HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-8-12, Page 5• ti - !EM SINAL GODSa10a ONT. Thursday. August 12. 1021)-5 MID ODAK Sual•-slats at the time—that's fun. And then the pictures, themselves. Mary gathering courage. to dive (she never did'. Pete, as amateur Chet at the shore dinner, the young- sters building forts in the send—such pictures wilt always make it seem as if all happened "just' yesterday-." We have just the Kodak you want and there are several little photographie.help that we would like to show you as well—the Kodak Self -Timer, for example. that p(•etwes_th, button for you and keeps the group complete. 1 Kodahs from $ 11.21 -up CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE THE FENSLAR STORE" Telephone 90 Nest Millais Scotch Store The Square CORRECT Trim, neat, well -fitting, with wonderful wearing qualities. We firmlybelieve our cloth- es are the biggest value you \ can buy and, will give you \ the longest satisfaction. ---"\ .MARTIN the Tailor Phone 318 ,et hwaite, ley, Mr. aril, and day was drive to 11. Two ilcnickera he picnic al of the ring the of base - Everyone lay's out - ORDER. corner of s has horn or more, of the illy been iralrs have de, we he- , but they Ing rather argil wonld A tittle g. XXX. ri, Pa., who Nrs. W. H. Toronto to nog to bet n Monday d Detroit, er nephew, s. McPhee - re. et daughter, trip up the visit Mrs. ,n Piper, of ned from a 'n. Seigner, n and two ILnlmes, of ea in town Model pieatre Program WEEK AUGUST 16 to 2 MONUAI and TI t. 'l l 31 A PAASAAM0(' PI(T1 RE In alis• RAY `Hay Foot Straw' Foot LOCAL TOPICS. IWinnipeg without change. There were sixteen in the party leaving Goderich and they were well pleased with the service i provided them. Mr. F. F. Lawrence. the indelatiaable ticket agent tor the G.T.R., gave his personal attention to the party and saw that they lett Goderich with every possible comfort. Murk Examinations. Word came this week to Mr. Frederic Egener, Mue. Bac., from the Toronto Conservatory of Music, that lists of suc- cessful uscessful candidates in music were not published in Toronto papers this year, but that they would appear in the August "Review," now in the printers' hands. The Goderich list will appear in the local papers as soon as the Aught "Review" comes to hand. Thomas Gundry Deputy Sheriff. , Sheriff, Reynolds has appointed Mr. Thodues Guudry as deputy ehe•tff is suceeselon to tete late Mr. A. D. Camer- on. The appointment is a very fitting one, Mr. (i.undry having formerly been a slwrtff's other a»d being familiar with the work of the Ace. His official duties will not Interfere with Mr. (:undry's business as en auctioneer, w hfeh he will conduct es • usual. 1 Basebaa Notes. he apasebst alLeague dl Leantobe e of the County played ns Goderich this season will be on Thursdby I nut, August 19th. when Crediton will be here. A big crowd should turn out to 1, show Godench's appreciation of the live season's sport which the H. C. B. L. has Ifurnished. Acolumn of "Baseball Gossip." part of j which was intended for last week'sSignal. will be found on page ti of this issue. Rather Too Zealous. A young man named Thomas Clarke, -tient up from Exeter on the charge of damaging a steam boiler. was convicted before Judge Dickson and was remanded .for sentence, pending the result 31 an investigation into his mental condition. The totter was being used - in connection with the laying of the cement road at Exeter. and ,Clarke early ore morning I started aa said wanted to have afire fire under it and let the water (he men when they sums V claimed by plaintiffs. Judgment for all ready for th out. Hehalutiffs for $173 and costs. menced work. The boiler was badly St. Peter's Garden Party. damaged. The garden party at Harbor Park on To Stop Gambling Prartites. l Wednesday evening. under the auspices The county authorities, under direction 1 of St. Peter's church. was a successful event. Supper was served in the pavilion Ion a Crown campaign to Stager.arecarrying i to a large company. and afterwards there on a icesin connection stamp out thr gammen¢ were amus ments of various -orfs. con- 'ard oche m thri gs n race meets cludin; with a dance, with music by the ' Atand other public gatherings ing in the county. 