HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-8-19, Page 1IIE SflRLIN6BjNk ate, • SUBSCRIPTION RATES eeRIMMO $I.50 A YEAR (payable in advance) $2.00 A YEAR to United States yddresaes ADDI&aa : The Signal Printing Co., $ Limited, Goderictl, Ontario. ENT% -THIRD YK%lh-NO. 33. -- O !Ko. 66 GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, August 19, 1920 Onat FIFTY CENTS Any new subscriber in Canada May obtain The Signal for the remainder of this year for 50c. Subscribe now and get the full benefit of this SPECIAL OFFER FARMERS Have a talk with our local Manager re. garding any investments you are consid- ering or any financial problems you would like straightened out. Our Bond Depart- ment has a selected list of high-grade Government and Municipal Bonds always in stock. In addition, other securities may be speedily bought or sold through it at the best market prices. All pur- chases will be delirered to you at out local Branch free of chaste. HARVEST EXPENSES 1>arwRt time brings esipaasss which neat be 1Mt with randy ).vary. Should you; Meati as abeam is help yea war this busy imams, interview tiia Bask. We we pop pared le help sll tetlyss dbls iRaslllelt. nes THE CANADIAN BANK -- OF COMMERCE R�Al• _ _ $15,000,000 FUND$15,000,000 GODERICH BRANCH, G. Williams, Manner. WANTED PLUMS in any quantities de- , 777 +.- r. livered at the factory. The Huron Casing & Evap. Co. SH GLES-- ONE CAR Slit B. C. RED CEDAR ONE CAR 3x B.C. RED CEDAR_ Both cars arrived this week. Many ]lave alre bass spoken for. Place your order at once. -- The Goderich Planing Mills, Ltd. P. O. Box 18 GODERICE, ONTARIO Phone 47 Canadian. Wheat Board Participation Certificates 'THE Canadian Wheat Boar/ will 1A malts ne interim peyaseat al 30 esate per bwltel against whoa. re- pra«sled by Its partieipstio. certIS- eaha, Nysaames bogia.i■g August 10. 1120. paaa.tati.s of new. Peetl- Cemihws at nay of our b R1s41 M bail( Oft pripameask as UNION BANK OF CANADA Coderich Brancb F. Woolcomb, Manager I. not Tw: FOR SALE OR RENT. Li OR SALE. -RESIDENCE CORNER Cambria and Nelson streets. All modern mnvenieMH. Price 64,600. Cosld not be bulli for Name tban double t his figure. Apply GLOVER. Owner. 'tOODOPENING FOR BUSINESS. - IT Store with residence. also barn and two lots. This store is on one o1 the leading streets of Godencb The building has been newly painted and everything is in 6rti-class shape. A Er -stelae" Wrmr•s foe a live man and asoney-maker. A bargain for quick sale. Speak quick. P. J. RYAN, Real Estate. 2t TO RENT. Building and part of property known as COI.BORNE HOTEL PROPERTY. Necessary alterat4fins will be made to meet the requirements of any use the building may be wanted for. THE GODERICH AMUSEIENT CO., Ltd. \\ Phone 47. Box 1a\ FOR SALE -SEVEN -ROOM RED brick cottage, modern coram k,gtr ,barn AcipIrCHARLES GAR. lLOR SALE. -TWO AND A-HALV acres of eacenent garden `round, well drained. n comfortable house with good cellar. Alen ..taeamber o1 fruit trees and stable. win be sofa reasonably and on ems turas. to 1-4 acres oo Huron road. known good Kk h�r r There is bnck house on the a severed acres of bush. The land u t most ofst could be cultivated, but at present is in pristine. There is anabundeate ci water. Win be priced very reaasaable. T,GUNDRY, Auctioneer FOR SALE,-NiNETY ACRES. 