HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-8-12, Page 4e, y 1 4--Tbnreedny. August 12. 1920. SEE THE SUITS WE ARE SELLING AT r $32.50 WORTH $42.50 W. C. Pridham DUNGANNON. MR. N. F. WHIARD is the agent for THE SIGNAL at Dungannon. Orders left with him for aubacrip- tiotis. advertisements or job print- ing will receive prompt attention. Telephone (Goderich Rural) r39. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Dungannon, Ontario REV. D. D. DOUGLAS - Rester Re -opening Services Sunday, August 15th t00..m. 11 00 • m. 700 p. m. - Holy Communion - Morning Prayer - Evening Prayer Special Preacher -The Rev, Tin Lowe, L. Tb., Rector of -t. John's, Loudon Tp. and Mr. and Mea, Bert Roach intend going Wert next weeks Ad. Diener and H. Anderson mot- ored to Vllatou uu Lintonea last Wed - modal". We are glad to report that Miss Maize, who has been very ill, is improving. Mr. William Smith has sold his 100 - acre farm to Mr. Arthur Culbert of the 4th concession of West Wawanoeh. Mr. Smith may go West in the fall. • A load from Dungannon attended the rates ut Wingham on Wednesday. Mrs. J. 1t: McNabb. her daughter Margaret and soh Jack are visiting friends in Michigan this week. Messrs. T. G. Allen and T. t4totbera made a busluess trip to Goderich_,00 Tuesday. Rev. Thos. Hieke, Mrs. Hicks. Darla, Dorothy and Jack, of Paisley. are vis- iting at Mr. Thos. Wad's. Ret-. H. t'anupbell and Mrs. Camp - tall, Mr. and Mrs. F. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. A. E..Treleaveu and Miss H. Augustine spent Thursday at Bruce Reach. Mr. Wm. Moreland. of New York.. is visiting its brother. Mr. Jas. More- land, at Nile. He (•alleel on friends in the village this week. Mrs. Norman Treleaven and chit- dreu arrived home ou Saturday after - a muntit's visit In Eastern Ontario. There will be no service In the Presbyterian or Methodist church next Sundae. TIte re-opeulug services of the Angilean church wall take place ou that day. A' lecture will he delivered tin the Agricultural Hell on Monday. August 10th, at x p.m.. the speaker of the evening being Rev. Wm. Lowe. of Lon- don : his aubjert. "Orangelam." Every- body welcome. A eolleetion will be taken in aid of the orange orphan- age. A musical program will be ren- dered lit connection with the lecture. A TONIC FOR THE NERVES. Thursday, At4nat 12. Miss Ethel lase arrived hoose Fri- day of last week from a trip to the Patine event. Miss Pearl McKenzie arrived home this week after spending some time in Northern Ontario. Miss Edith Stothers le visiting frtefmde in Toronto.' Miss Fraiik Mt•I.eun itt engaged to teach in the continuation school at Luekuow. Miss Clara Augustine left this week for Pert Arthur, where she hikes n position on the touching staff. dlrs. Whitley lett on Wednesday of ss► this week for the West. Messrs. Joe Mallough, Geo. Irwin, The Only Real Nerve Tonic Is a Good Supply of Rich, Red Blood. "If people would only attend to their blood.tnsteadot worrying themselves ill," said an eminent nerve specialist, "we doctors would not see our consulting rooms crowded with nervous wrecks. More people suffer from worry than any- thing nything else The sort of thing which the specialist spokeof is the nervous. rundown condition caused by overwork and the many anxieties of today. Sufferers find themselves tired,' low-spirited and unable to keep their minds on anything. Any sudden noise hurts like a blow. They are full of groundless fears, and d-' not sleep well at night. Headaches and other nervll pains are part of the misery. and it all comes from starved nerves. Doctoring the nerves with poisonous sedatives is a terrible mistake. The only real nerve tonic is a good supply of rich. red blood. Therefore to 'relieve nervous- ness and rundown health Dr. Williams' Pink Pills should be taken. These pills make new, rich blood. which strengthens the nerves. improves the appetite, gives new strength and spirits, and makes hitherto despondent people bright and cheerful. If you are at all "out of sorts" you should begin taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. In the Rush of Harvest -IERE'S NOTHING 1 which makes a man so downright mad as to have twine run uneven. Stopping a binder once on this account is simply a nui- sance, but such twine means constant interruption.