1 Goderich orchestra. Among those present, bo the Brusselsandrsogothe races inthgi ides Rev. Father McRae, were Rev. devkmakes and owners of other gambling I Fathers Moran. of St. Augustine. Fallon, devices were warned off, and when tit of Wingham Hogan; of Clinton, ano fall fair season commences attention will a i Gats, of Seaforth. There wereta num- view to to the sideshow features with a tier ol�rawings, the winners of prizes view h cutting out those of a question- j being : yet of curtains, J. Keene. able character. There has been a such bridge): pipe, airs Wm. Doyle: pedestal. deal of laxity in connection isth such G. Page; ladies' handskmtted scarf, J. features in fife past, but there now to O'Connor JXingsbeidgel; crochet yoke, be a tightening up a l round. 1 Wm. Brophe'; 100 lbs. sugar. Melville i The L. R. Steel Store Opened. 1 McNevin; Dr. Whitely 25 -Ib. bag 1 'Large crowds attended the opening of , of flour, Cyril Iton; and other prizes to the L. R. Steel Co. sore on Friday and ' Babee 'Griffin. MNevins is Josephine RH Carney, Saturday last. Some of the people came J►tc irom long distances. and great interest in' Eileen O'Brien and Wilson Nicklin. The I the store and its appointor is was main• proceeds were in the neighborhood of , tested. The big store is beau dully fitted. 1700. ' Iain a style hitherto seen only itt the large 1 The Oddreitew-a' Maw Encouragement 11 0(1 A.M. Shifting Sails or Solid Rock ? 7.00—P M, Baptist Church Montreal Street Next Sunday, August 15th. Sunday School at 9.55 a. m, YOU WILL BE WELCOME C itis and everything i4 ma a' (1311'1 It,u•field was the popular el'es.tivc sootingat possible for the shopper. -0ei stcrd+ty, L p><nlc_ pct the Au" Saturday. when se:litig commenced, there was a crush all day long, and the capabil- ities of the store and staff for the hand- ling of large crowds was thoroughly and satisfactorily tested. The goods on sale cover a surprisingly large range. and the Sc to 11.001 idea, now on trial for the first time in Canada, appears to meet the popular desire to a marked degree. Public Se At the mo school board held ou Monday. August 1 1--»'r srt'Rel} by the \ 'A., Mr. Fn.l it 2. the secretary n -ported that the ten- ri'st tracts for 1114' teaching sniff fir the' ('raigfe. aria lie V. G.. Mr. W. At.•' ,romlog year had all leen signed Msec'. tried cumduslo s. the V. G. team wi:, those of Miss Sharman and like ntng 17 to 13, a something like flet. Bentley. The applie-nttons for increase. 'Messrs, W. T. Murney and W. It. of'salary- from these two teachers a Miler officiated as umpires. and nae - from Mr. L. L. Knot, secretary -trees- orally ix.t..sly quest sed their del- nivr• of the boom. and Mr. John A. 51.ins. Miss Gllwin UM Mus Symonds 1 Rebekah Pieele. Harrison. caretaker of Victoria school, were the captains of teams of dlie Miss Symonds' tea winuing A union picnic of—tKS— etieh wiser toes„ .ti.. --hili. •' with score of _1.13 int innings. Rebekah Lodce and Edelweiss Rebekah „airy for tlw coming year was in- It moat, Siam. game. . Lodge. Seaforth. will be held in Harbor creased to Moo. Mr. fenox's to 1250. T141 \,inners in the races re as Park on Wednesday, August 18th. and Mr. HarHsen•s to $Ment. No action was taken on Miss Bentley's applies- follows:saritt . years and unelrr-Jted Abel. Tbdgta Salkeld, Ruth Patt Phyllis Law piers of Huron Lodge.. o 1., L).