1st conceNaoa, Goderach township. four miles south of Goderk►. well fenced. a spr.n`` creek and well. new barn and fair house; one-hfrom school and Church. Posaeus,ou at tat April. Apply to ROST. McALLiSTERR,, on the prem. ins. or WILLIAM MCALLISTER. Godericn. Administrator of the Estate tf N OTICE. II 700 are hock reg fora nice house to boy, 1 hens them of all kinds, red trick. white brick end frame, at very reasonable prices. My Deed ea• perience in building and valuation place, mem • =boo Lobe yo -r guide ,n the selection of a nice =boo a right price. I have pleased others; t_ Can please you. P. J RYAN, Real Estate and Insurance Phone 50. tf FOR SALEf THE BUCKINGHAM - , BRIDGE REOPENED. FOR SALE. -FORD CAN FOR SALE. la first-class condition. J.M.CRAIGIE, rR SALE. -A ARE PIANO, IN modifier*. td rosewood case. fooda Bros. New Yore make. Apply at WALKER'S Bros., New Sydney Basic Slag Fertilizer. Will have a car of Sydney Basic Slag Fertiliser latter part o1 taus month at McGaw Station. in time for fall wheat seeding. Top dress your land this tall for next year's hay and . root Farmers wanting this good Fertiliser will kindly leave their orders with JOHN C. DURST. Clinton R. R. 2. (Phone 1119, Colborne Municipal). PUBLIC NOTICE. DEPARTMENT OF.44ILITIA AND DEF • Nettie* to ex-merabars of the Canadian Expeditionary Force. � OTiCE is hereby given to all cal- ls rented that ea-mevabees of the Canadian Expeditionary Forte wise we entitled to and who require postdiobmp dental treatment must submit their appisca ti o. to the District Dental Officer at tete Headquarter, of the Dw met in which they midi ori or before lit September. ISM. Applications fa dental treat mend received after 1st September. 1120, will not be considered. (Std.) EUGENE FISET, Mayor Deputy Minstar. Militia sed Deference. Ottawa. August i, Iasi. Neta. -Newspapers wt!! act be paed for the ad- vertieement i1 they Import it witbopt autb nay trots the Depe n mr,t. A1- Q. 0•67 2t TAXES 1920. 71a tet rate for 1920 is 91 Mille on the dollar -three mils lower iban 1919. I am now prepared to accept payment of 1920 taxes. Those ts arrears Inst y tboee arrears FOR SALE ' at once. No more Ialtienty cusp be Iltown to SALE.-SiL- K-UPHOLSTERED Goderich horww hawk some of the those in default. ma ', money at the Win)gtam races last mahogany p. * suite; also Newcombe WM. CA4NPBELL, Mark. ear Affair NNsir ,trlet. W . I. LL. t: aWCoilectq. `alt , a Goderich, July 22, 1020. 1 Jew Style of Structure Designed by County Engineer Patterson. Buckingham bridge. a new atrtx'- ture of cement replacing the old wooden bridge over the Eighteen Mile River in Ashaeld, was declared com- pleted last Friday afternoon and will soon be ready for truffle. The bridge is of unique construction, the only one of its kind so far In the county, and is the creation of ler. Roy Patterson, the county engineer, who has received many eon pllmente upon 11. design. The -christening" took place In the presence of quite an assembly of the people of the neighborhood. In the gathering also were Warden Petty, County Clerk Holman, Reeve Hackett, Ex -County Councillors Ford, of Clin- ton, and Connolly, of Goderleh, alld the county engineer, Mr. Patterson. After a splendid supper prepared by Ms. Buckingham hart been enjoyed, lee' cream refrt'nttments were furn(ah- ed by the contractor, My, Tbomas Sandy, and It la doubtful if anything was ever so plentifully dealt oa or so thoroughly enjoyed. After all had more than aatlaged the boner man, County clerk Holman gave a few congratulatory words In praise of the engineer, the cobtractor and the workmen, and railed upon 'woke Warden Petty and the other gentle- men named, who all oke In terms of praise of the beautiful structure. Mr. Patterson in acknowledging the Cpm- pllments showered upon him stated that the new bridge was of a type whk•b he hoped would be introduced generally In the county. A bevy of pretty girls from the neighborhood aasloted Mrs. Bucking- ham, and they all deserve praise for the way they nerved the refrshments and helped to entertain the company, LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. While watching the baseball gate teeeight( Thursday) Master PhiiioCarter, Ks of Mr.and Mrs. J.E. Carter, Keays street, was struck by a batted ball while at:mding