-- .IS ous matter. Use only PLYMOUTH GOLD MEDAL, BINDER TWINE and be rid of ouch makforever. Plymouth MADE I11 CANADA u room even is .tale stronger than deer It tans fait length, tie. nose bundles and does not Jag dawn. Buy the twine asses 'FIs good" and order war. The sesaiood Quality V less! In GOLD MEDAL Pure Maxilla Hay Fork Rope t LANES. MONDAY, Aug. 9. Ntiss Mary Downey, who is training for a nurse at St. Joseph's hospital, London. is home for a visit. Co•'gratulations to 'Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnston on the birth of a son. A Targe number from here took in the picnic at Black Horse and report a good , time. Great interest is taken in the new reaper at wo-k cutting flax for J. G. Anderson on the Ford farm. Robert Howard and Eduard Smith are sporting new Chevrolet cars, and Henry P. Hogan a new Ford. • LEEBCRN. TUE-DAY. Aug. 10. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. GI ddon and family. -f Vinemount, spent a few days with relatives here. Mrs. Itving Hunter has returned from a visit to Stratford. Miss Barbara Farrish, of !1.. York City, is spending her vacation_ with ber brother. Mr. John Farrish. Mr. Gavin Clutton and childrre�nn� ��of ' Stratford. are visiting with Niro'. I Horton_. Miss L. Stirling and Miss Pearl Fulford have returned to Buffalo. A few from around here are leaving on the excursion for the Canadi;n West this Wednesday- ' Mr. and Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Ross' Sunday school class, of Auburn, have spent a pleasant week camping at Ed. Lawson's beach. ' Mn. Wm. Bogie left last week for Muskoka to attend the funeral of her j mother. Mrs. Rome. which took place 1last Friday. Rine ('lub, motored to Long Bernell, to try their luck at the competitive shoot. Miss flu;hee. of Detroit. called on her friends, the Missrs 'Todd and Rutherford, during the week-. GODERICH TOWNSHI£. THE COUNTRY WOMEN'S CLUB. -There was a good attendance at the July meet- ing of the Country Women's Club. The sum of 115 was donated to The Teoronto Star's "fresh air" fund. A good program was given, consisting of readings by Mrs. Burke. Miss Salkeld and, Mrs. I. Salkeld, Mrs. Bichan gave an interesting talk on children's welfare work. Instrumental selections by Mrs. Greenslade and Mrs. H. L. Salkeld added much to • the enjoy- ment of the meeting. Mrs. McEvoy closed the meeting with some excellent sugeestions for. community life. The nett meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. • las. Bell. on Thursday, August 19th, at 2.30 p. m. • Miss Dorothy Reyeraft is home after a visit of several weeks at Leaming- ton. , y Mrs. G...Plenderlelth. of Port Arthur. formerly Batas Esther Robinson of town, was te_ Goderic'h this week visiting old acquaintances. ST. AI'GI'STINE. i Tuesday- August 10. Mr.. and Mrs. .1. Shanahan, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shanahan and Miss E. Shanahan. of Clinton, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Boyle one, day this week. -ere 3ilii . and Mr. and Mrs. Thou. Kirkland. - of Tees- ater. vialtet at Mr. Wm. Wllsou't' it Sunday. - Ir. Jne Thompson returued home Olt To day from Wingtiam hospital. M s Mary Parks visite) ber aunt,. Mrs. aeons McAllister. last week. Mr. . nd Mrs. W. Grindley, Miss Merioa e 1 Master Walter Brindley returner to .e to Gnelph lattt Wed- ue�dny of 'r spending two weeks with Mr. and a s. Wm. McAllister. Mr. and rs. W. 'Cameron, Missea V. and .1. W h anti Miss t:rare.('am- eron, of fine 1I Iver, visited friends in this vicinity on Friday. An Immense e e was pre.e5T et the genion party even In eonnevtion with St. Augustine ebnreh last Wed- nesday. Anutsenwn was provided for all and the occas -n was a great HOBBS GOLD MEDAL 4noes sires for sale b Gray -Dort Motor Cars Tires and accessories of all kinds. Prest-O-Lite Storage Batteries and Columbia Dry Cells. Oils and Greases We are installing an Oxy -Acetylene Welding Outfit in the near future. A demonstration of this work by an ex- pert will be given here. WATCH FOR LATER ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE DATE One Overland and one McLaugh- '- r lin Car for sale. Both of these cars are in first-class running order • Let us remove the carbon from your car by oxygen. We are doing this work on some of America's best cars. Give it a trial. GENUINE FORD PARTS EASTSTREETGARAGE T. F. HOLLAND 'IT. HELEN . 