(o.F.. attracting a large crowd. A g,xel pro- I gram of shirt. was put on in the after -1 neon and evening in Jewett': pork. with"a pheasant .iuterupt►on at supper time while the contents of the picnic I baskets received proper attention. and , seas- udiug with a dance in, the tine new yilinu, with. music by the School Board. Blackstone -Buckley orchestra. nthly meeting of the albite 1 `verai baseball matches were in - ms 1 -ailed To the Citizens of Goderich and Vicinity We appreciate the wonderful atten- dance at our grand opening, Satur- day, August 7th, 1920 -and will reciprocate by giving SERVICE, COURTESY and QUALIT' MER- CWANDISE. MAKE YOUR HEADQUARTERS HERE • R. STEEL CO. LIMITED 5c to $I.00 STORES (food Accommodation for Exeursionists The Grand Trunk passengers for the West leaving herr yesterday afternoon the harvesters' excursion had a first - r accommo- ss new on. This ncar ist cgoes rightar for t through to .Also RAINBOW COMEDY Over 'the Ocean Wave ' . FeatTHE ORIENT (summit room WEDNESDAY and TH• URSDAY EXTRA SPECIAL ATTRACTION Harry Garson presents Clara Kimball Young a the then erbolt of dramatic fusee 9 `EYES OF YOUTH Ereryonr should see this superb Picture. Also Smiling Bill Parsons m "`THEY'RE OFF" FRIDAY and SATURDAY A SELZNi('K PICTURE ALICE BRADY In Dancing and Music tion. The matter of Mnuie repairs to the sehonl buildings w•ns referred to committee. G.W.V A. Liles. Th.' G.W.V.A. held i1-' regular meet- ing and election of centers on Friday, monds. Mildred t 'llsoii. Mary Jury. July 80, Boys ten years ,toil under—W, The fidlow•ing officers were elected : Sememnle, W. Mqc.\;loy, It. New- t'ast president. T. It. Harrison: pres- combs. Went. , J. Murray : vice presltlent, .1. (ibis fifteen years nd under—May ('utldwftson: '9114 vice-pn,ddent, A Alwrhart, May Jury. al Nevin: sei•retary-treasurer, it. Bora fifteen years nd under—J. ('. 1,1rk. The matter of the w,Idiert A. under was dis.•1ue•e1 111141 iM left un- r g i til the report of the design committee May Aberhart, is submitted. •C (TrIREIi #u. Dale, There will be a full eters parade on (am Tweesly.. th Mar- thc nest Sunday in scph•tntier to the Mar- cemeti'ry. This Is tleeuMatIAl Sunday ie and the parade w111 comer '! the For- reters. (tddfellows and Veterans. A gond turaant 1s requested. if sulttcicnr Interest tau be amused, a rifle roll. will he formed amongst tlw Vets. Amm11nittou and rifles can be olttaiUeil gratis proytile.l enough mem- bers signify their williliguess to Ie- eome members of a rifle club. Those interest ell w•IH please hand their names to President .1. Mornay. The emotional aide of the major- ity of people cannot be satisfied by Free Libraries, Gymnasiums, Play- grounds, lay,mounds, etc. The love of tnor'intt the healthy body to the rhythm of mule hi some form of danclaa = an m" lore unto a. wiftth liquor ariseewage mom - eat woman: may d0 est mtalin, however, it M pati• mote dtic see In our lenge towns wad tooffice 1re*ins sewn and women rumba some dance tst►>i Eo esttisfy f OODUP1Mnent. Boys. nye tlproul, M. TS Girls ten yea A NM SHIPMENT OF PIC- TURES NOW 411 Wallace Mittin;'s style of quaint colonial interiors and figures. English Land -rapes. English Hunting and Coaching Pictures Japanese scenes and flguree These arc hen te "fully taand col- sine Most artl-tis and ver > reason- 'tiLie in pri..e. encs. - jeerrs and under --41. 711. R. Wtfsnn. W-Js'ra. s and tinder—H. Sy - Come i0 and ser them CLEARING SALE OF White Canvas Shoes, Oxfords and Pumps As i have decided to clear out all lines of leather solid Canvas Shoes, am prepared to offer you very exceptional values at prices regardless of cost. The following are a few of the many lines on sale: Women's White Canvas High -laced Shoes, high rola$3.00 low heel, Sizes 'a. to . Sale Price . $2.75 to `►' —'_Vtfav's White Coitus Oxfords and Pumps, high and et 3.00 ' low heel- Sizes to 7. Sale Prise .SO and • While f�Ns aa'oi11 L -and Pumps�a. 11 —$4_75 --ter*: Sale Pries . . $1.50 Children's White Canvas .rilt s. Sizes 8 to N. Sale Price - - • r - Have also a number of