along the line between third base and home plate. Philtp re minus a couple of teeth, but luckily escaped without any other serious injury. The c;,sleri� h tvoni It institute are taking t111• dining hall .at the tall fair. Sept. ."th, 7N11, and 111th, to serve tue•a1' auel hint -hen. 1'a rt of rhe pro- ceed. will Is. elven to the X-nly fluid od Alexandria boerpftal. Donations front the ladies of the town will hr grittefnlly received by the Institute. week. W. T. McLean's. "Lely Ideal" WQa Apt ranrw'y la the t 4S eeand Rola. MCleun's "Royal Inuit et•" took swvind money In ' the free-for-all. Geo. Mc\all, of Nile, with Ills "Nile Hoy" got second lh the 130 claws. A Conservative party rally -or, to use the official tale. agathering in the interests of the National Liberal and Conservative party -was held at London on Tuesday E nd was attended by Messrs. Wm Camp- bell and H. J. A. MacEwen from Gode- rich. Mr. Campbell was the mover of the resolution in which the gathering tendered its congratulations to Hon. ArMur Meighen and declared its con- fidence in the new Premier. GOR SALE. -TWELVE SPRING fcor s rgarr`•ge.rrApply to L. SEIIGM* 1, Parrk street. It VOR SALE. -'A FEATHER BED. i' will be sold cheap. Apply to MISSMcIN- TOSH, St. Vincent street. ATTENTION ! The Mercantile Salvage Co. will vacate the Point Farm premises within two of three weeks, Persons who are in need of any sort of lumber will find It to their benefit to get their requirements right away. We have to clIer a bait -!million .fee of the finest aeoost bats lumber, windows, lath, baseboard and wainscot- ing. %also some very fine cedar anchor posts, All at very reasonable prices, ADDIY POiNT FARM. OAK SIDEBOARD FOR SAL E.- Apply at SIGNAL OFFICE. tf WHITESEWING MACHINES T, R, THOMPSON, Britieb Exchange Hotel. Agent. Supply of Needles on Hand. OR SALE. -ONE PIANO CASE 01. GAN au -octave. solid walnut, at a Apply at WALKER'S STORE. - - - innB. C. SHINGLES ALWAYS ON HAND st McGAW STATION. Call C. A. Roberts,, or Jobs Treble. Telephone Dungannon 6r4; or John Treble. Mt. Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE at $3 per single cord, delivered, THE GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO.. LIMITED. (Foot of Angkaea St.) Phone 61. WANTED. WANTED. -AN ASSISTANT MATRON for the Huron County Howe of Refuge at Clinton. duties to belie 1st Septern ber. Applications, per.s,o,,.iaal� *altered, received be JOHNTORRANPCE. inmeetet.Clieton. n TEACHHR WANTED FOR S.S. NO. 5, l Colborne; second 4!a*.e proeeseiseel, with eSprience preferred. Leasee to commence after summer holiday,. Apply, stating salary. to D.C. BOGIE, Secretary, Sheppardton. � IRLS WANTED, -APPLY CODE- R CH teed TTtNG COMPANY. tf LMT OR 11001*. /MT. -MASON DAY AFTERNOON. on the rood to CBatw. a Mown wool Man nadir ohms kayo at On SIGNAL OF It TENDERS WANTED. MAIL CONTRACT. QEALED TENDERS, addressed to the 1.) Postmaster General. .111 be received at Ottawa until NOON. on FRIDAY. the 17th DAY of SEP- TEMBER. tutu, dor the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails on a Drw+uaad Contract tor lour years, six times pit week over Goderich No 5 Rural ROOD, from the a, oat muster General's pleasure. Printed notion containing further information as o Condit ions of propo.ed Contract may hesten and blank forms o*eT nder may be obtained at the Post Offices of Goderich. Sheppsrdton, Holowiv,lle, Auburn, Ssltford, and at the office of the Post Office Inspector, London. CHAS. E. H. FISHER, Post Oras Inspector. Post Office Inspector's Office, London, 6th August. len at r - r Please note that The National Cement Company have ceased operations. An-Natlo.nr sacks _ must be In by AUGUST 21st, 1920 Atter that date no Credit will be allowed. The Goderich Planing Mills Phone 47 Box la, novinonewsasoisasdeasaseenseernossowsos The Pavilion NOW OPEN (near HOTEL SUNSET, Goderich) -DANCING_ . EVERY NIGHT 5.30 to 12 o'clock Lents society Orchestra THE GODERiCH MARKETS TWOWNIgres August 1e. Wheat., per buap Oats. per bu.h.