140May, Aligner 11. We congratulate Elmer P 'don on passing itis eutr:uue. Tllmers name hail leen omitted from the puhiished list. Rev. anti Mrs. Mackintosh and hurl, i5ouglas aisl Donald. of Napier. kre visiting with Mra. Mackintosh's par- ruts. Mr. and Mrs. Clark. Mesa Josle ('ameron returned to Toronto on Tuesday after spending. about .ix weals at home. Mrs Reid, of l.)nngsnnon, was a visitor with Mrs. Buchanan. Mr. Robert Health*. and Horace, of London. came up from London on Fri- day. Horace will spend a few weeks with his uncle, Mr. Ned. Thorn. Mr. Robert Iwx•khart, of Wingham, Rev. Harry Lockhart and son were Sundry visitors here. Rev. Peter Jamieson. minister of St. Helene Presbyterian church. has received a call from South Mountain, in the Pree'bytery of Brockville. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Thompson. Mrs. Teeld. and MI.', .1. C. Mef onald, of Wingham, visited irienda here last week. Mrs. C. I)nrnin visited her dem/titer. Mrs. McAllister, at Whit/hem Inst week. Mr. and Mrs. Hyde, Mr. rind Mrs. Es rl Cranston. Percy ant !lanai! Hyde motored to (llamas ilea fort Elgin and spent the week -end with friend.. Mr. .1. R. Webster ',porta a new Ford. MIaa Mary MCQn1111n is .pendens a irqrk at Toronto. the attest of her ii e. Mr E. J. Heine. Messrs J Welwter, W111 Wrbstrr, Walfaer Miller. W. 1. Miller. John Mel)on*ld sial Elwell Wcleiter, of ttse Big Clearing a 1 Phone 56 �nn/Nae 0 STORK HOURS: 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. r SATURDAYS 10 P. M. "The Scotch Store" Phone 56 obins If you are going West do not fail to get outfitted fore leaving Special. --Prices in veralls, Smocks, ants, Shoes, Suit Cases, etc. You an sage _.- $$ when--you-- buy he M.Robm3, Swath Side Square G.derich OPEN EVENINGS Special Showing of Silks, Dress Goods and Novelty Skirtings NEW DUCHESS SILKS, $3.95 PER YARD Super -quality satin -finished Duchess Silk in all the new Fall shades. 36 inches wide, guaranteed PA yd. RICH QUALITY CREW., DR $2.95 PER YARD Crepe -N -Chines are vefrriap111 are showing' a heavy quality Swiss Crepe De Chine, 40 - inches wide, all shades in • stock. Special per yard $2• Tatra Quality French Georgettes, every' wanted shade in stock, 40 inches wide, $3 yd. OUR SPECIAL DRESS SERGE $5.00 YARD This is a serge we contracted for many months ago. Nice even weave, for suits, skirts, and dresses. in all. popular Fall shades. 5Q inches wide 65.00 yd. NOVELTY ��A�LpL-WO�OL PLAID SKIRTINGS Just to hand, a small collection -of the newest all•wool Plaid Skirtings. which are most corect for. Fell. They come in 11. yards, which is a skirt length. They are 56 inches wide, at $11.50 per skirt length BOYS' -RIBBED WOOL GOLF HOSE There is a big demand • for these Old ry i -woo t•, Hose. They -come in heather mixture with contrasting turned - down tops, sizes 71k to 10. From $1.95 to $2 25 per pr. HOLEPROOF AND LUXITE HOSIERY We have just receite4 a small shipment of these two well-known makes, in white, black and colors, in pure silk, and silk and lisle. Women 's Hnleprnof Dose at 91.56, 91.75 and $2.75 per pair. Women', Ltixitc Hosiery at 91.91 and 92.00 per pair. A Word About Our Fall Program We have made big preparations for 'the -fall season and arse having our store remodelled to meet our ' ncreasing trade. Our Ready -to -Wear Department will occupy one entire floor, this giving us the largest read}--to-rear department in this part of the country, Our House Furnishings Department will occupy anot er entire, floor, and the stocks in all other departments will int greatly enlarged. Advanced shipment of Fall Coats now being shown McCall's Patterns Nemo Corsets- D...& A. Corsets P. C. Corsets PHONE S6 ,q 1 ars S�ii/FSore PHOIWL 56 The leading Phone and Mail Order Store. Satiriactioa guaranteed. 