Boor SHO e 11111111111111111111111111111111111., --4111111.10116 •r C4TTLF ,N.4L/4LF.4 //FIG, eeatr,Wss to I tasters such as C•Igary. Tt,drnoown. was • tate sued ,ma sad oas-batt Mat put $LII ,I00 e-maYsrs' pockets - this letter wee ha- Vai adest.d b7 the tact easoked ons de fret lart Delle anew at the !.frit ,moi Dottyepetuell Idi ttl.s .ifs at inseam Alte.rla's butterwlptlt taer(es.•6 dartreg t1a alm.t 4is g.� a4.411, sad aver 11941+ to masa tea an al emanative *vat s- ownd sad A•rMd• gdtlaae 4ewed sad epswad 1111. M ahem rime ass ID Rs bum Lethbridge and Medicine Hat. large caatrdtxed creameries or deities. Those operate collection branches or cream buying statloas along the rail- way 111es. Cl mse making has become a cn- stderabl.wtnn industwry tibio s sot keep pa rte Industry as farmers paerelly p tt to salt their enatn and food tat milk' M•proldaet to growing stock. Eleven .5111e factorise are is operation te die provisos sad tarried out is 1916 a bait tallies p :m& valued at 9311.100. patr71•e L test seesaw one ell dm big iss.n.t•• a tie pearls pro- voices, r♦ 0' a vtnces, following close on the •Mir of grain growing and R tarsal farming bas bast .liwaitf 112 voeatad to Coultas taNtllafa sad they Lava Mea its adv day It is generally p It 111 crop falls. disaster 11� �i Ch.rod snit, there b always p%Mity.of gess"' lug UN fodder to fissure the w erns Owe ter the baa with dairy her�� T1s progresst time d iry/sa !edestry 1W hoes by iseremod vane• sM wilt eterritories. IN facia Is tae ardisest fodder yet r.•As sed for dairy MOW. sad 111 wwadertal pia• Nfty t. seek as aaaliale .ad Brook.. i - J Why Live with Cracked Walk and CAI*, When They're Easily Covered Up • Beaver Board will cover them up for all time and you'll never have `- job so do again. While Beaver Board is doing away with the dolt« of 1s plaster it u coverus up old dingy wall paper on walla s/I� ceilmp and giving you an ideal surface for painting and decoradaS. fibres et the spews Inc Earl paid III enema *OA the pssrMsl S.JMe. awn ewe whith rebates sternsig.e LIjpg need to band we t.4nmi4. res .ria till snores ea es beer yid wit prom W, wise Sewer a.aatl Mayes std 5o.atesd W been rnv1ved wit► ibis knede•s. creeklea teasubcemSd freebie. firm after mom ]w bona satin weer—oaw at a time if you pfb" n et mum or limos. Reams ▪ isa. lenge p...i• from the wtroaa. pw e T heGoderich Planing Mills,L a. P. 0. Box 18 Goderich, Ontario Pone 41 --- Vim- 1 1 i