other lines br en in sizes that will be on sale. See our window display of the -above goods. REPAIRING Weeds, J. Salkeld, 1), Da Girls eighteen years hart Item ('orn Men's rare— rly. 1.adiee rice—Mie. fro shall. Miss E. Maskell, t11ltS Shields. Married women's race—Mrs, Tw,seiht, Mrs. Iteg• Burrows._ Mnrrlesl mens racer --Borman K John Wiggins. Fat I '' 1 men's race- Norman Knox, (ie,. Mile. The day wars voted, a great success, u(1 ,'itattlishes the (Aldfellows* picnic spore firmly than ever as one nf the menet pginlnr annual events of the sum- mer season. Remember the fancy dress hall at Hotel Sunset on Thursday evening next n aid of the funds 01 Alexandra hospital' mith's Art Store East -St.\ Phone 198 colic PeoD� ave rated sip (>>� .lodgmrnta in County Coati. Roma• r .Ind e DicksonRRiltt Roosts sir brave. DeWbsiaa 10" Judgment in the following County n Aged � dM let Old Jebn Harleq- Balston V. Mcalurr•hle.—Tito pidn- apo scup their vtdit7 will dad • I tiff is Allan B. Beintun and the defend - Imes in the use of ant is James McMuretile, teeth' of ase HackIny's Heart and Nerve Remedy. village of ltlyth. The action was „ghat Bred feeting.- oter the removal of some plants by ' tale win t twwlti0g at r reewioa the defendant from a property of and se onsee'ew hist Cams from which he had ;ern the Is,''.'., said hovered events; end brtngal bark the property having been pnrehaaeit Is the plaitttitl'. .in4gment for plaintiff Ilew11tt7 rich, r'i obest., for 152.(541 with Divielot court rests. :17.7_,.'"7"_ _ 7 7.. b au(((( k la Defendant to have his citta of defence riff n trlut fo on County ('onrt wale and to ret off - rnurn,-- full of life wed bops irtsedges in• tate 11 it es g ems given the Issue when It was cone ca see . `'Red liead't f Also Si;PREME COMEDY t and snore shies «ha'hadaIe th to ornery on wet% e s wort that bier he overcame iI Imo Iwiil ane Hackle{'. Heart and Nerve Remedy to dzwsalftbsn ttse PTerw. So etre and �' artloladoo et tree Aloud Bay�� fromWet*calor. 60c a boa, II for W.51im• Haekinsfa mks are sots In Cod- rieh Ay J. A. Campbell, Drage:it, add mew to tote more and to KiNI:SltftlrKit:. In connection with St. Joseph's church. Kingsbridge, a garden party will be he d on the church grounds on Wedresdav, August 25. Amusements for everybody. All welcome. Tea served from 5 to 8I , o'clock. Tickets 50c. Get Husy ! mine a.alnat the plaintiff's Judgment. 1•A patch is a sign of thrift'' Elliott v. Dumb'. -David Elliott, of I Clinton, sued A. E. Durnin, of Luck -1 now, for wages, the price of a horse.I ete. Jnd/meat for pislntti for Sio5.9.1 with costs. 'tenon over a Ire nartion in hay. live pleintiffm are A M'Inghem firm And the otendointii. John A. e Withers. are farmera In Colborne tostmehlp. The defendants' admitted mime liability, but nor to the extent "Yes, especially a garden patch." ran ens me es periment- Info when msnt tee gene* end In blips them It reaaves et oven and Otadu- R. Tait Electrical Contractit GEO. MacVICAR !NORTH SIDE OF SQUARE 1 GODLRICH Wiring of all kinds up-t.e•date for Telephones, Blrglar Alarms, \police Patrol and Fire Alarm ;Private Itegidoncers and Bnisiness Places -a specialty. Electric Irons', Toast. rs FAO., Vacuum Ch•aner.., washing llatteetee of all Alsval,. ow Ring np e2 19.4 and have us give yon an eatimate on your wiring. It will tie done gilt. Robt. Tait Phonet -Shop 12, House 113 ..,..........:—. \Th—,=.--. IlYdro Store New Feather Hats Which ..ot autumn iii .e. rnd pivsent the .matt: est ideas for early sealso wear. Moderate e4 are among the many at- tractive characteris- tics of these Hitt. ALL SIMMS fr IS ON SALL AT " OODERICII The heat of snmmer makes all household tasks more Buy an Electric Wash- ing Machine We have CAT -cc mak,- and at dill. iit 'rye, The "Thor" The "Trojan" and the "Kribs" CALL AND SEX •I WASHERS IN STOCK LAMPS IRONS, ETC., ALWAYS ON HAND 'Ater and Light Cinunission