1 THE BAND MEETING. Postpooed for One Week .n Aetenni et Wet Weather. Last Monday evening, at the hour when the meeting to organize a can - van 10 .behalf of the funds of the 33rd Regiment hand Association was to convene, the elements were holding a concert and only a few ventnred forth to the town hall through the heavy rain It was- decided to adjourn the meeting to next Monday night, at S o'clock. at the town council chamber. when It is hoped there will be a large attendance of citizens. in the meantime the following anen- clal statement will be of interest : STATEMENT TO JULY Rlat, 11120, OF ItHI'Elt'TS AND EXPENDI- Ti'RES, 33rd REGIMENT 'RANT) ASSOCLtTI(uN, ORGANIZED APRs, 15, 1919. RF('El l'TS. 1919. Membership fees $ (:rent from town of t.eslerlch Proceeds of "moonlight" exeuir- .Ion. June Proceeds of moonlight exeur- afon. September Net proceeds from (ktd.rich Fall Fair, for mnglc 1920. Pre,reels of "moonlight" cxeur- elMt, June (in account of grant. town of Gesleriob Dominion Day celebration, for be nil 114.00 500.00 97.70 4'1.:30 4.50 154.25 150.00 33.00 $1.051.75 EXPEN L)1Ti'RR. 1919. Bandmaster's salary to Feb- runry 1. 19211 Mnslr• perrheeed to date Farpenaea "moonlight." Peelle - "don. lune Telegrems, telephone, and ad- vertlei ng 1 ase ruments-1 cornet .. ... Pact nnnd-mlmbere for cnn- 374.94 5(1101 7.4$1 43.29 eerts on Square F:xpe'nses "moonlight" lght" exetir- slun, September 1020. instruments repaired_ Expressage on cornet Paid member. for Dominion Day Expenses , "Moonlight excur- sion Bsodmastera salary to Jul, 31, 1920 Randsaster's expenses $ ost.2r+ Ralnnr•e on band, J017 31, 1920 70.47 T. 11. JIIT('11ELL, M. O. CAMERON, Se•'y-Tress. -_Peesldeat 71.25 300 .65 (44.50 21.00 22491 3.00 CHURCH' NOTES. Rev. H. F. Kennedy. of Benmiller, oce cupied the pulpit of Victoria street Meth- odist church on Sunday last. Mrs. Marshall, of St. Thomas, kindly assisted the Victoria street choir last Sabbath, the solo "God shalt wipe away all tears." being especially enjoyed. Mrs. (Dr.) Simpson, returned mission- ary, visited the W.M.S. of Victoria street Methodist church at their regular meeting on Monday and gave a talk on the work in China. On Tuesday evening the congregation of Knox church had the opportunity of listening to an illustrated lecture ort Korea, given by Rev. W. H. Geddes, cf Ailsa Craig. The slides were secured by Rev. A. E. Armstrong on his recent visit to the Hermit Kingdom and gave a very good idea of the work being done these. The tight hold of .Japan on Korea makes the minionary's work all the more difficult , but there is a great work tieing done. There is a crying need of recruits from the tanks of the young men and women of the Canadian church, and Mr. (',eddee made a most urgent appeal to the young people to answer the call of the millions that are ready and eager to hear the Gospel 'trey in Korea. The H1otr of {idetoria street Meth- orilet cltnr•eii held their ennead picnic at Grand itend nn Saturday Pix cars were prorklel for the trip by the kindness of Mr. i'ostlethwaite, Mr. Russel 1te•id. M r. Sunley, Mr. John ilarris, Mr. Tom Iluggarth, and Rev. J. F. dteycraft. The day was exeeptionally tile Kiel the drive to and free much enjoyed by all. Two bountiful meets left the pie•ni'kera feeling that that part of the picnic wile a huge sweeter. Several of the cn,wd enjoyed bathing during the afternoon and a lively raw- of base -- hall Included sal earners. Everyone who nttandest tide pleasant day's out - Ing voted it "the best yet." LETTER 110X OUT OF ORDER. To the Editor of The Signal. Sir, -The letter box at the corner of North and St. Vincent 'onsets lure been out of order for six months or more, and although the attention of the poetotnee people Imo repeatedly been called to it the neressitry repairs have not been made. A few people, we be- lieve, still drop letters In it, but Mei do so at risk. We are getting rather tired of this sante of affairs anel world like to have tetter .orrice. A little ptthlitrity may be a good thing. zxx. Min Louise Neil, of Madison. Pa., who has been visiting het sister. Mrs. W. H. Bernie, left on Wednesday for Toronto 10 - spend a few days before going to bet home at Madison. Mrs. Duckham returned on Monday from a visit to Chicago and Detroit. corning from Detroit with her nephew. Mr. Jack McPherson. and Mrs. McPher- son. who are making a visit here. Mo. Margaret Farrish and her daughter. Miss Sadie, have gone on a trip up the lakes to Calumet. Mich., to visit Mrs. Farriah's daughter, Mn. John Piper, of that city. Miss Helen Webb has returned from a hotklay visit to her sister, Mn. Seigner. of Guelph. Mr and Mni. Areh. Wittman and two rhlkiren awl MIaa Stella 1101 mat. of Detroit. sae vledttng relative* in tows sod vtetnity