-. I.05 to I t0 Barleyper bush 1 b to 1,76 Peen. perbu-h Yd. to 2.76 Buckwheat, per I 10 16• ebur. fondy. per owt 6.75 to 7,60 Floor. patent, perowt 7.50 to 6.00 Bran, per ton ea en to 60.0. Short, per ton 62 00 to 62.00 Bay, Per ton 241.00 to 2610 Straw. loom, per tail 101ai le 12.00 [airy Bitter, per lb 60. to .66 Cramer, putter, per Ib ,65 to .70 Eta, trach, pee dor. .... ,a, to CM Potatoes, per bush... . .. ... 4.011 to s 60 CattA. butnher•' Cholas, per owl. 11 Be a Ia.00 Cattle. blucher: medlnn,,per oat 10.7) to 11 50 Hoge, live weight, per owl.... 20 00 to 2t.5 Hidesper lb .111 to eheepok Ina. .26 to ................a 1.11 tea 2.226 10 WuRKiNG HOUSEKEEPER Y WANTED. -Family of two. tor Imornms onlyto live at home Apply to J ADES FOWL5R, Albert street. a PUBLIC NO7101. UR- F. I. R. FORSTER. EYE, EAR. NOSE. THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital stent at Morrefeld's Eye Hospital and Hospital, Square Throat Hos- pital, London, Eng. M Waterloo St. S.. Stratford. Telephone tw7. At Bedford Hotel. Goderieh, from Wednes- dht, eptemher 1.51h, at 7.61 p. m., to Thursday. at I p. m. FOR SALE WHITE PINE Sa: x 4 In, .-.._....._.. ,. Sin. z 6iat., Sin., 10in., l2in. I. x 4in. and up. ALL LINGTRS The Coderich Organ Co., Limited Ooderich Ontario. TR/ • SIGNAL PRLNTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers. CHURCH NOTES. Tire pulpit of Victoria street Meth- odittt church was oet•upittl last timidityby ltev. Hugh 1t'!)wnt, who delivered two guars wvulots h %lilt Wert. heard nitwit uch Interest. Rey. A. E. M. Thompson, of Waliace'- burg, will preach so Victoria streetMeth.Nllit church next Sunday morn tug olid Het'. H. Itoyu1, of Nilo, las the evening. "A Call to Worship," 11 a.m., and ".The Peril to learning,"' or "Thr Yoke Dant Teacher'," 7 pm.; will be the tissues et -the Ihlptbit rho n•h.net t liuuday. During the bot weather the services *ill 10• short. Rev. Ernest 0. Forde, of Cllntoa, has ecrt'ptetl a eel, to Iw•t•omt' pwi'ttur of the Beverley atri'et Ila idiot church, iu suctwasl'a1 to Rev. .1, R. Turnbull, who goes to tit. Tbomes, Mr. Funic Is well known to Gtwleril•h Baptists, having frequently taken part ln aer- Vice. here. The Choir of North street Methodist church held their annual picide yester- day at Hayfield, There Was a good turnoutturnt of aemlwrs and friends and '11 spenten rujovable thus.. One "t�t[tklo5" event of the day's progu Nprogramane III 1/411.01/.141,all 5.1111.11 the //idles tte,gpe+iistritterl their ability to hat the andel_ OOe buses as N Ill e5. the n. Waddhtg -The• /thermal has „11 eeelved w.me i very nobby weeldlug statlotlery, nod the bride -t0 -led' who w•Yslte11 s to 1,,1.• 1 itn-itariotis cunt announcements for the greitt t.% gait Ica 1 Ile utasst .47411t sit is l,o IUd SO*.III call dolt + IR' fie' slutiouery. DR. W. F. CLARK, who tcuM elerttvl last week rfee-pirev,- 5k'ut of the 4lntnrtu Veterinary .tss,w'iulion. mix picture was taken some yeiu's urn) and can hit rill,' he said to IN. a atrial likeness of the Doctor at the 1.reeent time. 11'e hnp• he will have Nu1,5lo r picture taken 1.10 re he den•+ anything again to cntttl, hint to 0 pht!r• In The Nigual's goIIvry of notehleou. For Farm Areounts. The Scott Simplified Five-year Account- ing System is said to be the most concise and complete and the most convenler t system fuer the keeping of farm kccour to Every up -to date farm, r should s, a it. Ti Stens) is agent for this system, which • recommended be many of the I'atbnQ farmers of Canada it will save its cost many tim s over. Farriers are invited to call and see it when to town. Don't Let It Worry You. The hot weather, we mean. Try .g cooleng drink at Coltor. e's Ice cream parlor. , IPERSONAL MENTION, bliss Isabel Foster,*home from Tor - 'onto for holidays. Miss Myrtle Leslie, of Georgetown, N tae guest of Mitis Ethel Nairn. i Mr. Louis Carey, of Calgary, is holi- daying at the parental home. Miss Vera Wiggins has returned to Detroit 'after a holiday visit In town. Mew Mamie Down, of Totonto, is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry DOwn, Rev. W.P. Brophy, of Springfield, Mo,. is visaing at his old home at St. Au llnc Mr. Jos. Wild, of South Lacoma, I11., is visiting Ilia mother and sister In town. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hume and Masters Charles and Douglas Noun motored to Toronto this week. Mr. Wm. Jewell left on the harveette era' excursion for Bedworth, where he will remain for a few mouths. Blackstone's is the place to get that gift box of chocolates. Mr. C. F. Chapman, of the Marie of Comm•rce, has returned to town dht two weeks' holidays, spent mostly at Grand Bend. Miss Etta Dickson of Columbus. Ohio, who was visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Tom, left yesterday to visit relatives at Stratft•td before returning to Columbus. Mrs. Jae. F. Thomson and Mies 15,rlatra 11 n 3I re, Tltowwul's Mother, .!r,. Kenneth Mclean, of Klutilblore visiting Mrs. Tbomson'a sister, era, Eugene Hicks, at South Bay, Ont. Rev. ler. R. J. Treleaven of ltyer- xnu church• d:uelltuu, line been invited to la'cowe the pastor of the Ingersoll Methodist church at the beginning of t rex .4'on feren,•I' yea r. Pr. 'sae l•:t vein it fa atinotinersI, hue accepted the cull. He an Asbtleld "old hay" well knowal int section. Mr. and Mrs. 1'. (: 1,vnn and three children, of ih'troit. are t'I,lti,.g 31r. 1.ynu's mnthcr. Mrs. 1' Lynn. ler. Lynn and 1117 fattilly err faking a trip of 'wren'! weeks by motor ca res Van through I luta Ho nod they deaf re en- thushtstiCelly that It is the very )Haat ey to Niw1N1 a holiday. That do Iicinus made-in-Goder o h ice cream of Blackstone's makes new friends every day. -FALL FAIR ATTRACTIONS, Oodetich EYblbltlon will 114' bead .� September R, 9, 10. Blondln, a high -wire performer, a relative of the groat }Houdin olio 1 walked acre Niagara, Ma been eller i gaged for a sprawlof perfermenrees. Another feature of the program we I ba furnished by Jobs A. Kelly, of Toronto, a comedy entertainer. The borne mces will be $ big attests. (ion. Good purees ■re being hung ap, and much Interest 1s being takes be the four events. Your (ave rite ice cream soda 1 here None hut the purest flavors used. H. T. Edwards. A thing done right lode, mears lett trouble tomorrow. ., -.. , • mall. mom !NON .-In Goderich. on Friday, 16 William H . errand son of Mr.. Thnmpeon, aged 51 years and 2 months. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Neueekeeper wanted -J. Ades Fowler ,Pea Rowe for Sale . Glover.• ... .... 1 Notice to Ea-ewmbers of the Canadian Eaped- dnionaryForce- Department ofMiiti. t `Parlor Suite and Piano for Saps -w. J Powell 1 Good Opening -I' J, Ryan . 1 Blanket Last - Leave at Signal Dike 1 Feather Bed for •ile-Mess McIntosh 5 Chickens and Henhouse foe Sale- L. Seltltian1 White Pine for Sale- GoderichOrgan Co 1 For Your Children do p OU say and believe _l JtthLaat a'trould do anything for your children. Have you started a sav- ings account for them yet? Do it today at the Bandl of Montreal, even if you begin with only one dollar. There is no better way to teach them thrift and no more important lesion for there to learn BANK OF MONTREAL t/teises(had lever 300 yaws Tail Awls let Enos= ef $1100.111101110110 Hasa) tyre Moran B.rrr is d 1,pmser Gros. le Came Demure aNat m as melissa n .r,..... -.r... -...5....r,: v.,.....,r.,..rw-...w.�:.,.... '.- r